The True History and Meaning behind Yom Kippur

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[Music] [Music] Kippur is the holiest day of the year the day on which we are closest to God and it's the quintessential core of even our own souls connecting with God it's the day Lord atonement broken down God is desiring for us to draw near to Him that's why we're studying Leviticus this morning because the Book of Leviticus is all about how to draw near to God and that process is a process of eventually becoming at one once all the darkness of sin is eradicated from our lives and what is sin but tour lessness so we have to learn Torah in order to cease from sin on this day Leviticus 16 38 says he will forgive you this is good news he will purify you this is good news that you will be cleansed from all your sins before God so this is a promise for 25 hours from before sundown last night until after dark tonight we afflict our souls we abstain from food and drink we do not wash or anoint our bodies we do not wear leather shoes and we abstained from marital relations the day is the most solemn day of the year yet an undertone of joy suffuses in a joy that revels in the spirituality of the day and expresses the confidence that God will accept our repentance he's going to forgive our sins he's going to seal our name in the book of life and our verdict for the year to come health and happiness is restored and decided on this day if we don't have flicked our souls if we're not willing to let go of the sins and the bitterness and the unforgiveness guess what the health problems are still going to continue these health problems are a byproduct of our wrong attachment to wrong spirits and their attachment to us and the wrong lifestyles that we've been leaving the wrong thinking even it's not just so much that you're going out and doing bad deeds it all starts within that's why you shoe says it's what's it keeps out of a man that defiles him it's not what goes in when we close the service there's five parts of the service and last night is called mater EV that's the first part of five services so today we're going to do the remainder four and the closing service is called Nayla and it climaxes in the resounding cries of the Shema hear o Israel God is one and a single blast which we will do and the Sun is about to set the joy erupts in song and dance followed by the festive after dance meal making the evening following yom kippur and yom tov a very good day a festive day in its own right this morning our tour reading for the Yom Kippur Service describes the service performed on this day by the Kohen Gadol that's the high priest Cohen is priest kadal is great or high one in the Holy Temple every Yom Kippur we go through the step-by-step process of what the priest was doing so this is another way of having tour written on our hearts and what was happening because we don't have a temple today so our sacrificial system has been replaced by a sacrifice of praise and prayer and this is why there's so much deep prayer in Jewish liturgy and part of that is reflecting kind of bringing it home to exactly what was happening on this day in the temple service a special feature of the Yom Kippur service was the casting Lots over to he goats equal in age size and appearance to determine which shall be offered to God in the Holy Temple and which shall be dispatched to carry off the sins of Israel to the wilderness so I wanted to give you a little history as we lead into this and this is a history that like so much of what we're learning from the Dead Sea Scrolls is the rest of the story that's not talked about or if it is talked about you wonder where did that Great Sage get that information that's amazing how that's been passed down from father to son and yet we're finding all of these things revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls that have been taken out of our Bibles today so many of the holy days have origins much earlier than the exodus from Egypt they're not only written on the heavenly tablets for all generations but they have an origin a source in something that's happened between our our family Israel between the brothers between the whole house of Israel at some point in the distant past Yom Kippur is commemorated as the day when God forgave the Jewish people for the sin of the golden calf it's also the day that Rebecca was born we have that passed down to us Isaac's wife now Isaac was born on which day chavo very good all of these great men and women these patriarchs and matriarchs many of them had special birth on the holy days which is significant so today is Rebecca's day rifki but even though we remember God forgiving the sin of the golden calf after Moses came down he found them worshiping the golden calf on the 17th of Tammuz he had already been up there forty days right so the 17th of Tammuz was one day after forty days of fasting with no food and no water then he goes up another 40 days fasting no food and no water this can only be done supernaturally when you're in the presence of God and your focus is 100% on God then in the spirit you can transcend the physical you don't need food or water physiologically it's impossible to go more than three days without water so this is a true miracle so now he's up there 80 days and God says I want you to go back down at the end of the 80th day and tell the people what I am about to tell you and then he gives them a message for the people most she goes down one day tells the people and then goes back up to be with God another forty days no food no water now it's a hundred and twenty days of no food and no water and guess what God says I have heard your prayers your intercessory prayers for the whole house of Israel I was gonna make of your descendants a great nation and but because of your intercessory prayers Moses I'm going to atone for the sins which means I'm gonna cover their sins and what's amazing after 120 days Moshe comes back down on the 10th of Tishri Yom Kippur and he gives the good news of this atonement now this is what we traditionally think of on Yom Kippur right God making an atonement for the nation of Israel but the origins of why this day is significant goes even earlier even further past 40 days after you're hearing God's say at Mount Sinai you shall have no other gods before me you shall make no graven image we see Israel having committed the cardinal sin of idolatry and so like we said he moses spends 120 days on top of the mountain pleading with God for forgiveness and on the 10th of this month it was finally granted and he says I have pardoned that you have requested in numbers 1420 and from that day on this date was known as the day of atonement but there's more to Yom Kippur beginning that many do not know in the book of Jubilees which we taught last year in chapter 34 verse 12 it says and the tons of Yaakov slaughtered a kid do you remember the story of Joseph they were jealous of their brother and they threw him in a pit and they were deciding whether to kill him or to sell him but either way they knew that they were going to get rid of him this is the beginning of our need for atonement is this disunity it's discord amongst the brethren and so it says that they killed a goat and they dip the blood of it this is why we use a goat to represent atonement because of this earlier goat that was killed to fake the death of Yosef he sent they sent it to Jacob Yaakov their father on the tenth day of the seventh month it was on this day that they brought before Yaakov this bloody coat of many colors and they didn't want to because they'd been taught Torah lie right and say we found out that Joseph was killed by a beast they let him come to that conclusion amazingly they lead his mind down a path of deception and they present the cloak before him and they say tell pray tell me what has happened to your son your beloved son Joseph but basically you tell me what you think here's this bloody torn up garment and Joseph says he must have been ripped apart by a wild beast and so they they get their justifying in their mind well we haven't told the lie right they let their father come to that conclusion and he mourns so much because he loved his beloved son I want you to think of the analogy of the father and the son his only son his beloved son and the sins that we have placed upon him that he has taken and the the division that we have brought about with one another that he has taken upon himself and all of these things that has caused the death of the son he says Yaakov mourned all that night for they had brought it to him in the evening evening and morning are the first day evening starts Yom Kippur last night and all the members of his house mourn with him that day grieving and mourning to the extent that Villa who which was Rachel's handmaiden who loved joseph' and knew how much Jacob loved him she died and his own sister Deena died of mourning and it said that Yaakov didn't just do the traditional thirty days of mourning he mourned for a whole year he wanted to go to the grave he didn't even want to live without his son Yosef so in one day on this day because of the brothers jealousy and because of their division not only do they make Jacob think that Joseph has died but Joe so Tina and Billa have died so he basically in his perspective he's lost three people in one fell swoop and what division does whether it's character assassination whether it's literal physical spiritual division is of the enemy the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy because he knows that Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand so this is where he's working over time to divide and we have to be aware of this so we see how much they mourned and we have to ask ourselves if the Son of God has died for our sins and we recognize that it's our sins that have caused that death how do we mourn are we really sorry are we continuing to play sins upon him are we continuing to crucify him anew do we even know how to mourn our hearts so hardened are they so stubborn that we've never even shed a tear for the division that we've caused for the death that we've cost these people mourned for a whole year to the point where they died of heartbreak and we talk about being sorry for our sins and then we go right back out and commit them again and again Joseph is a type who like Messiah ben Yosef although his brothers turned against him and symbolically killed him on this day he forgives and saves his people from death remember the story of Yosef he let go of that bitterness he resolved to forgive his brothers to atone for them and it was because of Joseph's great heart that all of Israel was saved God used him in a mighty way during the seven years of famine Jubilees 3418 says for this reason it is ordained for the children of Israel the whole house that we should afflict ourselves on the 10th of the seventh month on this day that the news which made Yaakov weep for Yosef come to his father that they should make atonement for themselves thereon with a young goat that is what the brothers killed in his place on the tenth day of the seventh month once a year for their sins for they had grieved the affection of their father regarding Yosef his son could it be that we have grieved the father regarding his beloved son who is the Lamb chosen on the tenth day of the first month what's interesting the Hebrew calendar we have two new years right the first of the year in the civil calendar is Rosh Hashanah the tenth day of that month is when Yom Kippur occurs but there's also a religious new year in the first of of Eve and on the tenth day of that month is when the lamb is chosen and brought into the household so there's an amazing parallel in both the spring feast in the fall feast as to win this lamb is chosen verse 19 concludes and this day has been ordained that they should grieve thereon for their sins so we are corporately as well as individually you're not only grieving for your own personal sins but think of the way that we are responsible for the whole house of Israel are we working towards reunification of the house of Israel in the house of Judah or is there still some anti it is omim our minds is there's still some skepticism is there still some negativity about the Jews and I'm speaking for Ephraim in America you know there's ways that we still however small seed are still a part of that division that has divided the brothers because right now God has the whole house of Israel dispersed amongst all the nations and Judah is in Israel and Judah is not too sure of the intents of Israel and Israel which looks like the Western world is not too sure if they want to embrace what Judah has preserved down through the ages we have to come together we have to be unified in the three pillars of our faith the one true Torah the one true land and the one true God if we don't come together and begin to reconcile then we're perpetuating this problem and you're really not repentant on Yom Kippur so it goes much deeper than just us individually it's a corporate repentance that we're going through grieving for the sins of the division of hurting our brothers and causing death not only of each other but of God's Son are we grieving for all the areas that we're out of harmony with God's character and the Torah of love any area of our life that is self seeking self gratifying self-exalting that's always at the expense of someone else somewhere else so we have to try to align ourselves with the Spirit of God more selflessly are we seeking to be cleansed through a pure and selfless life and desiring to be restored to oneness in holiness with god this day is annually observed as a commemoration for our special relationship with God a relationship that through God's sacrifice and our repentance is strong enough to survive any rocky bumps it might encounter this is a day when we totally connect with the very essence of our being and seek to be at one with the one who atoned for our sins in purity and in holiness and while it's the most solemn day of the year we are all so joyful confident that God has forgiven our sins and will seal our verdict for a year of life health and happiness [Music] they chapter on the feast on all the holy days is in Leviticus 23 and we see Yom Kippur mentioned in verse 27 through 32 on the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of atonement it shall be a holy convocation unto you and you shall afflict your souls so it's a commandment to afflict your souls today and to offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord and you shall do no work in that same day it is a day of atonement now in other years this year it happens to fall on a weekly Shabbat but in other years it can fall any time during the week so whenever that happens whether it's a Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday we set aside those holy days and we do no work in them for it is a day of atonement to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God for whatever soul it is that shall not be afflicted in this day he shall be cut off from among his people this is a very severe edict and whatsoever soul it be that do with any work in this same day that soul will be destroyed from among his people you shall do no manner of work it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings it shall be unto you a Shabbat chabot tone this is a Sabbath of Sabbath's and you shall afflict your souls starting in the evening of the ninth of Tishri from evening to evening that's why we're going through tonight until dark we shall celebrate this Shabbat own so traditionally we seek to fulfill the mitzvot in Leviticus Leviticus 23 to afflict our souls by spending the day as a mourner would abstaining from food and drink not washing or anointing see if we're truly mourning the death just like Yaakov mourned the death then we will be like a mourner on this day searching our hearts for anything that has caused the death of the Sun we are liking to the Angels this is why we wear white on this day who have no physical needs like I said earlier the physical food that we're going to receive today is so much greater than anything the physical food can do for us so it is a blessing too but we can only receive that if we're fasting see the spirit and the this and the flesh don't work together so you deny the flesh and then the spirit thrives instead of focusing on the physical we spend much of our day and study in prayer engaged in the spiritual act of repentance and soul-searching so there's five parts to our Yom Kippur service and this is taken after different elements when there was a beit hamikdash the holy temple last night in the evening we start an evening service with the Kol Nidre song and we do a lot of Prayer and soul-searching this morning service and all morning prayer services are called Shahar eat and this is where we are going to dive into Leviticus 16 and that's gonna be our Torah reading for this morning then we're gonna take a break and after the break we will come and do the third part of the service which is the moose off which is additional prayer service recited on Shabbat some festivals commemorating the additional offerings brought in the temple on these days and since we don't have a temple and we're not making sacrifices our sacrifices prayer and during this moose off this is because there's no temple it's the time that we traditionally tell the story in detail about what the high priest was doing it even started it's amazing how the preparations for Yom Kippur started a week in advance and did you know that the high priest didn't even sleep on the night from the evening of like last night you wouldn't sleep through the night and he'd have other priests making sure that he didn't go to sleep so imagine he's fasting and praying he's had no sleep and he's got to do this service perfect he can't spill one drop of incense in it there's all these things that you wouldn't have know unless it's been passed down from father to son through the sages this is why it's so important for us to embrace that which our Jewish brothers have preserved because otherwise we would have lost total sight of the actual order of service and the different thick details that the high priest would go through on this day yes Terrance very good yeah pair of good parallel he is our high priest and we're gonna look at some analogies and Hebrews of Yeshua as our high priest then the fourth part of the service is going to be the Mucca the offering the afternoon prayer service and we also study the Book of Jonah at this time and Jonah is an analogy of the human soul trying to go wayward from what God is calling it to do and then the closing service before sundown is the Neela and that means the sealing like your name isn't it the books are being closed the gate of heaven is being closed this is the last chance you want to be sealed on the inside you don't want to be on the outside it's the climax of the day when the gates of heaven which we're open all day will now be closed it's the time that we sound the shofar according to Leviticus 25 9 and Archie and I were talking about whether this blowing of the shofar pertained mainly to the year of Yeovil the year of Jubilee and I believe that was the original intent of it because all of chapter 25 is dealing with those things that you do on Yom Kippur in a Jubilee year but it's been carried down for whatever reason the way God gave it to Moses and Moses told it to Joshua and