#37 - Torah Parashah Shelach L'kha (Send for Yourself)

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this morning's Torah portion is called shelach la ha where is he sending men the Torah portion can be found in numbers 13 1 we look deep into the land of Canaan this is after 40 years of wilderness sojourning and it's time to go spy out the land kind of like we did what I did was give you a little glimpse of your inheritance in the land on this trip and this is what's happening today Joshua is sending the men into the Land of Israel and the word should flock Lahab means God telling Joshua in for yourself men from each tribe to go spy out the land a little overview of this Torah portion the first chapter 13 is going to be focusing on identifying the 12 spies from each of the 12 tribes and we're going to look at some symbolism in that numbers 14 focuses on God's character reveal some beautiful attributes of God's character even when we fail and we have a lack of faith like the 12 spies did there's beautiful glimpses of God's mercy and grace but there's always consequences for our lack of faith and we're going to talk about the establishment of the day for a year principle as a consequence they this is actually after one year of being in the wilderness that they were to spy out the land and God intended to take them into the land but because of their lack of faith we find that they had to wander another 39 years for a total of 40 years because 40 days they spent spying out the land and this is the very first principle of where we get a day for a year principle when God brings about judgment or consequences we see it again in Ezekiel we see it in Revelation it helps us actually unlock a lot of in time prophecies as well dispensable so this is the origin of that principle in numbers 14 and in number 15 we see instruction on what to prepare with the different burnt offerings you know there was different animals that you would happen uses burnt offerings like lambs or Rams or bulls and there was a different amount of grain that was to be mixed with olive oil and wine depending on what animal you sacrificed so this is the instruction for the sacrificial system and at the end of the chapter is where we get the commandment or deep seat to put a quart of blue in our tassels to remember the commandment and so just three chapters we'll go through and bring out some of the highlights you have your Bibles turn with me to numbers chapter 13 and in verse 1 it says out and I said to Moshe then men on your behalf Sherlock like ha to spy out the land of Canaan which I am giving to the people of Israel from each ancestral tribe sinned one who is a leader in his tribe so Moshe dispatched them from Perron desert as Adam I had ordered all of them were leading men among the people of Israel from each tribe and here are their names from the tribe of Reuben who was born first but didn't get the firstborn blessing because of his sin they sent Shamu ah the son of that and from the tribe of Simeon the second born but he didn't get the firstborn blessing passed on to him because of his spin they sent ship hot the son of Hori from the tribe of Yehuda they sent Caleb the son of Jephunneh so there's something interesting here about Judah who comes through the line of Judah Yehoshua right or we say mushy yoga in dahveed and who if you look at the respond blessings that normally comes to the firstborn of any family there's three attributes for it right you have the kingship we'll just say the kingship and then you have the priesthood and then the firstborn always gets a double portion because of the sin of the sons of Israel at the Golden Calf the priesthood no longer was going to be given to every firstborn from every tribe so who did the priesthood go to the only one that didn't bow the knee Levi and the kingship went to whom yep Judah Jacob's blessing says the scepter will not depart from Judah and truly it has not even through the disparate isaura throughout all of Europe the kings of Troy the kings of England all trace their back roots back to Judah and the double portion blessing who did it go to ephraim which represents the northern ten tribes right well you have two principles from ephraim one is the go L go L and you have this principle called the young seed anybody familiar with what a Yaqui is it's the chosen son who is Ephraim fathered Joseph Joseph even though he was 11th of the 12 tribes 4 and 11th he was the chosen one and so you see this principle like what Cain Cain's the oldest but Abel was the yuck heed and that pass on to Seth you see it with Abraham Abraham wasn't the oldest you see with Isaac Isaac wasn't the oldest the firstborn but he was the Yaqui and what's interesting what Archie is bringing out is that ephraim was said through the blessing of jacob to be a mellow a multitude of nations and as the firstborn getting the double portion inheritance the riches that are doubled for him the Goyle principle is to take care of the other brothers and this is what has happened throughout Europe throughout America it's not only been a place of prosperity and wealth but also protection where Judah has seen a lot of persecution through the ages but what people's jobs to take care of his other brothers and so if you recognize yourself and Ephraim there's a certain responsibility that comes with a blessing Judah and the other brothers and helping them understand their true identity and returning to Torah and returning to the land so we see the shocks in the vide what's the other mashiach the first in his first coming we have mushiya and Yosef and if you look down Oh Caleb was the one representing Judah right so you have halo in Hebrew it would be the and it would be the low-mid and it would be babies because it doesn't have so this word right here is love is heart in Hebrew and this off is like a prefix which means to be like so it's interesting that Judah is supposed to be like the heart of the king of King David King mashiac and if that is our example like Judah always led the troops of the tribes of Israel throughout the wilderness they are leading by example in preserving Torah and keeping the heart of mushy often Vividh from the tribe of Issachar you have Udall the son of Yosef and from the tribe of Ephraim this is where we get the Priestly Blessing you see Oh Shia which means salvation the son of noon so ho Shia here and we did what did motion he change his name to O'Shea amines salvation turn to y'all salvation this is where we get the term yahushua this is true name sometimes we say yushua for short but if you really wanted to say Messiah's name it be yahushua if originally hosea was chosen by moses and then told you're gonna have a new name I'm gonna put Yas name in front of your name so it becomes Yas salvation or Shore just being salvation so we see yahushua as mashiac vinyasa some will recognize him some will not until he comes as mushiya creme de vide then even Judah will recognize him so just a little hidden glimpse and prophesy even in the names here and it's interesting that Hosea is called the son of you see what it is noon noon is the after yo you have coughs amid mem noon so it'd be the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it looks like this in the Paleo Hebrew it looks like a little seed means life so literally when we first get introduced to machine up in Yosef his name is Joshua and he says I am the son of God the source of life exactly you even see this hidden within the pain then we have from the tribe of Benjamin Paul T the son of Raghu and from the tribe of Zebulun Gaby L the son of Saudi and from the tribe of Joseph that is representing Menasha the tribe of manasseh God be the son of and from the tribe of Dan mal the son of kamale and from the tribe of Asher said tor the son of mchao from the tribe of Naphtali they sent not be the son of both V and from the tribe of GAD they sent gay well the son of Maki now you notice anything about this list of 12 tribes one is Joseph remember his two sons is Israel when he was getting ready to die he says they shall take my name they shall be a part of Israel so you see both Ephraim and Manasseh both Joshua I mean Joseph's sons being represented here and having a spy sent out for them right so there should be thirteen but Levi is not very good observation because he's the priest and he stays in the Mishkan yes no just to eat from so Menasha was actually the oldest among the sons of joseph what Stephen asked is does the double portion apply also to Menasha because you also have had two sons remember Yaakov crossed his hands and once again he made the younger son even within the house of Yosef not just the house of Israel the Yaquis son so ephraim became the mellow whatever thing guilt I felt about these five they will list it in the order of regretful Greek yeah and the order of their birth so then in chapter verse 16 it says these are the names of the men Moshe sent out to spy out the land Moe che who is representing a type of Hashem of God gave to Hosea Jah salvation the son of noon the name yahushua so very interesting moshe sent them to spy out the land of canaan instructing them go on up to the Negev so we