#41 - Torah Parashah Pinchas

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this week's Torah portion is called pimpest everybody say pink hot pink I was the son of a louder who was a louder son of Aaron the Cohen and that's actually the opening line to this week's Torah portion it introduces Pincus as a righteous priest who's in line to receive the high priesthood aaron has now passed away in last week's torah portion and laws there has taken over the high priestly role and pinkest is his son you can find it in your Bibles and numbers 25 verse 10 through numbers 29 40 in your English Bibles in the Hebrew Bible it's 30 verse 1 and in the parshat that we are the parties that we bring out different aspects some of what we're going to be looking at today is we've got 4 chapters in the first chapter we talked about pincus's righteous indignation to preserve Israel in y'all's ways and to prevent them from airing and bringing the plague upon themselves in the following chapters we read about another census being taken do you remember at the beginning of the Book of Numbers when they first entered the wilderness it's in the first year Moses has Aaron take a census of all the men aged 20 and over who are worthy to serve in the military and to service for various purposes now it's at the end of 40 years they're about to enter into Israel and he takes another census so we'll compare some numbers from the first census to the next census and see what's changed of course our prosperity is always a direct result of how close we walk with y'all right all men said blessed is the man whose quiver is full so if your numbers increase you can look at that isn't in a sign of blessing if they decrease and your family then you might want to look at tweaking a few things the whole holy days are the last focus of the last two chapters and we're going to look at the hidden symbolism of how they foreshadow all mushy ox coming his first coming and his second coming we see elements of God's character throughout all three of these seemingly unrelated focuses in God being a saving God he's interested in saving us even when we're in air even when we're in the midst of our sin even we bring plagues upon ourselves he is a saving God and that is reflected in the holy days that he gave those Moua deem he gave them for Israel to look forward to the implement of yah salvation his outstretched arm which is Yeshua our Messiah we see hidden glimpses of the Messiah in a broken Bob we're going to look at different in large letters and anomalies we're going to look at how Pincus was broken and even enacting judgment for yah what this means this yo here you might not be able to see it far away but it's actually broken it's the only letter that's broken in the Torah it's not connected so it's got this line through it as if like like pincus's spear went through it we're going to see a miniature yo Dan enlarge noon Sophie but we see Messiah in that broken Bob because the vault is the sixth letter of the Olivet and six of the number of man and it looks like a man it's upright and man is meant to be upright but Yeshua was broken for our sins like Isaiah 53 says his heart was broken and we see glimpses of him in the moa deem that foreshadow both his first coming in the second coming and then the haftorah which we'll just look at briefly at the end is in 1st Kings 1846 and it brings out the story of Elijah because the righteous indignation and zealousness of Pincus is said to have that same spirit gone into Elijah and so this is why they parallel this prophet section with this Torah portion because Pincus and Eliyahu are supposed to have the same spirit of zealousness and it's prophesied that the spirit of Elijah will precede the coming of Messiah and sure enough that John the Baptist had that same zealousness when you Shu is first coming and we will see a people that will have the same zealousness for Yahweh's in the days that we're living in in the iqari huh yeah means the last days in the final days we are a zealous people who are receiving the spirit of Elijah and calling out the errors of the governments of the world mixing their selves with the paganism of the false religious systems so we see the story of the son of the high priest the recounting of the updated since this and then mo che is told also that he is going to die the way Aaron died and to anoint Yehoshua to receive his spirit to take on the work of leading the people of Israel into the land and this is a reflection in this third chapter of the difference between the shoe is first coming and his second coming he was like mo che remember the prophecy that says I will send a prophet like unto Moshe he was meek humble of heart he led Israel in the true upright way in his first coming but he wasn't king yet he wasn't anointed as king or as High Priest this comes when he comes a second time and we see glimpses of that in yahushua who is a mighty warrior but also referred to as a high priest in the book of zechariah and acts as a type of king for israel and so we seem O'Shea and yahushua forty years apart and it's interesting that we have about 40 Jubilees between issue is first coming and you choose second coming so these are just a few things off the top of my head in looking at the overview that i may not even get into in the torah portion but i wanted to share with you because they have so much beautiful symbolism so in chapter 25 at the end of last week's torah portion we see that bilham could not curse israel why as they were unified in their focus on hashem as their center so what did the enemy do he got israel to curse themselves and remove themselves from that blessing of protection by fornicating with the women of moab and we see that this caused a plague and Pinkus who had this righteous indignation comes down and since his spear through one of the men with one of these women and this is where last week's Torah portion leaves off now this week's Torah portion starts in chapter 25 verse 10 out and I said to Moshe Pincus the son of al-azhar the son of a on the colon has deflected my anger from the people of Israel by being a zealous as I am what a compliment God is saying this is a man after my own heart he desires so much for Israel's uprightness it's not the punishing aspect of what Pincus did it's the zealousness for preserving Israel in yaws ways and this is the difference now a little background was because his mother we get his father here right son of who Eleazar but who was his mother we read in Exodus chapter 6 verse 25 that Eleazar married the daughter of neutral and it gives another name of Yitro there and remember who you troll whose lineage hetro is from remember from that Torah portion so most is also married into the family of yet row like yet row who was also known as Rayleigh well was from the tribal lineage of Esau which is very interesting but it shows that when a man chooses a woman this woman had already converted to the waves of Israel so he's not marrying outside of the tribe it's not as if he's going and marrying a pagan Edomite or pagan and Midianite these people yet Roe had converted to Judaism his daughter had converted to the ways of Israel they had seen the Oracles of God given at Sinai and so it was okay for these men to choose these women as their wives because they're not choosing from a pagan religion they had already converted and this is carried down through Judaism to today and how you choose a wife if somebody is grafted into Israel they're never to be looked at as a foreigner again nobody can ask them their past history who they come from or why they look different they're part of the family and that's a beautiful glimpse of that here in this tour portion Exodus 6 verse 25 tells who think if his wife was and remember when we did the study on Metro we found 8 different names for utero and in Exodus 6 25 it gives another one of those names he says Pincus has been a zealous as I am so that I didn't even destroy them in my own deal therefore saying when God says that it's not that he arbitrarily destroys it's just that darkness cannot coexist with life so they end up destroying themselves and when you remove yourself from the protection of yah you place yourself on hospital's domain of death and so in this way God is always taking the first hand responsibility but it's not him arbitrarily destroying them his zeal is his love and his love meas out as light and light can't coexist with darkness so men rush into light while harboring darkness what are they doing but committing self destruction suicide in essence spiritual suicide like Nadav and Avihu therefore he says I am giving him my covenant of Shalom now right here in these first couple verses we see an amazing thing in the main Pinkus we see a very small you'd what I've done is I've typed it out here and you can see Pinkus veins Eleazar been a Haram hot Cohen in kiss the son of Eleazar son of Aaron the Cohen when it's written in the scrolls you see how small this little you'd is it's thus most of all Hebrew letters already but if it's that's why it can be difficult to detect when you're reading along quickly but they make this one extra small just so you that you know that when he is taking this vengeance this seal this righteous indignation he's not doing it with any element of pride he's not doing it because he's angry he's doing it because he's humble like Moshe and he just has a pure holiness a holy righteous zealousness for yah so just so that you don't misconstrue pincus's character in doing this because we know God says thou shalt not kill right when Pinkus spears the man with this woman this Midian