5 GENIUS Ways to Make Money with ChatGPT

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foreign T is the world's smartest robot and it is changing the game when it comes to making money online with this revolutionary free software you can earn 800 a day or even more with little skill and no startup Capital required all you need to do is take one of the six genius ideas that I'm going to share with you in today's video and put it into action and you'll have yourself a profitable business the market for AI Services is hot right now and wide open but it's not going to stay that way forever just like back in the early 2000s when we all got our first cell phones the world went mobile and millions of millionaires were created as a result well this is the start of a new age of artificial intelligence and this is the time when you can get in on the ground floor and really make the most of this opportunity starting at the bottom with idea number seven you can use Chad gupt to start a branding agency so branding agencies are businesses that help other businesses to create their branding the they might help them to choose a business name to create a logo they might help them write their website they might help them write statements about who they are and what they do Well Chad gbt can do all of these things if you just ask it you can ask chat gbt to suggest business names all you need to do is tell chat gbt a little bit about the business that you're naming you could ask it to conceptualize a logo for a certain type of business and it can even write the words for your clients websites and one of the best things about this is that with chat GPT you're able to have an ongoing conversation so you don't have to individually submit these requests and explain to chat gbt all about the business all over again once you tell chat GPT what you're working on and you tell it about the business that you're branding well chat GPT will remember that and all of your subsequent interactions with chat GPT will be based on that you won't have to explain to it over and over again what you're doing now number six is a little bit Advanced does require some skill that's why I've thrown in here as a bonus on top of the five best ideas but if you have any sort of coding skills you can create a really simple app like it's the simplest of apps just like a chat widget basically and you can connect that with openai chat gpd's parent company their API and then you can talk directly to the server and you can actually train chat GPT on any topic you like so for example you could feed information into it to teach it how to answer customer service inquiries for a certain business so you can just take their old customer service questions and answers and hand it to chatgpt and then it will know how to answer questions like those in the future so what you can do for a business is you can create different types of apps for businesses and like I said these don't require very Advanced coding at all they're just a simple chat widget and connected via the API so you could create scheduling apps and sell them to individual businesses you could create customer service apps or data entry apps or apps to help the business owner or do their work and each of these individual apps could be worth thousands of dollars to a business so you can have this thing coded one time and then just feed different types of information into it for different businesses in different situations and you could earn thousands of dollars every single month business idea number five is really simple probably the easiest one on the whole list and that is just to do freelance writing only you're not doing the writing chat GPT is now chat GPT is really good at writing especially if you work the process so instead of just asking Chad GPT like write an article about this topic instead you can start by having it generate ideas for you so that you don't even have to think of the ideas then you can ask it to give you more specific ideas relating to one of the ideas it already gave you so you can really work on coming up with the best ideas then you can have it generate titles for that specific idea then what I'd highly recommend you do is you ask it to generate an outline for an article on the topic and what I like to do is say Jen generate an outline for a Blog article about such and such that could rank number one on Google because what it does then is it gives you an extremely thorough outline because in order to be SEO friendly and rank on Google you have to write the most thorough article and the highest quality article on that topic so if you ask chatgpt to do that it will and then what you can do is you can take each part of that outline and feed it back into it and ask it to write part of the article based on that outline because chat GPT won't generate more than a certain amount of content at one time but you can get around this by just having it do part of it at a time and in a matter of just a few minutes the entire article will be written and in an SEO friendly way now you might be wondering how that could make you money there's a few different ways but specifically for this business idea I'm talking about going out there and getting the contracts from Fiverr and upwork where people are working to hire freelance writers now this business idea like I that it's the easiest one on the list it's also the one that's probably going to last the shortest amount of time because even though not everyone is going to start using chat GPT right away there will be enough freelance writers who will that they will quickly snatch up all those contracts so I would say you've got you know a few months maybe a couple of years that you could use this idea to really make some good money it'll like I said really easy money but you're going to want to be looking at one of these other ideas on the list for the longer term idea number four is definitely going to be an idea that lasts a bit longer although it's not that much harder it just is a little bit less obvious so here's what it is I've made a few videos in the past about how to self-publish books on Amazon you can do it completely for free and in the past the only obstacle was writing those books and we even got around that a little bit by using an affordable software called book bolt to create low content books