12 Awesome Gadgets Actually Worth Buying!

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[Applause] you're gonna hear gloves that's supposed to stop a chainsaw so first of all this it's a really thick button where it's supposed to stop a chainsaw uh looks like only on one hand for some reason this is why this one doesn't have a button for right handed you'll be holding the chainsaw so chances are you're not gonna uh cut yourself but this one i guess in case you're holding it or it falls on you i guess this hand is way more loose so that's why it has like extra protection or in case you like cutting something and you hit yourself i don't know so that way you don't scratch yourself but it's also supposed to stop a chainsaw too beside it has a nice pattern so you don't hurt yourself so yeah kind of cool that way you can push it forward open it and it's not hurting your ears but what i'm gonna put to the test is grab this glove and stick it onto this log oh yeah it stopped the chain so for sure do you see it and what did it stop let's find out ahead i don't see oh no i see a scratch over here on the wood so again it went too for sure but it stopped the chainsaw it would have scratched your hand for sure it's pretty bad injury over here but at the same time look at that uh it did stop the chainsaw this stuff went inside of the chainsaw and stopped it let's start one more time i hit it pretty good but yeah it has a really really big pardon you know what uh yeah oh i might have one too and kind of scotch it too on the other side so it didn't go through on this pattern because it probably rotated it so anyways let's try this again this time i'm more heated over here why it's actually took off the chain of truck a little bit but let's start oh you see how it kind of slid off this fiber is supposed to be easily come off and jam up the chainsaw inside of the gear it's kind of nice it protects you but this fibers don't come off as easily but definitely does not cut you here but over here it would have been an injury over because it old let's see what this thing is all about get this thing for a while time to review it they're actually kind of hard to find most of them sell out pretty quickly i don't even remember if it's a clock or what it is okay looks like you will put couple of batteries in there and it will just spin one and to kind of take it to put it in but once you get it it's going to spin like that you see how it looks like it's not going to go through that stick oh no way it's going to go through it's going to heat it and boom it goes still perfectly this thing is so awesome i love kinetic sculptures like that all day it comes with the little batteries so as you can see from this angle it goes in and through yeah definitely way cooler to look at it this way at the angle a little bit it's like no way it's gonna go through no problem every time so cool and look what you can do is just grab it and spin it the other way and it's going to go the other way i just realized that check this out and whenever it's you want it to spin the other way just grab it and push it the other way and it will look like it's actually going from the pushing but that's awesome look at that i kind of like it this way too if you get bored you can push it and get it going the other way awesome got that here anti-gravity sculpture i love very unique sculptures or stands where you can put on your desk or on the shelf that is since they're really looking good especially like this one you got right here like a little ball that goes inside here in the slit so that way it's stays in there so then there's one more over here this is just a quick assembly to show you guys in a second uh so in a way it's going to look like it's anti-gravity especially with this fishing line things it will look like it's floating so i guess you can put this one in put this one in and already it's gonna kinda float around there one over here and the last one right here last one you're gonna just push it up and that's it simple check this out and whenever you're working or hitting the table you see it's kind of like uh moving around a little bit like that maybe not as much but it's pretty unique look at that there's a tension pushing this things together and this thing apart as well so this is kind of cool so it looks like it's levitating anti-gravity whatever you want to call it but you have this perfect tension to where it's not falling off as you can see even if we try to kick it off it's not going to go anywhere this is why i really like it is it because it has perfect tension on each corner and down here there is a different designs to where you can actually take it off and put it back on i seen those this one doesn't do it as much the only way to take it off and lay down you have to take one off and then whenever you're ready to put it back in this one came off as well you just kind of hold it like that whoops this one fell off now kind of be careful don't break it because this stuff is wooden uh so just push it in boom again looking good and levitates there's a product you probably don't know existed this is air conditioner drain condensation pipe cleaner so it looks like it comes with some co2 cottages oh wow this one's a little bit bigger than mine so you'll need one of those bigger ones 16 grams co2 cottages so let's plug it in so this is going to be a trigger so once we charge it don't have to worry about this thing spraying right away this side here is a safety once you charge it it's not gonna poke it but what will poke it i guess we'll see it once it's engaged because i don't see this thing coming up at all okay we'll see in a second okay it kind of charged i heard it made a little bit of noise so that's what it will do should probably put on safety it will puncture it right away and pretty much whenever we ready take it off safety and just elicit wow that's