woman we could possibly interpret that Pincus has done something of the self but Pincus is stopping the plague that is now spreading throughout Israel and when he speared that couple that was doing this publicly as well fornicating and public with all their family he made such an example that their actions were leading to death at all Israel stopped their fornication and the plague stopped immediately so in essence he saved a ton of people by this huge example yes well a lot of people like to differentiate that the only time that one should ever take a life is if you are doing it to preserve life so like if somebody comes in to kill your family you are warranted to protect your family but you don't go out to kill unless you're doing it for protection and that's why Israel is not an aggressive nation they don't go out and conquer all the nations around them their content but every time somebody comes and attacks them guess what happens in protecting themselves they end up gaining more land and God blesses them implies don't be they installment so they were telling them to stop the completely stand it was not all well they are going to lose their life they continue in sin so the principle is still there very good point Steve the smallest of all the Hebrew letters the Yoda is considered a picture of selfless humility and this is pincus's name right here kind of blurry but this is a picture taken from a Torah scroll this here is a little Yoda and Aulus which you can't see but what is letters yo-yo does the tenth letter of the yeah what number I'm sorry I should have asked and all it is one so if you have ten and one in essence you're saying eleven and this is how they started making verses in the Masoretic text which weren't in the original so this is their way of saying first eleven and if you look in your Bibles its first eleven where this is written in case the very first word of verse 11 then al-azhar the zeal and righteous indignation of Pincus is therefore understood in the light of his humility and his devotion to God even though Pincus had executed judgment on behalf of God he was given peace what do you lose when you kill someone or when there's a death you lose your peace right so God gives him this peace that would have otherwise been lost in this zealous action and that's why this Bob in this word peace where he says therefore I am giving him my covenant of Shalom how do you spell Shalom Sheen Lamas Bob mem the Vokoun in Shalom so God's giving him a Shalom but he's broken because he had to do this thing that in his humility he didn't desire to do but he's doing it for God much like Messiah who is broken for us and yet he lost his peace for a time but he did it for us yes mark I don't know what that that's just to bring attention that it is meant to be small so that somebody doesn't think it's a mistake so the scribes would say hey look here the letter below there's an anomaly there and that's how they would now the broken valve is in the next verse this isn't the word Pincus and then if you saw Shalom it would look like this enlarged he says behold I am giving hint to him my covenant of Shalom and you see the broken volve here I enlarged it everybody can see that that's right in the Torah scroll and you see how he was broken in doing this this incredible flies about today I give somebody in self-defense yes you would be broken you would feel heartbroken because you love all life-forms and you want to save that person you want to share the goodness of Messiah with him if you had to protect your family and say there was a death involved you would be broken no matter how bad the person is there's something that affects the person when you take a life and so yeah the same principle applies today that was his question would that same principle apply here today since the Hebrew letter volve is traditionally looked at as representing a man as it is upright and the sixth letter of the all effete the broken volve represents the man of peace we serve the prince of peace he's the man of peace Messiah and he was broken for our sins to save us this verse then alludes not only to pincus's Shalom but also to a man that has been broken for the sake of a covenant of peace that brings atonement to Israel clear picture of yahushua hamashiach and his ultimate atonement for us these are some of the beautiful things hidden within just a couple first couple verses he says I'm going to give him my covenant of Shalom and I'm going to make a covenant with him and his descendants after him that the office of Cohen has priest will be theirs forever and this is the lineage of the tzaddik high priesthood that was supposed to always be in the temple and under the Hellenistic reign of the Greeks they took out that Dada kite priesthood who were always upright and zealous for preserving yaws ways and they put in their own people who would compromise yaws laws and what they were teaching and that's why much of the Zedekiah offspring fled during Roman days ended up taking over from the Greek as world power and they went out to the wilderness of the Qumran area and they began to zealously preserve everything all this knowledge in the Qumran caves and that's what we came known as the Dead Sea Scrolls he says this is because he was zealous on behalf of his God and made atonement for the people of Israel it is said orally passed down through us through our sages that Pinkus was not only dullest for God but he was also zealous for moshi-moshi it's old at this point in the same proportion he's about to die God's telling them you're going to go up and you're going to die on Mount Nebo so he can't bring this righteous zealousness protects a nation he can't enactus judgment on behalf of yah so he's so zealous for Moshe Rabbeinu that he does this not only for God but for his rabbi as well to uphold all the things that motion had been establishing for 40 years are you going to see it squandered away and destroyed through the plague of destroying all these people right before they enter the land no I'm going to take it into my hands for the Lord there was no pride in that act which is amazing because when I was young I used to struggle with these kind of things until we started understanding more of the reason for these anomalies in the Hebrew is revealing that he was totally selfless in this act zealous for God and for Moshe Rabbeinu and it says in doing so he made atonement for the people of Israel the name of the man from Israel who was killed put to death with the woman from Midian was Emery the son of salu leader of one of the clans which clan which tribe Simeon that's right this is why Simeon also lost there's many other things that Simeon did that he lost the bless you remember what yes remember what number he was of the sons of Yaakov Reuben was first than what better through third son sir yeah room in Vivian's Levi Levi and Judah yeah and then Joseph is 11 actually so it's good to put this in perspective and it says the name of the woman which is interesting from Midian who was killed was Cosby the daughter of Zoar and he was the head of the people of one of the clans of Midian out and I said to Moshe now there's a difference here what's interesting is when you look back at 25 1 you see the Israel status Cheatham and there they began whoring with the women of Moab why didn't this righteous indignation happen then since Israel's whoring they're doing wrong no doubt but the hidden element is that they initiated it so they go a whoring with Moab we often think of these stories the way they're combined first it starts talking about Moab and then it starts talking about Midian and we don't make a clear distinction between the two the reason why once they started whoring with the ladies of Midian it brought the plague and not the Moabites was because the Midianites initiated they came down to play the harlot with Israel and to deceive them Moab on the other hand Israel went after on their own and so they had to bear the consequences of that on their own but this other action is why God says in the next verse treat the medians as enemies and attack them why didn't you say that about the Moabites because they are treating you as enemies by tricking you they use to deceive you in the peor incident and in the affair of their sister cozbie this is the one who was speared with the man by Pincus the daughter of the leader from Midian so most likely a woman of stature since she was from a leader of Midian yes strangely enough you throw converted and many of the people of Midian but look at how some of these Midianites are still holding on to their paganism and the fertility worship that goes along with that then he says they deceived you the daughter of the leader for Midian the woman who was killed on the day of the plague in the PR incident after the plague it is said that the very moment that Pincus put to death the man and the woman the plague stopped it's the earlier in chapter 25 there then the thought changes completely and it goes into chapter 26 and goes right into the census before Moses dies he takes another census after 40 years to see what the numbers how the numbers have changed of the men 20 years and older in the tribe of Israel out and I said to Moshe and Eleazar the son of Aaron the Cohen take a census of the entire Assembly of the people of Israel 20 years old and over by their ancestral clans all who are subject to military service in Israel Moshe and Eleazar the Cohens spoke with them on the plains of Moab by the yard Dean across from Jericho so they're right about to cross over the Jordan and they're taking this final census explaining those 20 