"I thought nothing could scare me..." Creepypasta

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I thought nothing could scare me and then I went acro house I was doing another stint in jail when I first heard about the house my cellmate Tommy all about how he wanted to break into it as soon as he got out that might sound a little weird but Tommy said he had his reasons and I didn't care enough to pry in hindsight I should have cared a lot more had lights out Tommy told me so many strange stories about almond Crowther and the house he had built by hand but I only half listened as I focused more on getting to sleep I used to make Tommy so mad by having a good night's sleep he'd say something like man that story about the moving shadows didn't scare you nope it did not none of them did mainly because I knew they were just stories kids stole two other kids nothing like that was going to be as scary as my first purse snatch or the drug deal I negotiated with the Triads or the dozen of the times I faced the barrel of a gun but that fearless attitude tripped me up so bad after I got out of jail myself Tommy showed up one day with another dude who was roughly twice my size yeah Tommy introduced me as the man with no fear so of course I couldn't back down from what I thought was a heist of the crow house Tommy wasn't leaving anything to chance he sent me to City Hall I was going to get the blueprints crota had to have submitted when he got his permit to build all those years ago I found out while I drove must have because I remember driving and then I was there the receptionist told me that the permits in building department was just to rights on the left down the hallway she pointed out to rights than her left I repeated it as a mantra and found the office I needed soon enough I had the blueprints in hand I looked over them briefly but I couldn't make heads or tails of it the crew house was built like a maze I wasn't worried I knew how to get around a maze I just had to right hand on the wall and eventually make it out boring and inefficient but it'll work out in the end story of my life so I left repeating a new mantra oh right and then to left but after that second left I found myself turning to a bookcase covered dead end confused I went back and then to what I thought was the first left after a while I found myself back at the door to the permits and building department I opened it for help but a new hallway greeted me it ended with a t-intersection but there was some red graffiti painted on the marble wall it said in my handwriting don't go left it just looped around suddenly I jolted awake I was laying on the ground in front of a t-intersection with the same graffiti memories flowed in my mind as I remembered getting back from City Hall planning with Tommy driving up to this cursed house and entering it a day ago sorry for the theatrics but I needed you to understand what this house does to people it's not just a confusing layout it actively tries to mess with you I thought it was some gas leak disorienting us at first but the things I've seen and felt and killed they couldn't all be figment of my imagination for a while we stayed focused and even quickly found Crowther in the living room it looked like he had been dead for several months just rotting in a chair in front of his television we prodded his skeletal remains and their presence actually emboldened us to take our time exploring the nearby rooms there wasn't much worth stealing we knew that coming in to only expect the money that tommy was giving us regardless of what we found he'd already paid us $300 each we'll pay us another $500 after the job apparently for girls had gone missing when Tommy had lived on this block he was obsessed with proving the crow that was behind the disappearances obviously I regret taking it but it seemed like easy money at the time we ended up leaving the blueprints in the living room because it seemed to be mistaken and every turn the house seemed absolutely normal so we didn't mind splitting up I know I know dumb move but the Sun was shining bright and we were three dudes convinced we were the scariest thing in that house Tommy took the dude who called himself Thor and they headed down to the basement since that's where he was most likely to find the remains of a murder dungeon I went straight to the upstairs and quickly searched the bedrooms but found nothing the Attic stairs came down easily enough but I found no windows up there which made the darkness stifling it seemed to swallow the dim beam that came out of my flash light because the light couldn't reach the walls I felt like I was wandering around an infinite void to tell the truth I liked the feeling it was otherworldly and I felt like my imagination was inspired for the first time in a long time but this must have given whatever influenced us an opening I turned around expecting to see a softly glowing square showing how I could get down instead I saw nothing but darkness I panicked for the first time then running towards where I thought the door would be instead my body fell through the floor with a tremendous crash my fall was broken by bed below which wasn't as lucky as it sounds since my ankles painfully smacked the wooden footboard I laid expecting the house to come alive with angry yells about what a I was instead I remained silent outside after I confirmed neither ankle was broken I left the room and found myself in the upstairs hallway still where the attic stairs pulled down but it now seemed twice as long and accommodated twice the rooms I went straight for the stairs but walking down them just led me to another hallway full of rooms I wondered around and open doors but only found more hallways behind them turning around showed a similar sight of more rooms where the stairs used to be at first I thought my fall had messed me up more than I thought but no matter how far I walked or how much I rested nothing got better I didn't understand it I didn't need to I