5 More Secrets to Writing with ChatGPT (Advanced)

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So, let's assume there's a writing competition  and you put two people in a room: both have ChatGPT.   One of them has the tips from this video,  the other one doesn't. The one with these tips   would win every single time. And it wouldn't even  be close. Because it's been two months since I   have been collecting tips and tricks on ChatGPT  and other AI apps on a daily basis. And,   in this video, I'm gonna reveal to you five more  secrets to writing with ChatGPT. We're gonna   talk about customizing your style, remixing other  people's styles, learning and talking to ChatGPT   in an advanced manner. And in the end, I'll  show you how to go beyond asking me just one   killer prompt. So, let's start exploring  secret number one: Customizing ChatGPT's   output to match your very own style. And wait  a minute: I know you might have heard of this,   but I have an extra prompt coming here in a second  that you might not have heard about yet. So,   if you're not familiar, a popular technique  with ChatGPT is taking this line. By the way,   this is from a page in the introduction of my  ebook that teaches you how to use ChatGPT to   mimic your own style. If we simply copy-paste  this formula, we can place our own writing at   the end of this. And last text for style and  tone of voice, apply that exact style and tone   of voice to all of your future responses. So, this  is how you would begin to teach it your style. And   what I'll do now is open up one of these emails  that I wrote by myself and simply post it at the   bottom of this prompt. Once you hit enter, ChatGPT  comes back with analysis of your style. "The style   is informal and personal with a conversational  tone. The tone of voice is empathetic, relatable,   and motivational. Understood. I'll respond using  that style with that tone of voice, and now any   other writing request I have will come back in  that style." But wait, I got more – and now every   other writing request that I make will be written  in that exact style. So, if I say:"Write me a   100-word email about the importance of a company  trip to the zoo". Look: it's informal, personal,   conversational, and the tone of voice is relatable  – perfect! So, one side note here is that this   works best if you feed it the type of text that  it's going to output. Makes sense, right? If   you give it a dissertation and ask for an email,  it's not going to perfectly match the styles. So, what I would recommend  is going up here and actually copying this very first prompt, storing it in some sort  of note, and every time you want ChatGPT to write   an email in your style, you simply start with  this prompt. And then continue by asking it for   what you need. And it's going to maintain your  consistent style. All it takes is one good email   that is really representative of you. And you  can keep applying the template in the future.   But here's a bonus tip: let's say I take the  second prompt: open up a new conversation,   and say: "In future responses, also occasionally, once every few sentences, apply the style   of Borat." And he comes back and says: "Understood.   I will now occasionally include a touch of humor  in the style of Borat in my future responses while   maintaining a conversational tone." And with  little add-ons like this, you can keep refining   the style that will deliver the text to you.  So, let's go back and test it with the email   that we tried generating before. And look at that  – it actually ignored the Borat request. And this   happens sometimes – look, it’s not perfect; you  still have to keep your eyes open and keep going.   So, all I'll do here is follow up with: "What about  the board style request I made. Try again." And   it does it. And although it's not perfect as it  uses his style in almost every single sentence. By   pushing it into the direction of using it in every  third, it's not all Borat anymore. Obviously,   this is a ridiculous example; you could do this  with every single writer in their world and remix   your own writing with his type of style. Okay, so  next up I'm going to show you how to improve your   writing skill, not just the output by using ChatGPT.  So, there's really three levels to using   ChatGPT right? You have the people that simply  copy paste, then you have the people like copy   paste and use it as a starting point and start  remixing it with their own thoughts, ideas.   And that is probably the best way to use it. But,  I want to introduce a third way, and that is going   beyond level 2, which is really good already. It's  using ChatGPT as a starting point, then remixing   and adapting it. Plus you open up a new ChatGPT  window to gain some experiences to further remix   ChatGPT. And this does take more time and effort  but it actually builds your skill of writing. And   creates better outputs over the long term. So,  let me show you two formulas that you can apply   to use it on this third and most advanced level:  "How can I use [insert style of writing] to create   successful [insert output]?" So, for example,  let's do copywriting and outreach emails.   And by asking it this educational type question  we can build our knowledge before we go in and   use some other formulas to actually generate the  outreach emails. In other words, you're doing a   crash course on writing like this. It gives you  some steps: "personalize the emails, clearly state the purpose and benefits in the subject line, make  a clear call to action, keep the email concise,   and proofread and test the email before sending  it to a larger audience." Incredible advice for   anybody entering a new arena! It doesn't have to  be copywriting and outreach emails, because now I   know what to look for. But that's not it; I have  another formula here that you can use to expand   your knowledge of pretty much any domain. So, it  goes: "Give me examples of popular" and then type   of text as we're talking about writing. So I'll  just replace "type of text" with "outreach emails"   again. And in like a minute I learned about  best practices when writing outreach emails,   plus it gave me some of the main categories.  Honestly, with maybe the exception of a seasoned   professional sitting right next to you, there's  no faster way to learning about a new subject   than asking these two simple questions. And now  you're ready to go ahead and make it write your   outreach email, for example. But you already have  a framework that you can use to judge the output   and get better results. Okay, so let's move on  to the next trick here. And that is that ChatGPT   actually has a built-in capability to act like  a conversational partner. Now, why would this   be useful in writing? Well, let's have a look.  If you go to my website, you might be aware that   I have a weekly newsletter where I share a new  ChatGPT prompts, AI apps, and much more. And I'll   link this below. But I set up an archive of all  the newsletters, so for free you can just go on   here and if we open up "week force newsletter" my  prompt of the week was this "interview simulator",   and we can use that for writing too, if we  customize it a little bit. So, we'll just go ahead   and say: "simulate a high-level interview for a  chief copywriter, by asking questions as if you're   a potential employer. In this scenario, I'm taking  the role of the employee, and you ask increasingly   hard questions to screen my competence, but only  after I respond. Start by introducing yourself."   