How to Model an Isometric City - Cinema 4D Tutorial

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thebuttcloud 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey what is going on guys this is Eli from mo box graphics and in this video just like the previous one we will be creating an overland inspired scene the team for this one will be a downtown area slightly sketchy so a bit more towards the dark side instead of the cuit site we usually do if you just want to download this file without following the whole video you can just download it on our patreon page but for all the others that want to see the instructions let's go ahead and start in cinema 4d there are multiple things we can start building but let's just start out with the floor and erode so we can do that with a cube object let's make it somewhere around 900 centimeters by a hundreds in height and another 900 so it is square okay let's also add some segments to this so let's just make it even and go with 9 on the x value let's keep it on 1 on the Y value we don't need any under height and 9 on the Z value again you can't see them because we need to set in the display option to garage shading lines which also means it is exactly square polygons because we have the 909 segments we can make this editable by pressing C on the keyboard and let's go ahead and use the live selection tool or just the Move tool to select some polygons in the polygon mode and we're going to select everything except what will be the road only on top of course we don't need the sides so let's just go like this I'm going to hold ctrl or command to delete this selection let's extrude this with the X to 2 so that's D on the keyboard and you're going to raise this up 6 centimeters so let's apply that makes the streets it a bit lower and we're also going to select this middle line by double-clicking it in the edge mode that should select the whole ring of edges that we're going to use the bevel tool so m and s on the keyboard let's go to a solid mode and you can see we get new lines we're going to do this for centimeters so that makes it a total of eight centimeters from one line to the other we're also going to reselect this middle line we don't need it anymore so you can dissolve that by right-clicking and selecting dissolve so now we have this new line at the center we're going to select the polygons at the top that use the extrude tool again and make it go up just to centimeters okay so let's further improve the pavement we can do that by selecting the polygons of the pavement now let's make sure we can keep the selection we can do that by going to select and clicking on set selection now we have this tag which is representing this yellow selection and we're going to add a mo extrude so go to mo graph and mo extrude we're going to drag this under the cube object and you can see this extruding all of the polygons that's why we set this selection so in here we can set up the polygon selection by dragging the tag inside of that field that makes it different but it's still looking a bit too much so we're just going with one step of extrusions now we have this kind of gaps in between the tiles we're also going to lower the Z value and the transform tab to just zero centimeters because we don't need it to be any higher it's just fine like it is all the rest can stay as it is so the scaling here it's 0.98 is setting it so in it's kind of small tiles but it is sitting flush with the floor now and that is because we will be using a shader effector to get a bit more of a random height on the tiles so there's not as perfect so let's go to mograph effector and add the shader so if you had to mo extrude select it and go to the effectors tab you should see this shader is there otherwise you have to drag it in manually let's go inside of here in the shading options and let's add a noise to this let's go inside of noise and you're going to modify this just slightly with a higher contrast so something like forty one percent or forty we're doing that so the effect is a bit stronger but it is still looking a bit funky so let's go outside of this noise and go to the parameters we don't need anything on the scaling so let's disable that we wanted to happen on the positioning so on the Z value we can add more centimetres to this so something like four co2 and you can see we have more random Heights and details so that's just that little imperfection that makes it look a bit more realistic we can also delete the Fong tag on the cube so we don't have the weird shading now as you can notice if you move the viewport and it's getting a bit slow already and that is because of the shader so let's make this cube editable in another way so we're going to right click on the cube and click on current state to object that gives us this new cube which is exactly the same one as the other one but we don't have the effect of the shader and demo extrude so let's also group these together and we're going to disable the shader and timon extrusion and just hide it for now so we have a backup of this if we need it but we will be continuing with this new floor so that's a shape one more thing we can do is adding some cracks on this so let's say the pavement is a bit broken we're going to add some cuts to this we can do that in the point mode preferably and press the K and K again on the keyboard that way we get the line cut tool or the knife tool you can also access this with the right-click menu and let's keep the visible only option turned on and we're going to the top view so keep in mind this is the street so two rows from the right is Street and you're just going to add some cuts to this so let's say we want the corners to be a bit more and even if you click it from