3D Shoe Modeling | Cinema 4D Modeling Tutorial

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hello everyone in this tutorial i will model that shoe a lot of people ask about that and here you go so let's start first thing we need a good reference for the shoe sole so i will go to my top view hit shift end v and select that image i found that on the internet and it's a good reference for the shoe sole but you can use whatever you find it's not much important and now i will let it plane i will set my bit segments to 1 then i will increase my height now i will make it editable press c now i will move my points to match my shape but only the x axis okay now i will add in a subdivision surface press alt and select subdivision surface and this time i will make my final adjustments but as i said it's not much important it will just hit the basic basic shape okay now i will go to the right view press shift envy and i will select my second reference and let's increase the transparency so this is my object so i need to scale my image something like that also let's change to buy offset okay that looks good enough now i will select these points and move them now i will double click on the outer edges this is going to select them all then i will press ctrl and move them and i will also move this point and i will also make a loop cut around here then i will slightly scale this edges now i will select these edges from the front press i will press ctrl and exert temp then scale one more extrude then i will right click select bridge and close that gap now i will select the bridge one more time reach here and i will close these polygon holes with the close polygon hull tool and now i can slide my points i won't always follow the reference image my shoe will be more stylized so don't worry about that now i will switch to edge smart and double click here then right click and extrude like that and now i will deselect these edges switch to front light view press ctrl and exert first thing let's merge these points right click select weld now i will move my points i will slightly move these points not much then i will make my second extrude select these edges press ctrl and move first let's convert these points and i remove this point one more time now it's time to move those points to the very top okay now i will select line cuts enable single line and i can turn off the visibility only off so i can cut the polygons behind this view now i will select slide press ctrl and add these pages but i will recap here now select these edges press right click and select slides make something like that so same here then i will close here connect these edges points and one more time select slides press ctrl and add these points so now i need to fix that part to do that i will select line cut and i will create a new patch like that then i will merge that point to that one so let's make setting for that view too now i will connect these two points now i will switch to front view and all these new points to match my curve okay now let's enable sound division surface but i will change my side vision editor to one because this is what i'm gonna use later and it looks like i need to add these two points select weld and i will also add another loop cut to the very bottom to make to make the button very flat i will select these top points and scale them on the x-axis and i will move these points okay i made my basic basic shape so i can subdivide that but i will save my basic object so i will suggest you to do the same and i will hide that and i will also add that object a new layer to layers and i will hide that in my object manager okay now i will enable my subdivision surface everything set to one then i will make my starter editable press c now i will use more brush tool with the smear mode okay now i will select these top polygons with the loop selection tool and i will scale them on the x-axis and i will select that edge press ctrl shift and select the last one then one more time scale them and i will also put that object into a circuit surface select and press alt and check the mesh okay now let's try to make the holes and metal frames but first i will move that point also that one okay now i've created the metal frames so with a disk let's make the rotation settings 8 make it editable and select inner polygons right click exert finish then i will delete them now i will select them all right click x root and turn the caps on and i will let the loop cut to the very bottom and well i'll also for the inside then i will put that in dsl division surface okay it looks okay now i will scale it then i will enable my snap at polygon snip turn off the vertex and i will move my object so click on the shoe now i will turn off snap and rotate my objects and also i will scale it okay now i need to do that seven times so i will use cloner object with linear mod and i want seven but on the z-axis now i will make the cloner editable press c this is going to make multiple objects now i will move and rotate them to match my objects okay now i need to to do that for the other side so select that object press ctrl and move here and the same things rotates okay i have finished moving them but i won't create the inside holes because they won't be visible but if you want you can select these inner polygons make an extrude inner then you can select the points and make something circular like that and you can just click that but as i said i want to that but you can do that if you want so now i will select all my polygons then i will select extrude turn on chips and make something like that and also i will make a new cut to get a sharper edge and i will select edges and i will dissolve them this is going to create a handgun mod it's not much problem okay now let's try to make the inside to do that i will select easiness polygons same for here and i will right click and split them and i will solo that then i will select these edges right click select chain 0 and press shift this is going to make a bridge and i will also need a center loop cut so select select cut press shift and make a cuts right in the