[275] Hugo "Cobra" 61P Padlock (6 Trap Pins!) Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock picking lawyer and the lock i have for you today is the cobra 61p padlock from hugo locks i don't see many of these hugo locks in the u.s they're apparently a company out of frankfurt germany not too many of their locks make it across the atlantic but there's a few really really interesting things in their lineup and that brings me to why this lock is apart at the beginning of our video it's because this core right here has some features that are sufficiently unusual that i'd like you to see them before we start picking so you have a better understanding of what i'm doing this core is hugo's i believe the model is gr5s it's at the top of their lineup it's a six pin dimple lock you can see a pretty nice little keyway there six active pins another five passive pins but the real show are these three little silver dots you see on that side and again on the other side and what they are are trap pins we have six of them and even more interesting than having six trap pins which is the most i've ever seen on a lock is the fact that they all engage at the exact same time to open this lock you have to turn the core clockwise and if you think about the way these trap pins are arranged in there they're actually at both at 45 degree angles so they're they're angled like this when you turn this core 45 degrees your three trap pins on the left will drop into the side of the keyway and your three trap pins in on the right will drop above the key pins so all of them engage at the same time that obviously is going to be a problem so we'll have to get a little bit creative in dealing with it and i have to say as i did brainstorm on ways to deal with these trap pins i ran across what can only be described as a design flaw that we can take advantage of to open this padlock so let me put all of this back together and then we will pick it and afterwards take this core apart and you can see all the internal pieces okay be right back okay we got the lock back together so let's get to picking as we do that let's talk about the challenges that we'll we'll face first it's a really really heavy lock so it's going to be difficult to hold we have a thick retainer plate and a spinner that this core is behind so we're picking at a core that's well set into the lock then we have i think i showed you before some really nasty bidding there i'm sorry wording there and what we're going to have to do is use a curved pick to get the higher set pins i don't use a curved flag very often but for locks like this it's absolutely necessary finally let's talk about picking direction which is the largest challenge of picking this lock we have to pick this lock in the clockwise direction we have to tension it in the clockwise direction what i would normally do is pick in the counterclockwise direction unfortunately there is no way we can fit a pick on the left side of the pins there we're going to have to put it in on the right side that means we'll be picking in the clockwise direction also what that means is that it will be very very hard to allow counter rotation when we're picking it makes a relatively easy pick if we were picking it counterclockwise into a very difficult pick so let's get some tension in here and get started okay one's loose two's loose three is binding got a click out of him four binding a little bit a little bit of counter rotation okay i think we got four set okay click out of five make sure i didn't drop anything else we're good and let's see on six okay little counter rotation there let's go back to the beginning one's loose two's loose click out of three okay four definitely dropped down when we pick six so putting him back up okay i think four set five and six back to the beginning okay one was binding we got a click out of him two is binding okay and i think we're open now i am not going to rotate this too far as i mentioned we are really really close to trap pins coming in from the right and from the left the ones on the left will drop into the keyway and we can deal with that by just putting this tension wrench down the side of the keyway there that will prevent any of them from falling down and there's no way we can prevent them from dropping into the key pin holes well we could stuff it with dental floss or something like that but we're not going to do that let me just turn this and drop the trap pins okay the trap pins dropped and right now you can see there's a massive amount of movement when those trap pins are set that's because they're really really deep spools that makes them hard to pick out of the way but what it also does is allow that motion and i'm referenced before a design flaw with this lock well at the far end of that motion the padlock opens so you can actually open the lock without dealing with any of the trap pins it's kind of pointless to put this core in this lock so what we will have to do though is take care of those trap pins before we can put take this core apart to gut it so let me do that now they should be under slots two four and six okay counter rotation on two i think we got that one set i don't oh there we go there's the one on four okay we got him set let's see there we go i think that was the one under four now and let's check for six that one's not falling down let me actually reopen this what i sometimes have to do is keep pressure on the shackle because the shackle will stop the core from turning okay