Torah Portion "Va’etchanan" - Jim Staley, 2014

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[Music] all right today i am going to i have two messages set up for today one is going to be actually had a 37 minute video that i really wanted to show you that is amazing instead i'm going to send it out in a newsletter because the Holy Spirit's last minute said no I don't want you to do that I want you two to do the tour portion for a few minutes and then I'm going to do a teaching redoing the teaching called end of the age how many have you ever seen n to the age from the old days yeah I looked on there the other day and like 67 or sixty six thousand people have watched into the age part 1 and and so I thought you know I looked at it and then I got really disgusted because it was so long ago and the video quality is just hideous and I thought that's terrible oh my goodness how do anybody want to watch that but the information is relevant and I want to update it especially in the light of what's going on with with Israel and so I'm going to do that in part 2 so please turn with me in your scriptures and your Bibles to Deuteronomy chapter 3 as we talk about this week's Torah portion for a minute we're going to see what the Holy Spirit brings up is going on is the Torah portion if you're not familiar with tour portions or portions are simply the first five books of the Bible called a Torah and which is which in Hebrew means instructions it doesn't mean law means instructions and technically Torah is from Genesis to Revelation because God never stops giving us instructions for sure but but every Jewish synagogue and messianic congregation in the world is on the same Torah portion cycle if they're on the annual cycle and it simply take the first five books break them down into easy read sections so that every week everyone's going over the same thing and that's a pattern that happens every year so you get to dig in a little bit deeper each and every year and learn something a little bit new backing on means I pleaded anybody ever plead with God on anything like every five and a half minutes all right there is so much in here there's no way because I am promising myself I am NOT going to go over 28 minutes and seven seconds so that I can have plenty of time to go through the end of the age teaching so let's just see what yahweh has to say Deuteronomy chapter three starting in verse 27 to go up now remember we're right at the base of the right at the river bank of Jordan before they cross into the Promised Land okay go up to the top of peace cop and lift your eyes toward the west the north to south and east behold it with your eyes for you shall not cross over this Jordan now how would you like to be those people in the wilderness forty years of wandering looking for the promised land you get there and the first thing Moses says is by the way I want you guys to look at all of this north south east west you're not going over there you blew it but command Joshua okay by the way it this is always picking command Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him for he shall go over before this people and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see and so what's happening is he always telling Moses Hey look pal this is what I brought you here but you can't go because you misrepresented me but it wasn't just because he misrepresented Yahweh at the rock if you look carefully at the text for those of you new to the Christian roots of your face and a Hebrew backdrop here there's huge hint here because Joshua's name in Hebrew is Yeshua okay are you hosted one the short form of that is Yeshua which means salvation and that was the very name of our Savior and so what's happening is is God is telling the Israelite people and everyone in the future that you Moses you are not going to be the leader of my people that are going to bring my people into the Promised Land it is going to be Joshua that is going to lead them in Joshua is going to be Yeshua and who does the scriptures in the British ah the New Testament say is going to lead his people into the Promised Land the real promised land none other than Joshua again and amazingly Joshua here is the conquering he's a conquering a commander he's the commander in chief and so you're sure himself will come as a conquering King all right versatile one a chapter for now Israel listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe that you may live and go in and possess the land which Lord God of your father's is giving you you shall not add to the word which I command you nor take from it that you keep may keep the commandments of Yahweh your God which I command you by the way every time you see capital L Ord if you're not familiar that's why I'm changing it to Yahweh because that is the proper name of God amazingly isn't it amazing or how many was read our Bibles our entire life and not even known the proper name of God it's the only name and the Bible that didn't get translated it's not incredible not just going a little rabbi trail here for a second but seriously every proper name in the Bible is there except for the name of God I just find that a little interesting your eyes have seen what you always did about poor for the Lord your God has destroyed from among you all the men who follow bailiff your remember that whole story they look in the donkey and all that but you who held fast to the Lord your God are alive today every one of you surely I have taught you to statutes and the judgments just as Yahweh my god commanded me that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess therefore be careful to observe them for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who shall hear all these statutes and