10 Secret GPT-4 Tips And Tricks (How To Use GPT-4)(GPT-4 Tutorial)

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so let's actually get started one of the first things you're going to want to do if you haven't actually accessed gpt4 just yet and you don't know how to go on to chatgpt and make sure that if you are on chatgpt you do need to have chat GPT plus because if you don't have chat DBT plus then you won't be able to access gpt4 now one of the cool things that you can see about gpt4 is that there's three different versions that you have access to if you have access to gbt4 now I do want to make some key differences here because there is a lot to get through in this video and there is going to be some things that you might have missed so there are now three versions of chatgpt so of course we got the default version of chat TPT which is available to plus users so if you've purchased the 20 a month subscription you'll be able to get this version right here and you can see the reason that this one is really good is because it is a really really fast almost double or three times the speed of the Legacy version so the Legacy version that you can all see right here this is essentially just the free version so if you haven't signed up for GPT Pro or GPT plus yet you're not going to be able to see gpt4 or you're not going to see default version of gbt 3.5 so understand that that is why you may not see these two tabs here so once you upgrade your subscription and then you'll see the tab for gpt4 and you'll see the tab for gbt 3.5 now what's interesting about this is that GPT 3.5 we need to make an important distinction because GT 3.5 is actually faster than gpt4 so you can see right here the speed on gbt4 is only 2 but on 3.5 you can see that it's a 5 on the speed so the 3.5 version is actually really really quick so if you are wanting to get data out of chat GPT really really fast just to use the default version of 3.5 because it is magnitude faster than gpt4 so gpt4 okay as you all know is actually very very slow so gpt4 is just as quick as the Legacy version of chat GPT and it's actually slower than you'd expect now most people would think this version that would be really quick but that is not the case so that is something that you do want to note another thing to note about chat EBT is that it does currently have a message cap of 100 messages every four hours so this is something that you want to understand so for example when you're sending these messages try to understand that you can't just keep on sending messages for a big project just yet because they are slowly rolling this out and I'm guessing that as they do roll this out so you ought to know that gpd4 isn't going to allow you to send too many messages in a specific time frame because I'm guessing that they want to limit the usage of this platform now if there are some tips and tricks that are missed in this video be sure to comment down below and I'll see if I can get to those comments and potentially make another video on this stuff because there's definitely a lot to cover and there will be updates to this as the developments continue so of course you can see that there are many things that you should know about gpt4 gbt4 doesn't really allow you to create a code prompt with uh more than 2 000 words you know currently we did see this that was you know something that was advertised but this is going to be something that is reserved for the API so if you've ever used GPT before if you've ever used opening eyes well if you've ever used open eyes playground this is going to be where you're going to be using gpt4 in the future and this is where the long-form consecration is going to be so if you're someone who's online right now thinking okay I want to use gpt4 to create ebooks I want to use it to create essays I want to use it to create many different things understand that right now in its current state gpt4 you can't actually do that because you can see right here it says gpt4 is capable of handing over 25 000 words of text allowing for use cases like a long form content creation extended conversations and document search analysis but this Reddit user showed that after inserting a code prompt with about 2000 words they said the message you submitted was too long please reload the conversation and submit something shorter so right now guys chatgpt understand that you're not able to submit insanely long things and have it analyze them but that is something that is going to be happening and of course the GP uh gpt4 API waitlist on this page right here it's called openai.com waitlist gpt4 API uh just sign up here and just simply wait and eventually once you're accepted once they actually roll it out that's when you can head over to playground and then essentially what you want to do is you just want to switch switch the model um and then of course uh once you have the model which is going to be the chat right here um that's where you're going to be able to have um that long form content on so it's definitely on playground it's not on chat GPT now some of you might be wondering another thing you might be wondering is where are the images support image support is coming around but they haven't actually released this just yet so this is something that they have worked on with something that they have shown us but this isn't something that hasn't been released just yet so if you're looking for an image button right here or an image button right here or one in playground this isn't something that we have yet so you know your chat GPT isn't bugged out this is something that