#44 Haftarah Devarim - Rebuke, Repent, Return, Renew, Restoration

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[Music] you [Music] you this morning's Torah portion spoken in synagogues all around the world is the first section of Deuteronomy it's called aeverine and you can find it in your Bibles from Deuteronomy chapter one through Jude errata me chapter 3:23 now we are gonna be looking at how the first chapter of Isaiah parallels the first chapter of Deuteronomy are the first three chapters and never reamed the name that given to the fifth book of Torah actually means words and if you hear the root word in it devar you can either have a b or a v sound when we say biomed Adonai El mache devar you know and God spoke to Moses saying and we're gonna talk in this morning's top portion how Moses reminds the people of how God gave them judges to rightly divide the word we've talked in the past how a judge is not somebody that's pointing out people's false but to rightly divide God's word whenever there's a dispute amongst people or whenever somebody wants to learn and so God set up judges like Moses for Israel and one of the first female judges that we had over Israel when they entered the land was named what Deborah Deborah that's right she has that same root devar as the word because she's a judge who's Riley gonna divide the word and who is the word made flesh Yeshua so we're gonna see hidden glimpses of Yeshua even in this haftorah portion but the theme of these hoff tourists what I'm doing over this next year with you is showing how they parallel the tour portion so I assume that you've already studied the Torah portion with me and we're going to go in and just bring out little glimpses of where this haftorah portion parallels it now today is the 9th of off it is a day that today 3463 years ago one year after they left exodus the spies were sent to spy out the land to see how good it was that God had created a prepare to land flowing with milk and honey with houses already built and vineyards already planted and they were to bring back a good report to encourage the people to take it and God was gonna send out the Giants with a horde of bees but 10 spies came back and spoke negativity about this beautiful gift that God had promised them and that brought a curse on the people a curse it's just the loss of blessing it's not something god is doing against us or against our forefathers it's just that cause and effect of our actions on this day throughout history we have seen the destruction of the first temple the second temple the Bar Kokhba revolt when was squelched by the Romans and many Jews were killed in 134 AD the Homburg decreed the Jews were kicked out of Spain on this day 1492 the first world war and the focus against the Jews began on this day and so we can see a long reaching not only cause an effect but lessons that God is trying to teach us from our forefathers mistakes so that we're not destined to repeat it now God is about to take us into the Promised Land and the Book of Denver Rheem is the last words of Moses before they go into the Promised Land and he's reminding them of the sins of their forefathers and speaking negative the first time God was going to take him into the land was only one year out of Exodus now it's been an additional 39 years it's been prolonged and he's trying to teach us by morning this day for the loss of the temple due to our forefathers lack of faith that we should never commit that same sin again that we shouldn't be destined to repeat it whether it's a lack of faith or whether it's speaking negative we have to make sure that we are unified and we're never divided remember the first temple was only destroyed Solomon's Temple after Israel was divided the kingdom was divided the Davidic monarchy we need to be unified we need to have faith munna we need to strengthen one another encourage one another and we need to hold fast to the promises that God has given us so I'm going to share a little bit before we get into a half more a little bit of overview in line with this theme you know how the last three weeks have been the three weeks of mourning between the 17th of Tammuz when the scent of the golden calf occurred to the ninth of hablen the spies brought back the false report it has caused an inauspicious three weeks and so every year we mourn that and this is the third of a series of these three haftorah with that we call haftorah of affliction these three haftorah are read during the three weeks of mourning for Jerusalem between the sin of the golden calf on the 17th of Tammuz and the ninth of oven the spies brought back that false report on this very day Isaiah relays to the Jews a godly vision that he experienced chastising the residents of Judah and Jerusalem for having rebelled against God now it says in the very first verse that this is in the days of King Uzziah been of it Isaiah gave this prophecy and that he had this vision and Hosea died about 740 BC so this is sometime shortly before 740 BC the Northern Kingdom of Israel hasn't even been taken captive yet they're still in the land but God is foreshadowing not only are they going to be taken due to their sins and their paganism that they've adopted but there is a warning to Jerusalem as the place where God has placed his name that they should not follow after the sins of the northern house of Israel otherwise they too would be taking captive later and sure enough they didn't listen and in 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar came and took Jerusalem so this is an early early warning almost 200 years before and God reminds them that they have rebelled against him and they he criticizes them for repeating their errors and not abandoning their sinful ways even after having been reprimanded and punished and he says woe to a sinful nation of people heavy with iniquity evil doings seed corrupt children they first took God and they provoked the Holy One of Israel and we will see that in our tour portion this morning Isiah released to the Jews a godly vision he experienced chastising the residents of Judah and Jerusalem for having rebelled we just read that harsh words are employed comparing the Jewish leaders to the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah God states his distaste for their sacrifices and offerings which were flavored with pagan customs so the reason that we read the scriptures is to learn what God's Word is in Torah for us and then how our forefathers lost the blessings of the inheritance in the land due to those sins and then we try to apply to our own life and say okay where are we committing the same sins as descendants of Israel we don't want to commit these sins especially being so close to entering the Promised Land and the theme of mixing paganism with God's true Torah is huge because in the ancient world they mixed paganistic practices with their sacrifices and also with their holy days now the sacrificial system has been substituted with prayer after the temple was destroyed but we see a lot of errors in the way that we pray still for the pagan istic mindset and the way that we are observing counterfeit holy days the substitute God's holy days in Leviticus 23 we're still mixing paganism in with God's truth he's calling us out and as we read these Torah portions and