say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people now before i go here i want to just set this up here because this is not just for the people of Israel the 12 tribes remember this is for the younger the job will be called the Joshua generation remember it was 20 years old and younger and Joshua and Caleb that get to go into the Promised Land everybody else has to sit back and barbecue in the desert while they get to go into the Promised Land now the interesting part is it he's not just giving this instruction just for the people that are here there's another section that says and I'm not giving you this instruction just for you but for every one of your progeny after you generations for generations to generations is what he has given us for this is a speech that is not time specific d follow me has nothing to do with time this is an outside of time speech that gathers for every single person that would ever come after them that's why it's so relevant that's why in a second I'm going to quote Timothy in the book of Timothy and show you how he's talking about this moment or referencing it for sure when he says that I want you to be careful to observe the things that I that I gave you in the wilderness why because it's your wisdom how many of you have been praying for wisdom your entire life would it shock you that in Christianity we always pray for wisdom but never are we told that you can actually inherit it through study now think about it every single one of you are in a career whether you're a mom whether you're a plumber whether your carpenter whether you're a businessman a salesman or a CEO there's not a single person in this room that has a skill set that you were just born with so the wisdom for instance I have an appliance that just went down how many know that the most unappreciated appliance in your house is your washing machine until it goes out never have I ever stopped when I cuz i do though i do the washing machine and the dryer my house is one of my chores and when I put the wash into the washing machine I know some of you can't even get over what I just said but I do I put the clothes in there it's not it's not that big a deal but I know you don't do it at your house I know okay but anyway you put it in the washer never once who I ever thanked the washing machine I will start thanking the washing machine I can tell you because it's out in my house and it apparently feels underappreciated there is no spiritual message in what I just said right there so just put that on the shelf somewhere or maybe I'll come back to it what was I talking about wisdom Thank You wisdom in washing machines there we go wisdom everything we do is revolving around learning when you learn by the way why does the Bible say that those have gray hair have wisdom is it because that one day and I by the way I'm not diminishing James when he says that any of you lack wisdom ask of God and he gives to all those abundantly but that's different i'm going to i'm going to show you this in just a second but why does the Bible say that that elderly men have wisdom its experience so experienced in what in life and how does life happen by learning you see what I'm saying and so right here your Bible tells you unless you don't believe the Bible and I know many of us ladies and gentlemen have grown up learning that what I call the front of the book doesn't matter anymore that it doesn't matter that it's done away with its bondage it God changed it we're in a different dispensation well then why do they still carry their Bibles because it's really heavy why don't you tear out the first 39 books and save yourself some time and get yourself in Gideon's New Testament not trying to be funny but that's the reality of what my god says right here they therefore be careful to observe them for this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of who all of the people's this is a very vers is connected to being a light to the nation's he always tells us people you are the light I'm calling you to be captains whether you are good captain's or not is irrelevant I chose you to be the captain's to be a light of the nations this is how you be a light to the nation's is use display the wisdom and the understanding and the people will get it they will want to know who do you serve they might say pastor Jim how do you know that because the next verse because it says this the people who will hear all these statutes and say surely this nation is wise and understanding people for what great nation is there that has God so near to it as the Lord God is to us for whatever reason we may call upon him now some of you been taught that you can only call bong God in the New Testament but that's not what this says it says that for whatever reason they wanted to call upon Elohim he was there and what great nation is there that had such statutes and righteous judgments as are all in this Torah this law which I set before you this day only take heed to yourself and diligently keep yourself lest you forget the things your eyes have seen unless they depart from your heart all the days of your life and teach them to your children and your grandchildren especially concerning the day that you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb at Mount Sinai when the Lord said to me gather the people to me and I will let them hear my words and they may learn to fear me all the days they live on the earth that they may teach their children amen you see what we're supposed to pass on to our next generation folks let's just put it this way can I just say this I'm just gonna I'm sorry I'm feeling this like the maybe it's hot up here okay but I believe that God wants me to just tell you the truth that if we would never have had the New Testament today would be would we