#29/30 - Torah Parashot Acharei Mot / Kodeshim (Laws of Holiness)

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in chapter 16 we are going to focus on how to enter the most holy place and make atonement and God focuses don't let happen what happened to native and a/v who don't let that happen to you there's certain ways to approach the most holy place and we can't do it within our own ways and it with our own thinking and he is so concerned with us drawing near he wants us to draw near but it has to be in holiness it has to be in purity in his way chapter 17 he focuses on what not to do with the sacrifices and in chapter 18 the focus is on different wrong sexual activities that separate us from the Father there are certain things that if we engage in we're going to either be unclean or we're going to be harboring darkness or impurity and so he outlines certain practices of the evens around them so that Israel would not become like the heathens so those first three chapters is our a mode and then chapters 19 and 20 are the tour portion called Holies and Kota Shing is literally a plural word it's like the Holy of Holies that's what it's referring to and how to draw near in holiness and how we are to be holy even as he is holy so the whole chapter xix is instruction on how to be holy and then in contrast to that the final chapter is focusing on different types of wrong practices that are going to prevent us from our walk of holiness so if you have your Bibles turn with me to the biggest chapter 16 [Music] I don't I spoke with mo che after the death of Aaron's two sons what were their names Nadav and Avihu when they tried to sacrifice before adonai and died now there's a couple of different thoughts on what they did wrong this was right up to the temple was being built and nobody had officiated in the tabernacle yet they just consecrated Aaron and the priests and offered the first sacrifices and the two sons thought hey we will go and bring incense into the most holy place and this fire had just come down from heaven to consume the sacrifice on the altar of burnt-offering so what native and V who did there's some passages that says they brought strange fire and most likely they didn't take from the fire that God sent from heaven to consume the fire they were supposed to take fire from the altar they took their own fire and this is symbolic of us in our own life doing things our own ways sometimes God says this is a path that's going to return you to me and we say yeah that's nice and all but we think that was done away with and we have a better plan nowadays and we try to approach the Holy of Holies on our own terms there's other Midrash --is that talk about it was even possible that they might have brought unbidden instance in numbers leviticus 10:1 it talks about the type of incense that needs to be made specifically for the center when the priest is to go into the Holy of Holies only once a year on the day of Yom Kippur they were coming on the wrong day with the wrong fire and the wrong incense so talk about doing things your own way and yet their hearts were willing to serve so sometimes we have good intentions right it's not that they were intentionally in rebellion but they were doing things their own way and God set an example for all people down through the ages that even with a willing heart and the sages will say it's not an issue of their salvation whether they were lost because of this but you can't approach a God who is like a consuming fire when you're harboring darkness when you're doing things your own way light can't coexist with darkness so God has given us beautiful instruction as a father on how to approach by first purifying ourselves being clean and then following a certain procedure that always points to mushiya that's the key thing to following his instructions they're not arbitrary rules and regulations everything was pointing to the plan of salvation that's why it was so important to follow that he says to moshe tell your brother aaron not to come at just any time into the holy place but world to draw near only once a year beyond the curtains or the veil in front of the ark cover which is on the ark so that you will not die because i appear in the cloud over the ark cover now this message is be given to moses right at this time of the year it was right after the passover and so he's talking about yom kippur and getting these instructions six months in advance he probably wasn't planning on necessarily giving these instructions at this time but because of what native and avi who did going into the most holy place he thought I don't want this to happen to anybody else so he gave this instruction for Yom Kippur six months in advance verse three says here is how out of my I mean here he is how Aaron is to enter the holy place with a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering he is to put on the holy linen tunic and have linen shorts next to his bare flesh after linen sash wrapped around him and be wearing the linen turban they are holy garments he is bathed his body in water and then put him on so what do you think this is symbolic of this very first death yeah the armor of God your your also clothing is symbolic of character so God is wanting us to be purified in our character and then to put on his armor which is the belt of truth the helmet of salvation in Hebrew what does the helmet of salvation sound like the helmet of yeshua as the word for salvation in hebrew is so it means when it says have the same mind in you which was in Messiah Yeshua it's literally to have that turban on your forehead it's symbolic of every thought being in harmony with the way he showed us how to be an overcomer to sin and then so many other symbolisms that we talked about this morning so this is the very first symbolism we just finished verse 4 so verses 3 through 4 are all about the clothing of the priests we're in chapter 16 of Leviticus Leviticus 5 through 10 are now going to talk about the different types of sacrifices and atonement to be made verse 5 says he is to take from the community of the people of Israel to kid goes for a sin offering and one RAM for a burnt offering and Aaron is to present a bowl for the sin offering which is for himself and his household so what does bowls represent this is specifically for the priest to atone for himself first then he can be appropriate high priest to atone for the and four others so there's very first offering is for himself yeah this is speaking of the day of Yom Kippur but it's being eight six months in advance so the bull then and I've wrote in some of these symbols down here the clothing change the infant sensor the Bulls blood and the goat's blood we're going to look at each one of these symbolisms and then a little bit we'll go through the Passat and outline it a little bit more he says that he is to take the two goats and the word for goat is those el and placed them before Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting then Aaron is to cast loss for the two kid goes one lot is to represent Adonai and the other for oz oz l because where does L is really interesting because in the Dead Sea Scrolls of which they were taken out from the scriptures it gives us a clue as to what others they'll represent it's only in the book of Jubilees that we find this term augas l representing a goat demon so it's representing Satan one goat is representing the Lord one goat is representing this that's right in the Book of Enoch and Aaron is to present the goat whose lot fell to Adonai and offer it as a sin offering but the goat whose lot fell to us as well is to present it alive to Adonai to be used for making atonement over it by sending it away into the desert for all those el it reminds me of revelation when it says that when Messiah comes and he sets up his Millennial Kingdom Satan is bound for a thousand years so that he will deceive the nation's no longer see if the written Torah became the living Torah and he's going to be teaching Torah like that text we read this morning Isaiah 2 that says the tour shall go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from 2 Selam the living torah is going to be teaching the nation torah and we don't want anyone to come and steal away those good seeds of truth to deceive the nation's so this is the purpose why Satan is balanced for a thousand years because you she was going to be teaching and we don't want any adulteration any deception any mutation any mixture he's deceiving the nation's for 6,000 years why is Shabbat called a day of rest it's pointing to the millennial Shabbat do you know the millennium starts at the beginning of the seven thousand year and goes for 1,000 years and this aspect of rest is that we get to rest from the deceptions and attack of the Evil One during the thousand year period so even this day is pointing forward to the millennial Shabbat in so many ways then in verse eleven oh one more thing I wanted to bring out about this I was as ill when you're reading from the Jewish sages there is an old Midrash that says the people in that day used to be so eager to get this Oz's L out of the camp with the sins of the nations placed upon it they would take it out by the hand of a fit man to a far-off cliff and throw it over the cliff and the people would literally be running behind and pushing the priests to go fast or not the priest but the man who is leading the goat out to the wilderness and trying to you know squat up to go to make him run faster because they wanted those things to be carried out as fast as possible and that should be like us in the desire of our hearts getting rid of those sins in our life as fast as possible yes I bet all of the Jews develop when taking credit parent can't just take and go they can go that's right and it got so bad they have forbid that practice he happens to apologize that's adding to the word isn't it's like God told him how to take him out by the hand of a fit man but then they were kind of adding to it and that's a good example of that verse 11 we see Aaron it's presentable of the sin offering for himself he will make it helmet for himself and his household he is to slaughter the bull of the sin offering which is for himself and then he takes a sensor full of burning coals from the altar this is another clue where the fire is supposed to come from from the altar who started that fire I Shin did from heaven so this is the source of where the burning coals are supposed to be and you would mix the coals with this special mixture of incense which is frankincense and myrrh and different kinds of gums from trees and it would be a fragrant aroma to the Lord as they would have sinned this is what they were supposed to carry past the veil and when they would go into the most holy place so this is the first mention of now the high priest Aaron going into the most holy place and we're going to count how many times did he change his clothes and how many times did he go in and out of the most holy place on the day of Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement as a symbol what does the altar of burnt instant I mean the altar of incense represent yes that's right because they end before the throne of God as a what fragrant aroma our prayers are like a fragrant aroma there's an interesting correlation