#45 - Torah Parashah Va'etchanan (and I pleaded)

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mornings tour portion is the second tour portion in Deuteronomy and the a sick Torah portion from Genesis from the beginning and it is my birthday or portion this is the Torah portion I was born into 44 years ago thank you today is my birthday and it was at the beginning of the week on the Hebrew calendar the seventh of all and the Torah portion is called Vaught come on and for those of you that have taken our Hebrew class what is void hammam means the Bob of course is a prefix right it means and so it's always this continuation and F is like I come on pleaded and I've seeded Moshe he is seeding to go into the land he's standing up on mountain II bow and he's given his last address to the children of Israel and we're going to see some significant things in this short portion why Moses is pleading normally he would just accept that God had told him that he's not going to enter the land but something significant just happened that make something maybe God will change his mind and we've seen God changed his mind before right when Moshe would pray to him so Moshe is now pleading to be able to enter the land just like we're looking forward to entering in the land and if you have your Bibles it can be found in devaron chapter 3 verse 23 and we'll be going through almost four chapters this morning and we see a beautiful love story unfolding in these four chapters we're going to see that our God is a God of relationship every week we go through the parties and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the Jewish ways of interpretation parties is an acronym for passat Ramez josh and sewed and 4-shot is the literal the literal meanings is Moshe is about to send the children of Israel into the land with Joshua and he is pleading with the Lord and he's reminding Israel of their encounter with Hashem and how faithful Hashem has been through the years and then in chapter 5 of Deuteronomy he is going to reiterate the ten commandments the ten words also known as the pinned aeverine and in chapter 6 is where we get the Shema from so these are powerpack we got the Ten Commandments reiterated we got the Shema we've got all of this beautiful expose on our relationship and how it's evolved with God from the beginning and what we're going to look at is we're going to see God desires relationship with us we see hidden glimpses of the Messiah as a bridegroom but we're going to be looking through these chapters at our off for God and then in chapter 5 we see the respect being built just like a relationship you start falling in love and you go wow he's so handsome or she's so beautiful and you're kind of like in awe that's the way it is with the children of Israel and then in chapter 6 it goes from respect to actually entering into covenant into oneness and that's the Shema it's all about God being one so we're going to go through a relationship process through these three portions and look at a couple anomalies as well enlarged iron and enlarged Allah in the Shema so Moshe starts off in verse 23 then I pleaded YF come on Adonai Adonai Elohim you have begun to reveal your greatness to your servants and your strong hands for what other God is there on in heaven or on earth that can do the works and mighty deeds that you do now in the Hebrew it actually says at that time then I pleaded at that time or at that time I pleaded and you miss this in the English for some reason the translators don't translate that in a lot of the versions but it's significant because one it just occurred previously they had just conquered see Han king of MRI and ah this giant in Bashan and Gamow che saw that God was with them that they were being blessed and they had just done this great work of conquering the first Kings as they're entering into the land of the Canaanite and he thought maybe there's a chance if God's blessing and his beard is so outpouring on us then maybe I can convince him that I can enter the land maybe you know he the sins that I've committed have been a peace for because I see him working mightily through me and so that's why at this time is so significant that he's pleading it's like one last-ditch effort sometimes we have children that you know see how far they can push to get their way and this is mo che but it's a good thing right we all want to enter the land and Moshe wants to enter the land so he's pleading with him and he reminds God what a great God he is and what mighty deeds he's done and then he says please let me go across and see the good land on the other side of the yard een that wonderful heel country and the Lebanon so he's reminding God of his original land grant to Abraham from the Euphrates River which encompasses all of Lebanon and Syria and ivory we're south to the Nile he's reminding them of that original land grant hoping that it will be fulfilled in his day and he says butt out and I was upset with me on account of you Israel and he didn't listen to me remember he was frustrated when he was supposed to speak to the rock and he was frustrated with Israel's hard-heartedness and he struck the rock twice and this is another aspect of our relationship with God remember 40 years before God told him to strike the rock and this represents the way that we strike the rock of our salvation from which the Living Waters flow Yeshua our Messiah how do we strike him with our sins Isaiah 53 says he was stricken with our iniquity he bore our guilt and so we see that this is a symbol of the coming Messiah in this rock but we're not supposed to keep sinning and we're not supposed to keep striking the Messiah who makes atonement for our sins what are we supposed to do through our relationship and drawing near with a Shem we are to be all relationship is built on communication right and this is why it was fine to strike the rock once in 40 years before but at the end of the wilderness sojourn God tells Moses speak to the rock and the water and the living water is going to gush forth and Moses strikes it twice which is very symbolic of Israel because Israel has continued in their sins and we are continuing to strike Messiah even though it's time for us to put away sin to be refined to be purified in a shims character and so we see this amazing symbol and this is the sin that Satan claimed against Moses claimed his life so God told Moses you will go up to Mount Nebo and you will see the land from afar but you will not enter into it because of this sin what they didn't realize is he might claim his birth death but he can't claim the second death because Yeshua our Messiah has taken that second death on him and this is why in Jude verse 9 you see Michael the Archangel contending over the body of Moses and what does he say the Lord rebuke you yo team Bob hey rebuke you hospital he's claiming Moses's soul he's claiming Moses is it for the resurrection so it's not it's just like every time Satan thinks he gains the victory really that's his loss and backfires same way with Yeshua and killing Yeshua it backfired and it actually brought about the greatest blessing for all mankind through the atonement of the spotless Lamb of God so God tells them don't beg me anymore for this enough don't say another word about this matter climb up to the top of Pisgah and look out to the west to the north to the south and to the east in all directions look with your eyes but you will not go across this yard Dean however commissioned yahushua encouraged him and strengthened him for he will lead this people across and enable them to inherit the land that you will see so we stayed in the valley across from beit peor now the first book in that i want to point out sometimes we study in hebrew and we find chiasm chiasm tsar where the first part of a section of scripture mirrors the last part of the section of scripture and then you'll see the second theme is mirrored to the second-to-the-last theme and the third is married to a second third to the last and what it's doing is this bring your focus to the very center and you see this significantly in the Book of Leviticus there's a very significant theme about holiness right in the center there's also something like a chiasm but slightly different called bookends and that's just a term that I give them because you see it starting a chapter and ending the chapter the starting of chapter four that we're looking into right now is listen to Torah by the end of it he's saying keep Torah how can we keep unless we first listen Hebrew says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and so within these book ends what's amazing is you're going to see the chapter 5 starting off with the same book in to listen and the end of chapter 5 you're going to see is the same as the last book end of chapter 4 to keep Torah and the same with chapter 6 but what we're really focused on is the process of relationship with God in between these bookends because if there's bookends that means there's something significant in the middle and we're going to see a process a natural evolution of how we fall in love and then how Trust is built and then how we become one with our beloved and we're going to see the emotions that are evoked in each of this process so let's read through chapter four and then we'll fill in the blanks now Israel listen to the laws and rulings I am teaching you in order to follow them what did you say to Israel listen so we all must listen and we have this term in Chapter six Shema which goes even further which means to not only listen and not only here but to also do right and that's the essence of both of these bookends to listen and then to do the and the Hebrew means to keep why what's the purpose so that you will live and that's what's beautiful here because when you look at the end of