#53 Haftarah Ha'azinu (2 Samuel 22:1-51) "Prophetic glimpses in the Song of David"

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[Music] you [Music] you everyone a warm shabbat shalom this morning and especially those watching on Facebook live and through the internet we want to pray a special blessing over you and hope that you'll be blessed by the study this morning we have this morning the haftorah to our tour portion that we studied in hozy new posi new means to listen or to hear and moses called all israel to listen to the words of this song that he was going to teach them as they were about to enter the promised land and this morning we're going to draw amazing prophetic parallels between the time in which Moses taught the song and the time in which we are learning it in our tour portion which what is the time of year right now the Sukkot we are in between Yom Kippur and Sukkot and we read hozy new every year between Yom Kippur and Sukkot and the focus of this song of Moses is the song of deliverance praising God for his deliverance over our enemies what's going to be happening in the future prophetically at this time of year is we will be praising God in the song of the Lamb because of our deliverance over those enemies who would desire to persecute us and what's amazing this morning is we are gonna draw a parallel with the haftorah in the song of David in 2nd Samuel chapter 22 this will be the main focus of our study in the haftorah and David at the end of his life just like Moses was at the end of his life he is teaching the people a song about God's deliverance over his enemies and it's very prophetic you're gonna see many messianic glimpses in this so we're gonna draw a parallel between both these men giving and teaching these songs of deliverance over our enemies in Passover time right before Passover is when they were both teaching this but we read both those portions simultaneously between Yom Kippur and Sukkot when we will be singing the song of the Lamb after our deliverance through Yeshua after three and a half year tribulation so we're gonna see a lot of prophetic imagery I'm in 2nd Samuel 22 verses 1 through 51 and it describes the song of David composed in his old age echoing the end of the age where the Saints will sing a song of the lamb and our weekly Torah reading where Moses sings a song of God's deliverance just before Israel was to enter the Promised Land David's song expresses gratitude to God for saving him from all his enemies and we know that the to feast times the spring in the fall both were prophetic glimpses of Yeshua comings his first coming and his second coming and in the first coming he overcame death and he was our salvation in his second coming he comes back according to Zechariah 14 arrayed for battle to deliver us from our physical enemies those that would come up against Jerusalem remember the timing in which he's coming is Armageddon all the nations of the world are gathered against Jerusalem so we see that we are reading this prophetic these two songs at the time in the future when we will be experiencing this deliverance in singing of the song of the Lamb ourselves David starts with the famous words the Lord is my rock and my fortress and he goes on to describe the pain and the hardship he encountered and reiterates that he always turned to God in moments of distress now imagine at the end of three and a half years of tribulation how we will be describing in our song God's deliverance and the pain and the hardships that we've experienced in our past but rejoicing because of the deliverance David recounts God's reaction to those who tormented him he says the Lord thundered from heaven and the most high gave forth his voice and we know this is a parallel this is dual prophetic application to the second coming and he sent out his arrows and scattered them lightning and he dis come dis comforted them I have pursued my enemies and I have destroyed them the King attributes his salvation to his uprightness in following God's ways and this is what revelation tells us the Saints will be as well they will have the overcomers of their sins through Torah observance John in prophetic vision looks down through the ages and he sees this group of Holy Ones that he calls Hagios Saints in the Greek is Hagios hoggin hebrew means feast so these are people that are keeping the feast and they've got two main attributes he says here's their patience meaning they have been patient all the way through this time of tribulation where their enemies have been persecuting them he says these are they that keep the commandments of God and have their testimony in Yeshua so it requires both and we can see David announcing that the Lord has rewarded me according to all my righteousness Revelation says to he who overcomes I will give the right to eat of the tree of life - he who gains the victory speaking of the victory over sin I will make a pillar in my father's temple David says this is according to the cleanness of my hands he has recommenced me revelation says that Messiah comes back and his reward is with him to recompense everyone according to their works so we know that commandment observance is very important James says faith without works is dead so we're correlating Moses and his experience through the wilderness and just about on the cusp of entering the promised land to our time here where we are right on the cusp of entering the promised land again in the age of Messiah when Messiah comes David was at the same time giving a message to Israel both David and Moses we will find we're teaching their songs in the spring even though it pertained to the time in which we would read them and remember them in the fall why is this we will see that if you count backwards from Yeshua's coming in the fall on yom teruah three and a