Japan's Mind Control Killer: The Shocking & Disturbing Story of Futoshi Matsunaga

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ah japan an idolized place home to amazing food  gorgeous sites trains that actually run on time   and yours truly the land of the rising sun but  with their sun there are shadows and this quirky   little island nation has more than its fair share  of dark stories to tell thanks in part to true   crime youtubers many of japan's most shocking  cases have been introduced to western audiences   cases like the slaying of junko furita and the  setagaya family massacre there is one case however   that i've never seen any other youtuber talk about  before a case that was considered so atrocious at   the time it happened that many japanese media  outlets refused to report on the details of it   even so whenever i ask my friends here in  japan who the country's most prolific killer is   one name always comes up futoshi matsunaga aka  the mind control serial killer a man so evil   that even with the media actively shying away from  his case he somehow became a household name anyway   between the years of 1996 and 1998 he  claimed the lives of at least seven people   though the exact number remains unknown  but what makes this case so shocking   and frankly intriguing is how fatoshi was able  to manipulate others around him to do his bidding   it's the kind of story that makes you realize  the consequences of misplacing your trust   but you can believe papa lazy when  i say that this story gets wild   so go ahead and make yourself a cup of  tea close the curtains and snuggle up   because we're about to delve into the dark story  of japan's mind control killer futoshi matsunaga fukuoka japan's sixth largest city located on  the nation's southernmost main island kyushu   home to some of the country's best cuisine  most famous sites and largest yakuza syndicates   it's a dynamic metropolis with a rich  history but we don't have to look too   far back into fukuoka's past to hear  the story about her most notorious son   born on april 28th 1961 futoshi matsunaga  was a bright child who made good grades   but more impressive than his academic abilities  were his social skills ask anyone who knew him   growing up and they'll tell you that futoshi was  a real smooth talker even at a young age he made   friends with ease regularly got his own way thanks  to his silver tongue and as he got older was able   to charm the pants off pretty much any woman  who took his fancy surrounded by shy classmates   futoshi stood out as a charismatic extrovert and  basically made an impression on everyone he met   that impression wasn't always good however  though schoolwork came easy to satoshi   following the rules didn't at school his quick wit  and short temper meant that he'd often talk back   to teachers whenever they tried to discipline  him for being overly loud or causing trouble   most people put that down to him being  an excitable lad with too much energy   little did anyone realize that behind  that cheeky twinkle in for toshi's eyes   was a rotten soul if any soul at  all you see futoshi was a psychopath   that in itself isn't so unusual approximately one  percent of the general population are clinically   psychopathic meaning they find it very difficult  or even impossible to feel remorse or empathy   being remorseless self-serving charismatic  and intelligent futoshi quickly learned how   to become a master manipulator and he had  no intention of using his powers for good futoshi got married at the young age of 19 and had  a child with his wife but his skill with women and   lack of morals meant that he didn't stay faithful  for long he reportedly had ten mistresses one of   whom was jungkook ogata a kindergarten teacher and  an old classmate of atoshi's from his school days   the pair began secretly dating in 1982 and fatoshi  likely kept her around because juncker was easy   to control both mentally and physically during  their early days of seeing each other chunko   turned from a polite happy hard-working young  lady into an emotionless shell of her former self   despite being particularly cruel to junker  she couldn't seem to break out of the spell   that futoshi had her under fatoshi kept junko  lol to him by promising to one day marry her   there was a problem with that though junko's  mother shizumi despised fotoshi shizumi knew that   he treated her daughter badly and told jungkook  that she would never approve of their marriage   this infuriated fatoshi so one day he went  alone to shizumi's house forced his way inside   and forced himself on top of her  he then did unspeakable things   after all that he was somehow able to  convince junko that her family hated her   and manipulated her into moving out of  her family home and into his apartment   he told her that he'd left his wife and that they  no longer had to keep their relationship a secret   after hearing that junko  agreed to move in with him   like always futoshi had gotten what he wanted in  this case an accomplice for his upcoming plans in 1985 futoshi set up an  antiques business called the world   he hired several employees to work there  and got his kicks by sneaking up behind them   on the soundproofed third floor and