one edge to the other you can press scape to exit the cutting let's just randomly find some spots where we can do this maybe you can also add some double lines to have a full crack okay I'm just going to keep it simple which is the few ones you can add as many as you want of course but we can just let that sit there as this right now we will fill this in with a different texture later on okay so let's move on to the buildings the first one will be made with a cube object again obviously so let's create that we're going to make this one let's say 280 centimeters on the x-value by a hundred hi just as a starts height we will add levels later and let's make it the 200 centimeters on the z value let's raise this up with the shift key so we have exactly ten centimeter increments that makes it easier to line it up with the floor that's also move it towards the side somewhere here like this with these round numbers and tens of values we should be able to line it up exactly with the tiles which is kind of nice and clean looking let's make it editable so we can add some more levels on this so we're going to select this top polygon now let's extrude this a hundred and fifty centimeters so you can do that by holding ctrl or command on the keyboard and holding shift while moving it up so we can see a hundred and fifty centimeters let's add a second level of this just the same way okay we're also going to select these two front ones and duplicate this polygon to the front 20 centimeters for example and now let's also select these two ones at the top that make yet another extrusion which will be the roof 20 centimeters again with these polygons still selected we can use the inner X through tool let's make it 10 centimeters and apply ok now we can use the move tool again or the extrude tool if you want to and sink it in ten centimeters like this okay that will do for now let's go towards the bottom and see we can do we can use the loop cut tool by pressing K and L now let's make it somewhere about here so let's just go with 70 centimeters like that so we have a line here that will be the height where the door will stop because it doesn't need to go all the way to the top of this level and while we're at it I'm also going to make a vertical loop cut right at the center so set the offset to 50% let's select these four front polygons and you're going to use the inner X through two again but this time make sure you have the preserve groups option turned off that way we can make any extrusions on every individual polygon so just click and drag until you see this happening this will be the windows so let's just pick anything you like I'm also going to move these down a bit and I'm going to make some small extrusions on this to give it a bit more depth so let's say we will use the X through two minus 4 centimeters so it goes inwards then use the inner extrusion tool again let's say 2 centimeters and then minus 2 centimeters with the X through 2 again so we get this little loop of polygons ok that should have done it on all the windows that was easy for the door at the front we can do multiple things I'm just going to keep it easy let's go in the edge mode and I'm just going to move this edge a bit to the side so we can have the window on this side let's select this polygon at the front but this is way too big for Endor so I'm going to do a little trick with the inner extrusion too let's set the offset to just zero centimeters that creates a new polygon at exactly the same spot but now we can scale this one and have it like we wanted to so let's go with something like this one and we're going to make this sink in a bit let's say 10 centimeters now here at the side we can create a new inner extrusion again my newly by clicking-and-dragging and we will repeat the same steps as the windows at the top here let's go to the top again a finish of this roof we will be selecting these polygons so also the small ones at the sides let's just use the extrude tool and click and drag until we have this kind of overhang okay let's add some final small details at the top we're going to add a tube object for example we need to find it of course this is way too big but it shouldn't matter if we scale it down so that's at this tube we can also decrease the rotation segments to fit the low-poly see in a bit more so let's go with 12 for example or maybe even 8 it if you want to let's also add a smaller one and I'm also going to add a small cube at the top which we can modify in just a bit so let's make this editable so we can select the edge at the side here let's set up the coordinate system to the world so we can lower this edge vertically let's also disable it again we're going to select this from polygon make an another extrusion and let's sink it in a bit one more thing we can do to add a bit more detail to this building is adding some bricks on the sides we don't need full bricks we just need some hints of the look so let's make a cube object and we're going to make this small so 4 centimeters by 6 centimeters by for example 28 centimeters so that gives us this result we can also add a bit of a filler to this but we don't need to you can place this manually if you want to but I would like to make a copy of this first of all down a bit and you're going to move this to the side like this now let's make it a child of it so we can just select this cube and have the other one move along with it and now I want this to stick to the building more easily so right click on the cube object the top one go to character tags and set up the constraint egg inside of here we're going to set up the clamp option that should bring you to this clamp tab and we want this to clamp to the building which will be cube too so drag it