always think of the Negev is being solved so obviously they're still down in lower Midian Saudi Arabia they say go up basically they're talking Negev is still north they're down in that southern portion of the wilderness still go up into the land of the Negev and into the hills and see what the land is like notice the people living there whether they are strong or whether they are weak whether they are few or whether they are many and what kind of country they live in whether it's good or bad what kind of cities they live in open or fortified see whether the land is fertile or unproductive see all of these contrasts and whether there is wood or not finally be bold enough to bring back some of the fruit of the land when they left it was the season for the first grapes to ripen so the grape harvest is usually in the fall time around September time there's some early which is history like he says the months leading up to tea tree is Hilo and the first grapes actually start to ripen in the fifth month which is anyone oh okay so this is happening at the time of odd now what's interesting is the sin of these twelve spies coming back and with a lack of faith giving the false report that the land is too dangerous it's not good enough there's giants and land all of these things they're negative words about the land that God was going to give them as an inheritance and that he was going to take care of them in brought about a curse throughout all future generations and it was on this date that every temple that had been built was destroyed the ninth of all it was because this is the time period that this is how I mean so this is why it's very specific that God is giving this time period that they're going in to spy out the land because it's very significant it's right before the fall that's why right after the ninth of all what do we do when we enter the month of Lowell we go into 40 days of repentance repentance for the sins of our forefathers bringing back a false report bowing down to the golden calf all of these things are what we're repenting for 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur on the 10th of Tishri he says when they left it was the season for the first grapes to ripen they went up and fight off the land from the sin desert to reiha's near the entrance of Hamas they went up into the Negev and they arrived at Hebron that's where the cave was now who was buried there at this time Adam and Eve and Abraham and Sarah Isaac and Rebekah all four of them would have been buried there by this time because of that great funeral procession that happened at the death of Yaakov when Joseph asked for permission from Pharaoh to go and carry his body into the air his bones into the land so you're correct all four patriarchs are there and there no now Joseph has an inheritance in the land of his son Ephraim and the place that his father bought for him which was Shechem so to this day Joseph's bones are in Shechem and when we were up on that hill where you saw me standing on top of that rooftop you're looking down at Joseph's tomb in the valley and Shechem but it's very dangerous there because the Arabs are very anti-semitic and they'll kill you to this day they desecrated his tomb so we stay up on the mountaintop looking down into Shechem but we don't go down into the valley we both violence each other awesome love the disability yep miss to the west of us when we were coming through and then they went to Hebron it says very interestingly in parentheses have Ron was built seven years before so on in Egypt why do you think this is significant not only is it telling you that it was established right after the slide but it's also telling you that because it's in Canaanite territory so on build part of these great edifices in Egypt by the Giants the offspring that caught back up through the line of ham and through Canaan so remember ham had four sons right I remember one who they were Canaan and there was giants that popped up and Canaan because hands wife was part of that antediluvian pre-flood genetics mixture that had that genes and so this is why the Giants that cropped up after the flood all came through hams lineage and so you see Canaan myths raheem which is the early word for Egypt there was giants in Egypt built these early huge you know we wonder how these big stones got put into place then put and cush pushes the early area of ethiopia and put is Libya today so it's basically telling you it's kind of for those in the know it's giving another place where Giants build so it's saying have Ron and so on it wants you to recognize this because then it's going to go into more things like scoop they came to the Eshcol valley ish is man hole is all it means the the valley of all men and there they cut off a branch bearing one cluster of grapes and they carried on a pole between two of them ah double-hole your bottles they don't know - is only a double hole interesting I mean Foreman that's serious yeah and they also took pomegranates and figs so these are all fall harvest [Music] produce that place was called the valley of Eshcol it says it again because of the cluster which the people of Israel cut down there now each call does not mean cluster so why is it associating it with cluster it's interesting if it each call is a composite word which means all men and then it's referencing it to this huge cluster of graves it's interesting the correlation that John brings out in Revelation referring to the fall holy days the fall feast in which Messiah comes back on yom teruah and it says Lord trips down the winepress of his fury it's likening people to grapes so there's an interesting hidden prophecy yes I think so see the Giants we learned from some of the Dead Sea scroll and I'm glad you brought this up because I was just debating whether I should go on to a tangent into it so I guess it's meant to be we learned from some of the other Dead Sea Scrolls that these giants they could not be satisfied with small amounts of food I mean imagine normal-sized men bringing their three generations of Trance before the flood and they're called the great Giants first generation second giant generation is called the Nephilim and the third generation is called the Eloi and they could not be satisfied with the produce of the land there's a lot of gene splicing going on so what Mary Ellen is saying is could they have made things bigger for their own sustenance because they were eating whole sheep they they weren't even satisfied with the sheep and with the protists they started eating min and this is where the commandment the Noahide log you shall not eat blood came from it was because of what had just happened that caused the flood was that these fallen descendants of the Watchers were cannibals this is the origin of cannibals so it's very possible that they were genetically making food that was bigger to sustain now these giants after the flood they're not like the grey Giants who are 300 feet tall before these guys are like 15 feet tall 16 feet tall so because it's after the flood it's not the same each generation was sequentially smaller but they were all destroyed by the flood and then these giants that is talking about in the land of Canaan cropped up through the dormant DNA of ham it's interesting to see how courageous that Joshua really was because because the names of three of them yeah they're listed right here three names go ahead on the grapes two clusters grace it one more time and it says a little pole but it's actually just an it is actually a four holes it took a man to carry a china I think it was great lasted for 40 days amazing you got a cluster of grapes now they're rotted trailer 30 time imagine the life on especially still being on the most amazing right there you must be right about you changes innocence yeah and you're going to see a name of the Giants actually listed here which is a confirmation I'm just leading you into the early hand but then it actually confirms for us in this chapter in the next 5 verses it says forty days later they returned yeah it'll be in verse 29 but I'm in 25 right now forty days later they return from spying out the land and they went to mow che Aran and the entire community of the people of Israel at Kadesh in Perron desert where they brought back word to them and the entire community showed up it's like everybody you know the welcoming party back home so how is the land exactly what's happening here and we only bring back a good report it's beautiful it's positive it's a land flowing with milk and honey God wants us there let's return there let's take the land you know that's the positive report we should bring with faith and so the whole community shows up and they told them what they saw we entered the land where you sent us and indeed it does flow with milk and honey here is an example of its fruit however and this is where the doubt and the lack of faith creep in that little butt and that fear the fear factor the people living in the land are fierce and the cities are fortified and very large moreover we saw the anak came there this is a ancient word for the offspring of the Giants the an Hakeem Amalek lives there so Amalek was also from the