[182] How I Practice Lock Picking

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and I don't have a picking video for you today I wanted to talk about a topic that you probably haven't heard much about at least not from YouTube there are many many instructional videos about lock-picking on YouTube some better than others but all of these videos seem to be focused on providing the basic information needed to manipulate locks and that's very important of course but none of them focus on how to develop yourself into a better picker and I wanted to give you some thoughts that I have on that topic today now if there's one thing I want you to take away from this video it's this there is a huge difference between learning how to pick a lock and learning how to pick locks that's a very important distinction and I think that many people become frustrated with picking because they taught themselves to pick particular locks and not how to pick locks now this lock you see in front of you is an example it's just a little Schlage key and knob cylinder and a new picker wanting to learn how to pick this type of lock may get a lock just like this and start picking it now the first time might take a while the second time be a little bit faster by the 10th or 20th time they're probably flying through this lock and it's because they've learned the binding order how it feels the exact sweet spot for tensioning the lock and all the little peculiarities of the lock that we exploit when we pick the problem is that after going through that process and learning how to pick this lock they think they've mastered this kind of lock but then when they see another similar one they have to start the whole process over again and learn how to pick another individual lock and while I'm sure is it's helpful and people do learn things from this I don't think the process really helps us develop to our potential now my view is is to get the most out of your practice session at least for me you need to approach each lock as if it's one you've never seen before now you obviously can't do that with a lock you just pick 15 times in a row how do you do it well it's really pretty simple you never pick the same lock for than once in a row so instead of picking this little Sh leg ten times in a row I take out a tray like this filled with similar locks and I mix them all up and I start picking them one by one all the way through and this is a mix of five and six pin locks with random bidding about half of them I put security pins in and with this many locks I'm never able to remember the peculiarities of each lock so it's like picking a new lock each time and once I finish up I mix them up and start again and I do this for every single kind of lock out there when I wanted to learn tubular locks went out on eBay went bargain hunting and found I don't even have half left I've given most my way but I found a whole bunch of tubular locks and I went through the exact same process and what else do I do when practicing C I sit down to watch a movie I'll bring a carabiner full of locks like this these are all 1,100 s all used off of ebay and I start picking them always always mixing them up never picking them in the same order or the same one more than once in a row I do the same thing another good practice lock out there these master these master lotto locks and I have carabiner similar to this full of gosh at least another half dozen different kinds of locks and one of my favorite locks to pick is multi locks and I take the same approach to them I take out my tray of multi locks or multi lock clones as as these two are and I just pick them never in the same order never more than once in a in a row for each one now the point of this is is every time I see a lock when I'm practicing it's like I'm picking that lock for the first time and it's it's especially great for things like these multi locks where if you pick one more than two or three times in a row you've pretty much mastered it if you like at least if you were paying attention but if you mix them up and go through them one by one you'll never remember you know what the peculiarities of this little lock were after you've picked another ten of them and get back to it now you're probably thinking that doing something like this would cost a fortune and thinking now I can never do something like that and it's true it would cost a lot to do this unless you're smart about it with the exception of some of the multi locks every single lock I just showed you was the result of some serious eBay bargain hunting those key and knob cylinders were about 30 cents apiece the tubular locks well under a dollar these 1,100 s here averaged about 4 bucks apiece the master lot owes about $3 apiece and most of these locks after I think I've spent enough time with them I resell all but a couple of them on eBay so this can be done without breaking the bank but this is the process that I think teaches us to pick locks as opposed to learning how to pick particular locks and I think it's what develops us into better Packers now to see this in action if you haven't watched my very first video video number one I encourage you to go back and watch it it's a video of part of a practice session when I had only been picking for a couple of months as you'll see I take one after another of 1100s and I just picked them as soon as I pick one I take it out of the vise put a new one in and keep going I think I've improved a lot since then but this video is pretty representative of my picking practice even now so a final thought I know that picking style and development is something that's very personal to each picker but I really would encourage you to give this a try especially if you're just starting out and see if you think it helps can't hurt that's all I have for now if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,033,387
Rating: 4.9691038 out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, How to Practice Lock Picking, Instructional Video
Id: xhcKAClO-AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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