follow the Lord God as a people not trying to confuse you let's pretend the New Testament was never written but Yeshua still came Jesus still came still died on a cross still had disciples and let's pretend that there was no canonization of the New Testament matter of fact let's just say we're in the first century would we still follow God absolutely it's not a trick question because this is exactly what the disciples did this is exactly the atmosphere i just described to you was exactly their atmosphere there was no new testament there was no Google to look up Matthew chapter 4 the only thing they had was what was called the Tanakh or what we call the Old Testament a term with me if you will for just a moment whoops to the New Testament in Timothy second Timothy second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 says this all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for what doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and in righteousness that what that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work now ladies and gentlemen we've got a theological conundrum a massive problem in Christianity why because we don't believe this versus for real it can't be this verse cannot be true if the Old Testament is done away with because the value that the Apostle is putting in this scripture verse in 2nd timothy three sixteen is before the New Testament came along and so when he says all Scripture what do you think he's talking about he only has a scroll he doesn't have any Gideon's New Testament yet there's only two Scrolls there's only the Tanach there's only the Torah and the prophets and the sames and so he is literally telling us the new ties new testament disciples the value on scripture is that what they considered scripture they said is it is beat it is for inspiration of God its profitable for doctrine now show me a seminary today that will pull doctrine from the Old Testament they will pull it from Romans and suppose writings but our Bible says Paul is telling us his doctorate is that way that way or from your perspective that way well I get this for doctrine for correction for reproof for correction and for instructions in righteousness that the man of God may be fully complete do you hear the massive massive difference in the disciples theology versus today's dispensationalism the first century disciples said you can be perfectly complete that we brew word is Tamim it means mature it means it's connected to a bride that is adorned and ready for husbandry she's ready for marriage it is the maturity of a bride that is without spot and without wrinkle that is what that Hebrew word to me means it means to be fully complete and Yahweh is telling us through this apostle right here in the New Testament so it's not confused that the way that you become mature and complete is by following the doctrine of God that is profitable for you that is found in their scriptures this is why the front of the book matters because doctrine correction reproof and walking in the ways of righteousness and the way to be found complete is found in the front of the book now before some of you that are listening to go oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness he's a heretic I am NOT a hairy tick all of that that I just said is in the context of the blood and the death burial resurrection of Yeshua it's not instead of and that has been the lie that the enemy said you got to choose this is Greek Greek says I've got two things in my hands you have to choose which one it is you see the enemy's nothing but a magician he makes us choose I'm here to tell you that the hands of God say you get both I didn't make you choose you don't have to choose which one i'm going to give you both i'm going to give you the front of the book and i'm going to give you the back of the book and I'm going to let both of them interpret each other look at the front of the book you look at the front of the book as a husband as a father who lays down the law who gives instructions who tells stories I don't know about you but i love i love every night my wife waits for me to come home she says you know jim lee know the kids have been doing this or doing that and i walk home they're perfect I'd never seen him do anything I don't know what it is it drives her nuts sometimes I think she wants me to come home in the middle day just to see if it really does work but one of my favorite parts of the day is telling stories to my kids telling them Bible stores dad can we have a Bible storming here absolutely absolutely and I tell them a story dads tell stories with a whole Old Testament the front of the book is filled with stories now how is it that we have literally over 2,000 years they've gone with stories that a dot do I tell stories to tell stories do we hear pastor for truth teach our children do we just we just show them stories and putting put color books in front of them for coloring books that no we're not telling them stories just to tell them stories stories have a purpose and a point and a principle and a doctrine and a reproof and a correction you get where I'm going stories mean something because if you don't know the story history you will what repeat it so stories God tells stories not so that we could say oh those stories are done away with we don't need them anymore we got new stories those stories are designed to set the foundation so the house can be built how many know when you shua says that if you build your house on sand it will not stand but if you build upon what did you know that that was not the first time that they heard that story that little phrase that was a well-known Jewish idiom that meant this they knew that the rock because thats that said that same rebenok story see rabbis told