10 Weirdest Things on Amazon/Ebay!

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got it here another coca-cola insider club this is a subscription box for limited edition drinks from what i understand check this out right now it's on pause but also if you go on their website it's completely sold out you gotta go on a waiting list so i got it from ebay there's a floaty flamingo except it's blue fanta i don't know and there's a little sticker so beautiful so it says all these new drinks now available in the united states so it's pretty much new products that go available that you can actually buy too so but then you don't have to look for it they send you a bunch so this is aha sparkling water oh i love sparkling water i don't know coca-cola made some okay there's a fanta coconut and pineapple wow pina colada so that's interesting caffeine free oh i see this everywhere again coca-cola probably owns all of the drinks what is this piste zero five colors per can oh my goodness how much sugar there is total sugar zero so probably that substitute stuff but let's taste this that this is basil berry i don't even know what that means but i always wanted to try no ways this is actual coca-cola coffee costa coffee so i guess coca-cola owns some coffee too does that burn beautiful oh no way they give us a coffee pot to make it with that's beautiful check this out i like those coffee pots so you get a little gadget with that that's cool not just taste test stuff oh wow this is a one cup mini one and it's burned it so cute and beautiful so it's like one of those purses you can make tea in it not just coffee whatever i like this gadget a lot i like regular font i don't drink it very often but once in a while it's good so this one is definitely different new flavor it says not super bubbly and definitely tastes like coconut and pineapple secondly yeah i would think it would be way more bubbly but it's pretty good still let me shake it up show you how there is not as many bubbles you see i love bubbles it's like what's make coca-cola good those faces inside of it almost like um yeah it's fizzing up finally a lot so it's holding bubbles pretty good but it's almost like one of those sparkling waters it's not very very bubbly i mean it's kind of cool and delicious now i taste a lot of pineapple and coconut very good actually quite sweet let's see how much sugar oh my gosh for one of this 230 calories it's like eating a big mug on like one of those mini burgers okay total sugar 61 gram that is insane that is a lot of sugar so yeah okay this one this is why i like it color is zero everything zero that's a lot healthier i love sparkling water and this is i guess orange or something no grapefruit orange plus great food oh yeah i like that so much more it is like very nice physios like a mineral water almost with faeces that is i cannot bite your lips and tone pretty delicious it's not super sweet it's not super flavorful so just a little bit of a flavor with water and sparkles delicious i like sparkling water so i would definitely drink that easily especially can beat that everything zero zero calories zero sugar zero sodium everything zero carbs okay zero sugar but five colors for this whole thing okay the bubbles from the sparkling water really gets me every time wow tastes like one of those sweeties i can't believe it there's zero sugar so it has to be some kind of substitute i don't really like substitute sugar i would do it rather than real sugar or like this stuff it's probably has bunch of syrup and stuff instead of sugar that's why i like international coca-cola better in the bottles because they actually use real sugar from what i understand i'm not 100 sure but bottle coca-cola is so much better than plastic or can cook everybody knows that right but yeah this stuff was a little bit different lemon tea with definitely lots of lots of sweetener and don't know what kind but but maybe it's not artificial ones sometimes they can do those weird stuff nacho flavored okay other natural flavors so i know it's cool always wanted to drive a really cool can let me know in comments below what do you think hopefully they're gonna restart the subscription bug with everything happening and we'll do more this is my third one and hopefully i can find them on ebay too so yeah thank you for watching and i'll see you next time so let's see what's so special about this arch it stops you open it up all the way and then you can just release it we'll hook it up and just pull it and you see how there's uh uh some kind of spring inside here they're pulling it all together but at the same time it's all contained over here so there's no way they can overlap and fall off and get tangled up this is pretty awesome and whenever you close it like that it's not gonna go anywhere so all you have to do is just lock it all the way down don't lock it you just unspin it all the way out works lock it good okay let's go tighten something up see how it works for example let's stay up the trash can just put it up like that and just pull it on the other side and then just hook it up and then you just pull it and latch it up very well this dash cam is not going anywhere now the bubble lifted the full trailer business you see yep so it sits really well but again what's so special about that you just open it like that all the way out and you see how it comes up boom so this is so cool you unspin it and it spin it back together without the task check this out grab it hook it up tie tied up cool all the way off open it and you wanna release it like