years and over and this is the same in numbers chapter 1 verse 44 who came out of the land of Egypt as Adam I ordered Moe shay and the people of Israel the census results begins with Reuben the firstborn of Israel now I'm just going to skip down each one of these paragraphs are going to be talking about different tribes so what we're going to do is look at who the tribal leader was even though he's not alive any longer because remember all of the original people either died in Egypt or in the 40 years that preceded entering the land but we're just going to compare some numbers so if you have if you like to find where I'm comparing these numbers from it's encumbers chapter 1 and you can see the census beginning to be totaled up in verse 21 and it goes down through verse 42 so you can compare and you'll know where I'm getting these numbers in verse 7 it says the families of Reuben after they were counted were forty three thousand seven hundred and thirty verses 46 thousand five hundred when they left Egypt so there's a decrease in their number a loss of blessing in their tribal numbers the next tribe is in verse 12 Simeon and his families were counted in verse 14 as 22,200 well forty years before they were fifty nine thousand three hundred so they've lost more than half of their tribal numbers see the loss of blessing there who was the man who was fornicating with the Midianite woman from the tribe of Simeon yeah so you can all see this direct correlation he's bringing the curse yes yes they are because they come every of Mary's after Sarah well Sarah's eyes but that's not from the meatiness don't come from that lineage immediate Knights come from part of what they do there's a split there's the sons of Esau which are through the Isaac and Jacob and then the Midianites also come from so he married a woman named cateura who you're speaking of life oh hi brother second was Hagar okay that's a tour of it isn't even a ended is one because beginning not necessarily a lot of those descendants what's interesting when you study the lineages of Couture's sons God also blessed them everything that Abraham touched he blessed and so you see twelve sons coming through Yaakov right and becoming the nation of Israel you see twelve sons coming through Ishmael the son of Hagar and he became the heir of Nations there are sons I think I forget how many sons could come I think five through a Torah and they become the early founders of India and six fun thank you yeah yet role was the high priest of Midian right and he is called by a tribal name from the lineage of Esau ray well so their merit intermarrying with their brother Esau your soul is Ravenna yes that's right they were influenced by both Egypt and by Baal peor in the north so they had influence from both pagan systems but luckily the leader converted to the ways of Torah but some of their people you know still everybody has to make your individual choices and you see people still following those pagan practices so it's kind of interesting to know and to see the big picture of where all these sons of Abraham dispersed to when you look into Hinduism and Sanskrit and India its origins a lot of the names derive from those six sons of keturah and Abraham very fascinating but they were intermixing with the Moabites and ammonites and so they were influenced by those on the east side of Jordan since Esau never did it take the land or inherit the land and that's where you get a mixture of all these different religions then we come to God in verse 15 and in verse 18 we see that at the end of 40 years their numbers total forty thousand five hundred versus forty five thousand six hundred and fifty forty years before now the sons of Yehuda they their numbers were totaled up and they came to seventy six thousand five hundred purses seventy four thousand six hundred so they increase see the blessing of Yehuda means Ellis for Yas law and they've been jealous ever since or yah Slav they're the ones that we can thank for preserving the Torah the descendants of you Sekar in verse 25 you see their numbers sixty-four thousand three hundred versus fifty four thousand four hundred forty years before remember that first generation had all died off by this point so you see a blessing in use the car as well the descendants of Zebulon numbered sixty thousand five hundred in verse 27 verses fifty-seven thousand four hundred so they were blessed as well the sons of Yosef by their families were Menasha and Ephraim now it's in verse 34 just going to total up the numbers of Manasseh why why do you think it's just totally enough Manasseh because you from its given the first form blessing so he's treated like a whole separate tribe of his own if you look down in verse 34 it says these were the families of Manasseh but it introduces them earlier as sons of Joseph so for Joseph's tribe we're going to see two tribes come out of it you actually have now 13 tribes of Israel because they're treating in Menasha has one and Ephraim Manasseh gets totaled up as fifty two thousand seven hundred versus thirty two thousand two hundred forty years before so their number is almost double see the blessing of Joseph and Ephraim he went from thirty two thousand purses forty thousand five hundred before so his numbers kind of decreased there interestingly enough but Minaj's multiplied now Ephraim it was prophesied would become a multitude of Nations all these other tribes become a nation like Judah becomes a nation and if the car becomes a nation and all of these but ephraim becomes a multitude of nations because in their dispersion they have intermarried and dispersed amongst most all of the nations of Europe and Eastern Europe Western Europe and then when America was being populated America is largely ephraim and manasseh today and the numbers are multiplying under God's blessings and we see Benjamin his tally is forty-two five thousand six hundred versus thirty five thousand four hundred forty years before so he increased by ten thousand over forty years now I imagine if you go to that finite wilderness there's no foliage out there there's no trees with fruit out there so for 40 years they're eating manna and drinking water that God provides and not a shoelace of their leather sandals wore out not a piece of clothing route but you can see that if there was a ton of food their numbers might have even increased and if they weren't always on the move but they they probably did not what is it called have a lot of children purposely because they realized the toil that they're on during that 40 year sojourn whenever Israel goes through a difficult period you see the numbers just kind of staying about the same that's why you don't see them multiplying hugely over 40 years like they did in Egypt their numbers were really multiplying in Egypt done the including to the trips outside yes and the important choices should be 13 well you have 12 Ephraim so for Yosef you have Manasseh taking over for Yosef ori from being the firstborn take note 4 OSIS and then Manasseh so one of them is representing the tribe of Yosemite over a village it became a john so that seven discipler tribes of name on it yeah you took about 13 that will be funny yeah yeah some have a different purpose they're not all mentioned there and that's another study that will go into some time now we see it's a good question that's right so in Revelation her question is why is not all the tribes mentioned in Revelation dan is one of those that's not mentioned in Revelation when it but it doesn't say he's cut off so we don't want to add to the Scriptures that's the important thing each tribe is important dan is meant to judge in the right sense of the word judge now a lot of Christians have looked at that and they said Oh dance out there and she's cut off because you know they're thinking of judgment his name means judge in the wrong sense of the word like pointing the finger accusatory but the true form of judgment was like Moshe was the first judge remember in Exodus how it defined what the word judge was it was to rightly divide the word of Torah whatever issue somebody had they came to Moshe and he judged for them according to the words God had given him so this is on purpose he's supposed to be a judge now stamps in what tribe was Sampson from Dan now that starts to make sense during that period of the judges starting with Deborah so Dan is got a separate purpose there in Revelation and God will reveal that in due time but it doesn't mean he's cut off his numbers went from sixty four thousand four hundred versus sixty two thousand seven hundred four years before so he increased Asher increased his numbers for fifty three thousand four hundred we're looking at verse 47 verses forty one thousand five hundred forty years before so his numbers really increased and Asher means happy or blessed that's what the name actually means the distance of Naftali in verse 50 are totaled up as forty five thousand four hundred purses fifty three thousand four hundred forty years before so his numbers decreased thus verse 51 those who were counted of the people of Israel numbered the total of six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty all those numbers that they just recalculated men 20 years and older fit for service in the military six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty what was it forty years before anybody remember exactly so the number slightly decreased as a whole as the nation of Israel over forty years it's almost exactly the same I mean in the span of six hundred thousand people two thousand people is not that much it's almost like God just preserved their