5 SECRET Ways to Become a Speed Learner With ChatGPT

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the future of education is here and it is called chat GPT this powerful language model is going to completely change the way we learn like it is already causing complete chaos in the educational system with Chachi BT you can say goodbye to spending countless hours reading researching and even spending a ludicrous amount of money on expensive tutors because AI is here and it is going to completely revolutionize the way we learn with this personalized feedback research capabilities and its deep understanding of Topics in this video we're going to check out how chat gbt can supercharge your education and help you learn 10 times faster first you can use it as a personal tutor that is literally available all day every day it is super well educated and can teach you basically anything that's on the internet and for any skill of say you want to learn how to code in Python instead of going out and buying a 100 or 200 coding course you can simply ask chat gbt act as a professional coder and teach me a beginner how to code in Python and there you go it is literally teaching you the basic concepts python that you can go through and read and practice yourself but let's say that you didn't understand one of the concepts in the ai's response so you could say I don't understand if and else statements could you re-explain in a different way and as you can see chat gbt will expand on the concept that you didn't understand and go off in much more depth next up we have a step down from a personal tutor a study buddy if you have no friends or if your friends aren't exactly smart enough to study with then chat tobt can be a very very intelligent fill-in study partner for example say you're studying math and you got stuck on a specific problem you could say I don't understand how to do this math problem you can just paste it in could you please show me how to do it step by step and just like that it will start to explain how it got to the answer in a very clear and easy to understand way the next way to use it is to create tests or exams for you say you're studying for a subject and you have an upcoming quiz that you want practice for well chat TBT can basically create an infinite amount of questions for that subject for you practice so for example let's say I have an upcoming 9th grade biology quiz that I need to practice for could you please provide me with five multiple choice questions and five long form questions for me to practice and then as you can see chat GPT will quite literally create a thorough test in seconds for you while saving the trees like it is amazing how easily you could practice whatever you want using AI okay so before we continue I just wanted to say if you are enjoying the video so far don't forget to give it a like And subscribe for more AI content next up and my personal favorite is using it to learn a language faster so say you are learning Spanish but you don't really have anyone to practice with well lucky for you chatgpt is multilingual and can literally help you practice any language at any skill level so for example you could say could you help me practice a basic conversation in Spanish where we talk to each other imagine we just met you will start the conversation off and wait for me to respond please translate every response to English and then hopefully Chesapeake tea will begin a conversation with us in Spanish and yup there we go what's your name so then you could respond with correct answer and you can just keep the conversation going and going and going until you are satisfied alright last but not least it can take any notes or information and summarize it so this can go in two ways first let's say that you took a couple of notes and you want to expand on them so I just wrote down a couple of notes that I know about productivity now I'm going to ask it expand on these notes and as you can see it will start to provide more information or more context about the notes that you took just like but that was only the first way the second way is to literally just take the reverse of that and take a chunk of information and ask the AI to simplify so I just copied this paragraph about productivity from Wikipedia so I'm going to put quotations around it and ask the AI to summarize and there you go it will start providing a much more simple version of the paragraph that I gave it but if you're still not happy with response then you could say something like rewrite that that in one sentence as you can see chapter BT will literally rewrite it in a much much shorter way alright so it's pretty clear that Chachi BT can take your learning to the next level but you have to remember that when using AI you need to be responsible with it do not ever copy and paste a direct response from the AI especially if you are in school because that is just asking for trouble use the answers that you get as a starting point and then build on top of it and always always remember to fact check the answers because more times than not the AI is wrong or just provide straight up false information anyway that is all I have to say for this video so remember to subscribe if you want more AI content in the future I will see you in the next one adios
Channel: bri does things
Views: 455,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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