[514] Yimeijia Mortise Cylinder (13 Pins in 3 Rows!) Picked and Gutted

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God I am so envious of that skill. I still struggle with 6 pins.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/T2112 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Very cool lock! Awesome pick.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DaMooseWasLoose 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a 13 pin Chinese Yi major mortise cylinder I got this lock from Urban Hawk and the story of how it made its way to me is actually kind of interesting I was talking to urban Hawk about Chinese locks and I asked him if he had ever heard of a particular padlock that I remembered seeing it was branded Empire and I thought it was interesting because it had a key that looked a lot like a NASA twin that being it had your normal bidding that you would expect to see on the edge and then it had side bidding on the key but unlike an asset win this didn't have a sidebar or sliders that those that that side bidding controlled what it had was a second parallel row of pins and of course urban hawk knew exactly what I was talking about but then asked if I would rather have a lock with two rows of pins or one like this you major cylinder with three rows of pins and of course I would much prefer the three rows so what we have if we look at this key is four cuts on the right on the left side then five cuts on the edge and four cuts on the right so that makes for a total of 13 pins in three separate rows inside of this lock a really interesting configuration and I'm not sure one I've ever seen before I've certainly seen plenty of Chinese locks with two rows of pins but I don't think I've ever seen one with three so let's see if we can get this guy picked open I'm putting a tension wrench in the bottom of the key way to keep me from damaging the bottom of the lock there then tensioning it with a 40,000 pry bar and I'm using a standard hooky in 25 thousandths okay on the middle row of pins little click out of one nothing on two three four okay five is binding okay got a big click out of five back to the beginning in that middle row got a click out of one again nothing on two three four or five okay let's check out the side pins we'll start on the left nothing on one two is binding got a click there nothing on three or four back to the beginning there okay one's binding got a click and a little bit of movement on the core nothing else on two three or four let's check those right-side pins out now one is loose so is two three and four let's check our center row now one nothing there nothing on to click out a three fours binding click there nothing on five back to the beginning one click out a two three four okay I don't think anything else up top there let's check the side pins we'll start on the left nothing on one two three is binding got a click there felt a tiny bit of movement on the core nothing on four on the right side ones loose - loose three is loose and four is loose let's check our Center pins now nothing on one two three four or five not sure what's holding us up on the right side I'm sorry left side pins now now on the right side and I still haven't gotten anything out of any pins on this right side no idea what's holding us up in the center now 1 2 3 4 5 left side 1 2 3 4 right side okay we just got some number 1 a click there nothing on 2 3 4 is binding ok we got some movement on the core but what just happened is that the driver pins from the left side fell into the holes on the right side of the core so we have to pick that right side one more time just for pins so it shouldn't be too hard ok there we go ok got this guy open let's take it apart and see those 3 rows of pins okay we do have keys so we can lock this guy back up actually no let's not do that because we're gonna have to pick it locked if we do that because we have those three rows of pins okay let's get these screws out okay now let's get a follower and hopefully this won't give us too much trouble okay and here we've got our three rows of staggered pins let's let's drop these guys out okay there is key pin number one then what we're gonna do is let's put all of the left side pins up top in slots one through four and the right side pins in slots five through eight hopefully that'll work so that's the first side pin that is not coming out easily and it looks like these side pins actually have flat sides I was not anticipating that that belongs in slot four boy I am messing this gutting up badly okay let's get our other side pins out okay Wow the feeling these driver pins are gonna be just as much fun okay got everything out there now let's get these arranged so I have room to put the driver pins here okay so I have a feeling I'm going to mess this up but we're gonna try our best there's our driver pin in number one a standard then here we have left side number one and right side number one which I believe is pin stack five over here oh I lost our driver pin for number two now left side number two mm which has a spring that is stuck in there hopefully we'll work around him and then right side number two here's pin number three for the center row okay now here's left side number three and right side number three okay now just a couple more pins it's looking like these are all standard pins so I'm not even gonna bother with keeping them in place anymore yeah every single one of these driver pins is exactly the same no point in and being careful about this gutting looks like the back one is yet another stuck spring okay before we put this core down one interesting thing to note is that in the very back you can see we have a small ball bearing this is a d-10 that gives the lock a little bit of bias toward the closed position and that detent fits into this little dimple you see in the very very back of the core okay let me give you a close-up of all of these pins now I can get all these Springs out of the way so it's gonna be fun to put back together okay as you can see in slots 1 through 5 down at the bottom all standard pins nothing terribly interesting let me get our cue here however at the top of the chambers you can see all of our side pins and it appears that those pins have at least one flat side yeah it looks like one sides flat and one side is rounded on all of these and then the driver pins all standard all the same nothing terribly interesting really what makes this lock so remarkable is just the number of pins and the fact that they are in three parallel rows moving over to this core you can see our three staggered rows we have four on each side and then five main pins all very very narrow in diameter actually narrower than what you would find in an American or a master padlock and we have that little dimple in the very back for biasing the pin the core towards center and nothing else terribly unusual about this lock there's the key way obviously very very wide open no problem accessing those pins at all okay so that's all I have for you on this Chinese made a major mortise cylinder urban hawk thank you very very much for getting this lock for me to everyone else if you do have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 706,904
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Id: A1Py2xIFwWQ
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Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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