numbers but that first generation who had hardness of heart and didn't believe that he was going to take them into the land and give them the land those that had fear basically according to unbelief they did not enter in do you have the same amount of people but he what he's doing is he's sifting out those who are not willing to rise to the occasion and we can really bring that to heart today you know God's giving you certain light are you going to live up to that light that he gives you are you going to stay back in the old Egyptians thinking and then he's not going to be able to do all that he wants to do with you and his blessings and his and his health and his wellness and everything God gives a certain measure of light even our faith God gives us each man a measure of faith right we can't take credit for anything you give the space we have enough belief to search out his word he gives us a little light through that study and if we live up to that light and he gives us more if we do live up to the light that he gives us we won't be receiving any more light as much as you will try to search the Scriptures this is why people get us led astray and you wonder after being in the church for so many years why did somebody all of a sudden go off the path it's because they didn't live up to the light that God was sending them and they didn't have that true faith in work our saviors say many are cold but you are chosen that's not to be misconstrued with predestination right that means that they're chosen because of their faithfulness in belief there in muna and living up to the light that's why they're chosen at the end and some people will misunderstand and think God chose it chooses them for salvation some for destruction but no it's by our choices that we reflect that we're worthy to be chosen to be used and to be blessed now this is a good lesson just hidden within this now we look at what tribe was not totaled up yet Levi that's right why they didn't go to war so they're not going to be counted as their men 20 years and older they're in the priesthood right so if you look over verse 57 it says those counted among the Levi by their families were of Gershon the families of the Gershon II ha ha the family of the kaha D Murari the family of Merari these are the families of Levi remember how those three tribal people camped right around the tavern at hole because they were the wants to break down the Tavor not going to set it up verse 57 now we're in 58 these are the families of Levi the families of Livni families of heifer ami notice that word have Ronnie that's where we get hedron from see hedron is one of the first places where the tabernacle stood David reigned in hedron seven years as king before he moved the tabernacle to Jerusalem and reigned thirty three more years for total forty years that place why is it worthy of the tabernacle being there because it was established by the sons of Levi a brownie the family of motley the family of mushi the family of Porky kaha twas a father of amram that name sound familiar Amram the name of M Rams wife was Javed who yes I was it's an Aaron's father and mother she was a Levite he was a Levite what is the Torah say you're to marry within your own tribe well this tells us why in Matthew when you get this lineage of Joseph's family yes Joseph did not plant the seed that brought about Yeshua right so why would we be concerned with his lineage only to establish the fact that Mary was in harmony with Torah in marrying somebody of her own tribe it establishes that they're both from Judah and you're going to see in in Joseph's lineage there is certain Kings that back in the Tanakh God told them because of your wickedness you will not have a descendant that sits on the throne forever and yet he's still from Judah but her lineage by past those kings went to others and so she can't have a son who is a righteous King Joseph cannot and this is why he is his lineage is just to prove that they are righteous in still marrying within their tribe like I'm Ram and Yaakov ed and many people think well you know they try to change the names of those in Matthew because they think that it's mistaken it should be counting the lineage of Mary yes but through marriage yeah so she's talking about Yochanan the immerser and his wife that Jochen on was of the Levitical tribe yes exactly and that was her his wife was her cousin so sometimes you see that and would have to trace those lineages and see how they're related then it says down in verse 62 Aaron was born a Devi who al azar and Itamar but native and a V who died when they are offered an authorized fire before Adonai those males one month old or more counted of the Levites were twenty three thousand verses 20 2014 oh so their numbers increased exactly by a thousand these were not included now these weren't included in the census for military service and these are boys counted from one month old and older not 20 years old and older these were not included in the census of the people of Israel because no land for inheritance was given to them among the people of Israel these are the ones counted by Moshe and allows Arthur Cohen who took a census of the people of Israel and the plains of Moab by the Jordan River across from Jericho but there was not a man among them who had also been included in the census of Moshe and Aaron forty years before when they numbered the people of Israel in the Sinai desert except for Caleb and Joshua because out and I had said of that older generation they will surely die in the desert so there was not left even one of them except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and yahushua the son of noon now once again it sounds like yo is doing something arbitrary right like he's telling them you're not going to enter because you upset me so I'm going to make sure you're cut off what we don't realize is yan knows the end from the beginning and when somebody through wrong practices in their lifestyle bring a curse on themselves and they remove themselves from that blessing of health and protection of yah God sees that they're not going to live long enough to enter the land he's telling them history in advance it's not that he does the killing or that he put the curse on them this is Yas great omniscience how's he looking for the right word on this omnipotence omniscience right all-knowingness that's the beauty I've always seen God in his true character then we have this interesting story in chapter 27 about these daughters of the loaf ah son of heifer the son of Gilead the son of mahir the son of Menasha so if you count from Manasseh right I'm Yosef you have Yosef son Manasseh has a son Manasseh who has a son Mac hair we're going backwards who has a son Gilead who has a son heifer so from the tribe of Manasseh you have six [Music] generations which is interesting and these daughters are righteous they he has no son so this tribal inheritance of Menasha would be lost if they marry into another tribe then they have offspring right and that land that was given to Menasha now goes to let's say they marry as somebody from Simeon and their sons become known as shimon i and land now all of a sudden is inhabited by the simians people instead of Manassas people so they're righteously wanting to hold on to what you got yah has given them and they come before Moses and they ask him it even names these women whenever it names somebody is showing righteous act usually McLeod Noah Ola Nicola and tearsa they stood in front of Moe Shay Eleazar the Cohen the leaders in the whole community at the entrance to the tent of meeting the Mishkan and they said our father died in the desert he wasn't a part of the group who assembled themselves to rebel against Adam I in chorus group what are they establishing that he wasn't a bad man he didn't have sons because of a loss of blessing see they're trying to establish that it's not because he's cursed you know so it shouldn't be held against us but he died in his own sin what sin was that well unbelief is a part of it because y'all had told them 40 years before on the Shabbat you shall not work do not light a fire do not cook do not pick up sticks do not think your own thoughts do not you know do anything that separates you from me on my holy day and this was the man who went picking up sticks and yet it is said it's half pound that he wanted because many people are like if you only live in a environment of life like the Angels right and I'm trying to tell you if you sin this is what darkness looks like how can you conceive of darkness if all you've known is light right or if y'all says if you do this you will be cut off from your people you will die it is said that this man used himself as an example like I'll show you what happens any when collected sticks to show the whole nation so that they never aired after that on Shabbat working on Shabbat it was almost like a humble sacrifices they couldn't they would continually constantly make mistakes you know and be in their sin if it wasn't for this man wanting to set an example so it's kind of like saying I will show you what it looks like to and he goes and collects dicks and he dies and that's why it says he died in his own sin and he had no sons why should the name of our Father be eliminated from his family just because he didn't have a son give us property to possess along with our brothers and our father Moshe didn't know how to answer this so he takes it before the Lord yes Enoch that you would if it only takes one time show everyone why would a righteousness that present self known that they would make that mistake and not less another glimpse