middle i will also select these edges and move them like that i will change my offset mod proportional this is gonna make a better result i guess and i will double click on the center edges and move them slightly on the y-axis i will make a slight scale and let's move these points so to see the subdivision surface i need to make these two objects into one so select them all press alt g okay the that look nice but i think we need more depth so i will select these edges and move them on the y-axis and i can maybe scale them and i will scale these edges too this is going to make surface more curvy and let's move these edges okay something like that now i will select these ones turn off the solo and i will move them but press ctrl mark an extrusion one more time the last time and i will scale these edges okay now let's give them some thickness select them all right click and extrude now i will select excerpt enter you can move these edges but i will leave it there maybe we can scale on the x so you won't see the insides okay now let's try to make the laces i will select my base object and select these edges then right click stitch and seal press shift then i will split that polygon right click split and i will i will hide that news object then go to back and delete that polygon now i will turn on the visibility of the new object and i will select loop cut and make a cut right in the middle then i will delete that part now i will move them slightly then i will execute that edge and scale it and exert one more time and i will move that edge and i will slide that edge okay now i will solo my object and i will change the center axis so enable other axis turn on snap at not polygon vertex okay now i will press alt and select symmetry and i need to change this points position to zero on the x-axis okay let's turn off the solo now i will select them all but before that i will go to symmetry and enable these options then i will select all right click and execute with the caps on something like that then i will right click select loop cut press shift and make a cut right in the middle then i will select them all right click bevel chain i will change the offset mode to proportional and subdivision to one something like that let's enable subdivision surface and i will move that edge on the z-axis and also i can i will move that point okay now i can make my symmetry it will press c and i will rename that place now i will right click select brush and the mod should be smeared then i will move my points okay now i will duplicate that object and move it to the next one and i will switch to points mode select brush and i will do the same things for like five more times now i will make the end of the legs so i will select my main body then select that edge press e and change your model link axis to world and press ctrl and exert now i will select that polygon right click split and i will delete that polygon from the original one so this is what's left i will move it then i will select that edge press ctrl and i will move it on the x axis and i can scale it scale it a little okay another loop cut here then i will select them all right click and research something like that similar to others now i will enable subdivision surface and i will move these points and scale them actually i will delete these polygons yes this is gonna a lot better and i will make a look at right in the middle press shift then i will select these edges right click bevel then i will select that polygon press ctrl and i will move it and also let's add loop cuts now i will add some randomness i will add some edge loops and i will move them slightly not much and some rotation also i will select these polygons i'd click extrude but turn off chips okay i will duplicate that object or i can use symmetry press alt select symmetry and make the symmetry editable i will press nng to see true and i will select these points and smooth them now let's try to model the inside laces at first i will select other laces press r1g and it's going to make a group i will hide them and i will select my inside mesh and i will select these polygons right click and split and i will switch your front view and move these points like that a bridge between that one to that one i will move them like that now i will turn on the visibility of these laces so i can see the layer thickness it looks like i need to slide these edges like that now i will select them all right click execute and turn the caps on and i will also make look at right in the middle also i will enable my wireframes with lines to do that press n g or go to display select lines and wireframe and i will select these arguments at the very end and i will delete them we don't need them now i'll switch to points mode to select all and select brush and smooth them now i will duplicate that object also let's center the axis go to mesh access enter and execute now i will duplicate that mesh like four or five times and i will move the points then i will play with them with the brush okay now i will make my final adjustments like these corners should be sharper so i will select them and move them inside and also i will double click on these edges and select slides but press ctrl okay now i will switch to plain smart select brush and move some of the points as you wish okay finally i will collect all my objects under one group and let's rename that shoe then i will make an fft deformer and make it big enough to fit the shoe and i will turn it on in my filter and i will increase my points so let's say that you don't like the shape make them one group put the f50 inside that group and you can pull the fft points to get your shape like like that or let's make it bigger okay guys that was it thank you very much watching and if you have any other suggestion feel free to email me or write in the comments and i'll see in the next one bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 16,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, shoe, character, animation, rig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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