And by the way I'll put all  this into the video's description, so if you go   below you can just copy-paste and test everything  that I introduced inside of this video. And look,   by the way, chief copywriter doesn't have to  be a real position; ChatGPT is greater than   foreign context. So it knows what you mean if you  use expressive words like chief. And now you   can start having a conversation here, and let's  just say you're fully honest with it and you say   "honestly I have not done much copywriting in the  past, but I would love to learn". And look, during   the third response you might already realize why I  recommend you do this when approaching new topics.   This framework of talking to somebody that  is trying to hire you for a position that   maybe you have no business in taking. But you're  trying to accomplish the task. In this example,   you're trying to become a better copywriter;  this ChatGPT job interviewer starts bringing up   some of the right questions that you can then  ask. And what I mean by that is these little   snippets like "can you discuss how you stay  current with industry trends and techniques   for copywriting?" Whoa, that's a fantastic  question! You can just go ahead and ask ChatGPT.   And guess what? Now I take this output,  which is fantastic advice by the way,   and I send it back as an interview response. And  remember, we set this up so the interviewer asks   increasingly hard questions. So what I can  do here again is take his hard question and   input this into the other thread on ChatGPT.  Now you can already see where this is going,   right? I'm using ChatGPT to talk to itself  to generate increasingly useful responses.   And all of this is invaluable information. And as  you can see, we can just keep going here and we'll   just keep getting better and harder questions on  our topic and better and more detailed responses   to learn from. And I'm so excited about this  one because the combination of hard questions,   and ChatGPT answering them is one of the best ways  I discovered to use ChatGPT to learn new skills -   like any category of writing. But that's not all,  wait, I have two more secrets here. So, look,   this next one is super short and simple. So, as  we discussed in the last video, you can go ahead   and say:"in the style of" let's just use good old  board again. 'Waddle around all day is so funny."  Look at that: "very admirable. Like Boris and  fight against covid" Oh boy, look at some of   this output: "Penguins, best birds!" But what  I want to show you here is you can go a step   further than simply saying, "in the style of  Borat", by adding: "with a PhD in zoology"   So now, it's not just gonna be Borat, but it's  gonna be bored with a PhD in zoology. And look,   I like these ridiculous examples, because when it  works with Borat, where it has a very limited data   set it learned from. It's going to work with every  writer, where it consumes multiple volumes of   their work to analyze their style. And look, these  results are great: "their unique adaptations make   them perfectly suited for aquatic environments."  And given it's not perfect. As I said, Borat is   one of those examples, where it just doesn't have  enough data to do it perfectly. But if you look   at the last two sentences, it really sounds like  Borat completed his PhD in zoology: "Their social   behavior and huddling tactics conserve heat in  their chilly habitats. Ah yes, penguin's truly   impressive creatures." So yes, please go ahead  and try it with someone meaningful, and you'll   be rewarded with some incredible results. Okay,  time for my last ChatGPT writing secret here.  But before we do that, I want to give you a bonus  tip. Actually, 100 bonus tips! If you haven't done   so yet, you can go to this URL and sign up for  free to my weekly newsletter. And get this mini   ebook that has over 100 prompts for you to try out  right away. That's 34 pages packed with practical   examples like the ones we discussed in this  very video. And it's completely free. And then,   if you enjoy the mini ebook and you want even more  prompts, you can go ahead and buy my full ebook,   which is simply put four times the content of this  mini version. Plus, I have a German version now   too. And if you want to buy it on Amazon, because  that's your thing, you can do that too now,   But now let's talk about my last tip, and that is:  use good follow-up prompts. So, as you can see,   the more advanced we get with our prompting, the  longer the conversation goes. And that's really   the secret to being good with ChatGPT: you have to  be able to how to interface with it, how to talk   to it, in order to get more precise and relevant  results to you. So, let's just rerun the essay   about penguins, in the style of Bukowski, with  a PhD in zoology. And I'm gonna give you free,   super-useful follow-up prompts. So, the first  one would connect to the last thing we discussed,   and that is changing the style after effect.  So, by saying:"'now, in the style of Dostoyevski"   we get the same text in a different style.  But this one you might have figured out by   your own. I just wanted to illustrate what  a follow-up prompt is. Let me give you a   super-useful one that I use all the time: two  words: "try again". Because, as you might know,   ChatGPT writes this text by predicting the next  token, which is something in between a letter   and a word. What that means in practice is that  every output is different, as it's not predicting   the entire text, but it's simply going token  by token. So, by hitting it with "try again",   you're going to get different outputs every single  time you do that. Unless it's overloaded and super   slow again, I guess. And there you go, that works  every time. But I have one more follow-up prompt   here that you need to know of. So, when you ask  ChatGPT for a long text, it used to get stuck,   but now it tells you that "thousand words is  simply too long", but what you can do is say:   "write me the first 500 words of a 1,000 word  essay". And with this little workaround, it   does it. And then, as my final follow-up prompt,  you just tell it: "keep going", and it will keep   expanding on its last thoughts. Not bad, right?  Not bad, not bad. So, if you learned anything new,   hit that like button, get the free ebook and the  free newsletter. And check out this video, which   is going to expand your AI Advantage even further  than all the tricks that we just went through!
Channel: The AI Advantage
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Keywords: igor pogany, education, how to, theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, writing, chatgpt writing, writing ai, writing assistant, advanced tips, advanced, advanced tricks, chatgpt tutorial, open ai, ai writing, chat gpt explained, how to use chat gpt for copywriting, how to use chatgpt, chat gpt examples, chatgpt examples, artificial intelligence
Id: N_Hlz5PaeA0
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Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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