haftorah every year they're meant to convict us and through that conviction we return to Him and we get purified and sanctified and what does sanctification mean to be set apart for holy use so that when Messiah comes you can be found as a bride without spot or blemish remember the prophecy that Yeshua summed up in a parable when he says many will come to me in that day saying Lord Lord didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we cast out demons so who are the people that say Lord Lord only those that think they know him right and he'll say depart from me ye workers of tor lessness I never knew you they've been mixing paganism in with their knowledge of truth and holding on to that paganism it's as if they never had intimacy with them he says I never knew you that's the intimate language and so we want to make sure to eradicate all pagan practices that our forefathers have observed from our system of worship y'all states in this haftorah I can't stand their evil the way they mix evil with their assemblies and the roach pradesh that's the new moon feast you know that was morphed during their time in babylon from the total darkness of the moon leading to the fullness of the full moon that god intended to signal his people for his holy days it went to the crescent moon observed so you then there two days off of god's holy days and their festivals he lifts actually shahboz different Shabazz have counterfeits in this haftorah so you can think about how the weekly Shabbat has been substituted with the day of the Sun the first day of the week and how Chanukah and how Passover have been substituted with Christmas and Easter the pagan practice of Ishtar the false God and so we can bring things even home to us today and of course in their day even their sacrifices he says how she speaking of Jerusalem and her inhabitants has become a harlot a faithful City it was once full of justice in which righteousness would Lodge you know when we follow Torah we have such loving hearts to our fellow man that there is no widow or orphan that's not taken care of there's no foreigner that's not taken care of we just naturally help people that come through our gates and yet what was happening is they were so full of self focus that they were not helping the widows and the orphans and so this is why God prophesized about the restoration of justice in this haftorah we're gonna see him reminding us where we have left true justice and how he's going to restore true justice in the Messianic age yah through Isaiah then speaks more gentle words he always encourages us after a little rebuke because he's a loving father and he only disciplines those who he loves the scriptures say and he encourages the people to repent sincerely and to perform acts of justice and kindness towards the needy the orphans and the widows and promising them the best of the land in return for their obedience he says if your sins proved to be like crimson I'll make them white as snow and if they are red as crimson they shall become like wool and this is a famous text that a lot of us have memorized in our youth and we look at the ultimate fulfillment of that not only through Yeshua but through his example of obedience to the Word of God as the living Torah and that's an example for us and how did he overcome sin not just by memorizing Scripture you know Deuteronomy the book that we're going into today is the number one book that he quotes from he had the whole thing but he had to fast and he had to pray and he was totally connected to the Father so much so that he would want wake up before sunrise just to commune in that quiet hour with him meditating on the scriptures and connecting himself with the source and so this is our example for us to be overcomers as well so that our sins will be cleansed and we're gonna see this haftorah leading into God even telling us to cleanse ourselves to want to wash ourselves and to get our evil deeds out of his sight and to learn to do good then the haftorah concludes with a kind of a prophetic promise of the Messianic age that God will eventually reestablish Israel's judges and leaders when Zion shall be redeemed through justice and we'll talk about what true justice is and through righteousness and this is how we know that Yeshua will reign as high priest and king in justice and in righteousness and there's a lot of prophecies about Zion being restored that we will end on a positive note and look at so if you have your Bibles I encourage you to turn with me to Isaiah 1 and the first word of the haftorah is house on now for those of you that did the Daniel study with me I told you about there's two words in Hebrew that mean vision there's a large vision and there's a small vision house own is one of those words he's giving Isaiah a big vision and what's amazing is this Shabbat that falls on or before the ninth of off we call Shabbat house on because this is the Shabbat of vision that if we have been mourning for the lost temple and the sins of our forefathers for the last three weeks it's always promised that we would have a vision of the temple that's rebuilt by Messiah and I've made this quote here according to hazard Hasidic tradition on this Shabbat after having more in the last three weeks for the lost temple the soul of every Jew is treated to a vision of the third Holy Temple that will be rebuilt with the coming of Messiah and we get a view of the age of mashach and our final verses of the haftorah for those who study it three themes that we're gonna see the haftorah paralleled with the tour portion is in the tour portion and every one the words of Moshe eight to Israel are to remind them of the sins of the that happened thirty-nine years before and that they would not be destined to repeat them so that as they go into the Promised Land the land would flow and continue to bless them and they would not be spewed out but he says if there's always an if-then statement if you do not keep God's Word the land will spew you out just like it is casting out those before you the Canaanites so here we see the words of Moshe to Israel reminding them of their sin before going into the Promised Land and the words of God to Israel through the Book of Isaiah through this vision is to prepare us for entering into the Promised Land we're supposed to learn from the sins of our forefathers so I want you to take it to heart don't just think Oh Israel made these mistakes we're making mistakes today we need to repent another parallel that I found is that after God tells us to but where we've gone wrong he calls us to repentance he calls us to cleanse ourselves and then Israel sin is recounted in both haftorah and then God's faithfulness to Israel is recalled by Moses and we're gonna see in Isaiah God's faithfulness is conveyed by Isaiah in how he will cleanse and restore Israel so the tour portion starts off this is the husband of Yasha yahoo everybody say yes yahoo that's how you say Isaiah and Hebrew the son of emotes now who was a most we know the Prophet Amos right it is said by tradition Oral Torah that Amos was the brother of the king a messiah who was the king of Judah at that time so he's not only a prophet but he's of the Royal line of Judah and Isaiah is his son and God gives him this vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the