40 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys my name is anthony i started singing a bit in that intro anyways today i bring you 40 things you didn't know about minecraft like this video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more random things you didn't know about minecraft videos also i have an instagram so feel free to follow me on there if you're interested anyways happy holidays everybody and on with the video hostile mobs are not able to walk across minecart rails which makes them really useful as a protective barrier for your base just look at these zombies they want to kill me so badly but they can't using tools for things where they're not meant to be used will do double the durability damage to said tall an example is using a pickaxe to kill a mob so if i hit this zombie with an iron pickaxe it will lose two durability points each time i hit it whereas if i use the pickaxe on what it's meant to be used on like stone for example it will only use one durability when potions were first added into minecraft in version beta 1.9 in 2011 they were originally brewed and created by using cauldrons however this potion making system was seen as too complex and not user friendly and a change was made to where potions would instead be brewed with a brewing stand and that's how it remains today when you destroy a cauldron in minecraft you will notice that the broken particles are this weird sort of blue color instead of being the same color as the cauldron itself very strange indeed anyways moving on an armor stand wearing boots with the frostwalker enchantment on them will actually work as intended if pushed across the water by using a piston okay i'm not gonna lie that looks really funny walking to the edge of a super flat minecraft world would take a total of 821 hours so um yeah you're going to need a lot of motivation to do that walk but i believe in you in minecraft the day and night cycle will last exactly 20 minutes upon creating the world since there's only 20 minutes in a single minecraft day this means time in minecraft is exactly 72 times faster than a single day in real life end crystals can be destroyed in the end by using snowballs back in the earlier days of minecraft a glitch existed in the alpha phase of the game where you could create a triple chest to do this just simply place a double chest on water or snow and then place a third chest next to it this for some reason creates some glitched out looking triple chest and even the chest interface looks all messed up but yeah it's still a very cool glitch nonetheless in minecraft beta 1.9 pre-release 5 which was released in october 2011 a bug existed where the player was able to create an infinite lava source to create it all you had to do was dig out a plus shape like so place four lava sources all leading to the middle section and there you go you can collect infinite amounts of lava from the middle in minecraft if you die and lose your items or drop your items on the floor the time in which they will despawn is exactly 6 000 in game ticks or in other words 5 minutes so you better be quick the drowned mob is an underwater variant of the zombie that sometimes annoyingly throws tridents at you and i hate them but did you guys know that the drowned actually had an early design before they were officially added in the aquatic update and they looked like this back in the earlier days of minecraft in version alpha 1.0.17 the player would for some reason start with 64 fences in their inventory upon creating the world i guess that version of minecraft was just being very generous to the player slime blocks and honey blocks are the only blocks in minecraft survival that can be broken instantly with your hand if the player is fishing in an area that doesn't have access to the sky then the wait time for catching a fish is doubled right okay why didn't someone tell me this sooner i've been waiting to catch this fish for absolutely ages the maximum distance the player can get between the fishing rod bobber and themselves is 33 blocks any further than that and the bobber and the fishing line just disappears if an anvil falls from a height of 20 blocks or more and lands on the player then it will instantly kill them however if you are wearing a helmet when the anvil falls on your head then it reduces the damage by a quarter which means you will be left on two and a half hearts of health the super flat world type option was technically the first world type we ever got in minecraft as the first ever version released in 2009 was a completely flat world with a bunch of well crazy looking steves alright i'm gonna be honest i wish the player would still flap their arms around like this it just looks so funny as of the time of me making this video there are a total of 26 paintings in minecraft not including the unused mobs or the baby variant of the mobs there are over 70 unique mobs in minecraft in minecraft tnt when activated can fall up to a total of 72 blocks before exploding placing an anvil on top of activated tnt will cause the tnt to not inflict any explosion damage to the surrounding terrain a duplication glitch used to exist in single-player minecraft where you could simply throw your items on the ground and just as you pick the items back up you would save and quit to the title screen when you loaded back into the world you would find your items back on the ground but also in your inventory thus causing them to duplicate does anyone here remember this glitch let me know in the comments below rabbits used to be pretty big here are rabbits now looking very small and cute and here they are when they were first added absolutely huge and still cute in minecraft rain is able to fall one block into the void at layer minus one this can be seen by flying in spectator or creative mode in the void if you ride in a boat and fall from a high place and hit the ground you won't take any full damage no matter how high the fall was in minecraft bedrock edition however falling from a height while sitting in a boat will cause the boat to survive which is great but not the player the player will just die pink sheep are very rare mobs which can naturally spawn in minecraft as there is only a 0.164 chance of said pink sheep spawning as a replacement for a normal sheep but if you thought that was rare things get even rarer that's right in minecraft there is a 0.0082 chance of a baby pink sheep spawning now that is rare if you find that mod then you are extremely lucky the annoying silverfish was first added into minecraft in version beta 1.8 but they didn't have their own sounds yet which meant they used the sounds for spiders as a placeholder which was rather strange skeletons have a 5 chance to spawn with a bow in their left hand whereas 95 of the time it spawns in their right hand when the axe was first added into minecraft in version in dev in 2009 the axis texture used to be double-sided looking like this however this didn't last too long and the axis texture quickly changed to only have one side which is how it looks today the only seed number minecraft doesn't let you use in the seed generator is the number zero trying to generate a seed using the number zero will just generate a random number seed whereas if i use the number one seed for example it generates a world using the seed number one very interesting during the development for the 1.9 combat update an item called the quiver was planned to be added and it looked like this now the quiver was intended to be used as an easier way to hold your arrows in minecraft but this idea was abandoned when villagers were first added in the minecraft beta 1.9 update in 2011 a strange file could be found in the game files now that file was this weird steve and villager hybrid looking skin which looked like this now i'm going to assume mojang maybe used the steve skin as a preset to design the villager mod but let's just move on because the villager steve looks really creepy and i don't want to talk about it anymore moving on and finally if you place a firework rocket next to a ladder then you will actually hear the ladder climbing sound take a listen so there you have it everybody that just about wraps it up for today's 40 things about minecraft video once again if you did enjoy this video be sure to leave a like rating and if you want to see more vids like this then be sure to subscribe as well once again happy holidays have an amazing christmas if you're celebrating it and i'll see you all in my next video goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 4,419,916
Rating: 4.8805742 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 40, things, you, didn't, know, about, minecraft 40 things, 40 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft, things you didn't know about minecraft, fact, facts, 40 things, 40 facts, minecraft facts, minecraft things, minecraft things you didn't know, minecraft facts you didn't know, minecraft 40 things you didn't know, minecraft 40 facts you didn't know, feature, removed, glitch, dupe glitch, update, changed, block, item, mob, minecraft 50 things, minecraft 100 things
Id: GOyBO8Q80a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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