sons of ham and he was the first ones to persecute Israel when they came out from Egypt and the hits high and the yummy sigh and the MRI live in the hills and the can and I live by the sea and alongside the yard Dean Caleb silence the people this is a man full of Yas heart state when they started going negativity they brought back a good report it is a beautiful land it's one welcome honey however and then they started to go into the doubt keep silence ISM and that's a good example for us today if we have a brother or sister who's well intending and you know we all talk about not speaking any Lashon Hara any negativity but sometimes we get into circles and also the gossip starts coming out if you hear that stop it violence the people in love we can be an encouragement for one another remember brother we're not supposed to be any negativity and you can encourage one another this way so he silences the people around Moshe and he says we ought to go up and immediately take possession of it he knew if any time elapsed that doubt would creep in and they would not do what God had called them to do he said there is no question that we can conquer it so he's that I can kind of guy he's speaking in the positive but the men who had gone with him and Yehoshua said we can't attack these people because they're stronger than we are and they spread a negative report about the land that they had spied out for the people of Israel by saying now they add to it the land we pass through is actually a land that devours its inhabitants why do you think it used this word or they use this word devour the Giants were known to devour they were eating people and you know the try and spread out from the land of Canaan and today we are doing archaeological digs around the world Peru even in America and you know the Anasazi Indians in the four corners why were they building dwellings in the cliff because of the Anakin's that had spread out and that had actually come even to America they're finding bones of giants in this land and they're finding that the bone of the Anasazi that had been killed were cannibalized so when it says this is a land that devours its inhabitants the people knew the stories about the Giants and how they just pick up a person and eat them and so they were like whoa they knew this would be the greatest thing that could instill fear this is something that is an inconvenient truth today you know even the most archaeologists and the Smithsonian Institute they're suppressing this knowledge and could you that's exactly right another confirmation so these giants were known for their sixth finger yes exactly right I'm glad you brought up that point so when you see these hieroglyphics in the cliffs of the Anasazi you will see sometimes paintings of like a six toed foot or six hand man basically what they're doing is they're leaving the history of why they're their demise has come about it's the six fingered six toed people so the Indians came to make a custom to show that they did not have this genetic amalgamation and that they had only five fingers very good point though then they go on to say the land we pass through devours its inhabitants all the people we saw were giants there we saw them Atheneum now is this true what they actually mean is we saw the descendants of the nathie Liam but all the feeling were destroyed by the flood but they're inciting this fear again because now it's not just the Giants of 16 feet all say saying this feeling and the second generation Giants from the Watchers and they're a hundred feet tall the great Giants probably 300 feet tall and so here they're instilling this fear and this is something that nobody will teach today or talk about it's right here in your own Bible you can see these two words that I just read three actually to confirm on Hakeem and it says their Giants and the nathie Liam so these three different terms for different generations of giants the descendants of anak now anak is these angels that were worship that are called you know it's kind of like you hear these stories people say oh we were service was seeded by aliens all of this anak was these fallen Watchers that they came to identify as their originator as their God because if if we are created in the image of God and we worship God because we're in his image and then the angel fallen angels intermixed their genes also they have people that worship them and this is the origin of all star worship because angels are synonymous with stars in prophecy you even see that in Revelation it says the seven stars or the seven angels this is why what our stars with Suns why is Sun worship so prevalent it's all paying homage to the Angels that originated a hybrid species of men and that's why those worship the Sun and the day of the Sun comes part and parcel with that and that's why we're trying to separate facts from fiction truth from tradition and return to the truth yes Ava remember when the scriptures in Genesis says that all of the earth was wicked the thought of their hearts were evil continually and only Noah was found righteous and all his lineage when it staying lineage what it means is in his DNA he's the only one by that point that wasn't contaminated that's the reason why the earth had to be destroyed otherwise there would be no one left in the image of God and only Noah and of course by his righteousness his three sons were saved also his wife was a daughter of Methuselah I believe or a granddaughter so she had a righteous lineage but one of his three sons member Shem ham and Japheth ham married a woman who happened to have that DNA and that's why it went after the flood when they started having children after the flood it crept back in and you only see him crawl up in areas that have descendants settled that's why I mentioned Canaan and mitzrayim which is Egypt and put and cush so then he says these we saw the Nephi Liem which are descendants of anak who was from the nephew Liam to ourselves we look like grasshoppers by comparison and we looked that way to them too so this is the greatest fear mongering in history him so now what's going to happen the consequence of this false report this lack of faith at this all the people of Israel cried out and dismayed and fear and they wept and cried all night long moreover all the people of Israel began grumbling against Moshe and Aaron see first you put the fear in and then the doubt in in what God's leading and then pretty soon the grumbling starts back up again so and the whole community told them we wish we had died in the land of Egypt or that we had died here even in the desert why is that am i bringing us up to this land where there's giants and where we're going to die by the sword the sword making was also a part of the knowledge that was given by the Fallen Angels and we see that in the Book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees so even this reference is dying by the sword our wives will our wives and our little ones will be taken as booty wouldn't it be better for us to return to Egypt then they said to each other let's appoint another leader and return to Egypt so we have to be careful in our day you know we're about to return to the land and there's all kinds of arguments against returning to the land people say all you won't be received there it's too expensive to live there there's it's dangerous there we heard all the fear-mongering and people worried about did you ever feel unsafe there anyone that went there and you know if we cry out to return to America today is Egypt it is the world with all the world's fallen principles the false system of Babylon and Egypt are synonymous Babylon really represents when it says come out of her my people so that you participate not in her send and receive not of her plagues the plagues are coming to these areas of the false worship system the false government and we have to be careful not to be like Israel of old and cry out to return to Egypt when God is telling us it's time to take the land let's go forth boldly we just want to be in his timing that's the key thing not to be ahead of him and not to be behind him oh they said to each other let's appoint a leader and return to Egypt Moshe and Aaron fell on their faces they are so humble they fall on their faces prostrate themselves before the entire Assembly here they're getting accused and there's dissension in the ranks and yahushua the son of noone and Caleb the son of Jephunneh they tear their claws and they say to the whole community of Israel the land we passed through in order to spy it out is an outstandingly good land if I don't know is pleased with us then he will bring us into this land and give it to us it's a land flowing with milk and honey just don't rebel against a tonight and don't be afraid good message for us today don't Rebell and don't have any fear don't be afraid of the people living in the land we'll eat them up their defense has taken them has taken away from them and Adonai is with us so don't be afraid of them but the whole community were saying that they should be stoned to death so the glory about and I appeared in in the tenth of meeting to all the people of Israel and I don't know I said