of machine why would a righteous man sacrifice himself to take an essence yeah thinking you know some of the people there think you always obeyed I'm going to tell you this about early Saturday mm-hmm and based on very little result some men a Friday house it didn't get implemented it's okay in church it could be a slippery slope if there wasn't a big example like that set early on and that was right at the beginning yeah God wants us to sanctify this holy day sanctification comes from the word Kadosh which is the same word that wholly comes from it means to set apart so don't do anything of your own on this day because that in essence is you saying I want to hold on to myself I want to hold on to the selfishness I know you've died for me but I'm not willing to really live as a living sacrifice for you this is one way that we are set apart as his people and he shows us constantly if you will put aside your own prerogatives on my holy day I will bless you and so this is a little another hidden example of this and then in this word down here where it says verse 4 why should the name of our Father be eliminated from his family just because he didn't have a son give us property to possess along with the brothers of our Father Moshe brought their nish pot before yode hateful Bob hey excuse me what's nice pot we learned the different kinds of Commandments kook team are those that you don't understand right that are beyond human reasoning but mish pots are judgments that are morally understood you know that it's righteous or it's good or it's good for your fellow man Moshe could see that this would be good for carrying on the tribe of Manasses inheritance but he still had to consult the Lord what's amazing is another little anomaly right here you have as we go through all of these in large letters this is the third anomaly in this week's Torah portion it's an enlarged noon but it's at the end of the words we call it a noon Sophie this word is masculine Misha pot is masculine noon is a third-person plural feminine ending for a feminine word what is showing is the beautiful heart of yah in looking at these daughters and their desire to uphold Torah and he's like even though you mostly brought this masculine claim before me because the land is half on to the masculine right to the male I'm going to make this word feminine only in this case because it's their feminine taste that's righteous that's being brought before me isn't that beautiful so here it is numbers 27 5 Moshe brought their claim and you see this word here mish pot and then it puts a final noon on it which is the third-person plural feminine sus suffix on the masculine word mish pot the reason for the enlarged feminine ending to the word judgment claim is that the daughters of Zelophehad were righteous and desiring to preserve the inheritance of their tribal land in accordance with the Torah and not seeing it pass on to another and this may also be emphasizing the tour of the stone right equal rights to women in equal measure our forefathers saw this in large noon and they said wow a Shem really loves the women unlike most of the pagan cultures which were male dominic and focused Judaism is all about uplifting the woman and recognizing the beautiful gift that yah has given the woman and so they have noticed that Judaism was the foundation of equal rights for women throughout history otherwise you'd still be in subjugation if it wasn't for or Israel and Torah being preserved through Judaism which is beautiful hidden right there in verse five so now I don't know answers Moshe and he says the daughters of Zoloft HOD are right in what they say you must give them property to be inherited along with that of their fathers brothers have what their fathers would have inherited pass on to them moreover say to the people of Israel so what he's doing is he's establishing presidents now this is a legal judgment and this is the origin of setting up residence for all future cases like this if a man dies in the future and does not have a son you are to have his inheritance pass on to his daughter if he doesn't have a daughter give his inheritance to his brothers if he has no brothers give his inheritance to his father's brothers if his father doesn't have brothers give his inheritance to the closest relative in his family and he will possess it this will be the standard for judgment to be used by the people of Israel as odd and I ordered mo Shane out and I said to Moshe climb this mountain now this is your final judgment and I'm going to pass on through you to the people I want you to go to the audre of RM range and look out upon Eric's u3l which I have given the people after you have seen it you too will be gathered to your people and then he puts in this caveat just as your brother Aaron was why does he say just as your brother Aaron was when God told Moses to go up on to the Mount hor with Aaron and al-ahzar and to take the priestly garments off of our own and put them on his son Eleazar and then he walked him into a cave that God had prepared for Aaron and there was a supernatural light on in the cave so that Aaron could have peace it's not like going into you know death can be fearful enough well God was so merciful he brought Aaron into a cave which was lit and there was a bed a shelf for him to lie down on and he closed his eyes and he went to sleep peacefully he didn't die because he was sick or he was in pain there was no fear in death he didn't go to sleep in a dark room it's God cares even about the most intimate things in our life so what are you telling Moshe is don't have any fear I'm going to take care of you up on mountain ebo just like I took care of Aaron you're not blind you're not sick you're not dying because you're old Moshe was sick he and he was you know could have continued but because of that sin of striking the rock twice he couldn't enter the land so I'm sure it was Satan's accusation against him that God says okay I'll you'll die without entering the land but I want you to know you're gonna die like your brother Aaron died be very peaceful you just kind of go to sleep and so he says you remind him why he has to go to sleep before entering the land because in the sin desert when the community was disputing with me you rebelled against me and my order to uphold my holiness by means of the water three things you rebelled that was a type of rebellion in trekking the rock instead of speaking to it how do we strike the rock which is of our salvation Athiya instead of speaking to him in prayer and communication when we choose to turn a blind eye to Torah we're striking that rock twice we've already struck him once he's died for our sins he was stricken for our iniquity Isaiah 53 says what this is symbolizing the living water gushes forth from the rock of our salvation do we want to strike him twice by continuing in our sin god forbid paul says just because we've seen grace abound where sin has abounded shall we continue in our sins god forbid also so he says ma che you rebelled against my word to speak to the rock and I was going to reveal my holiness to all Israel in a symbol of Messiah and by means of the living water three things with him looking on basically what he's saying is they were looking on you were an example of how to follow my word you erred in this area you set a bad example for Israel and this is why you can't enter into the land behind the scenes we know who the accuser of the Brethren is right this is why Jude the book of Jude do you remember that verse that says when Michael was contending over the body of Moses against who hafsat on the adversary the accuser of the brother and he didn't bring a railing accusation against Satan why cuz Satan was justified Moshe had sinned right this was over Moses he says simply the Lord rebuke you Satan basically I can't argue with you yes he sinned because of the blood of the rock of our salvation I'm going to raise him up he's going to be in the kingdom you can't claim his life eternally you might him in the first death experience but you're not going to claim him in the second death experience because Yeshua our Messiah took that second death upon him in that eighth fighting give me chill so oh she said dad and I let out an eye god of the spirits of all human beings appoint a man to be over the community he didn't even argue with God he just says okay father if this is the way I'm to go then set somebody else up to lead them that's a true intercessor spirit because they're not going to do well on their own they need a leader I've seen over these 40 years how stubborn hard-hearted these people are they need somebody to go out and come in ahead of them to lead them out and bring them in so that out a nice community will not be like sheep without a shepherd we serve the Good Shepherd who is a prophet like unto Moshe the first Shepherd of Israel see all these beautiful correlations that we've missed we read it too fast we are a community here and the assembly have called out believers unfortunately we have both the commandments of God we have a love for keeping God's commandments right but our testimony is in the Good Shepherd Yeshua our Messiah so we are not sheep without a shepherd he's our Shepherd and he's our teacher add a nice Adam O'Shea hey Kehoe schewe he's a perfect fit even his name yahushua son of life noon and yahushua our messiah is son of the father of life a spiritual man lay your hand upon him notice is singular here so when he's supposed to do this anointing you put a single hand upon him okay keep that in mind because when we get down to verse 23 we're going to see something else put in front