#44 - Torah Parashah Devarim (Words)

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today's tour portion is the first portion in the book of Deuteronomy or as we know it in Hebrew Devarim and so it's actually called Deborah ream which means the words you know if you look at the first five books of the Torah you have Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy in English but that's not what it means in the Hebrew are you aware of that like Deuteronomy means second law right do it that's where we get our term duet from and ahna me so you're basically having a summation Moses summing up all of the Torah before the children of Israel go into the land that's why in the Greek they called it a second law as it's a summation of the Torah but in Hebrew we call it devarim which means the words and when you take the first name of each of the five books of Torah in Hebrew you actually hear a hidden prophecy as you have Bereshit which is Genesis and you have Shem mode and then you have via Cara and then from mid bar and then Devarim and in juice is what we call Bereshit it means in the beginning chameau means these are the names by Ikra means of the called out ones and that's what we are here we're an assembly of called out ones called out from the world called out from the false system of religion and all system of government and we are looking for messiahs kingdom so in temporary we're called out people so in the beginning these are the names of the called out ones and then PHA minbar where we get numbers from actually means in the wilderness he called us out to the wilderness and we are symbolically going through the wilderness sojourn before we enter into the promised land and these are the words that he gave us during this sojourn and this is why we study Torah each week because these are the words that he's given us as the descendants of Israel and we cherish them don't we we love them and they're preparing us to draw near to him and how to be purified and how to live his ways and write them upon our heart in preparation even for mushy office return in which he will continue we'll do a continuation of teaching Torah for a thousand years you see a little hidden prophecy in the first five books in the beginning these are the names of the called out ones in the wilderness and these are his words and we're going to study his words today in Deuteronomy chapter 1 if you have your Bible and we're going to be going through the first three books our first three chapters and you know that this book is so special because you schewe not only memorized it but he quoted more from the book of Devarim than any other book and when you want to fight temptation or you want to be an overcomer you want to deny the flesh and live the principle of selfless love I follow his example because Deborah Reem is a whole summation of the Torah so if you really want to only have to study one book and really dive into being an overcomer like Yeshua says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God this is how we become overcomers and you recreated in this image so this was the book that he quoted from the most and this first paragraph that we see we realized that it's in the second person these are the words Moshe spoke to all Israel on the far side of the Jordan River so this is an intro had to be added later because somebody is basically talking about Moses giving these words coming up these words to remind Israel of the Covenant they're in with yah before they cross the Jordan and going to the promised land so this little intro here maybe Joshua wrote it and added it in these are the words mostly spoke to all Israel on the far side this is the east side of the yard Dean in the desert in the Arve across from tzuf between Purim and TOEFL LaVon Pazza wrote in d Zahav now they stopped a lot more places than that remember in a previous tour portion about two weeks ago we went through a long list of their 40 years in the wilderness and each place that the Shekhinah would lift up and move to and then another place in named all of those places where the tabernacle would be encamped here it only is listing a few names why this condensed version of these names anybody have any idea that's right very good some major event happened at these few places and these are the places where actually they were prone to sin they were prone to lose faith they were prone to go into idolatry they were prone to grumble there's all kinds of different sins and he's reminding them you're about to go into the land you're about to claim the inheritance that y'all promised you and your forefathers 40 years ago do not recommit the same sense that your forefathers committed that prevented them from entering the land so just by mentioning these names it's like a neon light reminding them of the places that their forefathers fell short to various sins and did not enter the land not one of them except for Joshua Joshua and Caleb so here Moses is kind of on his deathbed he's not sick it's because the Lord told him because of the sin of striking the rock twice you will not go into the land you will go up to Mount Nebo see it from afar and then you will go to sleep the way your brother Aaron went to sleep so he's reminding them this is like his last great oration to the children of Israel to prepare them for taking the land and something that's so integral with taking the land is that we don't continue the sins of our forefathers like we were talking about this morning let's break the chain let's break down those strongholds let's repent and be refined so that we're not destined to repeat the curses which are the natural cause and effect of living out of harmony with the source of life so Moses is starting with this reminder on the first day of the eleventh month of the 40th year Moses spoke to the people of Israel reviewing everything that out and I had ordered him to tell him here we are when did they leave Egypt what months on the Hebrew calendar the first of Nisan right well the first of Nisan starts the new year but they left on the 14th was Passover and then they left the next morning which would be the 15th of Nisan so they wandered the wilderness 40 years and here they are in the eleventh month the first day so this is just a couple months right before they entered into the land this was after he defeated C Han king of the MRI who lived in heshbon an dog king of Bashan who lived in akhtar owned a teddy I now there's a reason why they mention these guys these were giants in the land these were men of renown mighty men who had caused fear in the 12 spies and reason why they brought back the false report and thought they couldn't take the land but what Deuteronomy is going to be doing is really going into God's faithfulness all along the journey what Moses is doing and summing up the Torah is he's reminding them he's just putting a little slant on it reminding them how how God has come through for them all along the way and this is the way we should do is we edify and build up one another not point the finger at one another or criticize or judge or Lashon Hara but build up one another by reminding each other about God's faithfulness because as we're reminded of God's faithfulness then our faith grows and that's called the Emunah in the Hebrew and we're going to talk a little bit about that so he's reminding them of how they even conquered these great giants and Moses took it upon himself to expound this torah and said at an i spoke to us in Horeb that's Mount Sinai he said you have lived long enough by this mountain turn get moving and go into the hill country of the MRI and all the places near there in the Aarav ah that's the very low land like the Dead Sea area and the hill country the shephelah and the Negev that's in the south of Israel