5 Awesome Kitchen Gadgets Tested #96

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this is a 200 toaster pretty expensive and look you can even set the clock on that thing that's pretty funny anyways i don't really use toaster that often but nevertheless let's see what we got well check this out it's like an iphone uh plugged in into your toaster hopefully all that here doesn't know in the technology okay we plugged it in looks like it turns on instantly and wow that's pretty set that is so cool dealing with a little bit of reflection there you go looks like we can set one two three this is how wow it's actually displays burnt and toasted and much better i think we'll do probably three i love that and then you can set the bagel you just have to press it you don't have to swipe up you have those frozen waffles look you can set frozen a hit fresh same thing you see how it displays how it's going to do then one of those what do you call it cookies muffin again it shows you the pictures of what it's going to look like and birds so you have a few different presets over here that's awesome also frozen fresh a heat if it's already warm that's cool so let's do on three or maybe four see how it does that is insane so just like a regular bird oh wow i was looking for the thing to push it down but all you have to do is just first start wow do you see it sliding in fancy okay and it says heating up you can cancel at any time we'll put that to the test after first round i'll put two more slices and we'll press cancel to see if it's going to pop up or what not or slide up i kind of like it how it took the bird down very slowly uh yeah it's definitely has all around this very unique heating element on both sides very good yeah it's like clear dots that are gonna go a little bit more brownish and it's a light brown or whatever that color is and it just kind of comes calmed down i'm outside so that's what reflecting a little bit in uh real life it doesn't reflect as much the camera picks up reflection a little bit more especially if you do it indoors in the morning nighttime it's going to be very bright okay it says brownian now i didn't even notice but it did change the color of the i mean the name over here that is awesome revolution whoa look at that it comes down that is so cool this is a next level toaster for sure and how is it pop-pot wow it even enjoy it tells you stuff no way look at that guys this is awesome this is toasted on the bottom but looks like it has a missile a bit but i'm happy different bird gonna toast a little bit different and look at that it says enjoy i guess we can touch it to reset it and this is we did i think we did four pretty awesome a little bit different than the picture close enough love it this is so cool i usually thinking what does that mean so now you you can actually see so let's do another two birds start and this time we're gonna first cancel how come it's i it's not allowed to start all you have to do is just purse a different bird and press back and then the start will be ready okay so that way it's know you're ready to go not go post it by mistake okay and it's gonna slide in slowly very cool by the way check this out very crispy but at the same time very soft it does not dry out the bread look on this inside it's very soft let me break this one off you see it doesn't even break so this is the best toaster you see it without squishing it very nice again different bread probably will do a little bit different result but with this bird is uh looking pretty good so what i will do a little bit more than halfway and i press cancel see what happens okay you see how it's almost done i'm gonna press cancel just to see what happens cancelled it comes up and look at that pretty nice oh wow this one cooked a little bit different but i did put it on four so it was about to round it up from both sides yeah that's awesome so it was gonna probably burn up both sides in just a few more seconds that is cool amazing toaster one of a kind let's see the settings over here oh wow show time and date you can set that up that is cool um large bagel oh wow you can do small or large bagel this sound you can join it off if you hate it and there is a darkness so you can make it much much darker or very bright like we're outside it's on bright if it's inside in the dark section you can save the electricity by turning it down very simple show the date i'm not going to save it right now but i probably could say change it let's just do that doesn't matter and i think it will show the date and the time after a while when you do not touch anything okay there you go it goes dark and it tells you the time january 1st that's cool obviously i'm going to reset that let's see if it's hard to reset it but i said i love how everything turning smoothly slowly and you press that and i said it again every time you turn it off and on love it so easy it's like a little tablet inside of it very responsive check this out you can skip a bread you can go next bread skip skipper bird it does not slide i don't think so you can just press it very cool frozen the heat anything you need love it and then once you let it go it will reset itself and show you the time or the logo oh yeah don't forget this thing you just press it right here easy to clean it's uh most toasters have that that one is actually pretty easy it's a little button so one more time oh wow all you have to do is just press it take it out if you press it accidentally and put it back in got it here pull over coffee filters let's see what they're all about so i guess i would take one at the time i kind of don't like the plastic bag it came in with so i'll probably take them out and put it in a ziploc bag but so this is looks like those tea bags um filters but you have here two layer flaps for the cup so i guess you put it like that kind of my mug is too big or something anyways i guess i could just hold it would have been way cooler if it was actually a state together but i'm gonna stick a whole spoon of coffee and just for fun i'll do one more just to show you how awesome that is and easy to pull put inside here let's just do one more beautiful and it sits almost but whenever i will be putting it over i better hold it like that and then i'll just pour the coffee the water hot water into here look at that it's saturating the bag and it says do not over fill over here and it's goes away you see that black line over here so just wait it goes in so i guess you're supposed to hold it with two fingers or grab yourself a rubber band but honestly it's comfortable look i could definitely hold it with two fingers no problem and this is just like a teapot except you're making yourself a personal cup this is actually pretty easy almost like a keurig except you have to boil water every time but love it i usually only drink two cups a day of coffee that i do not