4 Ways Chat GPT Can Improve Your Everyday Life

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Are you tired of typing out long and  complicated messages with the results   still being kind of average, or do you have to  read through long research papers or articles   for work or university, but really a well-written  summary would be good enough too? Well, fear not!   Introducing Chat GPT, the AI-powered chatbot that  solves these issues and so many more for you. In   this video, I'll be showing you how to use it in  everyday scenarios to superpower your work life,   you're studying, or just to make communicating  with other human beings via text way easier. And   best of all, it's still in beta and completely  free, so there's really no reason not to try   this out. You can use it as a personal writer  that is available 24/7. It's as well-educated   as is the internet and it can use various writing  styles, but let me show you this in practice. So   let's say you're at work and your boss gave you an  extra task and you don't have the time to complete   it without neglecting other tasks. Instead of  tediously writing up by e-mail and checking it   multiple times so it's polite and well-written,  simply say, "Write me a business e-mail to my   boss that tells him that the new task that I  receive requires me to give up other projects".  And look at that, perfectly structured,  polite, and to the point. But maybe,   we don't want an e-mail but a WhatsApp message,  so let's say now: write it in one sentence:   This personal writer you can also use for  essays, blog articles, or even reports   if you feed it some of the information  that you came up with, and best of all,   it's really good at the English language so  there will be no mistakes in there when it   comes to grammar and vocab. Always double-check  the info because sometimes it can mess up. Next up, we have my personal favorite  use case: it can answer questions,   but not just factual questions like Google could  answer; you can give it personal questions related   to relationships or mental health and it will  actually come in with a lot of good advice. As Christmas is coming up, let's look at an  example where I ask Chet GPT what I should   get my girlfriend for Christmas: What are some  creative ideas for Christmas presents that my   girlfriend would enjoy? This is too good - I  mean really, these ideas are more creative,   unique, and interesting than most human advice  on this question: look, an experience gift,   a subscription to a monthly box service, hand made  piece of jewelry, support a cause she cares about,   photo album or scrapbook. And you can always  just go in and say do you have five more   and look it even has some advice: "The key is to  show her that you care and want to make her happy" In Google you get a lot of articles with these  lists but let's be real after accepting the   cookies and skipping over the ads most of these  are just affiliate links for products they want   to make money on and none of them tell you the  point of the whole exercise here. Alright next up   we have the analogy maker and as the name already  implies this allows you to create analogies for   various situations in life. This will come in  really handy in business but also in personal   communication. Now let's assume that you met a  new girl and you really like her and you want   to answer something witty but you can't think  of anything and maybe you're about to meet her   and it's raining outside so let's ask chat GPT  for help here here's a few ideas for analogies   you could use to describe the rain outside.  And while these are great if you're writing   classic literature, let's just say, can you  use more everyday language? And here you go.   An extremely romantic approach to the whole  thing. What if we told it: l"ess romantic" And wow, look at this analogy. Okay, you might  not use this in the conversation with the girl,   but you get the point. You can also just tell  it: 'Analogy maker, I'm really tired.' And,   as it's contextual, if I want more  I'll just tell it more analogies,   please. And there you go. If you  tell somebody, 'I'm a candle,   that has burned down to the wick,' I  think they should get the message here. And the next everyday Use case would  be a TL;DR. If there's a long article,   chat GPT can summarize it for you. So,  for example, let's go to Wikipedia and   copy the entire part about the future of  artificial intelligence. If I simply say,   'TL;DR', and then in quotation marks I post the  article, it gives you one paragraph with the   key points in the entire text. So, I can pull  this up two minutes before a meeting starts   and I could educate myself on topics that  otherwise would take maybe an hour. Nice! The amazing thing here is you can use it  on research articles or if you have PDFs,   just copy out the text, paste it in here, and it  will summarize the whole thing in one paragraph   for you. Now of course, this leaves out some of  the information in here, but if you need to get   a bird's-eye view of the topic, this is the way  to do it. Last, but not least, it can take your   notes and turn them into a summary. So, from now  on, every time you're diving into a new topic or   you met a new person, all it takes is taking a  few notes and this thing will spit out an entire   summary that you can use as a social media post  or you can send it out via an email. And I'll   just say, 'Notes to Summary,' and let's just say  I had these four notes on the topic of Artificial   Intelligence, which I picked up from some class  I watched! Good God, this is so good, I'm still   blown away by how good this is, but maybe we don't  want this formal style, so here's a little tip:   you can go ahead and say, 'Write that in the  style of a second-grader,' and it does it! Look   at that formulation: "Artificial Intelligence is  a smart technology that is growing and changing   very quickly." This is so much more approachable.  So, if you're learning something from here on out,   all you need to do is take notes, and it  can write essays just from the notes. Okay,   so I think it's beyond clear that this tech is  game-changing, but it's also worth considering   that this power could be used for evil purposes  too, and that's exactly what this video is about.
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 316,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: igor pogany, education, how to, chatgpt, chat gpt, use cases, prompt, everyday use cases, chat gpt tutorial, chat gpt how to use, chat gpt examples, chatgpt examples, gpt3, gpt-3, artificial intelligence, prompting, chatbot, automation, text generation, natural language processing, machine learning, ai, how to use chat gpt
Id: wBmfL4PEliY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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