inside of the target field and you may notice that the distance is set to a random number you're just going to drag this all the way to a zero centimeters we also want to make sure we have this set to this surface instead of the origin otherwise it is just centered to the building instead of the surface of it of course I set it to the wrong cube so cube 2 is this top one and let's go back to the constraint app and make sure we have the actual building like this set three centimeters of the distance back to zero now if you move this it should stick to the building it may take a while to get it to the right side like this so let's just randomly drag this somewhere where we want it to and we can make copies and drag it to another side if you want to make a copy towards this side of the building for example you can do that but you will notice that it is not rotated properly but you can just simply rotate the object 90 degrees okay so that's how you can do that I'm going to make a full group of this so let's select all of this get all dingy and let's call this building tall now we can start off with a second building so let's create a new cube object again let's make it 300 by 70 centimeters this time and let's make it a hundred and eighty centimeters to the other side let's raise it up with the shift tool again so we can put it right on top of the floor I'm going to line this up again with the tiles let's make it have five segments on the front side vertically so I think that's not the x value it's the C value so five segments and actually we don't want it to be close to this building so let's just move it over to this place makes it a bit easier to work with it we can make it editable now we're going to make sure these polygons at the sides are not as big so let's double-click on this side and you're going to move this let's say 20 centimeters I think so let's just like this polygon okay that should be fine doesn't really matter that much let's do the same thing on this side okay so at the center here we will have the door and these larger polygons will be for the windows let's select the top polygons so we can add some levels again we're going to raise this up just for centimeters to start with so that's easier with the extrude tool so four centimeters after that let's add 60 centimeters let's do that one more time then a second level now we can select this ring of polygons at the side here you can do that with the loop selection tool which is U and L on the keyboard like that let's use the extrude tool again and extrude this something like 2 centimeters only that gives us a little detail on the side of the building let's also go to the roof that you're going to select all the polygons here let's make an inner extrusion of 10 centimeters but make sure we have the preserve groups option turned on so let's undo check it and reapply like that let's sink it in 10 centimeters as well maybe one more thing we can do is making loop cut right here let's make it 5 centimeters or something so we can use the loop selection tool again and make this something like maybe 4 centimeters this time okay so that gives us this edge again let's go to the front again early Doris and we're going to make the sink in 20 centimeters but not with extruding or copying or duplicating just moving it that gives us this effect but we get the weird shading again so let's just go to the Phong tag and we can delete it or we can also lower the font angle to something like 10 degrees for example or anything lower than that okay so we have this door let's sink it in 10 centimeters for example now and we can select these two polygons again and do the trick with the inner extrusions again at this middle level we're not going to add windows to this we're just going to add a sign for example so let's select all these polygons and use the inner extrusion to again with the preserve groups option turn down let's make it a bit smaller but don't go past this line otherwise you get 2 black polygons like we just saw them let's just move this down a bit now we can use the extra two again to make it a bit thicker okay let's select these three polygons at the top go to the inner X through two again without the preserve groups option so we can get individual windows again like this and we're going to do the same trick again with the extrude and enter X through to again there we go so that are the windows we can add bricks again if we want to so you can just copy and paste this outside of the group of the previous building this time we need to make sure we set up the right cube so let's make it so let's make it cube one in this case and we need to set the distance to zero centimeters again now we can move it like we wanted to okay that will do for now so let's group this all together again this will be a small building and I'm just going to make a duplicate of this and move it right next to it and can even connect if you wanted to if you want you can also add the same details as we had on the large building so you can just go ahead and select these and we can copy and paste them on the other roofs as well so I'm just going to copy pasted let's drag it in this first group I'm just going to move them over to here you can randomize little bit if you want to it doesn't have to be identical then I'm just going to copy these ones to this side okay so from here it is mostly adding some smaller details so let's get started with some of these first of all I would like to add a dumpster right here so we can do that with a cube object again let's make this one 70 by 30 and another maybe 40 like this so that should be a correct size for this side let's add five segments on the x-value yeah so five of them let's make this editable now we're going