overdo it but this is awesome check this out now it's pulling slower and slower now that it's filling up gotta make sure all the way to the top of course don't forget about room for cream and check this out you could just lift it up and close it and you have a little deep tea bag if you want to dip it a little bit longer but yeah now you can just grab it and dispose of it that is so cool and it feels like all of it is a psychoball because it's all made from paper that is amazing so no plastic like your eggs have a bunch of plastic cups this is all paper amazing got it here very unique water bottle let's see what it's all about it looks like water bottle you open it up but as you can see there's a spray mist option or you could just drink it like a regular water bottle let's take out all that stuff and put it to the test i'm just gonna fill it up with this water obviously you can just fill it up filter it water it doesn't have to be out of the bottle so you gotta hear water bottle there's a hook you can put a opa on it you open it up like that like a regular bottle but what's so special there is a button over here and whenever you're gonna start bursting it and it's gonna start going i know if you guys can see but it's misting pretty good oh yeah on a dark you can see it over well so next time i'm going to florida this is probably going to be uh useful when it's hot and humid all the time you know florida is really hot winter time it feels good out there but in the summer time you will glad to have one of this thing check this out get ready here toaster bags let's see what they're all about so we will make grilled cheese in a toaster so this bag so that way we don't mess up the toaster looks like there's a bunch of different sizes i will be using the biggest ones so very simple we just need bunch of cheese right i only have this kind of cheese right now okay then second bird will be a lot less messier if we get one of those slice of cheeses but it doesn't matter because we're gonna catch all the mess inside of these bags okay i don't want to squish it too hard okay now i got my fancy toaster over here let's see it will fit here yeah it does nice okay let's do on four obviously we need to pick toast and per start it's gonna preheat and it's supposed to slide the toast in uh but because of these bags looks like we gotta help it out and push it in maybe i should do at least five or six maybe let's do since it's preheating let's do cancer for these people who haven't seen this toast toaster let's do like six because we have a bunch of stuff in that start okay this time it went in not all the way so you will have to help it out a little bit i see toaster smoking up hopefully the bird is smoking up not the bags so i'm gonna cancel it and i'll pull up my toasts and let's pull those bags out yeah whoa i wonder if the bags actually do catch more heat if anything okay definitely well toasted burnt bird over here wow should have stopped it a little bit earlier i think what happened is it actually traps the heat even more so yeah okay we'll try this again but let's see how the cheese looks like thick layer of cheese oh yeah look at that melted cheese except i burnt it so let me do just one more so i don't waste food anymore just do one and this time i'll use the cheddar cheese i wish i had couple of slices i just don't have any right now so i'm up put a lot of cheese so then put it in the bag by the way the bags stayed pretty clean then lose a lot of cheese at all because those bags actually top the heat maybe we'll keep it on four okay they set four start and it's first okay it says heating up it was hot so it shouldn't uh heat up for that one okay it's smoking someone take it out by the way wow almost burnt again so those bags definitely holds up all the heat inside of it beware of that but it didn't melt all the cheese before it burned the bird because i would say this is almost too burnt oh no let's stick it in this toaster instead okay this one is not as hot that door start is too powerful for those bags so just be mindful of that oh yeah it worked way better with the regular toaster for sure again burn the bread maybe because it's so much bigger it can like air out better yeah this is awesome there's cheese melted jam burn the bread beautiful so if there go a toaster you can use this bag so that way you don't mess up the toaster with all that melted cheese or you could use it even to keep it clean from crust and stuff like that but i'd say it's mostly for catching all the cheese and stuff pretty awesome get out here 50 garlic purse on a black friday there is a ten dollars off so i bought it for 40 but normally this thing is 50 so let's purse it see what's so special about that okay you press it normal but whenever you open look at that it's gonna scoop up all the garlic stuff and open it up but you looks like still have to kind of hit it to move everything down okay let's do it couple more times looks like you hold it like that when you open it i have big garlic pieces oh yeah it comes out they look good check this out and again whenever you um open it again you see how it's like scooping everything off and it's easy to clean this stuff over here too you see whenever you close it this ball goes back gonna do it from the side is it and then you open it and push everything down over here or clean it what not kind of still messy but pretty cool look how much garlic we have passed one more and we will try to okay one more it will okay one more we will try to use who is that one more okay let's do one more we'll try to use unpeeled one you see how it's goes in and out really easy to press look at all that garlic over here and then we just open it and all stays over here kind of let's see how it does with the unpeel ones so this is much smaller one so we can load it up few of them nice yeah peeled it really good then we take it off you kind of have to help it out nice and then you just remove that stuff that is peeled and stuff like that the stuff you don't want so lock it and hold it again a couple more and peel ones oh yeah that's a good one and then pull it up take it off everything you want and then pull it out take off all the peel over here very cool so you don't even have to peel garlic if you don't want to now let's see how easy it is to clean it it's not bad all done i don't see any pieces in it at all a lot of garlic purses has problems water getting cut everywhere and it's just garlic stays even if you put it in a washing machine this is by hand super easy
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 272,605
Rating: 4.851006 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Awesome Kitchen Gadgets Tested #96, kitchen gadgets, gadgets, food, toaster on the next level
Id: GtUdpgJIMaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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