to Moshe how much longer is this people going to treat me with contempt basically in the Hebrew this has a connotation of unbelief how long are they going to continue to doubt me didn't I perform miracles for their fathers and bring them out of Egypt with a loving hand and provide manna for them in the wilderness and not one shoelace has worn out in the year that they've been wandering in the wilderness and not one piece of clothing has needed to be replaced yet they lack belief and they're speaking with contempt how much longer will they not trust me especially considering all the signs I have performed among them I am going to strike them with sickness and destroy them and make for you a nation greater and stronger than they are so this is a test from O'Shea he's basically saying you're my prize pupil mo che forget about everybody else I'll take I'll fulfill my promises through you and if you have any selfish nature it would be very easy to say okay I'm tired of them too been a contentious people when but he is representing I true mashiac you know Moshe his name when you look at Moshe's name you have a mem you have Sheen and you have hey hey looks like what letter the other letter the head right so the word for mashiac is the same word as ma she's name you just raise this up and that's the Hebrew word for Shi off motion type of mashiac he's a true intercessor even when he could gain by going along with a shim offered to make him a great nation instead of all the other tribes he's basically saying I'm going to do away with the sons of Jacob and I'll mice Israel and yet he is touched with the feeling of their infirmity and he intercedes for them and cries out on their behalf and there's a place where he actually asked for his name to be removed from the book rather than their name he says I am going to make a great nation out of you however Moses replied when the Egyptians hear about this and they will because it was from among them that by your strength you brought this people up they will tell the people living in the land that they have heard that you ad and I are witness people that you and I are seen face-to-face and that your cloud stands over them his very Shekinah glory wasn't shrouded in that cloud and dwelling with his people day in and day out and they know that you go ahead of them in a column a pod by day and a column of fire by night if you kill off this people at a single stroke then the nations that have heard of your reputation will say that the reason that you slaughtered this people in the desert this was the reason you brought them out and that you weren't able to bring them into the land that you promised to give them basically making his promise of no effect so now please let out an eyes power be as great as when you said and look at this little anomaly in the Hebrew hear this word for power whenever there's an anomaly in the Hebrew I like to bring it out for you because we're not reading in the Hebrew and there's certain things that are only brought out in the Hebrew and what we have found through searching through the Torah is that there is one of every of the 22 letters including the five Sophie form so 27 places that there's a different letter enlarged bringing out a different significant fact or principle in the Torah and in the last chapter we in chapter 13 we actually seen enlarged stomach right here in verse 17 of chapter 14 where it says the Lord's power look what we're what letter is enlarged it's this yodh the yo'd is the smallest of all Hebrew letters this is denoting the very source of Hashem power and your power it's a non bonus it's not being the greatest the biggest not self exaltation not using force but in your meekness and your humbleness that's where your real power is in your gentleness in your selfless love and so in the last chapter I didn't bring it out but in chapter 2 verse 32 where it talked about their negative report in the land we've seen enlarged Tomic where it says in Caleb quieted the people Tomic isn't like a cell it means to sustain so literally he's sustaining the cohesiveness and unity before they say too much and they end up destroying themselves he is sustaining them by quieting them this is a little anomaly in the last chap and here when it says the power of out an eye is great now it's going to start describing his character look at this Yoda Yoda is small but it's enlarging it's in the smallness that we have great power this is a great example for us because by beholding we become changed into that same likeness if we think that God is being worshipped by all the angelic hosts and all men because he's exalted himself because he's full of self then we're going to wrongly emulate that and we will be that's what happened with Satan self exaltation believing that it's the form of receiving worship and it ends up bringing about our demise but if you can make yourself small that's why his name the Yoda bhave begins with the Yoda is the smallest all letters denoting his self with character in that Yoda Bob hey we hear ya ha ha ha vah the source of life self existent 1 ah father ah ha ha love we see the selfless principle of love in the Yoda but here it's enlarged to show that the source of true power is true selflessness 2 meekness 2 smallness and this is what Moshe is also exemplifying he is unique so here's a great description of God's character verse 17 Moshe is speaking and he says lettuce jehovah's power be as great as when you said and now you remind him of how he described his character to him when he hid his face in the cleft of the rock in Exodus 34 yo Dini Bob hay is slow to anger he's actually suffering long so but it says God is long-suffering it means he's so merciful he's suffering a long time with us until we get to the place where we've rewritten his Torah upon our heart and we're living that principle of selfless love in our life his character is long-suffering he's rich in grace he's forgiving your offenses and your crimes yes not exonerating the guilty so this is a part of his justice but causing or allowing the negative effect the cause and effect of the parent offenses to be even experienced by their children to the third and fourth generations and this is the principle we have to pray off these curses and these strongholds that our forefathers indulged in unknowingly because they're affecting us and they will affect the next generation if we don't pray them off if we don't rebuke them if we don't learn from our forefathers mistakes and change our ways and in teshuva which means return return to the ancient paths even jeremiah says our forefathers have inherited lies and we want to do away with those principles and then he says in verse 19 please forgive the offenses of this people after reminding him of his character and he petitions him please forgive them according to the greatness of your grace so threw it out this year's Torah portions we've been finding grace from the very beginning of Genesis all the way through many people think grace is the new testament concept grace is found throughout the Torah and the Tanakh just because you have born with your people from Egypt until now out and I answered I have forgiven as you have asked but as sure as I live and that the whole earth is filled with the glory of Adonai none of these people who went negative and saw my glory and despite all the signs that I did for them in Egypt and in the desert yet they tested me these ten times interesting the yode is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet there was ten spies that were sent that well there's twelve spies I went into the land spied out ten of them brought back a false report ten times abraham was tested and was proven to be faithful ten times Israel tested God and were proven to be full of lack of faith unworthy yes brother it was why you took it oh really amazing yes exactly this is the original principle of this this is where he's basically saying that the cause and effect of their negativity bringing back a false report will culminate in a day for I mean a year for each day that they spied out the land he says you tested me these ten times and you did not listen to my voice you will not see the land I swore to your ancestors none of those who treated me with unbelief interesting huh or contempt is another way and when we treat somebody with uh with contempt aren't we really saying we don't trust them we don't believe in them anyways so how does that speak to us today to hold on to that testimony of belief that we have in Yeshua because here the principle is you don't enter the land if you've had a taste of the goodness of God and you live in lack faith and where do we see the goodness of God more revealed than in the ultimate revelation of God's character of selfless love and that Yeshua would freely lay down his life for you and me if we lose faith how can we expect to enter the land yes Heather yes it wouldn't be preformed years without and that has been Arkansas beautiful you got to read that louder for everybody to hear it fits perfectly into the dress while there's approve text I love it by the double witness the witness of two matters confirmed thank you see we're not just