the chapter you're going to see it's all about living long not only extending your life but looking long in the land which he has given us and promised through our forefathers so the whole purpose he says to listen to the Torah and to the mitzvot in the mission team that how I'm teaching in order to follow them one so that you will live - then you will go in and three take possession of the land that adonai your god the god of your father's is giving you in order to obey the myth boat of how tonight your God which I am giving you now here's a strict admonition do not add to them and do not take away from them sometimes we say oh that's not relevant for today and we push it aside and thus we erode or we subtract from them and other times we say in order to protect the laws we need to add other things and we add to them yes Barney how I don't like it again I can't learn things I've learned it I was hot we didn't happen to all yes the blessings and the inheritance in the land and we what we have done but the association that traction is also looking for amen it's natural cause and effect isn't it and so he's showing all the blessings that are going to come and so we have a place down here at the into the book and what's the blessed result we're going to look at that and it's all about living long and there's a constant theme of prolonging our days ultimately what this is talking about it might prolong like the fifth commandment says honor the fault your father and your mother and that also relates on a deeper level to our Heavenly Father and earthly mother if we honor these things from which we are made our life will be extended in this land it says you will have long life in the land of the Lord by God gives you well ultimately what God is leading us to is eternal life it's not just extending our life in the physical vessel that contains our spirit it's becoming one with the Shem and living eternally with him has his bride so it's very exciting he says do not add to them and do not subtract from them you saw with your own eyes what and I did at Baal peor that Adonai destroyed from among you all the men who followed Baal peor but you whose truck who stuck without an eye your God are still alive today every one of you look I have taught you laws and rulings Torah and mission a team just as Adonai my God ordered me so that you can behave accordingly in the land this is why we're studying Torah now why is it waking up in your DNA not only are you from the lost house of Israel but we're about to enter into the promised land when Messiah comes so this is very exciting we have to be able to live and behave accordingly in the land where we are going to take possession of it verse 6 therefore and what is it therefore it's telling us the importance of it observe them follow them for then all the people will see you as having wisdom and understanding who's the people it's referring to all the nations of the world if we will be the light if we will be the change we want to see in the world then the nations will change we can preach all day long and it means nothing until we become the light of God selfless love and then the nations will see inherent in your selfless love is wisdom oma understanding Vina and knowledge God and their blessings that are a part and parcel of that nations want and a lot of times they try to put the cart before the horse and they just want the blessings but they don't want to follow Yahweh they don't realize it'll be very fleeting you might have money today but you'll be gone tomorrow the only thing that is last forever is if we live in harmony with the eternal principles of the universe from Hashem and he says they will see you as having a hokhmah and be not then when they hear of all these tourists this instruction and toward isn't rules and restrictions that gods depriving us of something its instructions and righteousness and in love and in blessing and so it says when they see all these instructions they will say this great nation is surely a wise and understanding people for what great nation is there that God has as close to them as Adonai our God is to them this is a relationship word let the nation see how close a Shem is to us how much he loves us how much we love him I'm going to start pointing out some relationship words in this chapter let them see that God is close to them whenever we call on him what great nation is there out there that has instructions tour instructions and mission team as just as this entire Torah which I am sitting before you today only be careful here's a little warning and watch yourself diligently as long as you live so that you won't forget what you saw with your own eyes when you first fell in love with God in essence when he delivered you from Egypt as a slave girl don't forget that don't forget the amazing things that he did he's reminding them so that these things won't vanish from your heart it's a heart issue there's another word to circle relationship word rather make them known to your children and your grandchildren the day you stood before out of night your God what was happening there at Horeb Israel was standing as a bride before the bridegroom a Shem came down and he gave the Torah as a ketubah which is the Covenant the written covenant between a groom and a bride during the betrothal process so here what he's reminding them is of their first encounter with Hashem when they fell in love and looking at God as a groom and when it says Horeb that's not fine I went out and I said to me gather the people to me this is intimate language and I will make them hear my words whose the word I was made flesh mushiya so literally how does God manifest himself as the bridegroom through mashiac and this is what he gave he gave the word before it became flesh there at finite the words of the ketubah the betrothal covenant so that here's the purpose they will learn to hold me then this sound like a relationship again it's beautiful he wants us to hold him in awe as long as they live and so this is a key thing here process the very first thing that happens to us when we fall in love with somebody we are in awe of them they can do no wrong they're so beautiful so perfect I'm so in love did you have Tom Kinney it was the the betrothal begins the marriage process the in a Hebraic wedding there's actually 12 steps to a Jewish wedding and so this was one of the early steps of the father choosing the bride for the son and they write out the ketubah which explains who the bridegroom is and what he expects of the bride and the price that he paid for her and all of this is part of the betrothal process but the marriage doesn't happen until mashiac comes back and reigns as high priest and King so there's been no marriage yet the betrothal is considered like a marriage you're supposed to stay in covenant you're supposed to remain faithful but the bridegroom goes away to prepare a hope off of the father's house for the wedding ceremony and this is what Yeshua was talking about when he says I go to prepare a place for you it's the Hupa off of the father's house which he will come back and take us to experience the wedding so it wasn't the completed it wasn't the consummation if you will yeah but it was the betrothal good what's another word for all I respect comes next we're going to look at respect but for all your in yes infatuation we should have such a holy awe when the Bible talks about fearing the Lord your God with all your heart it's not that we're afraid who's afraid of the one they're in love with we are in holy reverence holy awe whole holy infatuation if you will of the Most High defeating each other at home falling in love yeah the guy and gal me everything they and is know every detail about out of the first lie they one date is it better to be right what happened purposely key caveat and they desire to spend every moment together and this is why she bought is the sign he says this is my Shabbat my sign between me and my people this is like the diamond on the betrothal ring and it sets us apart as his bride that's right and if the bridegroom you know you get to know each other during this betrothal process and if the bridegroom says hey I've got one day where I'm not working that I can come and meet you would you meet me there and you go out I can't wait and then he says okay it's gonna be from Friday night to Saturday night or from the end of the sixth day to the end of the seventh day right and we say ah that's not convenient for me I'm watching the football game or I've got to work or whatever no we'd say whatever it takes you know I'm gonna be there right now would you show up a day late or come a day early and this is what the enemy has got us to do he's got counterfeits on both sides with two major world religions one that worships the day before and one that worships the day after we have to ask ourselves why is this for those of you that like conspiracy theories there's a great conspiracy a cosmic conspiracy that's going on to lead us to miss the bridegroom and the beautiful time that he has set apart for us to build the relationship so let's look back at this word all the whole purpose is so that they will learn to hold me in awe as long as they live on earth and so that they will teach their children the beautiful thing about the bride it's not just that generation that was at Mount Horeb it's about Israel continually all of the descendants of which we are whether you can trace your lineage through Judah or whether you can trace it through the other lost house of Israel the northern ten tribes or whether you can't trace it at all there's a reason why your heart is waking up for Torah your DNA is vibrating at that higher resonant frequency and you're desiring to return to the ancient path and we are the children that he foresaw in that day and