just went into survival mode and forced myself to stay calm I touched the right-hand wall of the next hallway I entered and walked as fast as my sore ankles would handle I ignored the flickering light I didn't turn to see what was going on with the shadows in the corner of my eyes I wasn't going to be distracted from my goal of getting out of this place I called for help at regular intervals but never heard from the rest of my crew instead I eventually found myself looping back around and out to the first hallway that's the problem with a right hand trick it doesn't work if you started out with a disjointed wall that's when I started tagging the environment with his spray-paint I carried we had intended on spraying murderer over the front door as we left but all those plans were dead to me I thought I made some progress but this was a large maze so I ended up eating the few snacks I carried and taking a nap that nap led to the crazy realistic dreams I had since the graffiti warned against going left I went right a right and then to left I had found myself repeating the mantra from my dream with nothing left to lose I followed it and the second left led to a room the kitchen I ran over to the fridge and opened it wide yeah that wasn't my brightest move to be fair I was starving I wasn't thinking of how everything in there would be spoiled if the owner had been dead for half a year worse there was way more meat than this should have been just plate after plate filled with rotten meat i recoiled from the sight and smell of it all but that's when I saw them two large pit bulls had walked into the kitchen and were already starting to bare their teeth at the sight of me I still wasn't scared these were flesh and blood enemies things I could hurt I thought I take that any day over head games I pulled out my revolver but the sudden motion caused him to charge in my haste to react I fired wide and then I'd both of them on top of me I fell to the ground and sacrificed my right arm using it to shield my face while I pressed the revolver against the nearest one's ribcage and fired again and again I saw the pantry door open and Tommy peeked out I screamed at him to help me but he actually asked me are you talking to me even with one of my arms being torn to shreds I could have strangled him I put the revolver against the head of the dog that was still ripping and tearing the flesh and muscle from me the pain was unimaginable I fired once and the bullet entered just behind one eye and exited out the other grazing my elbow but it didn't stop eating me I fired again and again half its core was gone but the jaws seemed to work just fine regardless the next time I pulled the trigger my gun just impotently clicked I started hitting the dog with a handle when Tommy called out still from the pantry are you done yet furious I yelled back it won't die help me Tommy open the door walked right up to me bent down and asked what won't die I stared at him then looked back to the dog it wasn't there the other dog was no longer weighing me down either I stood up and examined my mostly uninjured arm the bullet grace was the only damage I started to explain to Tommy but he shook his head and said it's the house man it's been nothing but insanity since Thor and I enter the basement Tommy started to tell me where Thor was what was left of him but I stopped him I told him that it didn't matter right now we just needed a focus on getting out he tried to tell me no you don't understand we found the girls man we found them as dispassionately as I could I told him no don't tell me what happened because it's only what you think happened when we get out of here thought could be in life and it could turn out the girls were never here whatever you hear see or smell does not matter I thought those dogs are real and I wasted all my rounds we're going to get through this by being smart and careful from here on out I didn't tell Tommy that I was only half sure that he himself was real it wouldn't have helped anything either way I was happy to have someone else around we were just as lost but the company helped the kitchen door open to a library with a long mirrored wall on the other side I ignored it and instructed Tommy to do the same even though when we had come in I thought I saw our reflections doing everything we did but with the wrong hand I was steadfast in my desire to not like the house for me again I knew the tropes I'd seen hundreds of horror movies maybe this was just gas maybe ghosts but I'd figured that whatever was going on we could only be heard by ourselves which meant that if I just kept my head down and stepped carefully we'd make it out eventually and then we reached the dark room seemingly randomly we just opened a closet door and I found that eerie black void again somehow I found this comforting since it was one of the first oddities I'd noticed about the house maybe he would be one of the last but we had to get through it either way Tommy and I such tough strong ex-cons we were started to hold hands it was dark enough that I could never see all of Tommy at one time I swiped my flashlight over him several times in that dark room just to make sure it was his hand I was holding then my light briefly illuminated movement behind Tommy I didn't explain I just pulled him along faster but while I looked behind something caught Tommy's eye from the front and he yelled at me to lock out I snapped my head forward and saw that our light was finally reaching a wall we found the end of the Attic I was fully prepared to knock down a wall and drop two or three stories to the ground to get out of here but Tommy pointed up my light followed the direction his finger pointed but it struggled with the darkness in the air still I could make out that there was something hiding in the corner of the attic the upper corner where the walls met the ceiling something big it started to walk down the wall the details were hard to make out but I counted eight legs that's all I