days of uzziah who who died about 740 BC and Yotam and AHA's and yezi yahoo and kings of judah and this is the message God gives him Shema hear heaven listen earth for Adonai is speaking so he calls everybody to total attention and this is God speaking through Isaiah to Israel and specifically to the city of Jerusalem because this is remember Jerusalem is the apple of his eye I raised and brought up children but they rebelled against me in aux knows its owner and a donkey its master stall but Israel does not know what has Israel forgotten God's ways his Torah and today we've forgotten God's ways his Torah and also who they are their own identity once they left the lands of their dispersion Israel migrated up through Europe and then later came to the new world into America and you're the descendants of the Lost house of Israel and we've lost that identity and you know only understanding our purpose and our true destiny is part and purpose of understanding our true identity in Israel and God's desire to restore us to Israel so God is calling us to remember he says Israel does not know my people don't reflect Oh sinful nation people weighed down by iniquity now he's talking to the whole house of Israel he's on a national level about their tour lessness you are descendants of evildoers you're immoral children you've abandoned yo Dave of hey you've spurned the Holy One of Israel and you've turned your backs on him this is why the term lost sheep was coined by cherub the Prophet Jeremiah and Israel was always known as either the lost house of Israel or the lost sheep after that and this parallels Deuteronomy 1:26 our Torah portion in that we need repentance we have rebelled you know this is the very day that our forefathers rebelled ten of the spies there was one spy for every tribe of Israel 12 spies were sent out into the land only two came back with an encouraging word and that was yahushua and caleb and that's why they're the only two of that generation that actually did enter the promised land let us be like them after their example always speaking an encouraging word claiming God's promises believing what he's gonna do for us whatever he says however impossible it seems because once they got into the land remember what those spies saw giants in the land and through their own self-focus they became afraid they forgot the power of God and His Word to deliver them and so it's on this day that our forefathers lost faith and lost the ability to take the land 3463 years ago to the very day and Moses tells them in verse 26 of the Torah portion you would not go up you rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God now he's speaking to them in the 40th year right before they're gonna cross over the Jordan to go into the land he's reminding them of that sin thirty-nine years before and where this much past that now and we are taking to heart God's words through Isaiah saying you have abandoned the Lord you've spurned the Holy One of Israel and you've turned your back on him next he he talks to us individually and corporately first he starts rebuking the nation now he says how should I discipline you next as you persist in rebelling the whole head is sick your whole heart is diseased you know the way we think it has been maligned the way we even view God look at how we've created God in our image instead of being recreated in his image of selfless love we think of God is angry wrathful judging punishing and we have totally by what you know we're created to behold him and however we behold him were changed into that same likeness so if you behold God wrong you start acting out this wrong principle to your fellow man our whole mind is sick and it says the heart is diseased what's the issue of the heart how we can have compassion for one another how we show acts of kindness if we don't have any compassion if we don't know what real love is all of us have been consumed by self gratifying love in what I call imitation love whether it's pleasure or power or praise flattery or money or all of these things were attracted to but those aren't real love God desires for our heart to be healed so that we would have such compassion on people that we would give whatever we have to help them that's the true justice and righteousness that he's calling Jerusalem back to in his people Israel he says from the sole of the foot to the top of the head there's nothing healthy in you anymore only wounds and bruises and festering sores and we always say wounded people want people healthy people don't want people so when we're acting on kind when we're speaking an unkind word when we're causing division or when we're in rebellion whether to one another or to God it's because we're hurting inside and we haven't seen a real glimpse of his character once you've seen his character it's transformative you can't help but become changed into that likeness and then you start realizing your true identity it's not only in Israel but in his spirit within you which is selfless love and when you realize that that's who you are God's Spirit inside you you're not this body or this title or this name this look or this nationality or this religion or anything those aren't our true identity your true I didn't need is the Spirit of God then you start to be able to live out that selfless love through the ruach ha'qodesh through the spirit so he wants to heal our wounds and our bruises and our festering sores but he first has to show us where were wounded and where were bruised and so this is the only reason for his rebuke is reminding us look at this is where you're out of harmony with my ways this is where you're out of harmony and he says they these wounds and bruises haven't even been dressed or bandaged or even softened up with oil and we can think of our heart and and its need for healing by experiencing the selfless loving Spirit of God you know how in the Scriptures the Spirit is always likened to the olive oil even in the holy place of the tabernacle the menorah which was pounded gold was to reflect the pure character that God desired for us to have but it's only purified by pounding right through the trials and tribulations and that's the cause and effect that we learned from God allows us to experience that but what's amazing is the wicks on the menorah were the used undergarments of the high priest representing our flawed humanity the dirtiness that we still have they're still drost in us and yet what flowed through that dirty wick the oil the pure oil that was also pounded olive oil which represents the Holy Spirit so even though we are in a flawed vessel the Holy Spirit can flow through us and shine forth and what is the menorah to illuminate the other side of the holy place where the showbread is and that showbread represents the Torah so as the spirit flows through us we're always going to be illuminating the beautiful eternal principles of God's selfless love as revealed by Torah and so he's saying your wounds and bruises and festering sores need to be softened up with oil we have hard hearts that need to be softened up too then he talks about the land your land is desolate your cities are burned to the ground this is all the cause and effect of them leaving him you know God never leaves us he's so consistent he's only love he's only light he's