Start One-Person Businesses with Chat GPT

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"As you might have noticed, AI  is changing everything right now.   Especially on the internet. But don't you worry;  this opportunity is just getting started. So,   today I want to show you four ways how you can  profit from this digital revolution that is   happening right in front of us. But first, we  need to talk about this overall trend, right?   Because for many people, this came out of nowhere  in December 2022. But by no means is this topic   brand new. For enthusiasts and technology-minded  people, AI has been around for years; it's just a   killer app that came out with ChatGPT that woke  a lot of people up. But enough estimates for now.   Let me show you the cold hard data. If you look  at the Google search trends here, you will find   that the ChatGPT hype from early December kind of  faded in the beginning of January. Look at that;   it dipped over 50%. But this last uptick right  here didn't just come out of nowhere. It happened   due to a lot of mainstream people talking about  it. And some critical news coming out. Concretely,   Joe Rogan talked about it on his podcast and  Microsoft revealed that in march they're going   to be releasing Bing search powered by ChatGPT. And the overarching news story here is that these   things are not just a fad that come and go. Every  groundbreaking news story can reignite the trend   at any time. And the thing is, in 2020, so  many of these apps will be coming out, and that's   why we'll talk about some of these use cases  here today on how you could capitalize on that.   But just be wary of the fact that the AI segment  is so much larger than just ChatGPT. All right?   Especially the image generators caught a lot of  fire in 2022. And what you need to be looking for   with all the opportunities today is the next wave  that will be coming. Because if you're gonna go   ahead and take one of the opportunities we talk  about here, which is creating video content,   and you're gonna do it about the topic of using  ChatGPT, well, it might do well, but frankly,   compared to my channel, you're just not playing  a fair game. And that's simply due to the fact   that my first upload was on the 5th of december  right here. Alright, so I started working on   the video here, and I finished it right here,  and I caught this entire wave. And that's what   you need to be doing. You have to have your eyes  wide open for the next killer app, because that's   gonna make all of the opportunities that we talk  about today so much more practical. Because the   supply just simply won't be there yet, because  you'll be first. So, keep that in mind. Also,   I have to show you this graph that compares the  NFT trends to the Chat GPT trend. And while some   people criticize the current AI hype: oh, it's  just another crypto-type hype. No, you have to be   aware of the difference here. AI tools delivered  killer apps that are available today; NFTs had   a lot of promises and communities built around it  and some artists use it for digital scarcity, but   it didn't have that one killer app yet. Here, it's  a different story; you open up ChatGPT and it can   essentially simulate every single profession on  planet Earth, like this. So, while yes, there is   a lot of hype right now, I wouldn't expect this to  have the same trajectory. As 2023 will be full of   releases that are going to blow our mind. And you  know, I don't like long intros, but I have to say   one more thing here and that is, I hesitated to  make this video for a while, and there's a reason   for it. I like to create my content around things  that I thoroughly understand. And even though I'm   no machine learning wizard and super coder here,  I'm a practitioner. And I've been using ChatGPT   since the day of release, more than probably 99%  of people. And that's why I have the ability to   present you these things. I didn't want to break  in here and be like, "Hey, here's some ways to   make money with ChatGPT, without having made  any." Now that the YouTube channel is doing well,   and people are loving the e-book, I feel like I  have some experience that I can share with you   here. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.  And I want you to watch out for other people   that simply talk about these opportunities  without having gotten their feet wet. Because   just like with NFTs, especially in january,  the space attracted a lot of opportunistic people that simply want to make a  quick buck. And I pride myself in this list being   a little different; it's more grounded. So, let's  get into the first point here of how to make the   most out of this incredible opportunity that is  available to everyone digitally, 24/7. And we're   gonna go down the list from hardest to execute to  easiest to execute with no experience. Alright,   so the first one is building AI power tools that  are niche-specific. That is our first opportunity   here, and the reason it's first on the list is  because this one is the hardest to execute. Well,   first of all, you at least need some coding  basics, otherwise you're not going to be able   to build the app or API that you're going to be  able to sell somehow. Well, at least not one that   is worth anything a few weeks from here, because  people will figure out the opportunity and pluck   the low-hanging fruit first. So, what to do? Let's  say you have coding skills or you have a friend   that has coding skills. What to go for? Well, my  recommendation would be to be very niche-specific.  And that brings me to my first example here, which  you've probably heard of already, Lansa, right?   