with prayers Oh - eehm which we're leading into this whole core portion is about how we can purify our lives how we can be holy even as he is holy so that we can enter the holy of holies that's representative of the throne room in heaven the most holy place and it has a gamete riah of 470 and it's interesting that the smallest way to write 470 in Hebrew is the ion which is 70 and the top which is 400 this is 8 and this word 8 means time so holiness and time has something interrelated by having the same Demetrio value we realize that there's some significance there now time didn't exist for God from ancient past right time only begins when there's a separation between what is and what should be he's if we are truly in him and him and us will time exist for us no but through sin we have fallen out of harmony with what should be and now time exists for us so there's this phrase that we say in Judaism eight reps on what does that mean Meir a breath bone a time of favor reps on and Yom Kippur this one day when you could enter into the most holy place it was referred to as a time of favor and so we Midrash on this what are other times of favor in our life if the one day that we can come into God's presence and come before the king of the universe is a time of favor how else do we experience times of favor in our life so I've written a few things that we've carried down through the ages through oral tradition reciting Psalms before prayer do you know that every day it's a myth power and honor to recite a psalm and to memorize a psalm and to recite it before you even enter into prayer and there's the phones are all about the beauty and blessing of Torah and on Yom Kippur traditionally they would recite three fawns they would say if it's a blessing to recite one poem let's recite Sabri songs before prayer so this is just something to introduce to you that maybe in your own spiritual walk you might want to start memorizing the Psalms and incorporating them into your prayer life when we overcome a temptation that's another time of favor in which we get especially close to the heavenly host and to Hashem he loves and remember how the scripture says that the angels rejoice moreover one who was lost who comes into the kingdom than the ninety-nine so overcoming temptation connects us very close to Hashem so whenever you're experiencing something in your life that you're trying to overcome remember that it's choice by choice day by day and these little things that we become overcomers and then doing a good deed for somebody Matthew 5:14 if somebody wants to look that up and read that look at what it says about doing good works so we want to realize there's certain times that we can draw near to him throughout the year not just on the day of Yom Kippur go ahead Brandon yes you're the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden okay and then go on neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and then give it light control that on the house beautiful so and then I think the next verse talks about that they might see your good work that's what I was waiting up to so see the light on a hill is all indicative of men seen your good deeds Yeshua says in as much as you've done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me so how do we really serve God by doing acts of kindness for one another this is what really draws us near and this is what really shines as a light we want men to see not us like in an ego sense but we want them to see the beautiful works of God through us in that his love is flowing through us and that our life is a life of selfless service to our fellow man after issuer's example so coming back to this verse 12 this Center is the first time that he's going through the veil and then he's to put the incense on the fire before adonai in the most holy place so that the clouds from the incense will cover the ark cover now God is in mercy already veiled himself his glory in a cloud so that he can be close and dwell with man because we're not ready for him to show fully reveal his glory right so he's already covered himself but even the glory shines through the cloud so brightly that the censor creates more smoke in the most holy place so it's more of a veil in essence you've got the veil you've got the cloud covering the glory and then you've got this smoke which is ascending as a fragrant aroma all of this is a type of merciful act so that he can be close with us without being like a consuming fire while we're not yet perfected in holiness verse 12 says with his hands full of ground fragrant incense he brings it inside the curtains he is to put the incense on the fire before adonai so that the cloud from the incense will cover the ark cover which is over the testimony in order that he will not die so that's the first time he goes through the veil then he's supposed to go back out and get some of the Bulls blood and come and sprinkle it with his finger back in the ark cover so here's the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments inside and the bowl of manna and Aaron's rod and he has to come and sprinkle the atoning blood for himself and for his household and when you come into the ark I mean when you come into the the holy place so you have an outer court and then you have the holy place which is the tent of meeting and then you have the Holy of Holies and to enter in that way you have to face the West that's why the most holy place in Israel in the Western Wall it's the closest place those two the most holy place because what God had you do as you were entering his throne room is turning your back on the Rising Sun to the east the pagan civilizations they always turn to the east and would worship the Rising Sun yeah [Music] that's right so here he has them atoning for himself going into the most holy place with the blood and it says to sprinkle it toward the east so if the East is behind you what are you doing you have to throw it up in the air and over your head so that's why there's this ritual of one up and then seven down 70 to the West 7 towards the Lord because one was to go back to the east behind you but you're facing the Ark of the Covenant and then 7 would be put upon the ark curve of testimony yes Michael that's true at least you wouldn't be tempted to bow down to it right we want to worship the Creator not the created so now this is the second time that he's coming into the veil yes I just hit a delayed reaction ok smile and so on yes thank you when you say God really ha ha like the microphone I really why you say it like I mean it hit me no saumon vs8 like when you say ma nuts on his mic maman God's will be God willing that when you say to monitor and so on I want to intervene on calm so you say it's Montrose honestly guys really soon they got real somebody's tell you something take everybody faced month rats on there's another phrase in Hebrew that we use a lot when the rabbi or the priest will say a special blessing over you and he's basically saying like may God bless you and keep you or may God bless your future and your children and the work of your hand whatever the blessing is as the recipient of that blessing we would say Ken which means yes it's an affirmative Kenya he rubs on using the same grit word here which means yes may it be his will right another way of saying that and then this is a trestle which is a time of his will or a time of favor yes marching myself if I explain how I got into the whole evil what he has to go for he has go down to be in the curtain and back that's in Parliament temple though not in the mosaic so right here we're reading from the mosaic Tabernacle what he's referring to is the veil that was a single thick veil in Moses day when Solomon built the temple he built it bigger higher he tried to improve upon the model but can we improve upon that which God has given us if Moses it says the glory of God descended because Moses did everything that the LORD commanded exactly and perfectly in Solomon's Temple he had two veils that way that light could never shine through and you had to basically go down to one in and come down to another and then come through but we're focused on the mosaic Tabernacle which was a pattern of heavenly things that God gave Moses so now he's in there the second time atoning for himself and for his household now if we started off with prayer right and how it ascends in the fragran realm ah how should we begin our prayers toning for ourselves making sure everything is right with us and our fellow man and with our household and we have to be mentally thinking is there any area that I'm out of harmony with his will before I can start praying for the nation or for the community I have to make sure that I as an individual things are right and things are right within my household so this is why he goes in first with the center then second with the bull's blood for himself in his household and verse 15 says next he has to slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people now he's ready to atone for the people and bring his blood inside the curtain and do with it blood as he did with the Bulls blood sprinkling it on the ark cover and in front of the Ark cover so this is the third time now he's going through the veil into the most holy place well God is the one that instructed them to and and the bull when you write it in paleo Hebrew it looks like a bull the olive which represents Elohim used to be written like this this is where we get our a from The Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and in the catawba cherie script it looks like this but they used to associate God with a bull so if you're representing we're under God's blood covering first the high priest has to recognize himself that he's been a known for by God by Hashem himself so this rule was always kind of symbolic of God in the fact that the olive which is the letter for Elohim which is the word God in Hebrew looked like a bull this is probably part of the reason why after coming out of Egypt they thought they were worshipping God when they built a golden calf to him they're thinking they're building this symbol and yet it was an idol God says don't make any image you know God is spirit there is no form and we're not supposed to associate any form with God otherwise that's called eye idol worship and so that's why the bull is I'm glad you brought that up because as a high priest he has to first recognize this is symbolism that he is under God's blood covering and then look at how what does the NGO represent the people need to be under the blood covering as well and he says to bring it inside the curtain and do with it as he did with the Bulls blood sprinkling it on the Ark cover in front of the Ark he will make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions so he's also making clean the veil through this process when they would sprinkle blood on the veil remember all year long they were having morning and evening sacrifices for their sins and they were sprinkling the blood on the veil every day morning and evening the blood would crust and try out and get thicker and thicker and that altar of incense going up before the veil would help keep insects from being attracted to that dried blood but it would get so thick but on Yom Kippur when he would sprinkle this blood on the veil