and by the sea shore of the Mediterranean the land of Canaan and the Lebanon as far as the Great River what's the great river in the north the Euphrates the original land grant that God promised Abraham that he would give to his children which includes all of us which is Israel up to this point never in history has fully inherited or possessed is from the Euphrates to the Nile River and so this is Moses reminding them that they are going to inherit even past the Lebanon all the way up to the Great River I have set the land before you go in take possession of the land haven't I swore to give to your ancestors Abraham Yitzhak and Yakov and their descendants after them at that time I told you you are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone one of the things in Judaism is that the leaders even the rabbi's feel the burden of responsibility in leading of people back to God's ways and when the people are either in rebellion or they send you feel that upon yourself the weight of that sin so Moshe after four years is feeling the weight of the sin upon his shoulders of the people and that's why when he God told him to place a hand upon yahushua to anoint him to carry on the work he didn't only put on one hand but he put on two hands and leaned against him so you would feel the enormity of the responsibility of the people's burdens that will be now upon his shoulders he says you are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone how deny your God has multiplied your numbers so that there are as many of you today as there are stars in the sky may a denying the God of your ancestors increase you yet a thousandfold more and bless you as he has promised you but you are burdensome bothersome and quarrelsome how can I bear it by myself alone picture yourself from each of your tribes men who are wise understanding and knowledgeable these three things in Hebrew are very essential for our spiritual growth in Hebrew wisdom is hope my understanding is veena and knowledge is God so you he's saying find men leaders that are full of wisdom understanding and knowledge and put them in charge of thousands and hundreds and fifties and of tens and officers tribe by tribe at that time I commissioned your judges so he's reminding them of when he set up those initial 70 elders and this 70 continued on down through the time of the judges all the way to the time of Ezra and Ezra during the period of the scribes set up what's called the great assembly which then it went from 70 to 120 there was the great assembly to be over the people to teach Torah and to rule and to judge he says I told you at that time here the cases that arise between your brothers and judge fairly between a man and his brother and the foreigner who is with him you were not to show favoritism when judging but give equal attention to the small and to the great no matter how a person presents himself don't be afraid of him because the decision is God the case that is too hard for you bring to me and I will hear it I also gave you orders at that time concerning all the things that you were to do so we left Horeb and we went through all the vast and fearsome desert which you saw on the way to the heal country of the MRI as I deny our God ordered us and we arrived at Kadesh Barnea this is where he sent the spies into the land to spy it out there I said to you you have come to the hill country of the MRI which out and I our God is giving to us look at am I your God has placed the land before you go up take possession of it as Adam I the God of your ancestors has told you don't be afraid and don't be dismayed see there's two things here fear and unbelief this is what inhibits our spiritual growth we're going to look at this a little bit more we're going to go down to verse 32 and then we're going to talk about what it means for us to emulate that faithfulness that God has already shown us you approached me every one of you and said let's send men ahead of us to explore the country for us and bring back word concerning what route we should use in going up and what the cities we will encounter will be like the idea seemed good to me here's a key flaw did he can fall God what did the people do they basically convinced Moses insane they said rather than just go take the land like God had told them don't be dismayed don't be afraid go and take the land they waited and this is when sin occurs when we dally like I tell the children delayed obedience is disobedience they convince Moses let us go up and spy out the land see how big the walls are of the cities and if the land is good there and so Moses is now saying the idea seems good to me but what it caused because Tish be off which is this day that brought about all these curses throughout the centuries so rather than consulting God on whether this was the way God had already told him just take the land Moses says okay you can go up and spy it out first so I took 12 of your men one from each tribe and they set out and they went into the heels and they came to ash call Valley and fight it out they took some of the produce of the land and brought it down to us they also brought back word to us the land Adonai our God is giving to us is good that was their initial report remember but then they started sowing seeds of discontent amongst the people but you would not go up instead you rebelled against the order of how deny your God and in your tents you complained it is because Adam I hated us that he has brought us out of the land of Egypt only to hand us over to the MRI and destroy us this is Lashon her against God there profaning his character what sort of place is it that we're heading for our brothers made our courage fail when they said and this is why we should never speak a negative word because you cause your brother and courage their faithfulness their emunah to fail they said the people are bigger and taller than we are the cities are great and fortified up to the sky and finally we've seen the on Akeem there we're going to talk about the on Akeem in a little bit I answered you do not be fearful do not be afraid of them Adonai your God who is going ahead of you will fight on your behalf just as he accomplished all those things for you in Egypt before your eyes and likewise in the desert where you saw how I deny your God carried you like a man carries his child along the entire way you traveled until you came to this place painting the picture of God literally carrying the children of Israel like a father would carry his child such an intimate picture and he says and you've arrived at this place not even one shoe strap has worn out you weren't for want of food or water how can you doubt God yet in this matter you don't have a Munna what's the problem they don't have faithfulness they don't have a consistent faith in God he says yet in this matter you don't have Emunah in adonai your God even though you went ahead of you seeking out places for you to pitch your tents and show you which way to go by fire at night and by a cloud during the day so in Munna I want us to look at this principle of the Munna for a moment it's not just believing in God's existence like people say oh I have faith in God remember what you schewe said even the demons believe so it's not a matter of believing in God true Emunah true faith is steadfast faithfulness and I want to look at a couple examples I'll write it on the board of what emunah is emunah is spelled with an olive and a mem bigger Bob and noon and hey I'd like you to look up a couple of texts we're going to look at some examples of what builds emunah in us because it's always a direct response what we see in god we just fly beholding become changed into his likeness so if somebody would look up Exodus 4 verse 31 and somebody else woke up Exodus 14 31 and somebody