needed to know and started attacking the wall with all my might I slid the metal in between the wooden planks and pulled them out slowly Tommy tried to warn me that the spider was closer I looked up and could see that it appeared to grow more smaller legs but it was only a little closer shaking my head I just told Tommy to quit worrying and help me get out of here he asked me man does anything scare you I just grunted reply but really had felt like the house at throw me a softball I've never had a problem with spiders before I get not liking something small crawling all over you but making it a giant spider removed any fears I might have had and then the next strike against the wall produce a thick stream of sunlight I tore into it greedily right as the thing above fell down right next atomic I turned around to tell him not to worry but the spider wasn't real but all the words left me standing behind us were four girls they were all pretty wearing white nightgowns and seemed to have their heads fused together at the scalp they were permanently in a crab position with their backs towards the floor and only their feet touching the ground their arms flopped around as they moved in to sink towards Tommy all four girls was sobbing I didn't wait to see what else they could do I was terrified I launched myself with a small hole I had made and squeezed myself out of that house I thought was the last bit of toothpaste from a tube after I popped out a spray of blood followed quarts of the stuff at Tom wood from the roof and my vision was disoriented from the rapid changing direction of my head the blood in my eyes and the bright light that seemed to blind me even when my eyes were closed it didn't matter I couldn't stop myself if I tried I fell from roof to eaves to another lower floor and then again until it felt like I was falling down a flight of stairs until I hit the bottom and realized I've been falling down a flight of stairs I was still inside the house my despair was short-lived since I also realized I was next to the living room I crossed it to get to the front door I only slowed to pause before mr. Cruthers corpse and I didn't know what he did how much of this insanity was because of the housed him or whatever but I still wished I had only to my gun because I would love to drill him in between the eyes that's when his gray paper-thin eyelids opened and he stared at me with completely white eyes that scared me pretty good I grabbed the nearest thing to me and ended up breaking his left forearm and shoving the arm bones into his left eye I pushed it in hard trying to hit brain instead there was a squeal of pain as sounded like it came from within the head and green blood for lack of a better word squirted out from behind the ocular fluid whether or not that meant he would truly die I left him still writhing in that chair I need it to get out it was almost welcoming to burst open the front door and see the sea of red and blue lights I found out later that my gunfire resulted in the neighbors calling 9-1-1 I didn't mind I needed the company even as they threw me to the ground and handcuffed me I was happy at least and to look up paranoid about all this just being another hallucination of the houses design now there's a lot that scares me spiders and things that look like spiders scare me going to sleep and waking up scares me stares scare me but I get to stay locked up where it's nice and mostly safe for a long time they have no idea how I twisted Thor into the pretzel they found and they never found Tommy's body so the death penalty is out still it didn't look too good to have all of Tommy's blood covering me they keep me in solitary because I keep splitting my cell mates heads open to check the little men that might have green blood just in case but at least my insanity defense looks to be strong I'm hoping I can get transferred to a more comfortable hospital soon in the meantime I just have to be on the lookout for any logical inconsistencies the house isn't going to trap me again so easily if I'm still there I need to find out as soon as possible to escape wait it's not helpful to think like that I must remember I'm safe of course I'm out it's been weeks since I left the house I think it's been that long anyway it's really hard to keep track of time all alone in here oh sorry I'm not thinking clearly I can just check the calendar on this laptop but this laptop how did I get a laptop in solitary confinement wait where am i where am i where am I [Music] I actually cleaned up my act a lot my memories still fuzzy and how I got a hold of a contraband laptop but the guards took it away as soon as I made all that fuss anyway I got a great public defender who was able to save me from the merged charges and even the breaking-and-entering of the Old Crow house he truthfully argued that we were in there because of a reasonable suspicion of a foul play and we had rightfully searched the place for survivors after finding mr. Crowther dead in the living room it helped that none of the prosecutors experts could agree as the how exactly Thor died and they never found Tommy's body I was still convicted of the assault after I'd been imprisoned but I took a plea deal and just got five years probation the majority of which I would spend an Oregon State Hospital of course nice as my lawyer was I never fully trusted him I'd made a sort of peace with her thought that I may have still been trapped in the Crowe house its illusions inspectors looked felt and even smelled real I can still remember the pain are feeling a dog ripping the flesh off of my arm so it took a good year before I felt like I could relax you can only be paranoid for so long then you just get tired of all the fear I decided that if I was in a hallucination I would just wait and see where it all went and truthfully I figured that if the house could create illusions this good then I was a dead man no matter what I did either way I managed to make life work at the hospital for long