half years 1260 days daniel says the time of trouble begins a time of distress such as never was against a nation that would put you exactly before Passover so it's interesting that the Passover is what's going to begin the trip final tribulation in their last days and it's going to culminate up to yom teruah and yom kippur and this time in which we are studying the song so that we can sing the song of the Lamb David ends with this expression in the haftorah of thankfulness therefore I will give thanks to you O Lord among the nations and to your name I will sing praises he gives great salvation to his king this is a hidden dual application with the Messianic King and he performs kindness to his anointed to David and to his seed forever this to his seed forever is not just pertaining to those of his exact lineage but specifically to the one who would sit on the throne of David which is mashiach ben the vide so in our tour portion at the very end of the song david says in deuteronomy 32:43 sing aloud you nations about his people so the whole focus is on Israel and God's deliverance for Israel for he Duff avenged the blood of his servants and does render vengeance to his adversaries and does make atonement for the land of his people this is really key a lot of times we read the song of Moses and we skip over the fact that we read this every year either on or just after the weekly Sabbath from Yom Kippur it's always about atonement God's making atonement there's no accidents in these parallels between the Torah portion and the haftorah and when we're reading them throughout the ages for the last 2,000 plus years that Israel has been in their Diaspora two thousand seven hundred and about forty years we're always reading about God's deliverance and him making atonement right around the time of yom kippur the day of atonement so here is a little graph that I built for you I thought I could do it on the whiteboard but then I thought maybe it'll just be easier to put it up on the big screen so that everyone can see and what we see is the song of Moses about God's deliverance is sung just before Passover when Moses was giving it remember they were going to enter the land on the same self day that they left Egypt they left Egypt win Passover so they're gonna enter into Israel at Passover but he's still on the other side of the Jordan he doesn't get to enter the land so this has to be about two weeks before Passover which is a veve one which just happens to be exactly 1260 days before yom teruah in the future so very significant here the time of trouble will begin on a vivre one and there'll be 1260 days that lead up to the day of trumpeting in which messiahs return is announced so here he's teaching the people back here at Passover but we read it each year on Yom Kippur and I've kind of zoomed in and to the fall feast you've got yom teruah then you've got 10 days and then you've got yom kippur and then you have five days and then you have Sukkot and the prophetic significance of that is from Passover three and a half years before you have exactly 42 months 1260 days to yom teruah and according to Daniel 12 6 and 7 in revelation 11 2 and 3 this is the timeframe that the Great Tribulation will occur then between yom teruah and yom kippur you have two days that are allotted for the new moon feast and yom kippur starts on the ninth of Tishri so you actually have seven days in between in which the bride after being taken by Messiah to the Hoopoe which he has built off of his father's house seven days for the bride to be in the heavenly Hoopa before she comes out and the veil is lifted and you experienced this at one mint this into me see we know him even as we are known on Yom Kippur this is when the bride would come out of the Hupa then there's four days before Sukkot for the marriage feast and you can look up these texts about the Hupa and us being hidden in the Hoopoe while the earth is experiencing the fall of Babylon in Isaiah 26 2000 ALMS 27 5 and I think it's interesting that we can correlate the song of Moses being taught to the people at the timeframe of year when we would be entering into a time of trouble this is when we need to start encouraging the people with the song of Moses and the song of the land that our deliverance is coming nigh don't worry it's gonna get darker before it gets better but God is a saving God and he's gonna deliver us and we know the timings of his comings he says to those who are not watching and waiting it will be like a thief in the night but to you beloved it will not be you will be aware of his coming in Revelation it talks about the fall of Babylon which is the seventh plague as one hundred pound hail and great earthquake and and fire occurring to destroy the false system over the whole earth in one hour prophetically now in prophecy whenever God meets out judgment he uses a day for a year principal so one hour being one twenty-fourth of a day if you divided a Jewish year by one twenty-fourth you get exactly 15 days this is that time period between yom teruah and Sukkot that we would be in the heavenly sphere for the marriage and the marriage supper of the lamb that the fall of Babylon would be pouring out on this earth so think about that as you think about these songs of deliverance that we're going to be learning from Moses in our Torah portion and also from David in his song there's actually 10 shira's in Hebrew the word song as she Russ and I taught you in the Torah portion all ten of them the song of the lamb is actually the tenth one that will be sung in Scripture but Moses song was the fourth song that you can find and David's song is actually the eighth song and our song after our deliverance will be in the tenth song but how do we know that Moses sung this in the spring Joshua 4:19 says and the