[318] Banggood 12 Piece Pick Set and Transparent Padlock Review

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I picked up this set of lockpicks about a month ago, and I've enjoyed my time picking with them (it was my first time trying to pick locks). Do you think it would be worth getting more expensive picks now that i'm getting into this hobby, or should I keep with these for now?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gussy1z ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and today I have something a little bit different for you a couple of weeks ago the folks over at banggood.com reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to review some of their lock-picking tools including the 12 piece set you see in front of you I said yes obviously because the set is sitting right there however I also asked that they send me one other item and it's something I've wanted to review on this channel for some time now because I use it often and it's something that I consider to be a must-have item for anyone who picks dimple box and I'll show you what that is in the next day or so I just wanted to give you a little teaser now but first let's talk about the kit that you see here first price a lot of the appeal to some of the Chinese sets are is that they are very very inexpensive and this is no exception this entire set with the lock is sixteen dollars if you look on banggood this lock by itself usually goes for about seven bucks so we're looking at a nine or ten dollar pic set and I wasn't expecting a whole lot of it but I have to say this is probably one of the more surprising reviews I'm going to probably ever make because I was pretty impressed with this for the price first let's talk about what you get as I mentioned we have this acrylic lock it is a great learning tool for beginners it's something that you can look at see how a lock works you can stick a pick in you can see how your movements translate into motion on the pins you can watch the core turn all in all it's a excellent tool for teaching lock picking and concepts now I heard I hear people every now and then refer to these as practice locks they are not that these are poor poor practice locks but they are excellent teachers next moving over let's look at the pics themselves we have twelve of them Profiles it's actually a pretty good selection we have a standard hook here a medium hook a triple peak rake a city rake a double peak rake a half diamond a snowman it's actually something that come to appreciate quite a bit lately because they are awesome at opening wafer locks and we have another double peak rake profile another City rake this next one I don't know what to call that I guess a squared off hook of some kind then we have a broken key extractor and a large half diamond moving up we have three tension tools we have a large wiper insert folded into a Z bar then a small wiper insert and then we have a Y bar and I don't think I've ever used one of these on this channel however this particular one is probably the most useful tension wrench in this set and I'll show you why that is in a moment finally we have the case here as you would expect it's something at this price point it's not leather it's plastic it's not particularly well made but it does do the job again price point is the key here and when you look at this set compare it to the high end picks and I have a couple of sitting right here we have our southward max right here this is about twelve dollars and we have a sparrow standard hook I think four or five dollars a peterson hook this one I think is roughly eight dollars you can see it's the price per pick is actually quite high now do I think these are worth it obviously I have them I spent the money for it incredibly durable steel but when you view these picks it's important to remember what they are in context with these particular picks depending on how you count I think it's roughly 70 cents apiece so keep that in mind there's obviously going to be compromises the first is the type of Steel in a pic like this you have 301 stainless max hardness it's an expensive steel it's an extremely durable steel it's something that will withstand a ton of abuse not the case with these these are high carbon steel bits on the on the pics themselves and that's there's nothing wrong with that that's what people have been using for pics for a lot of years and been doing really well with it now where a lot of the Chinese makers mess up is in the tempering and that's when you get pics that Bend really easily in the lock and really aren't very good not the case here I actually used one of these picks it's the one on the left and I'll describe this in a moment to pick probably about a hundred locks in my review process and as you can see absolutely no deformation it held up perfectly so could we have better material yes is it adequate absolutely it's adequate the next issue has to do with fit and finish let's compare these two picks the one on the left is the one I used for a while I spent some time sanding off the rough edges on it and if you look at the one on the right I hope you'll be able to appreciate this on video we have some really really sharp edges you're not going to be able to slide this through a lock you're going to have to spend a few minutes with some sandpaper to smooth this out before you use it and that goes for all of these picks I did that for for this pick I spent roughly I'd say four minutes with a piece of sandpaper just smoothing it off and after that it seemed to work okay and that's actually not so unusual you know for the more expensive picks I'd like to think that we don't have to sand them down but unfortunately we normally do and in fact I can find it here there we go in my pick case I always keep a little piece of sandpaper because I end up filing my picks down pretty often with it to smooth out little bumps and things so if you do get this set be prepared to spend some time with it upfront you're going to have to spend on each pick a few minutes smooth it out but you'll never have to do it again so in my review process I did take one of the pics I smoothed it out I got it in good shape it's our standard hook and I picked a ton of locks with it I just went to my collection started out with the cheaper stuff quick sets legs master locks moved on to American locks we did some Stanley's some Lockwood's and Corben's excuse me went through just a ton of locks and after all of that even with my really tension heavy picking method and look at that absolutely straight as an arrow I did not smooth this out or bend this back at all it just passed anything I mean it it withheld the abuse I threw at it with flying colors now can I bend it yeah if I was trying to bend it I could but for normal picking this pick is actually going to hold up pretty well I think on to the tension wrenches there is a deficiency here and it's not just with fit and finish although these tension wrenches do have the same issues that the other ones have this narrow one is really too flexible to be of much use for anything I tried using it in a lot of different locks and I don't think I was able to pick with it even once the larger one was too large for for many locks and I ended up using for almost all of my testing this as a top of the key way tension wrench and what I did was I actually push the two Y prongs together and used it like that to tension locks and it works out really really well for that I was actually surprised by it in fact let's do a little bit of picky we need picking in every video let's see okay one two three four five six okay in any case the this.y tension wrench is what I ended up using most of the time if you do get this set it might be worth picking up a couple more tension wrenches or stop by your local pep boys on a weekend get some old used windshield wipers take the inserts out and make some of your own it's really easy it's really cheap so overall what do I think of this set well for a beginner who doesn't want to spend much money this actually can be a viable option I wasn't expecting to reach that conclusion I was expecting to have these pics of far lower quality the fit and finish as I said is a bit of a problem but it's a fixable problem the pics themselves however they held up to the abuse I I put them through so if you're on a a budget if you're a beginner if you want to try out lock picking and you don't mind spending a little bit of time to finish these and get them get them into picking shape this could be a good set for you how do you get it well there'll be a link in the description if you want to get it from banggood.com they have offered a discount code that I believe will be in the description as well so check that out as far as this set goes next month I'll be including this in my giveaway I think my practice for most of my review products will be to give it away to users when I'm done with them so that's all I have for you on this 12 piece set if you have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you have any if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,974,148
Rating: 4.9413939 out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, Banggood, Tranparent Padlock, 12 Piece Pick Set, Lock Picking Lawyer, Lockpicking Lawyer, LockPickingLawyer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2016
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