to select the edges at the side here all five of them let's raise this up just a bit so we get the angle now let's go ahead and select the top polygons we're going to make some inner extrusions on this without the preserve groups option so one centimeter only that makes this small gap in between them and let's only select art once and we're going to extrude these two centimeters like this maybe you can also select the other three ones and raise these up one centimeter like that that can do let's go to the loop cut tool by pressing Kandel and we're going to make loop cuts at every side so let's try it from the top I want to be able to set a distance of four centimeters but it kind of depends where you start to loop cut so here we have a small value let's set it to four does it work on this side so we maybe need to go to the other side yep four centimeters and you also need to do this at the front let's see four centimeters no that's the wrong side so we need to do it on this side or and that should be fine okay I'm doing this so I can have some legs under here one more cut I see at this side in the loop selection tool for centimeters okay so now we have square polygons at every corner and we can make some legs let's move this down in place one more optional thing you can do is selecting the polygons at the sides and making an inner extrusion it's also scale this down a bit and just extrude outwards to get some small handles like this okay so that could be the dumpster for example let's also add a fire hydrant right here that should be a cylinder object let's make the rotation segments just eight of them I think should be fine that's at a radius of 12 centimeters and make it just thirty centimeters high let's raise it up of course so we can see it first of all we need to make it editable and as always if we select the top polygons and move them they are not connected so let's go to the point tool select all of them by pressing command + a and we're going to optimize this by right-clicking and selecting optimize okay so now the polygons should stick that's great let's make an extrusion to the top of three centimeters let's also do the same thing at the bottom we're going to select the loop of polygons at every side let's also make this 3 centimeters an extrusion so we get these rings now we can select the top polygons again and we're going to raise this up manually while holding ctrl or command so we get an extrusion instead of moving them we're going to make this just a bit smaller in scale and to repeat this step make it even smaller so we get the curve let's also just delete the font X so we don't get the ugly shading and I'm going to do this one more time smaller every time also I'm going to raise this one more time in recruit with the preserve groups option and extrude one more last time okay let's add more tubes to the sides you should be very small so also with eight segments and let's make this four centimeters maybe not sure yet and rotate this let's also make a copy of this one move it to this side okay or this one at the side can be a bit smaller I'm going to make this editable so we can select a front polygons again make an inner extrusion and add this kind of detail to this you can also do the same thing with the other one of course maybe this one can go inwards okay so that is the fire hydrant let's group all of this together without the dumpster let's name the dumpster maybe let's move this down so it's just sitting on the floor okay so maybe a next thing we can add next to the fire hydrant are some trash bags so we can do that with a sphere object let's make it smaller of course so something like 12 centimeters and let's raise it up we're also going to change the mode or the type to icosahedral so we get triangles instead of squares now we're going to adjust the shape of this with some deformers so we're going to add a multi former but with the sphere still selected we're going to hold ctrl or command and click on the multi former so it is exactly at the same spot as the sphere that's very important for this one then we can drag it under the sphere so it is affecting it and we're going to set the melted size of this one to just a hundred percent doesn't need to be that drastic that we're also going to move it down a bit so let's go to - maybe 50 centimeters even like that and we're also going to decrease the strength to something like 6% so we get this shape that's a bit of a flatter sphere we're also going to add a second multiform so let's just duplicate it under there and we're going to keep this the same way but we're going to raise this up to minus 18 centimeters maybe for the top one we can increase the melted size again because now it doesn't change anything so let's go with 400% maybe again but now it is a bit flat so let's make the sphere editable actually and you're going to scale this up a bit let's say something like a hundred and seventy percent okay but we're also going to make sure we have the correct positioning of the multi formers so minus twenty for example and we want this one to be at minus 50 so now we get this egg shape with a bit of a flat bottom it doesn't do that much with the melty former just yet but we're also going to add a taper deformer so let's add that while holding ctrl or command again so it is exactly the same space but let's make sure it is under the melty former fit to parent to have the exact size but it should be already and we're going to set this up to something close to 60% maybe we can also add a twist deformer let's move it above the taper deformer so it happens first and the taper deformer is the last thing that happens we're going to make sure it is fit to parent again and you're just going to rotate this let's