Joshua told it to the 70 elders they do it the blowing of the ram's horn every Yom Kippur so that's just been passed down that that's the way it's done but we see a significance to it mainly being on a year of Jubilee being announced in Leviticus 25 so there's a special prayer called the ami da and it is the source of the Lord's Prayer that in the days of Yeshua and Jochen on the immerser the disciples were three times a days that doing the standing prayer it's called the ami da and it's quite lengthy and we're gonna do the full version this morning but in times of war or times of let's say there's somebody chasing you right and you don't have the time to stand there and say this full lengthy prayer the question arose to John what is the shortest prayer that we can say you know the the ami da we know how important it is and it should be said three times a day but how can we find a loophole to basically fulfill the commandment to save the standing prayer three times a day like Daniel did but in a shortened version so John taught the disciples to take elements from each one of the 18 it's also called the shamone s ray the prayer of 18 benedictions covering different aspects and he took out different elements from each one of these 18 benedictions and that's what when the disciples came to you sure and they said Yeshua master teach us rabbi how to pray the way John has taught his disciples to pray in essence what they were saying was teach us how to shorten the Amidah the way John taught his two disciples and so you schewe says our Father because that's the beginning of the Amidah who art in heaven hallowed be thy name the second part of the Amidala is the holiness of God's holy name thy kingdom come I will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive those who have trespassed against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the power and the glory and the kingdom forever and each one of those elements in the Lord's Prayer is taken from the Amidah so normally and this was spoken you know Daniel was praying three times a day it was formulated written down and actually codified at the time of Ezra about 450 BC and Ezra was one of the scribes of the great assembly which was 120 men that took care of the the temple and so we're gonna say this morning the whole army da because there's so many beautiful elements that you're just seeing a glimpse of in the Lord's Prayer but you're gonna see where they came from okay so if you'll stand with me here's the first part and you'll see up here I have put in parentheses the little part that Yeshua has taken from the this whole part from this paragraph okay so the first part is God of our forefathers together blessed are you O Lord our God and God of our fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the great mighty and revered God the Most High God who bestows loving-kindnesses the creator of all things who remembers the good deeds of the patriarchs and in love will bring a redeemer to their children's children that's us the final generation Oh King helpers Savior and shield blessed are you O Lord the shield of Abraham now when Yeshua says who is in heaven he was referring to who is all-powerful in heaven which encapsulates the god of power which is the second part of the Amidah you O Lord are mighty forever you revive the dead and you have the power to save you sustain the living with loving-kindness you revive the dead with great mercy and you support the foiling healing the sick set free the bound and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust who is like you Oh doer of mighty acts who resembles you that king who allows death but restores to life and causes salvation to flourish and you are certain to revive the dead blessed are you O Lord who revised the dead and then the third part talks about the holiness of God in God's name and this is where Yeshua said holy is your name together we will sanctify your holy name in this world just as it is holy in the highest heavens as it is written by your prophet and they call out to one another and they say holy holy holy is yahaha of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory blessed be the presence of the Lord from his place in your holy words it is written saying the Lord resides forever your God o Zion throughout all generations hallelujah generations we will declare your greatness and to all eternity we will proclaim your holiness your praise our God shall never depart from our mouths for you are a great and holy God and king blessed are you O Lord the holy God you are holy and your name is holy and holy means praise you daily blessed are you O Lord the holy God whenever you see Selah in Scripture because a lot of this is poetic verse in Hebrew it's just a little pause to meditate on the depth of what we've just said the fourth section of the ami da is a prayer for understanding and this is where you show is referring to give us this day everything that we need not just the physical but the spiritual as well together you favor men with knowledge and teach mortals understanding will favor us with knowledge the understanding and the insight that comes from you blessed are you O Lord the gracious giver of knowledge the fifth section is for repentance our return to God's ways and this is where the Lord's Prayer says your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven together bring us back our Father to your instruction draw us near our King to your service and caused us to return to you in perfect repentance blessed are you O Lord who delights in repentance six sections about forgiveness forgive us our Father for we have sinned pardon us our King for we have transgressed for you pardon and forgive blessed are you O Lord who is merciful and always ready to forgive the seventh section is for deliverance from affliction this is where you shouid deliver us together look upon our affliction and plead our cause and redeem us speedily for your name's sake for you are a mighty Redeemer blessed are you O Lord the Redeemer of Israel and for Kealing together heal us O Lord and we will be healed save us and we will be saved for you are our praise Oh grant a perfect healing to all our ailments for you almighty King are a faithful and merciful healer blessed are you O Lord the healer of the sick of his people yes try al the ninth section is a prayer for prosperity and for our physical needs together blessed this year for us O Lord our God together with all the varieties of its produce for our welfare bestow do and reign for blessing upon the face the earth Oh satisfy us with your goodness and bless our year like the best of years blessed are you O Lord who blesses the years amen and this was one of the things that the high priest would say upon coming out from after starting the incense in the most holy place and he would bless the people with this blessing and this is one of the places where it uses the holy name the yo hey Bob hey and the people would prostrate themselves upon the ground the tips section is for the gathering of the exhales remember even in your home prayers to always pray for the whole house of Israel to be returned to the land the way God has promised that he would when Messiah comes together sound the great shofar for our freedom raise the in sign - together our exile and gather us from the four corners of the earth blessed are you O Lord who gathers the dispersed of his people Israel and that pertains to us we're still in the diaspora who are still in the dispersion the eleventh section is a prayer for the righteous reign of God to come upon this earth and this is where Yeshua says for yours is the kingdom together restore our judges as in former times and our counselors as at the beginning and remove from us sorrow and sign reign over us you alone O Lord with loving-kindness and compassion and clear us in judgment blessed are you O Lord the king who loves righteousness and justice and the 12th section of the prayer is for the destruction of the enemies of God together let there be no hope for it slanders and let all wicked perish in an instant may all your enemies quickly be cut down and may you soon in our day a fruit crush cast down and humbled the dominions of arrogance blessed are you O Lord who cast down the enemies and humbles the air again and this pertains as much to the spiritual warfare as to the physical realm so the enemy is not the neighbor who slanders it's the enemy it's the spiritual warfare that's going on that we prayed be crushed and brought down these are the dominions that are trying to claim control over different parts of the earth and different parts of our lives the thirteenth section is for the righteous assembly and for those grafted in to the whole house of Israel together may your compassion be stirred O Lord our God toward the righteous the pious the elders of your people the house of Israel the remnant of their scholars towards those grafted in and towards us also grant a good reward to all who truly trust in your name set our lot with them forever so that we may never be put to shame for we have put our trust in you blessed are you O Lord the support and stay of the righteous and the fourteenth section of the prayer is for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple may it come speedily and in our day together return in mercy to Jerusalem your City and dwell in it as you have promised rebuild it soon in our day as an eternal structure and quickly set it up in the throne of David blessed are you O Lord who rebuilds Jerusalem amen and the fifteenth section is a prayer for the coming Messiah the power together speedily caused the offspring of your servant avide to flourish and let him be exalted by your saving power for we wait all day long for your salvation your yeshua blessed are you O Lord who causes salvation to flourish that word in Hebrew is Yeshua beautiful how we wait for him both us the author and finisher of our faith our salvation our atonement but also as the coming king and High Priest the 16th section of the ami da is for the answering of prayer sometimes we pray to God we have different needs and it seems like we're not hearing his voice we want him to hear our voice and we want to hear his voice so this is a section of prayer that deals with that together hear our prayer o Lord our God spare us and have pity on us accept our prayer in mercy and with favour for you are a God who hears prayers and supplications our king do not turn away from your presence empty-handed for you hear the prayers of your people Israel with compassion blessed are you O Lord who hears prayers and the seventeenth section is for the restoration of the temple and the glory together be pleased O Lord our God with your people Israel and with their prayers restore the service to the most holy place of your temple and receive in love and with favor both the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may the worship of your people Israel always be acceptable to you and let our eyes behold your return in mercy to Zion blessed are you O Lord who restores the divine presence to Zion amen and the xviii the shamone astray and the final section is thanksgiving to God for his unfailing mercies together we give thanks to you that you are the Lord our God and the God of our fathers for ever and ever through every generation you have been the rock of our lives the shield of our salvation we will give you thanks and declare your praise for our lives are committed into your hands for our souls that are entrusted to you for your miracles amen so if you need to take a break now is a good time to do it let's take five minutes and then we'll come in to the morning service the shahuri service where we'll study Leviticus chapter 16 and before we begin to study this chapter in the Torah we're gonna say the blessing over the Torah bar who enter a humble Rock who humbly baruch adonai hambric neelambar head baruch ATA adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam asher ba Karpin amico ha Meem vena ton la nuit orator Luka taro night no tane heart or man plus adonai who is worthy to be blessed less is Adonai who is blessed now and forever blessed are you Adonai our God King of the universe who has chosen us from among the people and given us the Torah what's that are you a tonight who gives the Torah amen so we're gonna read the whole chapter of Leviticus 16 in the context of Yom Kippur I've also put it on the overhead so if you don't have your Bibles it's a little bit small but you can see the different verses and when we get to verse 12 all go to the next verses this is from our Torah portion called Oscar emote does anybody remember what off promotin means give you a hint mote is death in Hebrew okay is after so it's after the death of Nadav and Avihu author owns two sons who came into the most holy place with their own type of incense and on their own day and in their own way and it shows that there's still a process where God needs to be kept separate he needs to be only approached in holiness on the day that he chooses in the way that he chooses because he knows what is going to veil his Shekinah glory from being like a consuming fire to us and if we're harboring any darkness and we have any self and we go into the presence of God it's gonna be like a consuming fire so this even though it's relating to after the death of Nadav and Avihu it's very pertinent to the high priestly thinking on Yom Kippur because you don't want to do anything wrong we're going before the throne room on this day and we are searching our hearts for atonement we're seeking God to atone for our sins and we don't want to approach in any worldly way in any earthly way in any ways of darkness in any ways of selfishness so this really brings to mind that when you go into the most holy place even in your prayer life you know where are you going but before the throne room make sure that it's in such a proper way of holiness first one says out and I spoke with Moshe after the death of Aaron's two sons when they tried to sacrifice before Adonai and died out and I said to Moshe tell your brother Aaron not to come at just any time into the most holy place beyond the curtain in front of the Ark cover which is on the ark so that he will not die because I appear in the cloud over the ark cover so this is really a message of mercy he's saying I don't want a her own to die I don't delight in the deaths of his sons that came in at the wrong time with their own strange fire God is trying to save us and he wants us to draw near but there's a process of purification that has to happen in our lives for us to truly draw near so we see this tour portion is given 6 months before Yom Kippur we actually read this usually around Passover time and he's preparing us six months in advance to come into his presence on this day which is another act of mercy and we're gonna see different elements of the high priestly service going into the most holy place from the clothing changes to representing the character changes the different sins that he's atoning for and the different times that he goes in and out of the holy place in this chapter verse 3 says here is how Aaron is to enter the holy place with a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering so this young bull who was this blood to atone for for the high priest himself he was to atone for his own sins first and that's a good example for us as intercessors how can we think that our prayers will be effectual like James says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much if we have sin in our own life if our own sins have not be atoned for do we think that our prayers are gonna be effectual for someone else when they're not even effectual for ourselves all the more reason to live a righteous life because it's the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man that a Tzadik that availeth much so the first thing he does is bring this young bull and he places his hands upon this bull and he confesses his own sins over this bull he's to put on the holy linen tunic he has the linen shorts next to his bare flesh and he has the linen sash wrapped around him we're seeing a picture of what it really means to be girded as a high priest you know when Paul says put on the armor of God this is a description of the armor of God right here the holy tunic is the helmet or the head plate of salvation it literally said holy unto the Lord the belt of truth this is the linen sash that went around to his waist yes [Music] did not work because we very good question like the way you think we're leaving the holy place to go out and give this message of mercy and the good news of Messiah to the Lost house of Israel in the world so we shot our feet as we go out in a message to restore the lost house of Israel while in the temple in that holy place we are barefoot but when we go out where our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel which is the good news that we have seen the Prophet come the prophet like unto Moshe who was promised and he is the son of God and He is the spotless Lamb of God and he has atoned for our sins this is the good news by faith we recognize him to be the same one who will come back and reign as high priest and King and the message needs to go to all the descendants of Israel throughout the Diaspora throughout the world so we shot our feet with that preparation as we leave the holy place and go out to share with the whole house of Israel the good news that soon your exile will be over soon the regather een will be here when Messiah comes this is a fulfillment of prophecy up to this point we're looking forward to the things that have not yet been fulfilled and but we have to wake people up to even recognize it so this is where we shot our feet to go out and give that message of the gospel then it you bet and then it also says after the belt of truth wearing the linen turban this is the helmet of salvation they are the holy garments of the high priest he's also to bathe his body in water and put them on and you know whenever we talk about clothing or garments it's symbolic of our characters this is why revelation says buy from me gold tried in the fire and white raiment today we wear right Raymond because our desire is to be totally purified totally cleansed of all sin and ultimately our own best works are like what filthy rags so whose garment is really white that's covering us yahushua's robe of righteousness amen this is our high priest who's covering us and the bathing is a process that we through our choices have to go through a cleansing process we can't just say I want to continue in my sin and just accept Yeshua's righteousness on my behalf right that would be like putting on clean clothes but not really bathing I'm just so dirty I'm dirtying up the clothes that I'm putting on we have to go through a process of stopping the sin and that can only happen by learning Torah and having it written upon our hearts there's so much depth to this that's right otherwise those garments that He desires to put on us will turn as filthy rags as well so this is symbolic in the priests bathing his body and then putting on the change of raiment verse five says he is to take from the community of the people of Israel to kid goats for a sin offering and one ramp for a burnt offering so who's he taking the kids from now it's involving the congregation the community so first she's atoning for his own sins now he's showing there's a work for you to do Assembly