speculating hebrews chapter three verses 17 it's perfect that's right amen good word it's perfectly then God goes on to say but my servant Caleb because he had a different spirit than all of these grumblers and he has fully followed me this is the true spirit defined see sometimes we say were filled with the spirit right but look at what spirit was in Caleb and how its defined he says he has the right spirit in him he has fully followed me the spirit of truth is going to lead a person back to Torah back to God's Word into all truth this is going to be the fruits of the spirit that come out it says in him I will bring into the land he entered and it will belong to his descendant and he's saying the same thing to you and me today here brothers and sisters it's exciting he's going to take us back to that land but first there's a reintroduction that we need to do into his ways we need to fully follow him here in the land of our dispersion we are in the Diaspora and he is wanting to return us to the land but how can we hope to live in the land the land will spit us out if we take our pagan principles with us back to the land we have to fully come out of this false system the false religious system and return to the ways of God and his instruction Torah and the instruction is in how to fully serve him and is simple and how to live in the land because like our brother brought out while I was way in Israel what was the Shabbat for the land for it was for the land and they weren't allowing the even the land to keep a Shabbat and so here it's tip them out it'll get us out too if we're not living the principles this is practice this is preparatory we're in the wilderness sojourn here and we are so close to re entering the land and if we want to be priests and kings the way mashiac told us we would be and we have to know his Torah yes brother the wagon brought out also the allowed lands was allowing God to rest because he put weather provides from a man so by not respecting planted with all of his perspective interloper yeah will find all principles whether on the horizontal plane or on the vertical plane come back to affecting God ultimately he takes the brunt the cause and effect of our sins upon himself and who are we robbing of that precious time but God himself very good point you know how my cell phone does it study but I am mind you know that Jeremiah all the people of Israel that that the wrong was going to wear the you that they are exactly once again a day for you another thing among view they were tested exactly it was it was yeah so judo was seventy years and the northern ten tribes they didn't let their land rest remember how many sides when Ezekiel laid on his side and a day for each year that they didn't give the land their sabbatical year 394 the lost house of Israel no it would be a thousand years hi very good point see why we don't go immediately into a perfect world sin and death are still there because the land needs its rest yeah I love it very good thinking only the Spirit of God can reveal these things to you Carlos yes Ava Wow terrific people continue their community is a regeneration of the traditions right now they buy them it uses an Egyptian - yeah yep pretty not no you're not part of these kids right God used this land with a purpose to protect his people but there comes a time where no longer is it meant to protect us we're meant to return to the land just like Egypt was meant to protect Israel during the years of famine but then once that purpose was complete it's time to return to the land saying we would here and what happens if you hold on to your materialism and you hold on to your wealth there's a scripture that says I will send the conditioners and the hunters so the fishers go forth like you made the Apostle fishers of men right they go and they tell the good news hey lost house of Israel it's time to return to the land if you don't listen to the Fisher's then the hunters come and the hunters are like who they're men of war the wars the famines the plagues they're men like Hitler that all sudden this wealth that you held on to and you didn't go back to the land when he called you you're gonna lose it anyways now these hunters are going to leave you with nothing and you're going to have nothing but returning to the land so let us have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us when it's time to return to the land we want to go while we still can with and use the the beautiful prosperity that God has given us for his kingdom and for his glory and for the spread of the truth and the spread of Nishioka now since the Amalek I and the Cain and I are living in the valley tomorrow turn around and get yourselves back into the desert back where you came from along the sea of Sioux which is the Gulf of Aqaba today I don't I said to Moshe and Aaron how long am i to put up with this evil community and that keep grumbling about me I have heard the complaints of the people of Israel which they continue to raise against me tell them this as surely as I live out a nice squares as surely as you have spoken in my ears I will do this to you your carcasses will fall in the desert basically saying they're not going to enter the land that generation is going to die wandering in the wilderness every single one of you who were included in the census over the age of twenty you who have complained against me will certainly not enter the land what about the two guys that didn't complain Yehoshua they get to go that's right good lesson for us he says except for Caleb the son of Jephunneh and yahushua the son of noone but your little ones who you said would be taken as booty them i will take in they will know the land you have rejected but you your carcasses will fall in this desert and your children and that's kind of like our forefathers in this land they'll wander about in the wilderness for 40 more years bearing the consequences of your prostitution this is a strong word your spiritual adultery until the desert eats up your carcasses it will be a year for every day this is the principle of the day for a year principle we see it also in Ezekiel and this helps us unlock all Bible prophecy when God is meeting out judgment we use a day for a year principle you will bear the consequences of your offenses 40 days 40 years then you will know what it means to oppose me and that text in Ezekiel is Ezekiel 4 verses 4 through 7 I believe yeah he says I will certainly do this to the whole evil community who have assembled together against me they will be destroyed in the desert and die there the men whom O'Shea had sent to spy out the land and who when they returned made the entire community complaint against him by giving an unfavorable report about the land those men who gave the unfavourable report about the land died by the plague in the presence of God right there Wow so these were leaders of each tribe and they didn't even go they didn't even in that 40 years of the men who went to spy out the land only Yehoshua son of noon and Caleb the son of Gunnar remained alive when Moshe told these things to all the people of Israel the people felt great remorse they rose early the next morning and they came up to the top of the mountain and they said here we are and we did sin but now we'll go up to the place out and I promised so it's God's Spirit with these guys so now in their remorse they're gonna do it but they're doing it in their own power and in their own timing most she answered why are you opposing what out and I said he already told you you know his word will not return convoy he said you're gonna wander in the wilderness for 40 years why do you now think you're going to go up and take this land for yourself in this way you're opposing what and I said you won't succeed don't do it because I don't I isn't with you if you do your enemies will defeat you the a Malaki m-- and the Canaan team are there ahead of you and you will be struck down by the sword the reason will be that you have turned away from following Adonai so that I don't I won't be with you but they were presumptuous and they went on ahead up towards the high parts of the hill country even though the Ark of the Covenant of Adonai and Moshe stayed in the camp and was not with them remember in battle whenever the Ark of the Covenant was with them the people would prevail but they go up by themselves so via Michael mo Hakeem and the k-9 team living in that hill country descended upon them and did strike them down and beat them back all the way to hor ma chapter 15 one out and I said to Moshe tell the people of Israel when you have come into the land where you are going to live which I am giving to you and you want to make an offering by fire a burnt offering or sacrifice to fulfill a special vow or to be a voluntary offering or at its designated times the more deem to make a fragrant aroma for Adonai then whether it comes from the herd or from the flock the person bringing the offering is to present Adonai with a grain offering so this whole beginning part of the chapter now he's going to define different types of offerings and different amount of grain and the oil and wine that go along with it and this olive