people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the month and in camping Gilgal on the east border of Jericho so this is the 10th of the first day of the month and this is usually when the lamb is taken into the households and the 14th is when you observe Passover so they crossed over at this time ten days before but Moses had already given his song before Joshua because we're reading in Deuteronomy 32 this is Joshua 4 so most likely he taught his song on Eve Eve 1 the new year the holy new year so we can also correlate the amazing spiritual significance that God inspired the Jews to correlate this haftorah with David's song at the exact same Shabbat weekly Shabbat that we are studying the song of Moses in the Torah portion is there any accident to this God wants us to learn something deeper so here I'm correlating I'm putting over here these different songs the song of Moses the song of David second samuel 22 about god's deliverance and we read it each year either on or after in between this phase here in yom kippur when we will be experiencing our deliverance when we come out of the Hupa we will be the saint singing the song of the Lamb praising him for his deliverance this is the timeframe in which we will be singing it and we're studying both these songs at exactly that time of year that we will be singing it in the future how do we know David taught this song in the spring well when you look at the chapter it actually says previously in chapter 21 that once again the Philistines made war on Israel and David went down with his servants and he fought against the Philistines but David began to get tired because he was getting old and so this is a time when the sons of Goliath who had six fingers and six toes who were descendants of the Nephilim who were great giants in the land were warring against Israel and when David got tired his men went down and slew these giants and then David sings this song and we're gonna feel like we've got some major Giants against us in the last days some major Giants of government and economics and religious false religious systems David after seeing that God delivers all of Israel said the words of this song to Adonai on the day that ad and I delivered him from the power of all his enemies and from the power of Saul so he is in the midst of warring with the Philistines now we know from eleven chapters previous and second Samuel 11 that the time of war whenever Israel would make war was always in the spring it says that it came to pass in the spring of the year at the time when the kings go out to battle that David sent Joab and his servant with him in all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabbah so this is no arbitrary time of year this is specifically in the spring and when is the spring Nisan Aviv one so david's also singing this song about the deliverance of his enemies at the exact same time that moses was teaching his song at the exact same time that the saints will begin their persecute or will they will see the beginning of the time of tribulation in which we will need to encourage one another by starting to teach each other that song because at the end of the three years we need to sing this song right so very significant this was just a download this week that the father helped me realize that this song is no arbitrary parallel to moses song but something to teach us about the time in which we're coming into very soon so here we could parallel the song of the land that we will experience in Revelation 15 2 and 4 it says it's sung by the Saints about God's deliverance now how does God deliver us at the end of the tribulation it's true Messiah is coming and what happens at Messiah is coming it says the Lord shall descend with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God on the day of trumpeting and the dead in messiah she will rise first and we who are alive and remain will be caught up with them so the resurrection is a part of that deliverance there's deliverance over death simultaneously with the deliverance over our enemies and this is the tenth and greatest song that will be sung by Israel when God delivers them from the present exile also and from death and from those who persecute them so here is a overview of line of the final three and a half years here's 42 months 1260 days from a vivre 1/2 the fall feast of yom teruah and then we enter into the Millennial Kingdom this is the timeframe in which we are studying this and that we will be singing it and we will experience our deliverance in Isaiah 26 verse 19 we actually see that Isaiah understood the resurrection of the Dead just like job if you study the book of Job you will see that he says when I die my body will perish and the worms will eat my flesh but in that day I will arise and see my Savior face-to-face job said these words at the time of Abraham Isiah understood these so it's strange that the Pharisees could not understand the resurrection this is one of the areas one of the only few areas that I agree with the Sadducees other than that and Sadducees were greatly flawed people because they were holding on to their wealth but they had an understanding of the resurrection and this was one of the big contentions between the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the day of the schewe was can the Dead really be resurrected and yet you see it throughout the Tanakh and Isaiah says thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and see interesting we've always skipped over that in the past not thinking of any great significance at the time that we're resurrected we sing the song of the Lamb and we understand the true model for that from Moses and from David he says Oh rise awake and sing you that dwell in the dust for thy due is as the dew of herbs and the earth will cast out her dead this tells us that the song of