so cool you know what my seat have over flooded at my mom's house at my house everybody says see over flood sometimes because you're supposed to clean the ac during pipe at least once a year maybe even every six months if you want to do it but yeah this is cool i probably going to use it look there's a little bit of dry ice of accumulation so it's gets really cold so not eight gram cartridges 16 gram cartridges when you bind it let's go doing one of my ac units pipes nice firm twist good let's go doing it now so there's my sea unit there's a drain pipe i don't know why they put it there but so you hold it like that release the switch and let's drain it [Music] do you hear that sounds like bunch of water did run away into there pretty crazy i like it let me know in comments below what do you think definitely did the job i heard some water going in also another pretty good gadget right here this is like a water alarm whenever it gets clogged it will go in the deep tray till it's overflows but the way you know it it will start beeping so yeah really cool logic over here a lot of people probably don't even know exist i didn't i just recently found out i know that you could put a little bit of bleach in there but this is a one way to clear it out and then put a little bit of bleach in there so that way it will kill all the mold and what not inside that they build up but this is a nice way to clear it out too i like it usually a little bit of bleach does the job though too got it here shining goggles so very unique i thought it was kind of funny put it interviewed product as a joke and then unbox it just to check it out see how it works and actually fell in love with them they're pretty awesome so comes with their charging cord a code and then all that good stuff to make him nice so let's open this up and it comes with one of this uh like uh holder for your sunglasses so it goes over don't pull it only too hard because it'll come off but anyways there is on and off button right here so you just hold it there you go you see it and then you have this really cool uh light show and then you can change it check this out they go there's like a light show of like a fallen rain or something they go there's a whole bunch of settings like this is like a pulse i don't even know what that is just uh different designs there's green a whole bunch of different colors i'll show it to you in the dark i'm gonna set it up this way okay it is snowing out here it's actually kind of better to wear them with the head on so yeah what do you guys think so you put it on it's kind of annoying on my nose but they go also you can adjust this so that way they don't fall off maybe make it nice and tape it this thing so they don't come off at all and they go uh this is what it's gonna look like in a daytime i can still see to them pretty good so this is very nice so we can go away party or whatever so let's go in the darkness complete darkness see what it's going to look like in the dark because in this cloudy day even though it's not sunny it's not superb right so you're probably best to have them in a really really darkness so this is what it would look like in a complete darkness it's actually pretty beautiful don't you guys think but obviously it will be too dark so that's what it will look like with just a light bulb on it's very very bright in the daylight it's a lot different so as you can see you have this very different stuff and i can see myself through the camera that's gonna flush until the camera probably doesn't give it justice so it looks like i cannot see it or anything but i can see it well the only problem is it's a little bit uncomfortable on my nose so maybe you can put something soft under there check this out this is so cool so this is very unique glasses i thought it was funny but they're actually amazing i bought it might give like a joke but this is really cool so next time you're gonna go like uh party with all the lights you can stand out for sure for those people who like to stand out must have right whoa this is cool too let's go to all these cities so quick i think there's like money signs and the cards and pumpkins they go this couple pumpkins for halloween this is awesome oh i like that one a lot too and those hearts check this out this one is funny too whatever that is and the money sign this is cool yeah and in a complete darkness it's even brighter this is funny look at that complete darkness is pretty cool so yeah amazing really cool um like light sunglasses goggles got it here pretty vintage tool i love unique stuff that was made a way back so as you can see this is a multi-tool pouch looks like i need to invest in a new pouch but what you got right here mini hammer with the chisel uh so let's take this one out and let's see how it's going to adjust there's a locking mechanism so all we have to do is just press it and push it in that's it wow so it's not even folding or anything it's just like sitting in there you got a little hammer pretty hefty i like it take it out then you need to open up bottle of wine how many of you have got in the pickle whenever you don't have a one opener anywhere so you have one like that that's perfect then there is pliers obviously a little knife let's look at that so again locking mechanism way in the back really good conditions i like it nobody ever used it seems to be you see how it's lacking boom you have right here pretty nice ah not very sharp knife actually and you get the idea there you go there is a sharp knife oh that's a saw with the ruler goes the same way in there's a screwdriver that's pretty nice there's a lobster over here whatever you call that thing and there is a good knife over here let's see how old is going to plug in boom yeah pretty nice long knife okay so you need to detach it and attach it and there is a punch and another some kind of like a drill bit that's crazy