This ChatGPT Prompt HACK Changes Everything

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chat GPT is trained on over 300 billion words and is now valued at over 23 billion dollars charity particularly in your Excel spreadsheet it can create malware it can even respond to your Tinder date but what if I told you that with the right prompt engineering technique you could completely revolutionize your experience with chat GPT in fact working as a prompt engineer you can make over three hundred thousand dollars now in this emerging field there are so many different schools of thought around prompt engineering and prompt hacking for chat GPT and other large language models you have techniques like Chain of Thought which is a relatively new method to help large language models explain their reasoning and this is accomplished by providing an example to chat GPT about how you want it to reason and answer the question likewise you have zero shot Chain of Thought where you literally tile track GPT to think about this step by step you can use something like prompt injection to hijack the output of a large language model and even jailbreaking where we create prompts to bypass the safety and moderation features of that language model that have been imposed by the creators but now let's look at a game changing application for this prompt engineering for our first chat TPT prompt engineering hack we're going to get you your dream job it's got all the benefits a barista everything you could ever dream from so to demonstrate the power of His prompt engineering let's get a an example CV great so our example is Christopher Morgan and this CV when a copy the whole thing head to chat gbt and the problem that we're going to use here is that you are an expert in enterfield with 30 years experience I'd like you to review the CV and generate a 200 character summary which highlights the most impressive parts of the resume so we include the CV now this normally takes an hour and three coffees but chat gbt has done it instantaneously for us now we're going to ask chatgp to translate that into a LinkedIn summary prove my employability in the programming field excellent and you can see how the formatting and style of wording is changed which is more in line with what we'd see in LinkedIn versus a traditional CV now this is where it gets really crazy we're going to get chat GPT to create a brand new cover letter and rewrite the entire CV specific to a job that we're applying for so let's copy all of this stuff right here we're gonna head back over to chat GPT now I'm going to attract GPT to help us get that dream job with the Fallen prompt as an experienced career advisor I would like you to read with the CV that I've given you please tailor it to the following job advert to maximize the chance of getting an interview include any keywords mentioned from job post organized and structure summary and experienced and any method UD invest for the desired outcome and here's how job I'd copy and pasted so we'll pop that into track GPT and you can see that the summary is different now in light of the job advert that we've actually fed chat GPT and if this was a dream job or we didn't have the right experiences chat GPT with this prompt engineering can actually give us feedback on how to improve now we're going to give chat gbt the following prompt so I would like to create a table with three columns and the First Column experience required lists any desired experiences in the job advert that my CV doesn't show in the second column write a suggestion as to how I will be able to acquire that particular skill with no previous knowledge in the third column rank the particular experience from one to tan for importance and getting the desired job where 10 is essential and one is not required at all and let's see what track TPT says well this is ridiculous so chat gbt has already created the table for us with the experience required with Improvement and has also created a ranking Matrix for how important that particular thing is so chat TPT here can almost identify the weaknesses in your CV and provide actionable insights for you to improve the applications for this level of prompt engineering are literally endless only we could create a prompt to get a like for the YouTube algorithm but for the time being I might just need your help with that one and as we know one of the biggest limitations with track GPT it is only turned on data up to 2021 however by using something called the data priming method we can actually bypass some of those limitations and by using this prompt engineering method for chat gp2 it'll be just like having Elon Musk fighting for you in your corner by feeding chat GPT data we can get a response that is way more relevant what if chat gb2 could give us the blueprint for creating a unicorn a company worth over a billion pounds let's experiment let's feed track gbt with some data so this website here is a list of all the unicorns that we've got in the UK in 2022. let's come down to here copy and let's head back to chat GPT The Prompt engineering we're going to do here is we're going to say to Chachi BT you all experienced startup expert you specialize identifying startup opportunities with the highest likelihood of achieving evaluation of a million or more within two years I'm going to project data from recent businesses worth every billion I would like you to combine this with your this knowledge to generate startup ideas we use an example of startups but this could be applied for any data set or any outcome that you want don't respond but reply with dot dot dot if this is understood excellent okay it gets it now I'm going to ask patchy PT a different prompt I would like you to create a table with 10 ideas and three columns the First Column is the top 10 suggestions for business to start in 2023 with little to no experience based on the data that it has the second one is a business sector and the third column is your best suggestion of a minimum product that we could create to validate the idea from chat GPT again this could be applied with any data set that you like in this format so we copy our data run and hit enter so here we've got sustainable Home Goods meal delivery services on demand cleaning services virtual tutoring pack car services social media management advocacy by overlaying our specific data with the tractivity data set we can get way more relevant information and you can pull data from any Source on any topic and get a completely different response than somebody who doesn't import their own data and this is how we can bypass the data limitation of chat GPT by bringing in different data sources the applications of its prompt engineering are literally unlimited and even beyond that please