5 Builders 1 City EP8 - Breaking New Ground With ImperialJedi #5B1C

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[Music] well greetings hello and welcome i'm imperial jedi and it's time for the next episode in the series and of course by the changing voice you probably can tell it's someone new taken over so here we are spot number four picked out for yours truly and i kind of thought actually i have a few ideas here i know we're gonna be passing and save around um a few times so i thought what we could do to start is just break some ground and maybe construct ourselves a little bit of a small town a small town a bit of farming something to kind of support the the big city over there and i thought like you know on the second time when we uh pass this back around again what i'd like to do is maybe do a grandiose medium-sized city here so like a big little town i want to say but yeah well we'll save that for later see you guys kind of feel about that in the comments section but yeah let's start small see how we uh how we do here yeah so one of my favorite things to do is just definitely lay out some of that beginner infrastructure so this for me is like this is it i love this okay so i thought we could do is a little bit of um planning i think i'm gonna have maybe like it's like an octagon or something in the middle kind of in a roundabout format and i'm gonna use that for some of the government buildings and service buildings but just to get us started let's do a really simple national highway just to help with the the traffic through here almost like this is kind of like a county road and we'll have it um sneak between the two highways here and i'm just having to go on like this part of the highway sorry this part of the um the railroad just i don't have to do too much in the way of um uh crossings here i'm gonna put in i think maybe one or two level crossings which you know might seem a bit preposterous but i think it'll make sense in the end and i kind of see this area here as like you know if you go back in time or something this was maybe like a um a stagecoach town or something to help kind of support the uh the bigger city okay yeah so far a great format really enjoying this i like the use of our mods i think our model is pretty good and i like the fact that it's a fun challenge not having uh too many dlcs here okay as i use it mod so i'll try to explain what i'm doing as i'm going about doing it so we're choosing the movement mod here to uh raise and lower our terrain otherwise for me lately i've actually been playing a lot of vanilla interesting enough so this is kind of like a fun little uh treat i feel like i kind of come and go with the mods not that there's anything wrong with him but you know sometimes it slows the computer down that kind of stuff right okay so i'm going for just a pretty simple interchange over here so we can smooth this out and help with our um our flow and if you hold down left alt when you're moving your nodes around um with the movement mod it'll help kind of adjust the uh the angles so i want this to be like not as sharp something like that almost you know so i may have to extend that a bit a bit further yeah let's go a little bit further down i find something that makes the cities look really like realistic over time is having like oversized highway infrastructure the more you do that the more the city just kind of feels real and also too like when you start your cities if you have kind of like that story i think and like with us like the story is going to be like we were a stagecoach town at one point right the railroad did happen to pass through here which is why our little stagecoach town kind of survived and uh became bigger okay that's not too horrendous definitely not winning any awards here that's okay i think some stuff i might just come back and fix you now but my my thought for now is just like get it down on paper okay so that's probably gonna work pretty well do something similar in them soon yeah genuinely one of my favorite things to do is highway and start an infrastructure so when we get the save file pass back over again and uh if you guys are cool with it i think that'll be uh the grand scheme to maybe build like a medium-sized city we can try an entirely different setup of um highway interchanges so hopefully give you guys some ideas and inspiration that way too many little simple trumpets here okay and i have it turned on but we're just using some simple anarchy mods as well fine road tools fine right energy otherwise we're going to keep this like i want to say like relatively yeah vanilla feeling and i'll show you guys some really cool uh just simple ways to do some um uh detailing a lot of little uh tips and tricks i'll try and throw in here i'm one of those kind of players i feel like a lot of my content is kind of um geared towards like getting started whatnot you know yeah i just really enjoy the the build process talking talking shop you know maybe we can make this ground level actually lower that a little bit this is the fine road tool right here that's a handy mod not bad not bad let me raise this slightly there you go that's cool and then what we'll probably do is like observe traffic and i might come back through here towards the end episode maybe like change some speed limits around that kind of stuff but let's just get started with the infrastructure i get terribly distracted sometimes too so you