we haven't got just yet so some people have actually been using chat TPT to develop many many crazy things okay so for example chat GPT especially gpc4 has gotten really really good at making code in fact it's gotten so good that many different coders are now starting to create these mini projects with them and you can see right here that this guy tweeted out with GPT 4's help and no previous coding experience I just made my first Google Chrome extension in a few hours gbt4 walks me step by step through the entire creation process writing the code and fixing all errors that came up the simple extension translate translates the text of any web page Pirate into pirate speak by using the gpt3 API and the prompt Ahoy matey so it's definitely really cool because um as you guys know gpt3 was something that people did use to create code but as you know that gpt4 has become Advanced so for example let's say I wanted to and this is something that I did before um create um this is something that you can get really really experimented with let's say let's create a pine script for a trading bot um and this is something that I did a video on before ages ago so here you can see uh GPT 3.5 using chat gbt to uh create code so this was me uh like I think a month ago trying to create code so essentially uh chat GPT now gpt4 has gotten much much better at creating code and it's definitely having a lot less errors so I'm going to go ahead and see what it does with this new prompt because it'll be interesting to see just how um different this is I'm gonna go ahead to gpd4 and I'm gonna see and what you guys want to see right here is you want to see just how slow this is now of course if you're someone who's used to Turbo um you understand that of course this is definitely slower but if you're used to the Legacy version then this is going to be something that is of course uh the standard speed so this is essentially what we have here which is like a pine script trading bot that you can actually use on trading view if you know what trading view is you can just simply input this into the pine script editor and you can actually use this um to make a trading book for yourself as a buy and sell signal indicator and this is something that chat gbt can actually be used for um and it's actually something that does pretty much work so you can see right here that chat gbt is actually much better at code now for those of you who are wondering exactly how smart rgbt is there's a recent article by Forbes just detailing exactly how chat TBT beats 90 of lawyers trying to pass the bar and this is something that is real because I did cover this in uh yesterday's video so it is something that is actually true chat gbt is very very smart Okay um and of course there are going to be sometimes where you do get some errors but uh if you do have any errors you can just simply input those errors into chat GPT and then it will essentially recorrect those errors so it's definitely good at creating code and this is going to be something that is much more smart okay and you can see right here what's different about this one okay is that it actually walks you through step by step it gives you much more thoughtful responses and uh it's just generally a lot better and a lot more refined now what you can also see here is that this user was able to get gpt4 to make them an iPhone app that recommends 5q movies every day including the trailers and where to watch and you can see that this app actually did work now of course you might be wondering how difficult is this to do understand that if you don't know how to code guys you can literally just ask chat GPT how to get started with any app with any program and it will literally give you the step-by-step tutorial and this is something that I've done before on the code that I did just write is actually pretty perfect I didn't receive any errors when applying it to my trading view whereas the previous version of chat gbt there was always constant errors that I would have and it would take maybe around 5-8 tries before you could actually get um you know the right code and this time it actually did get it correctly now although this might not be something that you do want to use Tag Team PT can be used to create very very basic games that you can see that you can play in your browser and of course you guys can see right there all you need to do is literally ask chat GPT what kind of game you want to create and then simply it will output that code and you can create those basic games in your browser now you might think that this this application isn't that impressive but guys understand that this can do this within seconds accurately with uh you know a high degree of accuracy and a high degree of you know certainty meaning that you know these applications can be used on many different programs and in many different fields okay this is just you know a demonstration of how powerful the software is and this is definitely something that you do want to play around with maybe you have an app idea maybe you have something that you've wanted to code maybe that you've you know you have a concept in your brain um chat gbt can help you bring that to life especially if you have no coding knowledge now one of the key features that they did actually you know give a demo well was the fact that uh let's say you went on to default default G4 T 3.5 even the turbo version and you said can you write a sentence about AI a chat GPT would simply refuse this and sometimes it would actually make mistakes um for example if you ask for a paragraph in fact let's ask for