giving  them electric shocks with his favorite toy   a stun gun obviously futoshi didn't take his  employees well-being or his work too seriously   that's because the store was all the front the  young futoshi who at this point was only 24 years   old had already amassed a huge fortune of about  180 million yen that's 2.2 million dollars u.s   had he made all that money through honest hard  work of course not he'd been defrauding and   blackmailing the local residents tricking them  or forcing them out of their hard-earned cash   in 1992 the authorities finally got notice the jig  was up and fotoshi and junko were added to japan's   most wanted list they abandoned their apartment  and went on the run that was all well and good for   futoshi he'd swindled the yakuza multiple times  in the past and was used to fleeing for his life   compared to them the cops chasing him were just a  nuisance and even if they did get their hands on   him futoshi was convinced he could smooth-talk his  way out of anything yeah the guy had a massive ego in april 1993 while still on the run fatoshi met  a married woman with three children in kitakyushu   this woman fell helplessly in love with the  handsome con man he convinced her that junker   was merely his sister and then asked the married  woman to leave her husband and run away with him   well that's exactly what the woman did and she  brought her three children along for the ride   five months later in september one of those three  children died under mysterious circumstances   the other two were sent to live  with their father shortly after   in march 1994 that woman herself also mysteriously  died it later came to light that during their   11-month love affair futoshi had defrauded the  woman of almost 12 million yen around 145 000   though it was never conclusively proven  that fatoshi was responsible for her death   and that of her child's many now believe  that this was his first taste of blood now this is where things start getting really  messed up fatoshi and junko's next victim was   a young father kumio toriya while still living in  kitakyushu futoshi befriended gumio during a night   on the town and quickly gained his trust kumio  then confided in for toshi about his shady past   how he owed money to some bad characters  and that they were still out looking for him   this was a secret that kumio hadn't told anyone  well telling fotoshi turned out to be a fatal   mistake futoshi used this information to blackmail  kumio threatening to reveal his secret if he   didn't do exactly what he was told futoshi said  that he was going to move into kumio's apartment   an apartment which kumio shared with  his daughter kumio reluctantly agreed   since kumiya's daughter's name has never been  revealed to the public we'll call her togomay   fatoshi and junko arrived  at kumio in tokomi's home   from then on the father and daughter were  held prisoner inside their own condominium   futoshi kept kumio bound up and forced tokume to  administer electrical shocks all over his body   bite him punch him feed him his own excrement  if either kumio or tokome resisted they'd both   get shocked during the winter he'd lock them both  inside the freezing cold bathroom and have junko   spray ice-cold water down on them for his own  amusement they were given only scraps to eat   this torture continued for two years during  which time both kumio and tokome never left   their apartment kumio finally died of shock  on february 26 1996 he was just 34 years old   fatoshi told tokomay that she had just killed her  and daddy and that it was now her responsibility   to get rid of his remains together they chopped  him up and boiled him in a pot in the kitchen   sickeningly futoshi even forced  tokume to drink the human broth   made from her own father the neighbors complained  about the sound of a power saw and foul smells   emanating from kumu's apartment that night but  never reported anything under cover of darkness   both tokomei and junko then pulverized the  rest of kumiya's remains dragged him out to   the kunasaki peninsula hauled him aboard a  ferry and tossed him into the sea tokume was   then taken back to fatoshi's apartment and would  remain under his control for another six years   all three continued to live together and called  themselves the hashimoto family as a cover   though for toshi allowed junko to go off  into town by herself to shop and work   takame wasn't allowed to leave  the apartment without him now with two female henchmen working for  him futoshi set his sights on a new victim   one of kumio's female acquaintances much like  before he convinced this woman that junko was   his sister that tokome was his niece and that he  graduated from the prestigious kyoto university   over time he gained this new woman's trust and  like with junker promised to one day marry her   of course he had no intention of ever doing so  and instead cheated her out of 5.6 million yen   he also kept the new woman and her  daughter confined to their apartment   routinely shocking them and forcing them  to do all manner of unspeakable things   after months of torment this woman finally escaped  him march 1997 by jumping out of the window on her   second floor by the time the police arrived at  their