5 Best PALWORLD Cozy Base Locations 🌷

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[Music] Hello everybunny and welcome back to  Palworld. today I am going to share my five   best Palworld cozy base locations. I have four  criteria for a cozy base location in po World a   large mostly flat area at least a couple or nodes  an aesthetic water feature and a relatively safe   location even though I use cozy Palworld settings  and have r turned off I don't want a lot of high   level pals nearby or to be too close to an NPC  enemy spawn now before you go and build your   pow box just anywhere at the first cozy location  you find I want to caution you not to make the   same mistake I did I found this gorgeous spot  on a cliff side with a waterfall and tons of   ore look at this place it's so magnificent  however it became a problem the ground was   uneven and difficult to build on the lake took  away so much buildable ground and probably the   biggest issue was that I had nowhere to put  the breeding Farm it literally would not fit   anywhere on this land it's beautiful and has lots  of ore but it just is not feasible for building a   base so be cautious where you select and make  sure it has all of the amenities you need for   a functioning base the first cozy base location  that I recommend is right in the beginning area   this is Windswept Hills plateau of the beginnings  if you look on the map it is right here this is   the Windswept Hills area and plateau of the  beginnings is where you spawn in at the start   of the game and then I just went down a little  bit I love this area because because as you can   see it is breathtakingly beautiful you have  your own private Lagoon there's a waterfall there other than right here it's pretty flat  and open so you have a nice big area to build   your base and as you can see build I did and  let me just show you the amazing aesthetic   View here we got our little campfire you can  make your s'mores here I mean not really but   you can pretend but look at this it is so cozy I  absolutely love it here you have flat open land   a beautiful water feature right in your backyard  it is very safe the pals that are around here are   very low level you got Lambo kativa the worst  thing you're going to have is the mammoth the   mammoth is often found down here and if if you  don't bother it it doesn't bother you sometimes   comes up through your camp now the only downfall  to this location is there is only one or spawn and   for some reason it's bugged out I harvested it  and it never came back so as soon as I'm level   10 on this base which I think I might be I am  going to probably be moving but certainly this   is a great location if you don't need much or the  second location is also in Windswept Hills but   it's going to be near the small settlement area  right here the coordinates on the map are six and   525 this has an Autumn biome it is beautiful to  look at I mean look at this wide open views you   have the ocean that is your water feature and as  you can see you've got a huge flat chunk of land   here and you have the cliff here to protect  you so it's pretty darn safe and it's a Rel   relatively lowlevel area being in Windswept Hills  I have never seen any Syndicate thugs around this   area look at all this ore you have there is  so much ore the only thing that I have found   slightly difficult here and I did just move was  trying to build up this Cliff now I didn't have   to do that I just thought it was kind of cool  with the Pal's pathing issues I was worried   they wouldn't be able to walk up here but as you  can see they're not having any problems this area   at the top is not going to be big enough but if  you split it or if you just build completely down   here you can make it work so this is location  number two location number three is forgotten   Island and this is on the northwest area of your  map rough coordinates are - 460 and -15 here is   what I love about forgotten Island first of all it  is is pretty secluded hence the name look at this   beautiful water feature in the center you have  a skill Tre down here if that's your thing oh   we got an egg let me to go grab that but almost  all of this has nice chunks of flat land that   you could clear just take the trees off of but  you're going to want to find a spot maybe like   this do you see those or nodes right down there  and you have your beautiful own private Lagoon   that's hidden down down there I love that place  I wouldn't want to try to build down there not   ideal for that and then if you go over this  way towards the beach look at all this flat land and you can find sections like over here  here's an or node two or nodes so it's not   chocked full of ore but it is certainly really  pretty and as far as safety goes I mean look   at this we've got a level four pal right here  you have kativa so you're not going to have to   worry about high level Pals around you the only  thing you might have to contend with and if you   have raids turned off this won't be an issue  let me show you if you look towards the smoke   over here there is an enemy camp so you're going  to have Syndicate thugs but that's way over here   you certainly can find lots of suitable building  spots I was actually going to build right there   this place is awesome the main reason why I did  not ultimately choose to build here is that I   found a place that had all of these amenities but  then also was a little bit closer to some of the   other places I wanted to focus on