it would miraculously cleanse the veil representing the sins of the people had truly been forgiven and they were no longer being preserved there for a later date they were totally atoned for says he will make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the people that's represented in the blood that's being sprinkled upon the veil and because of their transgressions all their sins and he used to do the same for the tent of meeting so when you hear it refer to the tent of meeting that's the holy place and the holy of holies is a most holy place and it says that he is to do the same for the tent of meeting which is there with him right in the middle of their uncleanness no one is to be present in the tent of meeting from the time he enters the holy place to make atonement until the time he comes out having made atonement for himself first and for his household and then for the entire community of Israel so it's interesting he's working backwards you know when you leave a king just like Esther remember she would go and bow down and prostrate herself before the king and when you leave the king's chamber you back up or if it's over here you know you're backing away and that's kind of what he's doing there needs to go out to the altar outside in the outer court that is before out an eye and make atonement for it he is to take some of the Bulls blood and some of the goats blood and put it on all the horns of the altar there was horns on the four corners of these altars and that's where the priests would sprinkle this blood he is to sprinkle it with his finger seven times the spear finding it and setting apart for the uncleanness of the people of Israel when he has finished atoning for the holy place and the tent of meeting which is the holy place of the most holy place the tent of meeting is the holy place and then the altar in outer court he is to present the live goat Aaron is to lay both his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it representing our need for confession not just assuming that God is Tony forth but we really need to be willing to confess our sins it says he who confesses his sins God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so they would literally have to bear their weight upon the head of the goat and transfer that sin of the people now he's taking the sins of himself his household and all of Israel and he's transferring it to this live goat back to the source of sin representing positon the transgressions the crimes in the sense of the people of Israel used to put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the desert with a man appointed for the purpose the goat will bear all their transgressions away to some isolated place and he is to let the goat go in the desert now the fourth time Aaron is going to go back into the most holy place verse 23 and each time Aaron would come out and he was sprinkle blood he would change his clothing as well yes normally he would wear that that's in the blue and that's what this represents these just represents a pomegranate and the bells you know around the ham so that would be on the blue tunic but he didn't well what Aaron actually did is he was called and I think we read through it in the beginning of chapter 16 it says that he's to wear the linen tunic into the most holy place so he would actually take off the blue tunic and so he wouldn't have those bells on him so there's certain things that I have heard that too and I had to look into it deeper and say was he actually even wearing the blue tunic if he's wearing the Lin investiture and he's painting it five times because there's blood getting on it he doesn't even have the ephod and the tunic and all of the things trusted that's right and then luckily never happened nothing in history ever says that her the high priest that died in the most holy place they always did it correctly and you see all the paintings they're showing the high priest in his whole garment his cage wisely pure white white tunic why do users want yes it was one-time use so the sages say that just like mare is talking about its one-time use you go in you sprinkle the blood come back out if he's come in four times now to the most holy place we're just coming upon the fourth time and verse 23 he actually changed his clothes five different times you get a rope around that would be great too tired that's true good point so maybe this is just a tradition or a story like folklore arises yeah we have no proof of that even though it's very common and everybody assumes that that's correct but as we dig deeper we think maybe not so very good that this comes out full of water verse 23 talks about the fourth time Aaron is to go back into the tent of meeting where he used to remove the linen garments now so there's our clarification he's still wearing the linen garments and he put on when he entered the holy place the most holy place and he's to leave him there then he has to bathe his body in water in a holy place and put on his other clothes come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people thus making atonement for himself and for the people he is to make the fat of the sin offering go up in smoke on the altar the man who lets the goat for as Iselle go is to wash his clothes because he becomes unclean by association and bathe his water bathe his body in water this is like the mikveh that we go through sometimes we might not necessarily be engaged in sin but we become unclean by association see that man hadn't done anything wrong he was doing what God told him to do but just by leading that goat out he becomes unclean because he's in close proximity to the transference of sin on this so he comes and he has to symbolically wash and that's what the mikveh where baptism comes from the mikveh is not a one-time thing in in your life originally it was something that was available to you as often as you needed it let's say that you became unclean because you were in the same bed as your wife who was in her stage of need ah or let's say that your parent had died and NIDA is the minstrel cycle or you you had somebody in your family diet that you had to attend to you hadn't committed a sin but you'd become unclean so you would always do a mixbus so that you could approach the temple after that period of uncleanness so a mix is something that we do regularly as often as is needed and a woman actually does it monthly after her cycle of NIDA and so we have to get out of the mindset of thinking just like once saved always saved is erroneous once you're baptized you're good forever no there's a process of cleansing and we want to remain plans but there's times that we become ceremonial unclean by association and that's what it's showing with this man here he had to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water and afterwards he may return to the camp the bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place is to be carried outside the camp there they are to burn up completely their hides the meat and the dung a person burning them was to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water and afterwards he may return to the camp it is a to be a perpetual regulation for you that on the tenth day now gives the specific time of yom kippur the tenth day of the seventh month so this is always in october you are to deny yourself this is why we fast and we pray on yom kippur this word deny means everything that is of the self just as you would seek God to make sure that your sins have been atoned for you're not living life for yourself in that day this is such a serious day this is the day when your name is inscribed in the book of life and field and we want to come to the Lord you know how your prayers are made stronger when you past so that's why this day is a day of fasting he says you're to totally deny yourself let's see and not do any kind of work it's also called the Shabbat Shalit own so it's treated just like a seventh-day Sabbath we abstain from any kind of work both the citizen and interesting enough it says the foreigner living with you so even in this day he's showing the availability for the plan of salvation for even the foreigner who wants to be grafted into Israel that this is for him as well on this day atonement will be made for you to purify you you will be clean we all want to be purified and clean amen this is such a special thing that God has made a way for us to be made holy despite the sins of the past and theirs up leading up to Yom Kippur every year there's 40 days which we call the 40 days of teshuva the 40 days of repentance it starts in the previous month I'll be low 1 you have 30 days I mean low and then you have the 10 days of Tishri the seventh month so there's 40 days that we are and this is when yoking on the immerser he was preaching repentance remember and people were coming to be niccola and to be cleansed this is the process of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur and this is what we internalize for those forty days in the fall starting from you know late August early September and going up to Yom Kippur in beginning of October says four on this day at home it will be made for you to purify you you will be clean before Adonai from all your sins what a great statement God is actually confirming for you it's not an incident or a maybe statement you will be cleansed he wants us to be cleansed of all guilt and all condemnation and all consciousness and memory of sins and he's telling us you don't have to question whether you're going to be acceptable in my sight you will be clean before me for all your sins it is a Shabbat of complete rest for you you are to deny yourselves so notice the double witness there he started off with you to deny yourself and it shall be a day of rest and then he ends with it shall be a day of rest you shall deny yourself this is what we call a double witness and an aunt Bosh it's the same backwards as well as forwards you know it's like a palindromic number yeah apollon drama exactly so what's ins at the center you know this day of Yom Kippur this day of complete rest we're denying ourselves but we're finding that we will be made clean this issue of cleanness is the central issue if you take denying yourself at the beginning of the scripture and at the end and then he talks about you shall be a day of rest and a day of rest is before he inputs denial what is the central focus of this hot wash of this chiasm that we will be clean this is good news we can claim this and we can hold fast to it he said we will be clean so we can trust in it so this is where he's trying to focus in Hebrew this is how the scriptures work does it to be a permanent regulation the Cohen which means priest anointed and consecrated to be : in his father's place will make the atonement he will put on the linen garments the holy garments you will make atonement for the most holy place he will make atonement for the tent of meeting and also for the altar in the outer Court and he will make atonement for the other priests and for all the people of the community this is a perpetual regulation for you to make atonement for the people of Israel because all their sins once a year because of all their sins once a year so Moshe did as a Dan I had ordered him now if you'll turn with your Bibles to Hebrews you'll see that