never know what we might end up with okay so i want to try to respect a little bit the farmer's fields here i think i'm going to keep some of them in play i think i want like the city to be you know kind of in this part here with some like outskirts this could be housing down here and when i say city i mean like you know the courthouse and like some of those like city-esque buildings and i don't know we'll probably use a the dlc for like the industries dlc we'll do some farming i'm not really sure how much yet i don't know it's very ambitious but we'll kind of see here yeah just kind of keeping that in mind i do want to have a um a train track maybe skirt on the outskirts of um uh the farmer's field right here and i think i see a little itty bitty valley that we can probably sneak around i played a lot of transport fever uh transfer paper too great game and it's kind of taught me that especially in city building the shortest distance between two points is sometimes not a straight line so i like to use the topography try and find just those like natural curves natural basins and stuff and just yeah i kind of just meander around let me make things a little bit more nicer and then you know you can always do things like this too right add a little bit of trees make this a bit more scenic right i'm gonna wait ahead of myself let's detail after please okay yeah see this coming in we'll have um like i said before maybe like one or two level crossings this one will not be one of them and then it's a really really simple in and out for the um it's probably actually it's gonna be a dead end station nothing too uh too fancy and then i don't know do we over engineer this i love doing it there's no real reason though but i was gonna make maybe like a highway style interchange with this like one way and stuff i don't know that seems really ambitious for what this actually is you know okay let's let's not go crazy here springs down like i said before i think like oversized intersections that kind of stuff they look pretty nice some people try this on for size let's see how it feels oh you know what though if this is going to be elevated maybe we stay elevated let's sneak in like that kind of thing you know okay so let's come out from here here we go and then the beauty the movement mod right we'll just uh hold down our left alt get our angles and everything fixed here it's kind of fresh let me make this a little bit cleaner that's better and then we just need i believe no i think we're okay because that way you can do two ways yeah that's fine i don't want to make this too complicated because it's supposed to be a small town uh interchange kind of thing right going into our big city that we can definitely do some um some ridiculousness maybe we can use the um uh six lane platform okay so i do have the day night cycle on um i don't know if you find it a little bit dark or not but i'm gonna put on two speed here see if we can kind of get a full um days rotation out and let's switch over to a little more upbeat let's do some synthetic dawn here okay so i want to spread this out maybe a little bit bigger brush and yeah since we're going to be doing uh the city center kind of up here i'd like it to be on a slightly flatter area to start just for simplicity's sake so let me flatten this out and then we gotta find a constructive creative way to get like the roads and everything up here and still kind of make use of the uh the hills okay before we put the train station in let's kind of start with our city square which i've seen i think i'm gonna do like a hexagon or something like that and hopefully do this correctly okay what are we going to do i think we're going to start with this road here come on in get to ground level and then we'll use one-way roads let's go out by 10 in each direction and then i see us doing like this and then that and then that'll be the 45 yeah perfect and then oh you know i probably should not have gotten rid of that road first keep that in there nope see it's already back that on up please yeah there you go so that same logic we need 20 right here there you go and then back this up i always have a hard time doing symmetrical stuff right it seems so simple on paper but then here you are right beauty and if i would maybe say i was getting inspired by one small town it's um a small town in canada uh western part of ontario in the southwestern part it's called goderich really cute little small town and their uh center square is basically a um a big hexagon like this and they have like the the courthouse slash like i wanna say city hall thing in there really really really nice kind of feels like a little time capsule really good to uh to google in case you want some inspiration for some small towns okay and i see us uh maybe maybe maybe straightening this out slightly now that i see where the cities feel is i'm not sure if i'm jiving this uh curve too much but i do see us doing a highway intersection one way or another here but we'll save that for towards the end let's get this one connected to the uh the mainland in our quotes okay so um a row of say like some commercial buildings along here and then i want to say this part down uh here will just be some really really really simple um uh residential blocks and to a certain extent there will be some grids i'm going for like you know like north american style city here right but i do want to make it seem like it was um