he holds us just as dearly to himself as our forefathers as part of the bride which is beautiful then he says you approached I'm we're in verse 11 and stood at the front at the foot of the mountain he's reminding them of where the betrothal took place this ketubah and the mountain blazed with fire to the heart of heaven so he just talked about don't lose your love for shem from your heart now it's talking about the heart of heaven so first it's looking at our heart not letting go of Hashem now it's looking at how much Hashem loves us because our God is a consuming fire and that Shekinah glory blazed out from the heart of heaven with love you know God's light which that should kind of glory it's not an arbitrary display of look how bright I am because that would be self seeking right look at me no it's the selfless love that he has for you that he can't withhold it ami ate out from him as light as that Shekinah in the Hebrew and so it's natural life comes from selfless love and it mes out as light so there's three words that you can think of it's anonymous light love selfless love and life they're all one in Hashem and you can see a picture of it MEA ting out from his heart right here in this verse with darkness clouds and thick mist then and why with darkness clouds and thick mist I mean there's no arbitrary words even in Torah and I hate to belabor each point but there's a reason why these words are in there why does it is the day of the Lord even in it says in Joel 2 in darkness and thick clouds there is no darkness in our God right James I think it's 1 verse 26 that says we serve the father of life and whom there is no variation or even a shifting shadow our God is only good he's only loves only light but why does he enshroud himself in a cloud like when the Shekinah led Israel at a mercy isn't it yeah because of the darkness that we are holding on to we're not ready for the full display of that light we were created in His image as beings of light but through sin we fell from that so until we get restored through that thousand-year millennium what Messiah is going to be doing is writing tore on our hearts so that we can be vibrating at that resonant frequency and return his beams of light and be in the sight of a holy omnipotent God and not it and it not be like a consuming fire until that day in his mercy he's shrouding his great glory his great love for us it's deviating out with cloud it's like a veil if you will not match like and not coexist with darkness good fine yes any agreement they cancel out each other that's exactly right wool and linen both have very healing healthy frequencies and in another part of the Corps he tells us not to mix them because we would end up canceling out that benefit then he says then I don't I spoke to you out of the fire all relationship is built through communication I shouldn't speak to us through his word how do we speak to him through our prayers our prayers ascends like a fragrant aroma that's what the altar of incense represented he says you heard the sound of words but you saw no shade this is why it's so important for us to never put a shape with Hashem don't visualize God as a shape or as a man or as a there was no shape we hear his words but we don't see any shape there was only a voice he proclaimed his betrothal covenant to you underlying that word covenant the end of verse 13 this is the Torah the ketubah if you will which he ordered you to obey the tinned aeverine he wrote them on two stone tablets sapphire stone at that time out and I ordered me to teach you the Torah and the rulings the Mischka team so that you would live by them in the land you are entering in order to take possession of it therefore watch out for yourself since you did not see a shape of any kind on the day out and I spoke to you in Horeb from the fire do not become corrupt and make yourselves a carved image having the shape of any figure not a representation of a human being male or female or a representation of any animal on earth or a representation of any bird that flies in the air a representation of anything that creeps on the ground or any fish in the water below for the same reason don't look up at the sky as the Sun and the moon and the stars or anything in the sky and being a drawn away to worship them we are to worship the Creator who is spirit and in truth and love he has no shame he create and manifest matter but we're not to worship the created we're to worship the Creator how deny your God has allotted these to all the people under the entire sky no you and he's speaking to Israel and he's speaking to us today Adonai has taken you specifically and brought you out of the smelting furnace we are called out believers in Hashem and this is what our forefathers were they were called out believers called out of Egypt and Egypt today represents the world and revelation puts it a slightly different way if Egypt represents the world the world has a whole system all system of religion all system of economics the vault system of governance and that's referred to as Babylon that's the confusion that it causes people to be drawn away from Hashem sways this whole fault system is getting you to spin on the rat race and what is it doing but taking your focus off of that weightier matters of who you really are you are a spiritual being do you realize that you're not physical being having an occasional spiritual experience you are the spirit of yah in this vessel having a physical experience so a big part of who we are and understanding the relationship that we have with Hashem comes to understanding our identity today so why is it so important to understand our identity because if you don't know who you really are and you cannot fulfill your purpose as a spiritual being like we talked about God is love and we're created in His image then we are beings of selfless love right and if we don't know who why we were created which is to have intimacy with the divine then we miss out on a great blessing up here I wrote in Hebrew a favorite little mantra of mind this is just something Shem gave me you can see the holy name here who can read Hebrew you know what this word is here all of them of Beit is the word for father all right where we get the word Alba from when you put the window the hay which represents a window in the heart of the word for father you get the word love because what is love but revealing the heart of the father so when you say this without any vowel points an original Hebrew didn't have any Val points you just say the Yoda's yes the hay is huh the Volvo and you have yah ha ha ah ha ha Jehovah is a hava when John says God is love he was actually creating a Hebrew idiom Yamaha hava Ani Ahava if I recognize that God's Spirit resides in me and that's who I really am and if God is self as well I am selfless love that's our identity once we embrace that we can move on to our purpose and our destiny we are to be the love to be the light so that the nations can see it we need to start defining ourselves radically as one beloved by God is that how you see yourself do you realize how much you are loved do you realize how precious and priceless you are to the bridegroom this is the true self every other identity is an illusion this body this name my job all of these things are false identities the true identity is we are spiritual beings of selfless love having a physical experience because we are housed in this physical vessel once we know our purpose it really helps us hone in on our priorities the choices we make are going to change drastically once we know our purpose and so it makes life much more simple the purpose our purpose is what we are to be doing right now and why is it important if we don't know our true purpose on the earth then we're liable to be sidetracked disillusioned disappointed feeling hopeless frustrated angry and even suicidal people without hope because they don't know their identity and thus they don't know their purpose they don't know how much they're loved and how their beings of love purpose has to do with the meaning of life it's about returning to who you are which is selfless love and the purpose ties into our identity why am I here why was I born we were created as beings of light for intimate relationship with the divine source to be selfless givers after his likeness [Music] this then leads to our destiny once you understand your identity and your purpose your destiny is your future and it relates to the hope that we have and it breeds confidence and builds assurance fulfilling our destiny is based on recognizing our purpose and our true identity which provides long term stability and significance which transcends the immediate fluctuations in life therefore if somebody attacks the physical body or the character sauce made me if I've truly died to the flesh and I'm living in the spiritual true identity it doesn't bother me I'm not reactionary this is what you sure was talking about when he said turn the other cheek or bless those who curse you and pray for those who despitefully use you in Luke 6 because the physical body has been crucified with Messiah are you hearing a beep let me know if the battery gets low on any of these you want to check it look good well bars might just be changing the okay we're hearing a little fun our destiny ties in with where I am going as a beam of light in love when will I be one with the divine source again and this is what this tour portion is going to be going into into that oneness of chapter six with the Shema he says do not follow after the created follow keep your eyes on the Creator God is taking you at the end of verse 22 be a people of inheritance for himself this is Bridal language he's chosen you as you are today but out and I was upset with me on account of you and he swore that I would not