stories and parables all the time Jesus didn't even make up any of the parables that you read in the Bible has anybody ever wondered why the disciples are so knucklehead like you read that you read the parable you go that's so obvious but the disciples it's in the text they didn't understand how do you not understand it's like my five-year-old i read it understands here's why they were so confused when you shoot when Jesus cave the parables they were well-known parables in their day the problem is he changed the ending so it's like row row row your car why are you confused that's exactly the position the disciples they were confused because he was changing the endings for what he wanted it to mean so when he says to build your house on a rock the rock every Jewish young boy knew that the rock was the Word of God literally the scrolls of Torah was the rock why because God already called it the rock if you read the front of the book it's all over the place that the Word of God was called the rock so when jesus walks around he says don't and by the way the traditions of men were called shifting sand makes sense because what men are real good at shifting things around we're good at every generation builds upon another and pretty soon the shoreline looks a little bit different than the previous generation so Jesus comes along and he says don't build your house upon the sand of these guys behind me they're constantly shifting their theology for their own material benefit but build your house upon the rock what does God say is the house what is the house of God you when i said the house of god in the first century that was none other than the temple everybody knew that matter of fact another Hebrew idiom a phrase that was well known in the first century was the city on a hill the city on the hill was Jerusalem that's what they called it was the city on the hill and specifically the bullseye of that phrase was the temple God on the hill because back then they didn't have General Electric there was no electricity so they lit everything by torches and there were giant torches in the temple courtyards so the greatest torches were found up on Mount Moriah in the temple so for miles and miles and miles around you could not help but see the city on the hill so when Yeshua was coming and he says by the way you owe another one i forgot to say another phrase for jerusalem and the temple was the light of the world did you know that and so he sells you this is why these phrases don't mean it they don't mean as much to us because we don't understand the front of the book we don't understand the cultural context so when you shoot comes along to his disciples and says hey by the way you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden don't put your light under a bushel should make a whole lot more sense because in the process they had to be a little bit confused because the city was on the hill so how could I be the city on the hill how could I be the light everyone looked to Jerusalem and the Temple but what they didn't know what Yeshua did is that 70 years from that same the temple would be destroyed and delight would be scattered the light would be scattered into the four corners of the earth and those that would believe in the Lord God in the heart that God raised him from the dead shall be saved and they become the house of God they become the temple of the Most High God so think about it this way we've all grown up listen it's right there in our new testaments that you're the temple the Holy Spirit are you not so you're the Temple of the Holy Spirit I don't know why I'm going in this I haven't done this in years okay feel like I'm back in my basement days of defending the word of god but God wants me to do this right now and don't worry it's only six minutes left we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit we're the Temple of the Lord God listen to the language of the Apostle Paul who supposedly did away with God's commandments and his law in his ordinances and his decrees and thought that they were bondage when everybody else in 39 books earlier says it it's nothing but freedom the very same apostle calls us the temple of the Lord God what was inside the temple of the Lord God what was the decrees found in the temple what was the instructions found in the attempt what was the system of government that surrounded the temple other than the Word of God that in the first century was manifested in the scrolls of Moses what we've done ladies and gentlemen is we have taken the temple of the Lord God and removed the light because my Bible says this all Scripture is given by inspiration of God so that you can be fully equipped and back in Deuteronomy chapter 3 and 4 it says that you keep my Commandments which is your wisdom so that you can be a light to the nation's so tell me again how you can be a light to the nation's without the light now someone might say this to play devil's advocate well Jim it's obvious Jesus is the light when I remind him on this side if we were doing a national debate jesus said I am the Word made flesh I agree what was the word I don't know it was the Torah the Word of God became flesh not so we could get rid of the word of God at a bunch of philosophy Asafa chol phrases to say that he's the light but he came to explain the light through the holy spirit inside of us of how we can actually do this thing how can we fulfill Deuteronomy chapter 3 and 4 and be the light to the nation's they didn't know how to fulfill it this is why it says an in chapter 5 of Matthew it says that I did not come to destroy my instruction manual I came to fulfill which is the Greek word pollute claroo which means to fill up and give it full purpose the same exact word was used two chapters