The photo app that allows people to transform  their normal photos into these AI portraits. And   if you didn't know, Lensa build up on the open  source deep learning technology called stable   diffusion. But they trained it in a very specific  way; they trained it in a way to be good at   transforming human faces. Then they created that  app on top of that freely available technology   and monetized it. Now, this is what I wouldn't  recommend you do, because they were going for such   a wide market, that it's going to be very hard for  an individual or a small team to scale up to that.   And opportunities like this are going to be eaten  away by the big participants in the market anyway,   very soon here. So, I would rather go for a small  niche and then expand from there. Okay, but let's   be a little more concrete. What could you create  here? Well, there's these two models that are   currently open and you can use their APIs or the  open source code to build up on. First of all,   Stable Diffusion, just like Lensa built on that.  With that, you can build art generators and train them to your desire. By the way,  great example for that would be Levelsio  on Twitter. Here, he built these two apps and  made over sixty thousand dollars in a month   with virtually zero cost. One of the apps creates  these avatars. And the second one specializes on   using this technology on interiors. And now you  can go down the list. You can train your models   to be specific for a use case, put out a free  version and some monetized tiers to it. But look,   the problem with this approach is you're  building up on other people's technology,   right? So, in the case of Stable Diffusion, it's  open source, so it's available for everybody. So,   the competition is quite large, and it's the  same for ChatGPT. The API is open for everybody,   so everybody can build the easy apps that  you just thought of, and they probably will.   And that's why speed is your friend here. If  you want to start and do this, do it today.   And that's where a little bit of my  experience comes in, because as you could see,   I got my first video out before the hype  wave took off. And I managed to get my ebook out even before Christmas,  that meant at the beginning of january the   second version was done already. Now, how  did I do this? Well, I didn't sleep much   in that time and I neglected pretty much  every other part of my life. But that is   what's necessary if you're a solopreneur or you  have limited assets but massive ambition. Okay,   so let's talk about the second opportunity here,  which is: content creation. And that includes all   types of content. So let's talk about this.  Okay, so again, this thing is a pyramid;   there's low-hanging fruit just like blog posts,  and that's why everybody's talking about: "yeah   just checking to generate blog posts and  you can make a killing off of it." Well,   the fact is, one person that gets this  right and has some Python scripts in   place can knock out tens or maybe hundreds of  these articles a day.And trust me, services ike Google are not gonna be liking  those; they're gonna have their own tech,   which is trained with Chachi PT, that is  gonna detect the one-to-one chat GPT outputs.  And then they're gonna rank those lower because  it's gonna be more generic than a lot of the   best human created content. So, that concretely, I  see this as a very short-term strategy. Yes,   it might be working right now and it might be  worth a shot, but don't expect to create income   from that that will last over the next years.  But I think where this content opportunity   starts getting a little more interesting is where  you get into the harder tiers of it. Right, if   you're just doing an article that you're posting  on medium, it's literally one prompt - maybe say   write that in the style of XYZ - and then  you copy-paste it into Medium, done. Now,   if we talk about something like a video,  right, these things take a while to produce.  I spend most of my Sunday researching this, and  none of this is scripted, and you'll also see from the way I talk and  repeat and cut and everything, this is just me   free-flowing of points that I've thought about  thoroughly. And then also, all this - the studio,   the cameras, the audio mixing - all of this  is automated. That's my soundboard that I   had to set up. And then the editing and the  distribution is a whole different story. So,   what point am I trying to make here? If you're  creating an article, you're gonna spend maybe   five minutes creating it with the use of ChatGPT. If you're creating a video, even if you   use the video for the entire script - which, as I  said, I'm not, and I think if you get the choice,   it's better not to. But then again, it's more work  and you need more expertise - but even if you were   to script the whole thing and use AI voices to  communicate the messages, you would still end up   with a workload that is like 50 to 100 times more  than simply putting out a blog post on Medium. And   that's why less people are gonna be doing it. And  if you go out here further and you add production   value like this. And you research more, and your  thumbnails are better, well, all of a sudden   there's not going to be so much competition. So,  that's why I think the video opportunity here is   exceptional. Because ChatGPT can be a world-class  assistant here; you'll still need to do a lot of   the heavy lifting, but that's the price you pay  for results that are going to be more valuable and   more relatable as time passes. So, let me show you  an example here. Here's an interesting channel on   YouTube called AI Triprener. Now, I'll just give  you my filtered opinion here, and that is that   he kind of took the middle ground; it didn't  go like fully custom, high production value,   and all that. But first of all, he's still using  his voice, and secondly, he's using this avatar   instead of himself, instead of just stock footage.  