i think we got two no definitely nothing from two okay four counter rotation i think we got him six counter rotation there we go got him okay so the trap pins are a little bit difficult to open but not too bad now let's take this lock apart and i can show you what's inside first thing we have to do to gut this lock is remove the shackle it's one of those locks where the security nut is on the same side that the shackle is secured a few other locks that do that the stanleys do that i'm not really sure why it really makes taking them apart rather difficult and unnecessarily so but that's what we've got to do okay we got the shackle out now a different size hex wrench we'll remove the security nut okay we got that out let's get our tray over here so we don't lose any of these parts okay now once we got the security nut out this retainer will slide out the retainer holds the the spinner as well we'll take a closer look at them in a moment and here is the core okay to take this core apart we need to remove the clip on the back there we go that came off pretty easily now let's get a key and a follower and of course we are going to have to be very very careful when we take this out so we don't drop any of those trap pins i think probably sideways is the best way to do this and okay we dropped a bulb geez okay um first things first i seem to have dropped what are those pins five and six i think they go in this way based on what i felt then we also dropped a ball bearing where did that go oh here it is i'll put that ball bearing in slot eight that went right in the side of the core there and i think that was just a detent giving it some sort of bias to center now we have five passive pins on the bottom let me try to drop them in the associated number slot and let's get the rest of these key pins out now okay that wasn't too bad let's get these arranged just a little bit better and something you may not have noticed but these passive pins are actually different sizes as adds for a lot of new possibilities with master keying and key control okay number one is a standard steel pin okay let's get let's spring out okay now in two we have actually three pins we have to get out we have the first trap pin the second trap pin and then the normal driver pin which appears to also be a steel anti-drill pin okay we have a barrel pin in slot three and on four again we have three pins to deal with we have here's one trap pin the other trap pin and then a spool okay slot five we have another very very tiny spool probably the smallest one i have ever seen and then on six again we have three pins one trap pin two trap pins and the final driver pin okay that was it's a lot of little pieces okay let me arrange these just a little bit better so you have a good view of these okay and oh some interesting things on the core a lot of drill protection that i can give you close-ups of and looks like we have some more drill protection on in the bible we have three pins here for drill protection right in the front of the keyway there's another two pins here that you can't see because they are below this brass slug that fits in here and if you're wondering why that brass slug is in there it has to do with the double euro cylinder they actually have a steel plug that goes all the way in that would connect it to the other side that gets cross pin through these holes so this is designed to be in a double your euro cylinder that's why we have such small pin stacks so five pieces of drill protection here a couple more in the core which i'll show you and then some steel pins in the front really a ton of drill protection and that's in addition to a really thick retainer plate and a spinner so they were really concerned about someone drilling into this apparently okay let's take a close look here looking at the key pins all standard with one and two being steel the driver pins we have standards in one and two again steel the driver in three is a barrel pin and we have some really short spools in slots four through six then we have our passive pins four slots one through five and our six trap pins in slots two four and six then in eight we have a little ball bearing that goes in the side of the core here that's just a detent that gives it a little bias towards center probably made picking a little bit harder also on the core you can see we have two pieces of drill protection right up front and between slots one and two and some pretty significant counter milling there you can see it's it's some of the deeper counter milling i've seen in cores like this and wow we have some more drill protection in the bottom why i'm not entirely sure usually you wouldn't protect passive pins from from drilling but i guess they're not joking here they don't want anything drilled out okay this has been our hugo cobra 61p padlock with the what's the name of this core i think the rs5 i don't remember the name of the core i said it in the first slot of this in any case six trap pins we got through it took advantage of a design flaw and i am happy to be done with this lock that's all i have for you today if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 966,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, Hugo Locks, Hugo Cobra, Cobra 61P, GR 5S, Trap Pins, Spool Pins, Standard Pins, Counter Milling, Lock Picking Lawyer, Lockpicking Lawyer, LockPickingLawyer
Id: xHHtAecAyh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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