the lamb is sung just after the resurrection the time in which we're studying this today the time of year revelation 15 says and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the lamb saying great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways you king of the saints so you're seeing Messiah the king of the Saints just after he saved you from three and a half years of immense tribulation and you're singing his praises because he comes in glory and splendor and power and might he says who shall not fear you because what happens at his coming every knee shall bow so all the nations that were so proud and egotistical are now bowing and our part of our song is who shall not fear you O God our Oh Lord and glorify your name for you alone are holy for all the nations shall come and worship before thee for your judgments are now made manifest so while the bride gets taken up and the dead with her there's judgments that are about to fall out and Yom Kippur while it's a time for marriage it's also a time for judgments for the wicked so you're seeming seeing these things happen simultaneously so King David's song about God saving him from his enemies actually has a lot of second coming prophetic language and parallels in it so with this introduction let's turn to 2nd Samuel 22 and see how David says words that could often be said by us at that time and sometimes it crosses over to even words that Messiah would say he says Adonai is my rock in my fortress my deliverer this is all about God's deliverance of the Saints the God who is my rock in whom I find shelter he's my shield everybody has sought to attack you but God has been your shield imagine thinking about this three and a half years after the tribulation you've gone through three and a half years of tribulation and Messiah is coming and you're saying with the same mindset that David said after his battle he says God has is the power that saves me and in with God's power that has manifested himself through his righteous right hand in the person of Yeshua the Word made flesh to bring salvation to the Saints my stronghold my refuge my Savior you have saved me from violence this is exactly where our focus is at the end of the age you have saved me from violence I call on Adonai who is worthy of praise and I am saved from my enemies can you hear the Saints saying that at the end of the tribulation and Messiah is coming beautiful for death breakers were closing in over me you know the scriptures say if time was not shortened no flesh would have survived it's gonna feel that same way death breakers are closing in over us the floods of Valais y'all terrified me the ropes of she all were wrapped around me the snares of death lay there before me in my distress I called out to God yes I called to my god and out of his temple he heard my voice what's happening right now in the temple of the Most High in the heavenly sphere Yeshua is interceding as our high priest so what's happening who comes back to save us is the very person who heard our cry and my cry entered his ears then the earthquake and shook now this is imagery of the second coming we cry out to God and Yeshua who's interceding as our high priest who's touched with the feeling of our infirmities hears it and comes down a raid in battle according to Zechariah 14:2 save us and at his coming there is a huge earthquake it says this in Moses in the prophets Ezekiel 38 verse 22 talks about the great earthquake Jeremiah 50 verse 46 Isaiah 1313 Isaiah 24 23 23 in Revelation 16 John talks about the great earthquake that happens at his coming as well it says the earth not only quaked and shook but the foundations of heaven trembled they were shaken because he was angry smoke arose in his nostrils and from his mouth devouring fire with coals blazing from it he lowered heaven and came down how does God going to come down to save his people in the last days through Yeshua this is beautiful imagery with the darkness under his feet he rode on carruth and in Hebrew Kirov is like a cherub basically when Yeshua ascended he was caught up with the angels and it looked like as they went further further away like he was in the clouds and as the men were standing there gazing on Mount of Olives they angels came down and said why do you stand gazing up do you not know that he'll come back in like manner so that means he will come back to that exact location of Mount of Olives and he will be attended by angels here it's describing him coming down from heaven riding cherubs it's pretty amazing scene and he's flying through the air while the wings of the wind it says and he makes darkness his Sukkot now we're reading this between Yom Kippur and Sukkot you the song of Moses we saw an allusion to atonement here we see an allusion to Sukkot what is a Sukkah a temporary dwelling God is the God of Lights in whom there is no variation or shifting shadow so we know that there's no darkness in him but what is happening on yom teruah it is a day of darkness because it's a new moon feast it's the darkest of all the days of the month and Joel chapter 2 talks about this time being the day of the Lord being darkness and gloom and so literally it's this darkness of persecution in this darkness of what's happening to his people that it says he made darkness a Sukkot around him a temporary dwelling he's coming from the darkness of the heavens and you don't see him until he gets within sight and then you realize he's unaccompanied by a whole throng of angels interesting language in the Hebrew and he bowed the heavens also and he came down and darkness was under his feet and he rode upon a cherub and did fly and he was seen upon the wings of the wind and he made his darkness he made darkness his suit coat around him dark waters and thick clouds of the sky verse 13 from the brightness