this rabbi 2,000 years ago rabbi Showell you referred to this process but use Messiah as the Kohen Gadol the high priest hebrews chapter 9 and let's look at verse 11 he talks about Messiah the high priest of the true Tabernacle which is the heavenly tabernacle offering his own blood to atone for sins the true blood covering it says but when the Messiah appeared as : GAD ole this means the high priests of the good things that are already happening then through the greater and more perfect Tabernacle which is not made with human hands he messiah entered the holiest place so when he ascended he was carrying his own blood as an atonement for our sins before the very throne room of God which the most holy place represents on this earth he was going before God in heaven he entered the holiest place once and for all of us see it just like the priests atoned for himself and for his household who would be who would cause household B Israel everybody is called to be a priest in his kingdom but then there's the nation's also that he has to atone for which represents the rest of the people and it says he entered not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by the means of his own blood thus setting people free forever free of sprinkling ceremonially unclean persons with the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer restores their outward purity how much more the blood of Messiah who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself to God as a living sacrifice without blemish and how much more will he purify our conscious from the dead works all works that we've been doing lead to death because they're not in harmony with Torah people twist the scripture and they call the dead works works of living out Torah but our dead works are the works that have been out of harmony with Torah Romans 6:23 says the wages of white leads to death then what is sin verse John 3:4 that's right sin is the transgression of the Torah so these did works are because we have been out of harmony with the Torah he made atonement for us so that we can live long enough to learn Torah have it written upon our heart and that is the fulfillment of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 that's what's going to be fulfilled during the thousand years of his kingdom and his reign where Torah is written so perfectly a lot of hearts we don't even need to refer to the written word or the scrolls any longer we live it out so naturally the sin will never raise its ugly head again throughout eternity he says he offered himself to God as a sacrifice without blemish because he himself had never sinned in one ayah he but he took upon him the sins of the world he will purify our conscience from the works that lead to death so that we can serve this is the purpose the whole purpose is so that we can serve the Living God amen that is truly our purpose what's our identity we are their descendants of Israel we are his children our purpose is to serve Him what does that tell us about our destiny we are going to spend eternity with him he's going to make his throne on this earth after we are ready for him and torez ridden upon our heart he is going to bring the New Jerusalem heavenly Jerusalem down to this earth and this earth will become the cosmic center of all worship Taurasi somebody has something back here and said I saw a hand the day of atonement is always in the fall it's one of three fall holy days so the fall holy days start with yom teruah which represents the day of trumpeting that Messiah will return on and then the yom kippur three things traditionally happened on yom kippur the king is coronated it comes from the word Kafar which means of a lien and we've been veiled like a bride right it's time for the unveiling to know him even as we are known after that time of the marriage of the lamb and then the year of Jubilee is traditionally announced on the yom kippur so this will all be announced in that year of messiahs return and it will usher in a messianic age the Millennial Kingdom so now chapter 17 Adam I says to Moshe speak to Aaron and his son and to all the people of Israel tell them that this is what Adonai has ordered when somebody from the community of Israel slaughters an off the lamb or a goat inside or outside the camp without bringing it to the entrance of the the tabernacle what happens they will be charged with the blood as if they needlessly kill that animal see what he's saying is I want you to understand the sacrifices and how they point to the plan of salvation but don't needlessly kill animals or think that you're going to atone for yourself apart from my presence in the tabernacle you knew what Israel would later do you know after Solomon the Northern Kingdom split from the southern kingdom and they went and built another Myshkin another Tavern at home and another altar of burnt offerings up in the north and Dan in northern Israel and this was a great sin it was a directly against the Torah God says only do this sacrifices at the entrance to the tent of meeting anyone who does this without bringing it to the entrance of the tent of meeting is to be charged with blood he has shed blood and that person has to be cut off from his people so it's very serious that's why I tell people don't think on Passover time that you're going to redo placate you know and create the Pesach sacrifice some people in the world if you I mean it's shocking but some people really believe that wherever they're at they're going to observe Pesach more fully by sacrificing the Pesach lamb and this is going on and this is against Torah there'll be a time when the temple is rebuilt and we can bring our offerings to the Lord once again in Jerusalem but right now we are not to sacrifice animals to the Lord outside of the temple the reason for this is so that the people of Israel will bring their sacrifices that they sacrifice and so that they will bring them to Adonai - the entrance to the tent of meeting the tabernacle to the priest and sacrifice them as peace offerings to the Lord the colon will splash the blood against the altar of Adonai at the entrance of the tent of meeting what did this altar of burnt-offering represent this is where the Lambs were traditionally brought and sacrifice it represents the sacrifice of the spotless Lamb of God and it says that the smoke will go up as a pleasing aroma for Adonai no longer will they offer sacrifices to the ghost demon now here it's actually mentioning that Ava's L on the last chapter is showing you the spiritual deceivers and when they make certain sacrifices to their false gods like - one false god they would even sacrifice their own children and this is a complete abomination you know this is the origin of Easter and the fertility worship that comes associated with Ishtar this is why they call it Easter because this fertility goddess was represented by symbols of like egg is a symbol of fertility or bunnies reproduce very quickly and the male version Ishtar is a female goddess the male version was Molech now we're not supposed to pronounce the names of false gods so I'm just going to do this for this teaching but we don't want to reiterate you know the names of false gods this male deity would ask for the blood of your children and these people would sacrifice their children and they would dip the eggs of the fertility goddess in the blood of their children and this is the origin for Easter egg coloring we want nothing to do with the paganism of the past so I just share that with you because so many people are doing things innocently they don't even know its origins in paganism and it's so important to the Lord so I just share that so that you can have no part in that pagan practice so he says don't sacrifice to the go demons before whom they prostrate themselves this is a permanent regulation for them through all their generations also tell them when somebody from the community of Israel or one of the foreigners living with you offers a burnt offering or sacrifice without bringing it to the entrance of the tent of meetings to sacrifice it to Adonai that person is to be cut off from his people that's basically like you saying that you're going to make a helmet for yourself your own way you're not doing it God's Way she's not pointing to the plan of salvation and so he's separating what is your way and what is my way once again with somebody from the community of Israel or one of the foreigners living with you eat any kind of blood this is another one of the important Commandments in this Torah portion don't eat any blood life is in the blood even if you're going to eat me he says I will set myself against that person who eats blood and cut him off from his people this is one of the seven Noahide laws that was understood from creation and passed down orally and Noah taught them to his sons even before the Torah was given with all of these additional instructions it was always understood do not eat the blood of animals that's right that's right this is why we want to tell them the truth because you can't draw near you might really desire to be close to God but it's like you're working against yourself when you follow are you even an ignorance let's say we eat blood we don't know any better you wonder why your spiritual life is struggling it will create a separation and God is showing us how we can draw near to him by doing away with these pagan practices this or originates in paganism as well the eating of blood yes Anjali Oh church everybody went holy out of the classroom when you got those little holes yeah you know what a place I need prayer all the more decision hmm well God's going to be your teacher sometimes we come out of the Hall system and God leads us further than we could have ever been if we had remained in the system [Music] yeah that's right that's right we would do better to return to the eating diet entirely in the eternal diet now if you think about after the thousand-year millennium at the end of it sin and death are destroyed right in the lake of the fire along with the dragon the beast and the false prophet according to Revelation so naturally if there is no death there will be no more sacrifices there'll be no more meat eating and it wasn't that way it was you know in eternity past from the Garden of Eden there was no meat-eating so as much as we want to start to understand and associate with life and the turtle principles we will gravitate more back towards eating things that imbue life in us like the green things that bear seed like Genesis says everything that bears seed every fruit that bird seed and every grass the bear seed it shall be for food for you that was God's original diet because the Second Life are the pieces the same that's right yes and we're not supposed to mix that's another issue of the hybrid nosov the mixture God doesn't want any mixture like the tree of knowledge and good and evil it was a mixture little truth a little error it makes it more insidious it makes it more deceptive God's tree is only life that's right no mixture so it's called neat how the Holy Spirit brings out these little principles that we weren't intending on going to you wouldn't think that the Torah portion is going to reveal this but this is just the way the Spirit of Truth works to take us further in drawing us near to Him praise