only life but when we sin isaiah 59:2 says your sins have created a separation between you and your god so it's us who remove ourselves and then we lose that blessing that protection that health that prosperity and he says look at the effect even on your cities foreigners have devoured your land in your presence it's as desolate as if overwhelmed by floods and the daughter of Zion which is Jerusalem remember Zion is the mountain and Jerusalem is the apple of his eye the daughter of Zion it says she's left like a shack in a vineyard like a shed in a cucumber field like a city under siege look at she's in ruin she's in crumbles God's heart is going out how he desired to dwell in this city in the makkal and have all his people unified around his presence but the first thing that goes when the people are dis unified and they're in sin is his spirit and once that spirit is gone then the foreigners could sack the city and he's basically showing them look at your beautiful city that I've prepared for you is in desolation because of your own choices to follow after other gods verse 9 says if out a nice a vote which means God of hosts had not left us a tiny tiny remnant and we can relate to that today even there's a tiny remnant of Israel left who is seeking the truth he says if ad and I had not left a tiny remnant we would have become like Sodom now Rashi says that he's making this correlation because all of us would have been totally destroyed just like there's no remnants or trace of Sodom and Gomorrah or its people any longer if it wasn't for God's goodness everyone would have been destroyed along with the city we would have resembled a mora here what out and I says you rulers have Sodom you know he's calling the rulers of Jerusalem rulers of Sodom and you know what's interesting is Jerusalem is likened to Sodom and Gomorrah in the last days when the Gentiles trotted underfoot according to revelation 11 if you look in Revelation 11 you'll see that he actually calls the city of Jerusalem he says it's spiritual condition is like Sodom and Gomorrah in the last days when these pagan Gentiles come in and they take over Jerusalem by force you're gonna see that same spiritual condition over Jerusalem so he's rebuking the leaders of Jerusalem here what out and I says the whole problem is they haven't been listening to what he says you know there's a theme in the word here in Hebrew it's Shema and it means not only to listen but to do and we in the West we love to hear and we read our Bibles and we listen to the rabbi or to the pastor every week but then we go and we do something else and God is calling us to take to heart his words to eat them like true food and by so doing live them out in our life that's why you shoe says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God he says you need to listen to God's Torah in the next verse now a lot of people miss this and today towards an inconvenient truth and there's false shepherds who are promoting that God's law of love his Torah which means instruction in Hebrew has been done away with and yet right here now deny is saying your whole problem is you haven't been listening and doing God's Torah you people of amaura why are all those sacrifices offered up to me says Adonai I'm fed up with your burnt offerings of rams and your fat of fatted animals I get no pleasure from blood of bulls and lambs and goats yes you come to appear in my presence but who asked you to do this to trample my courtyards this is a prophetic picture of not only then but in the last days when they trampled Jerusalem underfoot this word trodden is used in revelation 11 and he says stop bringing worthless grain offerings they are like disgusting incense to me and you know it's interesting here they're coming to bring sacrifices and I think that if they build a tabernacle or a temple again without mashiac being the one to build it it will be a very similar situation where it will be abhorrent to God and this is a picture of that prophetic day and of the false sacrificial system that will try to substitute the true sacrifice he says stop bringing worthless grain offerings they are like disgusting incense to me Rosh Hodesh which is your New Moon's your Sabbath's you're calling convocations I can't stand evil together with your assemblies so if somebody missed quotes this and they want to you know justify doing away with Sabbath and new moons see how you could twist that what are you saying is I can't stand evil mixed together error mixed with truth he would never do away with his own word he's not saying don't do you know Sabbath has done away with your New Moon festivals are done away with he's saying I'm tired of all the paganism that you've mixed in with it everything in me hates your real whole dish and your festivals they're a burden to me and we talked about how we see so many counterfeits in our day you know from the conjunction moon to the crescent moon from the seventh-day Sabbath to the first day of the week from the annual holy days that God gives according to his Hebrew calendar to his science and seasons according to the moon to the Sun in their season man has substituted with paganistic holidays the very word holiday tells you that it's a counterfeit from the holy day it's a substitute God's calling us to repent which means to turn back to him and let go of those things once we recognize now while we're innocently ignorant God winks at our ignorance he's a loving just God and he understands where we've come out of he even prophesied that he would scatter the house of Israel amongst all nations and they would forget who they are and they would observe the pagan practices of the lands in which they're living but in the last days he would wake them up return them to a love for his word and for his land and a love for his people and this is what is happening he says when you spread out your hands in verse 15 I hide my eyes from you no matter how much you pray I can't hear because your hands are covered with blood and you know this is exactly what isaiah 59:2 and proverbs 28:9 talk about when it's our sins who have separated us from God it's not God who's left us and it's not God who's closing his ears to us remember the text in James that says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much the key term there is a righteous man the prayers of an unrighteous man are they going to avail anything proverbs 28:9 says this is Solomon speaking the wisest man who ever lived he that turns away from the Torah even his prayers will be an abomination to the Lord that's huge so we don't want to justify doing away with the Torah we want to return to the Torah so that our prayers can be heard because it's in Torah observance that we are made righteous Yeshua's righteousness which we dawn as a robe of righteousness is just that example of how to be an overcomer through self-denial it's not that there's some magic that sin has done away with because of his sacrifice otherwise sin would have been done away with 2,000 years ago and we would all be living perfectly righteous right we still have a choice to make and that choice is obedience conformity to God's Word then he says wash yourself clean get your evil deeds out of my sight he's now finished with talking about all the areas where we've gone astray and our