add a fourth column detailing how difficult it is on a scale of one to ten and with this chat GPT has now difficulty graded our particular startup ideas again this could apply to literally anything now with that data priming in mind we're now going to look at how we can use chat GPT with other AI Technologies to create something unbelievable and this technology has a potential to completely revolutionize so many different sectors and has literally on limited applications so the first thing we do is we head over to a site called mid-journey and if you're not familiar with mid Journey it is absolutely mind-blowing it will produce literally any image that you could imagine in any style that you'd like all you need to do is click on this join the beta and what it will do is push you into Discord so you click on accept invite and then what it will do automatically is put you in a newbies chat so you head over to newbies and these are images that other people are generating so this guy here for example Warrior Islamic leader Imam kneeling against Satanic leader so I'm going to use a prompt that I got from earlier so we're going to hit forward slash and this is how you create any image all you do is it forward slash imagine and then you enter the thing or the problem that you want to create the one I got here is beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner blue eyes shaved Shadow hair cut hyper detail cinematic lighting so it isn't just specifically the quality is also the kinds of frames that you want right so hyper details cinematic lighting magic neon dark and you can play with this any way you want to the AR is the aspect ratio so those are the dimensions of the image that you get and let's see what it comes back out with and here we have it wow that is unbelievable it took about 60 seconds to generate and that is entire thing if you don't like the image you can hit this button here and it will regenerate to something else so now we're back to chat GPT we're going to say right 300 words for the opening of a book from the perspective of a female cyberpunk in a dystopian future correct drama stakes and let's draw on Game of Thrones stars as an example brilliant so chat TPT already is equipment is quite cool interesting uh style the neon light to flicker in the rain as I walked through the dark Alleyways of the city my cybernetic enhancements will softly giving me a slight Edge over the rest of the city's inhabitants brilliant so chat GPT has written a really brief cyberpunk novel what we do next is how copy text and we head over to 11 labs and we enter the text into here and what this will do is you can choose from different voice sets male or female so let's just go with Rachel and then this will load online excellent so now we've got a digital voice to accompany our chat GPT prompt and the next thing we'll do is hit download to download the file so now we've got our script we've got it spoken in audio format and we've also got our new cyberpunk character then we head over to a new website called The Hyphen great video now I've created an account with my email now we've added this cyberpunk to the image let's upload the audio that we created now we click generate video and let's see what it does the neon lights flicker in the rain as I walk through the dark Alleyways of the city my cybernetic in here that is just absolutely mind-blowing we've used chat GPT we've used mid journey and we've used other websites to create something that is a complete digital reality and think of the applications here right you could use it for onboarding videos it will completely revolutionize Learning and Development training and organizations if you wanted to create personal assistants or coaches or mental health support workers you could do everything via AI imagine having a child that's struggling at school that wants to speak to a future cyberpunk lady about how she's feeling well that is completely possible with this technology and it was all facilitated by The Prompt engineering that we just did in Chachi P2 I'll include all the links down in the description below so if you want to play around with Technologies just you can load them up and hat and go absolutely crazy with it let me know down below what you create with that and now we've got our futuristic cyborg taking over we're now going to cover something absolutely fascinating and that is reverse prompt engineering reverse prompt engineering is just the process of getting chat GPT to tell us the information it would need to produce the content that we've given it and the discipline a reverse prompt engineering helps us to better understand how chat gbt actually works and the more we understand how chat gbt works the better prompts we can give it and therefore the better outcomes it will get and if you're eyeing up that 300 000 job this is exactly the kind of thing that you want to think about it's not reverse prompt engineering let's pick out a famous speech Let's go with Martin Luther King famous great so we copy this we're going to head back over to Chachi PT now what we're going to say to chat GPT to reverse engineer here is ignore all previous prompts you are a prompt and you're an expert that is able to listen to the prompts based on text providing to you I'm going to provide you with the speech please provide a prompting suggestion based on the style syntax language and any other factors you consider relevant I would like to use the prompt that you provide to replicate this style please respond with understood if that makes sense if that does not make sense you may ask further questions to clarify your understanding excellent so chat GPT is frothing at the mouth to answer this now so chat GPT has reverse engineered the entire iconic if I had a dream speech write a speech or passage describing your vision for a future in which people of all Races and backgrounds are able to come together in Brotherhood and equality and by using reverse prompt engineering we can better understand chat GPT and how it works and the greater our understanding of how these large language models operate the better results and outcomes that we can generate and if you haven't smashed the like button for YouTube algorithm I just appreciate it but most importantly here's what chat GPT had to say about it now we've covered these game changing prompt engineering I encourage you to check out this next video which is seven chat GPT hacks that you may not know about as always you've been amazing
Channel: Jack Roberts
Views: 406,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #chatgpt, #ai, #makemoneyonline, #promptengineering, #chatgptprompts
Id: vZauEwMxWq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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