cross the Jordan and go into the good land which Adonai your God is giving you to inherit rather I must die in this land and not cross the Jordan but you you're to cross it and take possession of that good land watch out for yourselves so that you won't forget the ketubah the Covenant the marriage contract of yo-dee-hey Vevey your God which he made with you and you end up making yourself a carved image or any image or a representation of anything forbidden to you by Adonai your God see there's a spiritual love affair going on and our God is a jealous God in the sense that He loves us so much he really wants us to know who he really is and when we wander after the physical and we try to basically replace him we're committing spiritual adultery and so this is why he says do not follow after anything that you can see watch out be careful and then he sums it up in verse 24 just like in the second commandment for Adonai your God is not only a consuming fire so light can't coexist with darkness but he's also a jealous Elohim he's in love with you and he doesn't want you to remove yourself from his covering you know a woman goes from her father's covering to her husband's breehn and if she removes herself from the husband's covering she loses out on that blessing the protection the prosperity the hell all of these things so part of God's jealousy is knowing what's best for us and wanting to be able to protect us but he won't usurp our will our freedom of choices I was thinking that yesterday I was meditating on this as Ellis is a better fit for what they're trying to convey by this word jealous that's right there's a good way which is zealous and there's a negative way and which is controlling and possessive and very good point Mark verse 25 when you have had children and grandchildren and you've lived a long time in Eretz Israel and you become corrupt and you make a carved image or a representation of something and thus done what is evil in the sight of Adonai your God and provoked him I call on heaven or in the sky and on earth to witness against you so God has two witnesses and they even witness to his appointed times cismo a deem which our date times with his beloved bride and what are the witnesses in heaven the Sun Moon and stars they tell us right and just as 114 that they were made for signs and for seasons this is owed this is to signal you and for Modine for pointed times and what's the witness on this earth anybody know heaven and earth are witnesses the barley harvest that's what starts our New Year and our our holy days very good he says I will call on the sky and on the earth to witness against you today that you will quickly disappear from the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess because it's like coming into a house Israel is God's home Jerusalem specifically but how can a bride be committing adultery and remain in the husband power this is why the land naturally spews out those who are not remaining in covenant with him so this tour that we're learning today is preparatory to returning to the land and then Messiah Yeshua is going to be continuing to write the Torah upon our heart for a thousand years in fulfillment of Jeremiah 31 that new covenant which many people claim to be under the new covenant they say I'm not under the Torah I'm under the new covenant but what is the new covenant saying Jeremiah 31 this is my covenant with the house of Israel in the house of Judah that I will write my Torah upon your heart we will have it written upon our hearts over the thousand year so that we will limit out naturally and it will refine us and prepare us for the New Jerusalem to descend at the end of a thousand years after sin and death are destroyed amen praise God exciting hallelujah so he says in verse 27 if you go astray out and I will scatter you among the peoples and among the nations to which out and I will lead you away you will be left few in number and that you a number is also known as a remnant in these last days there's very few who are holding fast to his covenant and that's why he calls them i remnant a remnant is leftover of fabric from the bolt of fabric and we are like a little remnant and John saw down through vision in Revelation 12:17 in revelation 14:12 he says here is the perseverance of that remnant which he called Hagios and hogg and the Greek means feast even then Hebrew hog is feast so here's the feast keepers this little remnant down through the ages those things hold fast to the commandments of God and have their testimony in Yeshua can't be just one or the other many people claim this the testimony of Yeshua right but we don't anything to do with the commandment and there's another group that hold fast to the commandments but they don't recognize you sure yet but here's this little remnant john saw in vision who would hold fast to both and that's the beauty of what God is doing here with these called out believers who are waking up to Torah and to a zealous miss if you will for God's ways and like Jeremiah says return to the ancient path our forefathers have inherited lies it's time to skip the whole Protestant Reformation the dark ages go back to the ancient paths and to fully embrace ourselves with this tour being written on our heart that will truly fulfill the New Covenant he says in other countries you will serve gods which are the product of human hands made of wood and stone which can't see here eat or smell however from there you will seek Adonai your God and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and being this comes right down to our day today in your distress when all these things have come upon you in the iqari hi Amin in the last days or the in time you will return to Adonai and this is being fulfilled here today and you will return to your God and you will listen once again this key bookend to what he says for Adonai your God is a merciful God now he's reminding you of his character he will not fail you he will not destroy you or forget the Covenant that he made with your ancestors which he swore to them this is the good news this is exciting verse 32 says indeed enquire about the past before you were born since the day God created human beings on the earth from one end of heaven to another has there been anything as wonderful as this getting Moses is getting a little excited has anyone heard anything like it it's like us when we share the true good news in its context did any other people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of a fire as you have heard and stayed alive or has God ever tried to go and take for himself a nation from the very bowels of another nation by means of ordeal signs wonders Wars mighty hand and outstretched arm this outstretched arm is a hidden glimpse of mushy off whenever it talks about that outstretched Yad this is yahushua the implement of god's salvation and by great fall there's that word again like all that I don't know your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes this was shown to you so that you would know that Adonai is God he wants us to know him even as we are known and there is none beside him from heaven he caused you to hear his voice in order to instruct you this is the whole purpose of him giving the Torah to instruct us and on earth he caused you to see his great fire and you heard his very worst I mean out from the fire reminds me of that song getting to know you God says he's come down great fire so that you would know him this is intimate relationship language like Adam knew Eve he wants us to know him he knows every hair on our head every thought of our mind and he says I want you to know me even as you are known this is deep intimate and in the Brit hadashah we say who can know the mind of God you know it seems impossible right who can know the mind of God but the Spirit of God when you beloved Paul says have been given that Spirit which is to say that you can know the mind of God and his thoughts for you and his great love for you which is part of the good news he says in verse 37 because he loves you and he and he loves your ancestors our forefathers and he chose their descendants after them that's us and he brought you out of Egypt with his presence and great power in order to drive out ahead of you nations greater and stronger than you so that he could bring you in and give you their land as an inheritance as is the case today know today and establish this in your hearts that yo devolve hey is Elohim in heaven above and on earth below there is no other you know when we do the Pesach and we tell the story of the great Exodus that God let our forefathers from Egypt we tell it in the first person we're supposed to relate to it as if it was our generation therefore this is the whole summation you are to keep his laws and his mitzvahs which I am giving you today so that it will go well with you and with your children afterwards so keep the Torah you see that in verse 40 that other book hand we're going to see this in chapter 5 as well and what's the purpose of it the purpose of keeping his Torah and his mitzvot so that it will go well with you and you will prolong your days so the Blessed resolve is - God desires to prolong our days let's see if we can follow the same model and we'd have to talk about emotions what emotion when you are are in awe and you're falling in love that's that actually you know what I did we could call this our emotion the all and infatuation is actually the emotion the process is the first encounter this is what emotion was reminding them of so let's write first encounter up here because you always have to meet somebody first right this way we have a model to see if it follows the pattern when we get into chapter 5 we always move from meeting somebody to becoming good friends with them communicating spending lots of time with