enough eventually my memories of the house faded so I could start to sleep naturally again I made lots of progress with my therapist about issues that plagued me before The Crow house and I eventually got a clean bill of health from the hospital I got a job as a librarian of all things I'm heavily tatted but none on my neck or face so I go to work in a long-sleeved sweater with white gloves I've always considered myself an intelligent brute but after a haircut and a shave I actually looked like I belong there I didn't completely let the crow house slip from my mind though I used my position to study up on that location and found some pretty interesting stuff police reports and newspaper articles revealed that the land the crow house was built on had been terrorizing people long before mr. Crowther owned it probably the most interesting of which was an incident with the people who owned the land before mr. Crowther only the husband made it out of a house fire that he freely admitted this setting himself he had a wild tale about moving across the country for his job only to find his new office was a maze of cubicles that he couldn't get out of according to him half his new co-workers were out to kill him while the others seemed just as scared and lost as him he said he must have wondered those great walls for days without ever finding an exit instead he finally managed the final lighter and said the nearest cubicle ablaze of course he was only trying to get the firefighters to come and rescue but it was only when the fire had spread too far to stop that he suddenly realized he was standing outside his own home the rest of his family had been asleep and unable to escape three days after his arrest he had hung himself in jail just like I almost did the fire cleared away for mr. Crowther to buy the land and build the monstrosity of a house that had been trapped in while they didn't have as much trouble as I did it still took the police weeks before they officially cleared the house of the four bodies oh yeah that's also why I managed to get off so light besides Thor and missed the Crowder's body they also came across the bodies of a couple in the basement they had both died of heart attacks and were found sitting in the corner holding each other tight the couple had died long before mr. Crowther and it helped paint him in a bad light even though there wasn't enough evidence that definitely say what had happened to them all this news made me feel simultaneously more and less sane I clearly wasn't the problem going into the house but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was forever corrupted by it even if I really did escape he might be wondering why if I suspected I was still in the house I would trust anything I was reading well I never read anything like this before I figured that when I was speaking to someone if I was still in the house then it was like speaking to the house same thing with reading the information had to come from somewhere true it could have been the house messing with me but I thought it was more likely that he would brag about itself all of it got pushed to the side when I met sandy every day she would bring a kid in from my library storytime hour I finally got the nerve to just talk to her not only did I think she was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen but I was worried that she was the trap that the house was building too I was lonely enough though that I just went for it illusion or not she was beautiful and as it turned out very single we started dating and suddenly the world got a lot brighter it felt more real too I got to know her son Mason and he actually seemed to like me so you know where this is all going first life got great then Sandeen I'm married I want Oregons librarian of the year I found out sandy was pregnant with a girl my life was now perfect - perfect I had never forgotten about the crow house it was always there in the back of my mind when I got angry at Sandy and maybe took it a bit too far she always forgave me too easily Mason was too good a kid my work too easy for too much money I tried to ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach and it was easy at first I guess I really didn't want Sonny to be fictional but then a new book to me was returned to the library a history of a tribe that is split from modern Native Americans that used to live around here I started reading it to figure out which shelf it needed to be returned to just after the first page with two maps to where this tribe used to live one was what the land looked like at the time they occupied the area the other was the same image but with the current map overlaid on top of it the second map clearly showed me the crow house right next to the tribes main camp after seeing that whether or not I was still in the house I felt like this book was a message for me so I kept reading the tribe called themselves Danae Gama clucks which roughly translated to the sunsetting people they were a sort of cult that had been ostracized from the larger tribe for their beliefs basically they thought the world was going to win soon however their leader had once come upon a cave with long twisting passages and this man had an epiphany on how to save the world at least temporarily he immediately started making sacrifices of the young women in the tribe and when the world didn't end his efforts were declared a huge success he didn't just kill the girls though they were drugged and then carried deep into the cave with plenty of food and water when she awoke the girl would be free to try and find her own way back however the author of the book theorized that the whole maze was rigged maybe with a stone that covered the entrance nowhere could they find any evidence that anyone survived this exceedingly slow execution plus the tribe wouldn't have wanted a survivor the whole point was the half the young woman to have hope but ultimately fail for her to constantly pray for the God's guidance and for