only this part planned and then some organic growth and then just kind of like a fun way to connect like a trail to a um like a horse path or something i don't know so let's go um let's go maybe like that just to kind of break the uh the road up slightly and the same kind of ideas before we're gonna try and use the um uh the terrain a little bit to our advantage and hopefully respect some of these boundaries for the farmers fields maybe this one's a dirt road it's like some of those like county roads have a really strange you know little uh bends and whatnot to them so keep that alive oh did i use um oh i did use the wrong type of road here i wanted this one just so we can keep the extra driving lanes but not seeing too wide save the wider roads for um like city center and whatnot okay guys i feel like it's a little bit dark just overall so let me just kill the um day night cycle um i have weather going so we might see some rain and stuff and my thought is with oh that's so much better with the uh with the weather we have some really different um clouds it's using a skybox mod here and oh goodness gracious me that's a little bit steep right there okay so that's good to see yeah okay so much better you know we could do is um uh slope these bad boys oh damn i don't do that right or i need to pick all of them that's right there is the update to this and when i say update that was like months ago that's better okay so connect these backup get this little dirt road in here i have a traffic light and yeah you know real cities have curves so i'm not looking for necessarily a straight line through some of these we can build some houses over there keep the the farmland alive but not too bad so far in these roads here they're from the network extensions too and this should be a really simple um traffic light right here and i wouldn't mind actually making a fun little high-speed um interchange through here kind of the uh the american take on a roundabout she's not at all around though but just having these little slip arms you can bypass the light that's kind of a common thing and hopefully you don't look too crazy in the end but again i don't think we're running any awards just yet here it's not the worst and something i've been toying with i'll show you in a second i'm toying with this one a little bit more kind of a fun idea here like i've said as well before like a lot of what i'm trying to do is just be like fun and inspirational so some of it does become a little bit preposterous what i build but you know in the interest of fun in science so i won't tell you what this is but i'll let you kind of guess by the end you'll definitely know what it is just a simple bypass i'm a liar i told you so my thought is we make this part going straight into the um left-hand turn only and then that just kind of continues and merges and then this idea as well we just link up and thank god for the moving mod clean all this up here and you know i see us doing a little bit of decorating so i do want to maybe throw in some fences and stuff right now but i wasn't necessarily like looking to get super bogged down by um by that at this very moment okay this is me kind of cheating a bit here i'm just gonna put a walking path kind of cover that slightly hopefully no one comes walking over here though and then just a really simple and let's pull that in place there we go now this one is from the park life dlc and i believe this is from the zoo the uh on the wall right there it looks really nice i think on a highway setting also on the edge of the residential zone that's really cool too okay so the bypass exists that's cool bypass only on one side i'm kind of forecasting traffic to be bigger from like the region coming on in why that is who knows i didn't do that side of the interchanges oh for god's sakes for peach sakes there boys oh my goodness whatever the comment sections pull right here oh mr imperial sir well appreciate all of you who wrote that out we got her oh going back to uh highway stuff um when we start working on like the medium big city i think what i'll do is set up an express and collector system like i really am a highway fanatic i think it's a lot of fun to use them okay especially like you know when traffic actually like uses use of the highway and it helps everywhere else okay little things like this we'll have to fix eventually i'll throw some of this in now stop people from u-turning here not a bad start and i think we forgot the other side as well we did oh boy i'm just testing you guys and again i like to make these a little bit oversized i think we just missed the node right there we did yeah when i started playing skylines i feel like everything i built it was just like so compact i think i had like the sim city 2013 mentality just get it all into one tile you know yeah these days i love stretching my legs okay so you can straighten that out nice okay not too shabby beauty okay so what do we got so far to start not bad actually so we got our highways we got the rail looking pretty uh pretty snazzy along with it able to come on in nice little uh flow right there and yeah i was thinking you know we'd have um maybe one street cut across and then services go on this thing oh why does that keep turning off but the dream would be that you can't um go through maybe we have to um uh enter and exit a different way here so i guess we're working on this now all over the place b i don't