forefathers and now in love he's saying here let me bandage up your wounds let me clean up your dirty spots let me help you get rid of this iniquity stop doing evil I want you to learn to do what is good and here's what he says is good here's the prescription seek justice you know what justice is and Hebrew mish pot the Misha team are all the laws there half of the laws of Torah which deal with how to love our fellow man they're moral laws and how basically summed up in Leviticus 19:18 that Yeshua says was the second greatest commandment how to love your neighbor as yourself the first commandment being the Shema I love the Lord your God with all your height heart mind and soul so he says I want you to seek to do mish pots with our moral laws of loving your fellow man taking care of the orphan and the widow and relieve the oppressed he says defend the orphans plead for the win the widow this is in Isaiah 116 and 19 and I relate it back to the tour portion when Moses says then you answered and said unto me we have sinned against the Lord so Israel recognized their sin and their mistake and they desired to be made clean and be made a tone for and that's why Moses spent three different times of 40 days back-to-back 120 days fasting and praying until on the day of atonement God gave him the confirmation that Israel would be atoned for so part of this atoning it's all about us being restored back into holiness so that we can be in close proximity with God and be made at one again that's that word at tone man if you broke it down at one mint God desires intimacy with us relationship but light can't coexist with darkness so he is telling us through his Torah how to get rid of the darkness and all darkness comes as a byproduct of self seeking whether it's self gratification self exaltation self adornment or idolization all forms of self lead to different forms of self-destruction to the point where God doesn't have to do anything to punish us all he has to do is allow us to experience the cause and effect of our self seeking and it leads to self-destruction and that's what's called the wrath of God in Romans 1:26 after describing how to do good by taking care of one another and relieving the oppressed you know the word of press means robbed even those that are done wronged let's say somebody has lost everything they have we're supposed to go and help that person I just say tough luck buddy we're supposed to help the new children without parents and plead for the widows without husbands and then he says that's what all builds up to this famous text that we've memorized come now says the Lord let us reason together though your sins be like scarlet I will make them white as snow even if they are red as crimson they will be like wool yes see isn't it funny how we memorize Scripture that sounds good no matter what but there's an if and we leave that out why have we not taught our children to memorize this if if you are what willing and obedient the will will never be usurped by God he'll never force us to conform to his way so we have to be willing to hear and do willing and obedient so all of this that preceded it our sins being made white as snow being washed away like wool is if we are willing and obedient but nobody teaches that nobody talks about that anymore we stop right there before and he says if you're willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land but here's that contrast if you refuse again and rebel again you will be eaten by the sword again for the mouth of the Lord has spoken and it reminds me of what James who was called Yaakov back in the day 2000 years ago he was the brother of Yeshua and he knew exactly what you schewe meant when he's talking about having faith and how God imparts faith to every man he says to believe is not enough you know how everybody promotes just believe and everything will be okay he says even the demons believe right so James really brings out in his book or Yaakov faith without works is dead then this is the beautiful thing that we're seeing here if you are willing to obedient you're gonna experience the blessings but if you refuse it's not that God's punishing you but it's just a loss of blessings it's just like a mathematical equation an if-then statement how the faithful City has become a once she was filled with justice and righteousness lodged in her but now murderers you know what day Isaiah is referring to or God through Isaiah when did Jerusalem reign with justice and righteousness it's the model that Messiah will come and reign in it's the model of the Davidic Kingdom do you know it said that King David when he would sit in his courts and people would be brought before him that had owed people money and they couldn't pay and they wanted to extract that money from this poor person and David would look at the records and say yes he did borrow so many talents of silver and so much gold and yeah I can see nothing was paid back or very little was ever paid back and state your case and the man would say I'm sorry I became sick and I couldn't pay back my intention was to pay it back and I'm you know I really still would like to be able to pay it back and I'm happy to work for the guy and the guy says no I want my money and I want it now so David says okay you do owe him so you decree that's justice right you do owe him but the righteousness comes in that they would say but I realize you can't pay so here let me pay for you and that's the model of Yeshua pain for our sins even when we can't pay and he in righteousness makes things right and that's a beautiful model that King David rained in Jerusalem with justice and with righteousness and but God is saying but now it's full of murderers you know whenever somebody just enacts a cold decree and they don't care about the and how it's going to affect a life and it reminds me of what schewe said to those in Jerusalem in his day he says you're of your father the devil he was a murderer from the beginning because there was no justice mixed with righteousness even in his day so we see this parallel between 740 BC Isaiah the God's message to Isaiah and 31 ad and even in the future so we can see three times or three phases of history that God is speaking in this dual prophetic word he says your silver is no longer pure why you know what they were doing they were mixing silver real money with copper in between now if you look at our quarters today what is America done the house of Israel has done it all over again we're robbing people with fiat currency here take some paper and I'll write an IOU on it can you give me your gold and you'll see how long that lasts how long the banking system pretty soon when everybody collapses guess who's gonna be rich the guy that took the gold and all of the common people that believed in that fiat currency are gonna be oppressed and God doesn't like when a government oppresses his people and so there is judgment even coming upon this nation same thing was happening back then nothing new Under the Sun Solomon says in Ecclesiastes your wine is mixed watered down with water once again it's this mixture and this mixture goes much further than just the literal mixture of what was happening in their day to defraud people the mixture goes deeper spiritually when we mix truth with error paganism with God's way