earlier when it says that Jesus said I fulfill all righteousness he didn't do away with righteousness I really hope not he simply gave it new meaning he filled it up like a picture that stood there from its creator made out of clay and never had a single thing in it but it was designed to hold pure mayim water and then finally a servant comes along and fills the pitcher full that is what that Greek word means it means to fulfill its original purpose you see the original purpose of the law of God ladies and gentlemen is not to get you to righteousness it's to get you to the who of righteousness is to get you to the person of righteousness not so that you don't need an instructor anymore it's so that you when the new instructor comes what's he going to be instructing you in the ways of godly wisdom and righteousness and I'll close with this you are found if we go back you are found in Deuteronomy you are at the base of that River you are on the edge of that river that River when he says now listen o Israel by the way the scriptures say that God inhabits the praises of his people it does not say that you will never find that in a single Bible in the original language anywhere in the world the original Hebrew says that God inhabits the praises of Israel in Romans chapter 11 says that you are grafted into the olive tree and the olive tree only has one definition out of Jeremiah chapter 11 and it says that the olive tree is Israel the New Covenant and Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31 it says and I make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah you have to be part of one of those are there's no new covenant for you and so I don't know who would this message is here for tonight but I'm here to tell you right now that God's wisdom that you are looking for is found in the study of his word with the revelation of the rock adesh the Holy Spirit from Jesus from Yahshua it's not just the study of his word otherwise the Orthodox Jews would be the most wisest people in the world it's the revelation of Jesus Christ John says as the last book of relative of the Bible it is through his insight that when we study God's instruction manual we understand how to apply it for today and it brings wisdom does that make sense to you and last but not least a friend of mine who is going to be coming here soon Craig Hill doing a seminar he tells the story of his CPA who is Jewish and he walks into a CPA's office and he says I've told the story many times hey you have Christians and Jews as clients right right and he says who makes more money the Christians are the Jews and the Jewish CPA laughs and says Jews of course ten to one he's looking to all their tax returns he should know my friend says well tell me exactly why why do you think that is and he had a Bible sitting on his and his desk and his Jewish CPA picks up his Bible and he says because you Christians read the back of the book but all of the financial principles are found in the front of the book financial principles is what makes you wise to make money surprise us that all of us Christians read the back of the book and our Jewish brethren who don't even know Yeshua are ten times richer than we are who's the head and whose detail I want to declare to you that we are not the tail God has called us to be the head and I'm not talking about just finances God has called us to be the head in every area we should have more wisdom than anyone on earth because we not only have all the principles all the instructions and all the stories of all the mistakes but we have the power of the Living God manifested through his son Yeshua the Messiah living inside of us as the temple of God the house of God the light of God and that light and that temple should not be under a bushel and it is my submission to you that it is not Satan himself it is not hasatan that has put that bushel over the light it is men it is religious men that have taken the bushel of traditions and doctrines and snuffed out the life the very thing that Yeshua himself was railing against in the first century may we be a light to the nation's may you study his word intently and learn the things if this is the first time you've heard this you're hearing this i encourage you go back there's so much there it's thicker than anything you can imagine it's beyond the coloring book of what you were taught it's beyond Jonah and the Whale amen amen stand with me let's pray and we'll go to part 2 it's just to get some air flowing between all of your appendages father God thank you so much for your word today Lord we ask that it would be embedded into the lives of your people everywhere god i pray you start a revolution and restore your name to the kingdom realm today make yourself great and holy the way you deserve father I pray that beyond this moment this message will reach the ears of your people it will prick those who love you and are not connected to the traditions of doctrines of men but they only love you and they love the truth god I pray you set them free be true to your word because that's the only thing your treat knows how to do you shoe his name amen if you were blessed by this teaching please consider helping us reach the nation's by making a donation today thank you and God please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jim Staley Teachings
Views: 3,162
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Jim Staley, Passion For Truth, Torah, Torah Portions, Torah readings, Christian, Israel, Messiah, Christ, Messianic, Church fathers, early Christians, blessings, curses, the Law, Old Testament, Va’etchanan, light to the nations, wisdom, Word of God
Id: w0Nb7pN_8OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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