Aaron is to present the bull for the sin offering which is for himself and make atonement for himself and his household so in our prayer life as we're searching our hearts for any known sin we do deep soul searching on ourselves and then like Daniel prayed as an intercessory prayer for his family and for the whole house of Israel he goes out from us to them seeking to atone for our families and then our whole family in Israel verse seven says used to take the two goats and placed them before Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting and we're gonna read more detail about what he did as far as tying a red crimson wool to the oats head and all of these details in the next section he says but the goat whose lot fell to Azazel is to be presented alive to add an AI to be used for making atonement over it by sending it away into the desert for Oz's l now a Midrash says that the people were so eager to get the Oz's l and their sins thrust over the cliff that they would follow the man taking the goat out and they would pull hair from the goat and they would yeah taking go that's right exactly and through our study of the book of enoch and Jubilees we see that ozs L is a composite word there's actually a goat demon referred to as Oz's l but there was actually two fallen angels one named what ASSA and the other was aziz l yes so this is very symbolic of Satan and the sins being recognized in their origin and their infancy even in the heavenly sphere the sins are going to be totally separated from us and from God's kingdom at the end of the millennium remember when the earth is cleansed by fire it says the dragon the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire and along with it sin and death so this is a symbolic foreshadowing of when sin and death is going to be totally taken away from us totally destroyed never to arise again never to be seen again yeah that just popped into my mind where there was the story between went into the temple any UFO that the Prophet I'd say he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon these annoying to be too pretty good time and then they were they wanted to take him to a high place yes wouldn't be something if that was the exact same spot very symbolic he who knew no sin became sin for us and he represents that the whole epitome of sin being cast off it's there's so much depth to meditate on when you see the symbolism and you know in Hebrew we call this day not Yom Kippur as much as you own hockey purine it's plural and for this reason you know in the Jewish mindset there's only one that can atone right and that's God himself and we agree but there comes a problem like we are very free in our thinking to recognize different symbols and different types and we recognize the second goat more of a you know one is for the Lord one goat is for the Lord the other goat is for it says two O's Iselle we recognized the symbolism of the enemy or the principalities of darkness in that yet from the Jewish mindset they would have a problem with that they would say both goats represent the Lord because Satan can't atone for your sins and if they're yo mahaki Purim if it's the day of atonement plural and both goats symbolically atone for your sins then they're saying you have to not put the wrong thing in the wrong place and so this is why if you ever are speaking to somebody you'll understand their thinking of why they're not going to be quick to recognize the different symbolism with these two goats there's no doubt that only God alone atones for our sins but we understand maybe even more because of the spiritual veil has been lifted from our eyes through Yeshua the spiritual warfare that we are engaged in and with a Jewish mindset they don't like to endorse a fallen angel enemy of God they say God created him for this purpose to test us and so it's a totally different paradigm and it's helpful for you to understand if you're speaking with a Jewish brother or sister that paradigm because if you just say everything that you have come to know and they're going to not even be able to recognize that we look at the enemy as totally in rebellion with God they look at the enemy as created to do certain biddings of God and yeah and we have to recognize both aspects that's why I like to bring out these things there's elements of both that's very good place to be to recommend he wouldn't be a righteous God yeah we wouldn't have choice that's right that's the big clincher is when it comes to the freedom of choice so in verse 11 Aaron is to present the bull of the sin offering to himself for himself he will make a tone name for himself in his household he's to slaughter the bowl of the sin offering which is for himself then it says he's to take a sensor full of burning coals from the altar so this is the altar of burnt-offering that's out in the outer court he would go out with a pan and get some hot coals and bring that in and then he would go and get two handfuls of incense and put that in like a big spoon and he'd carry these both behind the curtain and then he would put them together behind the curtain so that way it would veil the Shekinah glory and with his hands notice it says plural so this is two hands full of ground fragrant incense he would bring it inside the curtain this altar of incense represents our prayers that have sinned before the father as a fragrant aroma he is to put the incense on the fire before adonai so that the cloud from the incense will cover the ark cover which is over the testimony in order that he will not die he is to take some of the bulls blood and sprinkle it with his finger on the ark cover towards the east and in front of the art court cover he is to sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times so from the time that he put the sensor with the coals in behind the veil then he comes back out so that's one time he's gone into the most holy place and he comes back out and then he prepares this blood of the bull and he goes back and sprinkles it and that's the second time but he goes in next he is to slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people and bring its blood inside the curtain so this is the third time he's coming in and do with its blood as he did with the Bulls blood sprinkling it on the Ark cover and in front of the Ark cover he will make atonement for the holy place so he's made atonement for himself and for his household and for the nation of Israel and he's making atonement for the holy place why does the holy place need atonement made for it yeah all year long Russian the blood of the sacrifices is being splattered on that veil and imagine this big huge thick veil getting thicker and thicker throughout a whole year from scattering the blood of millions of people's lamb offerings onto this veil it's thick it's encrusted it's dried out another amazing thing about this incense is it would keep any flies or any insects from being attracted to this tried blood on the veil but once a year this atonement for Yom Kippur for the most holy place would actually cleanse miraculously supernaturally that veil and it was as if there was no blood that had been encrusted upon it it totally cleanse him of course the blood that carry was carried in there was representative of the sins of the whole house of Israel because they were confessing their sins over these things so this is why the most holy place literally had taken on a certain type of defilement and if you think about Yeshua as our sacrifice and our high priest what has he done in taking the sins upon himself when he goes and he presents the blood of his sacrifice before the Father in the most holy place in the heavenly sphere is this a type of heavenly things that he's taken our sins and his covering his blood covering over those sins back to the Father in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary because everything on this earth is just a type of that which was in heaven made without human hands [Music] he says he will make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness 'iz of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions all their sins and he is to do the same for the tent of meeting which is there with them right in the middle of their uncleanliness no one is to be present in the tent of meeting that's in the holy place or the most holy place from the time he enters the holy place to make atonement until the time he comes out having made atonement for himself and for his household and for the entire community of Israel then he has to go out to the altar that is before the Lord and make atonement for it because also the altar has had much blood that has carried that sin with it as people confess their sins on the head of these goats it's like a transference of sin through the blood so it's also made the altar of burnt-offering unclean and he takes some of the bulls blood and some of the goats blood and he puts it on all the horns of the altar to purify it he is to sprinkle some of the blood on it with its fingers with his finger seven times the spear fighting it and setting it apart from the uncleanliness of the people of Israel when he has finished atoning for the most holy place and the tent of meeting which is the holy place and the altar which is the outer Court see all three compartments as he's moving out from the most holy place each one is being atone for he is to present the live goat Aaron is to lay both hands on the head of the life goat and confess over it all the transgressions and crimes and sins of the people of Israel and today we will go through a process later on where we go through many different types of sins that we would confess for ourselves individually and for the corporate body of Israel the priests would confess these over this goat and put them on the head of the goat and then he would send it into the desert with a man appointed for the purpose other translations saved by the hand of a fit man because he literally had to go so far out of the city and this was so many mountain ranges or hills away from Jerusalem Aaron is to go back into the tent of meeting where he is to remove the linen garments he put on when he entered the holy place and he is to leave them there then he is to bathe his body in water again in a holy place put on his outer clothes come out and offer his burnt offerings and the burnt offerings of the people thus making atonement for himself and for the people he is to make the fat of the sin-offering go up in smoke on the altar the man who let go the goat for Oz's L is to come back and wash his clothes and bathe his body in water because he has become unclean even by association in leading this goat out with all of these sins on it so he is given an opportunity to wash his clothes and that's a lesson for us today can we become clean by so this unclean by association you know we're admonished to not have fellowship with unbelievers with those that choose to remain in their sins with those that are harboring darkness or negativity we have to know when to sever ourselves so we want to be in the world but not of the world we want to be all things to people but we don't want all of their things to come upon us and defile us and so it's this balance of praying for wisdom because we have a heart as we've seen in Yeshua to give everything of ourselves right and we'll put ourselves out there to constantly be exposed to this kind of environment to certain kinds of people but in wisdom we have to know how much by association are we becoming defiled and pull away from wrong associations then used to bathe his body I'm sorry so then this man washed his clothes and bathed his body and afterwards he can return to the camp the bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place is to be carried outside the camp there there to burn up completely their hides and meat and dung the person burning them is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water and afterwards he may return to the camp it is to be a permanent regulation for you that on the tenth day of the seventh month you are to deny yourself that's today don't do any kind of work so we take this word deny ourselves in all the ways that we can deny ourselves this is why we don't have marital relations this is why we don't eat or drink this is why we're not watching television or in any way we want to deny ourselves from the physical world's that we can embrace the spiritual world because we're symbolically going with our high priest into the most holy place and presenting the cleansing atonement before the Father before the glory of God he says this is to be established both for the citizen of the land and for the foreigner for on this day atonement will be made for you and here's the purpose of Yom Kippur to purify you we want to be purified amen you will be clean before Adonai from all of your sins it is a Shabbat of complete rest for you and you are to deny yourselves this is a permanent regulation the priests anointed and consecrated to be Cohen in his father's place will make the atonement you will put on the linen garments the holy garments he will make atonement for the most holy place and he'll make atonement for the holy place and for the altar in the outer court you will make atonement for the priests even and for all the people of the community this is a permanent regulation for you to make atonement for the people of Israel and here's the climax of this whole purpose because all of their sins once a year will be purified this verse says this shall be an everlasting statue for you the Torah reading concludes for on this day he will forgive you this is a promise that you can claim to purify you that you should be cleansed from all your sins before God once a year so this is a once a year occurrence now if you turn in your Bibles just to look at the symbolism of the high priest to Hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 through 28 we see Yeshua as the high priest in the future the Coen hog a doll of the true Myshkin right now he's even as a high priest already in the heavenly sphere in the heavenly tabernacle offering his own blood to atone for our sins he truly is the true blood covering [Music] [Music] hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 through 28 if you want to read along but when the messiah appeared as the Kohen Gadol the high priest of the good things that are happening already then through the greater and more perfect Tabernacle which is in heaven which is not man-made or of this created world he entered the most holy place once for all when we are in mashiac we are presented before the father in the most holy place this is what it means to be in him and him in us and he entered not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood thus setting people free how long forever so the blood of goats would symbolically atone for people and once a year it needed to be redone because it needed to be brought to mind how important it was for us to be purified but Yeshua's blood purifies us once and for all for ever if you will receive it for if sprinkling ceremonially unclean persons with the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer restores there our dear tea how much more the blood of Messiah who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself to God totally the greatest reflection of yaws selfless love as a sacrifice without blemish and he will purify our conscience from the works that lead to death and that's everything that's self seeking it's all selfishness in all forms of selfishness lead to self-destruction so he's not only purifying our bodies but he's purifying our minds you ever have a memory or guilt of something that's you've done in the past he wants to cleanse your conscience do you know the reason he could be a great overcomer is because he never dabbled in holding on to a sinful thought the minute we hold on to a sinful thought it's not very much longer that it becomes a sinful word or deed right so everything the battle the spiritual battle begins in the mind and those areas where he because he never would indulge those thoughts and doesn't mean he wasn't tempted temptation that's not sin but he never indulged them he was never tempted he never had a taste of sin I mean I he was tempted but it wasn't because of a past sin like sometimes our temptations are due to liking the taste of sin right and whether it's diet or whether it's some lustful action or whether it's greed or whatever it is we have a memory and that's what's causing us to not only want to sin again but evil spirits attach themselves to that memory and that's like Danny was talking this morning about the trauma you have to get rid of that trauma because unless you deal with the trauma the spirits are gonna stay attached to that trauma and it's just like the guilt the consciousness of sin this is what the blood of Yeshua is cleansing us from so that it's as if we have never sinned so that you don't even have a memory of what that sin tastes like or feels like or looks like and there's no guilt and no self condemnation on yourself any longer and your eyes can be stayed on the author and finisher of our faith to have a cleanse conscience is huge that's such a big part of it from all these works that lead to death so that we can serve the Living God this is the ultimate purpose you know we always talk about here at the Assembly of called out believers teaching people their true identity in not only the lost house of Israel but in being divine beings you know we are children of the Most High God but then this leads to our purpose and the purpose is right here in Hebrews 9 verse 14 so that we can serve the Living God he's created us in His image and the ultimate act of service is not serving him as a as a slave or a servant he wants us to serve Him in reflecting his true nature of selfless love that's what it really means to serve the Lord 4:15 says it is because of this death that he is me mediator of a renewed covenant because a death has occurred which sets the people free from the transgressions committed under the first covenant those who have been called may receive the promised eternal inheritance for where there is a will there must be necessarily there must necessarily be produced evidence of its makers death since a will goes into effect only upon death it never has force while its maker is still alive so this covenant is a pact that's sealed by blood and it remains effective until death of one of the parties this is why the first covenant was inaugurated with blood after Moshe remember Moshe when he'd received the first covenant at Sinai what did he do he sprinkled the people with blood because he wanted them to know they're ratifying the Covenant and when we have error of Shabbat we talk about the grape juice being just a symbol of the blood that ratifies the covenant we're entering into ISM spotless Lamb of God after Moshe had proclaimed every commandment of the Torah to all the people he took the blood of the calves with some water and he used scarlet wool and this is what we're gonna see tied to the Azazel go and hyssop hyssop is the smallest of all trees it's like a little bush so it's representing humility to sprinkle both the scroll itself and the people the scroll is like a ketubah of the betrothal that they had gone through at Sinai so it is part of the Covenant it is the Covenant document and it gets ratified as well with the blood then he said this is the blood of the Covenant which God has ordained