before him fiery coals flamed out imagine seeing him coming in the clouds of glory brightness before him this is second coming language and yet David is singing it with dual application to his deliverance in his day it's just amazing how God works on so many different prophetic levels when his people are inspired when the Spirit is upon them it says here's this day let's see if I have this day that we will see him coming in the clouds of glory and he will deliver his people when you see the bride taken it's not that you will see it hopefully you'll be a part of it but when you experience the bride being taken into the heavenly sphere for the wedding and we talked about the seven days in the Hupa and then the veil being lifted on yom kippur while judgment is happening on this earth and then the marriage Feast of the Lamb while there's a feast happening on this earth at the same time of these five days in here the vultures according to Ezekiel are eating the flesh of the kings and captains of war who came up against Jerusalem at the time that Messiah delivered them so there's two different feast going on here then on Sukkot we are told that he comes down and his feet touched the Mount of Olives according to Zechariah 14:4 through 9 and it says in all of his code as Sheen which means his holy ones are with him so his now the bride is coming back down with him to establish the kingdom on this earth on Sukkot this day that tomorrow night we will celebrate as a prophetic foreshadowing of these events so let's read zechariah 4 and get familiar with it says Anna's feet shall stand in day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and towards the west and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountain will be moved towards the north and half of it will be moved towards the south and you will flee to the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall reach us all yay you will flee like as you flee before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the Lord my God shall come and all of his Saints with him and it shall come to pass in that day that the light shall not be clearer nor dark but it shall be one day so this is the day of Sukkot that he's seen prophetically envision God coming for Yahshua coming back with his bride all the Holy Ones and his feet touching the Mount of Olives exactly where he ascended from fulfilling what the angel said that he would come back in like manner and that day shall be known to the Lord not day nor night but it shall come to pass that at the evening time it shall be light and it shall be in that day that Living Waters go forth from Jerusalem half of them towards the former sea which is the Mediterranean to the west and half of them towards the high undersea which is the Dead Sea and we know that the Dead Sea will be healed by those living waters according to Ezekiel who talks about the living waters also in summer and in winter shall it be and the Lord shall be king over all the earth in that day now we're understanding this prophetic language studying the song of the very king who Messiah is said to come back and sit on his throne and reign in the likeness of on that day Sukkot he will be king over all the earth and there will be one Lord and his name one isn't it exciting to kind of understand his timings and the way he is planned for not only our deliverance but our unification with him in the marriage and ultimately the setting up of his kingdom on this very time of year that we're studying these songs we are going to experience the deliverance and the kingdom set up so back to David's song the song for verse 14 out and I thundered from heaven ello yawn the mighty one sounded his voice he sent out arrows and scattered them with lightning he routed them the channels of the sea appeared the fountains of the world were exposed what happens when this great earthquake happens that messiahs coming is it's gonna break forth a lot of Fountains of the deep the rivers of the deep just like what happened at the flood with the great earthquakes so you see the channels of the sea appearing the fountains of the world being exposed as the earth cracks open at a denies rebuke at the blast of his breath from his nostrils this is what the Bible refers to as the wrath of God it is the seventh plague specifically that begins at messiahs coming and goes for that one hour prophetically that 15 days while the bride is in the heavenly sphere until they come back on Sukkot this is when the cities of the earth will be destroyed by the hundred pound hail and the fire and the earthquakes the founding nations of the earth are exposed at a denies rebuke in the blast of his nostrils he sent from on high he took me and he pulled me out of deep water very interesting when you feel like you are in too deep like there's no getting saved that's at that time that had an eye since Messiah to save us he delivered me from my powerful enemy for those who hated me they were stronger than I you know it's interesting if you look at Isaiah might be worth looking at Isaiah 26 2000 this verbage that Isaiah prophetically says and joel says somebody look up Joel - and someone else look up Psalms 27 and we will read some of these prophetic glimpses about when he's coming to take his bride to the heavenly Hoopa to protect her during the indignation or the wrath these two words are simultaneous the indignation the wrath this is the seventh plague those fifteen days between yom teruah and Sukkot Isaiah 26 26 my people imagine this at yom teruah he's inviting his bride come into your rooms when he left he says I go to prepare a place for you if it were not so I would have told you this place that he's prepared is the heavenly Hoopa the Hupa is a marriage canopy that is always built off of the father's house and you're gonna see language in