apartment futoshi junko and tokome were   long gone now this has all been pretty dark so far  but futoshi was just getting started he planned to   continue conning and killing his way across kyushu  claiming as many yen and lives as he pleased   with his skills in coercion he knew that he  had never ran out of victims nor would he ever   get caught junko on the other hand wanted  out fatoshi spell over her was wearing off   and she was finally starting to think hey maybe  this potoshi fella might not be so swell after all   so in april 1997 she left fatoshi's apartment for  work that morning and didn't come back she'd done   it she was free but fatoshi had no intention of  letting her go and live a normal life she knew   too much but more than that she was his property  his puppet and he refused to cut her strings   relinquishing control was not the fatoshi way when  she didn't come home that day he called her family   but of course her mother shizumi refused to tell  him where junko was she wasn't at home of course   she was somewhere in hiding fatoshi tried to  blackmail shizumi into telling him saying that   junko was a murderer and that he'd happily bring  that fact to the attention of the authorities   shizumi stood her ground and refused  to tell him where her daughter was   so the crafty futoshi laid an elaborate trap   he released information that he had taken  his own life and even staged a fake funeral   from there he became a ghost this was all  enough to convince junko that he really was dead   believing things were now over she finally  felt safe enough to return home to her parents   big mistake futoshi went to junko's family home  bringing tokume his unwilling lackey with him   when they opened the door he revealed that he  was back from the dead and demanded appeasement   junko's family offered to pay him 63 million  yen if he agreed to just leave them alone   he said that he would and took their money but  he didn't keep his side of the bargain instead   he held them captive inside their own home and  began to work his mind controlling magic once more trapped inside the home with futoshi were junko  her parents shizumi and takashige her sister reiko   reiko's husband kazuya their children aya and  yuki and of course the young tokume he kept them   all bound most of the time to prevent them from  escaping what happened next is almost unbelievable   despite effectively being his hostages almost all  of junko's family became captivated with futoshi   who somehow managed to psychologically control  them he used methods similar to that of shoko   asahara the former leader of aom shinrikyo and was  able to influence their thoughts and gain their   loyalty while locked inside with him reiko and  kazuya chunko's sister and her husband both began   to view futoshi as a prophet-like figure if ever  there was a case of stockholm syndrome it was here   futoshi even managed to woo  reiko right in front of kasia   kazuya was so enamored with futoshi that he didn't  seem to mind reiko and kasia's son and daughter   yuki and aya also began to idolize their captor  futoshi was now the head of his own personal cult   however after he had drained all of their bank  accounts the comm man had little use for followers   instead of letting them go however he decided  to have a little fun with his prisoners   on december 21st five months into holding the  family captive futoshi decided that junko's 61   year old father takashige had outlived his worth  he decided it was time to get rid of the old koja   as we've already learned fatoshi didn't like to  get his own hands dirty so instead he ordered   junko to dispose of her dear papa tied up  on the floor there was a little takashige   could do to save himself junko slowly administered  electric shocks all over his body until his heart   finally gave out futoshi watched this with great  pleasure next up was jungkook's mother shizumi   all of the torment thus far had really gotten  to the poor lady and the loss of her husband   had finally sent her over the edge in january  of 1998 she started speaking in strange voices   and appeared to have completely lost her mind  annoyed by the old woman futoshi ordered his   two most loyal subjects reiko and kasia to slay  shizumi one held her down the other strangled her   with both of junko and rico's parents now out  of the picture their lives claimed by their   own daughters the captive group became much  more manageable still the carnage continued   several weeks after shizumi was killed  futoshi ordered kazuya to kill reiko   their daughter aya held her down while  kazia squeezed the life out of his own wife   immediately afterwards futoshi and junko locked  cassia inside a bathroom and never let him out   again he survived for a while by drinking toilet  water but starved two months later in mid-april   junko and aya were then told to electrocute  yuki tokume was then made to strangle aya   one by one the family had fallen and by june of  1998 the only people left alive inside the house   were junko tokume and fotoshi the original trio  all three of them dismembered the bodies of   junko's slain family members boiled them in pots  and dumped them in public bathrooms and the sea   for a long time the complete disappearance  