else woke up Exodus 19 verse 9 he's telling the story of what happened back in Exodus how God brought them through the wilderness so we have to see what builds emunah in us because there's three rational grounds for trusting somebody or having faith in somebody so whoever has Exodus 431 go ahead and and people believe and when they heard that God visited I have another question and worse okay so when they saw that he saw their suffering basically they realize that he's watching and he's like our high priest touched with the feeling of their infirmities but he's not just a distant God or situational God or a detached God they understood wow he cares about what's happening to us he's every time we need something he's providing it and so by seeing by knowing that God's an intimate God he's a Heavenly Father who cares about our suffering this makes us understand that he's pathetic with our feelings we might write in Exodus 431 that God sees our suffering and that is called empathy right now who has Exodus okay so what did they experience there anybody catch it his miraculous deeds so when you realize that God is all-powerful and he's using that power for your good not for your harm but doesn't that instill a certain amount of trust in somebody it's like a child look up at their dad says wow I jump off the roof he can catch me if I need anything he can provide it he's powerful so it's the power of God that also instills omona in us I should have broke God's power and it's not just arbitrary power but what builds our faithfulness that I think the exact term was God they saw God's miraculous feed referring to the Red Sea right how he'd even parted the Red Sea to bring them true and who has Exodus 19 nine well I come to you well the people came here that I see Emily you earn and what they told the words of the people so did you catch what would in that example instill more faith in God what is that hearing Godspeed yes you got it very good so what would we call that if you knew that God was so intimate to come down and speak to you then you also get he's teaching you his ways by speaking to you like a teacher that's what the finai experience was all about he's saying I want to take you as a bride Israel and here's my ketubah my marriage covenant this is who I am as your husband this is what I expect of you as a bride so it gives you understanding so understanding God more builds our faithfulness because the more we understand him the more we see him as he truly is and what is he but selfless love this is such a beautiful love that we can fall in love with it and so we can write that as a third example in Exodus 19 verse 9 we see God's Torah give [Music] of understanding here we had God's power so three elements that build our faith even today even though we're looking at ancient stories of our forefathers we can relate to these three things we know that gods and empathetic God he sees our suffering he has sent us His Word made flesh Yeshua Messiah who is a high priest touch with the feeling of our infirmities that makes us trust him that makes us be willing to lay down our life for him seeing God's miraculous deeds in our life and in the life of our forefathers makes us realize his amazing power that is for our good not for our harm that build emunah and faith and God's speaking to us his Torah gives us understanding of who he is and it reminds me of what Paul says now we see through a glass dimly but then we shall see face to face and we shall know him even as we are knowing there's a beautiful intimacy as God is seeking a bride but you want the bride who has complete faith in him yes Brian [Music] doesn't based on my hearing experience Amen that fits perfectly and we have in muna in tribulus times in turbulent times you know whether we're in our wilderness sojourn or whether we're going through a health crisis is our immunity truly munna because true muna doesn't waver its faithfulness it's more than just having a faith a belief it's faithfulness the root of Emunah is the same root that we get the term on then from when we hear somebody say something that we believe in we give a confirmation an affirmation by saying Amen that's the root word of Emunah see the olives the mem and the noon here's the olive let's see if I can get my pointer to work all of them and the noon here all of them and noon the root word for Emunah put into practice it means we believe and like the Shema we're going to do and here so in this aspect of the sons of a knock when it talks about the on Hakeem let's read a little bit further and we'll go look more into it he says I don't I heard what you were saying and became angry and he said not a single one of these people this whole evil generation will see the good land I swore to give to your ancestors except Caleb the son of Yahoo nay you will see it I will give him and his descendants the land he walked on because he has fully followed Adonai also because of you out and I was angry with me and said you too will not go in there yahushua the son of noone your assistant he will go in there so encourage him because he will enable israel to take possession of it and this is what we're doing today by teaching torah we need to encourage one another because we are giving the instructions for the land for inheriting the land we are getting ready to take possession of it well as this goes on moreover your little ones who you said would be taken as booty and your children who don't yet know good from bad they will go in there I will give it to them and they will have possession of it but as for yourselves turn around and head into the desert by the road to the sea of soup so he made them wander another thirty eight years after bringing back that false report and that first generation all died out except Joshua and Caleb then you answered we have sinned against out an eye now we will go up and fight see if they had just gone in the first time when I don't I had told them to go in they would have been victorious but now through their unbelief they had removed themselves from the covering of jaws protection and let go of the Spirit of God and so when they go in their own flesh and they think they're going to be victorious look what happens they say we will go up now we're sorry in accordance with everything God had ordered us and every man among you put on his arms it should be easy to go up into the hill country but out and I said to Moses tell them don't go up don't fight because I'm not with them if you do your enemies will defeat you so I told you but you wouldn't listen instead you rebelled against atomize orders and you took matters into your own hands how many times in our own life do we take matters into our own hands and we're either going ahead of the Lord in our own power or he tells us to go and we don't go we fall behind we want to be in his perfect timing not going ahead not falling behind otherwise his spirit cannot be with us and we're taking matters into our own hands and what happened to those people were they victorious no MRI sent them running you killed many of them this is the MRI we're living in the hill country they came out against you like bees and defeated you and say err and they chased you back all the way to hor ma you returned and cried before I deny but out and I neither listened to what you have to say nor paid any attention there's a a scripture in Proverbs that says the man who does not observe Torah even his prayers will not be heard have you read that very serious what is tour but Yas instruction he's instructing us all in different ways in in our life and when we reject that and we take matters into our own hands even our prayers are hindered james or yahoo says he would be called in hebrew tissue his brother he said the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much