these texts that talk about his hope of being built off of the heavenly temple which is the father's house he says come into your rooms and shut the door behind you hide yourself for a little while until the wrath is passed so this time period to be hidden in the Hupa is only during the wrath of the seventh plague which we've determined is 15 days between yom teruah and Sukkot now and he says foresee out an eye emerges from his place to punish those on earth for their sin this is second coming language that the bride is hidden away in the Hupa who has Joel to read verse 16 really loud right the word private room is Copa in the Hebrew so read it again and substitute that word for coupon so the bridegroom and the bride are in the who put together and he's calling them forth and they've been in the hoopa's since the second day of yom teruah why are they coming out if you look a lair in Joel 2 you will see he says sound the shofar begin our proclaim a fast it's Yom Kippur it's time to come out of the Hupa this is looking forward to that timeframe which the bride will come out after seven days in the Hupa now who has Psalms 27 ok read verse 5 so it's in the tabernacle this is Hoopa is attached to the tabernacle and if you look at the language before it in the verse before it it talks about the temple of God and he's talking about God concealing us in his Hoopa in his shelter that's attached to the temple on the day of trouble on the day of wrath on the day of indignation three different scriptures that are prophetically looking forward to that time of the marriage of the Lamb and her time in the Hupa being hidden from what's happening on this earth during the indignation the seventh plague he says he sent from on high and he took me and he pulled me out of deep waters and he rescued me and delivered me from my powerful enemy from those who hated me for they were stronger than I they came against me on my day of clamat II but how deny he was my support he brought me out to an open place he rescued me because he took pleasure in me out and I rewarded me for my up brightness he repaid me because my hands were clean and this is a song that the Saints will be able to sing because they will have washed themselves in the blood of the Lamb they will be overcomers through writing torah upon their heart he says that I have kept the ways of AD and I think of David prophetically speaking this is not only for us but imagine Messiah relating to how God delivered him when he was in the grave because of his pure heart he says I have kept the ways of Adonai and we know that no one has kept the ways of out and I like Yeshua I have not done evil by leaving my god for all his rulings were before me I did not depart from his regulations I was pure hearted towards him and kept myself from sin how important is it for us to keep ourselves from sin Paul says have this mind in you which was in Yeshua sin in first John 3:4 is described as the transgression of the Torah so it's so important to be pure hearted and keep ourselves from transgressing the Torah but the only way we will know how to do that is if we start writing tour upon our hearts through studying the Torah and this is why it's so important for Israel to return to the Torah in this day preparatory to messiahs return hence verse 25 says how did I repaid me for my uprightness according to my purity in his view we know that not only Yeshua was rewarded he was given a name above all names but we will be rewarded when he comes he is bringing his reward with them to recompense each of us according to our works according to our purity according to overcoming sin with the merciful you are merciful with the champion of purity you are pure with the honest you are honest but with the crooked you are cunning people afflicted you save but when your eyes are on the haughty you humble them for you ad and I are my lamp ad and I lights up my darkness with you I can run through a whole troop of men so even see this imagery of these armies coming against Jerusalem in the last days we can quote this we can sing this we can remember that with the power of God who lights up the darkness we can run through a whole troop of men we don't even have to be afraid of armies with my god I can leap a wall and those of you that have been studying the Dead Sea scrolls with me and reading especially some of the accounts of Israel the sons of Israel in cheshire we know how they were able to leap up high walls with the power of God verse 31 says as for God his way is perfect that's what that most holy place is representing is complete perfection we're having an outer court experience and a holy place experience outer court being that we need to realize through Yeshua sacrifice that we need to be living sacrifices and through the labor that we need to be cleansed then we enter into the holy place which is a mental state of sanctification of being made holy through the three pieces of furniture in the Holy Place which are the menorah which represents the light that of the holy spirit that shines across the room on the table of showbread which represents the Torah so through Torah in our life we can be a light to the nation's just as Yeshua was and the need for constant communication with God is the altar of incense who says the smoke of sins as a fragrant aroma just like our prayers ascend as a fragrant aroma we're constantly being refined and purified and sanctified set apart for holy use by these three things by the Torah and the spirit of truth represented as the oil in the menorah that makes us a light and the prayers these things are what's pure fineness so that we can enter through that veil and go into that most holy place experience at the well ultimately when tour is fully written upon our heart at the end of the millennium when sin and death are