God so in verse 13 we'll just quickly go through we're almost at the end of 17 we will read quickly through 18 just so that it's in your consciousness just to make you familiar with positive torah that you might not be familiar with and then we're going to take a little break and there's coffee and tea in the back and cookies and different things will take 5 to 10 minutes use the restroom and then we'll come back and we'll look at the issue of holiness and the next 4 portions only 2 chapters it's not very long but this will give you a little time to digest the spiritual food that we use you can to then take it further so when somebody from the community of Israel or one of the foreigners living with you hunts and catches game whether an animal or a bird that may be eaten he is to pour out his blood and cover it with the earth for the life of every creature its blood is its life therefore I said to the people of Israel you are not to eat the blood of any creature because the life of every creature is in its blood whoever eats it will be cut off see God has created us in His image [Music] and he has done that so that we can be equally yoked we can be fit for relationship intimacy with him if we take on a sub species a mixture of their life and their blood no longer are we in his image he didn't create us like animals city he created us in his very image to have noble thoughts and noble minds and to be beings of light and selfless love and to take care of all the other creation both in nature and in the animal kingdom we're not supposed to take that in and mix that DNA if you will with ourselves otherwise we become unfit for marriage with him so these principles go so much even deeper they're not arbitrary it's not just God saying I don't want you to do this and I don't want you to do that that's why I tell people tour is not about rules and regulations it's actually a father's instruction in righteousness and like you said how to have life and have it more abundantly and then he goes into if you find an animal that's naturally died so he's covering all the basis anyone eating an animal that dies naturally or is torn to death by wild animals whether he is a citizen or a foreigner he is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water he will be unclean until evening then he will be clean so there's a principle if you come in contact with death you are unclean for a period until the next evening you need to wash yourself though put on new clothes and wait for the evening then you can approach Thursday it contactor physical contact right touchy or the side of it no touching you're right and it says if he doesn't wash them or bathe his body he will bear the consequences of the wrongdoing now chapter 18 verse one out and I said to Moshe a speaking to the people of Israel and tell them I am Adonai this whole chapter is going to focus on the different kinds of sexual sins and wrong sexual practices that make us all so unclean for all of these things are ways that God is revealing to a nation who has been steeped in two hundred and ten years of paganism in Egypt let me clarify you know that's what he's doing he's basically saying let me clarify with you in case you thought this was okay it's not okay and so he's addressing these issues that will create a separation you know Isaiah says your sins have created a separation between you and your God so God is so loving it's not that he's removing himself from us he's always constant it's that we remove ourselves from underneath his covering and when you remove yourself in that covering which is protection and life and blessing often you don't get blessed and you're out on the domain of death you know where harm can come to you and so he's telling us instructions on how to abide under his covering and how to remain there and one of the biggest things that separate us from his presence and from his covering is sexual immorality that's why you see it throughout the New Testament as well all the rabbi's and disciples of Yeshua were saying do not become engaged in fornication in adultery in wrong sexual practices it's liken them to idolatry and murder and to these sins that we think are much greater since what the disciples were doing was saying this is how God looks at it this is how much it separates you from him so this whole chapter is going to be about all kinds of different things that we might never even conceive of but it's just in case somebody is associated with a pagan culture and they see these things that they won't be influenced by them right okay that's right he doesn't want Israel to be able to say that maybe amen may we be a set of heart people just like our name assembly have called out people we are set apart that word comes from Kadesh which means to be holy because of the root word here but hoof and the dollars and machines adesh means to be set apart that's what makes you holy if the world is common and doing everything away from god's ways he wants to set you apart from the world even though you're in the world and reintroduce his ways to you so that you can be holy so we are truly a set apart people he says in verse two speak to the people of Israel and tell them I am yo Dave of hey your God you are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Egypt where you used to live and you are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Canaan where I am bringing you so we're kinda like wayfarers we're in this wilderness experience we've come out of Egypt or we're coming out of Babylon and he's about to take us back to the promised land and even right now there's things done in the promised land that are not perfectly in harmony with his will he's saying don't be like that what you came out of and don't copy those things where you're going into it's very symbolic even for us today he says don't live by their laws live by my laws verse 4 says you are to obey my rulings and law and live accordingly I am I deny your God anytime we hear a tonight it's just a substitute so we don't repeat the holy name over and over again but this is the yo hey Bob hey the yeah ha ha you are to observe my laws and rulings if a person does them he will have life through them I am Adonai none of you are to approach anyone who is a close relative in order to have sexual relations with them I am Yoda Ava hey you are not to have sexual relations with your father and you're not to have sexual relations with your mother she is your mother do not have sexual relations with her you are not to have sexual relations with your father's wife that is your father's prerogative you are not to have sexual relations with your sister the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother whether born at home or elsewhere do not have sexual relations with them you are not to have sexual relations with your son's daughter or with your daughter's daughter do not have sexual relations with them because their sexual disgrace will be your own you are not to have sexual relations with your father's wife's daughter born to your father so this would be like a half-sister because she is your sister do not have sexual relations with her you are not to have sexual relations with your father's sister your aunt because she is your father's close relative you're not to have sexual relations with your mother's sister because she is your mother's close relative you are not to disgrace your father's brother by having sexual relations with his wife because she is your aunt reminds me a thought I mean Gomorrah where these men were just indulging in every kind of horrific sexual practice you're not to have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law because she is your son's wife do not have sexual relations with her you are not to have sexual relations with your brother's wife because this is your brother's perogative you are not to have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter nor are you to have sexual relations with her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter they are close relatives of hers and it would be shameful you are not to take a woman to be a rival with her sister this is like Jacobs situation where he was tricked into taking Lia first when he was in love with Rachel he created a rival all their life and you're not to have sexual relations with her while her sister is alive you know God has created marriage as an institution to remind us of his desire to have intimacy and be one with us so it's no light matter there's certain soul ties that are created when sexual relations are meant to bring two people together more fully into the image of God because God had a male and a female essence he has I should say it's not just past tense and we see that masculine essence in the word the Word of God that was made flesh the rule of the breath is a feminine essence which we see as the Shekinah glory he created Adam as both male and female in one being in His image so that Adam could understand first what God is like and then he realizes that love is other-centered it's not self-centered and so just like God has relationship with his own word which comes from within him woman was taken from within man that's why she's called womb man is taken from his side from his womb and it's women who come back together that they more closely resemble the image of God and they're to truly become one and the scriptures say what men has what God has brought together let no man separate so we're not to profane this beautiful institution which is a covenant it's not even a contract like the world has produced with marriage contracts today they have taken God out of the center of the relationships and they've put in the state in the center odd is seeking to make sure that we understand that this is a holy institution a holy Covenant don't just engage in sexual practice because not only will it make you unclean but it will pervert your mindset such that you will have such guild and self condemnation that you won't even want to approach the throne of God it you will hinder your own self and your own spiritual growth yes traffic acquisition program my heart telling us is love majority and beautiful beautiful intimate yes I'm a pacifist is the reason for the special informality famous smell pedal feels it don't do that because I happen to the democratic but full party are all white houses our programs offer that whole Democratic will see is a vision that that pleasure instead of God and it pulled them away present the whole world is guilty of it we can't label and we don't want to point the finger at anyone group it says miss cribbage they all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and so it's on an individual basis that we choose to return we can't say this party or this nation or this we are all guilty of every kinds of sense but the good news is we have been given the means by which we can return to God and return to his image and happy in right relationship with him and so each one of us individually have to make those right choices towards that in back yes market here in Vegas 18 per se bazaar nakedness year following quantities 11 terrorists your father's negative yeah is a reflection of no why are you thinking Jess yeah and what ham dead Genesis 9 verses 2223 1:7 ham who was the father of Canaan and it was Canaan who