7 Rules of Stealth Games That Make No Sense

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there are plenty of rules and games that make no sense like the rule in gta 5 that says i can't drive my car down the del pero pier without getting yelled at ridiculous but nowhere in video games are the rules you have to follow more peculiar than when it comes to stealth stealth games have a whole bunch of long-standing conventions and rules that when you think about them would never actually work trust us if you're planning on a career as a cat burglar or stealth operative don't put any stock in these techniques here then are the rules in stealth games that make no sense humans are creatures of habit we have those things we do regularly like brushing our teeth eating certain meals at certain times or crying out to the blood moon every fourth sabbath for dark powers of vengeance we've all done it enemies and stealth games are no less habitual although they'll often add to the disorder and chaos in the world by fighting for some kind of terrible regime or something god forbid they change their patrol routes instead of wandering around and sweeping a general area patrolling guards will stick to one path whether that be a continuous loop or going back and forth between two spots it's weird they do this bearing in mind that repeating the same 30 second patrol route over and over makes these guards incredibly easy to slip past or slip a knife into whatever feels right in the moment you do you and the robot dinosaurs in horizon zero dawn aren't programmed any better as they too stick to the same trail like a roller coaster or be a really slow one with lots of teeth in real life humans don't mindlessly hurry back and forth between two points unless they're being shouted out by a personal trainer so if you try to transfer the lessons learned here into real life you'd quickly learn that it's a little more difficult to calculate the perfect opening for a sneak attack bring it on okay let's tuck you in [Music] having eyes on the front of our heads has two main evolutionary advantages for humans one we have excellent depth perception two we can wear sunglasses to look cool that's a great price one negative however is that our field of vision isn't as wide as animals that have eyes on the side of their heads so we have to rely on our peripheral vision a bit more to see what's around us to give you an idea of your peripheral vision in real life the science team here at outside extra have an experiment that you can take part in now look directly forwards hold your hands up either side of your head and gradually move them backwards where you can no longer see them is the limit of your peripheral vision maybe don't try this if you're watching on public transport should have mentioned that sooner this is not a gift possessed by npcs in stealth games however where the infamous cone of vision restricts their view to a narrow wedge of space directly in front of them this allows you to easily sneak up on an enemy from the side and ruin their day heck even if you're right in front of an enemy they won't see you sometimes so long as this is one of those stealth games where the kona vision also has a bizarrely short range sailing a massive infamous pirate ship through enemy waters don't worry as long as you're not directly in front of enemy ships they won't see you even though you can spot them from miles away with your spyglass and it is literally one dude on that ship's whole job to notice other ships oh boy someone's getting fired out of a cannon you can't stay hidden forever one thing that you need to avoid when trying to stay out of sight is leaving any trace of you having been present which is why many stealth legends rely on squirreling away their victims in foliage or stuffing people into various cuboid receptacles truly a master at work but sometimes games don't let you move bodies out the way or you simply don't have time to do it before they are discovered at which point you think oh no i'm screwed there is no way everyone is going to be chill about this one of ours free let's do a sweep because in the real world if a guard found a colleague had been brutally murdered and quite possibly undressed everyone would immediately be on high alert forever and likely enrolled in several years of counselling in games however most guards tend to calm down after just a few seconds often on the strange assumption that you've probably gone by now no sign of it at this point everyone just goes back to normal casual guard duties often with the enemy you murdered still laying there why are you all suddenly so chill now the killer is still in the room dude someone you work with just got killed in your immediate vicinity less than five minutes ago this is not healthy behavior you need to learn not only to confront your pain but also to confront the person that murdered them and is totally still in the room oh my god hey maybe we're being unfair and their confident assertion that the killer is gone is a clever lie nobody there next time maybe they just want you to think they've given up on looking for you but if they think i'm gonna fall for that they are sorely mistaken and probably a bit sore after i do this to them i told you the killer was still in the room you should listen to me the killer [Music] you know that's a really odd thing to do stealth games offer plenty of hiding spots whether that be a shadowy corner some bushy greenery or a big pile of hay [Applause] but not all hiding spots are easy to see out of whether that be because of camera angles a load of hay or the fact that the thing you're hiding in or behind is completely solid so games offer you a way of seeing past these literal obstacles with the ability to peak where'd you run off to hiding from a terrifying monster behind a wall but want to see where it might be well you can peek your little knock in completely around a wall and you won't be spotted yep for some reason a full human head poking around the corner is no concern to beasts or brutes you're hiding from maybe its vision is based on shoulders but it's not just corners you can peek from for example we've already seen how great agent 47 is at stuffing other people into boxes but he's also great at stuffing himself into boxes like