a paragraph because it's not supposed to be able to do that um let's see if we have a paragraph we can write a paragraph well you can see that it does try to do it okay but um it does get it kind of wrong because this is an a this is the lens D this is the letter M this is the letter H so it does try but if we ask gpg four um you can see that it does it more accurately so if I say can you write a paragraph about AI with all words beginning with the letter A it should get this actually right so you can see right here the gpt4 is much more smarter it's like a degrees a couple degrees smarter so you can see right here artificially Advanced algorithms are autonomously accelerating astounding analysts alike so um that's really really really impressive um for a natural language model um and yeah guys honestly this is just truly truly incredible it just goes to show that um you know right here it tries but it doesn't get it and then of course you can see that right here um it actually does get it um and it does get it with a perfect Google accuracy there's there's not one um word which is you know another letter so it just goes to show that gbt4 maybe if you tried something before and it wasn't that accurate and it wasn't that great um or maybe you thought that it was a bit too difficult try it with gpt4 and you'll see that it is definitely a magnitudes more precise magnitude is more and it's more concise in its efforts to you know give you a specific answer because it doesn't need to you know blab along about a lot of stuff now another thing that chat TPT is really really good for is uh I wouldn't say generating lawsuits because that's not something you want to do but uh definitely the law and definitely taxes so in the open AI demo what we did actually see was uh you know gpt4 doing taxes which it really did in a very very good way so gbd4 as you guys can see right here um this is by the openai demo um actually did manage to do this person's taxes so um of course as you guys can see they're on playground they were in uh the chat beta mode and you can see that right here they said uh you are a tax GPT and this is why I said this durability of uh gpt4 is going to be insane this is why it's not just going to be chat gbt anymore where it's going to be something that you're going to be talked to you could literally make it applicable to any single industry in the entire world so I could make it a YouTube consultant I could make it a healthcare consultant I could make it a music uh consultant as you can see right here they're making it a tax consultant and it accurately does solve the taxes so it says um you know he did actually paste in the tax above um there was there were so many uh details that he added and then of course at the end it outputted the right tax liability so when it comes to math questions gbt4 is going to be really really good um and you should still be able to do this with uh gbt4 right now in chat GPT so this is definitely something that I would say that you know maybe you're having a difficult uh email maybe receive an email you're not sure how to respond uh gbt4 is going to be able to give you the very best I'm convincing emails that you can write so definitely use this uh for for very very uh difficult things and I don't know I'm actually basic but um honestly just using it and integrating it to my daily workflow really did just just make me a a more efficient person and I was honestly surprised at how good this was at just doing some of the basic tasks 10 times more effective than I could think of so if you're someone who's uh you know used gpt4 and you're wondering what to do you can use it to definitely check code you can use it to do your taxes and other stuff like that you can use it to help you with the law because remember that gpd4 is actually really good at the law it's actually good enough to get into Stanford and many different law schools so you can think of it like having your personal law assistant so with this stuff the gpt4 is a step up so now it actually has I wouldn't say it has qualifications but I would say that it is good enough to advise you and of course you definitely want to you know of course always seek an attorney for a final decision but it is definitely something that can advise you in areas of the law that you may not be um you know that you may not know about so um it's definitely something that I would be using and with gpt4 there aren't any really crazy prompts of course you can prompt it in many different ways but it just goes to show that now it's so much more specific so I would get even more specific with your prompts because that's what gpt4 is clearly designed for um and when the multimodal function does come out when there's like a little um a little box here when you can input an image or maybe um on playground when you go on to open Ai and you go on playground if you change this to chat and then if you switch to gbt4 when it does come available um when they do release their API you're going to be able to see exactly um how crazy gbt4 is because it's going to be able to generate that long form content so I would make sure right now what you do is you definitely um get your API key and you definitely sign up for the wait list because uh once it does release there's definitely going to be a lot of people using it um and you definitely want to be the first
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 144,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m6K3XTFdaHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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