say somewhere close to 150 degrees so now we have a bit of a random shape one more thing we need to do is adding the detail at the top which we can do with a cone object let's raise this up make this a lot smaller let's also rotate this okay we don't need a cap at the top so let's go to caps and disable that and we're going to make this a bit more random in shape so we can do that with CD this place to deformer let's drag it inside of there and go to the shading tab where we can add a noise it should be fine by default but we don't need this to be that strong so let's go with just maybe three centimeters to get a bit of a different shape maybe we can also go inside of the shading and make the scaling of this noise a bit smaller not twenty let's raise it up fifty maybe something nice-looking if you don't want these lines the perp lines you can go to filter and disable the deformer that way it's a bit easier and now we can just group this together as a trash bag let's lower this and put multiple ones of them maybe we can also add some more at the side of this building at the front let's add some more details at this site for example we can add a cardboard box we can do that easily with a cube object again let's make this one smaller again let's say 30 by 30 by something close to 65 let's rotate it and move it so it is put on the floor like this we're going to make this editable so we can delete this front polygon and we're just going to eyeball how we will extrude these edges so select the edge and with ctrl or command again we can extrude this edge and move it to the side we want to do [Music] okay so that's the box that's an easy one maybe you need to raise it up just a bit more so it's not intersecting with the floor next up let's add a mailbox for example again we can use a cube object let's make it 30 by 40 by 30 let's raise it up so we can see it again I'm going to make this editable and select the top polygon going to make this 20 centimeters taller with an extrusion and then I'm going to select these two top edges and use the battle tool by pressing m and s and I'm just going to set the mode to chamfer again which is important let's set these subdivisions to something like three or maybe five even and we're going to increase this so it almost connects at the top like this okay let's go back in the polygon mode and select for example this one that you're going to use the inner extrude tool not to arch just like this and we can even delete this one to get a hole inside of it maybe we can also undo this and make it a bit smaller let's also select this polygon at the front maybe or maybe the one at the bottom because it is a bit tall right now so let's raise this up like this now we can make a detail at the front one so I'm just going to do this visually no numbers make an inner extrusion and another one which is smaller that way we can select this ring of polygons and sing this in a bit okay now the last thing we need our legs at the bottom I'm going to do this the easy way just a bit of cheating so with this polygon selected and pressing U and P on the keyboard to get a separated object of it so we still have the original one selected but you also get this second one under it which is just this polygon I'm going to make loop cuts at 4 centimeters at every side again just like with the dumpster that way we can just keep the four ones at the sides so selectees and press you and I on the keyboard invert the selection and then we can delete them and just exclude the ones that are left okay so that's the mailbox I'm it elects a child of the box so it is a bit easier and we can position this wherever we were on the two now maybe we can also add a bike rack right here I'm going to move this one a bit to the side this one is quite easy we're just going to create a rectangle spline let's make this one 100 centimeters wide the height doesn't matter that much can also be 100 that's raises up and I'm going to set the plane mode to Z Y so this is pointing towards the other direction let's move it to this side and sink it in halfway something like this we're also going to add a bit of rounding to this maybe just 10 centimeters will do so that makes it softer at the corners and now we are going to add this inside of a sweep deformer so you can do that while holding alt or option on the keyboard so this a parent of it instantly and we're also going to add something that can make the sweep so we need a second spline that can be a circle let's drag it under the sweep as well as a first object and we're just going to make this four centimeters big alright now it is also very black because we get many subdivisions so maybe we can go to something like natural form that makes it a bit less detailed and you can also decrease the number of this to something like three and you can also do the same thing on directing on spline that makes it a bit less detailed let's also add a wheel right here so that could be a torus that's raises up move it to this side bit scale it down let's go with the radius of maybe 24 centimeters 18 segments should be enough and three centimeters of radius it doesn't need to be that thick let's lower this a bit and we're also going to add cylinders inside of this so maybe we can drag it under there and Center to parent again let's make it four centimeters one centimeter tall maybe so that's the center of the wheel and we can also add more of these so let's make a duplicate but this time we want them to go towards the side so a minus C or anything like that value they make that happen these can be very small so a radius of 0.6 maybe and let's make them taller until they connect for the sake of staying low poly we can also add less rotation segments it can even be four