[896] Unusual Curved Key Dimple Lock Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is an unusual lock on loan to me from the collection of peter south it's the j1 j2 dimple lock with a curved key now that curved key fits into a curved key way and you have to angle the key downwards to insert it and then as you push it in that comes parallel to the core when it can eventually turn now the reason this has a curved key is to prevent someone from picking it using a straight pick like this so it was for that reason that when Peter gave me this lock he also gave me this curved pick he made and if we look carefully it seems to match the curvature of the key however I was taking a close look at this and it turns out that the curve in the key way isn't so severe that that curved pick is actually necessary if you have very careful pick placement you can actually open this up using a straight pick so let's get this in a vise pick it open and then I will take it apart to show you what's inside okay I'm gonna get some tension in there with this little wiper insert and I'm using one of my multi pick dimple picks okay little click out of one two is binding got a false set counter rotation on three looks like I got three set number for counter rotation got four set number five got a click out of five and I think I got six let's go back to the beginning and check everything else one two three click out of four must have dropped him down nothing on five and six little counter rotation there and I think I got six set back to the beginning number one and we got this open so let's take this apart and I will show you what's inside clearly we had a couple of security pins in there okay we're going to need to push that little detent down to get this apart there we go now we should just need the key and a follower now I see there's something a little bit unusual right here I'm guessing that is a spring-loaded detent I do feel it at the 12 o'clock position so I'm gonna need to be careful that nothing flies out there oK we've got this core out and it looks like it's a two-piece core let's dump these key pins out hopefully I can do it without too much falling apart here okay number one number two oh no that was number three two is being a little bit shy here we go two three four five and six now let's see if we can figure out what these multiple pieces are okay that's how they made the curved keyway this was cast in two separate pieces okay let's get the driver pins out and again we're gonna have to be careful in between slots two and three it looks like there's a detent there okay a nice-looking spool and slot one a spool in slot 2 and I see that detent you're going to put that over here another spool same thing okay it looks like we have all spools and let's drop the springs out nothing unusual there this heavy spring is the one for the detent all these lighter Springs go with the pin stacks let me go ahead and arrange all of these and then I'll give you a close look you can see some of these key pins have ledges on them number three four five and six those are so they don't drop too far into the keyway that's actually something pretty common on dimple locks okay let me give you a close look of all this okay we can see that we have all standard key pins and all the driver pins are the same these very short spools then there was a small detent in between pins two and three that's just to give the core a spring bias at the 12 o'clock position then moving over to the core itself it appears to be made out of cast zinc and it's in two pieces that allows the core to have that curved key way and there's nothing terribly complicated about it it just fits together like that very sloppy as far as the fit in the core goes you can see there's a lot of rattle there it's probably why I could pick it so easily then one final look at this key as it slides into that key way really interesting little design I think if they had a little bit more of a curve it may have been more effective on the other hand a curved pick just isn't all that hard to make so I doubt it would have slowed me down for very long in any case that's all I have for you today on this j1 j2 curve key dimple lock if you do have any questions or comments about it please put below if you liked this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
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Rating: 4.9451199 out of 5
Id: FjIbuwNDpDo
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Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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