of him Eliezer the colon and the whole community and commissioned him in their sight delegate him to some of your authority so now he's going to be like a type of King leader al-azhar is the high priest and Yahshua is the leader delegating to him some of your authority so that the entire community of Israel will obey Him he is to present himself to Eleazar the hoenn who is to find out by means of the Orem and the tomb what a denies will is for yahushua's decisions then at his word they will go out and at his word they will come back in both he and all the people of Israel with him the whole community this word hand up in the verse 18 is where we get the shmatte ha from the the anointing that is passed down from mo shade to Joshua to the 70 elders to the scribes Ezra which later became known as the rabbinical order they would anoint by laying their hands is the origin of laying on of hands - when you what is it called when ordained when you ordained a minister there's always supposed to be a laying on of hands but it's singular in this case down in verse 22 we see Moshe did is odd and I had ordered him he took Yehoshua he put before him al azar the colon and the whole community and he laid his hands pearl God told him to lay a hand when you add to Torah what happens or you subtract from it unless it's in harmony with God's selfless nature right so what was mostly doing here he had added directly to the Torah but he was doing it selflessly it's like if I can give something with one hand I can get more with two hands he's imparting a fullness of the Spirit that's upon him with the two hands that he's placing so this is why you never see any punishment or rebuke for him changing even that little semblance of difference in the Hebrew God says lay one hand on him Moshe lays two hands on him I understand Moshe your meek your humble your very giving you actually reflect my character it's okay that's what God is doing by not addressing that so he laid both his hands on him and he commissioned him as ID and I had ordered through Moshe so we see one thing are two things actually if you think of the sacrificial system also what did the priests do and the the person bringing the offering for their sins before they would sacrifice a lamb it would lay their hands upon it right you see the same thing Leviticus 1:4 and Leviticus 1621 if you're taking notes about the laying on of hands so in essence it's not only an extra spiritual gift that Moshe is giving but it's also the heaviness of the burden of carrying the people's sins upon your shoulders as a leader you feel the weight of when they air when they go off tracks Moshe was meek he was carrying that burden and he wanted yahushua to know what it felt like a little bit so he puts on double hands and a little leaning weight if you will and in so doing yahushua all of a sudden it's not just a quick anointing or or ordination he feels that extra weight and he realizes the severity of responsibility that he's taking upon his shoulders for the whole nation of israel now 28 and 29 in closing are going to focus on the holy days the MOE deem of the Lord because this was an extra-long tour portion I didn't take a break I wanted to go right through it to show the flow because in everything that we've discussed we see God has a saving God even though they're different stories and we're going to see even more the timings of that salvation through laws an appointed times chapter 28 verse 1 Adam I says to Moshe give an order to the people of Israel tell them you are to take care to offer me at the proper time the food presented to me as an offering made by fire providing a fragrant aroma for me tell them this is why the offering made by fire that you are to bring to Adonai or this is the offering that you're to bring the for Adonai male lambs in the first year without defect to daily as a regular burnt offering so the very first thing we see about lost timings are there's two times daily that are special sacrifice was to be done when morning verspoor offer one in the morning and offer one at dusk at sundown now when the temple was destroyed the sacrificial system changed from one of the sacrifice of animals to the sacrifice of Prayer and this is why we have so much liturgy in Hebrew in in our cebra Ruth and in Judaism because morning and evening we are sacrificing our hearts to live as a living sacrifice we are praying out our hearts to yah and this is the daily that when it is taken away Daniel was talking about because there's no temple for a sacrifice to be taken away right so when that time need the Hebrew word for daily is a mead is taken away in that holy place what's the place is closest to the most holy place the Kotel the Western Wall that's where they're praying two times a day morning and at dusk in the place of the sacrificial system and right now as we speak the UN is talking about dividing the land creating the Palestinian state and giving that western wall along with the Temple Mount and all of East Jerusalem to the Palestinian state and once they do that they will take away the daily they've already renamed those names to Arabic names in preparation of this when you see that what does Daniel say 1290 days from the time that the abomination that causes desolation is set up there'll be 1290 days leading up to mashiac scum that's some thirty days more than three and a half years thirty days later you'll see Jerusalem trodden under foot why because Palestine will go in and plunder house and rape women according to Zechariah 14 and you'll see them take over East Jerusalem and that's why Zechariah 14 says half the city will be exiled right before Messiah returns so we are even hidden within the two times daily if we wouldn't pray the way God tells us to pray morning and evening this is just like I was going to the temple and offering our sacrifice it brings us close our relationship is built upon communication that's right you can't sunrise and sunset these are the times that are best now the sacrifices we know to be closer to nine o'clock and all of that because there were so much work to prepare the temple and to get it all ready but the very fact that it says at dusk at sundown this is showing the periods between light and darkness in essence so I would say all you show is example and what did he do he got up before sunrise before anybody else was up right and he had this quiet time with the father so morning early morning is best and at dusk time so these are two times let's see if I can erase I don't know if that board can erase nope not very well somebody wants to erase this while we go into the next verse we'll write down some of these things because we want to bring out the daily now as we're talking about God's calendar it brings to mind a lot from the Psalms as well David says in Psalms 5916 I will sing of your strength in the morning I will sing of your love so he gives us an example of what our prayer should look like in the morning for you are my fortress you are my refuge in times of trouble all my strengths I sing praise to you just like the birds look at nature even if we didn't have the Bible God has revealed himself through nature all of that example everything starts singing at dusk I mean it's dawn in the morning you Oh God are my fortress my loving God beautiful intimacy relationship here palms 5/3 also talks about this my voice you shall hear when in the morning Oh Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up Psalms 55 verse 17 1/3 confirmation evening and morning why does it start with evening because that's the true beginning of the day exactly and the evening in the morning were the first day so all the way back from creation even in morning where the second day evening and morning and you see a third element here noon midday and this is the example that Daniel was following when it says the princess could find no wrong with him but they only found that he was faithful in frame three times a day so this is exactly what Daniel our example is following will I pray and cry allow and he show here my voice the next timing of yah is down in verse nine on Shabbat offer to male lambs in their first year without defect with one gallon of fine flour as a grain offering mixed with olive oil and it's drink offerings this is the burnt offering for every Shabbat in addition to the regular burnt offerings and it's drink offerings okay so let's bring that up a little bit closer say for you from here we've got yas appointed time and the first one we looked at was the daily isn't it interesting that Daniel even calls us that daily when he's talking about that which will be removed and what is it really talking about prayer so there's daily we have evening morning and then leave it added noon three times a day then we have a weekly and where's that the seventh-day Shabbat then in verse 11 he says and at each Rosh Hodesh at the beginning of your months these are the new moons you are to present a burnt offering to Adonai consisting of two young bulls one Ram seven male lambs in their first year and without defect on the Shabbat before we go into the month blessed is the seventh day he set it apart as special because on that day he rested from all the work he had created so that it could itself produce new life so he's putting blessings in it so that Shabbat can produce something for us if we will rest on that day and if you look at each day throughout you know history a day is like a thousand years to the Lord mom's 90 verse 4 says for from your viewpoint talking to the father a thousand years are merely thousand years are moving like tough years I think it supposed to be a