you know Isaiah later says woe to you who call good evil and evil good there's been a mixture we've been mixing things for so long that's why in Revelation God says I wish that you were either hot or cold but because you're lukewarm which is that mixture of hot and cold it makes me want to vomit he says your leaders are rebels they're friends of thieves they all love bribes and run after gifts they give no justice to orphans the widow's complaint doesn't even catch their attention therefore says ha dong yah Havas Ava owned the Mighty One of Israel I will free myself of my adversaries because the house of Israel his children and his betrothed bride to his son has been oppressed he is gonna come and fight their battles and this is another parallel that we see in the Torah portion where he says I will take vengeance on my enemies here remember in the core portion in Deuteronomy 129 and 30 then I said to you tread not neither be afraid of them the Lord your God who goes before you he will fight for you he's talking about the Giants in the land he's gonna take care of our enemies just like he did for us in Egypt the same way before our eyes this is why we tell the story in the Haggadah a Passover to our children to remind our children how God has worked wonders for us in the past and he promises through Isaiah that he's going to work the same kind of miracles in the future and you know that is the very thing that is gonna happen when mashiac comes all the nations are gonna be gathered against Jerusalem all the world is turned against the apple of God's eye and his people and it's this very thing that is the catalyst for God coming down in the history his Word made flesh Yeshua and he's saving his people this is God's implement is what I mean of not only salvation but of saving power his saving is not only from his sin but also saving us from our enemies he he goes on to say I will take vengeance on my enemies but I will turn my hand against you I will cleanse your impurities with lye so how does God deal with our enemies with a different hand than the hand that he turns to heal us and cleanse our impurities this verse here in Isaiah 124 where he says he will free himself of his adversaries it's similar to Zechariah 2:10 referring to the land of the north and we see prophetically in Daniel 11:40 this king of the north coming down who is going to oppress Israel and also it's related to his gog in Ezekiel 38 and so we can see prophetically even how God is going to take care of our enemies that come against us but with us but those of us that desire to be cleansed that return to his ways he's gonna cleanse us as a mother would cleanse her child with lye soap you know she's gonna wash him up that's what he's saying I'm gonna clincher impurities just like with lye and remove all your alloy base metal I will restore your judges as at first here's another reference to the Torah portion but before we leave this thought of God fighting for our enemies they reminded me of a text prophetically that's in Zechariah 14 that refers to God fighting for us as in a day of battle when Jerusalem is when all the nations have come against Jerusalem they divided the city and we know the UN right now is calling for the division of Jerusalem and they want to give the east half to the Palestinians and that's where the holy mount is ayan and the Temple well Zechariah 14 says some day in the future that is gonna happen and he says behold the day of the Lord comes when thy spoil he's speaking to Jerusalem will be divided in the midst of thee so they go in they rob the houses they plunder everything they give away the land that God gave us an inheritance to Israel and he says for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken the houses will be rifle so we know the city will be taken this is a prophetic word the houses that are in East Jerusalem will be given away and plundered and the women will be raped ravished is another word for that and this is very indicative of how Islam works when they come in and take over an area and half the city shall be taken out here it is half the city a dividing line that the UN has drawn but the residue this is the leftover of the people shall not be cut off from the city there will always be a witness in Jerusalem right up to mushy ox coming including the witnesses then so this is what's happening proceeding right up to the second coming the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations this is a fulfillment of Isaiah saying that he's gonna fight our battles he's gonna fight but how does he do it his righteous right hand is the implement of his salvation it's Joshua and he says he's gonna fight as one fights in a day of battle and his feet now God is spirit he doesn't have any physical feet so this has to be talking about the Word made flesh about Yeshua his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives well what happened when you shoe ascended everybody stood saying wow I can't believe it he's gone to heaven to be our high priest I don't know when he's coming back he said soon and the angels came and they said you men of Galilee why do you stand still gazing up do you not know that he'll come back in exact like manner as he is risen so the reverse of him being caught up in the heavens with the clouds of glory and the angels from the Mount of Olives his return is that same way he's coming back to the Mount of Olives from where he ascended this is the prophetic text in the Old Testament in the Tanakh that proves that in Luke and here where it says in verse 26 I will restore your judges now that he's put our prophetic focus in the future in the Messianic age he's going to talk about the judges being restored the righteous judges who judge with justice and righteousness because Yeshua is the ultimate righteous judge and it says I will restore your judges as at the first and my counselor says at the beginning afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness beautiful Jerusalem is gonna be restored to the city of reject rights justice and the faithful City that word faithfulness is Emunah where we get the word Amen from we haven't been a very faithful bride this is why what does have has happened has had to happen but God is calling us back and through Yeshua the Living Torah riding tour upon our heart it will be called the faithful City again because this is where all his people in all the nations will learn Torah and have it written on their heart in fulfillment of Jeremiah 31 which is the new covenant the new covenant is not doing away with the Torah people quote the new covenant they say oh I'm not under the law I'm under the new covenant the new covenant says this is my covenant which I will make with the house of Israel and the house of Judah there's no covenant for the Gentiles so you better be grafted into Israel and Judah he says I will write my Torah upon their hearts that's the new covenant not doing away with it having it written upon our hearts so that we live it out so naturally that we don't even have to refer to the written word any longer it's just a natural display of our selfless nature that's come back into conformity with God's character as we are recreated in His image through Yeshua is teaching in this faithful City Deuteronomy 1:16 says I charged your judges