him and then what happens a child goes to their father and says dad this friend of mine she's something special I'd like you to talk to her dad I'd like you to establish a covenant with her father if you will we call this courtship we skip the whole dating process in Jewish thinking we go straight from being friends with everybody to finding that one that you want to be one with and so it goes from first encounters to actually a covenant betrothal let's see if it moves that way in Chapter five down in chapter five verse one this has been mostly called to all Israel and he said to them what did he think listen to what to the Torah the same bookend it's so beautiful okay so now we see the same process but now instead of reminding them of their first encounter he's going to remind them of Mount Sinai where the Covenant was established where this patrol home began so he's moving from first encounters in chapters four to betrothal covenants in chapter 5 he says listen Israel to the Torah and the mission 15 which I am announcing in your hearing today so that you will learn and take care to obey all of these things are to learn and obey we're not just to listen to go and then leave and do our own thing it's to learn and to live them out Adonai our God made a ketubah covenant with you at Horeb non-finite I don't I did not make this covenant with our fathers but with us with us who are all here alive today Adam I spoke with you face-to-face anny melpomene in the Hebrew this has a connotation of plurality so when you're happy you have a happy face when you're sad you have a sad face God knows every emotion you've ever had he knows your ups and your downs in essence he's saying not only do I know all of your faces Haim but I'm speaking to you my name also I want you to know all of my characteristics if you will all of my attributes all of my emotions so that by beholding we can become changed into his likeness because this is the way we're created so why don't I spoke with us on email Ponemah from the fire face-to-face on the mountain at that time very intimate again they nose to nose in essence and you know the pay in Hebrew it looks like a face I'll make it big so that you can see it better can you see the bridge of the nose here so it looks like a mouth a lot of times you have a little dot in there looks like a little eye this is the letter for punny and it's literally a face in Hebrew so it's like God is come down on Horeb and he's saying I choose you among all the people in the nations and I want to tell you who I am and I want to tell you my intentions for you I want to make a patrol covenant with you he's face to face this is the pay in Hebrew what's up the pay is the one facing this way I'm just showing you what honey melpomene like face to face is like he's notes nose with us and it's literally looks like the Hebrew letter he says at that time I stood between Adonai and you in order to tell you what ad and I was saying because on the account to the fire you were afraid now we know from first John perfect love casts out all fear right so the fact that they were afraid means what they were not yet perfected in his love they didn't fully understand his great love or know his great character so there was still this element of fear and they said to him remember how they told Moses I haven't speak to you it's good enough we'll trust what you say to us and he reminds him what was said in the pinned aeverine this patrol of Covenant and here he reiterated the ten commandments from verse 6 onward first commandment I am did you know that in the first commandment oftentimes it's miss translated in the English and you think it has to do with you shall have no other gods before me right I am having no other gods before me is part of the second commandment which is you shall not make any graven image or any likeness of anything in the heavens above or the earth beneath or in the waters beneath the earth so having no other gods what you often think of the first commandment is actually part of the second commandment it leads right in the first commandment in Hebrew from a Hebraic perspective is I am I want you to know who I am get to know me this is who I am I am yo hey Bob hey your Elohim very personal I'm yours he's telling you I'm your man except he's not a man who brought you out of the land of Egypt where you live this place now motion clarifies for seven you are to have no other gods before me this is number two so what are you saying this is relationship language I don't have any other beloved I am yours don't have any other see how this 10 commandments is actually relationship language yes any right because God is spirit and we're not supposed to think of them as a man or have any shape but what I'm saying I just use that term because it's like in our humaneness we say I'm your man and you're my girl you know so we're using that euphemism but he's basically saying I am yo hey Bob hey and what is the yo hey Bob hey the one who's willing to lay down his life for them I don't have it on the board any longer but when you look at the yo hey Bob hey you actually see his great love in the fact that this is a hand and this is a window means to behold and here's a nail and then yo hey Bob hey another window so you see behold the hand behold the nail even in his name is hidden that he's willing to lay down his life for mankind so he's revealing himself I am the husband I am your God I'm your Creator and I'm the one who's willing to give his life for my bride and then he says because of this because of my great love for you and what I'm willing to do for you please don't go wandering after than anybody else and so because I'm selfish just the opposite I'm so unselfish but you're not going to find anybody like me you're going to be constantly disappointed if you follow after so I see it changes our paradigm instead of it being a God saying do this don't do that and it's rules and restrictions you're seeing this instrument loving bridegroom if you will who is wanting to take care of his bride and then once again he reminds her that I am a jealous God verse 9 don't have any other gods don't make for yourself any carved images I am jealous for you I want you for myself because I know it's best for you it's not the possessive type of jealousness it's an adult I'm I want to be yours and all yours and then he talks about the cause and effect of the sins of the fathers to the children unto the third and fourth generation when we go astray there is a change in our DNA and they're strong holes that are opened up in our lives and it carries on to our children and to our children's children and there's this process of breaking the strongholds that we need to do because our forefathers have sinned and it's created strongholds in our lives yes Kenny that's right and it goes through the genetic this is natural cause-and-effect so it's not that he's punishing 3rd and 4th generation he's trying to express the natural cause and effect of going astray it says by displaying grace him and in viacom in that word that our torah portion is called and i pleaded even here 10 in that it's literally like because of God's grace I'm asking him to have grace on me and let me enter the land this is that same word here because of his great can or grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my miss boat then gimel or number three you are not to misuse the name when a bride leaves her father's home and she becomes one with her husband what does she do she takes her husband's name in that beautiful as a child we're all children of God we take our father's name so we all have the father's name and we placed it upon our children and blessing them but there's something special about being your betrothed beloved and taking his name his surname as your own name and so he's saying don't misuse this name if you're going to take this name on yourself the bride knows and respects the name that she's to take and it says that odd and I will not leave unpunished someone who misuses his name this is another way to say there's cause and effect of being in covenant with him but then breaking that covenant and now Moses in the fourth commandment here in verse 12 he changes one of the words that was given in Exodus 20 verse 8 remember when it says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God that word remember is the now since God gave this ketubah on at Sinai God gave additional instruction to Moses orally and this is where we get the origins of the oral law what God said is I know because I know the in from the beginning that you're going to end up forgetting my Shabbat so I'm going to first instruct you not to forget it remember it but in order to help you not forget it here's the additional instruction and this is the word that he changes he says you shall garden build a fence around it protect it don't do any work on it really treat it like you know a husband guards the wife or a husband attends a garden there's two types of Shem or so remember is the in Hebrew guard and ten take care of is Shem more in the Hebrew and this is the word that Moshe uses in math Deuteronomy five here did you have something Kenny ket you bah a tuba you're welcome so he says show more Ejim ha shabbat scarred the shabbat day now he's not saying just remember it but this is the weekly date that we spoke of this time to keep with our divine beloved and we're supposed to guard it to set it apart as Holy is that a naiyeer God created or ordered you to do you have six days to labor and do all of your work but the seventh day is a Shabbat for yo hey Val hey your God on it you are not to do any kind of work not you your son or your daughter your male or female servants your office or your donkey or any other livestock so this is why as business owners what most of us Jewish