was cursed on that's right yeah we're just going to read the rest of a couple verses here to finish up chapter 18 and then we'll take a little break he says you are not to let any of your children I mean verse 21 be sacrificed to Molech so this is that male false god that I was telling you about there by profaning the name of your God I am Adonai so how can we associate Easter with Passover you know the blood of the lamb on Passover that it comes for our sins how can we take this pagan practice from this false god and the female deity e star and somehow think that this is going to remind us of God's atoning sacrifice for us you know totally different and that's why they follow a different system of it's not even on the day of Passover they're not following it on the 14th of Nisan according to the scriptures it's according to the equinox because the pagan Church always follows the Sun and the equinoxes too for their practices as well just a little side note so to separate God's things from that which is the world things that he says you're not to go to bed with a man as with a woman it is an abomination so right here we can see you know God loved his children all of his children if somebody is not prone to marriage with a woman they don't have to engage in sexual practices with a man they can live a life of abstinence and serve God so this is talking about the act of homosexuality when somebody engages in it and I witness to many people that were prone this way and helping them separate the difference between you don't have to be attracted to a woman but you don't have to be engaged in sexual relations with a man God loves you and he wants you to serve Him and Paul says you might be able to serve him even more fully if you're not encumbered as long as you're not lusting in your heart so this is something that we can separate the two and make sure that we don't ever judge or point the finger or condemn the person we can separate the sin from the person and proclaim truth in love and that's what's going to Lou the heart back to a right relationship with God and they will forsake their sin and all physical malady and wrong action is just a byproduct of our spiritual out of harmony our spiritual sickness that's within so we really have to address the core issue with each of these outward manifestations sometimes we attack the outward manifestation it's a byproduct of a deeper spiritual sickness so this is how we can help our fellow man and woman in verse 23 says you're not to have sexual relations with any kind of animal and thus become unclean with it nor is any woman to present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it this is perversion do not make yourself unclean by any of these things because all the nations which I am expelling ahead of you they're already defiled with them he just listed all the things that the Canaanites were doing and this is the reason why the land is going to vomit them out the land has become unclean and this is why I am punishing it the land itself will vomit out its inhabitants but you are to keep my laws and rulings and not engage in any of these disgusting practices neither the citizen nor the foreigner living with you for the people of the land have committed all these abominations and the land is now defiled if you make the land unclean it will vomit you out too so don't think that we're just because we're a chosen people that if we engage in these same practices we're not going to have the same thing happen to us this is so important just as it is vomiting out the nations that were before you for those who engage in any of these disgusting practices whoever they may be will be cut off from their people so keep my charge not to follow any of these abominable customs that others before you have followed and dusty file yourself by doing them I am out and I your God and this is where creme mode closes that torah portion and now he's going to go into now that you see how not to follow the ways of the heathen and all their disgusting practices the whole next chapter is about how to be holy and to live in holiness and it's very uplifting so we will look at that right after the break take five or ten minutes and grab some snacks and come back amazing about the Torah portion Kota Shing is that in the Torah there's a basic instruction that's given and God is taking a people from Egypt for himself and he's starting them out meeting them where they're at but he doesn't desire for us to stay there you noticed Yeshua says you have heard it said you shall not kill but I say to you if you even hate your brother you've committed murder already and you shall not commit adultery but I say if you even lust in your heart you've already committed adultery so what we want to look at in this growth of holiness that y'all has Mathon is let's not just stay limited to the basic instruction let's look at how Messiah has taken it to a mind level now it's not just an hour deed of unholy things but how can we change our thinking and our Sevenfold being as Brice puts it so eloquently so that everything in us is rising up to the ultimate holiness now if it started with Torah and then you should come fifteen years later and he expounds further and he takes us more into a hierarchy of holiness in the thought process how much more during the millennium is it even going to be higher than the teachings that were in his first coming that's the way I look at it's all progressiveness ultimately to God being able to dwell here with us and us being reinstated to right relationship with them where we're not harboring any darkness there's no longer any sin after the thousand-year millennium we are only in the sight of a holy omnipotent God and we can have face to face like honey melt I mean like God had with Moses this intimacy like a husband and a wife love to be nose to nose you know breath to breath I - I it's it's going to require us to not remain where we're at so let's not just say well we're doing the basic clause and we're good let's take it to everyday the way we think the way we speak the way the actions are just some outward byproduct of our minds like our words are so it really starts up here are we going to return to the mind of God and the scripture says who can know the mind of God what the Spirit of God but you beloved have been given that spirit that is the spirit of truth that leads us back to understanding how God thinks how he's only a God of life and love light so I don't I says to motion 419 speak to the entire Assembly that's us of Israel tell them you people are to be holy why because I'm holy I created you in my image if see it's not arbitrary it's not some God ruling as a universal King saying I want you to do this in this myth he's saying I created you to be like me and to be in my image so that we can have right relationship so be holy just like I'm holy so we can come back together it's beautiful intimate language and you're going to see more marriage language in this he says every one of you is to revere his father and mother so now he's reiterating the in Commandments but notice he changes that word though the original Hebrew words that honor your father and mother look at how even here a shim in the hierarchy of holiness is telling us something more about honor he's saying Revere them Wow so now our whole thinking changes for our parents the honor reaches the only level then he goes he says you are to show more my commandments so right after father and mother because how we honor our father mother is ultimately how he receives honor from us if you dishonor your mom or your dad you're dishonoring God if we want to honor God after honoring our father and mother he says now guard my Sabbath some more you know in the fourth commandment he says or at the Omaha Shabbat that means remember don't forget it as if he knew down through the ages his people would forget the one thing that sets them apart is holy his Shabbat so he says to remember it but here the word has changed it's not the same word that was used in the Ten Commandment instead of the Corps he says Shama he's taking it higher in the hierarchy of holiness he saying don't only don't forget it don't only remember it the guard is tended like you like a husband would protect his wife like a gardener would guard his garden and tend to the garden he's saying protect my Shabbat and that's why I was so hesitant to even move into a new space where there might be setup and takedown because I don't want any of us to dishonor God by doing any form of work on the day that he asks us to rest this is a day of holiness and we're not only to remember it but we're now we see here he's taking us a little bit further to guard it I am I don't know your God do not turn to idols now this word has been changed also not only do not make unto you any graven image of anything in heaven above and the earthly needs and the waters under the earth he's saying don't only make it he says don't turn your mind towards idols don't even be inclined to elevate some form of God as God has no form he spirit so don't have a picture on your wall of who you think is God and don't turn your mind to any form of God this is also taking the original loss taking them a little bit higher see this is between the original Torah and the Ten Commandments and Yeshua coming this is a little step higher you think don't even think of idols and do not castle metal gods for yourself I am out of my your God when you offer a sacrifice of peace offering Pat and I offer it in a way that will make you accept it it is to be eaten the same day that you offer it and the following day so two days it's available to you but if any of it remains into the third day it is to be burned up completely why why is a sacrifice for sin good for two days but not supposed to be counted on in the third day Peter says a day is like a thousand years to the Lord you see messiahs sacrifice how for the last two thousand years it has been atoning for us but we're not supposed to continue sinning and continue to claim that sacrifice into the Millennial Kingdom the Millennial Kingdom is going to be a time for putting away sin so it's not valid for the third day do you know Hosea I forget where in Hosea but it talks about two days let's look at that you want to look that up I love it and very powerful whoever gets Hosea six to first go ahead and read okay I've got it after two days so think of 2,000 years each day is like a thousand years to the Lord Messiah comes and he's saying after two thousand years he will revive us because he's coming back to restore the kingdom and to raise the dead on the third day he will raise us up so after two days that's the end of six thousand years the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom is the beginning of the third day from the time that he was here last it's a hidden prophecy after two days he will revive us on the third day he will raise us up and we will live in his presence isn't this a beautiful hidden prophecy it's like saying after 2,000 years and when the some colonial comes he will raise Israel up well we'll have to look at that at another time so this is the principle of not letting the lamb go over to the third day the Lamb of God is good for two days and then it is done away with if any of it is eaten on the third day