I Found The 400 Most Useful Chat GPT Prompts

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I collected the 400 most useful prompts for  ChatGPT and in this video, I'm going to share   some of that invaluable knowledge. Let's have a  look. I think it's not hard to agree on the fact   that this tech is incredibly useful but if you're  anything like me every time I tap into that little   chat box I think to myself: the potential of this  thing seems endless maybe I'm not asking it the   right questions or interacting with it correctly?  So I set out on a journey across the internet. I   literally looked through all of the internet for  the best ChatGPT prompts Twitter, Discord, YouTube,   blogs man I even went on Pinterest. And I myself  tested every single prompt that seemed somewhat   useful. Spoiler alert, most of the interesting  ones don't even work anymore yes very sad anyway,   and once I found my favorite ones I came up with  a list of 100 ChatGPT prompts. Aren't they just   beautiful. And that's essentially the ebook that  we'll be looking at today. I sorted them into five   categories so without further Ado let me show you  some of these okay so in the productivity chapter   the focus is getting the most out of your time  essentially being more effective when it comes to   managing your resources like time and money and I  really wanted to share this particular prompt with   all my YouTube subscribers because it's so damn  useful so look can you find some practical ways   to develop your coding skills without joining  a course or Community. Now all I gotta do is   copy-paste and by using this prompt I essentially  get advice from a seasoned professional that is   trying to help me out with a new skill. I'm a  firm believer of always adding new skills to   your toolkit and this prompt is a true superpower.  It's hard to find trustworthy people on specific   topics that will just give out quality advice  like this for free. I'm still a beginner or   maybe an advanced beginner when it comes to coding  but let me tell you this advice is worth gold when   it comes to a beginner. And as you can see I  always broke it down and this was actually the   hardest part with the ebook I always had to find  the formula that you could replicate and customize   to your own needs so the way it works simply you  just replace the things in the square brackets   with your own words and then down here you have  some examples to get your imagination going so   for example can you find some practical ways  to improve your writing skills without joining   a course or community and here's my favorite part  you can simply take this formula and say generate   some examples that are relevant for computer savvy  young guy based on following prompt formula and   then you post the formula and it just hits you  with a bunch of prompts that are relevant you. And   if I say answer number one it teaches me how to  learn Photoshop myself like come on this is worth   its weight in gold. So that was one of 100 prompts  I have in that ebook. Okay so I'll just go ahead   and skip the copywriting category as I have a big  video outlining multiple prompts from there but   just know there's over 30 pages like this just for  copywriting so yeah you bet this ebook will help   you with writing. Okay so next up I really want to  look at the social category because that and the   productivity category are my personal favorites.  Look at this one on page 72: in Western Society   is it generally considered better to be rich or  powerful an extremely hard question that has to   consider so many variables one might even call  this a possible question and this is exactly one   of those that you wouldn't just think of yourself.  So let's see what it says here and the answer is   amazing it actually starts talking about value  systems the thing that underlies this question and   how money or power might not be what most people  value and therefore none of the two is better and   then you can come at it with tricky questions  like: but in the case of a politician which   one is a preferable case of a politician that is  generally preferable to be powerful rather than   wealthy and then it explains. And you can use this  particular prompt to travel the world right just   go ahead and say in Indian culture is it generally  considered better to be traditional or modern   and chat GPT starts schooling you on Indian  culture. Right here right now now okay this   answer is very ambiguous but with this you can  always follow up and specify a certain region   or a certain city and then get more concrete  answers. Powerful prompt especially when you're   dealing with a diverse group of people. But now  it's time to talk about your health here because   this is again one of those that are not obvious  at all. I mean who would ask it: can you create   a Seven Day meal plan for an adult who needs to  consume 2 000 calories a day but make it lactose   intolerance friendly. And again as every time  you can customize it to yourself by changing:   the age group, the number of calories and your  restriction. Trust me these formulas were hard   to generate but it allows for a very no brain  approach to the whole thing you can just go   ahead copy paste and then by glancing over for a  millisecond you instantly see which word you need   to change to customize the whole thing to your  needs. So let's have a look and yeah by the way   the one in the line prompt is always my personal  favorite one and in this case I just turned chat   GPT into a private chef that made a customized  menu just for me. How amazing is that. Okay and   before I hit you with my favorite category to  begin with in this ebook which is entertainment   because it's just so fun to dive right In and try  some prompts and have a quick laugh I just want   to address one obvious concern and that is "Igor  you just use chat GPT to generate this thing and   now you're trying to sell it". Listen chat GPT is  creative but it has its limitations too and trust   me it's not like I didn't try to use it in the  process of creating this ebook. It's just when   you come up with a useful prompt turning that into  a meaningful and understanding formula is a task   you'll have to do manually. And not just that  I consulted all these prompts with other people   and tested them multiple times so these formulas  have been reviewed for understandability and ease   of use. Okay and to round this out we'll use one  of my favorite entertainment prompts here. Let's   say you got a new dog and you need a name for  it right now instead of going about it the old   school way how about saying can you come up with a  funny nickname for a dog that incorporates a play   on words. And look I don't know what about it but  the keyword "play on words" is so effective here.   This never ceases to amaze me: Woof gangster,  Doggy Style, Pawsper, Bark Twain. Maybe it's   just me but the answers from this particular  prompt they're just really good and that's   the way I feel about so many of these you get a  total of 100 formulas, 400 prompts in total so   if you're interested link is in the description.  If not I fully understand, I have my free Weekly   Newsletter on AI and quality videos like this  with more prompts with a whole lot more coming
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 126,292
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Keywords: igor pogany, education, how to, theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, prompts, 400 prompts, chat gpt prompt, chat gpt prompts, best chat gpt prompts, open ai, chatbot prompts, prompt, best prompts, how to use chat gpt, prompt engineering
Id: IG1izWfgG4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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