exploring this  brings us to location number four which is ice   wind Island but I am going to be going towards WS  the center of it and there is an alpha boss there   it was fairly easy I mean if I could beat it you  can beat it it's only a level 14 but look at all   of these little lagoons here let me show you how  beautiful this place is if you want to look at   the longitude and latitude it is -39 -13 roughly  in that area let's take a look and there you have   ice wind Island it is is just a hop skip and jump  or a Nightwing flight from forgotten Island over   here look at those Lakes like forgotten Island  this is very secluded but this does not have an   enemy camp that I know of so it might be a little  bit safer and if you're looking for water features   this is pretty amazing I mean the Hidden Lagoon  on forgotten Island was pretty spectacular but   so are these Lakes it is just a delightful place  and I'm just looking over here right now I see or and I know there's more in particular if you  go to this Lake that has kind of a mountain in   the center I see a couple of nice chunky  or nodes over there we got some lamb balls   swimming it's so Serene it makes you forget  that you're playing a game so we have some   or noes here and just tons of lowlevel Pals  that you're really not going to have to worry   about the only thing that you are going to have to  contend with is the alpha boss that is over here somewhere but there's no enemy camp there's a  dungeon right there and then if we go over here I believe yes there is ore and just  a wide open space look at that that   is plenty of room for a base and  you are just surrounded by these lagoons everywhere you look so another great location it's hard to pick  but I do have a current favorite Co base location   in pow world and I am going to take you there  next I saved what I think is the best for last my   favorite cozy base location in po world is going  to be just a bit Southwest of the sealed Realm of   the thunder dragon and the precise location of my  current base base is - 261 - 361 and here we are   you can see my base at night kind of hard to see  but it's quite the nice spread and a lovely view   it looks even better in the daylight just wait and  here is my Bamboo Grove base look at this it's up   on a cliff it is relatively safe the only thing  I will say is there is an enemy camp over there   again I have raids turned off the only issue I've  had is occasionally the thugs will make their way   over here but my pals quickly toast them you  have a huge flat open building space you do   have a water feature granted it's not as pretty  as some of the other places and there were trees   around there they just won't spawn back for some  reason and then look over here look at all those   or nodes [Music] 1 two 3 four five six I think  we have closer to eight some of them are gone   right now there is one in the center of camp that  my pals have already gotten you're going to need   a lot of or and this place has quite a ton of it  I could have even built my base farther this way   but I was trying to get as much of the flat space  as I could Encompass as well as the or node that   was over here gosh they're noisy the other reason  that I like this location a little bit better than   the other places that I showed you this is just my  personal preference remember the Forgotten Island   and the ice wind Island up here they're great but  they're kind of secluded especially on the North   side there but here look at this we have I haven't  even explored this area to the W West you are   within flying distance of everything and I know  you can use fast travels but I just really like   exploring and having so many areas close to me  I really like that idea and I like the cliff and   again we've got this little water feature I will  show it to you it's really nothing extravagant   it's probably the least fancy water feature out of  all of the places I have showed to you so if water   being aesthetically pleasing is a priority for  you then take that into consideration but I just   loved the flat open area your up high it's pretty  darn safe it's a really pretty area I love the I   guess those are bamboo trees I don't know it's not  what I thought they would look like but you have   a kind of a unique area and for me me having the  ore here it just made this place a no-brainer so   this is my current main base now I might move my  second or third base to one of the other places I   showed to you but this is my choice for the best  cozy po World base location and those other four   that I showed you are nice as well if you have any  cozy base locations to share please let me know in   the comments below and if you like Po world and  another Sim and survival games please consider   subscribing or being extra nice and leaving a  comment or a like down below and I thank you for watching
Channel: Buckeye Bunny
Views: 68,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, cozy palworld base, palworld base locations, palworld base locations mid game, best palworld base locations, cozy palworld base locations, palworld cozy base, palworld aesthetic base location, palworld aesthetic, cozy palworld, palworld cozy, palworld best cozy base locations, palworld base locations early game, palworld base locations ore, worst palworld base locations, cute palworld base, palworld cute, palworld tips
Id: xLSSmuxcGJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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