it will have become a disgusting thing that's like saying we're going to perpetuate sin forever no the third day is the time for doing away with sin that's when tour is going to be written on our hearts moreover everyone who eats it will bear the consequences of profaning something holy meant for Adam I see there needs to be a cleansing also of Messiah right he's not to bear the sins of the nation's forever he's a high priest who should be able to be cleansed of that sin that he took upon himself for two days for two thousand years two millennial day that person will be cut off from his people the Assembly is okay as long as the high priest is in the temple making intercession on their behalf but quickly they are cut off if they are not holy when there's no more intercession for them think about that that's why on Yom Kippur everyone was fasting making sure that they had confessed every now and sinned because when the high priest leaves the most holy place there's no longer intercession when the fire returns where is he coming from the most holy place there's no longer anyone interceding on behalf of the people it just brings it home all the more what these things are pointing to when you harvest the ripe crops produced in your land don't harvest all the way to the corners of your field don't gather the ears of grain left by the harvest likewise don't gather the grapes left on the vine or falling on the ground after the harvest leave them for the poor and the foreigner quickly into the wall or faith of the circuit reference yeah so then they had the centerpiece but the mothers were happy and they still allow people to glean which is beautiful because it's so important for us to always make provision for the poor and the foreigner and that's hopefully more of how we can be a light in this community there's people that God has crossed my path that have certain needs and I would love to be able to come before the assembly and present the need and see that these needs are taken care of and in this way we become a light to the community like the Hispanic lady that I was telling you that I'll put you in touch with she just got evicted from her house she has a son and that she wants to come and fellowship but you know there's ways that we can meet one another's physical needs and then when you feel the physical heart it opens up the heart for sealing the spiritual needs as well yes right there is the men's blessing for idiotic war that's right amen so remember we were started looking at the 10 commandments and looking he was taking them a little bit higher we started with the fifth commandment and we went to the fourth commandment then we went to the second commandment about idols and then we talked about the poor and the foreigner couldn't care of them now he says in verse 11 do not feel ya we're dealing with the eighth commandment and then we're going to go back to the third commandment about taking his name in vain notice how these Ten Commandments are hidden within this reiteration of holiness he says do not steal from or defraud or lie to each other in verse 12 talks about the third commandment do not swear by my name falsely so if we take his name and we have no right to take his name and use it as an oath you know like you're promising something to somebody he says do not promise anything in heaven above or earth beneath it is not your own so how can we say I swear to you know how people say that as a statement of promise or matter-of-factness so we're not supposed to take God's name as an oath which would be profaning the name of our God he says I am yo hey Bob hey do not oppress or Rob your neighbor specifically you are not to keep back the wages of a hired worker all night long so if somebody works for you pay them right away do not speak of curse against a deaf person or place an obstacle in the way of a blind person now this is very metaphorical basically don't do something to somebody that they don't know that you're doing because they have no way to defend themselves this is the same as speaking slander about somebody but you don't tell them you go and spread it secretly or you become a stumbling block in some way to somebody else by spreading rumors about them 4:15 says do not be unjust in judging neither show partiality to the poor nor difference to the mighty so if there was a court of law we wouldn't say oh he's poor we'll let him get away with it or we wouldn't let somebody in court because they're rich get away with wrongdoing right we're not supposed to show any deference it's called equal scales in judgment then the ninth commandment do not go around spreading slander this is the same as bearing false witness so see how the ninth mammal is tucked right in there and verse 16 don't go around spreading slander among your people but also don't stand idly by when your neighbor's life is that thing I am out and I do not hate your brother in your heart he is taking it a little bit further now it's not just saying don't act in a way of hatred outwardly saying don't even hate them in your heart taking that that hierarchy of holiness a little higher but rebuke your neighbor frankly so that you won't carry sin because of him don't take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people rather and this is the origin for the second greatest commandment when they asked you shuo what is the greatest commandment is here o Israel the Lord your God Lord is one you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your mind and all your soul and he said and the second is kid and he quoted Leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 here love your neighbor as yourself see a comes from Torah this is not a New Testament concept this is the source of that yeshua had memorized torah so whenever there was a question posed to him what was he doing not giving something new he was quoting something from the Word of God that's why he says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God he was living by it verse 19 says observe my regulations this is the same in verse chapter 20 verse 8 where he says observe my regulations and obey them I am Adonai who sets you apart to be holy so the whole purpose of our Torah observance is so that we can be holy and draw near to Him without holiness we will never be able to come into his presence without it being like a consuming fire to us don't let your livestock mate with those of another kind see the principle of mixture again there's another place in Torah that says do not mix two seeds of different kinds in the same field he doesn't want this mixture of good and evil that was perpetrated from the Garden of Eden every species is created unique and is supposed to give life to its own species but not to be mixed with other species so this is very important for us and this goes all the way back to the fallen angels and what they were doing and mixing their hybrid seed with man why the flood had to come because men were so defaced they were no longer in the image of God that's why I says only Noah was found righteous or pure in all his lineage it was a same mixture of seed that was mutating what God had created last question words we do not want a million to find see yes so it means at the same time you can rotate crops but you shouldn't mix two kinds of seed in the same field at the same time like you get high when you focus completely given because both houses I actually think everybody here what Mara seen yellow squash and it's a principle too because then he goes right after the seat issue and he talks about even two types of clothing now this is one of those commandments called ooh-hoo-hoo kiemce that we don't understand always but if we observe it by faith we will be blessed such as do not we wool and linen together linen has a very high frequency 5,000 it resonates that and it's very feeling to the body wool happens to have the exact same frequency and it's very feeling when you wear just roll pure wool or when you wear just pure linen but you're not supposed to mix in because they cancel out the healing frequency of one another so the same way there's frequencies in plant life there's frequencies in species and we don't want a lower one and we don't want to knock out the other go ahead mark frequency elevator running same frequency what makes an issue is one say 5,000 the other with 180 degrees that pain so when you do that you got something like this one why we versus best yeah for trusting God brings us tremendous blessing even when we don't understand it it's so true yeah it's very nice if you can wear linen it's very cool in the summertime and wear wool in the winter just don't weed them together he says do not wear a garment of cloth made with two different kinds of thread and of course linen comes from which plant that's right so here you're even mixing seed with an animal product don't let your livestock mate with those of another kind don't sew your field with two different kinds of grain and don't wear garments made with two different kinds of thread if a man has sexual relations with a woman who is a slave intended for another man and she has neither been redeemed nor given her freedom there is to be an investigation they are not to be put to death because she was not free in reparation he is to bring a ram at the guilt offering for himself to the entrance of the tent of meeting the priest will make atonement for him with the RAM of the guilt offering before out an eye for the sin he committed and he will be forgiven for the sin he committed now when you enter the Land of Israel and you plant various kinds of fruit trees you are to regard its fruit as forbidden for a while for three years it will be forbidden for you and not eaten in the fourth year all its fruit will be holy for praising Adonai but in the fifth year you may eat its fruit so that it will produce even more for you I am Adonai your God and people are trying to institute this in the land as they're planting fruit trees they're actually seeking to observe tour and reinstitute these beautiful laws then once again it says do not eat anything with blood do not practice divination or fortune-telling see God knows the future the end from the beginning so we're not supposed to channel it from demonic spirits through other beings and this is what divination is this is what caused Paul's death also as you know he went and sought a dinner to see what would be the outcome of the war and this presence foretold of his death now our words are so powerful that if I told you something was going to happen in your future even if it wasn't going to happen before what happens is it puts things out into the ether and affects the energy and the matter such that our words become like a self-fulfilling prophecy that's why if you listen to a palm reader or a soothsayer or a divination it will end up bringing the curse on your life they're going to tell you something that's going to happen in the future that wouldn't have otherwise happened and when you hear it you believe it and it ends up happening and I have seen this firsthand it's still in our day today going on he says do not round your hair at the temples or Mar the edges of your beard so this is what the pagans would do at times of mourning and for various call of prostitution practices as well men were supposed to