But the content is very niche, and frankly, really   valuable and excellent. So, even though he's not  using his face, and I bet a lot, if not maybe even   all, of his text is scripted, it's valuable  information that gets delivered effectively. And that's why the channel works. Now, could  he put more work into the fan thumbnails. Yes,   absolutely. I feel like that's something you  should not skip if you're going down the YouTube   route. But if you see him individually they have  a really distinct look and I guess they work for   him. It's just when you have this channel viewed  that it all kind of blends into one. So again,   just like with the first opportunities. He used  this expertise to go into a certain niche and   he's showing exceptional speed of execution.  Look at that, he's uploading every few days   consistently - perfect! And honestly, I have  two more opportunities that I'll tell you here,   but I feel like this is the biggest opportunity  of the entire space because there's just so much   demand for quality video content across all niches. And with the help of ChatGPT the workload is kind   of manageable now. Because, up until now, if you  have to plan, right, present, be the producer,   be the cameraman, be the audio technician,  edit the video, design a compelling thumbnail,   write a killer title and then manually distribute  it when you're starting out the channel.  Well let's just say that's a lot of work for one  person, but now in most of those you can cut out   like 20 to 40 of the workload with the help of ChatGPT. And as the channel in my   newsletter move forward, this is the topic  that I would like to cover more in depth.  Because this is the one where I have the most  expertise. And frankly video creation has been   the only thing I've been doing over the course  of the last seven years. But I think you get the   point. Now, you can't go for the quick wins  because they're just gonna fail immediately.   You have to go for opportunities that take some  more work, except with our next opportunity here,   which is affiliate marketing. Now, why would this  be so interesting with this AI Revolution? Well,   I think all of us can agree that the seismic shift  is happening in our society. And over the course   of 2023 we're gonna see a lot of people get left  behind. And those are going to be the people that   are pretending like this is not happening, or it's  not important, or it doesn't concern them. Now,   in between the camp of: "Okay, I don't care  about this, whatever, leave me alone with this   AI stuff" and then people like me that wake up  and check all the industry-specific news. There's   gonna be a lot of middle ground, and that’s where  here most people fall. They are interested, they   are open to this, especially the jagan crowd, but  maybe their peers are not doing it, and in school   they're not teaching how to create amazing AI art  with Midjourney, right? And what you could do is   simply push some of these people over to the more  informed side, by bringing their attention to some   valuable products. And by its very nature, it's  a whole lot easier than the first opportunities   because there you kind of had to create a product,  and then you had to market it too. Here, your job   is to market and somebody else is creating that  core of the value. Well, okay, but what could you   market? What are these opportunities here? I'm  seeing two things unfold, and these are happening   as we speak, okay? So this is stuff that is gonna  keep popping up over the course of the next few   months, as some of these projects and products get  completed. So one would be technological products.  And if you watch this video, you already know  about the nature of those products. They're built   up on these open APIs that nobody really owns,  and everybody else can easily compete on. So,   what is their biggest struggle? Their biggest  struggle is getting a lot of customers fast.   And if not most of these have affiliate programs  already, they will very soon because they will   have to. As long as you don't have something  groundbreaking like OpenAI did, you're going to   want to attract as many people as possible. And  the best way to do that is to open it up to the   customers to distribute it themselves. Just look  at Amazon, they're notorious for their massive   affiliate program that pretty much lives in every  YouTuber's description - that's how big it is. So,   look out for these apps being released that have  affiliate programs and unfortunately, I don't have   a good recommendation yet. There's some but I  can't recommend those in good will because I   haven't tested them myself. That second category  is not apps, but products. And look, I'm just   gonna take my eBook as an example because I really  believe in it, and feel free to educate me, but   I feel like it's the only product around ChatGPT  that offers a worthy affiliate program. Right now,   that is. Okay, so, what's happening there and  what's the opportunity? You can click the link in   the description, sign up to the affiliate program  and start finding ways to promote that thing.   