know how about something like this you know there's your way in another keep that centralized that's kind of interesting and then yeah we would put like you know a government building for me for the small towns actually you know it looks really nice it's using the tax office um where is that one my friend oh there it is yeah see actually you know what that would be really nice right here come on in kind of the first thing you see for town this could be a park right here that'd be really nice oh look at that as if we just planned it or something um we are off by one unit but thank god for the moving mod and we can extend that that's actually not too bad okay i guess we're building this in total piece of meal here and then something else we should uh maybe start working on really quickly is um power into some really basic utilities i don't necessarily want to steal from the uh for the neighbors just yet and i kind of see this as like you know it's the five builders one um uh one city and i almost see it like a collection of small towns that kind of grew into like one metropolis region if that like makes a lot of sense so it'll be really really really fun to see the um fusion of all these together but i'm gonna try to respect you know the boundaries just for the most part here and then we can kind of collaborate as um as the cities grow but i see this becoming just like such an epic series by the end of it you know um i think that one's in a little bit crooked i think i think is it enough though that it's worth changing ah maybe not that's fine okay just eyeball this do our best you know we're doing our best here always thinking about the walkability score when it comes to my cities as well oh what a great great great start out of nowhere okay so um what i'd like to do for simple utilities and um garbage and power that kind of stuff is i'm actually going to make a really quick little utility zone off the highway over here what does our boundary look like first let's change the music i don't like talking over these guys that's not too shabby yeah let's say utilities in and over here and it's an older zone let's let's use um the industrial road here from the industries dlc and that'll just be a pretty simple um uh just a little loop around here build like one little square block and this will just come in and you know what we could do is um make like a four uh way interchange i had a lot of room in the way hmm it may have to be one of these extension arms yeah i really didn't think this through did i i don't want to move the highway too much oh do you read me why do we do this to ourselves no let's um let's actually make it here we can do this so that's the the way through i mean this will just go up and over i don't see the city like stopping at the um at the highway here i see us going into like farmland just like little cottages maybe a little bit of residential this will transition over here and then we'll just switch into um this uh industrial road here that's not bad and i see us oh where's our boundary i really don't want to go over the edge here i feel like i am oh we're so close yeah i see us doing um maybe one or two um dirt roads over here too just to help kind of support the area just running alongside trailing off into the distance yeah just build more that realism kind of feel okay and then [Music] a couple sections of say like newly paved just to make it look a little bit different and then yes a simple um turnaround point for this and then we'll trail this one into just a dirt road and that can just meander yeah not too bad and then we'll uh just do a pretty simple um highway interchange just to start us off right now probably a diamond just for like pure pure simplicity or no we could do um we could do a hybrid couldn't we i feel like this might change maybe you guys have one let me know in the comment section what you think about this taking the la approach here is kind of put in the highway wherever it feels like it fits you have room for an off-ramp you get an offering yeah nothing wrong with like doing these beautifully um planned symmetrical interchanges i just find like i can do half of it and the other half oh dear not looking so nice okay that's not bad just something feels a little bit off about it though doesn't it put the other side in and see how we feel you know what might make sense which will make us feel a little bit better i know what it is there's a roundabout right here yeah let's do a random vote and uh let's deal with the the old roads just for uh for fun how big do we want this to be 180 and 360. 180 oops should have done the whole way that's okay and then this will just meet up over here and we might do a high speed so we'll kind of do that little y shape in and out but we'll see how that um unfolds first so uh the roundabouts let's do it this way get ourselves the anchor points make that go to the ground and i'll delete these we have our four anchor points left and then i'm just going to do um a little circle in between them so anchor over and turn over one roundabout hot off the shelf okay and if you don't anchor the arms of course you guys know it'll get all wishy-washy and you have to redo your roundabout which i've learned from uh yeah lots of experience so these will be for the the highways in and out that's a bit better and then i i don't know are we doing the um the high speed here seems like we are let's use our um single lane roads