for you likewise he sprinkled with the blood both the tent and all the things used in its ceremonies in fact according to the Torah almost everything is purified with blood because of the heavenly things had to be purified but the heavenly things themselves require better sacrifices than these for the Messiah has entered the most holy place which is not man-made and merely a copy of the true one but into heaven itself in order to appear now on our behalf in the very presence of God so we by faith can recognize him as our high priest even while the world is waiting for him to come back and reign as high priest and King we by faith where is our prayers where's our mind when we're praying it's in that same most holy place compartment with him we should follow him wherever he goes that's what it says actually about the Saints right in Revelation they follow him wherever he goeth so whatever compartment he is in in the heavenly sphere we should mentally follow him in our prayer life and see him at the right hand of the Father now this is let's see verse 24 for the Messiah has entered a holy place which is not man-made and merely a copy of the true one but into heaven itself in order to appear now on our behalf in the very presence of God further he did not enter heaven to offer himself over and over again like we do with the sacrifices on Yom Kippur like the Coen Hagen dole the high priest who enters the most holy place year after year on Yom Kippur with blood that is not his own for then he would have had to suffer many deaths or death many times from the founding of the universe onward and yet we know he was this lamb slain from the foundation of the universe onward but as it is he has appeared once at the end of the age in order to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself just as human beings have to die once but after this comes judgment so also the Messiah having been offered once to bear the sins of many will appear a second time not to deal with sin but to deliver those who are eagerly waiting for him this is a beautiful prophecy it's so perfect for yom kippur to put our focus on that which the sacrifices and rituals and services of the high priest were pointing to now if you'll turn with me to the other section that talks about Yom Kippur in numbers 29 verse 7 through 11 we read more instruction on the fall feast in this chapter 29 but in particular in verse 7 it's talking about Yom Kippur and it says and you shall have on this tenth day of this seventh month a holy convocation and you shall afflict your souls you shall not do any work therein but you shall offer a burnt offering unto the Lord for a sweet savour one young Bullock one ram and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish now every one of these different types of animals have different symbolic meanings even from the time of Enoch God was giving revelation as to men has different types of animals this is what Peter was meditating on Enoch chapter 88 this whole vision that Enoch had as two different descendants of Abraham as different types of animals clean some clean some unclean like Esau and Ishmael were unclean [Music] Hey and God is telling him to not look at the Gentiles for actually the lost house of Israel who have assimilated amongst the nations don't look at them as unclean anymore go to them give them the good news and throughout the Scriptures we can see animals representing different kingdoms like in Daniel and here even in the sacrifices different animals atone for different kinds of sins and for different nations and a bull always tones for the sins of the nations so the world is being saved through the high priest in what he is doing not only for Israel but for all the nations and that's why on Sukkot we have thirteen Bulls on the first day twelve Bulls on the second day of Sukkot eleven Bulls on the third ten Bulls on the fourth and so on down through the seven days of Sukkot and when you add them up it's 70 Bulls for the 70 nations that were divided from the Tower of Babel so here you see him say offer me a young bull lock well we know that it's for himself but also to atone for the nation's how can he tone for the nation's if he's not atone for so it's part and parcel and then the RAM very significant and of course the lambs being significant as well each one I encourage you to go and study the deeper significance of what these were atoning for and their meat offering shall be a flour mingled with oil 3/10 deals to a Bullock and two-tenths deal to a ram so you had to also know the right proportion of grain and olive oil and wine to go with these sacrifices a several tenth deal for one lamb throughout the seven lambs and one kid of the goats for a sin-offering beside the sin offering of atonement and the continual burnt offering and the meat offering of it and their drink offerings so you're getting bits and pieces from different scripture about the services in the Holy Temple on this day of Yom Kippur now as we fast we're gonna just temporarily take a look away from the Torah and look at the profits and how the prophets advocated fasting on this day because many people would go around and they would fast with a long face right now or they would tell everybody I'm fasting you know look at how holy I am or they'd be so self focused that I'm gonna get all the prayers just right but what's happening to the widow down on the corner or the homeless person or the orphan Isiah through the inspiration of God brings out that the true fast is a fast that reveals itself in acts of kindness if we're really a repentant for our sins what is sin but selfishness shouldn't it make me more unselfish if I'm truly being atone for and if I'm truly having a revelation on this day as I'm fasting all of a sudden I should realize that doing acts of loving kindness in helping God's children he says him as much as you do it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me so we're not only mourning our own sins today but we're trying to detach from that selfishness that is all about me me me hoarding things up for myself because that's a sin and it is the core of all pride it is the core of all set of destroying you and the more you give on the converse side what's amazing is God will bless you and he will heal you and he will use you in a mighty way that reveals his love to the nation's how will the nation's know God's love if we're not his hands and his feet you know they're only gonna know it through us one of the things I love that Dan in addition to his great witness is whenever he gets an opportunity he goes over the mountains and gets as much excess food that these big stores are giving away that they you know maybe their day-old things or maybe they're over stocked or whatever it is and he's bringing these things over to help the poor and the widow here in this community and that's really the Torah in action that's beautiful Isaiah 57 we're just gonna read 5714 through 58 14 and I put it up on the board so that you can see it and it says cast he up castilla prepare the way take up the stumbling block out of the way of my people this is the haftorah reading read every Yom Kippur for thus says the high and lofty one that inhabiteth in eternity whose name is holy as we recognize his holiness and his high and lifted up status we should become humble we shouldn't try to elevate ourselves you know that pride and that ego it should be debased he says I dwell in the high in the holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit so who's he gonna dwell with not the proud in the haughty but the contrite and humble this is who he wants to have in his temple with him I should have highlighted or bolded that or underlined that for I will not contend forever right now he's contending with us right and we asked forgiveness one day and we go back out and we're doing it again he wants a people that will remain pure that will remain contrite that will remain humble that will remain giving he says neither will I always be Roth for the spirit fail before me and the souls which I have made for the iniquity of his covetousness what was i roth and i smote him and i hid me and was wroth that means he pulled away and he went on forwardly in the way of his heart so here he's trying to reach israel over and over and over and Israel continues headlong in their sins and so God allows them to separate themselves from him and even Isaiah I think it's 59 verse 2 says thy sins have made a separation between thee and my god it's not God having made a separation it's our sins that tore lessness light can't coexist with darkness he says I have seen his ways and I will heal him I will lead him also and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners so those that are in contrite nosov heart and humbleness are fasting and praying and are mourning over the wrongs that they've done over the sins that have separated them from God it's those people that he will heal he won't force himself on those that don't desire that verse 19 says I create the fruit of the lips peace Shalom Shalom to him that is afar off and to him that his near says the Lord and I will heal him but the wicked are like a troubled sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and earth even praising him and then you see a friend and he takes your mind into the gutter and he speaks negativity in darkness and doubt and whatever else the enemy can conjure up it's like a troubled sea it's just spinning up dirt and mire there is no peace with them says the Lord my god to the wicked cry aloud and spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet so in this time of repentance the last 10 days are called the 10 days of awe and we go from the day of trumpeting trying to wake everybody up you've only got 10 days left to your name being sealed in the book of life do not go into Yom Kippur with any known sin in your life show my people their transgression this is a commandment the house of Jacob their sins how many times we just try to be nice and we don't show people their sin now it shouldn't be done in the context of I hate you you've you know such a bad person they should be done in love to restore that person to right relationship with God and ultimately within the community but we have a responsibility to show transgression the right way now unfortunately the world and profess believers have tried to show sin the wrong way so we have to have wisdom in that but he's telling us to lift up our voice like a trumpet time is short show the people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their God so this is also something very important to understand they ask of me the ordinances of justice they take delight in approaching to God wherefore have we fasted they say and thou seest not wherefore have we afflicted our soul and thou take us no knowledge behold in the days of your fast you find pleasure and exact all your Labor's behold you fast for strife and debate to smite with the fist of wickedness you shall fast as you do this day to make your voice heard on high you know we could what does it mean if we are not doing acts of kindness if we're not changing from our ways is it such a fast that I have chosen for you a day for man to afflict his soul is to bow down his head as a bulrush this is humbleness to spread sack cloth and ashes under him is this how you show your fast will thou call this fast like they used to look like mourners they would put ashes on their head where's that cloth and they would go around so everybody knew it it's very much you know to show everybody what you're doing is this what you call an acceptable day to the Lord let me tell you the fast that I've chosen for you the Lord says to loose the bands of wickedness be purified once and for all don't go back into your sin undo heavy burdens for others this would be a blessing whenever you know your brother has a burden let's undo that burden let's lift that burden off your shoulders let's help with the oppressed go free this is spiritual warfare let's pray for these demonic strongholds to come down in our lives the only way we can do that is if we uplift one another not if you're exposing the wrongs of your brothers and sisters but only if you are praying with them and you're interceding as if it was praying for your own life I wish that you would break every yoke it's not my desire for you to deal your bread to the hungry so as we take this time away from physical food guess what we could be doing with that physical food feeding the homeless this is what I'd like to you know last year I introduced little elements of Yom Kippur to you this year I'm introducing more next year wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if we spent half the time of this day fasting going out and feeding the homeless and serving those that are brokenhearted and downtrodden that are homeless and that our feeling abandoned that's what we're leading up to let's put Torah into action that's what I setup serving others worldwide for after teaching Torah for many years I saw people getting ahead knowledge of it but unless you have a vehicle to go out and do good for others what good is it right so first we write Torah on our hearts and then let's go out together let's pack tighter together in unity to do good and in that way the world will come to know the love of God is it not to deal like bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out into their house you're not just taking them down to a hotel you're bringing them into your own house this is real love and when you see it's the naked that you cover him and that you hide not thyself from thine own flesh then if you get this fast in this right context to truly live out tourists to do good to others then shall thy light break forth as the morning and then shall thy health spring forth speedily are you afflicted are you having health complications you know we have to break free from the focus even on our health complications and focus on doing good to others and maybe that will set us free even in our health issues and thy righteousness shall go forth before thee and the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward then shalt thou call and the Lord shall answer thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am he named me if thou take away from the midst of the Eva yoke the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity how's the finger being put forth whenever you're pointing out other people's wrongs we should be afflicting our own Souls no we're in the biggest 23 does it say about Yom Kippur your Flip Dean somebody else's soul you're pointing out somebody else's fault we afflict our own soul it's between us and God and we do good to others not harm and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then shall thy light rise in obscurity and that darkness will be as bright as the noonday so even your worst hour will be as bright as the noonday and what's amazing and it just hit me in this verse is that if we never fast how can we be true intercessors for those that are hungry how can we be touched with the feeling of other people's infirmities as you saw our high priest is we're to have the same mind in us which was in Yeshua our Messiah so this little period of time of fasting should make our hearts connect more with those who are less fortunate and we should think about doing good it's not just about the focus on ourselves and the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy the soul in drought this is a great promise he's saying you'll never need food even if there's a drought around you he's gonna satisfy you physically and spiritually and make fat thigh bones and thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places what an honor that is to build the old waste places this is talking about Jerusalem thou shall rise up the foundations of many generations and thou shall be called the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the paths dwell in so just like in all things there's a physical and a spiritual application there's also repairing of the briefs that we need to do in our lives and our family's lives if there's somebody that has something where there's a broken relationship in your life I encourage you to repair it if there's something that your forefathers have put upon you whether there be curses or sins of ignorance or habitual sins break free from those strongholds and be set free in this way we can be spiritual repairers of the breach in restores of the paths yes Ava Oh beautiful that's huge words and it only came about after you fasted [Music] because if you don't yeah that's right when you're doing health fast and especially prolonged fast you want to have lots of fluids to flush out the toxins [Music] [Music] so I'm sorry yeah it's beautiful verse 13 says if you will turn your foot away from doing your own pleasure on the Sabbath day if you call his Sabbath a delight holy to the Lord and you'll honor it you will honor him by honoring Shabbat not doing my own ways nor finding my own pleasure nor speaking my own words how many of you want to honor God and everything that he's asked you to so he's asking you to honor the Sabbath's not only the weekly Sabbath but the annual Sabbath's as well the spring feasts the fall feasts in this way you know what does it mean to set something aside as holy you don't treat it as common you don't do the same work that you do you don't talk the same talk you don't watch television you don't bring the world into your home you really you know you even stand up to your boss and you let him know that you're under holy conviction to rest on your holy days he gives us a promise he says if we will not even speak our own pleasure our own words then you will delight in the Lord so if you want to delight in the Lord this is the path to it and he will cause you to ride on the heights of the earth and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father this is all the promises of the inheritance that's going to be given to Israel this is how you graft yourself into Israel you start honoring his Torah and his holy days and he's promising you a part in that inheritance with Jacob for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it so at the close of this little segment here before we take a break let's stand up and recite some of the beautiful we call them the thirteen attributes of God it's taken from Exodus 34 when Moses says Lord I want to see your face show me your glory and glory in both Hebrew and the have a connotation of character so God is revealing his character so he said no one has seen my face at any time but I'll hide your face in the cleft of Iraq and I will declare unto you my character and so I want you to be thinking as we're meditating on Isaiah and living out yaws selfless love in action think about adopting these 13 characteristics of Hashem together Jehovah Jehovah is God merciful and compassionate God long-suffering God abounding in kindness and truth showing grace to thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and he cleanses are we being merciful to our brothers and sisters even to our enemies we're called to love our enemies let alone somebody that's in the body with you are we long-suffering that means when somebody does do you wrong you will take the suffering upon yourself you would rather suffer than hurt them and so we suffer long when we're patient with people even while they're being stubborn or there might not be embracing change right away