destroyed we know that God's Temple descends down in the New Jerusalem and we can have an ultimate atonement experience at one with him in the sight of a holy omnipotent God having a most holy place experience of this kind of perfection this kind of purity that David is talking about as for God his way is perfect if we're harboring any darkness we can't go through that veil light can't coexist with darkness we have to have our hearts and our minds refined through the law of love that Yeshua will ultimately teach us about how to love God and how to love our fellow man through the study of Torah during the Millennium the word of Adonai it's been tested by fire David says and he shields all who take refuge in him for who is God but yo-dee-hey Vevey and who is a rock but our God God is my strength and my protection he makes my way straight he makes me Swift and sure footed as a deer and enables me to stand on the high places this is very similar to what the Prophet Habakkuk said in Habakkuk 3 he gives me Hinds feet to go to high places Habakkuk says I always loved those texts when I'm mountain climbing I'm always reciting this from David and the song from Habakkuk because we want to have feet as sure-footed as a deer so as we are sending we're getting closer it's like our spiritual journey going up we want to be sure footed we don't want to waver there might be times of difficulty in testing but this is what sifts the wheat from the chaff we don't want to fall by the wayside we want to stay on that straight and narrow path with the feet of deer swift and sure footed enabling to be standing in the high places this says he trains my hands for war until my arms can bend a bow of bronze this is like our spiritual fervor the more we grow spiritually the stronger we become you give your shield which is salvation which is Yeshua your answers make me great you lengthen the steps I can take yet my ankles do not twist or turn so beautiful imagery of our spiritual growth here he says then I pursued my enemies and wiped them out without turning back until they were destroyed this is dual prophetic application with Yeshua as well as with us think about that feeling of being totally overcome and have no strength and then see Messiah coming and then your strength is renewed and it says I destroyed them crushed them they can't get up they have fallen under my feet do you know Paul says that the enemy hasatan will soon be crushed under your feet in Romans 6 28 and in the past or that Yeshua crushed him at the cross he says there's a work for us to be done through our sanctification we vindicate God's character when we become overcomers to sin he fails he loses his plans are thwarted and so it's through our vindication of God's character of selfless love that the God of peace and Paul is very careful to mention that it's the God of peace who will soon crush Satan under your feet it's not a physical act of violence it's through our spiritually overcoming that we can put our enemies under our feet both sin and death along with hasatan can be overcome in our lives david says for you braced me with strength for the battle and you bent down my adversaries beneath me you made my enemies turn their backs in flight so that I could destroy those who hate me they looked but there was no one to help even to Adonai but he didn't answer so now the enemies are looking at who's gonna help them before they were pursuing and taking over and David felt like he was in golf could this close to death now the nations the enemies are looking for help but there's no one to help them so they've then turned to God but it's too late he's not answering remember that it says to those who do not observe Torah even their prayers are an abomination it says in Proverbs the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much but what about if you're not righteous only if you're sincere and contrite and humble and seeking forgiveness then it falls upon the ears of the Lord but these enemies they're gonna call out to him only to save themselves in a self focused manner and so he doesn't answer it says then verse 43 says I pulverized them like dust on the ground pounded and stamped them like mud in the streets this is similar to that language in Revelation and Isaiah 62 I believe it is where Yeshua is coming back with garments dimmed cranked crimson and he says who is it or what is it that stained my garments and he says it's the blood of the enemies that I've trampled underfoot this is the description in Isaiah that describes what revelation 19 is talking about why he comes back with his vesta sister stained crimson fall feast analogy at this time of year we're gathering grapes from the vine and some of them are getting trampled right to be made wine in Revelation uses this imagery of Yeshua coming back to save us from our enemies in the fall at the very time that the wine press is being trodden and he says the enemies are going to be trodden under foot in the winepress of God's wrath so even the timeframe of the fall feast in which this is going to be happening is alluded to by what's being harvested at this time and here it's talking about the same imagery with them being pounded and stamped like mud in the streets you also freed me from the corals of my people you kept me to be the head of Nations now imagine if this is a prophetic dual application to even Yeshua speaking then what are the corals of his people since the time of Solomon sons Israel's been divided and the northern house of Israel has assimilated into many other lands and different religions and Judah doesn't want to recognize them and they don't want what Judah has to offer and the Scriptures talk about the envy of Ephraim over Judah and the what is the word that Judah has the is it contempt towards the jealousy Ephraim has jealousy over