what does it mean to be a righteous man to follow yaws instructions to do what is right in the eyes of God this is what puts power with the prayers and so our practice is to refine allow ourselves to be refined and to return in teshuva to yas ways so that our prayers can be effectual and we can then see the amazing miracle that God wants to do through us so we'll never be able to do them if we're taking matters into our own hands then in chapter 2 he goes on and he says then we turned around and began traveling into the desert along the road to the sea of sooth as that and I had said to me and we skirted mounts a air for a long time finally ad and I said you've been going around this mountain long enough head north and give this order to the people so this is after 38 years now he's going to take him back to entering the land but through a different route at first it was from the south at Kadesh Barnea then they had to go back to mount there and they wandered around in the Midian desert for 38 years and then they go north and they're coming across the Jordan this time of the dead sea so as you are to pass through the territory of your kinsmen the descendants of Esau who live in say air this is what's Jordan today they will be afraid of you so be cautious and don't get into disputes with them it's a good lesson for us today you know there's many people that might not agree with us or our spiritual practices or our life or the way we think but does it affect us or profit us anything to get into disputes with people you know there's some people that you've heard of that are bible thumpers that a term and that means they're going to push their views on somebody else and they're going to show them but it doesn't profit us anything God speaks through the still small voice and the greatest witness is going to be our lives when people see the blessing in our lives they see the health and the healing they see the abundant joy the peace that passes all understanding this is what's going to who people to say what do you got I want what you have not biasness or self-righteousness or ego says I am NOT going to give you any of their land no not even enough for one foot to stand on in as much as I have given mouths a heir to Esau as his possession pay them money for the food you eat and pay the money for the water you drink for Adonai your God has blessed you and everything your hands have produced he knows that you've been traveling through this vast desert these 40 years Adonai your God has been with you and you have lacked nothing and that's the way it will be in our life before we truly follow his word so we went on past our kinsman the descendants of Esau living and say heir and left the road through the aribau from a lot and at sea on give air and turn to pass along the road through the desert of Moab that and I said to me don't be hostile towards Moab why Moab was the son of lost and his descendants are still considered seed of Abraham so gods even showing them mercy as seed of Abraham he says don't fight with them because I will not give you any of their land to possess since I've already given it to air the descendant of lot as their territory the e mem now it's giving you a little clue a little keywords anybody in that generation would have known what the e men were there were various terms for the offspring of giants after the flood before the flood there was the great giant the first generations of offspring from the Watchers with the daughters of men and the second generation were the Nephilim which were a little shorter than them and the third generation were called the Eloi but here this is after the flood after all of those hybrid seeds were destroyed the seed crept in through hams wife and ham had four children canaan put mitzrayim and cush and every one of those sons had offspring that had Giants creeping up like dormant DNA dormant genes so the they became known after the flood as the rough AIIM they on Hakeem that you mean these are different code words that people in that generation would have known that this is offspring with this hybrid seed and we're going to see the Amin used to live there at great and numerous people as tall as the an Hakeem so now you've got two terms for Giants after the flood you mean and on Hakeem now on the team comes from the word anak and I was I've produced a different series a different study just on this issue of of giants and both before the flood and after the flood so I'm going to share a few excerpts with you about anak the father of the on Hakeem he is the progenitor of the offspring of the Giants in Canaan and of course Canaan is one of the sons of ham right it's rain later became known as Egypt and there was Giants that arose in Egypt and we know these guys had certain key indications in addition to being tall they also had six fingers and six toes their scriptures and chronicles that talked about them having twenty four digits altogether twelve fingers twelve toes and so and I'll show you some pictures of actually archaeological digs that show these beams with their six fingers number thirteen one and two it says the Lord spoke to Moses saying send out men that they might spy out the land of Canaan which I give to the children of Israel of every tribe of their fathers show you send a man everyone a prince among them and they went up into the south and they came to Hebron now this is where David reign for seven years the temple stood but before David was there do you know that this is one of the first cities that was established after the flood and the Scriptures talk about it being established at the same time as or in Egypt there was giants that cropped up in both these places so Hebron and a human shape shy and how am i the offspring of anak were there so these are three sons of anak that this offspring was coming through now a bran was built seven years before Zaun in Egypt this Rahim also known as Minnie's the first king of Egypt so this was the son of ham the other son he was not only the first king of Egypt but in mythology pagan mythology he also became known as Osiris and he seated himself near the entrance of Zone the city that it's referring to being established at the same time as have Ron these are two cities in the south that are being established very much right after the flood and the group that I took to Israel actually showed them steps that were built about 4,000 years ago from the right after the flood that are still there in Hebron it says and they went up and came unto heaven and the offspring of a knock or their and there we saw the Nephilim the sons of a knock so who are they what they're still calling the Nephilim which were the Giants before the flood they're still using this term actually even though it's not actually Nephilim it's not pre-flood Giants but they're recognizing that their offspring from these Nephilim the sons of anak we just listed who come from the Nephilim and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight so when he's mentioning the honor King these were they're basically trying to say they are as big as they were before the flood even though they weren't this dormant DNA that cropped up these men were anywhere from 9 to 16 feet tall before the flood that we have passages and the busy Scrolls that say they were as tall as 300 feet tall and what really was like Jack and the Beanstalk type of mythology this was where the mythology comes from but see this is why they're putting the fear in them by using this term Nephilim they're telling the people you don't want to go and take the land it's as big as you've heard of the Nephilim you know there's no way because these Nephilim were known also as cannibals they would eat the people so this was instilling super fear in them in