day I just typed that and this is where you know where David gets this from the Book of Enoch and you know who loved the Book of Enoch Peter and he was always quoting from the book and look down here 2nd Peter 3:8 with Elohim one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day so if you look at the importance of Shabbat reflecting the seventh millennium in time we do a whole study on the hidden prophecies hidden within the creation week where are we at today that's right we're right here about to enter into the Millennial Shabbat if we can't keep one day out of seven holy how are we proving ourselves worthy to be included in the Millennial Kingdom which is a millennial Shabbat that's what this next thousand years is the disciples many people will say oh yeah but thou has done away with Yeshua created a whole new religion he's different from God or if they believe he is God and God changes right and it's all nailed to the cross so Yeshua and His disciples they didn't keep Shabbat right because he instituted a Sunday religion and he did away with Torah right actually an axe you find the disciples heaven Shabbat 85 times it's mentioned and Yeshua and Paul who wasn't even a disciple who was a rabbinical convert to issue up Isaiah 66 says verse 23 it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Shabbat to another all flesh shall come to worship before me says the Lord so this is speaking of when I think in the verse before it says in the new heavens and in the new earth I didn't include that verse before it when it says the new heaven and the new earth it's not even talking about the Millennium is it that means throughout eternity because the earth is aliens by fire and there's a new heaven and a new earth according to revelation 21 after the thousand years so if God instituted this at creation for man and most likely it was written on heavenly tablets before he instituted it for man and it's gone through 4000 years and you should kept it and all of God's people have kept it from the time of Adam all the way down and all of your shoe's disciples have kept it and we're going to keep it in the millennium because it represents the millennium and even after there's a new heaven and a new earth throughout eternity we're talking about an eternal principle here how important do you think the weekly seventh-day Shabbat is to the Lord this is an eternal principle so in looking at now leading in because this last text goes in from one new moon how poorly these times that we're going to come and worship the Lord new moons and Shabbat David says in Psalms 89 verse 37 it shall be established forever as the moon the moon is a faithful witness in heaven so at each Rosh Hodesh you're to present a burnt offering to the Lord and I wish I had the video of when we observe this in Israel they had amazing dancing and so for the blowing the silver - silver compass according to Scripture and we praise the Lord and it was so wonderful to observe that today rose Kadesh festival which is not a holy day where you can't work but we're to observe it which means how are you going to know when y'all holy times are in the month if you don't start your month properly you can't start counting properly in your holy days mid months on the full moons are going to be off right yeah okay I've a 66 bookie Lazarre you 72% and it was yes okay and then today we keep the server uh-huh and they keep it we do well I mean a lot of people haven't been taught how to keep the Newman properly so not everybody does observe that but you're supposed to blow the shofar have a feast remember David kept a two-day feast and when he wasn't there so I'll ask where is David he's used to David being there for that new moon festival that's called the new moon yeah it's a two-day festival and there's only one holy day that falls on a new moon and that's yom teruah and because it's two days a new moon is in its conjunction it's totally black you're not actually waiting for the sliver to start your first day you're starting it when the Sun hits it from around the earth but you can't see that with the naked eye so you keep both days observance because you don't know the day or the hour that's why yom teruah became known as the holy day that nobody knows the day or the hour the day of comforting is the day that the Lord is going to descend with a shout in the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead and messiah will rise first and we who are alive and remain will be caught up with them it's on this holy day that everybody understood was the day that nobody knows the day or the hour it's one of two days it's not that we don't know the season not that we won't know the year after three and a half years of tribulation we just don't know the day or the hour because it falls on a new moon you know we have a western calendar day in Google is the hula rolling it we know many dozen morning yes right and we do there's websites that indicate when the conjunction moon is I used to follow Judaism's practice of sighting the Crescent Moon until I did more studies in the Book of Enoch and realized that it's the conjunction moon that actually and this way when you're on a full moon feast like Passover and Sukkot which are on the fourteenth and fifteenth of the month it's only going to be perfectly full moon representing God's bride if you start in the conjunction it's always going to be off if you start in the crescent moon then it's not going to be completely full moon it's very important yes so these are called the No Moon Festival for observance now we're getting in so we have see God has timings daily weekly monthly what what's next yearly right now in the heavens you can detect everything from the Sun Moon and stars his faithful witnesses he has three witnesses in the heavens right and they've Ivar Lee on this earth except for the weekly observance this is done totally by saying the day is one revolution of life of the Earth on its axis in conjunction to the Sun the moon is one revolution of the Moon around the earth the year is one revolution of the earth around the Sun the week has nothing in the solar system that accepts that God created the earth in seven days and he established the seven-day weekly cycle and has been carried on by every culture known to man from since forth so they're all attributing to the glory of our Creator without even knowing it and I have a study on the website that goes into Shabbat just look into the blog and you'll go down to the very bottom one of the earlier studies and I show in 70 different languages still today around the world the origin for the seventh day instead of it being Saturday is Shabbat Baba dal it means rest yeah it's beautiful and yet nothing in the four systems points to it just by an act of phases is like see how beautiful this creativity the letters torture machine baby talk no no it's John Young oh yeah Yamaha Shabbat know much about so what do you think amen and look what happens when it's by faith you just made me think of something which is great because if you look at the word Shabbat right I'll try to write it and big enough letters that you can see it since it's the one appointed mode beam that requires complete faith hidden within the word you have shoe which means to return it's the only commandment that God said remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy remember as if he knew throughout history that his people would forget it the word shewed the ruinous return and what's the table in paleo Hebrew it looks like actually it's going the other way in paleo Hebrew return to the Covenant the table always represents covenant and how do you return to the covenant now by sight not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord is totally by faith so when somebody chooses to rejection baat they're rejecting his covenant and his sign in the Exodus 31 verse 13 he says this is my sign between me and my people those that keep my Shabbat that word keep is the in Deuteronomy 5 the Horus changed to Shamar so we're not only supposed to keep it as if to remember it and it helps us return if you have forgotten it start observing Shabbat and he'll return you to the Covenant but also show more means to guard protect it like you would protect your wife or you would into your garden take care of it so it's really beautiful now as we get into the annual holy days we see the very first one that's mentioned is Pesach right and then the feast of matzah so we have in the springtime Pesach Mozza which in english is the piece of unleavened bread and what's the other one firstfruits now there's two types of firstfruits this is the firstfruits of the barley because this is in the barley harvest what's amazing is that yaw was foreshadowing messiahs coming a prophet like under Moshe humble and me who would be a suffering servant who would be the Pesach lamb he would lay down his life as the lamb he would live without any leaven sodomy her are.this is it ha sinless yes that's what unleavened bread matzah represents his sinless life and he would rise as the first fruit because we are represented as his people in the final harvest as what wheat right or as grapes sometimes you'll see both connotations this first fruits was of the barley and this is representing his resurrection and it was always after the first Shabbat the first weekly Shabbat in that week so if a fox let's say it's on a Wednesday that year okay you have the only day the next day Thursday right because this is that sundown basically Pesach and then you go into eating the lamb all night long and then you observe seven days of unleavened bread a week representing