we need to suffer long like God suffers long are we abounding in kindness and truth are we speaking unkind words and falsehoods are we showing grace what is Grace but unmerited favor that person doesn't deserve it but I'm gonna show them the smile and a kind word and a loving act even though they don't deserve it can we forgive the sins that people have done against us and the beautiful thing is just as we recognize that God forgives and cleanses if we truly believe it then we're gonna forgive and our love is gonna cover a multitude of sins even in those that don't like us even those that come against us we can practice forgiveness and cleansing in our own lives and in the lives of others so let this be our meditation during this next five to ten minute break and then we'll go into the next part of the service I'm gonna read to you some elements from the Midrash that records the history of the high priest work in the temple and so much of this knowledge would be lost if it was not for it being recorded this time in the synagogue service masaf service is always retelling the story of the detailed accounts of what the high priest would go through so I thought since times of no matter I won't just talk like a lot of places just summarize it really quick you know like he took two goats you tied the string on the string turned white boom kisi and no we're going to go back even from when the high priest is preparing a week in advance and yeah go through the preparations of the time in the beit hamikdash which means the house of the lord [Music] Hashem explained to Moshe the special order of service to be formed in the beit hamikdash on yom kippur it had to be performed by the high priest personally throughout the day Shekinah elisha i'd like you to listen to this okay listen about what happened in ancient times on this day preparations for that holiest day of the year began a week in advance the Kohen Gadol left his house to take up residence in a special chamber of the temple he had to purify himself and prepare for the service a week in advance besides the officiating high priest a substitute was also made ready just in case the high priest became Tom a does everyone know what to Maia's like ritually unclean so he had a back up high priest to officiate in the temple just in case he came in contact with a dead body or some other thing to make him unclean and he was able to he was unable to function in his capacity on the 3rd and the 7th of the 7 preparatory days the high priest was sprinkled with the purifying waters of the para a Duma this is the waters of the red heifer that cleanses all the artifacts in the temple and make them ritually pure for use even the priests went through the water of the red heifer in preparation so this was a serious thing he's not only preparing and training for it all year long but he's purifying it week in advance just on the chance that he unknowingly become unclean through contact with a corpse the Sanhedrin sent a delegation of Tom medians which are like students or disciples to instruct the Kohen Gadol in the service of yom kippur they read to him the Torah sections of the parsha that we read this morning in leviticus 20 of 16 are a Moute this is what these trained Preppers were doing to prep the high priests they read him these sections which deal with the Yom Kippur service and the laws of Yom Kippur and he repeated them until he knew them very well if he knew the Holocaust which Holocaust Jewish law so Holocaust would be laws plural the right order and way to do things he expounded them and that week he also practiced offering the incense sacrificing and lighting the menorah you know even taking well you have a pan of hot coals in one hand and then you've got a spoonful of two handfuls of incense to be able to take it you can't just dump it from the spoon into the thing it had to be done with your hand very intimate so you're holding the pan and yet you need two hands because remember you'd put two hands of incense in the spoon so there's even some accounts that say that he was even using his teeth to steady the spoon while the pan was laid down over here and then he takes up the incense you know but he can't get a drop of incense on the floor I mean there's all these strict Holika about exactly how to do this service because you're in the most holy place and you don't drop anything and you don't have any accidents so let's see where did we go so he's preparing everything within that week including the incense the sacrificing and lighting the menorah correctly now on the eve of Yom Kippur which was last night all kinds of animals were reserved as sacrifices and they were passed before the high priest who would identify them so as to know them for the services of Yom Kippur the bull lock the RAM the to kid goats the Lambs in the morning the sages who had instructed him left and were replaced by a group of skilled priests who practiced with him the art of pouring the incense from a spoon into his hands one of the most difficult acts of the service which he had to perform in the kodesh pada pada Shing that's the holy of holies the most holy place on Yom Kippur during the essence of the Second Temple period the following unhappy scene would repeat itself annually on Yom Kippur before leaving the Talmud I Hawk Amin explained esteemed high priest we are the bait dens delegates that's the house of judgment and you are ours and the bait Dean's representatives we adjure you by him who resides in this house that you shall not alter one iota of all that we have taught you like the tour says do not add to it do not subtract from it the high priest and the Talmud I Hamim departed from each other weeping he wept at having been suspected that he might modify the surface they wept for being compelled to even have to remind him not to add anything to the Torah they felt bad because he's their elder you know so here they they instruct him and they give him this warning but this was such a beautiful heart that they both go away weeping because the reason for this standard dialog was that the Sadducees custom was to offer the incense in a manner which deviated from the oral tradition the hakama meme taught that the high priest must hold the Katara's that's the instance in his left hand and the hot coals in his right entering the holy of holies and ignite the incense there according to the version of the sort of keym fire had to be set on the instance outside of the Holy of Holies so this was an issue of contention even amongst themselves how to do it exactly right and the high priest would enter with the burning incense already smoking therefore the sages annually assured the Kohen Gadol not to follow the Sadducees customs now we know from history that the Sadducees had great riches and they'd often disagreed with the Pharisees who were trying to stick with the letter of the law the Sadducees often compromised things because the Romans or the Greeks would pay them to officiate and they would hold their high status within the Roman society basically you can hold on to your wealth and your fancy house but you just do what we want you to do when we want you to do it so if I had to align myself with either group I would align myself with the per regime is the right way to say Pharisees more than the Sadducees also the prayer regime believed in life after death as far as a possibility of a resurrection the Sadducees could not and so this was another argument that they had amongst themselves theologically so it's no wonder that more Pharisees would follow Yeshua because one he's promoting life after death and he's promoting live a humble life just follow Torah you don't have to be rich you know and I said you see they're like no we want to hold on to our wealth so this is the debate in their day now on the night of Yom Kippur the Kohen Gadol was not permitted to go to sleep he had to stay up all night last night and imagine your fasting and your praying but how do you function after no sleep it's pretty difficult and if he did fall asleep there was these other priests who would nudge him and who would wake him up make sure that he didn't go to sleep he stayed up reading chapters of books such as ezra and daniel chapters that would kind of excite the mind they would keep you awake that had deep prophecies in them and that would hold a person's attention if he began to doze off the young colony would wake him by snapping their fingers you know if you know he's a matter imagine that echoing in the temple oh yeah sorry I guess I dozed off if you felt tired he was told to stand on the floor for a while that's not a very nice thing to do to somebody who's tired stayed on the floor heard for off this refreshed him since the stone floor of the beit hamikdash was cold all the great people of Jerusalem would also stay awake throughout that night so that the commotion and hum of the city could be heard by the high priest and this would help him stay awake as well so the whole city is involved in coming together and afflicting their souls fasting praying they're praying for the high priest to because their sins being atone for is dependent on him coming back out of that holy place and the only way he can come back out of the holy place is if he is pure before he goes in otherwise he's gonna die in the presence of the Shekinah glory and so all the people are actually helping the priests and praying for him as well there were special garments worn by the high priest on Yom Kippur he was distinguished from an ordinary Cohen by the eight garments he wore four of which were golden on Yom Kippur however he removed the four golden garments each time before he entered the Holy of Holies while in the holy the most holy place he was all allowed to wear purity winnin garments our sages get several reasons for this the four golden garments were reminiscent of the sin of the golden calf while in the most holy place to achieve forgiveness on behalf of the Jewish people the high priest could not wear garments which would give rise to accusations against them so you remember the very first anointing that a high priest got was the same anointing that would cure somebody who spoke evil against their fellow man the Lashon Hara that was the blood on the earlobe the right thumb and the big toe because this High Priest had to think no negativity about the people of Israel as he's interceding him just like he sure does not think that any negativity against us we're all interceding for us and so his mind was totally cleansed and even the gold in his garment would remind him of all yeah the people sin that the golden calf so that's why he wouldn't even wear anything that would remind him of any sin of the people on this day the high priest resembled an angel in his pure white linen the heavenly hosts were envisioned by the prophet Ezekiel as wearing linen garments also and these vestments express humility pure whiteness represents purity and humility in the presence of the Shekinah glory in the course of the day he changed his garments five times before and after each change he poured water from a golden pitcher designated for this purpose over his hands and feet so that he washed them on that day altogether ten times at every change of garments he was also required to immerse himself in the mikveh so that's why there was mikvahs so close to the temple now the actual yom kippur service the abu dawood Avada is a hebrew word which means the order of service began after midnight by casting Lots being cast among the co NIEM the priests to determine who would perform the service of terumah s-- huh - in which means lifting a handful of ashes from the altar and who would clear the ashes already before dawn the courtyard of the ten poll was filled with people the morning service after daybreak the Kohen Gadol would begin the service by immersing himself in the mikveh then he would dawn the golden garments and pouring water over his hands and feet he offered the daily Tom Mead sacrifice burned the usual handful of incense finished setting up the lights in the menorah this is normal daily temple service that he has to start the day with and then he would perform the rest of the morning services then he offered the high priest daily mincha offering remember there's offerings about nine o'clock and there's the morning and the evening sacrifices so this is the Mincha and mincha also is the grain offerings that were offered then like we have the masaf portion of yom kippur during that time he offered the special new soft sacrifices of yom kippur consisting of the bullock and the seven lambs mentioned in Parshat Pinkus thereafter he poured water over his hands and feet and he removed the golden garments and he immersed himself in the mikveh and he donned the four white garments and again washed his hands and feet then he was ready for the next part of the service at this point he would begin to confess his sins over the bull he rested his hands upon the personal sacrifice a bull walk and confessed his own sins and those of his family his confession was the following I'll put it on the board let's say it together please yaha I have sinned unintentionally I transgress wilfully and I transgress defiantly before you I and my family please yaha please atone for the inadvertent sins the wilful transgressions and the rebellious which I and my family committed before you as it is said in the Torah of your servant mo chay Leviticus 16 3 4 on this day he will atone for you to cleanse you that you might be pure of all your sins before yah ha ha amen when the people would hear this confession every time he would say the Lord's Holy Name they would go prostrate on their face and to this day when we share this in the synagogue's when the rabbi reads this people will literally get down and because there's a law Holika Jewish law not to dirty yourself with the stone floor anywhere else outside the temple they will put a napkin or tissue or a handkerchief on the floor but they will if they hear the holy name go down and prostrate themselves to this day which is really a beautiful part of the service showing their honoring the holy name in all his confessions throughout Yom Kippur the high priest pronounced God's four-letter name the way it was written whenever the Coen team and the people assembled in the courtyard heard the tetragram attend the Great and Holy Name emanate from the mouth of the Kohen Gadol they fell upon their faces and responded baruch shem kavod makoto leo la vie ed this is what we say after the Shema see when we say Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai ACOG was using out an eye in the place of the holy name twice this is why that comes from Deuteronomy 6:4 Luke Shem kavod Makoto la ilaha ed that we say afterwards is just the blessing over the holy name it's not in Deuteronomy we're saying that because we recognize the holy name has been uttered they would utter that same response it's like a response to the the high priest pronouncing the holy name in the course of Yom Kippur the high priest pronounced they holy named ten times in his different prayers and blessings and confessions however he did not have to make an effect effort to do so it miraculously left his mouth by itself for as it were the Shekinah spoke from his throat after this confession the Kohen Gadol did not proceed to slaughter the Bullock first but first you cast lots upon the two he goats needed for the central service of yom kippur the two he goats were identical in height and appearance and they had been perfectly prepared for Yom Kippur they'd been purchased before Yom Kippur with communal funds two lots were ready one lot you know what a lot is it can either be a straw or it can be two pieces of paper or anything that you're gonna draw by chance you're gonna see which one the Lord chooses it had an inscription on it the first one was layout boom I to Hashem yes it could even be fingers yeah as long as it it had written on it which one represented which so in this case they would have taken urn and they would take these two names whether on a sticks or whether on paper and one had to Hashem written on it and the other two Aussies L they were placed in this urn and the high priest would blindly seize inside there one in each hand he put the lot in his right hand on the goat standing to his right and the lot in his left hand on the goat to his left the lots were read read to him and he proclaimed concerning the goat singled out by the lot to Hashem this one has Casa Hut is a sin in Hebrew so the hot sacrifice would be the sin offering so this one is to the Lord it's gonna represent our sin offering on the head of the goat that was representing as Iselle he attached a scarlet thread and he tied a second thread red thread onto the entrance of the entrance to the holy place so here in between you know there's this tuff a hair between his two horns you would tie this scarlet thread it was wool most likely it had been dyed by maybe a blood of the lamb sacrifice or something and it would remain attached and also on the door but miraculously turn white when that atonement had truly been made in both places a second confession was then made and the slaughtering of the high priest Bullock returned to his personal sacrifice the Bullock the high priest would again enunciate the confession for his sins and also for those of all his priests and he slaughtered his Bullock and caught its blood in a special pan which he handed to different priests now followed the crucial and most delicate part of the service which was anxious anxiously anticipated by the entire people the high priest had to enter the Kohen I mean the the Holy of Holies to offer his incense he filled the golden pan with glowing coals from the outer court the altar of burnt offerings and he was handed a vessel containing incense from which he scooped instance with both hands then he transferred these two handfuls of instance to a spoon and took the pan containing the coals in his right hand and the spoon containing the incense in his left hand and he entered the holy of holies he put down the pan with the coals between the poles of the our own in Hebrew our own is the word for Ark so the Ark of the Covenant he's going in behind the veil and the two poles of the Ark let's say if this was the Ark the poles would touch the veil so he had to come around between the veil and the poles and this is where he would lay his if this was the Ark of the Covenant and the poles are going this way the veils back here he would lay his coals and his incense there in front of the Ark of the Covenant he put down the pan with the coals between the poles of the Ark and of course the Second Temple had no arc so what did he do in the Second Temple when they rebuilt the temple remember the Ark of the Covenant had already been hidden by Jeremiah so they would continue the yom kippur service but they would do this on the stone that used to support the Ark of the Covenant that's where they would do this service even though there was no longer in the Ark of the Covenant he would take the edge of the spoon containing the incense either with his fingertips or with his teeth to keep both hands-free and poured the incense back into his hand and this was one of the most difficult skills required in the temple because you can't just scoop it out of the spoon you have to literally somehow get it to tip over into your hands and then you go and you place the incense on the coals and then the smoke