judges 110 it says in Judah win against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron now the name of hebron before time with Kiryat Arba and we have two reasons why it was called Kiryat Arba one was these sons of Arba so there was four of them in Hebrew arbo means four but it's also the Cave of Machpelah where Abraham bought it for him and his wife where Adam and Eve were already buried and so you have four patriarchs Adam Abraham Isaac and Jacob all buried in this cave in Hebron which is also known as Kiryat Arba Joshua 21 10 and 11 says for they were the children of Aaron and of the families of the Khoa Heights who were the of the children of Levi for theirs was the first lie and they gave them Kiryat Arba which our bow was the father of anak interesting the same is hebron so this is why giants resided there in the hill country of Judah with the wide-open land around it now therefore in Joshua 14 12 gives me this mountain where of the Lord spoke that day for thou Hertz in that day how the Anakim were there and cities great and fortified it may be that the Lord will be with me and I shall drive them out as the Lord spoke and Joshua blessed him and he gave him he gave her bran to Caleb the son of Jephunneh for an inheritance therefore Hebron became the inheritance of caleb the son of yahoo and i that Kimmons I must be confused with a Canaanite he wasn't a Canaanite knez I this was another man named Knaus unto that day because he wholly followed the Lord the God of Israel now the name of head rod before time with Kiryat Arba with Arba being the greatest man among the on Hakeem he's kind of the founders of the on Hakeem so now you know a little history of these on Hakeem we will continue reading they also were in verse 11 of chapter 2 they also considered rough ìiím so if you have your Bibles and you mark in your Bible underline that II mean that's vmim that's one term for these dormant DNA offspring of giants and then on a kiemce underline and ref ìiím is another term for these giants also as our deann Hakeem but the mo of eehm call them a meme but now telling you where that term a meme came from that's just in the Moabite language in SE year the Orion used to live this is another group of giants now these giants they spread all over the world a world at this time and they were not only and before the flood as well they were not only in the land of Canaan but we find them through archaeological digs in Peru one of my first mission trips was in Peru and we went to a place called sacsayhuamán which has huge big monolithic stones that are perfectly cut to one another and hitting put a piece of paper in between them and these giants would always build big cities for themselves using these big hewn stones you find them sometimes in Siberia you find them in there's quite a few places that oh the mountains in Ohio if you're familiar with the mounds these were some of the burial areas of the Giants that came to this well is now America to this land many years ago so they obviously knew how to sail as well that was the other place I couldn't remember Malta and Sardinia yes yeah they must have come by ship see the Phoenicians in the north which is the north part of the Sea of Galilee in the northwest of Canaan they were great sailors and and Holliman even had many people coming to this new world so I'm in this new world it's not really that new because even for the temple Solomon had taken copper from the Great Lakes using the Phoenician ships and so even long before 1000 BC there was shipbuilders and they were traveling the world over and yeah settling in this area oh and the other place that I was going to mention is the Anasazi down in the Four Corners area of Colorado we see inscriptions of six-fingered giants and people you know archaeologists always wonder what happened to them what was their demise there's a reason why they were building in the cliff to be away from these Giants who were cannibalistic and who would eat them and they ended up wiping out whole tribes during that period of time so we see that they've even resided here I'll show you some pictures in a little bit on that it says if they're in the jaurim this is another term for them used to live but the descendants of Esau dispossessed and destroyed them settling in their place israel did similarily in the land it came to possess which out and I gave them now keep going and cross the waters I read so we cost the wadi is already the time between are leaving Kadesh Barnea and are crossing the wadi the red was 38 years until the whole generation of men capable of bearing arms had been eliminated from the camp as that and I had sordin they would be moreover at a nice hand was against them to route them out of their camp until the last of them were gone when all the men who were able to bear arms had died that means men 28 at that time that they brought back a false report it would be any man 20 years old and older because that was the age of the military census they basically died out over that period of time by a really long time he's not yeah that's right and that's what happens to us the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life so when you're in rebellion to God that natural life span of full hell that he intends for you to live out is it's cut short not because he's arbitrarily cutting it short because the cause and effect of you removing yourself in the source of life then it says moreover out of nice hand was against him to root them out of the camp until the last one of them was gone and I said to me verse 18 today you are to cross the border of Moab @r when you approach the descendants of aman don't bother them or fight with them for i will not give any of the territory of the people of ammon to possess now who is i'm a brother of Moab right son of lot so the same reason why you're not to destroy Moab you're not to destroy Ammon kind of good to get to know the history of these people then the Lord gave it to the descendants of lot as their territory now in verse 20 we see this mention of these giants again this two is considered a land of the refine refine who the MRI call them zoom mean so there's another term to underline used to live there they were a large numerous people as tall as the an Hakeem but out and I destroyed them as the people of ammon advanced and settled in their place just as he destroyed the jaurim has descendants of Esau advanced into se air and settled into their place where they live to this day it was the same with the Adeem there's another term who lived in villages as far away as Agha the cafetorium coming from capped or destroyed them and settled in their place get up get moving and crossed the Arnon Valley here I have put in your hand si Han the king of Heshbon his land his land commenced the conquest begins the battle today I will start putting the fear and dread of you into all the people under heaven so that the mere mention of your name will make them shake and tremble before you and what happens when people fear God's people they see the blessing that God had had over them they see the strength sometimes they try to do a preemptive strike they try to wipe them out and this is what's been called the spirit of Amalek throughout the ages and Mallick was the first one that came out when they crossed through the Red Sea and he tried to destroy them who was Amalek he was a descendant of Esau he now Esau reconciled with Yaakov but how much do you think his children must have heard the discontentment of Esau about uncle Jacob he sold the birthright he sold the land he sold the blessing he sold the money all this so there's this hatred that's brewing amongst his children even though he's content to no longer take his life the descendants are always seeking to take out the life of Israel