not the highway ones so yeah anchor and then yeah there you go i almost want to go a bit further down yeah that's it and just clean that up see how the the concrete changes i like when it's not like this i like it where is that that's what i'm going for it makes the interaction a little bit wider and i think there's a little curve in there yep cool not too shabby and then our highway parts now let's see i'm not i don't know this interchange is a little bit bigger than i thought it was going to be i think fundamentally i just had the highway a little bit further in my uh in my mind and yeah you know i said i wanted to maybe try redoing the the curve there but i think the highway itself is actually not a bad shape maybe we have to sleep on it you know and then this could be a tunnel even i'm overthinking everything here let's just leave it be that's good okay utilities please oh given the word nice little small town you'd be really cool is a water tower over here perfect oh just like real life going down the center of a road too oh my actually speaking of that um one of the new future things to do is you have um uh instead of digging up the road you have like a corridor box underneath the road when you pave new ones in um in cities now and you have like maintenance access so you can get to like the sewers and the pipes and all the communications a lot more easily but it does seem kind of crazy you just dig up the road if you got to get to the internet you know or like a you know a sewer lane uh super mine sewer line sewer line sewer line breaks you're kind of a little out of luck right okay so a little bit of water let's get some sewage going now too and i'm going to use just the inland one i know we have some uh water over there we could definitely spit out too but let's keep this a little bit cleaner okay so um wrong spot and then inland eco there we go so you go here double that up that looks not too bad and then tank reservoir um i'm gonna put it over here because it looks pretty fresh with the um with the rest of these guys don't really need it though a lot of stuff i do just for pure decoration especially you know if you play a lot of um vanilla skylines it's so beneficial to use these um assets to kind of tell the story a little bit more you don't really need all those dlc or all the dlc's you don't really need all those assets from the workshop last year i definitely think that the dlc has helped those kind of tougher use doing like vanilla vanilla but and i'll show you guys like i said some cool uh detailing it might be in the next episode i feel like we're going to do a lot of um just the the layouts right now but we'll do some zoning in the next episode and some simple detailing okay so garbage pickup will be over here as well um do recycling a couple of these bad boys and you know i'm going to put the visual sake of this i'm going to put one of these dumps down i don't really need it but this kind of again it just tells the story right like when you look at this you're like oh for sure it's a garbage dump and just a terraform it's not too bad and then we'll connect all this up [Music] and we'll do that same approach i'm just kind of taking the power lines and going the whole way down make it a little bit more realistic it's a shame there's not like a medium and a small size power line um also included but these will be okay i've also found that these don't like to be um manipulated after with the uh the movement mod so we'll try to get these down uh just right the first time here and then in instances like this i'll show you guys something cool too just from the dlc sake so had that knot made its way into the circle if you do happen to have natural disasters dlc you can use these guys here as a little um power box so it's the earthquake sensor throw that down right there kind of helps extend the zone of the power has a little bubble zone of its own fun little tip right there and then use the you know the tsunami markers as um boys for the harbor and you can use um which i love doing use these things here just for your cities they look so gorgeous so close to the highway beautiful radio tower service for the for the peoples here and this gives us a chance to do a little bit of um uh detailing as well so if we want we can have a little walking path right a little staging zone and i guarantee some silly trucks to come over here and turn around but you know we'll still put this in just again little things like this just kind of help tell the uh the story make it feel more believable and then these guys for sure you have for power sake right what are these little boxes you know how much better that looks so simple but so effective at making the area look more um believable okay so who's getting power over here um let's say we have a solar cause that's a cool thing to use over here too and actually that might be one of our little offshoots so the solar in my mind was built a bit more recently so it's getting a newer road coming in and then our solar company is very rich so they can afford to repave it and just push that out a bit more smoothing on out and i don't want too many shadows but i want to feel like the trees are kind of like making a big forest right here you know let me beef this up a bit more yeah that's cool okay now i i'm probably yeah we're gonna oh okay never mind how's it going they're probably generating power but no we're okay i don't think it's