And every time someone clicks the link and buys,  you get eight dollars. Now, I'm pointing out this   opportunity because the book is still super new  and I haven't had the time to expand into other   social media channels, except for YouTube, yet.  I also just know for a fact that the book is very   valuable, which is a fact. Because less than 0.004  of the people that bought it actually complained. And as there's no other similar products out there  right now, you could just go ahead and create   TikTok channels in various languages and start  promoting this thing. Now, I reckon that over   the course of the next few months, a lot more of  these products are gonna keep popping up, there's   gonna be more opportunities. But if you package it  correctly, right now it seems like an easy sell to   say:"Hey, there's this revolutionary app that  is changing people's lives, and here's a product   that gives you beginner-friendly cheat codes to  use that technology" So yeah, keep your eyes open   for opportunities like this. Just know, this space  is currently getting filled with scammers, and a   lot of people are going to be spinning up products  that they're never gonna update again, never gonna   mark it again, never gonna put their weight  behind. And if you're an affiliate for those,   it's just a very short-term opportunity, which  can be fine. Just be aware that's what you're   getting into. And now, the last, and probably  most interesting opportunity for most people   that listen to these videos. Chances are that  most people don't code or have a limited amount   of time. But with everybody watching this video  obviously has is the mind that is open enough to   absorb some of this new information and put these  artificial intelligence models to work. Because   that's what we love doing on this channel, we  love using this tech. And if you're in that camp,   you have a massive advantage against anybody who's  simply not using it. So the last opportunity that   I want to highlight here is any service-based  business, right? Any service-based business.  Because every time you're in touch with  customers and you're delivering some service   to the customer, you can improve that experience  with the use of ChatGPT. "Okay, Igore, how? That's   very big." Well, I'll tell you how. Okay, so just  because that's my background, let's say you're a   video production company and you're gonna offer  yourself services to customers. How do you power   that with AI? Well, you're going to go ahead and  you're gonna dissect it into the different phases   of the business. First up, you contact the client  somehow, let's say by email, so that's number one.   Secondly, you're gonna be in touch with them,  let's say you're in a phone call or you meet,   so that's number two. Thirdly, once you agree,  you're going to be providing some kind of service,   so there's going to be video preparation work,  that's number three. Then the next phase is gonna   be the day of the shoot, phase five, phase six is  post-production, and phase seven is delivery. Now,   you take every single one of those and you  think about how AI could help. I think we don't   even need to talk about the first and the second  phase, how this can help. It can prepare scripts   to inspire your approach. You can generate ideas  in different ways with creative prompts and asking   you the right questions to get new approaches to  approach to people. And then depending on their   replies, you can consult ChatGPT to come back  with the right answer to persuade them. And then,   once you have the job in pre-production, this is a  godsend. I mean, Midjourney allows you to sketch   a picture like this and get an output like this.  So now, compared to somebody who's not using AI,   you're just gonna kill it on the storyboarding  and the ideas that you present to the client. And   when you show up to produce the thing, you're  just going to be so much better prepared. If   you're doing interviews, you're gonna have more  questions than you did before. If you're doing   narrative things, your storyboard is going to be  better than before. In editing, you can use some   of these image generators to create a creative  transition. And then here's the most important   part - You deliver the final product with a list  of ideas that they could do moving forward. Now,   look: if they ask you, just stand by it. Yes, I  use AI, but I use it intelligently to help you   out. People are not gonna have a problem with  that. And then rinse and repeat. That's a video   production business, all right? If you're doing  something like copywriting, the quality and amount   of services you can provide is just shot through  the roof. If you sketch out 20 pictures like this,   you can use Midjourney to storyboard, or at the  very least communicate your ideas to your clients. And you can start doing that today, right?  You just have to know how to use these tools.  And just from this video, I bet you gained  more knowledge than most people that you meet on   the street have by default. But hey, now it's  up to you. You know about these opportunities;   you have some of the tutorials on my channel. Take  this AI Advantage seriously and go and make some   money. And if you want to learn more about some  practical use cases, you can check out this video!
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 21,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: igor pogany, education, how to, theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, chat gpt to make money, make money online with chatgpt, how to make money with chat gpt, chat gpt business idea
Id: jMumvfoFUcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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