look like men women were supposed to look like women so we weren't supposed to be effeminate by you know I guess that's enough said that's just hinting at the principle what I'm doing is just hinting at the principle and you can take her don't also vlog yourself and make gashes in your flesh when somebody dies or tattoo yourself put mark so a - just like all prostitution came from called pagans temple worship tattooing its origins is in the pagan practice of remembering the dead and they would mark symbols to remember the dead on their body and then tattoos have become popular rise and then people put any symbols on the body but God says your body is my temple from I and dwelling spirit you know we wouldn't go into the Temple in Jerusalem and spray graffiti on the walls we wouldn't mark it up God his treatise beautifully David says it wonderfully and fearfully have I been made he knew us from our mother's womb so why would we add to it it's another way we're adding to Torah we are marking our bodies in an instant we're saying well God created isn't perfect I'm going to add to it and so in a sense it's a disgrace do that now what has been done in the past there's people that have done things and God is winked at their ignorance and we know that there's atonement for those mistakes and so we're not condemning anybody that has tattoos we're just saying if you have a chance to not get tattooed from here on out now that you know the truth now you know your body is this precious thing God has created it in His image for his glory and for his indwelling spirit we don't want to do anything that contaminates it including it's not just outward marks but what we take into our bodies how are we going to live and witness if we are decrepid and sick and marked up and you know we're to be a light to the nation that means we're supposed to be healthier as having the Oracles of God we're supposed to shine brighter his truth in love and so we want to even watch what we eat and we want to watch what we bring into our bodies through out the eyes you know the programming that's on television we are created to become like that which we behold because God created us to be in his presence he created us to look at him and become more like him throughout eternity but that principle still applies when we've fallen through sin and we look at fallen things by beholding you become changed into that thing like this as well that's why I keep encouraging everyone keep your eyes on the father don't look at me don't look at the programming don't look at the world's advertising keep your eyes on his beautiful character of selfless love and you'll become changed into that image but it takes discipline and it takes choice yes margination years ago this great as imperative version simple home and he that logical period rebellion and is it smoking the drug thing while getting tattoos some years later came back senses of passive insulin it was he actually would come in with or walk in there Wow and divided me they went away I never saw that amazing in the corner Wow anyway they see me was probably that is incredible that he would don't feel led to do that that's a statement of his face then it goes on to say do not debase your daughter by making her prostitute so that the land will not fall into prostitution and become full of shame once again now he reiterates keep my Shabbat but before he said guard my Shabbat now he's saying keep my Shabbat and revere my sanctuary I am out and I see how many times she bought just comes right up in the midst of a whole another topic and he brings us right back how important Shabbat is do not turn to spirit mediums or sorcerers do not seek them out to be defiled by them I am Adonai your God stand up in the presence of a person with grey hair and show respect for the old you are to fear your God I am Adonai if a foreigner stays with you and your land do not do him any wrong rather treat the foreigner staying with you like the native born among you I was one of the things that we were praying for at the national day of practice not only unity denominationally here in the Wenatchee Valley but cross culturally as well and we want to be the change that we want to see in the world so we really want to take care of everyone as the children of God without any division labeling nationalism religiosity is because it all causes division and what is the vision the enemy says he comes to steal kill and destroy right a kingdom divided against itself and this is why he's causing so much division we want to have a kingdom of the children of God that are unified in the body of Messiah that's right I should never say I'm this and you're that immediately there's a division between us it works religiously it works nationally and it works culturally as well even color to label somebody by their color treat the foreigner like you would yourself you're to love him as yourself you were once foreigners in the land of Egypt so remember that treat somebody else like you would like to be treated it's basically the golden rule right here in the Torah isn't that cool don't be dishonest when measuring length weight or capacity rather use an honest balance scale yes length waist and liquid capacitive or volume would be another word that we had used an honest bushel of dry measure and an honest gallon of liquid measure I am a tonight your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt observe all my regulations and rulings and do them so in closing if you jump down to the end of chapter 20 and you see verse 26 the whole portion that we have looked at is summed up in verse 26 he says you people are to be holy for me this is very intimate like a husband taking a wife he's choosing the people for himself and to be a representative of him to the nation's so you are to be holy for God because God the yo David Haye is holy and he says I have set you apart from the other people so that you can personally belong to me like a wife would become one with the husband and belong to that husband so in the parties for those of you that aren't familiar with the parties it's an acronym for four Hebrew words a shot Ramez josh and sewed a shot is the plain meaning of the word whatever you read in scripture there's going to be a plain meaning and the plain meaning of APRI mode is after the death speaking of because they'd have a navvy who thought that they could just approach me at any time in their own terms in their own way and they ran into my glory and we're consumed I want you to know certain instructions on how to draw near and be holy so that you can draw near I desire that - he's saying what you can't do it on your own terms so let me instruct you in how to draw near so the plain meaning of all of these instructions is how to enter his holy of holies and to not die when we're in his presence but in the Ramez just beyond the literal meaning of the word we see three things that we love to bring out every week one is what does it tell us about God because if we're going to be changed into that same likeness we have to first rightly understand his character and he is pure holiness he's totally selfless love and as we meditate on this may we become changed into that same likeness we see hidden glimpses of the Messiah as our high priest who can enter the Holy of Holies in heaven and intercede for us and a tone for our sins and he is coming back soon we want to put away all sin so that when he is no longer interceding for us we are not without an intercessor we're not placing more sins upon him nor are we taking more sins upon ourselves we read in Leviticus 19 - we're to be holy because yah-ha-ha the yo hey Bob hey our God is holy so this is how it applies for us today it's not arbitrary rules and restrictions we want to be holy because of this great love that we have for our Heavenly Father it's what motivates and Woo's us back into right living and right relationship in the drops we look in to deeper symbolisms like the clothing and the incense and the Bulls blood and the goat's blood and how yom kippur this time of favor is actually exact same numerical value as the holy of holies lending to us a deeper significance as to what it means to be holy so in closing we have to realize that God is a God of love and he has been doing everything in his power to not only own for our sins but to wuis back into right relationship to reveal himself and his character so that we can behold it in its right form you know God character has been maligned for 6,000 years the enemy has been putting his own characteristics onto him and all these world wars have been fought in the name of God and people have justified killing and all kinds of atrocities and everybody misunderstands who God is because they don't understand his true character if we understand he's a life giver not a life taker he's a God of love not apathy or not of hate perfect love cast out fear because when we understand how good our daddy is we can run back to him without fear and we can run back into desiring to observe his instructions just like a child that knows his dad knows what he's talking about he's teaching me in this area you know in that same way we can be little children that long to understand his instructions so that we can be made holy we can be reconciled we can be restored and this is the good news through Messiah Yeshua that was even being foreshadowed in the Old Testament Torah this is what we want written on our heart and this is what we want to live out more fully amen let's tan and we'll close with prayer and then we will have a wonderful long overdue lunch Abba Father we thank you for revealing yourself to us and your desire to restore us in holiness back to yourself for right relationship and we just ask your forgiveness Father for the areas that we have sinned both known and unknown areas that we have rebelled and like David we say created me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me we long to be back in your presence both as children and as a bride of mashiac we want to be found without spot or blemish so please give us the power through the five blood to be overcomers of sin and to live out your principles of righteousness and selfless love crucify our ego with the flesh father and let it not be us who live but you who live in us we want to feed your spirit through your word and not feeding flesh anymore we have seen the outcome of both one leads to life one leads to death one leads to blessings the other leads to cursings so father we desire your ways and we want your answer into life and life more abundantly and life eternally with you because of how much love you have lavished upon us and how much we love you we thank you Father and we ask a special blessing on the food that we're about to receive and the remainder of our fellowship on your holy Shabbat and your Holy Name we pray amen
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 11,079
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Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study, Acharei, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Acharei-Kedoshim, Achrei Mot-Kodeshim
Id: AW8O1p04pSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 2sec (6062 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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