these prayers to get increasingly more heartfelt and desperate as time went on basically they were trying to wring every last drop of devotion to their sacrifices and it worked or at least appeared to they figured the gods wouldn't want to destroy the world as long as it could still produce praise this pure either way using the death maze got so popular but they eventually had to kidnap young women from other tribes and then use people of all ages and genders to keep a steady flow of wretched prayers coming this led to a war with the larger tribes and the denie chemical acts were finally wiped out their conquerors feared the cave though they thought it haunted with hundreds of lost souls that were still trying to find their way out so they filled the entrance and stayed far away at this point it came as no surprise that the location of the cave was exactly under the crow house the book did have one last shock for me though immediately after finishing it I looked at the author to see if I could maybe find them later the book was written by William Crowther there was no author photo but it couldn't have been a coincidence I practically threw the book away from me the house was taunting me somehow it delivered the book to me the easiest explanation was simply that I was still in the house I tried to reject that idea once more and left work immediately and drove home sandy was on the phone with my confused boss when I got there but she was already telling him that I wasn't feeling well I just went to our bedroom and flopped in the bed to try and think things through soon suddenly joined me and asked what happened I had never talked to her about my stay in the mental hospital or what happened at the crow house she had known about all my other stints in prison but that's it so I finally told her when it was over sandy looked scared but she told me that she believed that I believed it happened then she said she had some good news my boss told her that it was clear I was having some trouble at work today so I should go ahead and take tomorrow off too so we can get a three-day weekend suddenly started to say how we should use that time to relax together but I cut her off I told her something along the lines of don't you see how wrong that is bosses don't give you time off if you leave work they fire you we argued for a bit more but I felt silly arguing with the house because that oh I had to really be talking to the house was pretending to be my wife I told her that I was on to her she attract me before but wasn't going to trick me anymore the thing that called herself sandy burst into tears she told me that I was scary she begged me to think of our unborn child of Mason I almost tore into her head then and there to see if there was anything alien about a biology but the house had Mason burst into our room while I was wrestling sandy to the ground in the end I couldn't go through with it real or not I don't want to see sandy hurt after getting up and all of us calming down I promised I would get better she gave me an ultimatum our child would be born in about a month so she would stay with a mother during that time and I had to use every resource I had to get better by then or else I wouldn't be allowed to be a part of this family anymore or even see the baby like it's actually mine I just went along with a plan to get some peace and quiet I tried to think of a way I could escape for real this time I finally decided I would visit my father we have a complicated relationship the house wouldn't be able to accurately portray my father given how repressed my own memories of him were I showed up at his apartment with no warning I not he opened the door angrily we just stood there in shock for a moment then he started crying he sobbed while telling me how sorry he was and how many regrets he had this wasn't my father my father couldn't go five minutes without hitting me this was the house just trying to show me what I wanted again I pushed him he bawled his hand up into a fist and for a second I thought I saw the man who raised me again yet this imposter just dropped his fist and tried to pull me in for a hug he kept apologizing and asking for my forgiveness he tried to tell me that he had changed a lot over the last twenty years probably because the house knew it wasn't fooling me it had come up with some excuse I almost believed it almost instead I knocked my old man to the ground and pulled my hammer from my waistband I cracked open his head and searched and searched for anything alien living inside while I didn't find any I wasn't sure how this worked the only thing I was sure of was the bloody mess on the floor wasn't dad not that it mattered to the police after all they were just the house too so was the judge that's why he was still lenient he just put me back in the hospital again this time for life this house is good at mind games it's not revealing the charade until it thinks I've let my guard down again but whatever reason he decided to let me have a laptop again in universe they told me that communicating with others would help me with my delusions once again I'm playing along but only until Mike the oddly stops paying intention recounting everything that's happened has just been to keep my hands realistically moving over the keyboard I know there's no one really out there it's really taking forever but Mike can just keep watching me typing merrily along eventually he'll take a break and that's when I'll finally escape this house I don't need long just five minutes or so probably less than that since I already use my spare sheets to make the news last night I'm escaping for real this time [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 182,229
Rating: 4.9021688 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, reddit, reddit stories, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, audiobook
Id: HxSEqRCgzsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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