[295] Iseo Perfecta Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and the lock i have for you today is quite unusual in the united states but i'm told common in italy it is the isaiah perfecta now the keys to this lock look absolutely wild look at these things you would think there is the most complex locking mechanism around in there but in fact this is a really really simple lock there's only four pins and it's probably the hardest four pin lock you'll ever run across the pins are at the end of the keyway so here here here and here and you just press down on them much like a a tubular lock and you can see the different cuts on the key but it's a little bit more complicated than that to open the lock that this is attached to and i'll show you that at the end of the video and it's a really cool looking lock you have to rotate this core 360 degrees and when you do that you will engage each of these pins twice so those four pins becomes eight pins then we also have very deep counter milling making you pick each of the pins twice so the eight pins become 16 pins so it starts getting a little bit more complicated in addition to that we have a couple other anti-pick mechanisms right in the middle we have a spring-loaded button that's normally pressed down by this portion of the key if you don't press down on that button the entire time that you pick two things will happen first you'll rotate the core without rotating the tailpiece behind it so essentially you'll be doing nothing while you pick and second you will get the core and the lock out of sync which isn't a big problem if you have a key but it can be a big problem if you're a picker finally we have a trap pin it's located right down here and it engages twice first when you pass this active pin and second when it passes this active pin and you might think you can just take an l-shaped piece of metal and release the trap pin but there's two blocking pins in place here and here they look like the normal active pins but there's no drivers behind them and those pins job appears to be to block your access to this active pin when it's in this position so to address that and to release the trap pin which you have to do twice during the pick i made this little tool out of wire so let's get started and let me turn it this way so you're not just looking at my fingers as i pick to press that button down i'm going to be using this tension tool it came in one of these chinese kits and it was totally worthless until i discovered this lock and i'll tell you it couldn't be more perfect so i press down apply some tension and i'm just going to use a wiper insert to press down on these pins it's a little bit difficult but it keeps my fingers out of your way okay getting a couple clicks at all these things just going around hmm okay we're probably close come on what's the last pin you would think it'd be a lot easier for just four pins but it does put up a little bit of a fight there's no two ways about that there we go okay we started turning now what i have to do is insert this little tool such that i can hold that pin down while i turn the core and if i do this right the trap pin won't engage at all okay i think i got it sorry for blocking your view there for a moment let's keep turning and the normal pins engaged again so let's see if we can take care of them one here there we go one there now we're in the counter milling so okay now the two more pins engaged right there and right there up and let me get my special tool in before we pass the trap pin again okay hopefully yup there we go and there we go 360 degrees what a journey for this thing so four pins but this lock puts up some fight okay let's uh let's take this guy apart so you can see what's inside of it okay i have a bunch of screws from taking the larger mechanism apart and we've got some slotted screws to take the core apart okay there's a good chance that i'm going to lose some pieces as i got this because it is not terribly user friendly okay here's the back plate a spring that spring operates the the button i told you about in the center of the keyway and there is that button i'll put it right there and this is i guess what we would call the lock body where all the driver pins go and let's see if we can pull that out without doing too much damage okay here are our four driver pins and the trap pin so i told you about these four pins and this is that trap pin that engages these two chambers as we picked around let me dump all of them out somehow okay one two i'll put the trap pin over in number six away from the others okay now let's get this portion of it out and let's see if i can just shove it out in a way that we don't lose too many of the pins okay and here we have all of our key pins and let me and i also mentioned those blocking pins those blocking pins are here and here and if you look at the lock body you'll see that there is no actually i guess it goes this way there's no associated driver pin for them here or here so i think their sole purpose is to block your access to this pin when you're at 90 degrees to the keyway okay let's dump all of these out figure out where these go as i put it back together and our two blocking pins we'll put in slot five five and six okay let's see let's put a key up here and i will show you that core and finally let me get the larger lock and i'll put that in the back here as a surprise for us after we're done with the rest okay sorry for making a mess and for taking so long but let's take a look at all these pins you can see that we have our four key pins in slots one two three and four looks like there's a little rust on them so probably steel i would guess hardened steel we have our four driver pins in slots five and six we have our two blocking pins and slot seven we have the trap pin then in slot eight we have the mechanism that makes it such that you need to put that constant spring pressure in the center of the core moving over to the core we can see on the left side we have the body where the driver pins go into you can see our four active pins and the trap pin at the bottom then over here on the turning part of the core you can see pretty deep counter milling in our four active slots and you can see the two holes for the blocking pins and finally one last look at that really really cool key really interesting but not as complex as you might think finally let's take a look at the lock that this goes to and it is a beast here we go right here there it is this thing has five huge locking bolts and you do need a full 360 degree turn on it before it will open up so clearly this was meant to to keep a gorilla out or something not something that you're going to kick in too easily a really nice solid lock so that's everything i have for you on this isaiah perfecta if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,452,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, Iseo, Iseo Perfecta, Perfecta, Standard Pins, Trap Pins, Lock Picking Lawyer, Lockpicking Lawyer, LockPickingLawyer
Id: Szbkxjs5WFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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