gonna be enough though especially we have the day night cycle on so i love using these guys hey geothermals put that with our water and that should be more than enough just for our um small town we could start right there and somebody will just make the forest feel like it's part of this not too shabby so simple utilities let's give them some police over here too and fire and that'll be that perfect very very believable okay so that's good highway access fantastic bring power in over here and we can maybe do that in the form of some uh just really simple zoning so i said i wouldn't do any but we'll do some zoning now am i crazy for zoning around about sure a little bit but in my mind this is not quite a roundabout it's more of like a um territory is that the term you guys use for the uk was like one way um road things and the city i'm basing this off of goderich that small town has kind of like this approach a lot of their um shopping commercial and stuff in the square yeah detailing next episode same with the residential because it's realized we're actually at the half hour mark somehow time flies doesn't it that's great i have 5 000 hours in this game i can't get enough i don't know if you you guys probably feel the same way right you must be you're watching videos on this i'm sure right yeah what a great great great great waste of time you know shouldn't say waste now it's time i'll spend very uh very stress free gaming okay so a fire station and i feel like maybe this should be right here so we can actually get better um access to the square and then our police let's use the um let's use the old one here this is the uh european vanilla one but it has a nice kind of old-timey feel to it so police next to our um kind of like city hall you know that's a tax office that's nice and then we'd have a clinic over here seem like i think i'm going to use the the medical clinic from the um the euro set do that one up here by the highway and that'll be our power getting in here too excellent oh great looking building so far too very fresh is it the art deco pack some of these things coming in yeah don't overlook the content creator packs kind of by the way guys it's a lot of the asset creators that make stuff in the workshop anyhow and it's kind of their collaborative effort with um paradox to kind of get the you know a little bit of funds towards them for support and stuff right great great joint effort um i think like you know one of the main industries we can have in here is a cute little television studio that can kind of be our thing right i don't want to take all the uh the good assets you know um i feel like we can always just copy paste these if we need to a little bit a cheat rate but yeah we'll have a couple medium-sized buildings like that okay and then not that we actually need it but a hospital would look so good over here too just on the skyline for height wise one of the tallest buildings basically in town here and then our graveyard can be one of the older parts and that can be in a square and then these buildings we'll just throw maybe in this part here this can be i want to say like medium density residential through here and let's try to keep an eye on some arterial road flow please not that we need to worry too much about traffic but let's say we have one four-lane road that kind of cuts through here and i'm not gonna worry about making that symmetrical in terms of the other side the only part symmetry wise i want is this kind of the square right here and maybe one or two grid roads but well oh and the train station oh for goodness sakes how are we guys where is it where is time going i thought we already placed that i guess we didn't eh all right well lots to do in the next episode which is great never enough time yeah let's give her another five minutes here and then we'll uh we'll wrap her up and we'll just we'll just jump right back into the next one here and i see us doing at least one more we'll kind of see how time unfolds i'm actually moving irl which is kind of interesting so this is a fun distraction i'm supposed to be packing right now though and moving what do you mean yeah i'm moving crazy right so i live in toronto canada good old shirana and i'm actually moving as far west as you can go i'll be moving to uh vancouver island and you know canada is very confusing even though it's called vancouver island that is not where you find vancouver strangely enough so i'm moving to um kind of the outskirts of victoria which is the capital city of the island let's give these guys a little bit more room behind here oh actually i kind of like that um oop get the autosave button i kind of like how that wraps with the back part of the parking lot so we'll keep it even though it doesn't line up with um that right there but that's fine so the point of the street here is i wanted to put down some medium-sized buildings so let's grab the elder care throw that in here grab child care as well it kind of makes sense near the hospital i think too right so that may be the end of the vlog and i wouldn't mind using yet a sports also really good looking building give these guys a bit of space i think to kind of maintain the small town vibes what i'm going to do is um yeah spread out the lots a little bit more not go too tall with a density actually that can be a chain not chain link iron rod fence but yeah just kind of like cue or like cut back on the um claustrophobic vibes