they're cousins because of that hatred they sold the land from father Esau in essence that's the way they're thinking and it is said that the spirit of Amalek will arise in every generation this is the spirit that we see Haman having at the time of the Jews in Persia I wanted to wipe out the whole nation of Israel we see that the time of of the Holocaust this was the spirit of Amalek that was arising and it's always seeking to wipe out God's people this is why revelation talks about the dragon was wroth with the woman and with her seed what is the agenda of the dragon to wipe out the seed of the woman a pure woman so we're always going to have these enemies against us and most of it comes from fear he says in verse 26 I sent envoys from the Kodomo desert to see Han king of Heshbon with a peaceable message let us pass through your land we will keep to the road turning neither to the right nor the left you can sell us food to eat for money and give us water to drink for money we only want to pass through do as the people of Esau living in say air and the moa veem living in our did until we crossed the Jordan in the land Adonai our God is giving us but see han king of Heshbon would not let us pass through his territory because out of my your God had hardened his spirit and made him stubborn I like Pharaoh it's not that God's making his heart stubborn but when somebody suppresses the Spirit of God and they seek harm against God's people what are they doing but hardening their heart against God same time is hardening their heart against God's people so he says Adam I said to me see I have begun handing over see Han and his territory before you start taking possession of it then see han came out against us he and all his people to fight as jihad and now deny our God handed him over to us so that we struck him and this word struck has an enlarged cough so feet in it which is interesting this word defeated maybe in your Bibles is struck as connotation of striking them it's VANOC in the Hebrew and here is different pictures that we've taken throughout the year of different apps parts of the Torah scroll where you see enlarged Hebrew letters and we've actually found one of every letter throughout the Torah and they're not in chronological order but I put them in chronological order so here's an enlarged olive bed gimel dalet hey this collet is in the Shema volve Zion tete tete node here's a coffee here's the one today that we're looking at right here the costal feet this is the NOC this means defeated and we're going to look at another one later in the Torah portion and enlarge not a sheen it's a scene the dot is on this side which is a rest the word arrest so what's significant about this enlarged cause the verse is and the Lord our God delivered him before us and we smote him or we struck him and his sons and all his people the cost of feet which you can see right here is in the word knock we need to strike symbolizing the open hand because the cost is like an open hand right we have the yo'd which is a closed hand and that's how it's the smallest of all letters the next letter is a cost and it's an open hand and it's kind of symbolizing the open hand is in a surprise strike horse plow or not letting the children of Israel pass through his land he was trying to starve them out he's trying to make it difficult for them so it's kind of like a little insulting slap to the king of C Han by not letting them pass by which both inflict pain and is a rebuke and it could also symbolize God's hand in giving si Han the king to Israel so you have two different connotations of an open hand one is like a slap and the other is like an open hand giving a gift and this is why this coffee is enlarged in this letter but you only see that in the Hebrew when you're reading it in the scroll verse 34 at that time we captured all his cities and completely destroyed every city men women and little ones we left none of them now our God we know it's not a destroying God so there has to be something more when everyone is wiped out in a town and this town is known for its giant this shows that there's hybrid DNA that God didn't intend to be in man this goes all the way back to the time of the Watchers to fall in one to mix their seed with the daughters of men so this is like a hospital creating a hybrid creation a mutation if you will what he's doing is he's cleaning out that mutation and that's what the flood was all about it was wiping out that mutation that if it had gone on any longer there would have been no flesh that survived and it says as in the days of Noah so shall it be before the coming of the son of man this is why it says if time we're not shortened no flesh would survive Noah was the only one found of the known world at that time who was righteous in all his lineage this means he was pure in his generations in his DNA at that time of the flood Oh through the Fallen watchers like the book of enoch talks about these angels who came to this earth and they gave knowledge to men that corrupted men and they also mixed their seed now if God creates in His image and this is the reason why our heart is so prone to love him because we're like a bride any species can only marry within their species right so God creates the crowning act of his creation which is mankind in His image so that he can have a bride after his own image what happens when the Fallen Angels want to receive worship they have to mutate this creation they try to create something in their image how do we create in our image through our offspring so they mix their DNA with men and this is why most pagans false forms of worship is Sun worship because angels are symbolized by stars and all stars are sons right so this is why all Sun worship goes back to angel worship this is how they're receiving worship for themselves I'm mixing their feet in there making a creation after their own likeness and seeking worship for themselves now this is something that's not often explored or talked about within the body of Messiah or the Russian world yes and there's hybridization today it didn't stop with humans they started intermixing the gene pool of animals as well and we have documentation from the Dead Sea Scrolls that confirms that the same thing they're doing today last year I showed you a picture of the scientists that we're mixing Pig DNA with human DNA and so I see things come about in in the news I always expose you to them so you can see it literally is as in the days of Noah once again we're going to see another anomaly down here in chapter 3 verse 11 so we're just going to read through to chapter 3 verse 11 and then we'll look at that enlarged scene he says [Music] in chapter 3 verse 1 then we turned and we went up the road to Bashan and AAG the king of Bashan now off with another giant remember it talks about his bed in the Book of Numbers how it was nine and a half cubits long which is equivalent to like thirteen and a half feet fourteen feet of the king of Bashan came out against us with all his people to fight and Ray so it's amazing how much focus is on these Giants because here now aughh is another way of speaking of all these hybrid offspring that yaws disposing and giving the land to Israel how did I said to me don't be afraid of him for I have handed him and all his people and territory over to you you will do to him as you did to see Han King of the MRI who live in heshbon so adonai our God handed over to us all the king of Bashan with all his people and we defeated him until he had no one left at that time we captured all of his cities there was not one city of theirs that we did not capture there were 60 cities all the region of our gold the kingdom of awe of Bashan all of them fortified cities with high walls gates and bars in addition to a great