oil was also scented with frankincense so it would ascend as a fragrant aroma when the heat would hit it he said the person bringing the offering is to present Adonai with a grain offering so don't just bring the animal alone and this grain offering should consist of two quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of olive oil and 1 quart of wine for the drink offering this is what you work to prepare with the burnt offering for each lamb sacrificed now you know the scriptures that say Abraham kept all the Torah and Commandments and regulations and ordinances he was doing this whether it was passed down orally or whether by faith it's amazing that you'll see descriptions of Abraham sacrifices in the book of Jubilees and they've got the sensitive olive oil and the wine and the flour same with Noah when Noah comes out of the ark on Shavuot and he built an altar to the Lord that was on the holy day of Shavuot a rainbow appeared and he offered with that RAM these grain offerings and the I'm libation and the olive oil this was being done at the time of Noah so see the Torah has been in place from the very beginning is just been passed down orally so don't be afraid of the oral torah just be able to differentiate what is of God and what is of man because there's a lot for us to learn even with that which has been passed down orally here a Shem is reintroducing Israel to the things that we're supposed to be passed down orally what had been lost through the last eighty years why cuz they stopped keeping Shavuot so from the time that Moses was born now he's by 80 years old eighty-one and they hadn't kept shovelled until God renew the covenant with them on Mount Sinai and so what he should be doing the renewal of covenant is not just saying hi take you back you have to reintroduce them do all the things that have been lost not passed down orally for the last 80 years when they stopped keeping the feast and the book of Jubilees chapter 6 brings this out then they lost the blessing they lost the knowledge they law and that's when their slavery was increased to so it's so important for us to pass these things on to our children here God is reintroducing them how to give a proper offering if you're not bringing a lamb so a lamb think of it with two cords right you've got a certain amount of grain for a small animal a ram is a little bigger so then you've heard you double that instead of two courts you have four quarts or a gallon with a ram a fine flour mixed with one and third quarts of olive oil while for the drink offering you are to present one and one-third quarts of wine as a fragrant aroma for Adonai now if you have a larger offering like a bull which was for the priests and for the nations when you prepare a bull as a burnt offering as a sacrifice to fulfill a special vow or a peace offering for Adonai there is to be presented with the bull a grain offering of one and a half gallons this is six quarts so see how with each animal he's basically adding two cords lambs two quarts ram is four quarts a bowl or six quarts and one and a half gallons of fine flour mixed with two quarts of olive oil for the drink offering present two quarts of wine for an offering made by fire a fragrant aroma for a tan I do it this way for each full Ram male lamb or kid of the goats for as many animals as you prepare do this for each one regardless of how many animals there are every citizen is to do these things in this way when presenting an offering made by fire as a fragrant aroma for a tonight now there's going to be a sacrificial system in the Millennial Kingdom so sometimes people say why do you even study the Old Testament why do you get familiar with the practices of the path they're going to be reinstituted during the millennial reign not until the end of the millennium the sin and death are destroyed we're told in Zechariah 14 that they will be pots that are rededicated and reek lens and that there'll be sacrifices in the temple that mashiac build so it's important for us if we want that promise that we will be priests and kings with him to get reintroduced to how to do things properly every citizen is to do these things in this way when presenting and offering made by fire as a fragrant aroma for a tonight if a foreigner stays with you or whoever may be with you throughout all your generations and he wants to bring an offering made by fire as a fragrant aroma for adonai so it's not only talking about the native-born here's talking about even a stranger or a foreigner who's grafting himself into Israel the sacrifices are for him also he should know how to do it properly yes okay you know let's go on to the endtime and and they join themselves into evil uncle said he was a total is Westfall and that's right for so many including Egyptians that had converted and grafted themselves into Israel did you have something okay yeah our hawktor today is in Joshua two I encourage you to read Joshua two on your own time we won't have time to get into it but it's going to confirm this story that we're reading in numbers from Joshua's perspective in verse 15 it says for this community there will be the same law for you as for the foreigner living with you if you what Paul was talking about about if you want to be a part of the family of God you need to graft yourself into Israel you need to abide by the rules of the house you need to adopt the name of the Father you need to speak the language of the family in all intensive purposes you're going to look just like an adopted son and hear a shim in the Torah is saying that this is a permanent law and it's the same for you as Israel as well as for anybody who grafts themselves into Israel this is a permanent regulation throughout all your generations the same law for you as for the foreigner the foreigner is to be treated the same way before Adonai as yourselves the same Torah and standard of judgment will apply to both of you highlight that in your Bibles talking about the foreigners whether you identify as the lost house of Israel or as a foreigner or the the same law the same Torah and standard of judgment applies to both you Israel and the foreigner living with you this is a big statement that is often either overlooked or not spoken in truth it's not sold to the people 1059 I'm showing you how Congress does regardful to beyond and we'll build the city the tuna meaning world where and how to inspect the scene all the largest rodents don't in Germany and things of us is names of relatives came in and we love his name have them we're not be seen they keep it drifted and I when I talk to them are they know that solution you are you are a complicated very few additional nicely into what I did I realized a long time ago that the same law applies for that's right so the New Covenant experiences for the house of Israel and the house of Judah right and whether or not you can trace your lineage as a Jew back to Judah you are Israel you can say we are Israel and anybody that wants to be in this Millennial Kingdom that wants to be saved needs to grass themself into Israel so encourage your family to recognize their true identity because they do come from the last house of Israel the inspiration that we have here in the field with Apple what they don't want to have a new creation what they do is cut out the tree and they dig grunts Cassie and so they understand the principle of being grafted in yeah yeah I don't do so much liturgy in Hebrew because you have to know what the meaning of everything is if it's really going to be written on your heart but there is a need for us to play catch up and to return and in your own time study the Hebrew language this is going to make you better equipped for relating to your brother Judah and for returning home it's essential this is just the first steps baby steps you know to returning back to our Israel identity and sometimes it seems like a shock when you go to a synagogue if you've never been to one because it's all in Hebrew and so much prayers you know after the sacrifices were done away with the order of service became little jerk liturgical thank you which means the prayers replaced the sacrifices so this in that's why morning and evening there's special prayers that are said because the morning and evening sacrifice there's so much that we forget in our own prayer life that has been preserved by having solidified these prayers so there's a lot of beauty to them hopefully if you go to a synagogue there will be one ask for the English Hebrew the door so as they're doing the Hebrew you can actually see the beautiful depth of meaning and they are so anointed so amazing all the things that they're praying for on your behalf they're praying for the lost house of Israel to be restored they love you they just want to make sure that somebody's not a wolf in sheep's clothing you know creeping in and going to persecute them again so we have to we have a long road to return to and in the end the house of Israel is not going to be called Jews it's going to be Israel and in Ezekiel chapter 36 God tells Ezekiel to bring two sticks together near one another one called Ephraim for the lost pin tribes and one called Judah for Judah