goes up and veils the Shekinah glory not a single drop of incense was allowed to fall on the ground in this process he concluded the service by heaping the incense into the pan which contained the coals and waited for the smoke of the incense to fill the most holy of holies this service caused the glory of the Shekinah to reveal itself see God in His mercy was not revealing the full glory of the Shekinah until the high priest had the incense smoking and then the Shekinah would really shine out in there because he's bailing himself in mercy in the full glory is too much for any man so this was a beautiful reflection that Hashem had heard his prayers he had done everything right and now the Shekinah is revealing itself which is the feminine essence of God that desires intimacy with man so on this day of atonement at 1 min God is literally giving us as much as we can handle he's coming down and dwelling right in the midst of us yet the shekinah was veiled in smoke so that the high priest could look at it otherwise you wouldn't be able to gaze at it he walked out backwards like you would leave that the presence of a king without averting his face from the direction of the Ark of the Covenant and the Kohen Gadol 'he's entry into the holy of holies was accompanied by the prayers of the entire house of israel and his emergence from there was awaited with trembling there was one time where a high priest it's told by our sages the story of different priests you know because they officiated at different times and one priests remained there a little longer they were always told as they were prepped you know for Yom Kippur service please keep your prayers short because the people are waiting outside with fear and trembling that their sins have been atoned for and he was in the presence of Hashem and he was praying a little bit longer than normal and the people were really scared outside that he died and so it's amazing to think how many years this was actually instituted in the different stories that carry on so the Torah warns that if any part of the ceremony were not executed according to the Torah Commandments the Kohen Gadol would incur the heavenly death penalty and that's in Leviticus 1613 it once happened that a calling God all who belonged to the sect of the zodiac the stoke team ignited the instance outside of the Holy of Holies according to their custom and he emerged beaming and reported his doings to his father although we are sort of kiemce his father reproved him we must respect the sages in the way they tell us to do things how could I relinquish this opportunity for which I waited all my life father applied the son to fulfill the Torah as it is interpreted by our people you know instead of the sages it was not too long before he was found dead upon a garbage heap with worms crawling out of his nostrils because this symbolized that he had inhaled the incense too early so you're only supposed to light the incense inside the most holy place in the inn lighting it beforehand and walking with it he had inhaled it and of course light can't coexist with darkness and so you see this even by doing things our own way another account of it having caused an effect in this priests life the colon got dull let's see let me go on a little bit ahead the Kohen Gadol left the holy of holies and entered the holy section to pray for a good year for the whole house of israel upon his return to the holy area all the priests were bidden to leave no outsider was allowed to intrude into the meeting between the high priest and the Shekinah while he's praying our sages teach that not even angels were present for the atmosphere of holiness which then permeated the Mishkan the temple was of the highest degree and as I mentioned before he was instructed to keep his prayer short the following words of the prayer were offered by the Kohen Gadol let's say it together may it be your will Oh Hashem that this year be blessed with sufficient rain Sun Shade and do maybe a year of heavenly goodwill a year of blessings good business a year in which your people Israel will not be in need of one another nor dominate one another and do not pay attention to the prayers of our enemies who seek to curse us amazing in sprinkling the blood of the Bullock he would take the bowl of the blood so now he's he said these prayers and made these confessions and he comes out to actually do the sacrifice of the Bullock he takes the bowl of the blood from the priest who held it and kept it in constant motion to prevent it from coagulating and he returned back into a most holy place he sprinkled the blood between the poles of the Ark of the Covenant and when there was no Ark of the Covenant in the second temple he would just sprinkle it on the stone that supported it yes yes that's right very good let's see one time upward and seven times downward yeah that's right that's the only difference he counted aloud as he sprinkled one and then one two three four five six so as to not make even a mistake there with his counting he would then leave the most holy place to slaughter the goat designated for Hashem for the sin atonement and to receive its blood in a pan he again entered the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the he-goats blood between the poles of the Ark of the Covenant in the same fashion as he had sprinkled the Bullock's blood once upward and seven times downward while standing in the holy section the high priest sprinkled the blood of the Bullock and then that of the he-goat onto the dividing curtain between the Holy of Holies and the holy place he sprinkled the blood each eight times thereon once upward and seven times downward so it's almost like either you could look at it as both directions or heaven and earth that's right exactly pirozhkis then he blended together the Bullock's and the he goats blood and applied the mixture to the four corners of the golden altar this is the altar of incense it had four quart corns on it while standing to the east of the golden altar and north of the menorah he cleared an area on top of the altar and sprinkled the blood seven times onto it the remaining blood was as usual poured into the base of the altar of burnt-offering out in the outer court so he'd go back out for any excess blood in regards to the other goat the Azazel he would make a third confession the Kohen Gadol rested his hands between the horns of the living he goat designated for Azazel and he uttered a third confession this time for the sins of the entire people in Hebrew confession is a V do a man had been prepared before Yom Kippur to lead this goat this scapegoat into rocky uncultivated desert land and cast it down from a cliff Hashim promised that by means of this service he would have toned for the sins of all Israel the man who led the he-goat to the cliffs did not usually live out the year wow that's something to recognize so this shows the sins that he caught in close proximity to just by taking the goat out it's amazing that his life didn't last I mean how would you like to be told that your you've got that job this year and you know that everybody that preceded you yeah I think I'll pass I think there's somebody better suited for that my neighbor this is so beautiful this is why I love the fact that the authors of God and the oral torah has been preserved because when Israel was going into the Diaspora they knew that pretty soon there would be no priest or father to teach the son and to pass this on orally any longer all of this knowledge would have been lost if it hadn't been for a few wise rabbis in Babylon still residing and some in Jerusalem to write these accounts down look at how much detail and beauty we would miss if it wasn't for this so when people think Oh rabbinical oral torah is bad they've never studied it they know nothing and they only hear anti-semitic you know talk about oh it's all adding to it they're trying to create their own religion and all that no it's about preserving the Torah and showing how to live out the Torah and all the details the Torah is kind of like an outline of the commandments that we're to follow but we don't even know how to follow them properly without the oral torah so this is what's so beautiful about these descriptions in the Mishnah so then this man but did not live out the year it says therefore they would choose as messenger someone destined to die within here like maybe it was somebody a bad help already yeah and I wonder if that's a mistranslation because some translations say by the hand of a fit man this is the man well maybe he had to be fit enough to accomplish the goal but that's right had to be strong enough to go over all that terrain that many miles but most likely somebody who was already going to die within the year in those times the jurist sages possessed the ruach ha'qodesh the Holy Spirit and were able to determine someone's fate then the commentary in this margin gives us deeper understanding as to how they knew so it's not that they look sick necessarily but they knew in advance through the ruach ha'qodesh powerful the high priest was not allowed to leave the courtyard to continue the service before the goat arrived in the desert therefore a special signalling system had been established before Yom Kippur to ensure communication between the desert and the bait hush several platforms were erected at such a distance that a scarf waved by a person who stood on one it could be discerned on the next one as soon as the person standing on the platform at the edge of the desert observed that the goat arrived there he waved a shawl to the man on the nearest platform who passed on the signal until it reached back to Jerusalem when the Jewish people words at Hakeem and what's a Sadiq a righteous man so when they were doing a right when they weren't in idolatry they also knew of the he-goats arrival in the desert by observing that the Scarlet thread which was tied to the entrance of the sanctuaries holy section turned white however in later times the sages stopped tying it there because they failed to whiten do you know when that was after you shouid I'd there was four anomalies that occurred within the temple service one the doors wouldn't stay shut the light on the menorah closest to the veil which represented Yeshua wouldn't stay lit and the Scarlet thread would not turn white because no longer is that the blood of goats that's atoning for the sins the ultimate sacrifice which all these things pointed to had been sacrificed and there was one other things that I mentioned for was that just three there's something else that occurred as well that happened once yeah that was a big sign right at the time of it if they didn't catch it by that yeah how thick the curtain was mm-hmm so heavy that a single man could not put it up by himself so let's see where did we leave off I should keep my finger there as soon as the person standing oh when the Jewish people yeah that's right let's give quite a few paragraphs so we know that pretty soon the stages just stop doing it all together because it was not continuing to show the atonement any longer what is the significance of the unique and strange service concerning the he-goat mm which was thrown to its death from a rock in the wilderness this mystical tour law is ridiculed by the Gentiles you know we talked about who kiemce who coat the things that are not understood by human reasoning that God asks us to do so the Gentiles ridicule its logic and cast in doubt by a person's own evil tongue so whenever we doubt even something that God's us to do or we're putting doubt in other people's mind about somebody else is called yetzer hara the evil inclination assume however declared it is a hope that's that kind of law that you don't understand like the red heifer ordained by me you have no right to criticize it so there's a few different origins to us as L the term one is Azaz means strong and ale means mighty and since they were supposed to throw it off of a tall rock they interpret this to represent a tall rock like this is the one to go off of the oz oz L a strong cliff or another according to the Gemara Moses L is a composite word of oz' and aza L who were they two angels who before the time of the flood entreated the Almighty to be allowed to dwell among mankind in human guise so angels could actually come and manifest as humans to prove that they would not sin like the human race had when Hashem actually gave them permission to do so however their depravity surpassed that of all the generation before the flood and so here it's reminding them of that the hiko named oz oz L was named thus to imply that it achieved atonement among other sins for the deeds of immorality such as those that occurred even before the flood very interesting other Midrash interpret Oz's L to represent Satan however it is abundantly clear from the Torah that the he-goat - as L was not a sacrificed or offered to Satan so it's not like pagan worship where they're sacrificing they want to make that really clear even if you do interpret that those LT represents Satan it's not an offering to him we only offer to Hashem you know there's there's another understanding of that you said if if it's aza sells representation of him it's the final throwing him into the fiery pit going off the cliff or off the rock it's a representation of the final demise how Satan lies which will be our complete deliverance from sin yes exactly yes our change pulling its two front paws that's our job yeah amazing lest the high priest mistakenly assume that the sacrifice was devoted to Satan the Torah ordained that he should not pronounce verbally this is the goat for Azazel that's it would just say to Azazel in reality this offering was in hush hymns offering just like the goat to Hashem was burned on the altar so let's say I'm going to there's a lot of different commentary I'm just pulling out a few key elements of what the high priest is doing when he offered the he-goat 4oz Iselle and then he had been dispatched to the desert the high priest continued the procedure he prepared for burning on the altar the inner organs of the bullock and the goat whose blood had been previously sprinkled as soon as news reached the high priest that the hiko had arrived in the desert he went into a certain section where the people were assembled and read the torah reading the section in parashakti mode that we read this morning dealing with the yom kippur service he also cited a paragraph from numbers 29 that we read after that after the tour reading he recited seven blessings next he poured water over his hands and feet removed the white linen garments immersed himself in the mikveh changed back to his golden garments washed his hands and feet again and offered up a he-goat as a sin offering to complete the MU soft sacrifice of the day then he offered up his own ram and that of the people which were special sacrifices of yom kippur he then burnt the inner organs of the bullock and the he-goat to his Shem and he brought the daily afternoon olá offering the lifted up offering which was a lamb the high priest washed his hands then and removed the golden garments and he immersed himself in the mikveh he would Don white garments again and he washed his hands and feet then he entered the most holy place one more time to remove the spoon in the pan which had been continually smoking while he'd done all these other things outside he washed his hands and feet he removed the white garments he immersed himself in the mikveh changed back into his golden garments and washed his hands and feet then he burned the handful of incense offered daily upon the golden altar in the Kadesh and he lit the menorah the thereafter the Kohen Gadol burned the second half of his daily grain offering the Mincha offering on the altar the Kohen Gadol x' long and strenuous day was thus concluded he washed his hands and his feet he took off his golden garments he dressed himself in his own clothes and he left the beit hamikdash the entire population accompanied him to his house imagine everybody seen him come out after if just reading all these details tires you imagine going through them physically and all the people were so anxious for this atonement they followed him back to his house there was general rejoicing at his having completed this service 6x successfully I think that's a good place to take a break where the reading of this I invite everyone to stand up and just like the priest would go through a process of confessing different sins we're gonna go through a process of identifying different kinds of sin and in internally just kind of eradicating them from our life and making sure that we've confessed them sometimes we don't confess sins because we're not even aware of certain sins that we've been a part of in our life so there is quite a list of different kinds of sins that would traditionally be pronounced that's right it's that and you beat your heart if you're but we do it for all of them but as we say them it's just kind of to hit it home you know if we've committed any one of these sins each one of us comes into this yom kippur service seeking forgiveness and a clean slate we begin where the high priest starts his journey before seeking atonement for the entire community he first prayed for the atonement on behalf of himself in his household and today we do the same these following words help us consider the wrongdoings we may have done in our own household with our family together we have done wrong we have gone astray in the year that has passed we have turned away from each other hurt each other by accident and on purpose we have neglected to listen to one another we have put our own feelings and our needs above others in our households we have spoken harshly raised our voices and anger we have taken the love of our family and friends for granted we were wrong we ask for forgiveness and all our wrongdoings please wipe our slate clean we confess as the high priest confesses blessed are you who forgives us and our households so we begin there with ourselves with our households and then we go corporately to the whole house of Israel after the high priest sought forgiveness for himself in his household he prayed that the whole house of Israel be atoned for for their sins so too today if we're gonna be good intercessors we must pray for atonement for the wrongdoings of both houses Israel and Judah the following words represent all our potential wrongdoings together please grant atonement for the transgressions of the Jewish people as well as the whole house of Israel in all the lands of their dispersion so that's in which we have committed before you under duress or willingly and for the sin which we have committed before you by hard-heartedness for the sin we have committed before you inadvertently and for the sin we have committed before you with an utterance of the lips for the sins which we have committed before you with immorality and for the sin we have committed before you openly and secretly for the sin which we have committed before you with knowledge and with the seed and for the sin with which he have committed before you through speech for the sin which we have committed before you by deceiving a fellow man and for the sin which we have committed before you by improper thoughts for the sin which we have committed before you by a gathering of lewdness and for the sins which we have committed before you by a verbal insincere confession and for the sins we have