number of unwalled towns we completely destroyed them as we did with C Han king of Heshbon annihilating every city men woman and child but we took all the livestock along with the spoil from the cities as booty for ourselves we have to ask ourselves what Giants are seemingly insurmountable in our lives today what things are you possibly afraid of or think that God can't accomplish there's no mountain too high there's no issue too big for God to eradicate from our lives so when we keep our eyes on him we are in the process of being perfected in that perfect love which he is selfless love and the more selfless will you become the more we eradicate those fear of those giants in our lives because perfect love casts out all fear so the enemy is going to try to put things in your path to get you distracted and it looks like very normal things that's why you're not aware anything that takes our eyes off of a Heavenly Father is a distraction and even if it's some issue in ourselves like people love to bring out issues in you right and point out your fault what happens but I'm looking at my fault all of a sudden my eyes are off the father and instead of becoming more into his likeness I'm only becoming more like my ugly self the more I look at myself because God is created in us a principle by beholding you become changed into that same likeness so you have to keep your eyes on him and don't let the enemy distract you and then these giants will disappear and all the fear will disappear and we will be perfected in love yes you know when it talks about the story the charity first Yoritomo getting over being suppressed adenine operated by close like they're not just even folks that's right and there's absolutely otherwise it would be a god that is situational or changing his own word God says you shall not kill you shall not murder he's not going to send people out to murder his creation there's a reason why these beans were destroyed in the flood and why they were being dispossessed at the time of Israel taking the land it's because they're not the way he created them did you have something Bryce yeah ha ha the perfect amen that's the fact I was just referring to amen down in verse eight it says at that time we captured the territory of the two kings of the MRI east of the Jordan between our nan Valley and Mount Hermon now underline Mount Hermon this is the tallest mountain in Israel it's up in the Northeast up in the Golan Heights and this is the location according to the Dead Sea Scrolls that the Fallen Angels the Watchers first came to so this is another type of portal where they're coming down to mutate God's creation and the Mount Hermon is very significant the Hermon which the ziddi Amim call your yawn and the MRI call near all the cities of the plain all guilty add in all Bashan as far as salka and Edgar I cities of the kingdom of OGG in Bashan see there's that giant again this is the same area on king of Bashan was the last survivor of the ref ie his bed was made of iron it is still in rabaa with the people of oman it was 92 bits long and four cubits wide about thirteen and a half feet long and six feet wide using the normal cubit of a man sometimes the scriptures are speaking with the Egyptian royal cubit which would make it even longer because right now us men you know we have about 18 inches a cubit was like from your finger tip to your elbow that's how they used to measure things or like a hand when you're measuring horses but in the time of the Egyptian Exodus a lot of times God was speaking to Moses with the unit of measurement that he understood because he was trained in the courts of Pharaoh and the Egyptian cubit is even larger so it's very possible that this was even larger than our traditional cubit today in this word bed see where it says his bed was made of iron this word for bed is is something like an arch like almost like an arch couch or something with a canopy on it its arrest in the Hebrew and in this word for bed arrest machine is enlarged here it is here his bed was a bed an arrest of iron and you can see here's a picture of the Torah scroll on parchment it's enlarged with the hand written by the hand written scribe and what is the significance of these anomalies they bring our attention to certain words and they have certain meaning this scene with the dot on the other side represents the eternal flame and the final judgment fire that these spirits of the Nephilim which were disembodied at the flood and which are always seeking a body to inhabit which became known as the demonic spirits these will be judged after the Millennium in the lake of fire remember it says the dragon the beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire in Revelation along with sin and death in the Book of Enoch it talks about the spirits of the Nephilim being held in the earth or so many thousands of years until that final judgment which we call the great white throne judgment and when you look at the Hebrew letters what is I in as I've taught them a few Hebrew classes remember what Diane is see how it looks like a hand that's pointing to your eyes so iron as always the word for I in Hebrew and it looks like a guy that's pointing to his eyes right the road the race is like the back of a man's head okay and this is where we get the term Roche from it means like a head person you're not only a head head and shoulders above everybody else but you're in a high position and these men were called men of renown weren't they and then you have the flame so in essence it's like saying see this head person this mighty these men of valor destroyed in the flame of fire it's showing there in judgment even in this word for the bed that this giant slept upon is king of aughh now here's a picture of some of these giants that have been unearthed to archaeology here's us today six-foot man average so in Turkey in the late 1800s there was a giant found that was 15 feet tall now like I said all of these men that are 25:36 these are after the flood before the flood they were even larger and I'll show you some pictures of those but we have archaeological finds called Maximus Drax this was found in Rome eight foot six Goliath that David slew was ten and a half feet tall this is what he would look like compared to us today so this is David if he's six feet tall looking up at Goliath here's all king of Bashan twelve feet tall you can see how much he's twice as tall as any man kind of puts into perspective kind of fun to look at an example in 1577 in canton of lucerne this over blue over and under this oak tree the root ball you know how the root ball gets torn up this giant was found he's nineteen feet six inches and around the Homburg decree when the Jews were expelled from Spain just a little before in the mid 1400s this giant was found in France so it shows how these these means we're not only in Canaan they dispersed throughout the known world in 1613 in France near the castle of Hammad there was a complete skeleton all intact of a twenty five and a half foot giant and the qartheen Ian's facts around 650 BC Kartini ins are actually part of the lost house of Israel there was the Parthian Empire and the Carthaginian Empire and these men were kind of east of Turkey and in the Caucasus they found a 36-foot skeleton desaad they found because of an earthquake it opened up the ground and so then they were like whoa that's a big skull in there now I'm going to show you some actual photographs of some archaeological digs here's six fingers so you know it's this hybrid DNA now a little man would be about right here looking over this huge bowl he was buried with his bowl because sometimes they believe in the afterlife second samuel 2120 says and there was yet in battle in goss which was a Philistine City a man of great stature