at that time saying here the causes between your brethren and judge righteously have compassion when you're judging between two people when you're rightly dividing the word between a man and his brother and between the stranger that is with him but Israel didn't judge righteously you know it right later in Deuteronomy 32:4 there's a messianic prophecy that talks about the rock and we know who the rock of our salvation is it says the rock his work is perfect for all his ways of our justice a God of faithfulness and without iniquity remember Jerusalem is going to be called the faithful City he's without iniquity just and right is he justice and righteousness these are the two just like the other prophecies talks about justice and mercy being the office that you should the graining King will reign in this is another way of saying that justice and mercy justice and righteousness and is referring to its fulfillment in the rock one day you will judge the world with equity as he told his disciples I can do nothing on my own as I hear I judge and my judgment is just so he said you know what the unrighteous judge is somebody who has an agenda right and he does something because of a bribe over here or because he likes a person a little more than the other person and his judgment is not impartial but Yeshua says I have no agenda everything that I think and say and do is from my father him who sent me so he is the righteous the just judge in his own words he was recognizing the fulfillment of Isaiah that were reading today in himself until that time appears we pray three times a day when we say the shamone is ray which is the 18 benedictions also known as the standing prayer the omni da we say 18 different prayers which is what got summed up into the Lord's Prayer different elements of that well the eleventh section of the Amidah actually says this and we pray this daily imagined around the world three times a day millions of Jews are praying this for the restoration restore our judges as at first and our counselors as at the beginning and remove from us sorrow and may you Lord alone reign over us with kindness and compassion this is the way the Lord will reign over us through Messiah and justify us with judgment blessed are You Lord the king who loves righteousness and judgment another way of saying the same thing justice and righteousness so important for us to because he says know you not that you'll be a kingdom of priests we are to reign in justice and righteousness in every dealing in our daily walk in thought and in Word and in deed and verse 27 here after he talks about the judges being restored is the final verse of this haftorah and I'm gonna kind of look use it you know prophetically looking forward to Sian being restored and look at some of the other texts that talk about Zion being restored because we love the good news and this is the good news yes we've sinned in the past yes we have a work to do to cleanse ourselves through his power through his blood but the coal and the beautiful thing to look forward to is that not only will we be restored but his holy city will be restored and his spirit will come to dwell with men once again it says after that speaking of after the restoration of the judges in Jerusalem you will be called the city of righteousness a faithful City Sian will be redeemed by justice and those who in her who repent in righteousness there's a very deep concept Zion how is I'm gonna be redeemed Mount Zion is in Jerusalem by justice that means when Zion starts having people on it they care for one another again and are unified we'll be redeemed so there's a Redemption even for Zion even for the place where so much bloodshed has happened and us personally those in her who repent by righteousness so repentance and righteousness is the way that we are redeemed you know we often talk about being redeemed as if we have no say in it as if it's just magic but it takes repentance teshuva in the Hebrew which means returning back to the ancient path returning back to God's ways of selfless love and that is what is righteousness because righteousness is right doing and everything that has its origins and selfless love and the character of God is right doing this is why it talks about our redemption being by justice mish pot taking care of one another and repentance and right doing righteousness and this is where the haftorah ends but I always like to look a little bit further at some of the other texts may the righteous judge return to establish his rule in our day amen you know 2nd Samuel 815 who Yeshua is said to as mashiac when he comes back to reign as king and establishes his kingdom it says he will sit on the throne of David and this is why this very principle that we were reading about today David reigned over all Israel so we have to be unified and it's gonna be a unified Kingdom again just like the Davidic monarchy and David executed what did he do oh why is mashiac said to be like David so much because David executed justice and righteousness to all his people he was a perfect example of mashiac except for the bloodshed the only reason why he couldn't build the temple he was a type of meat mushiya we look at all Kings who are anointed by God as mushy ox so David was a mushy ock but he's not the Messiah that's been prophesied about because he still had sin in his life there's only one who came and had no sin and that's Yeshua so Messiah is to reign on the throne of David and were told in Isaiah just nine chapters later from what we're reading today about justice and truth the prophecy of this coming child now they didn't realize that this would come in two different comings a child's gonna be born a son given to us and the government of David and it's ultimately the government of God over Jerusalem over God's people will be upon his shoulders and his name is called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace char Shalom that the government may be increased is it gonna be increased yes David's kingdom is nothing compared to the Messianic kingdom and of his peace because he's the Prince of Peace and we serve a God of peace amen there's no mixture of violence mixed with peace he's only peace and this is what has to be eradicated out of our mindset to no force no violence no coercion no manipulation the God of peace is going to establish his kingdom of peace in the city of peace Jerusalem means city of peace by the Prince of Peace and he's going to teach the principles of peace from Torah that the government may be increased and there will be no end of that peace upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to establish it to uphold it through justice and through righteousness now how many times have we read this prophecy but not correlated it back to the scriptures actually saying that David reigned in that same aspect of justice and righteousness and it says he will reign this way from henceforth forever and ever afterwards so Zion will be redeemed with justice that's acts of kindness to our fellow man and her repentant ones may that be us with righteousness we will be redeemed by right doing and the only way to know what's right and what's wrong is from God's Word so we need to return to it Isaiah - - just a few verses after where we end our haftorah it says