men are our own business owners because we're not going to have somebody telling us you know you you kind of place yourself under somebody else's authority when you're working for them and we're we don't want to not only work but we're not even going to have our workers work and there's been times in the past when I had a building company that there was big contracts where people offered extra bonuses by the tens of thousands just to have my guys you don't have to be there Isaac just make sure that your guys are there and I could not do it I had to turn away I will not break this covenant day because this is my day with the beloved and part of observing it is not even having your workers work your servants work so what happens when we go to a restaurant and people justify this all the time well I'm not working I'm just going to go eat what you're making somebody else work right so then that waiter or waitress becomes a type of servant and in essence you're breaking the Shabbat you're causing them to break the Shabbat even if they don't want to observe the Shabbat we're not to have servants that are working for us and so this is why the sixth day becomes a day of preparation we do all of our housecleaning we wash our bodies we prepare our food and this is why soups are a lot of times the easiest things because we're not even supposed to be cooking on Shabbat and so this is something that I share just as you're transitioning more into an observant life there's a great blessing in totally resting in him kind of like just falling back you know those trusts things that people do where they say catch me I trust you we're totally able to just fall on in our Beloved's arms on Shabbat and rest in him not even thinking our own thoughts about the week behind us or what we're is coming ahead the things that we have to do next week totally clearing our divine consciousness if you will truly living in the spirit during this 24-hour period it's very exciting he says therefore I don't know your God has ordered you to keep the day of Shabbat the fifth commandment honor your father and mother as I alluded to this goes much deeper than just your parents the Essenes thought as something cosmic man is like a tree and his spirit comes from heaven above from heavenly father but how did God create Adam from the dust of the ground right this is where they got the term earthly mother our bodies are made up of earthly mother we have to honor the earth and take care of her because she takes care of us and we have to honor heavenly father so this goes much deeper when you plummet the depths with a Hebraic mindset and then of course do not kill do not commit adultery do not steal and we do a whole nother teaching going into each one of these Commandments when we're going through the Torah portion in Exodus talking about his selfless love and character and how each of these is elements of his selfless nature that he's revealing in a very basic way do not steal why should we not take something that is you know if you think about it like we learned about the vows nothing is ours right we can't swear by heaven above or by earth beneath or even by our own name pledging ourselves or our bodies in promise to another because we are bought with a price and so nothing is our own so we have to think of this even when with the resources that we use from the earth you know how are we stealing how are we taking something that is not ours everything is his do not give false witness against your neighbor and this also comes down to the area of Lashon Hara when we are bearing false witness or when we're spreading negativity about another who's the accuser of the Brethren hafsat on and by the witness of to the death decree is enacted according to Torah so when you speak negative of somebody you're acting as a second witness and accusation against that person and you're aligning in the next great cosmic court case with Satan and bringing about the death decree or that individual Satan is a murderer from the beginning issue a said he came to steal kill and destroy but he cannot enact that death decree unless he gets a second witness we have to be so careful not to make any negativity against another brother or sister this is another type of not only varying false witness but it's called character assassination it leads to murder killing so all of these principles are much deeper than just the surface and then of course coveting in Buddhism you know they say the very first thing to understand is to let go of desire why because all desire leads to suffering right and even though we're not Buddhists you can see the principle is the same when you covet what are you doing but desiring something that you don't already have and when you don't get it then you're in mental anguish you're upset you're distraught all of these things would be better if we could totally simplify our lives and be satisfied with what Hashem has given us and he says he who is faithful in a few things I will make ruler of many and so is the process of learning how to be faithful with those things that he's entrusted us to we own nothing we're just stewards of our money of our time of our thoughts is deep and God was God that ouncers the three exactly because he says in as much as you've done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me so really all ten are about our relationship with him but if he didn't clarify the two differently we wouldn't understand that how we treat one another is actually like into our worship to Hashem amen and that's why he says for those that go through the ritual of observance but they don't have mercy or kindness or gentleness he says I hate your feast days you know you sacrifice the blood of bulls and of goats but you have no mercy I desire a meek spirit a contrite heart taking care of the widow and the orphan this is how we really worship so on a lot of our feast day of past days I should say how do we truly fast if not just the absence of food which we do and deep meditation we're to go out and serve the poor take care of the widows and the orphans so on Yom Kippur is it's coming up in the fall I encourage you to keep that in mind and to do good because this is really how our service of worship is found holy and acceptable in his sight when we take care of one another so looking at these Ten Commandments he's also known as the Tin Devarim we see then in verse 24 he says here Adonai our God has shown us his glory you know his glory is a display of his character and his greatness we've heard his voice coming through the fire and we've seen today that God does speak with human beings and they stay alive and then down in verse 27 it says you go near here everything out of my your God says then you will tell us everything remember this is not just rules and restrictions these are not just Commandments this is the ketubah this is the covenant written out and so this is why it's so important for us to draw near and to understand everything he's telling us how the night your God says to you we will listen and do it you see that in the verse into verse 27 this is the essence of Shema to hear and do add and I heard what you were saying and motion exact name is a kind of matchmaker if you will he's in between the divine and his beloved and he's telling them everything that Hashem is saying he says that and I heard what you were saying when you spoke to me and Ivan I said to me I have heard what this people has said when speaking to you and everything they have said is good oh how I wish their hearts would stay like this always and that they would fear me and obey all of my mitzvot kind of like after being married for so many years how many of you have been in a marriage where you think I wish my wife or my husband treated me the way he did in the beginning this is what God is saying oh how I wish their hearts would stay like this always that they would always have this ah see that word fear and your English Bibles this is that holy awe where you're infatuated and that you would desire to follow all of his instructions so that it would go well with them and their children forever go tell them to return to their tents but you stand here with me and I will tell you all of the instructions the Torah's and the mission team which you're to teach them so that they can obey them when they get into the land I'm giving them as their possession therefore you are to be careful to do is that am I your God has ordered you to do you are not to deviate now once again remember at the end of verse 4 he says don't add to it or subtract from it here's another way of saying the same thing and I didn't put this in but this would be another type of book hand do not deviate either to the right or to the left same way of saying do not add to it or subtract from it your two infile follow the entire way so can we pick out bits and pieces he says follow the entire way which I deny your God has ordered you so that here's the purpose you will live and things will go well with you and here is the blessed result you will live long in the land which you are to possess so right here this is verse 32 we see the process goes from first encounter to a covenant betrothal and then what's the emotion that goes along with the covenant betrothal this is where I think it was Jimmy that said respect right it moves from all infatuation to the longer you're with somebody and the more you see that they're consistent they're not wavering they're not situational it builds a trust and a respect for them so the emotions that come with a little more maturity in our relationship with Hashem is respect and then in verse 27 I think it was here we'll just put the little verse beside it 5:27 he says keep Torah there for keep torah in 32 he said it will prolong whole purpose is to prolong our days so amazing