so this was things like notebooks and journals and Diaries and that sort of thing design them on book bolt and then put them on Amazon and you can sell them them for five or ten or fifteen dollars each okay so that's cool but the only problem with that is that there's a really low barrier to entry there because well anyone can create those they don't take very long to create and so a lot of people create hundreds or thousands of them so there's a fair amount of competition now I made another video about how to Market those how to get around that but what I'm talking about here is we can combine these two different tools we can combine chat GPT and book bolt to actually write books with chat GPT and then use bookbull to design them publish them on Amazon and suddenly just because this is a slightly longer slightly more complicated slightly less obvious process there is so much less competition and yet you can earn way more money because these books will sell for more than the journals will because they're books that actually have content in them you can use this to dominate niches especially of non-fiction books on Amazon you can create the entire book and I would say a matter of realistically a a couple of hours because you have to go through and have chat gbt generate basically like each page of the book one at a time but still so much faster than it would take you to write the book if you were actually doing the writing work so a lot of these ways that we're talking about making money with chat GPT involve creating content online and if you're interested in doing something like that well what you can do is use you screen to monetize your content and start making consistent recurring passive income from your content every single month so you screen is basically this all-in-one system that allows you to set up a subscription membership site something kind of like your own branded version of Netflix and this is so incredible because it allows you to take this content that you're already creating and monetize it and how you can pair this with chat GPT is chat GPT now makes it even easier to create this content it can help you brainstorm ideas for the content that you put on the membership site it can help you outline those videos it can even script those videos for you so Chad GPT makes it super easy to create your content and then you can use you screen to set up your own Subscription Service practically effortlessly they'll provide you with a website and even custom apps that people can use to subscribe to get access to your content u-screen will host all of your video content and even allow you to live stream on your platform yes it is now going to be your platform that you're creating on which is just so cool they also handle receiving payments from the customers and managing all of the billing and subscription every single month this is just an incredible business opportunity especially when paired with chat gbt check out the link in the description to learn all about you screen and how you can put it to work for you okay let's move on to business idea number three and this is the idea that I have actually pinpointed as the most profitable and easiest idea of all the ideas I've come up with it is to start an email marketing agency now I actually made an entire video last week about step by step how to start an email marketing agency using Chad GPT how you can get it up and running and making you money within just a few days so if you want to learn how to do that then check up there in the corner for the link to watch that video about the easiest business to start with chat gbt business idea number two is to start a niche YouTube channel now I've seen a lot of other channels talking about this already there definitely is potential here I think it's a great idea basically what you can do is ask chat GPT to give you ideas for different types of YouTube channels then you can narrow that down say tell me more about different types of YouTube channels within a certain Niche so then you can choose a specific sub Niche on YouTube then you can ask chat GPT to generate video ideas for you within that Niche and then the creme de La Creme is you can ask it to write video scripts for each of those video ideas so it will raise the entire video script for you and then all you need to do is put together a collection of video clips I'd like like to use a service called story blocks because they have an affordable monthly subscription for getting this stock b-roll footage so you put it together and of course you choose video clips that relate to the topic of the video then you just put that voice over and maybe some music together with that and you can publish it on a niche YouTube channel you don't have to show your face these videos are like the fastest videos you could possibly create since AI is helping you out and you can start generating ad revenue from the views that you get on those videos and now we come to the final idea on the list business idea number one you can start with AI is YouTube support service agency so for this idea you would be starting a company that would do support services for YouTubers so you could use chat GPT to generate video ideas for different Industries to help with generating keywords for videos for coming up with different title ideas for writing video scripts for YouTubers that is a service that YouTubers often pay 100 of dollars or even thousands of dollars per script for and you know most YouTubers make a video or two every week so it's something that you could earn a couple thousand dollars from per client per month so with just that business idea alone you could easily scale up to ten thousand dollars per month or more if you're ready to get to work and start making money with chat gbt then check out this video right here for a step-by-step breakdown of exactly how to start an email marketing agency using chat GPT in just the next couple of days
Channel: Gillian Perkins
Views: 208,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gillian Perkins, gillianperkins.com, chatgpt, how to make money using chatgpt, chatgpt business ideas, make money with chatgpt, chatgpt for business, how to start a business using chatgpt, chatgpt tips
Id: lqvZxkBXAXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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