committed before you by disrespect for parents and teachers and for the sins we have committed before you intentionally or unintentionally for the sins we have committed before you by using perversion and for the sins we have committed before you but by desecrating the Holy Name those are the sins which we have committed before you by impurity of speech and for the sin we have committed before you by foolish talk so the sins we have committed before you with the evil inclination and for the sin we have committed before you knowingly or on for all these God apart and pardon us forgive us atone for us for the sins we have committed before you by falsely denial and lying and for the sin which we have committed before you buy a bribe taking or bribe giving hand for the sin we have committed before you by scoffing and for the sin which we have committed before you by evil talk about another for the sin which we have committed before you in business dealings and for the sins which we have committed before you by eating and drinking for the sin which we have committed before you by taking or giving interest and by usery and for the sin which we have committed or before you by a haughty demeanor for the sin which we have committed before you by the prattle of our lives and for the sin which we have committed before you by a glance of the eye for the sin which we have committed before you with proud looks and for the sin which we have committed before you with impudence for all these thought of pardon pardon us forgive us atone for us for the sin which we have committed before you by casting off the yoke of heaven and by the sins we have committed before you in passing judgment for the sins which we have committed before you by scheming against a fellow man and for the sin which we have committed before you by a grudging eye which we have committed before you by frivolity and for the sin which we have committed before you buy order o see for the sin which we have committed before you by running to do evil and for the sin which we have committed before you by tail burn for the sin which we have committed before you by swearing in vain and for the sin which we have committed before you by causeless hatred for the sins which we have committed before you by embezzlement and for the sin which we have committed before you by a confused heart for all these thought of pardon pardon us forgive us tone for us and for the sins of which we are obligated to bring a burnt offering and for the sins which we are obligated to sin offering and for the sins which we are obligated to bring a varying offering according to one's means and for the sins which we are obligated to bring a guilt offering for a certain or doubtful trespass and for the sins which we incur the penalty of lashing for rebellious Ness and for the sins which we incur the penalty of 40 lashes and for the sins which we incur the penalty of death by the hand of heaven and for the sins which we incur the penalty of expression and childlessness and for the sins which we incur the penalty of death by the court for the sins of which we are aware and those which we are not aware those which we are aware we have already declared them before you and confessed them to you and those which we are not aware before you they are revealed and known as it is stated the hidden things belong to the Lord but the revealed things are for us and for our children forever that we may carry out all the words of this Torah for you are the partner of Israel and the forgiver of the tribes of Yeshua in every generation and aside from you we have no king who forgives and who pardons we are individuals families and members of the whole house of Israel we are also part of a greater humanity whether or not we have directly caused suffering or engaged in sin we share in the collective responsibility for it we seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings of humanity we need a new beginning may our slate be wiped clean blessed are you who grants atonement and new beginnings for our world and everyone said your slate is wiped clean and your name is inscribed in the book of life let's take a little break and after ten minutes we will study the Book of Jonah together we since the temple it's been destroyed have traditionally studied the Book of Jonah as an allegory of the human soul so I'd like everybody to take part in this and read different portions and we're gonna discuss some elements of Jonah and think about how now that our sins have been forgiven and our slate has been wiped clean we want to make sure that our soul is not like a Jonah who's ever seeking to go wayward when God calls us to do something you know the word in Hebrew is actually Jonah it's a why of course there's no J in Hebrew and who knows what Jonah is in Israel it's a pigeon or a dove and just like pigeons go away like carrier pigeons and they come back and they go away and come back our soul is kind of like that it wants to connect to God but then it goes away and then it comes back we want to through the process of prayer and fasting and meditation align our soul so closely with God that it always is going towards him ever seeking to be closer and that it of horst's in it Horrors going wayward like Jonah didn't want to follow Hashem's mandate to save his enemies you know the Ninevites were considered the enemies of Israel so when Jonah heard that God wants to save Nineveh no let him burn that was his kind of philosophy and it reminds me of the disciples when we get a wrong image of God's character God has to correct that image he loves all of the people that he's created and is in the business of saving them when Yeshua went through Samaria and they were preparing for the feast and the Samaritans wouldn't bow them anything because they knew that they were going to Jerusalem and the Samaritans had a different place that they worshiped on Mount Gerizim the disciples were very indignant and they said Yeshua horribie no should we call fire down from heaven and destroy them because slighted you you know they haven't given you a place to rest your head or sold you anything and what it was your shoes response you do not know what spirit you're speaking of if you want to destroy people's lives that's not the spirit of our Heavenly Father our Heavenly Father is in the business of saving lives and so we have to align our soul with God in realizing even those that come against us even our enemies we should be conduits of yaws love and seek to save them even if it means I mean sometimes people won't receive a loving kind word and sometimes you just have to be the love but allow them to assault you or allow them that's what it means by turning the other cheek you might not be able to peek to them or help them or do anything that would be received by them but just as long as they don't see it changing our countenance if they only see the love in us the love of Hashem through us which is always recognized in the eyes you can tell when somebody has kindness toward you or when somebody has evil intent and hatred and so we want to adopt this love for our enemies that we see Hashem sending Jonah to save the Ninevites if you have your Bibles turn with me it's only four chapters to Jonah and the two primary reasons for reading the Book of Jonah in addition to Isaiah as the haftorah of the yom kippur service is the story of Jonah teaches us how no one is beyond the reach of God's hand just as Jonah's endeavored to escape God's province was unsuccessful so too we are incapable of eluding divine justice for transgressions we may have committed and on a more uplifting note God spared the people of Nineveh although they were enemies of God's people he had already decreed that they would be destroyed because of their evil ways so what he was doing is when he says somebody's gonna be destroyed he's not arbitrarily punishing them he's telling you history in a and because of his loving nature that prophecy is to woo your heart to repentance so that you can be saved it's not to say that I've predestined you to be destroyed he's saying let me tell you if you continue in the way you're going you're going to be destroyed it's like telling a child if you go out in that busy street it's invariable you're you know bound to be hit it's a warning of love from a loving father this teaches us that no matter our past behavior God's goodness and mercy awaits us if only we will repent wholeheartedly in the Cabal ISM which Cabal means to receive the further knowledge of God you know he only gave us so much written down and then he gave more orally and he's constantly revealing more and more and we have a book that we study called the Zohar and in Zohar chapter 219 he goes deeper into this ode of Jonah and it tells us that we are all Jonah's in a different way for Jonah in Kabbalistic terms is another term for speaking of the soul hence the story of Jonah is the story of a Souls journey here on earth thus on Yom Kippur as we examine our lives and consider our purpose in this world we remember the historical Jonah whose real life narrative symbolizes our spiritual Odyssey so think about this sometimes our soul thinks it's traveled far away from God or that it can hide from God or sometimes we have sins that we think nobody's gonna know and we know that God sees all things but we still choose to do them for some reason we're not really in holy awe and fear of God or we might convince ourselves that we are a different identity you know like I think I'm my name or I'm my body what I look like I'm my job we have so many different types of identifications but am I really identifying with the Spirit of Hashem if Hashem is selfless love Yahara is a hava honey hava that I want to recognize that identity I need means I am if he is selfless love and that spirit resides in me then my mantra should be I am selfless love and everything that I think do and say it's gotta be in conformity with that and so that's my own personal mantra Ahava hava Aniyah hava sometimes we're so focused on the physical realm that we forget that we're actually spiritual beings having a physical experience instead of we think we're physical beings having an occasional spiritual experience we need to realign back to our true identity in the spirit we realize that we can't go anywhere and be far from Hashem where can the omnipresent one not be found Jonah in the first fourth verse it says the Almighty rouses a furious Tempest sometimes in our life not to punish but to shake the soul from its complacency God arises a tempest he allows trials and tribulations to wake us up to call us back to him and to shake us from that false identity Jonah had gone down into the inner part of the ship and slept this is very symbolic of our physical bodies the soul is hidden in the vessel and we think we're the vessel but we're the thing that's hiding down deep inside that a hovel of that Spirit of God and we become blinded like by a complacent sleep of the physical material world we think this is reality and yet it's only 3% of what is real most matter is still in spiritual form and it's unseen in our realm in our dimension we need to align ourselves more with the divine spiritual realm so that we can start to have spiritual eyes and we can operate better in our spiritual warfare and i reaiiy denta fie with the true spiritual core of our being so let's read down to verse 4 and then we'll go into verse 6 the word about and I came to Jonah this pigeon son of Emmett I set out for the great city of nineveh and proclaiming proclaim to it their wickedness has come to my attention but Yona in order to get away and how many times have we thought we can get away from the Lord prepared to escape to Tarsus this was across the Mediterranean now those of you that went to Israel with me we went to Joppa just south of Tel Aviv this is where he set sail from and he's sailing north west to the Mediterranean - to Tarsus and he went down to yafo that's Jaffa and he found a ship headed for Tarshish and he paid the fare and he went aboard intending to travel with them to Tarsus to get away from Adonai however out and I let loose over the sea a violent win which created such stormy conditions that the ship threatened to break to pieces the sailors were frightened and each cried out to his own god they threw the cargo overboard to make the ship easier for them to control meanwhile Jonah had gone deep into the hold of the hole where he lay fast asleep and the ship captain found him and said to him what do you mean by sleeping get up call on your God maybe the God will remember us and we won't die so the captain came to him and said what do you mean you sleeper what are you doing sleeping and you know it's like God is trying to wake us up he's saying what are you doing sleeper why are you sleeping this is no time in Earth's history to be asleep wake up for even recognize your divine calling and your purpose and your divine destiny we have a role to fulfill in this final generation our job is to vindicate God's character how is the world gonna know God's character if we're not living it out and the enemy is gonna tempt us and try us to do everything but reveal God's character but you know many people claim that Satan was defeated at the cross but our people still sinning are people still tempted so what's the problem there's not a corporate people vindicating God's character of selfless love this is why Paul says in Romans 16:20 the God of peace will soon remember God's a God of peace so he's identifying his character not a God of vengeance a lot a god of punishment the God of peace is soon got a crush Satan under your feet the responsibility is ours if Satan is ever to be crushed it's gonna be because his temptations no longer have any effect on us just like with Yeshua we become overcomers just as Yeshua was an overcomer isn't that cool so God is saying wake up you sleeper what are you doing sleeping at this time arise call upon God the voice of the Spirit stirs from within us and it asks why are you here why are you asleep as to your true identity purpose and destiny so the moment of truth is to realize my mission is not separate from God's mission to give life to save life to recognize that it is God's Spirit within us that reveals our purpose at one minute with the divine by becoming selfless love even to our enemies so let's keep this in mind as we read through this analogy even though it's a true literal story we can take to heart many elements in the journey of Jonah we're in verse 7 do you want to read the next to the end of the chapter Jeff and they said everyone to his fellow come and let us cast lots that we may know for the whose cause this evil is upon us so they cast lots and the lot fell upon Yona then said they unto him tell us we pray for whose cause this evil is upon us what is their occupation and whence cometh thou what is thy country and of people are you and he said unto them I am a Hebrew and I fear you Jolla and the God of heaven which hath made a sea in the dry land sea so this is the first step but first people think they are part of the world or a part of a nation our first step is recognizing that you're part of the house of Israel so you're a Hebrew but it doesn't stop there we need to realize our divine identity you know that it's that same spirit of God in us that's our true identity so it's a progress first he takes us from the nations and he gives us his covenant and he makes us this peculiar special people for himself set apart in holiness so then our identity becomes okay I'm a holy person I'm not supposed to live like the world lives anymore and it's just a part of progress a step in the direction of becoming at one with him back to perfect holiness back to perfection in purity back to divine selfless love and so here Jonah he's only recognizing part of his identity I'm a Hebrew and I fear out and I the God of heaven but he's not really realizing it's God's Spirit within him that's seeking to save his enemies he's still looking at himself as a Hebrew and once you identify whether it's nationalistic like I'm American you're Japanese or you're you know Arabic or you're this there's division or if I say I am white and you are black there's division or if I say I am this religion and you're how I mean identifying with all these things but that's not who I really am at the core of realizing our divine identity there will be no division because that same spirit that resides in me resides in you so when I look at you or you I see the divine and we are truly one one in purpose one in mind one in love and it's such a beautiful unifying factor once we get outside of these false identities of ideologies and nationalism and color and Creed and name and all of these things go ahead then were the men exceedingly afraid and said unto him why have you done this for the men knew that he's fled from the presence of the Lord because he had told them then said they unto Him what shall we do unto you that the sea may be calm unto us for the sea rod was brought in was tempestuous and he said unto them take me up and cast me forth into the sea so shall the sea be common to you for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you nevertheless the men wrote it hard to bring into the land but they could not for the sea rock and was tempestuous against them wherefore they cried unto the Lord and said we beseech thee O Lord we beseech thee let us not perish for this man's life and light not upon us innocent blood for Thou O Lord has done as it pleased thee so they took up Yona and cast him forth into the sea and the sea ceased from her raging then the men feared the Lord exceedingly and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord had made vows amazed and prepared a great fish to swallow up Yona and Yuna was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights so even our choices affect not only fellow human beings but nature so we have to realize the huge responsibility of every deed matters every person matters and every deed matters and it's like everything is always hanging in the balance on Yom Kippur we're hoping that we can scrape by with more good deeds than bad deeds so that our name won't be scratched out of the book of life it's amazing how people take so lightly every deed when you're living in a wicked world how much more do the righteous need to be righteous to outweigh even the corporate cause-and-effect you know you're seeing more natural disasters in nature this is not by accident this is always direct proportion to the sins of world or the nation and we can all take to heart our part in this you know we want to be like the righteous Abraham in which as long as he was there nothing would harm him or his people or even lot that the city wouldn't be destroyed that's why God could tell the end from the beginning he knew the sins of the people would bring about these judgments upon these different nations including natural disasters and so all prophecy is is him telling history in advance and is to wake us up to call us to repentance so Dave you've got a beautiful baritone voice would you like to read chapter 2 [Music] [Music] [Music] he's like me in the belly of the whale to the grave it's like forever he's gonna be entombed in this and this is just like Messiah Yeshua who's having the same kind of experience of being separated from the father and going into the realm of the second death and this is why he says you know it's a wicked and perverse generation