and Benjamin his bring them near son of man and that's what we're doing through this coin conference is to bring them near to one another so they can recognize one another and he says and I will make them a cot in your hand I will make them one so truly this whole house is becoming one but there's only one brother who's preserved the oracles of our family and that's Judah so we have to show them a lot of respect and a lot of thanks and not be quick to erode just because we don't understand Hebrew all the depths of imagine praying night and day you know in English you would say wow that's so beautiful this person is praying night and day for me when you hear it in Hebrew you don't understand what they're praying for and so you miss a lot of the beauty but they're praying for you and for the whole family and for messiahs return and therefore all of these things are in come together beautiful so in verse 22 he says if by mistake you fail to observe all of these mitzvot these Commandments that I have spoken to Moshe yes everything that Adam I has ordered you to do through Moshe from the day out and I gave the order and onward throughout all your generations so it's speaking down to our day if we fail to observe any of these Commandments that's in this Torah then this is an if-then statement if it was done by mistake out of ignorance by the community and it wasn't known to them like so many of us were not raised right with Torah teaching parents and so this is like God winks at our ignorance but once you are knowledgeable of a commandment and then you reject it there's a higher responsibility and consequences that come with it so here even His grace is shown it says it's by mistake and it was not known to them the community is to offer a young bull wolves were always offered to represent the nations who were in apostasy the nation's the 70 nations basically came from the Tower of Babel do you know there's 70 Bulls that's our sacrifice on the Feast of Tabernacles one for each nation they're actually making atonement for all God's children throughout all the nations so this is why you offer a bull for yourselves if you're in a foreign land and you've lost sight of God's commandments and you did it through ignorance but well then it goes on say a grain and a drink offering as well in keeping with the rule and one male goat as a sin offering the priest is to make an atonement for the whole community of the people of Israel and they will be forgiven because it was a mistake and they have brought their offering an offering made by fire to Adam I and their sin offering before the Lord for their mistake see God doesn't intend that we should engage in intentional sin oh I know that commandment but it's not convenient with my life I don't want to do it and you push it aside there was no sacrifice for that but what did you shouid do when he was on the cross he loved all of the sins of the world including the sins of the people killing him into this category of unknown sin sense of ignorance mistakes Father forgive them for they know not what they're doing isn't that beautiful he knew Torah and he was placing all their sins in their sins of ignorance yes you know we know my success we didn't know the toilet encompass any people not going to the science for their people and capsicum no that's right and so that's what others I mean equal is great on both sides full-time and you can carry but God forbid that anyone of us shouldn't begin to learn God's ways and then reject it harden our heart and rebellion says the whole community of the people of Israel will be forgiven what does Paul say in Romans all the Jews will be saved it's another way of saying the same thing that Hashem comes from the beginning likewise and that's that sin that you're talking about Mary Ellen from their perspective or from their side Israel will be forgiven Judah will be forgiven likewise the foreigner staying with them will be forgiven because for all the people it was a mistake Yeshua must have really took this to heart to be able to quote that in his hour of being hung on the cross if an individual sins by mistake he has to offer a female goat in its first year so that was for the whole community this is for individual now the priest will make atonement for Adonai for the person who made a mistake by sending inadvertently he will make an ailment for him and he will be forgiven no matter whether he is a citizen of Israel or a foreigner living with them you are to have one law for whoever it is it does something wrong by mistake but here's the big but what an individual who does something wrong intentionally whether a citizen or a foreigner this is blasphemy if you do something you know is not right this is the tradition that definition of blasphemy from its first origin and you can see this even back in Leviticus chapter 24 verse 16 I brought this out when we were going through this earlier Torah portion the definition of blasphemy if I can find it here real quick verse 16 it says whoever curses his God will bear the consequences of his sin and whoever blasphemies the name of the yo devolve he must be put to death the entire community must don't him the foreigner as well as the citizen if he blasphemies the name so the same law applies once again for the foreigner as well as and what is blaspheming the name the video is 24 verse 16 you hear it says in numbers chapter 15 verse 30 an individual who does something wrong intentionally whether a citizen of Israel or whether a foreigner is blaspheming the yo'd havel hey this is how we blasphemy the name what happens to your heart to your psyche when you do something that you know is not right all of a sudden you suppress the Spirit of God it's like when you grew up and you didn't know anything about Shabbat it meant nothing to you and God winked at your ignorance but when you know God has set apart this holy day and he says you shall not work in it you or your son your daughter your manservant your maidservant your ox your your donkey even the stranger the foreigner once again staying with you God says do not do any work what happens when we say ah but I have something to do my way is more important or my needs are more important the Spirit of God is telling you but you just learned the fourth commandment it's still applicable today and we suppress that yeah but I know better right and we justify things our own way this is just one example of many but there's many ways that all of us every single one of us are guilty a little type of blasphemy there's a way as we're learning the old flesh like Paul says I die daily it rises up and you want to do things your own way and when that happens you hear the Spirit of God speaking to you know all of my way live by faith not by sight and then we have a choice are we going to listen or are we going to suppress it if we suppress it and we do our own will that's the definition of blasphemy it says that person will be cut off from his people this is severe this is why we make this so clear and cry out to you you know to live for Hashem with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul why is it down to put our hand between our eyes because everything we do and in every way we think we want to live out his commands because the consequence is being cut off from the chosen people and losing the inheritance that he's promised us yes aren't you oh wow that's good way to put it blasphemy and ephraim has done that a lot you know I say Ephraim I'm speaking of people in the diaspora throughout Europe and America and dispersed around the nation yes the committee trying to do the according to my commentaries right yeah either it's an inconvenient truth or that's not what it means to me or that's exactly right and many people say you know you hear people ask the question have I committed blasphemy or I were a committed blasphemy you know if your heart is intent on following God's ways you haven't committed blasphemy to the point where it's suppressed the spirit if you have no conscience sometimes you have no spirit of God with you that means you have gone to the point of suppressing the spirit to the point where you're not even hearing his voice more so anybody with a sincere heart that has a desire to return there's hope God's Spirit is with you as we don't return on our own even our measure of faith the Scriptures tell us is not our own God gives to every man a measure of faith but this just shows the intense severity of not doing what we know to be right how does the New Testament put in James which was Yaakov brother of Yeshua he says to him who knows what is right and does it not to him it is them that's right so see the New Testament is always confirmed confirming the Old Testament we just have to get everyone reefa milly erne it says you'll be cut off because he has had and they uses this word contempt or unbelief so when we're talking about disbelief it's as much in God's Word in his name in who he sent all these things are part and parcel we can't separate the word the written word from the Living Word we say all except you schewe but I don't anything to do with the Torah so one in the same right this is what he says he had contempt