Jew Judah or no Envy and Judah has jealousy over Ephraim this is the quarreling that this is alluding to and guess who's gonna heal that coralline and make them one again Yeshua Messiah amen he says you kept me to be the head of the nations he/she was gonna be the head of the nations while he's freeing the corals of his people people I did not know now serve me why because nations have been grafted into Israel through Israel being a light to all the nations over the last 2700 years so by the time the restoration comes there's people in the family that he didn't even know he says the people I did not know now serve me foreigners come cringing to me the moment they hear of me they obey me this is a picture of the Millennial Kingdom yet David is speaking it in his day but amazing when you see with spiritual eyes this dual prophetic application foreigners lose heart as they stagger from their fortresses they're so afraid to come up to the mountain where Messiah is reigning how deny is alive is the next statement with an exclamation mark blessed be the rock exalted be God the rock of my salvation of my yeshua the god who gives me vengeance and makes people submit to me he brings me out from mine enemies you raise me over those who rebel against me you rescue me from violent men so I give thanks to you and how are we gonna give thanks we're gonna sing the song of the land Adonai among the nations I sing praises to your name he is a tower of salvation for his King this is focusing on Yeshua on Messiah he displays grace to his anointed to David and to his descendants forever what a beautiful amazing prophetic song that when you overlay it with the song of Moses and the song of the land that the Saints will sing in the last day at the very time of year that we're studying it today it just makes your eyes and your heart soar with excitement to see what God has planned from the foundation of the world so here is this graph of the final tribulation begins of Eve 1 1260 days before the deliverance of messiah and yom teruah the day of trumpeting and that last graph the fall holy days all fall within this arrow here and you can see the sixth seal occurring and the sixth trumpet and the sixth plague all synonymously at the time of Yeshua is coming and it is going to be a time of rejoicing the time when the dead is raised a time when the Saints will sing a song of the Lamb and I believe it is Isaiah who says you are great and powerful glorious and splendid and majestic everything in heaven and earth is yours and you are king supreme ruler over all all riches and wealth come from you you rule over everything by your strength you know this is the source of when the Lord was saying the Lord's Prayer and he says the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen it's coming from the Tanakh from this mention here where he says you're great and powerful and glorious and splendid and majestic all riches and wealth come from you you rule everything by your strength and power and you are able to make anyone create and strong now our God we give you thanks and we praise your glorious name and this is going to be the heart of the saints in that day that we sing the song of the Lamb after experiencing not only our deliverance but the marriage of the lamb at 1 min so as we go from Yom Kippur in this day of at one mint to Sukkot we can think about these prophetic things that will happen at this time of year some year future and it's very exciting soon that's right soon and very soon amen so with that let's stand and say the blessing after the haftorah praise to you out and I our God sovereign of the universe rock of all creation righteous one of all generations the faithful God whose word is deed whose every command is just and true or the Torah for the privilege of worship for the prophets and for this Shabbat that you out of night our God have given us for holiness and rest for honor and glory we thank and bless you may your name be blessed forever by every living being praise to you Adonai for the Sabbath and its holiness Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing to us the importance of why you have sought to teach us the song of Moses and the song of David so that we can sing the song of the Lamb after your deliverance praising your holy name for your mighty and glorious works and we look forward to that day Father in which you will make us one with Messiah at the marriage of the Lamb and we pray now for sanctification to be set apart as a holy people as we study your words so that we can be found as a bride without spot or blemish please strengthen us encourage us and help us to give an encouraging word to our fellow man to be a light to the nation's and to build up the body of Messiah here in the Assembly and the assembly around the world we love you Father we thank you for revealing to us the deeper prophetic significance that was hidden in times past but it's so important for the Saints today to understand why David and Moses taught the people these songs at the time in which we would begin a time of tribulation such as never was since there was a nation and that we will ultimately sing these songs when we are delivered just as you have always delivered your people in their time of trouble father so we thank you and we praise your Holy Name and we ask your blessing upon this study this morning and your Holy Name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 3,684
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Haftarah, Ha'azinu, Haftarah Ha'azinu, Song of Moses, Song of David, Song of the Lamb, God's Deliverance, Rabbi Yitzchak, Pastor Isaac, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Prophecy, End-time Prophecies
Id: XCuhjgFWd-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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