of them in this case so we want multiple ones of these now we can do that with these cylinders still being selected and going to mograph and adding the cloner as a parent by holding alt or option ok let's set the mode to radio and we're going to set the radius to just zero centimeters and that way we can add multiple counts to this but we need to make sure the plane is set to something different than X Y so Z Y doesn't work XC is what seems to be working okay I'm also going to add a key lock right here that is just simply a cube object something very small 15 by 15 and 5 and height that we're going to use the same trick with the sweep object again so just a rectangle let's make it a child of it Center to parent let's change the plane to XZ again and we're going to make this a lot smaller of course and we can add rounding to this and of course we need to make a sweep of this and then we're going to position this Saudis holding the wheel ok so that is done now we're just going to add some power lines above this to the side of the street so that is a cylinder object again let's make this just 4 centimeters in radius and 280 centimeters high let's raise it up so it's sitting on top of the floor something like that too too let's also give it just eight segments I'm going to make a duplicate of the cylinder and move it to the top now let's rotate it 90 degrees we're going to make this one smaller of course two centimeters by sixty centimeters let's move it down a bit and create a second one below that now we're going to make another small duplicate and you're going to add this inside of a symmetry object so the symmetry object is up here let's hold alt again to make it a parent of it and the symmetry shouldn't be on the zy value I think all right let's try X Z yeah so that's the one we need we're going to rotate this one a bit and make it shorter and we're going to place this in a diagonal angle like this you're also going to try to make this just one centimeter even let's copy and paste this to the bottom like that and you're going to make another copy of the symmetry maybe but we want the cylinder to be at at zero percent and at zero degrees on a ninety degree maybe you know like this and put it here maybe shorter like that and you're going to lower this as well okay so that's a part of a power line we're going to group this together so we can keep a bit of an overview we're also going to add a lantern on this pole so that should also be a simple cylinder which is going to copy the one we have already and modify it from there let's make it two centimeters and a lot shorter let's also angle it a bit I'm also going to add a capsule at the same position you can do that by holding ctrl or command let's make this a lot smaller add it here we're also going to decrease segments of this and we're going to slice this from I think 180 to 360 degrees or something else but we can also just rotate this so we have this cap okay so that could be a lantern let's move the pole to the side and let's add a second one to the other side but for this one we don't need to Lantern we just want one so we can just delete that in here so that are the poles but we don't have the lines so we need to add that now the easiest way to do this is going in the side view like this and you're going in the pen tool let's create a point right here at the connection and we're going to move this one to the side first maybe so we start at the edge of the scene and we're going to use the Move tool with the control or command key again to make duplicates so we get a duplicate at exactly the pole then we're going to create a second one somewhere close to the middle of the two poles do this a second time and create one more points towards the end of this all maybe we want more of these so we can also have a bit of slack at this part but I'm not sure yet first I'm going to lower in this one at the center then we can right-click and make this a soft interpolation and I'm also going to lower this one and I also want this to want to be a soft interpolation so we can get this bit of slack at this side and the same thing should happen at the other side as well so that is one we need to make sure it also lines up and the other kind of views and I'm also going to duplicate or maybe let's just give me the first one and you're going to add a sweep object with this circle already and then duplicate from there so with a cylinder or a circle should be very small and now we can duplicate it's like these two move them down like that it is not the softest slack right now but you can adjust this point just like you want it to you can also add a bit of variation in between the four lines that should be a nice thing actually but let's stick for this for now I'm also going to add a lantern at the side here of this building so we can just actually copy and paste these two objects outside of the group and I'm going to move them to the side here it's the lower it is a bit make sure it connects with the building as well of course and for this one I also want have a light bulb so we have a bit of visibility at the front here let's just copy and paste this one we're going to make this a bit smaller and you're going to disable the slicing that way we can add in the lightbulb okay let's group together maybe I also want it to be a bit lower even so that's all of that now we can add some final small details so let's add some random paper sheets on the floor to get a bit of a trashy look this can be 20 centimetres by 13 centimetres on a polygon object it doesn't need any thickness so we can just keep it flat and simple and what I did was just manually placing them around the floor because we also have these styles that are higher and lower so you kind