[503] Dom "System D" Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted

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obviously this means systemd is bad

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bgkillas_arch 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pthfdr 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a dom systemd euro profile cylinder this is a 10 pin lock with two rows of five pins one on the left and one on the right and of course the defining characteristic of this lock is that wild keyway of course the key that goes into it is equally wild you can see that we have two tracks with five cuts on either side and of course there is that really wild u-shaped profile now mechanically speaking this lock is very similar to another far more popular Dom product and that is the Dom IX 10 dimple lock which also has two rows of five pins as you can see pretty clearly on its key however with the system D I think Dom decided to go for broke on the strange factor and boy did they succeed now whenever you get into locks with really strange Keys like this it presents a number of issues for the end user as far as getting key copies made and getting the lock Reed keyed and this lock is no different if you just wanted key copies made first you would have to find a Dom dealer that's authorized to buy the blanks and has the specialized equipment for for cutting it and you'd need to dig out your key card that came with the lock that authorizes you to get a copy made and on top of all of that it's probably gonna be a really expensive job the same thing goes for getting this lock rekey but add on top of that the fact that this lock takes specialized key pins but on getting it re keyed Dom actually threw a bone to the user and included with the lock this rekeying kit it includes three new keys and a key card and this lock is construction keyed meaning that if you were to take this key insert it into this lock turn it a full 360 degrees that act would make this the new key and would make it such that the original key no longer worked it's a great feature too including a lock with such a strange key way and I give Dom some props for doing it but what we're gonna do now is try to pick this lock open so let's get to work on that first thing we're going to do is insert a little tension wrench in the bottom of the key way the reason I'm doing that is to avoid damaging the lock with my pick as far as tension goes I'm going to use top of the key way tension and I'm gonna put it on the right side of the key way the reason I do that is because the first pin on the right side is set deeper into the lock than the first pin on the left side so it leaves us a little bit more room for the tension wrench now if this is anything like the Dom IX locks what's gonna happen is we're gonna have to pick one side entirely first and then move over to the other side so let's see if that's the case on this one I'm using pretty stout tension right now and let's start on the left side one is binding got it click there got a click at it too little something out of three maybe I'm not sure four is loose five is loose let's check the other side one two three four five okay all loose we probably need to set the right side first nothing on one to click out of three nothing on four now five is binding got a click out of him and as I'm pulling back I feel for binding and got a click out of him going back to the beginning one two three another click out of four another click out of five and we got a tiny bit of movement on the core so let's move over to the right side see if anything's happening now one little click at it two nothing on three click out of four and nothing on five let's go back to the beginning nothing on one two is binding got a click there nothing on 3/4 is binding gotta click they're not that on 5 ok 1 2 3 4 not feeling anything on this right side let's check the left side again 1 ok there we go got it open so not too tricky a pic even though this lock really does look pretty darn wild I didn't feel anything but standard pins and in fact that's all that's inside of here so even let's take this guy apart I've actually partially disassembled this lock so it won't take us too long to to gut it ok let's lock it back up and get a clip remover to get this clip off the back come on get off of there there we go okay now let's get a key and a follower and hopefully this will come apart easily okay before we go any further I'm gonna show you something in in this core you can see on these front two pins on the left side we have small ball bearings that is part of the device that allows you to rekey this lock simply by inserting the key the new key and turning what happens is the new key has taller cuts in these two positions so when you insert that key those ball bearings are forced up into the Bible then when you turn the key those ball bearings will drop into these tiny little holes in the side of the core where they will stay permanently and once those ball bearings are in that position only the new key will work because the old key will have cuts in those front two slots that are too short it's a great little mechanism that's usually used for construction cane so you can have a different key for the your building contractor than you will for the owners so let's start dumping all this stuff out okay number one come on number two three four okay we also dropped what is that number six by accident let's get number five out seven eight and then I'm gonna put nine and ten up top get out okay let's put this aside and find all our little pieces okay I think I've got all that arranged correctly now let's get the driver pins out okay before we go too far let me actually show you something with these driver pins it was the same with the key pins but you'll note that come on that they're a little bit slanted and whenever you have offset pins you really only have two options one is to slant them like this and that's by far the harder option because you have to make them such that they can't turn if you do that what most manufacturers that have multiple rows will do is they'll simply round the pins over makes them a lot easier to pick this this slanted method is pretty tricky to open up but it also makes for a very very expensive rekeying kit because you need slants on both sides all the way around to say these pins are in here really tight some are hard to pull out it's a testament to the tolerances that Dom used in making these okay I've got all of that out and before I put this down let's take a look inside of the Bible you get a light for you here we go okay there you can see our ten pinholes nothing particularly unusual in there other than the fact that there are a whole bunch of pins okay let me show you something interesting about this core I mentioned that we have to have the pins such that they can't rotate when we have that slant design and what they did to make the key pins so they can't rotate and they did the same thing up in the core is they made each of the pins this teardrop shape such that they can't rotate it's something that makes four I'd imagine very very difficult manufacturing but they went through the process of doing that and it certainly makes for a harder Peck okay let me give you a close-up of all these pins okay looking down at the pins I see two security key pins in slots five and seven and then I think we have security driver pins in slots three and four though I'm not entirely sure how they worked I think maybe they might give you a bit of a false set but I'm not really sure what they do beyond that all of these pins appear to be made out of copper and are all teardrop shapes so they can't rotate in the core moving over to the core you can see we have a little bit of drill protection right up front in front of the pin stack we have those tear dropped pin chambers and then other than that we have our holes for construction keen appears to be pretty normal and by normal I mean normal for a lock with that crazy crazy key way okay I think that's all I have for you on this Dom system d euro profile cylinder if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 892,449
Rating: 4.9356189 out of 5
Id: 2p6TY2DiViE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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