is the same word he used for Israel having a unbelief in his words he says I'm going to take you to the land I'm gonna cast out those giants before you I'll send a horde of bees and you'll inhabit houses you didn't build and you will reap those a produce from vineyards you didn't plant and they didn't believe his word are we believing his word today is it applicable for us today are we willing to live by faith not by sight and to start adopting his mitzvot back into our lives it says that because they had unbelief for the Word of God and they disobeyed his commandment that person will be cut off completely his offense will remain with him so when you shoot a truck are offenses upon himself if you have unbelief in the Word of God Aurra or in the living torah those offenses that he put on him are no longer put on him they remain on ourselves and we reap the ultimate cause an effect of our sins which is yes right the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Yeshua our Messiah so why would we want to reject the word because in rejecting the word we're rejecting the Living Word and then we take what he took upon himself for us back upon ourselves and here it says it remains with us so all the people of Israel we're in the desert they found a man gathering wood now it's going to give us a little example the Shabbat example that I bring out God says don't do any work on Shabbat don't Kindle a fire but what did this man do because of unbelief he says I still need to prepare wood for the fire maybe after Shabbat even maybe he's thinking that sometimes we do that we're in Shabbat but we're already thinking about what we're going to buy or what we're going to watch on TV or what we're going to do as soon as the sunset you don't we all can relate to that at different times in your spiritual walk well this man is thinking about gathering wood on Shabbat and they found him gathering wood and they brought him to Moshe and Aaron and the whole congregation and they kept him in custody because it had not yet been decided what to do with him then ad and I said to Moshe see because the wages of sin lead to death in their day it's not that God kill him is the killer but he had to give such a point an example of what sin leads to sin is going to lead to death and if you don't see it because of the grace of God immediately you think oh I didn't realize then didn't really hurt me right so we're more prone to continuance then so he made a huge example out of this man and he said this man must be put to death the entire community is to partake in stoning him this really brings it home for each person to see this and they put them to death outside the camp so the whole community brought them outside the camp and they threw stones at him until he died and now it breaks from that example yes have their into the CP and so because you forgot the commandments of God look at what it's doing it's basically saying God is saying this law this Torah is for you and for the corner for you in the lab and out of the land and here's an example of how it leads to death and then because people are bound to forget his loss he then leads into a reminder a little thing that you can put on your garment that's always going to keep you from going a whoring after your own eyes and following his ways and that's why if the CC comes in and the seemingly unrelated chapters it's a progression it's saying this man forgot don't you forget here's how you won't forget put deep feet on your garments and we'll go into that in just a minute other after effect yes there remains yet arrest therefore fear lest a promise being left us of yes perfect see how you can't understand what Paul was writing to the Hebrew people unless you start to get familiar with the Torah and also in the book of Hebrews comes alive it's so exciting and anybody that thinks that Paul is eroding at doing a you know the Torah completely misunderstands Paul and things were written in a certain way to confuse the fourth-generation followers of Yeshua to it they were Jewish followers of Yeshua because they were separating the laws of sin and death and the laws of Torah the laws of sin and death or what we were nailed on the cross not the Torah law and the things that were done away with are the additions that man has added as fences not the words of God perfectly the God never changes he says I the Lord God changes not therefore you are not consumed o sons of Jacob see if God didn't change his what who would return to Him void he wouldn't keep his covenant and when you sinned he would be bad when you're good you would be good to you but he's not a situational God and he can't be manipulated by our behavior God is constant he is selfless love and that's why he says therefore you are not consumed those sons of Jacob he's incorporating the whole house of Israel into that so now the beautiful laws in closing for deep scenes everybody says eat see I don't know I said to Moshe speaking to the people of Israel this is all the whole house of Israel not just for Jews so don't think the Jewish thing don't anybody tell you it's a Jewish thing this is for you instructing them to make throughout all their generations what generation are we are we still included in that all generations VZ on the corners of their garments and to put with the deedsy on each corner or to bloom in Hebrews called Helen to hell it is not the source so when Jewish rabbis argue about having to have a certain mullux from the seed to produce this blue that's not what it's saying Helen is a type of blue a color a sky-blue is sapphire blue it's like a footstool of God's throne what it does is that cast our eyes up to remember that God is always watching us he's always above us he wrote with his own finger in sapphire stone that in Commandments were blue stone so and that stone was taken from his footstool so it not only keeps our eyes on him but it also keeps her eyes on his law and this is why it says put in each zz8 how it thread it is to be as easy for you to look at and thereby remember all of atomised commandments how many all of them and to do what obey them don't just remember them that's like the you know the last night I was bringing out there's two commandments for Shabbat to the and Shamar to remember but to also observe and guard and protect same way with atomized Commandments we're to not only remember them but to guard them protect them obey them so that you won't go around wherever your own heart and eyes lead you to prostitute yourself like Israel didn't revolt but it will be to help you remember and obey once again here's a double witness to remember and obey all my miss boat he says and ultimately here is the purpose to be holy for your God he wants you to be recreated in his image he wants a bride adorned without spot or blemish that is pure and ready for the wedding when Messiah comes how do we show our love for the bridegroom Yeshua says if you love me keep my Commandments and so this is how we prepare ourselves as a bride to be holy for our God without spot or blemish and then he finishes saying I am yo David hey Jehovah self-existent father of love your God your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt in order to be your God I am yo David hey your God so beautiful this is intimate marriage relationship language and he is a loving God that has extended His grace so that we can learn his ways and we can be recreated back into his image and we can be restored to our rightful place as his children and the bride of mashach so with that be encouraged let's stand up and we'll close in prayer and have a little lunch together Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing to us the depth of your love through your word and the understandings that commandment keeping is not burdensome your instruction is the instruction of a loving daddy it is not rules and regulations to keep anything good from us but to keep us from death you desire to reconnect us with the source of life and it is through your mitzvot that we reconnect ourselves to you and prepare ourselves as a bride for mashiac we love you Father and we just asked for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit to empower us with the strength to be overcomers to live out your word in our life and the ultimate principle of selfless love that we see in your character father may it be the first thing that people see in us more than seeing us as rule keepers or law abiders or commandment keepers may they see your love in us and by a soul living out your selfless love father may we fulfill every one of your Commandments for we truly love you with all our heart mind and soul and we love each one of our brothers and sisters as ourselves we thank you father for giving us this instruction and this higher spiritual learning in your Holy Name we pray amen
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 10,068
Rating: 4.8927202 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study, Shelach, Shelach L'kha, Blasphemy
Id: CS3u2v_OCMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 2sec (5162 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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