[576] LoboJack HS-21 Hidden Shackle Padlock Picked

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is the Lobo Jack motto HS 21 hidden shackle padlock now I had never heard of the Lobo Jack company prior to ordering this lock and by the time I received the lock all I knew was that they had some pretty good customer service how do I know this well as it turns out this is the second Lobo Jack product I received unfortunately when I got the first lock the key would not turn the full hundred and eighty degrees required to open the shackle that probably means I either have the wrong key or there was some assembly error in the core in any case as soon as I told Lobo Jack they immediately sent me a brand new lock so obviously I have no complaints there but I wanted to know more about the Lobo Jack company so I went to their website and that automatically redirects you to their Amazon store which sells this lock one other Lobo Jack branded padlock and then an eclectic collection of products ranging from shovels to showerheads to welding gloves couple other padlocks branded under the name Centurion but nothing really that told me what Lobo Jack was as a company and I had pretty much given up trying to find out more when I got really really lucky I just sat down to pick this lock when I received a text message from Urban Hawk who some of you may know to be one of the most knowledgeable people in this country on Chinese mechanical locks and when I mentioned to him whitlock I was working on he immediately told me that he was familiar with it and that it was made by the Foshan non-high when Rui lock factory and lest I completely butcher that name again let's just call it the f NW lock factory so I looked it up and sure enough they sell this under the factory brand name which is MOC and also listed on Alibaba for export in quantity so it appears that Lobo jack is an importer of Chinese product and then they resell them on eBay and their amazon store but that doesn't answer the question of whether this is a quality lock so let's take a closer look at it and to give you some cliff notes right up front I think the answer is mostly yes this is a hidden shackle padlock which means the shackle the portion that engages with the chain or a hasp is completely shrouded inside of the lock body that means you can't get to it with bolt cutters or with a grinding wheel or a saw without completely obliterating the lock body itself and on this particular lock the lock body is pretty beefy this is made out of 304 stainless steel which means it's never going to rust on you if there's one downside to it it's that you can't harden it to the standards of other steels that means you can probably saw and drill through this with normal hand tools though this is probably beefy enough that that would be a pretty significant task this law cannot be non-destructively disassembled but I'm pretty sure how it goes together if we look right here you can see we have the lock core itself that's held in place with a tiny little pin that you can barely see right here and you actually couldn't see that when I first got the lock but I gave the lock a couple of whacks with a urethane hammer and that dislodged that pin just enough that we could see the outline of it so that's what holds the core in place behind the core we probably have a rotating actuator right about here and then there's a hole drilled through this side of the lock which in cases a ball-bearing locking mechanism and probably some sort of spring-loaded mechanism so that the shackle is retained when it's in the open position all in all my at least why I assumed to be in there it's a pretty competent lock I really don't see how else they could make this work with what I see on this lock the core of course is a disc detainer core we insert the key turn it 180 degrees we feel the mechanism is pretty gritty in there you can certainly feel it when you open it with the key and you can definitely feel when you put a lockpick in there if I had to guess as to why that is it's it's an artifact of the really nice finish that we have on the lock obviously someone spent some time with a belt grinder making this lock looking nice and pretty but they probably did that after the core was installed which means we got a lot of metal dust and probably aluminum oxide grit inside of that core in any case now that we have this key rotated that shackle opens up easily no issues there if I had one concern about the overall build of this lock I'd have to say it's with that tiny little pin right there and my concern is whether or not you could pull this core out with something like a slide hammer that tiny little pin there depending on how deep it is it might not be enough to hold this core in maybe that's something we can test in a future video on the lock that doesn't work but what we're gonna do today is see what it takes to pick into this lock so the first thing we do on most disk detainer locks is rotate all of those disks as far clockwise as they will go okay then I'm going to get my chinese-made disc detainer pic I should mention that normally if this were in use and you were going to pick this it would be up against a door or a wall and I'd have to remove one of these screws I tried doing that and I could open it easy enough unfortunately what I had to do was hold it like this and you couldn't see anything so I decided to put that screw back on my disc detainer pick and pick this in the way that gives you the best view possible so that's it you can see everything so I'm tensioning off of the first disc so let's find the second disc second disc is binding got a click out of him third disc binding again got a click there fourth disc little click out of 4/5 feels loose so let's leave him alone for now sixth is binding tightly got a click there 7th there we go opened it up now I will say I did not feel any false gates in any of the discs here I am aware that bill recently did a video on the same locks and he had mentioned that he could feel false gates in his I played with this lock for probably a half hour trying to feel false gates I didn't feel anything and I should also mention that I took out this lock and while it will not open with the key I can pick it open and I could not feel any false gates in this one either so I don't know maybe Bills lock was gritty and it felt like false gates or maybe we got locks from different batches but what I can tell you with certainty is that there are no false gates in either of the locks that I have now is that a security flaw in the real world probably not the tools and skills required to pick this detainer of course tend to be relatively uncommon so I probably would not hesitate to use a lock like this my only real world concern about the security happens to be what I mentioned before that tiny little pin in the back and whether that's enough to hold this core it but maybe that's something we'll test in a future video that's all I have for you today if you do have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,388,557
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Id: KoIsJohXoLY
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Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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