[422] Jess Hull's La Gard Challenge Lock Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a challenge lock pinned up by jess hall and put into a lagarde padlock now if you've heard the name Lagarde before it's probably in reference to safe locks they're very well known for the safe locks they produce however to my knowledge this is the only padlock they have ever made they came without cores and were designed to accept most standard key in knobs cylinders it just so happens that I have a very similar lock or I think the exact same one that I've put a Medeco core into now something interesting about the internal design of these locks there is a spring right up in the top here that presses down on the core what I believe that spring does is allow this lock to accept key and knob cylinders of slightly different lengths but as a practical matter for picking particularly of a challenge lock it puts drag on the core it makes it a little bit tougher to turn I guess for lack of a better term and it certainly makes any challenge lock that you put inside of it a little bit more difficult so we're going to see what it takes to get into this lock it has looks like pretty good bidding some tall ones in the back a little little low one in the middle there okay let's see what it takes to get into this guy we have a Schlage SC key way that we're going to use top of the key way tension on with a 50,000 s pry bar and I'm going to use a standard hook in 25 thousandths okay number one got a little click there - gotta click out of him another click nothing else out of him 3 click nothing else for now a couple clicks out of four nothing on five and six is loose back to one click there nothing on two three four is loose five nothing there or six is loose as well see one two three four okay five maybe is binding a bit nope nothing okay six definitely getting a little feedback on him and I got a little bit more movement out of the core back to one two three four okay five is where the action is now got to click out of him and another one nothing on six back to one - okay feet back on three got a lot of movement on the core on that one 4.click there five I think that's everything out of five and six back to one two three four up five maybe I didn't get enough out of him okay heard some things drop but got a lot of movement out of five and getting movement out six again okay and getting feedback on six but he is not moving releasing pretty much all tension he's still not moving something strange there let's go back to the beginning one two three four five oh six is six is where the action is there's just something there we go got something out of six back to one two three four five six back to one and that opened us up okay wow what a tricky little lock from Jess certainly took me more than a few minutes to get into so Jess I understand this is one of your early efforts that may be so but you did a great job on that so let's take this apart and see what's inside now to take this lock apart let's actually what we need to do is take the shackle turn it backwards and down to that little line you see and after that we need to turn the key in the opposite direction unfortunately you can't do that while this pin is in place so what we have to do is knock the pin into the into the padlock body and then after we do that we should be able to disassemble or get the shackle out and then we can start the disassembly process okay okay we got that pin in now we should be able to yep remove the shackle let's get the tray over here and next order of business is removing two Allen screws after we do this the entire bottom of the lock should drop out into our hand okay now we have that big spring I was telling you about yep the lock itself our screws and that pin that we knocked into the body now let me make a couple of notes here the first one is that these are the hulls I guess that go into the shackle and hold it shut we hold it up like this you can see that is how it looks in the lock and it's this nylon piece right here that keeps it from turning that nylon piece is directly connected to the core however I do not like using plastic and locks and my thought on defeating this lock is that if we heat this end up enough to melt or soften this nylon you could just go down with a shim and turn this piece and open the lock in addition I'm not entirely sure what this lock body is made out of but it looks to me like it might be cast zinc if that is the case it certainly would be susceptible to melting down but we are not here to critique the padlock we are here to see what is in this really well done challenge lock so let's get this back piece off now we need a key and the follower okay start dumping these key pins out standard in one homemade serrated in two homemade spooled in three homemade spooled in four standard in five it looks like a single serration on number six let's get these arranged and then we will get all the driver pins out okay on the drivers number one is a serrated t pin okay it looks like our springs are different number two has a single serration let's try to dump these springs out one by one I need to use my little spring hook because that guy's not coming out seems like this lock is pretty gummed up on the inside okay number three has a single serration in it and again a spring that's a little shy coming out okay looks like a 80 pin with a deep serration at tears the spring let's get the final two out from the back number six a spool with some t pin like narrowing on the bottom okay and number five looks like a a spool with some serrations in it and another shy spring very small looks like a cut-down spring so very little tension on number five at all and let's get a flashlight and see if we can see any sort of threading in the core in the Bible I mean and I don't see anything nope doesn't look like any threading there so we certainly have some in the core that I'll show you right now okay so here are our pens let's start looking at the key pins first number one and five are standard number two has some homemade serrations in it same four three four and six then moving up to the driver pins we have a serrated T pin in slot one a single serration in two and three a t pin with serrations on four looks like a spool with some serrations on the belly of the spool and number five and a spool with little t pin narrowing on the bottom in number six we have a few different Springs looks like one three four and six are the same and we have a different slightly lighter spring in slot two and a cut-down spring in slot five which gives us very little tension then moving over to this core looks like we have a a construction key ball right there so you might just be stuck in there with grease probably just leftover okay we have four chambers that are threaded number one two three and six I'm sorry two three four and six and then one and five are unchanged and nothing else noteworthy about that core so Jess excellent job putting this lock together it certainly gave me a little bit of trouble took me a few minutes to get into part of the challenge was this spring that was pressing down on the core and giving me some dampened feedback on the core so I don't know if that was your plan and putting it in this lagarde padlock or you just wanted to send me a really cool and interesting lock body but it certainly made things a little bit more difficult okay that's all I've got Jess thanks again to everyone else if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you liked this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 630,125
Rating: 4.9569511 out of 5
Id: -F5McHk2bQw
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Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2017
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