[536] Master Combination Deadbolt Picked and BYPASSED!

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a really interesting master lock product this is a residential deadbolt with an integrated combination lock this of course is not a new idea however master locks implementation of it is unfortunately deeply flawed I'm going to show you two different ways to get into this lock the first will be to pick open the core that's right in the center of the deadbolt and the second will be to bypass the locking mechanism altogether and the presence of this second vulnerability is in my opinion an unforgivable sin but before we do that let me show you something about this lock that I do like master lock has a feature that they called Nightwatch it's integrated into this thumb turn right here and if we look at the bottom you can see a silver button when you pull that push that silver button down it allows you to pull the thumb turn out and expose that red collar if we look at the back of the thumb turn you can see what that does is lock the thumb turn in place that in turn locks the tailpiece that fits into this slot and that in turn locks the deadbolt so when Nightwatch is in place you cannot open this lock either by manipulation by use of the key or by use of the combination I think it's a really nice feature and and this lock is essentially pick-proof when it is engaged however when it's not engaged there's more than a couple ways to get into this lock so let's start by picking I am going to use top of the key way tension with a 50,000 pry bar and a standard hook in 25 thousandths one is loose - I got a click there the reese force binding got a click out of him five is binding got a click there back to the beginning number one is binding and we got the lock open so as you can see not terribly difficult I felt one security pin if you will even want to call it that and that was probably a bump stop pin in slot 2 and I know that's a bump stop pin because I had to lift the pin particularly high before I felt any sort of engagement okay before I show you the bypass let me actually show you how the combination works if we want to open this lock with a combination you do is reset it by turning it right a couple times and the combination for this is 830 22 so we'll stop on the number 8 then turn counterclockwise pass 30 once and stop on it the second time around and then we'll turn clockwise again until we hear a loud click and that will happen on the last digit 22 ok that clip just happened I hope you could hear it and right now this dial is seized up we can only continue to turn it by turning this tail piece so watch that tail piece carefully as I turn the combination or the dial that tail piece turned 90 degrees and that opened up the deadbolt now the bypass I'm about to show you will take advantage of part of this combination mechanism in the very back of the wheel pack there is I guess another wheel that imparts the motion of the wheel pack to this tail piece what we're going to do is reach between the dial and the bezel pick up that fourth wheel and manually turn it now if you unlock the door by turning clockwise what you need to do is insert your shim right about here at the 8 o'clock position and if you unlock it by turning counterclockwise you insert the shim right around the four o'clock position and I'm actually going to use two of these little shims right here just for a little bit of added stress right now this lock is set up so we have to turn it from this direction and there we go I think I've got these in place and it's actually a little bit tricky to turn these frankly because these little shims are pretty sharp so what I'm going to do is use this little set of tongs grab onto the shims and use them to help me get a little bit of leverage as I turn it I'm going to turn this upside down so you can see what's going on I want you to watch this tail piece as I turn this or as I move these shims as you can see we just turn that tail piece 90 degrees and that opened the deadbolt so an absolutely inexcusable vulnerability in my opinion so let me take this apart and I will show you how this mechanism works okay the first thing of note that we want to take a look at is this last wheel and you can see the back of it it's silver in color and attached to that wheel is this little piece right here and what that does is impart the motion of that fourth wheel directly to the tail piece and that's what we take advantage of in our bypass we reach between the dial and the bezel and actually pick up this roll pin right here which is the combination lock fence and when we turn that roll pin around you can see it directly moves this tail piece and when it's said in the other position I go in from the other side and move this fence there we go as you can see not terribly difficult to do okay let's continue with our disassembly take a few more pieces off of here okay let me be careful and put this down take this top piece off okay let me take each of these wheels off in turn and tell you what they do first we have this little wavy piece and that is a spring that keeps the whole wheel pack under tension and make sure nothing rattles around while you're dialing the combination then we have this fourth wheel which I described before this imparts the motion from the wheel pack onto the tail piece and it also contains the two fences and you'll note that these fences are spring loaded into the wheel pack now normally that is a big big no-no because if the fence is touching the wheel pack that means you can hear where the gates are and I think master lock has done something to mitigate that issue though I suspect someone more skilled at manipulation than me could probably take advantage of it okay next we have you get some tweezers so I can pull these pieces out there's a little plastic bushing here and then we have our first combination wheel and if we look at the back here let me give you a good view of this you'll see that there's a small T pin it's actually removable it's a little stiff in there as it should be but you can move it to any position around the dial and and move and by moving that T pin you will reset the combination for this wheel so this lock is actually fully resettable though I can't find directions to do it anywhere so I'm not sure it's something that master lock wants you doing okay we have our next wheel it looks exactly like the one I just showed you then another plastic bushing and then the final wheel the one that controls the last number of the combination is set into the dial and you can move it to different positions and if you look carefully in there you can see there is a mark on the inside of the bezel and that's set at number 22 which is the third digit and you can change the third digit of the combination just by lifting this wheel up and setting it at a different position okay now let's take this core apart okay we got that back tap off now let's just get the key and a follower and hopefully this will come apart okay the first thing I see is the fact that this is a 6-pin core but it only has five pins Kida that's always a disappointment okay keep in number one is a double-sided key pin much like you would see in a quick set key pin number two is a very deep spool I've actually seen in master lock literature that these were being included in the independent kits now I've not seen one before though that's probably going to make this a lot more rake resistant than most other locks that won't have that now let's take a look at these driver pins I didn't feel anything special with the exception of that anti bump pin in slot 2 and yep that's definitely a bump stop pin and it looks like everything else is standard as it felt like as we were we're picking it okay let me give you a close-up of all this penny now you can see all of the key pins are double-sided and I usually don't like to see them because by making them double-sided we put a taper right at the shear line that makes the lock just a little bit easier to pick then we have key pin number two which I was surprised to see a very deep spool which probably makes this lock a lot more rake resistant then on the driver pins we have four standard pins and slots one three four and five and then a master bump stop pin in slot 2 so that's all I have for you on this master combination deadbolt if you do have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,133,495
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Id: P6M0K85-Wzk
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Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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