that had on every hand six fingers and on every foot six toes twenty-four in number and he was also born to the Giants so it's telling you that this is from that same offspring and that's how to recognize them here's an aerial view of it here's another one you can see a guy taking its half excavated look at the size of the skull compared to this man's skull oh no there's no conversions from Giants they were completely like almost demonic yeah and the I mean they would just before the flood the Dead Sea Scrolls said that they were not the smartest of beings you know like many hybridizations and they were destroying each other and because there was a lack of food for such these huge men were like The Cedars of Lebanon they were 300 to 450 feet tall depending on which generation they were and they would each one be destroying and eating the one smaller than them so the great Giants destroyed the Nephilim the Nephilim destroyed the alloy and the Eloi we're destroying normal men and eating them it says in the book of Jubilees but because they have this this you know bad spirit if you will then there's no phone to return to God and to convert so here's a man in archaeological dig look at the size of this call and in the ribcage you're only seeing half you know his upper torso here here's another man on this side of the archeological dig so we'll just finish reading down to chapter 22 this just gives you a few examples of what we're actually talking about instead of reading through like a quick story and missing out on all these names these names are put there because they're significant and everybody who was from that generation would have understood that these are different clans of different giants from different offsprings from the four sons of ham there's some that came from Canaan some that came from Israel which is Osiris or the first founder of Egypt and then put and cush guess what giant came from cush Nimrod Nimrod was said to be a mighty man before the Lord this word mighty is gabor in the Hebrew it's the same word that job uses for to describe the giant these were all mighty men and in our studies of the density Scrolls we have found that they at first put these giants in places of rulership up in authority over them so in essence we will come to you we will get you food instead of killing us we'll make you our ruler you know and this is kind of what was happening with Nimrod as well he was a mighty man and everybody made him their ruler and he was from the Sun cush the fourth son of ham so you see only these giants coming from this offspring so I have to think that there was something contaminated in the wife that ham chose before the flood that carried it over after the flood so here he says verse 13 the rest of Gilead and all Bashan the kingdom of fog I gave to the half tribe of manasseh who decided to stay on the east side of the Jordan River along with GAD and Reuben remember how they didn't want to cross over because the grass was so good there for their flocks the whole region of our gove together with all Bashan form what is called the land of roughing your heir the son of Manasseh took all the region of our goals as far as the border with the gusher II and the Makaha key he named this whole area including Bashan after himself it remains a vote yeah air to this day I gave Gilad to mahir and to the Reuben eyes and the get eyes I gave the territory from Gilad to the Arnon Valley with the middle of the valley as the border as far as the Yabba River which is the border between the people of Ammon and the Arve to the Jordan being its border from the Kinneret which is the Sea of Galilee to the sea of the are of all which is the Dead Sea at the foot of the slopes of Pisgah to the east at that time I gave you this order how deny your God has given you this land to possess but all of you who are fit to fight must cross over arm the head of your brothers the people of Israel your wives your little ones and your livestock I know that you have much livestock this was the issue with Reuben remember how rather than give his father livestock he was willing to give his father his sons if he didn't return he cared more about their livestock a lot of times than even their own children and this is the reason why they wanted to not be a part of the inheritance that God gave them west of the Jordan they wanted to stay east of the Jordan but this to this day there's a curse in that land and it grows nothing there's no grass over there it used to be abundant and grassy but not only did it lose its blessing in being green but Reuben GAD and the half tribe of Manasseh were the first ones to be captured by the Assyrians being on that side of the river before they came to besieged Jerusalem so it's amazing how when we don't follow God's Word by faith even those things that we don't understand we're either bringing a curse upon ourselves immediately or upon our children down the road in the future he says until out of my allows your brothers to rest as he has allowed you and they to take possession of the land out of my your God is giving them on the west side of the Jordan at that point you will return each man to his own possession which I have given you also at that time I gave this order to yahushua your eyes have seen everything that i don't know your God has done to these two kings and I will do the same to all the kingdoms you encounter when you cross over so don't be afraid of them because I don't know your God will fight on your back so this whole first torah portion is all about instilling emunah faithfulness faith in God looking back at how he's provided for you knowing that he's going to continue to provide for you and provide for you in the future and by putting the people's eyes back on God and how he's taking care of them it naturally eliminates the fear he doesn't have to preach a sermon about fear he just reminds them of God's faithfulness and by beholding if we will really recognize God's Emunah then we too will have re muna strengthened so that is the theme of today's tour portion with that let's take a break for lunch and we will study the book of Jasher after lunch Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing to us such beautiful messages that strengthened our faith in you and how you provided for us in the past and for our forefathers and we just pray that as we move forward that we would keep our eyes stayed on you and that our faithfulness would be strengthened that you would increase our omona it is said in the scriptures that every man has a measure of faith but even that Lord is given by you so we can't take the credit for anything we thank you for instilling in us a little measure of Emunah that it might grow as we return to your Torah and as we seek out your ways we love you Father we ask your forgiveness where we fall short and we just pray for the shoes blood covering to be upon us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so that we can truly be prepared as a bride without spot or blemish and that we can be in your sight as a holy omnipotent god and live for eternity father learning of you and your selfless love we thank you for this time that we have together and we ask a special blessing upon the food that we're ready to see to receive and the fellowship that we share in your Holy Name man you you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 14,014
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Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Devarim, Parashah Devarim, Parsha Devarim, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study
Id: rK9mEjv0zTE
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Length: 73min 54sec (4434 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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