that and you see how it's gonna come up same thing if you wanna lock something up you just grab it put it on the other side and just uh make sure it's nice and flat and just tie it up watch it up whatever very very tight so again whenever you want to release it all the way out i love it how it's all concealed in here so whenever you let it go you see how much power there is for it to fly back in easy and not going anywhere now so must free really fast and easy to use love the search it stops it comes in two gathered here in other ratchet stops sets of four let's see how this one works the only way you can attract it is just by hand which is takes a while i thought this would uh just automatically retract whenever you're done so that's a little bit annoying and there's not a lot of leverage to go in and out maybe they should have done a little bit more leverage to return this whole thing got it here my kisha portable coffee maker how cool is that so there's a body plug that you can recharge it or steal it from your tool like a drill or something or the actual plug if you don't have a power at the work side you can just plug it into the regular plug like this so there's two different plugs for the battery and plug it in into this battery also on this batteries you can pass it here tell you how dead is this or how charged it is we open this up there's a water reservoir and does it sell tell your maximum it tells you the minimum doesn't really tell you the maximum so pretty much one cup let's do that oh no what's happening why is it already pouring out oh no mine it says limit over here i thought it says minimum it's actually says right here limit you see okay i guess limit one cup or minimum let's fill it up to the top again this thing comes out and you have right here like a coffee filter thing got our coffee let's see how much we can put in a couple of scoops okay put it back in and close it back inside here and then slide it back in here what kind of cup you can have oh much smaller cup than this wow we need a tiny cup almost okay this kind of cup will definitely will fit and let's press it on okay the light is on so now we wait but as you can see it's kind of dripping a little bit i guess inside here there's a heating element and it's heating it up and it's uh as you can see there's a little store i can see the water going up so i guess you're not supposed to overfill this thing right here just so like a regular deep coffee maker except much much smaller one check this out makita coffee makers that is powered by battery i have put to the test one like that before but it was way bigger than that one so it's like a really tiny one way mini one but yeah it works really good look at that really really dark coffee so it's probably hot for sure it takes quite a long time deep in it pretty slowly but it's filling it up let's see how much water i have left oh quite a bit i guess whenever we filled it up it says limit over here because probably another reservoir inside there got filled up as well okay let's see how warm the coffee is 100 109 102 and if you just point over here you see it's like 30 degrees on the table so it keeps it really hot so that machine works really good i like it one of five you got yourself one cup of coffee it takes a long time but still pretty awesome this is why there is only a limit so much yep all the water comes up so this limit right here is like not over feel it not under fill it at first i thought so don't over feel that and then you won't have a problem and you have one small cup of coffee pretty unique small tiny little coffee maker beautiful you can take it anywhere good idea two pretty interesting lighters over here check this out you know what they look like right and look what it says on the box this is not a star wars lightsaber crazy right so i guess they didn't buy the copyright but nevertheless i think i bought it on amazon or ebay i don't remember so let's open them up and see what they're all about so this is not a lightsaber right this is what it says but nevertheless let's see what they're all about right here i have two there's on and off wow interesting um looks like we need to recharge it let's charge it with the gas and this one owner here and how do we turn it on oh there is a minimum maximum oh there you go how cool is that check this out obviously not that far away flame but still pretty long that is incredible so yeah looks like a sword like a flame sword you know not a lightsaber because they didn't pay copyright for that there is a charging thing so yeah not a light saber like almost reminds me of like not a flame turbo right and you can make it much much smaller but yeah look at this actual hole over here that's so crazy should solve a lot of flame interesting so yeah kind of lame that is not by star wars definitely so hopefully star wars actually will do their own version probably will be even better so let's say i feel this one but that's a really good idea isn't it so pretty easy to refill it this one not as good it looks like you can adjust it plus minus right here so plugs i think it's all all the way up here so lock it in on off maybe put it a little bit or minus too much power wow wow oh my goodness maybe yeah this one is not as good it doesn't shut off even though we put it on minus definitely too much crazy this one is a little bit better quality okay safety you see i can hold it down and up this one is a little bit of a fail for sure okay whenever it's up no problem but whenever we hold it down oh no got it here weirdest boom ever