that asks for a sign but I'll give you a sign the Son of Man like Jonah will be in the earth three days and three nights and this is the proof this is his experience I mean it's like you know you're starting to be separated from life in the land of the living and it feels like the darkness is enveloping you and all he wants to do is look again at the Holy Temple look at that beautiful focus first four or five there I've been banished from your sight but I'll again look at your holy temple it's like the power of positive thinking right I feel so far away from God I think he'll have this whale pitch-black darkness but I believe I'm gonna see that holy temple again and that's if you could ask for any one thing you know it's like you're on your deathbed I'll give you one wish it's like I just want to look at that holy temple again where the Shekinah the beautiful intimate presence of Hashem dwells it's not the building that's so important is that God says have them build me a sanctuary that I might dwell amongst them because the vessel the bodies which is the true temple of God is not ready to fully contain his spirit so he says build me a sanctuary that I can dwell among them and they can learn my ways and Jonah just wants to look upon that sight once again so he's not speaking any negativity is he he's not saying woe is me why are you doing this to me or begging for mercy it's like an acknowledgment that God is just and we can do this in our life when we feel like we're encompassed by the depth of the depths of Sheol or the depths of Darkness or depravity or persecution or trials if we face it it's an opportunity for greater light if we turn away from it and try to hide it suppress it run from it it's gonna come up again because it's something that has to do with our soul being perfected that needs to happen and so I encourage each of us in our spiritual walk that whatever obstacles come along face them and God will bring light out of them if we face them just like Jonah is basically facing that yes he's warranted to be there and yet all he desires is you know it's like when I was saying when we pray we follow the lamb wherever he goes this is what Jonah is doing he's looking right into the throne room in heaven and when he's talking about wanting to see his this is where Hashem is dwelling so that's a beautiful example for us to pray in such a way that it's positive and that positivity can manifest in change in our lives he acknowledges salvation comes from the Lord and whatever he has vowed he's willing to pay this is another way of saying I take responsibility for my sins let's look at chapter three and what things will come out in Chapter three there's so many beautiful analogies here Archie would you like to read chapter three [Music] to get to the city a day's journey and he cried instead get forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown the people's ensign Ledo and proclaimed the fast and put on sackcloth that coffee cups can put cigarettes out for when the greatest have been able to the least have been forward or payment to the king of Nineveh and he arose from his throne and he laid in the fro from him and given him with sack Bob said to madness and he comes in to be proclaim and published in a book by the critic King and his noble sake that neither man nor beast her long taste anything that has not seen of drink water but then man who needs to be covered with sackcloth cry finally to God he yes let him turn everyone from his evil the file that is in their hands the enchanted God will return and then we would turn and repent and turn away from his fierce anger that he buries about and God's other work that they had turned from their evil ways and government of the people that he had said that he would look at how this seemingly Gentile heathen King gets the whole city to fast and pray and repentance it's amazing if a heathen king can do this and it was found acceptable in the sight of the Lord how far we fall short people that profess to know God and we claim to be going through the forty days of repentance and yet look at how this whole city was moved to yes we have sinned thank you for telling us we know that the end is going to lead to destruction they had to believe it otherwise they wouldn't have ever repented and they turned from their wicked ways and the city was saved as a byproduct of it amazing if the heathens can do it how much more the people of God and yet nobody wants to fast and pray for her huh day and God ask so little of us or go out and do acts of kindness or oh yeah you didn't want to see him saved you think you know just yeah his attitude was a little I can just imagining him right you know being on the hill overlooking the city and whispering hopefully and they won't hear it and then he's waiting on the hill to see them destroyed you know I don't think they're really gonna repent I'm gonna sit here and watch the action from afar yeah it's so true what a bad situation and that's because he's not identifying with his true nature in God he's very much humanistically thinking I want recompense on my enemies and yes yeah that's probably the key why God even sent him in the first place because if God's sending us to a person go through with it as much as it doesn't look like it's possible that that person can be reached what's amazing is God already knows the heart that is a good point that he cries to the people of Nineveh and they believe God so there had to be something there that triggered them which is God's knowledge knowing or is giving them that knowledge of opportunity that a knocking at the door yeah not very long I bet they had heard the stories of Abraham being put in the fiery furnace by Nimrod and his great testimony to the people and how Nimrod saw another beam in the fire you know and I mean there must have been because errors not too far from Nineveh and Nimrod I mean Nineveh is one of the cities that Nimrod helped found so I'll bet you that there was some ancient stories that yeah that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you mean they were actually from they were fish flappers no they didn't [Music] yep who would you like to read that chapter four and it is please Jonathan Sealy and he was greed and he prayed to the Lord saying please Lord O Lord was this not like in contention while I was still on the lam for this reason I had an inhalant plead to Tarshish but I know he's quoting Exodus 34 here God's character the 13 attributes yeah and that's something sometimes you know you just sort of feel like givin up it dude turn up ha ha ha how did you do the Mercedes yeah but yeah this is a little more than the Mercedes and now Lord take my soul from me and better is it right for you to be so angry and Jenna got out of the city and out of the city stationed himself on east side east of this city and there a Dave himself a fight and set under in the shade it's a big castor bean plant got the big leaves let's see where what thanks it okay there were sticks right and now the Lord the point of the right well is it's a acacia acacia okay how about I think it's I don't think it's a case as their leaves are small and there's Barney okay okay and a grew to be shade over his head to staving company discomfort over to pointed at world so shows how fast we go from having one good day he delighted in this plant the next day the worm eats the root and the plant withers and that's how fast things change in our own life you're going good everything's going great one day and then boom you get hit by some surprise attack yeah yeah a lot of it has to do with that to you he's helping I'm getting a handle on his emotions you know flip the switch on and off oh yeah oh yeah now it came to pass when the Sun shone that God appointed is still east wind and the Sun and he fainted and he beg to die instead my death is better than God said to Jonah are you very grieved about the camp and he said I'm very grieved even to death and the Lord said took pity on the camp for which you did not boil nor did it grow one night he's likening this castor bean plant to the city of Nineveh or any of his children in the surrounding nations his wicked as they might seem God has labored over them he still loves them and he's saying if you could love this plant that came up from one day and you're mourning it going down he's letting him know how much more would I mourn a whole population 120,000 people that would have been lost now should I take pity on the city not to mention the animals so God even cares for the all creatures great and small what a great lesson for us so in our souls journey we have to be really conscious one not to let situations dictate our emotions that's a good lesson in Jonah right you're gonna have good days you're gonna have bad days people are gonna speak good things about you they're gonna speak bad things but from our side we want to be consistent like God is consistent same yesterday today and tomorrow unselfish unconditional love it's that's all that they see and then to look at the element of all that God has created he cares about and we are commanded to honor in all life and no matter who a person is or how much we have demonized them in our mind you know like we do whole religions or Nations God's in the business of saving them and that's why I don't even though we know what the prophecies say about those that come against Israel and we've identified certain religious systems it's the religious systems that cloud the minds of men it's not the individuals and so we're in the business of reaching out crying out to showing that love to save each individual and there's no prejudice in us when if we have the love of God in us there's only going to be love for every different ethnicity for every different people even when they manifest as our enemies and we have to have the mind of God that they're all his children then by their own choices it's gonna dictate what they reap you know they were gonna reap what they sow and how much they align themselves with God's people or against God's people it's going to dictate their fate in their future but from our side our job is to show the love of God in action and never seek somebody's demise and so many good lesson what other lessons popped out to you guys in the depths of the sea that is beautiful see in one fell swoop he's not only giving us a promise that he's gonna cast our sins into the depth of the sea but he's also a reminding us of his character and I tell ya everything is about his character this is ultimately what the purpose for Yeshua coming was to reveal the father's character that had been so misunderstood even by his own people so many people will just talk about the death and the resurrection but it's the greatest reflection of God's loving character that he would give his life that really was our hearts back in the right relationship with God and it's the only true motivator fear of Hell or reward of heaven is not gonna keep us on the long term you know motivated but a love and you fall in love with somebody it lasts an eternity it's not just a lifetime and that's the way our love affair with Hashem is to be only if we see people only know his character if we're living out his character words don't do it justice when you say God is love and then you turn around and do something then loving to your fellow man so it's really so simple err every choice boils down to is The Selfish or is this selfless is it loving which is always other centered or is it self-centered has it unloving is it selfish so in closing before we head over we will just do a small little prayer for the Neela the final closing the locking of the heavenly gates the climax of Yom Kippur neela means locking as the gate of heaven which were open all day will now be closed with us on the inside during this prayer we have the ability to access the most essential level of our soul the level that is in a state of absolute oneness with her creator and before we say this in closing I'd just like to open up the floor for us to pray together from our hearts and to bless one another as one body corporately praying not only for ourselves but for our community for the state for the nation for the whole house of Israel for the world and this can be a time just as the Holy Spirit puts words on your heart I invite you to just speak as the Lord gives you uh pterence and I'll just start us out and whoever else would like to pray I encourage you Abba Father we thank you so much for revealing the depths of your love to us this unfathomable character of selfless love father truly moves us into right relationship with you and we would not desire to hurt this relationship in any way and we ask your forgiveness for our sins both known and unknown for the ignorance with which we have grown up and continued in the habits of our forefathers and the sins of our ancestors father we ask for the strongholds to be broken down for you to remove any evil influences from our lives and thought word or deed any evil spirits from us we ask for your outpouring of your spirit in direct proportion to the darkness that is coming upon the face of the earth to show the amazing light of your love through us father use us as vessels for your service we pray not only for our families to be restored in the years the locust has eaten to be restored but we pray for the whole house of Israel father in all the lands of their dispersion please gather them back to your Torah and to your land and we look forward to messiahs soon coming and we pray father that we be ready that you would refine us in your fire that perfects us peer than gold that you would put your robe of righteousness over us Father and that we can help others along this journey to be restored to your ways and to your land and to you as the one true God father we corporately ask for forgiveness as well as individually for all the areas where we have been selfish for our the ways that we have exalted ourselves for the way that we have sought for the self alone may you find us worthy stewards in the future of all that you've entrusted us with may we just be a conduit of flow through to bless the lives of all your children around the world and may we be unified tighter than ever before as the body of Yeshua that we might reflect that amazing self-sacrificing love that he revealed on the cross at Calvary I thank you Father for this sincerity of each individual here and the time that we spend studying your word and searching our hearts and afflicting our souls is not for an outward appearance of religion or plain Church we sincerely desire your Ruach to cleanse us and purify us and to strengthen us for what is to come for we know that it's going to get worse before it gets better and yet we are willing service servants vessels for your service father to be used in these last days it is an honor to live in these and we just pray that you would work mightily in us that we would decrease that you can increase in us and that we would live in the spirit and not in the flesh father help us to fast and pray more often after Yeshua and Mo Shay's example to truly bring heaven to earth and to hasten your coming Kingdom this is our prayer father we love you we thank you we come to you with humbleness not because of who we are but because of the blood of the Lamb that covers us father can we come into your holy presence and speak your holy name it is truly a privilege to be your children as well as being set apart as a people your peculiar people as a bride without spot or blemish we love you Father and we ask for your protection upon each one of us here and upon all of the body with all the attacks that are happening we ask for you to vindicate us as we vindicate you we want your character to live out in our lives even in the midst of attack father we only want your love to be shown in everything that we say and to may we not be reactionary but may we be proactive in keeping our eyes on you father we love you and we thank you and we ask these things in your Holy Name Amen father thank you for helping us to see the things that you've already accomplished in us it helped us to stop our strife against that yes but to acknowledge what you have accomplished father to help us understand and acknowledge how you give to us and how you have strengthened us even when we don't think we have the strength we don't think we have the abilities father open our eyes and our hearts to what you call this too and how you've equipped us and why you call this and to just challenge us to walk forward yes says you have given us a message you have given us a task you have given us a thing to do we need to be about your business but we hold ourselves back we ask forgiveness for that I ask that you would reveal to us through your loving kindness and make us aware and help us to acknowledge that you've already accomplished everything in us that needs to be accomplished yes that you've have call us for a certain specific mission or missions thank you Father for your grace and your mercy cases with this yes thank you for the healing that you bring to our hearts in them thank you mommy claim that we absorb it yes we embrace it we look up to you your glory say thank you toda raba toda raba Jehovah Ahava yes in our lives please help us to strengthen our faith always look at all the good things she was we just thank you for you yes sirrah knowledge that you need yes thank you yes thank you you're suddenly learning as the study yes it shows what our focus is mm-hmm yes their true identity is father I just thank you that shortener being practical I've been farming digital integration yes are there other people that thought the Scriptures be ready to answer them and ask you for the reason for the hope forgive you it's hope foot in it yes I ever could imagine years ago products like to thank you we are getting a greater breadth of history but also prophecy this gift so that father has more than words yes praise God thank you chose us I think you wait to continue to love it and blow it up yes thank you yes when ours are yes the action the courage to treat our new versus Gaston use the urge Wow yes thank you is [Music] thank you Father yes stay with us yes we may stop for this piece yes would you hide your honor Trish thank you Father yes amen amen God is so good do you know that song God is so good good God is so good good god is so good he's so good too [Music] he's coming soon hallelujah he's coming soon hallelujah he's coming soon he's so good too my men let's stand and in closing we will say this together shema yisrael yah ha ha aloha new yeah ha ha God baruch shem kavod makutano larva aired baruch shem kavod now cut along by ed say with me baruch shem cable mountain kouto Leo Lanza and Jehovah is Elohim yahowha is my Elohim Jehovah is the one and only Elohim you have is a hava you hover is light Jehovah is life hallelujah Jehovah forgives and has sealed our names in the book of life next year in Jerusalem [Applause] you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 49,071
Rating: 4.8835306 out of 5
Keywords: Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, At One Ment, At-one-ment, Holy Days, Feasts of the Lord, Shabbat Shabbaton, History behind Yom Kippur, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Rabbi Yitzchak
Id: GM-VSqJzh68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 49sec (11689 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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