of need to do it manually for the optimal results I'm just going to stick with a few ones of them just to save some time right here okay so that you do let's group it together as paper now finally one more thing we can do is adding some kind of stones or rocks can also be very simple we can do that with platonic objects and you're going to make this very small of course let's go with four centimeters maybe and we can keep it as this for the rest let's add this inside of a cloner object like this we're going to set the mode to an object mode so we can add the floor as the object let's also set the mode to render instances for a faster view but we don't want it to be on the streets maybe so we can add the selection of just the pavement so that's this tag in the selection field and we're going to add multiple ones of course so let's add something like 60 maybe and also there's a bit similar in size of course because of this identical copies so with the corner selected we're also going to add in your random effector and in here we don't need anything on the positioning that's okay you're going to add a uniform scaling on this something like 0.6 co2 and we don't need anything on the rotation as well because it are just small pebbles I think we are kind of done with all the modeling so now we can move on to lighting and texturing so maybe the first thing we can also do is adding a camera object with a 200 millimeter zoom or anything close to that let's look through it this gives us this isometric look okay so that's good now we can start with the lighting the first thing we can do is adding an ambient occlusion effect in here so that is indeed render settings maybe I can also add the interactive render region again so you can see what it's going on the next thing I'm going to do is adding an infinite light let's add a bit of color to this so more in the pinkish tints kind of looks weird right now you're also going to add a hard shadow to this and we don't want it to be as strong as it is right now so let's go with 80% and let's also go in the shadows we don't want them to be that black so we're going to make this 90% that makes it a bit softer so not everything is blown out I'm going to rotate this let's go with a hundred and thirty degrees on this angle and let's point it down a bit something like minus forty degrees okay so that's a bit of a nicer lighting of course we have the dark sides at the front lighting coming from the back so that's good to go but right now it is still dark so let's add an ambient light which is just an omni light let's go to the general tab and scroll down so we can select the ambient illumination option it makes everything brighter again with way too much right now so let's set it to 40% to counter it a bit so that's nice looking but we can also play with the color for this one so maybe we can go more towards the blue tint as a contrast to the red so the blue gives us a bit of a more moonlight shadowing so that's a trick you can use now let's add a spotlight to this that's kind of weird but it works for this kind of miniature scenes let's rotate it so it is pointing downwards so 90 degrees let's raise it up to about five hundred and seventy centimeters in the Y value you can follow along and down here we're also going to move this let's say a bit more to the side here so above the street at the backside we're also going to make this larger like this and we're going to change the color of this one as well so let's make this a bit more towards the Reds section again maybe kind of pink like this and we're also going to decrease the intensity of this one a bit and we don't need any shadows on this we also need a spotlight at the building right here so to have the lantern let's rotate 90 degrees again and I'm going outside of the camera view so we can easily position this let's go in a different view so try to align it so it is right below the actual object not inside of it otherwise it is blocking the light of course right now it is shining all the way to the bottom we don't need that let's make it something like this okay we're going to change the color for this one to a bit more of an orange tint let's also add a soft shadow on this one because we don't have any lighting on that one and maybe we can also make this a visible light by setting the option to inverse volumetric also you can see the handle down here let's make sure it is above the ground so it doesn't spill below it okay it does look dirty right now with these colors but it will be fixed when we add the colors to everything it is a bit contrasting right now maybe we can just copy this one towards the other streetlight okay that should be fine one more light I would like to add is in this alley right here so that can be an omni light I think let's make this one the kind of blue color that should be a nice contrast and let's also add a soft shadow maybe and you're going to move this inside of here let's take a look yeah that should be nice one more thing I would like to add is a light that comes from the front here it's really side actually that's at another Omni light we're going to keep this just white very soft so 30% maybe and we're going to move this towards the front of course so somewhere close to here - 700 800 raises up close to 300 I think and maybe we can add a bit of an angle to this by moving it to this side as well so that gives us this kind of shine at this building makes it a bit brighter okay so that is all there is to the modeling anti lighting now we can go ahead and add some textures to this and that will make a lot of difference so for the first material let's create one right here this will be for the asphalt we're going to disable the reflectance on most of the materials