made so normally your boom is just straight this one is curved how stench is that so let's put it to the test see if it actually does a good job you actually have notches and screws in interesting cool and as you can see it's adjustable and then screw it back on so i guess it's almost like a rake and a sweep of brush thing that's kind of cool because it can grab a lot of leaves check this out like this right here a bunch of leaves accumulated we have sometimes really really windy days and look at us i could push a lot of leaves with this brush so perfect for the outside around the garage sidewalks beautiful check this out i could probably grab it like that and hold it and take it somewhere because it has this layer holder on the side it's grubs all really snug this is nice you see there is loose dirt from the leaves i could push it very comfortably get rid of all the dirt but probably could bring out this blower for that but sometimes that annoying do it will not come off so you gotta brush it out beautiful so yeah this is very nice useful boom option you can buy yourself like it look all the dirt coming off from this leaves so thumbs up for me works really well gotta hear over the cup coffee maker another one over here very lightweight looks like we have to do a little bit of assembly so the biggest one is gonna go into here then this one gonna go into here and this one's gonna go in here okay boom why it's so big once you figured out how to use it and once you break it apart it is a lightweight and almost nothing can fit pretty much any cup look how big and wide it is we'll need filter like this put some coffee let's see if it's going to work and let's pull over the boiling water let's see if it's going to dip good without spilling okay they've been quite nice or pouring quite nice wow i can really fill it up with water a lot and it's not pouring over too quickly it's just kind of like pouring not really deep into this filter but as you can see that coffee is getting really really dark so all you have to do ah all you have to do is not overfill the biggie then you're gonna fail like me so don't overfill the baggie over this aluminum pieces idea that way you'll be all right so now you know don't do the same mistake that's why we put it to the test so we all learn and don't over feel it looks like i'm about to overfill it so yeah pretty unique gadget guys here for sure so then you can take it off ah totally fail but yeah it kind of ripped off the back when i was taking it off so maybe a good idea taking it off all together then dumping it out and once you're done obviously clean it off probably be easiest to clean it off by breaking it apart first and boom one two three pieces right here doesn't take any space and it's super lightweight put some uh filters with it perfect gotta here another anchor product let's see what this one is all about inca products is pretty awesome they have good quality stuff so this is a video game phone holder uh looks like there's a usb plug and also seems to be having a fan over here what is that over here oh it's a stand too beautiful you see there's a little stand so i guess we can recharge it with the power bank there's another income power bank it tells you how full it is right now it's only on one okay let's put it in with the case wow with the case it sits in there pretty good so i guess you can hold on to it uh while it's plugged in and play it looks like once you're done charging you will need to plug it in into here and into your phone so for the apple looks like you will have to get apple plug plug it in into the anchor and here and so you got yourself a power charger and it's on in like a fan as you can hear it and it's cooling off the phone it's holding it really well even with the case it's not coming off so that way you could really sit here watch youtube or play video games very comfortable makes a little bit of a noise from a fan and then there's a stand you can stand it up boom probably would have been way cooler if it was charging wireless and bluetooth but still pretty cool you have just a little bit of wire in here very comfortable i like it gotta adhere pokemon stand that is lights up like a minion light stand or whatever so you turn it on it will light up different colors i got squirtle but instead i received this okay so it stands over here let's go in the dark see what it's going to look like so it's like pokemon ball thing and if we spin it around this was going to look like beautiful you're changing colors okay much darker pretty beautiful very bright as you can see so it changes color it's not gonna spin it's just gonna stand there so small on the camera it's actually looks a lot better than in real life but a pretty new gadget for the pokemon lovers gather here cereal dispenser let's see what it's all about quite a bit of assembly for such a clear garden so you could put your cereal in here and then whenever you want to dispense some all you have to do is hold it and stop it at any time how cool is that and obviously put the lid over there you go you got yourself cereal dispenser just press it on both sides and it will dispense cereal let's do try to press it really really quickly boom one good hit full bowl of cereal thumbs up for me
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 222,425
Rating: 4.8463602 out of 5
Keywords: crazy russian hacker, taras kul, gadgets, tools, coke, coca cola insider club, unboxing
Id: 4tLlohi-ofI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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