so maybe before you put a screw in there's a little deal built you can make a hole at first then screw on uh school into the wood or whatnot so i love it very unique set for a daily challenges tasks you know what i mean and it's pretty nice quality good condition love it very neat gadget over here i wish they would still make them i don't even know how i zipped it up before every time i zip it unzip it those teeth fall out love it next i have your power bank for ps4 controller i have a ps4 let's see if it's actually any good i'm gonna join in your controller in an xbox looking controller thing um but you know my controller dies all the time maybe they just did it or something so there's on and off button looks like there's a charger too and you plug it in into here and look you never have to unplug it again because you plug in the charger into here after that and into the playstation or whatnot so this is awesome uh check out your controller this is kind of comfortable kind of little bit different grip for sure so you probably will have to get used to it especially with my big hands so pretty unique definitely different grip feeling to it but let me know in comments below what do you think i like it next i got it here led head or light heads i even saw them selling it on the lows recently so you have right here a stack of leds and this purse here to press it on and off okay there is only no button so you first press it on over here or off and there is a light boom what do you guys think that is so weird i will go in the dark in a little bit put them to the test but yeah it's pretty strange never seen building light with the head this thing is kind of bulging away i could feel it okay comb test oh yeah it's pretty bright check this out looking down over here so i kind of have to point my head or use my head down but it's pretty cool kind of everything in front of you if i'm just working down like that so if i can walk on something i don't have to worry about nothing so it's a clear headlamp head so maybe pretty cool for gameplay i know but i probably would stick with the actual headlamp they're pretty cheap get right here no touch stick gadget over here for those people who heavily germaphobic maybe a good idea i don't know i usually sometimes use my elbow i just don't mind touching stuff just wash your hands right but nevertheless probably somewhat useful i guess you can grab on onto something and pull it push it down and pull it you can also touch like a touchscreen ntm uh what else you can push something so let's tie it out i guess if you have a door like that you can just push it like that and open it maybe it's perfect for the bathrooms i would not mind having it in the public bathrooms because everybody touching this handle and some people don't wash their hands so pretty cool gadget for sure i probably would use it put on kitchen you can use it for anything the biggest dilemma with this thing once you touch with this gadget something it's pretty much contaminated and you after putting it into your pocket and still contaminated so this is why it's just best to use your hands and wash your hands and don't touch your face so regardless if you're touching it with this thing and then touching it with your hands or putting it into your pocket so i guess it's cool just a little question for me once you touch something wouldn't this be contaminated in your pocket too got that here pretty unique drill attachment so it's like to carve out different things on a wood so as you can see there's a different bits let's try to use this big one plug in into here and then just make it tight nice so that will form a vibration it doesn't come off maybe get a zip tie and plug this in [Music] so go plug it in into the beach and let's tie down that's a pretty nice wood [Applause] [Applause] so pretty cool isn't it [Applause] [Music] like a little chisel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and then you can just adjust this drill this is reusable i can just take it up get yourself uh adjustable zip ties so use your imagination what would you use this gadget for it's pretty unique definitely would be a lot of uses for it take it off and use it like a regular day or whatnot really cool next i got right here a couple of everyday carry multi tools i think this one is for the bicycle let's see what it's all about this is like a snowflake uh that's cool so you have right here allen wrenches and smaller ones and screwdrivers cool and looks like you got it here a little like a wrench bolt adjustment mainly just really cute to put it on your keychain i guess but it seems to be too heavy maybe you can put it somewhere onto the bike those multi tools are really really popular for some reason people i guess buying them and they keep inventing them let's see what this one is all about i think this is more like a screwdriver tool this comes off oh okay and then you can put dill bits inside here and then a dill build will go inside here as well it's kind of cool to pull it out you kind of squeeze it and take it out and i guess you could put anything in here i doubt this is waterproof so a little case over here and right here little carabiner quick example it's standard you can put it over here use it like a screwdriver or put it over here and whenever you're done with them just press right here and put them in here also you can put in plastic dividers so that way each little screwdriver sits in there really comfortably so you can take one out put it in front over there pretty unique that's for sure
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 710,844
Rating: 4.8663502 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, crazy russian hacker, taras kul, cool gadgets, 12 Awesome Gadgets Actually Worth Buying!
Id: y3sMvMTlXnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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