so you can do that straight away that you're going to add a layer inside of the color Channel let's go inside of it and you're going to add in the color shader first the color can be kind of brown towards the green side but it should still be kind of gray as well I'm going outside up here and add a noise shader above it and set the mode to burn let's also decrease the intensity of this or the mixed strength to 50% let's go inside of here that maybe depends on noise is a nice one for this one I'm also going to increase the contrast just a bit like this that should be it for the asphalt so we're going to select the cube object and select these two rows of Road and apply the material to it like this okay next up is the pavement disabled the reflectance again we're going to add a layer again inside of the color Channel let's go inside of there and add a color this one can be more towards direct kind of brown but also brighter you'll go outside of this again and add a noise shader once more at with a burn effect just 25% this time maybe so it is a bit softer and the noise can be just as it is but maybe a bit smaller in scale so 50% and you're also going to raise the low clip a bit to 15% so it is a bit stronger okay so that should be the pavement on its own you can just place it on the whole cube and move the asphalt tag as a second one so it overrides the other material we're also going to create a material for the line in the centre of the road this one can be simple so let's just go with a yellow color of course we're going to select that polygons manually and if you want to you can also select in this very small side of this direct the material on top of that and it should work now let's add a material for the background maybe let's go to the color Channel and add a gradient to this this can be set to 2d circular let's go from a dark blue to even darker blue but you're also going to reposition this one to something close to 60% in the time so it's up here let's create a background object of course so we can drag it on top of there that's a nice contrast with the colors nice let's continue with the rest of this for the tall building we're going to make this kind of red maybe kind of towards the pink tones let's drag it on top of there we're also going to make a duplicate of this for the bricks they can be a bit darker and more saturated let's just drag it on top layer let's add a material for the windows this can be just very dark almost black even so let's stack the windows and you can also apply it to the door if you want to I'm also going to make a small simple white color just a default one can do which can be used for the sides of the windows so actually the window frames the easiest way to do this is using the loop selection tool to get all of the rings of the polygons let's create a new material for the roof maybe and we also need a material for the iron parts at the top also one thing I forgot is the material for the pavement it's alternative cracks so let's duplicate the material then go inside of it and we're just going to change the color of this it's just a bit darker not that much and we're going to select the polygons that are being applied with the cracks okay and drag the material on top of them let's add one more material again no reflections let's go with one of the smaller buildings maybe we're also going to make one for the bricks so that's always a bit darker I will add the windows and the other stuff later let's go with another material for the other building and duplicate again for the bricks let's not forget the roofs of course let's also create a material for the paper and be kind of white just a bit more Orange II no reflectance we can drag that on the whole group for the rocks maybe we don't even need a new material we can just use the darker pavement one let's go to the dumpster this one will be green of course but we need a different color on the top [Music] the fire hydrant Ulsan is a color obviously this is red with trash bags can be dark gray of course let's add one for the trash bags let's not forget the cardboard box the mail box can also be a different color maybe something blue is the best option and of course let's not forget in the power lines so we just need a material for the poles but we need some different on the powerlines maybe we can just use the color of the windows is this just dark anyway okay I think we're getting close we just need some iron color on this lantern same on this side but we need a material for the light bulb so let's enable the luminance maybe I'm going to make this a bit darker and the color can just stay as it is maybe okay so I think that's about it let's take a look if we render this so that's looking pretty good it's just floating a bit right here but let's not worry about that it's just a tutorial so if you want to take a look at the full file I created before which is more detailed and cleaner you can download that on our patreon page so go check it out also if you made something of your own and you want to share it with us you can contact us on Instagram or Twitter so I would like to see what you guys come up with anyway with that being said I hope you learnt something new today and I will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 93,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobox, after effects, tutorial, vfx, motion graphics, after effects tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, cinema 4d tutorial, cinema 4d modeling tutorial, cinema4d, c4d, cinema 4d, isometric modeling, isometric modeling in cinema 4d, how to model a city in cinema 4d, city scene
Id: Y_RSDF-34wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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