it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains and she'll be lifted up above the hills and all the nations shall flow to it so this is beautiful the light is gonna flow from God through Yeshua and he tells his twelve disciples there's a hierarchy of the flow of truth in love he told his disciples who walked with him three and a half years know ye not that you will reign on twelve Thrones with me over the house of Israel you will basically be teaching Israel these principles of love principles of Torah that I taught you in person took them to the next level because his disciples understood that and saw the ultimate act of that love in his self-sacrificing sacrifice self total self-denial that they are fit to be above all of Israel so you have God's light of love and truth flowing down through Yeshua through his 12 apostles then to Israel and from Israel then they will teach the nations remember Paul even said that Israel teach nations so there is a flow through a hierarchy of light and truth depending on how much we understand God and how closely we have walked with him Thoms 102 David even talked about the same principle of Zion being restored he says you will arise and have mercy on Zion for the time to favor her yes the set time God has a perfect set time to restore her has it's beautiful when you bring all the scripture into it you understand just a simple principle like Zion being redeemed not just our redemption is so prevalent throughout scripture Isaiah 62 says for Zions sake I will not keep silent for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet till her righteousness shines out like the dawn and her salvation like a blazing torch this is the way it's gonna be in the Millennial Kingdom that Millennial Kingdom that 1000 year period where Messiah reigns starts at the year 7,000 from creation so it is a millennial Shabbat it's a time of rest and peace just like we enter into every week that the weekly Shabbat points forward to because this is the time where we're supposed to become reconnected with him and to have tore it apart and that's exactly what's happening in the Millennial Shabbat as well the nations during that time I want you to think about this as the Millennium will see your righteousness and all Kings will see your glory and you will be called by a new name remember he's talking about the city that the mouth of the Lord will bestow that name is Hepzibah and that's another interesting teaching if you look at the name even we are given a new name that no one knows but ourselves Jerusalem is given a new name Yeshua is given a name king of kings and Lord of lords and everyone is given a new name why what's the importance with a name a name is always indicative of character as our character changes our name changes just like jacob's name was changed when his he got a new revelation and he overcame he became Israel which was a superlative name to Jacob Avram which means exalted father God doesn't want him to misunderstand that self exaltation is the way to go so he as the hey at the end of his name and he becomes Avril Homme which means father of mini and so I have a whole nother connotation realizing the prophetic fulfillment in his own seed and everyone's named Sarah from Sarai once she grew spiritually she became Sarah that hey at the end which is like a little window means there's something more to reveal and you know what there's something more to reveal in our character too we are being recreated in the image of God in these days that's what sanctification is all about so we will be given a new name which shows that you are an overcomer that you have become victorious the Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins he will make her deserts like Eden her wastelands like the Garden of the Lord he's basically talking about restoring it back to the Garden of Eden state joy and gladness will be found in her Thanksgiving and the sound of singing listened to me my people hear me my nation the Torah will go out from me I want you to look at your Bibles with a whole new eye set because it's been translated many times and in English in the King James Version law was substituted for the word Torah if you go back you can even use a Strong's Concordance everywhere where it says law it's same Torah and they do this because the enemy wants you to think law it sounds so restrictive rules and restrictions I don't want that No and so you what's that handcuffs yeah exactly when God's law is a law of love and freedom it frees us not only from sin but from the loss of blessings and so he's saying hear me my people the Torah my instruction just like a loving father's instruction and how a child should live to be blessed it's gonna go out from me my justice will come a light to the nation's my mishpat my love and how to love your fellow man it's gonna go out as a light to the nation's we have to teach the nation's how to live they've been so far removed from God's ways that's Isaiah 51 so you can see it in many different places back to Isaiah 62 and verses 11 and 12 it says the Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth say to the daughter of Zion see your Savior comes see his reward is with him and all his recompense accompanies him they will be called the holy people the redeemed of the Lord and you will be called sought after the city no longer deserted this is the good news but we have a part to play in it and that's returning to God's instructions to keep our eyes on him even if we look at ourselves there's a trap in that right because we by beholding you become changed into that same likeness so if I look at something I don't like myself I only become more like that if I look at you I only become more like you if I look at the television I only become more like the world we need to keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith and become recreated in His image and then we will be called the holy people truly redeemed by the Lord and we will be living out our lives in justice acts of kindness to one another and righteousness perfect selfless love in accordance with his word may that be fulfilled speedily and in our day amen let's stand and pray Abba Father thank you Lord for revealing your word to us which is always pointing forward to your restoration and your redemption through Yeshua the Messiah we love you we thank you and we just pray that your spirit would come upon us to help us keep our eyes on you through every different aspect of life and everything that life brings all of us are dealing with different aspects father you know each one of our needs we just pray that you would help remind us to keep our eyes on you and your beautiful character of selfless love so that by beholding we can become change into your likeness and be a part of your holy people and be restored to your kingdom we look forward to that day and may we be a bride without spot or blemish in the day that Messiah comes this is our prayer father in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 5,985
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah, Devarim, Isaiah 1, Jerusalem, prophecy, end time prophecy, God's rebuke of sin, Repent, repentance, teshuva, return, renew, restoration
Id: SJdGB7jfF2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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