of the ogata family went unnoticed   futoshi and junko had seemingly gotten away with  everything and continued to hold togame captive   as they traveled around kyushu scamming other  unsuspecting people out of their life savings   futoshi even managed to coerce a woman into  giving him her two sons alongside 20 million yen   it wouldn't be until january 20th 2002   a full eight years after she had first been taken  captive that tokame was finally able to escape   sadly futoshi soon caught up with her  and took her back to his apartment   as punishment fatoshi shocked her while  junko ripped off her toenails one by one   on the 6th of march tokomi escaped yet again and  this time managed to elude for toshi and jungkook   the young tokume now 17 ran  straight to the police station   and told them everything futoshi and junko  were found and arrested the following day   the aforementioned woman's two sons  along with two other boys who turned   out to be satoshi and junko's own sons  were found locked away in a separate apartment despite her involvement in all of  this chaos tokome was of course not charged with   anything she was young she'd been forced to do  what she had done she'd been held against her will   and ultimately she was the one who  brought satoshi and junko to justice   chunko herself didn't have much of a defense she  was a fully grown woman when this all started   not to mention she was free to come and  go from fatoshi's apartment as she pleased   and at no point did she come to the  authorities to tell them what satoshi was doing   either realizing there was nothing she could do  to save herself or just exhausted and exasperated   after everything she'd been through junko  calmly confessed to everything she had done   on the other hand denied all the charges no doubt  believing that he'd somehow be able to convince a   jury he was innocent he'd been conning and killing  his way across kyushu since he left high school   surviving on his charisma alone but there  was no sweet walking his way out of this one   despite none of his victims bodies ever  being found the testimonies of both chunko   and dokume were enough to bring satoshi down he  was charged with the murders of kumio shizumi   reiko kazuya aya and yuki the manslaughter of  takashige and is suspected of taking the lives   of the married woman and her child back  when he and junko first went on the run   on september 28 2005 both fatoshi and junko were  found guilty on all charges and sentenced to hang   they both appealed and in 2007 junko's  sentence was reduced to life behind bars   futoshi wasn't so lucky he was the mastermind  the mind controller and for his actions the   jury again decided he should pay with his life the  judge described him as cruel twisted and inhumane   and the prosecutors said that the case was without  comparison in the criminal history of japan   fotoshi matsunaga the man with the silver tongue  the infamous mind controller remains in a japanese   prison to this day waiting for his sentence to  be carried out though his life is scheduled to   end his name will no doubt live on an infamy  throughout his homeland as for kumio's daughter   tokumi she's since done her best to move on  with her life according to her friends she's   become a happy cheerful person though the  memories of those dark days still haunt her   she reportedly thinks about her father often  and looks forward to the day that futoshi meets   his fate the day she can find closure the  day when the sun finally sets on this case hey guys lazy here and thank you very much  for listening well living in japan i sometimes   hear about these obscure cases that we don't  know much about in the west so i thought i'd   introduce you guys to a new one something  you're unlikely to have come across before   i'll ask around with my friends here maybe i can  find another obscure one to tell you all about   a huge thank you to robin mickelson  for making the thumbnail for this video   he's the real mvp so make sure to check  him out by the links in the thumbnail below   links in the thumbnail the link's in the  description i'd also like to give a shout   out to my supporters here on youtube and over on  patreon especially my biggest supporters alec love   hamish k phantom knight amanda hansen  dapper crawford k mcdonald monica mendoza   alex greensaul philip westra procupadineta  gina valera charlie lackey anna maywimp   sarah ramirez sloane crawford nadine grey  white rabbit conolothen infamous empappy   asriel warakai lord 210 the only dorita leonardo  martinez the lekki expandong and peter lolger sorry if i butchered that last one but  uh anyway guys thank you so much for your   support it really helps the channel out anyway  guys that wraps things up for this one be sure   to smash that like button or i'll smash you and  you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 784,079
Rating: 4.9453311 out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, Futoshi Matsunaga, Japan, japan's mind control, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, countdown, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real
Id: QyguN_6wPBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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