parallel here but if you just read these very quickly like a quick story you would miss out on this beautiful relationship that's building from the first encounter to a covenant betrothal from ah to respect let's see what chapter six in closing is going to reveal about our relationship with the divine now this is the Mitzvah the laws and the ruling which I deny your God has ordered me to teach you to obey in the land you are crossing over to possess so that you will fear I don't know your God you will have this holy awe continuing and you will observe all of his regulations and mitzvot that I'm giving you you and your children and your grandchildren as long as you live so that you will have long life therefore what listen verse three so you've got the same book in four one five one six three therefore listen Israel and take care to obey so now he adds also I think it was in this other one listen here and do listen to the Torah and obey was in the last verse as well that's what Shema means so right after this he goes into the Shema so that it will go well with you so that you will increase greatly is that am i the god of your ancestors promised you by giving you a land flowing with milk and honey and then verse four is the greatest commandment do you know when you sure was asked what is the greatest commandment that he was quoting the Shema and the only gospel that records this is in mark he actually starts off shema yisrael adonai elohenu adonai echad all the other gospels start off you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart that's called the hasta that comes next and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul may a hot pot if other my little hecka behold the Valka with all your heart moving whole and all nephesh cough all the spirits that he's given you move it coal and all male Decca we don't even have a word like male daha in the English it means like with everything you got so we say with all your strength but it pales in comparison to the Hebrew it's like with everything that you've got with every iota of your being your DNA your thinking your breath your strength yes Kenny yeah sure with everything she got but it's mind body and spirit yes it's hearing like when we say here o Israel the Lord your God the Lord is one but it falls short in the English because it's here and do in one word Shema so let's all be good shamar's city go let's jam off the word and this is what he's saying right after he says listen he brings it home because it's not only listen but it also obey it's something to do just like love is a verb it's an action word it reveals itself in doing not just talking and then he says you are to love the Lord your God they are hot and I literally what he's saying here is Ahava Jehovah he's teaching us to Ahava the yo-dee-hey vows hey our Elohim with all our heart and with everything that we've got and these words which I'm ordering you here today shall be written upon your heart there the very first things of the New Covenant that are written upon our heart there's a very first things we say in the morning there the very last words that we say at night this is and when somebody is ready to die it's oftentimes like rabbi akiva he was being burned at the stake and this was the last words on his breath and he ended with shema yisrael adonai elohenu adonai at hod with that word HOD oneness and he gave up his breath and and died Deuteronomy 6 verse 4 is the Shema and it goes through verse 9 it doesn't stop there these words which I'm ordering you today she'll be upon your heart and your to teach them diligently to your children and so when I speak of you know we say this with the children in the morning and in the evening and I speak of them very personally like and you shall teach your children these things and we're going to talk about them when we sit at home and when we walk in the way so how do we walk in the way today we get in the car we drive someplace right when we get in the car what are the kids think daddy let's sing a Shema it's wonderful yes Dave did you have something okay and then it says when you lie down and when you are rise why when you lie down first of the evening is the beginning of the day and when you rise exactly tie them as a sign upon your hand and put them as a reminder between your eyes write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your days because everything the hand does and everything that mind thinketh this is very symbolic and this is the origin of how Jews literally want to fulfill every commandment that they can fulfill and so they've Highfill Actuaries on their hand and on their head and there's a hole deep teaching even in that then motion goes on verse 10 when I don't know your God has brought you into the land he swore to your ancestors Oliver omniauth back in Yaakov that he would give you cities great and prosperous which you didn't build houses full of all sort of good things which you didn't fill water cisterns dug out already which you didn't dig and vineyards and olive trees which you didn't plant and you have eaten your fill then be careful this is when we forget Adonai when we have everything we think we need and when life gets comfortable then we have a tendency to go astray he says after he's blessed you with all of these things don't forget him and this is why we have a blessing not only before we eat but we have something called the beer calm ozone which is a grace after the meal according to Deuteronomy 8 and in another two verses we're going to see it says when you have eaten and our fool give thanks to the Lord for the good land which he has given you in this way it always keeps our mind stayed on him that even after we're full we give him the glory for for the providence that he's given us he says you are to have this holy awe for yo Dave Ave your God serve Him and swear by his name now this is a commandment it's a little known fact we are to swear by his name what does it mean to swear by his name right no it's not a matter of taking a vow or an oath swearing by his name is kind of like when you swim Israel says all that he has said we will do it's like saying your I do is you take your husband's name and your you're making a pledge that you're going to abide by the rules of the household in essence that's the essence of swearing by his name not that you're verbally you know swearing or taking a pledge or an oath against God but it's beautiful that there's a few key places where it each is us to use the name one of them is in numbers chapter 15 verses 37 through 41 we're like this morning we bless the children by placing the father's name upon them this is the other place to swear by his name because it's bridle language since mint language a wife isn't afraid to take your husband's name she loves his name you are not to follow other gods chosen from the gods and the people around you because I don't know your God who is here with you is a jealous God this is the third time we've seen this if you do the anger of how to know your God will flare up against you and he will destroy you from the face of the earth now a lot of times the Bible writes in the first person where as if God's taking responsibility for the cause and effect that's going to happen but it's not that God has to are burley arbitrarily destroy anybody because what is the wages of sin yeah it's not the wages of an angry god that's death it's the gift of God that brings eternal life through Yeshua our Messiah so in sin is this natural cause and effect that destroys the life self-seeking is always self-destructive but the Bible is written by men who at that time only had a certain limited understanding of God and they had no knowledge of what Satan was doing behind the scene so they attributed everything to God good and evil light and darkness in their in their ignorance so just the lettuce today we have a special revelation through Yeshua and I like to bring out the character of God more fully so that you don't attribute too any darkness or any wrath or any wrongdoing then he says do not put out an eye your God to the test now Messiah voted this in overcoming that temptation remember this is where he pulled it from do you know that Yeshua memorized every this whole book and quoted more from it than any other book in Scripture he says don't test God as you tested him at masa which means testing observe diligently the Mitzvah of a deny your God and his instructions and laws which he has given you you are to do what is right and good in the sight of Adonai so that things will go well with you and that you will in turn possess the good land which out and I swore to your ancestors expelling all your enemies ahead of you as that and I said someday your child will ask you what is the meaning of the instructions the Torah and the Mishima team which I deny our God has laid down for you then you will tell your child we were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt this is what we incorporate into the Haggadah on Pesach and that and I brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand and I worked great and terrible miracles and wonders against Egypt Pharaoh and all his household before our very eyes he brought us out from there in order to bring us to the land he swore to our ancestors that he would give us Adonai ordered us to observe all of this Torah ketubah and to have awe for him always for our own good so that he might keep us alive this is key circle that why does he have us observe his ways it's not to show his power or to be arbitrary or to make arbitrary laws it's for our own good so that he can keep us alive as we are today it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe and obey all of these Commandments so when people want to learn and they only use the New Testament but they claim that we need