a big cat weirdly enough the fact that a box or wardrobe is not fully closed and has a man's entire head and torso peering out of the darkness does not immediately alert anyone who is walking nearby that is silvio caruso i mean these boxes are agent 47 sized and you live in a universe with agent 47 i would be checking every cupboard closet crate and fridge every time i walked into a room slightly less cute than when a cat does it to be honest huh a useful addition to any stealth fans arsenal is a good distraction technique for instance while you've been watching this video we've had luke sneak into your kitchen and steal all your biscuits there aren't any chocolate ones ellen what cheapskates what if you played a video game in the last 10 years you'll know the scenario as you make your way through an area an enemy is facing an inconvenient direction blocking your path or heading right towards you and about to completely ruin your day never fear you've got a literal throwaway ability just chuck a rock coin bottle or anything that isn't nailed down to create a distraction this gives you time to sneak around them while they're occupied or opens up the perfect opportunity to tiptoe up directly behind them and can't believe you fell for that but npcs often fall prey to simple throne distractions and for far longer than they should you hear that now a stupid shambling zombie might understandably scrabble around for the source of the noise for a good while however any human being upon realizing that something has been chucked into their vicinity would surely start looking for the source of the projectile instead unlike this nothing after all probably rat into everything at the very least you'd think this trick would only work on someone once thanks to video game logic though expect guards to fall for the same trick over and over have you just seen your pal walk towards a smash bottle only to get jumped by a tiny teenager from a totally different direction well you better immediately walk towards the next sound of smash glass you hear and not check behind you at all are you sure your brains haven't been eaten away by mushrooms one great ally of the stealth player is the chest high wall it provides cover and you can still see over it with ease even if crouching behind one for prolonged periods probably isn't great for your spine however some walls annoyingly go all the way to the ceiling or at least they're tall enough to obscure our view but don't worry player video games have your back in the form of the improbable x-ray vision ability to be fair some games go out of their way to give an explanation for how a protagonist is able to see enemy positions clear as day through brickwork for instance batman must have spent a bat load of cash on his detective mode gadgetry which remarkably sees through human skin metal walls and somehow not metal guns other games have some kind of mystical reason behind their protagonist being able to see through obstacles whether that be dishonored's dark vision given to you by the handsome wizard god the outsider or assassin's creed eagle vision given to you by i want to say eagles ancient aliens man was i way off then there are the stealth games that don't even try to explain how you can see through brick and mortar for example are the heroes of the far cry series also imbued with special eagle powers because rj galea can still see any enemy once he's tagged them whatever that means even if they go behind cover we can assume agent 47 had some kind of special serum injected into his eyeballs so that he can spot enemies in different rooms because his stony stare can stare through stone needless to say the real reason agent 47 and so many other game heroes can see through walls is that the game would be sarcastically hard otherwise but that doesn't mean this common stealth mechanic makes any sense at all in the real world staring harder to wall gets you nothing but eye strain i know because my friend tried it and after three hours i could no longer blink i mean he could no longer blink whatever [Music] if you and your crime organization are planning some crimes that would be really messed up by someone infiltrating your crime base one thing you should probably invest in is a good security system sadly all too many of them haven't made that investment or if they did they got it out the back of a van somewhere because oh boy these security systems suck some are a simple alarm system to call in reinforcements but like my remodeled basement they have deep flaws for example some can be used as a trap against their owners if you get to them first so instead of calling for reinforcements to make your life much harder they simply make the guard's life much shorter a less harsh tampering of alarms simply renders them unable to call in help most irl alarm systems will usually have some kind of fail safe in place if they're tampered with so an alarm probably requires more work to disable than shooting it really hard game security cameras are even worse as heroes are able to turn them offline before being spotted by them and for some reason the sudden loss of video feed doesn't alert the people watching on the other end what does the security guard think is happening as the monitors all turn to static one by one their warranties all expired at once honestly some people deserve to be put in a box so those are some of the stealth rules and games that don't make any sense why did we never question the cone of vision can you think of any other stealthy things that really just defy logic if so let us know in the comments and hey if you enjoyed this video there's every chance you will enjoy the other videos that we do on this channel we do a lot of cool live streams we do a lot of just hanging out talking about games playing games sometimes not even playing a game just talking of some nonsense but if you liked this video and if you enjoyed it then we reckon you will enjoy those as well so check them out and please do subscribe and ring that bell to be notified when we upload a new video thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 862,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: NvE8HWx_trM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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