those seven thousand years that his atonement was a Tony for all seven thousand years that's why Pesach is seven days because his sinless life atones for not just me today but always from the time of Adam now that's the year that he was crucified there was a Friday in between and then there's a Saturday and firstfruits would have been on the first day of the week either than the evening of the as soon as sundown cause but we just say for convenience sake Sunday just because that's the predominant view we have some ideas to think that maybe it was right in the darkness because remember they came early the first day of the week and he was already risen so at what point did he raise Shabbat is a more likely symbol for Yeshua than the day of the Sun right so most likely he arose at the wee hours of Shabbat actually and there's a whole beautiful study that we can go into on that so let's just say Shabbat Eve so this is exactly when he rose and firstfruits is exactly exemplifying this from the foundation of the world all three aspects of his sacrificed his sinless life and him being the firstfruits from the grave in the spring feasts so if he fulfilled the spring feast so perfectly how confident can we be that he's going to fulfill the fall feast perfectly right in between the spring there's a midsection and it's all Shaw who owes and Shavuot is when Noah had covenant all about renewal of covenant the covenant with Noah was renewed that's when the rainbow was presented in the sky after the flood this is the day that Isaac as the promised seed of Abraham was born on and God renewed his covenant with Abraham and his descendants it is the day that God gave Torah on Mount Sinai it is the day that the Apostles were gathered together and one Accord in unity in Jerusalem and the Holy Spirit poured out upon them and they spoke in every man's tongue and so this is representing this transition from Matthias first coming to its second coming in the fall what holy days are there it starts with that piece of new moon the new moon holy day is called yom teruah right now all right yom teruah does everybody know that that means company the day of company - ah then we have Yom I'm just getting you familiar with the Hebrew but if you don't know what it is be sure to ask yom kippur right almost wrote atonement and then you have Sukkot yes yom teruah the day of trumpeting that the Lord will descend upon when he catches up his bride and takes her to the hoop off of the heavenly chamber how long is she in the chamber between the second day of the new moon festival and the eve of Yom Kippur which is on the ninth of Tishri there seven days why do Jews eat their bride with the bridegroom for seven days under the hoopla it's all reflecting what's going to happen with messiahs bride in the heavenly sphere when he returns and then she comes out and the veil is lifted and she sees him and knows him even as she is known and Yom Kippur comes from the root word afar in the Hebrew which means to unveil and there's three things that happened on Yom Kippur the King is coordinated judgments is enacted and the year of Jubilee is announced judgment is being enacted on the earth right because we're about to go into the feast we went through the marriage of the lamb now we have five days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot where we're going to experience the marriage supper of the lamb in heaven on this earth Ezekiel says there is a marriage supper for the vultures eating the flesh of kings and captains that came against Israel right so here there's a type of judgment that seemed enacted at this time because that's when the vultures start eating the flesh of kings and captains this is the time period 15 days here that that judgment that you're speaking of is called the fall of Babylon and in Revelation it says the fall of Babylon occurs in one hour but we know whenever God in acts judgment he uses a day for a year principle right so what is 15 days in a 360 day Jewish prophetic calendar one twenty-fourth which equates to Babylon falling in one hour Babylon represents the confusion that the false system of paganism is perpetrated upon the face of the earth with governments with economics with religion and this is what's being decimated during these 15 days in this video there's this I mean almost available that's when yeah on this earth you're seeing that just like the marriage supper of the lamb is happening in heaven on this earth there's the supper of the vultures on Sukkot Zucco means to tabernacle yeshua was born on Sukkot when he came the first time as a babe as you know that he's having a cold in human flesh now his feet touch the Mount of Olives and he's got a tabernacle with mankind once again reigning as our King and high priest upon Sukkot so this is when hallelujah when Yeshua and all of his Holy Ones that one text that says he comes and all of his Holy Ones with him it's not talking about this coming when we're caught up it's talking about this after the marriage that he's coming back down and his feet touch the Mount of Olives according to Zechariah 14 verse 9 and he Tabernacles with men once again for a thousand years right there's seven days that this piece goes on at the end of Sukkot there's a whole nother feast anybody know what it's called in the fall and Jews about nah they've always said it's difficult to understand it's is separate from Sukkot and yet they call it the eighth day if there's seven days of Sukkot which represents a millennium what does the eight-day festival Shammi author f in Hebrew or we also call it Simchat Torah it's a day we rejoice in the Torah because it's fully written upon our heart because after Sukkot which represents that millennium that thousand years is when Yeshua is writing his tour upon our heart we get to finally rejoice at the end of the seventh Millennial day with it being fully completed on our heart and sin and death are destroyed in the lake of fire along with the Beast the dragon and the false prophet and we can live in the site of a holy omnipotent god on a new heaven and a new earth where there'll be no darkness in us so with light and the coexist with light and we can vibrate at that resonant frequency of selfless love and that's what the eighth day which I don't even have space to right now even including this is the piece of Tabernacle Sukkot I should put this in parentheses somebody have a question oh now I have like yes I would tell you that we have a study on this on the website if you go to sermons and drop down you'll see a three-part prophetic series that goes into this in detail and covers from the time of tribulation through messiahs coming in the context of the holy days and all the prophecies that aren't often talked about about the millennium and the password for that is if anybody wants it just come and ask me and I'll give that password - yeah Oscar before the return of Jesus come into the simpler it is going to show and evolve the word in all words in all in heaven beautiful he's going to explain the meanings even more deeply of all of these appointed times and all of his sacrifices and all of the rituals that we didn't understand but we followed ritualistically he's going to explain them all in the context of himself during that millennial Shabbat and so with that I just wanted to sum up this last two chapters of the holy days that he goes into with their prophetic significance so that we can start applying it to our daily lives even daily evening morning and noon we can be meditating on these beautiful things and weekly observance of Shabbat is so important because it is the sign between God and His people monthly New Moon's is something that only a few of us are doing right now but we can incorporate more fully because what we're starting to do is apply the eternal principle here now why wait for Messiah to come let's start living these eternal principles and receive the blessings of them right here and now website particular knowledge of a community it is we do announce that from the website yeah shall we rise and we will close with prayer Abba Father we just thank you Lord for revealing to us the depth of your plan of salvation through every story through every symbol through every type and anti-type father you reveal yourself as merciful as loving as kind as giving as selfless and by beholding we are becoming changed into your likeness and we thank you father for revealing to us these ancient paths our fathers have inherited lies but we desire to return to the ancient paths father so we ask for your power and your anointing to strengthen us in our spiritual walk so that it's not just a head knowledge but that we can truly live it out and that it looks like selfless love when it's lived out not self righteously not piously not egotistically but humbly meekly kindly let us be more generous let us be more giving let us be more like you father who gave all for us we love you and we thank you for being able to learn these things openly and freely together on your holy day shabbat amen Oh
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 15,614
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: Topics Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Pinchas, Pinchas, Righteous Indignation, Census, Daughters of Tzlofchad, Moedim, Appointed Times, Prophectic foreshadows of Messiah, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study, The Holy Days, God's Appointed Times
Id: cSXl6TrNte4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 19sec (5659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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