i wanted to feel very like you got a lot of space let's throw a few of these trees in that's not bad okay and bonus points we have parking lot here too which is good now what's really cool about this building is you can actually access it with a pathway on the back side so let me get that in there take off the road guidelines and this can maybe meander into a center um park right here with some residential around the corners of it and i see us doing like one uh neighborhood street actually through here just you know what would be nice is the back side of the um television studio having a road [Music] okay so that goes in this will transition into a different road and then we'll have an intersection right there for some more housing cool and that was not supposed to transition like that now guys it's kind of fun a little um little tip here that i would drop a few of those if you were to switch between road types like halfway through the road it doesn't create like an intersection per se but it does create a cross road for um uh your your cars here your cars your pedestrians so this is kind of fun so you can do that with a walking path and that can be like in between the rows of um of houses and i keep hinting at it let me show you guys a very very very simple approach for um vanilla detailing and that can kind of be your little wrap up just throw down some blocks here so uh one thing you can do which is nice is some mixed units here so we'll have a little bit of high density on that corner block and then here we'll just use some zoning but what we'll do is um create some space in between the um uh the lots here and then we're gonna come on back and we're gonna grab the forestry fence so if you've got your um uh is it industries dlc yes industries dlc there it is just come on in here draw that out and look at that very very very simple property lines these guys got a bigger backyard and just you know throw on some trees they can be the vanilla trees of course can't neglect those they're our friends still too and it's going to cover the the edges right simple as that [Music] we have this very basic detailing you get the walking pass you have the fences here get the green space not too shabby right yeah yeah we know you need some workers i know i'm trying to get you so we'll come back and maybe deal with it more let's just get the population going okay and i'll just throw in a school here nice big oversized high school make it seem like we're getting some um kids coming in from another county maybe elementary school nearby and then just great stuff to put near these is let's put down a playground with the elementary school that'll be oh great look at that right next to the um old folks home too perfect you know be really sweet if they had some program here where let the old folks gotta kind of hang out and babysit the the kids what a good thing that is in real life when they do that you know okay and then just for safety's sake put a fence in take off the road guidelines i don't know why i turn those back on and i'm just gonna pull that in with the movement mod i might see a few people clip on through that's okay just make it seem like the kids can't like run away from the school you know safety first i guess right and yeah these areas here just you know throw a tree or two underneath there you go okay not a bad start and then yeah right next to um the high school let's put down some um some cool kid stuff here right let's get a skate park over here and um basketball court yeah there it is that's nice okay well my friends i'm gonna keep going so let's end here otherwise we just won't stop you know what i mean yeah great great great start really appreciate you hanging out i can't wait for the next one we'll expand on this and uh yeah if everything goes to plan uh what i'll do when we get the save file uh the next time around is we'll build a medium-sized city over here and i was thinking of doing like an express and collector system pretty grandiose uh highway interchange and we'll probably um i don't know find a way to connect the two together and it'll be really fantastic i'm kind of hoping that biffa does something big in here we can join our cities together i see this road bringing some potential kind of get some um some nice rows of um actually a big big big housing block in here be like fantastic you guys let me know we have so many things to do i'm sure right lots of options but not a bad little start um i was hoping for a little bit more but um next episode we'll put in the train station we'll do some more zoning we'll get the the small town feeling a little bit more more finished all right guys i will leave you there thanks for hanging out and i will see in the next one all the [Music] best [Music] you
Channel: ImperialJedi
Views: 66,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city, skyline, city skyline, simcity, sim city, city building, starting help, let's play, lets play, video game, City-building Game (Video Game Genre), Sims, traffic, layout help, roads, highways, highway, grid, city planning, management, zoning, tips and tricks, help, tutorial, Voice, Tips, Series, guide, dlc, walkthrough, no mods, no mod, vanilla, updated, new player, new player guide, Cities: skylines, imperialjedi, xbox, xbox one, 2020, sunset harbor, university
Id: rmLcDbMmCGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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