to be righteous yes we believe in needing to be righteous what is the definition of true righteousness obeying the mitzvot the commandments before out and I our God just as he ordered us to do Adonai your God is going to bring you into the land you will enter in order to take possession of it and he will expel many nations of ahead of you the Hittite the girgashite MRI the can and I the purser I the Hume I and the EMU shy seven nations bigger and stronger than you when he does you can push when he does this and you see I denied your God pans over ahead of you and you shall defeat them you are to destroy them completely do not make any covenant with them see this whole passage has been talking about making covenant with God don't make any covenant with others because you end up compromising your allegiance to God and your ability to keep his Commandments when you make a covenant with others defeat them you are to destroy them completely and of course we go into why you know how can we reconcile this when God says do not kill and we know that the Canaanites had this hybrid seed in them and this was the same problem that was from before the flood so we've covered that in other passages and other messages he says don't intermarry with them also in verse 3 don't give your daughters to their sons and don't take their daughters for your sons or they will turn your children away from following me in order to serve other gods if this happens the anger of out and I will flare up against you and he will quickly destroy you know treat them this way you need to break down their altars smash their standing stones to pieces cut down their sacred poles all these are implements of pagans false worship and if Israel had done this all of this commandment in 1967 when they took over the Temple Mount they would not be experiencing the persecution that they're experiencing today on the Temple Mount but instead they've given it over and allowed them to remain standing I don't know I didn't set his heart on you or choose you because you numbered more than any other people on the contrary you were the fewest of all people rather it was because and here's the big climax Hashem loves you why did he choose you he loves you and you exemplified the meekness of his character in being the fewest of number instead of being the mightiest of Nations you're the humblest of all people and so he says oh that kind of reflects my character so I will choose them and then they can teach the other nations my ways of humility and self was low because he wanted to keep the oath which he had sworn to your ancestors who were our ancestors Abraham the affection Yakko dad and I brought you out with a strong hand and redeemed you fulfilling his word to our forefathers from a life of slavery literally like he paid the price to buy us a little slave girl and in so doing he set her free he paid the price to redeem her and fell in love with her from this you can know that Adonai your God is indeed Elohim the faithful God who keeps his covenant and extends grace here's our hand again which is envious common to those who love him and observes his Commandments to a thousand generations the generations forty years this is hung about 40 thousand years we're not even to the year 6000 yet so how faithful is God it's just faithfulness endures forever but he wants you to know that there's cause and effect for those that hate him and that severs themselves from him because he's the source of life if somebody severs themselves in rebellion what are they doing but severing themselves from the source of life so inherent in it and that is death yes Kimmy yes that's right and through the blood of mashiac we can win some of that cause and effect even from certain forefathers in our family tree that are less than desirable and certain toast that they've taken as they've indulged in certain pagan practices whether knowingly or unknowingly and then the final verses therefore you are to keep the commandments and the Torah and the mission-team the rulings which I am giving you today and obey them and so looking at this final verse here how does our relationship evolve from our first encounter to then choosing that one to be in covenant with and then ultimately this chapter reveals intimacy intimacy God wants us to see him as he really is and with another word in the Shema Akkad why does he put the focus on that he's a HOD it's like an ocean that is made up of mini droplets God is the one great spirit of life and he's in Bude his spirit to you and to you and to you and to you then in essence aren't we one in him we're all part of the same whole so intimacy leads to oneness and this is why the Scriptures say the two shall become one oneness when parentheses HOD this is our goal via one with him but ultimately it's going to be after a thousand years of having Torah written on our heart having the ketubah the covenant betrothal reminded to us and written in such a way that will no longer need to resort to scrolls and books we will know it so naturally we will live it out naturally yes yeah we're special police there's only one God and we are one in him and he is all in us so if all of us are like droplets in that ocean and he can be everything to us and all the source of our our life our character our every aspect is from him in the chapter 7 the emotion that we see I think it was verse 11 was this great involve remember what he said because he loved us he didn't choose us because we were the great or because we're the most numerous in Chapter 7 verse 8 also says it was because I'd and I loved you and so our love also increases it moves from on infatuation to respect and true love real love this is what the world often puts up here they think they're in love but it's imitation love they feel safety they feel pleasure they feel power they feel security there's all kinds of different things that people fall in love with other people and when those things go by the wayside they think they've fallen out of love it was never real love in the first place real love is the end result which is based on respect and awe and then we see down here to keep Torah this was Versa Tate seven verse 11 once again the book end to keep Torah laws and mishima teams and all his rulings and we fall at the end of chapter 6 let's see News verse 24 where he says keep you alive right let's go to chapter 6 verse 24 Adam I ordered us to observe all these Torre's and to have offer him always for our own good so that he might keep us alive and this goes into eternal life I'm going to put eternally down here because that's his goal to be one with us trust be one in him eternally so that he can live with his bride forever after this is a great love story we're seeing elements of the good news and the great cosmic love affair between God and his people Israel and through the blood of Messiah the good news is that anyone can be grafted into this bride there's no separate bride in Revelation it talks about a harlot what's the definition of a harlot a woman who claims access to the husband but she doesn't want to be a part of the bride so we have to ask ourselves what is the harlot in our day what fault system of religiosity which a woman always represents in prophecy is claiming to have access to God without following His commandments I hope this inspires you to walk closer with us Jim our God and our beloved because it is a beautiful love affair and when you love you in experience the greatest motivation that there is you know the reward of heaven and the fear of Hell that have been preached for hundreds of years has never been true motivators and they've never really motivated the heart to change but when you realize the greatness of our God and you have that holy awe and respect and love for him that's what Woo's us into right relationship with him love is the only true motivator so with that let's stand and we will close for lunch and praise God for His goodness revealing all of these things to us so that by beholding we can become changed back into his likeness Abba Father we just thank you Lord for revealing your great love to us not because of who we are but because of who you are you are such an awesome daddy and a beloved bridegroom and we just seek to submit to your ways in love knowing that you know what is best for us we asked you like David to cleanse our heart Oh God and renew a right spirit within us we want you to find us as a bride without spot or blemish and we want to write your tour upon our heart so that we can live in this holy oneness with you throughout eternity we thank you Father for sending your spirit to reveal the depth of your word so much more than just stories of history it is a great love affair that you have had with our people from the beginning and the restoration that you have fought to bring about for mankind through Messiah are you through Yeshua our Messiah we thank you Father for the family that you have brought here together to study your word these called out believers who hunger and thirst after righteousness for your namesake I asked a special blessing upon each family represented here and those that could not be with us today especially Mary Ellen who has not been feeling well give her the rest and the peace and the healing that she needs today on your holy day was the food that we're about to receive and the rest of our fellowship and your Holy Name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 15,547
Rating: 4.9576721 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Va'etchanan, Va'etchanan, Ten Commandments, Shema, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study
Id: 9_X_sRMObb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 46sec (5446 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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