Beginner 3D Modeling #5 | Fresh Start With R25 | SubD and UV Unwraping Tutorial

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hi everyone welcome back in this new beginner series tutorial i will show you how to model and uv unwrap his chair after watching this tutorial you will get a better understanding about splines subdivision surface preparing your mesh to be textured uv overlap and access manipulation also this is first time that i will be using the new cinema 4d layout so anyone who wants to get used to the new icons at the new layout is also great for you so without further ado let's start i will start by changing my layout model so we will have much more screen space then go to front you press shift nv go to back and select image plane we are on the front side so i'm gonna select prompt i will give some transparency like 75 percent i will do the same thing for the right view select the right 75 go to top select the top one actually we can go back to which planes and increase the y offset so chair will sit on the floor i'm gonna copy that value to 12 go to front and paste it over we don't need to do that for the top image i will turn off save frames okay now we are good to go this time let's start with something different like spline so go over here select spline pen tool i will change my type to linear my first point will be over there then it over here one over here one and the last one then press space so that we can select points i'm gonna move the points so that they will cover the curves now it is time to add bevels or we can say chamfer for the splines right click select chamfer same thing for that point as well and last one now i will press e and select points because we need to make some little movements to match the shape and i'm gonna move that handle maybe we can move that it doesn't have to be perfect but i am doing just to show you now we will need a geometry or a mesh to do that i will create an x root put the spline under the extrude now let's check the scale so it should be over here so let's go back to extrude and lower the offset to let's say 40. now i want to change distribution of these edges i want a uniform distribution so select spline change intermediate points to uniform this is of course too much let's lower that to two we will need the left side to do that i will create symmetry and my extrude under the symmetry since the extrudes center axis right in the center in my world symmetry will work perfectly i think it's time you can make the extrude editable press c or you can press here this is going to create bunch of selections we will not need this just select them and delete this time you will need thickness so let's switch to polygon mode press here select all by pressing ctrl a right click extrude turn on create caps that should be enough my normals are flipped if they are blue that means they are flipped so right click and say reverse normals i don't know if you can see that but the shape of the of that piece is not uniform and and the start of the shape is slightly smaller so i will add an fft deformer put it under the extrude and save the parents we will not need that much points so i'm going to lower these switch to points mode select these points actually just these ones so that i can move them on the x you can see that our image plane is not in the center i will press shift nv and change my x to 2 and also let's give 75 percent back okay if you are okay with the shape i can apply that deformer to my object because if i select points mode and select my exclude you will see that the ffd is not affecting my mesh so let's switch to model mods right click on the extrude and say connect objects and delete i think we should move these edges slightly okay this time i want to give some levels to these edges select edge mode select that edge right click and select bevel that should be enough now i will do the same thing to that edge select that right click bevel if i say new transform it's going to copy the value of the bevel you just did here so let's say transform now i need to connect the points so let's switch to points mode right click select line cut and connect that point to here actually let's turn on single line so it's not going to be continuous cuts perfect let's finish the top part now we need to connect that point as well to get fully quad topology instead of that i will select loop cut it's going to automatically stop where the topology is not quad or if it sees an n-gun so i will cut these two new cuts then select the points right click and select connect points or edges tool or you can simply press m m there is also another way to do that with line cuts i believe connecting to points is much faster now it's time to add a subdivision surface select subdivision surface put symmetry under the subdivision surface so if you check the mesh or wireframes you'll see that you have some imperfections especially the middle part so let's turn off subdivision surface turn off symmetry and check the center and you can see that we have polygons in the middle they shouldn't be there so select extrude switch to polygon mode let's select them from top view with rectangle selection and simply delete this turn symmetry back on and subdivision surface on now we should get a perfect surface one thing we will need supporting edges to make the edges sharper so right click loop cut one over here and one there another thing i'm gonna add one loop cut over here so that loop cut will help us to preserve that curve like if i add this you will see that i will get a better smoothness for here we have that edge so we don't need to add actually it is good to have the same distance between the edges so i'm gonna slide my edge loop double click on the edge loop right click select slides now we will need another spotting edge over here to make the edges sharper i will do that by switching to polygon mode selection loop selection select that loop selection then go to selection one more time but this time i will select fill selection so that i can select this front polygons now i will right click select inserts now we will have a problem you will see that we will get these center polygons which we don't want so i'm gonna control z go back to symmetry and enable these options so now if i make an inset you will see that the center polygons will be merged automatically now we need to do the same thing over here on the back side this time i'm gonna put selection at invert or you can press uni right click select in sets that's fine now let's press q or you can press here to enable subdivision surface looks perfect but we can go back to edge mode and select the edges and reposition this to get a perfect match now let's create legs for doing that i'm going to rename my object to base turn off subdivision surface switch to polygon mode i will select a single polygon which will be easier to control later right click split that polygon this is going to create a new mesh or object i will rename that to like one i will switch to edge mode select that edge and move it under x let's go to front view i will stop right here then press ctrl and x root this time i'm going to switch to right view substitute points mode move the points to match the shape now you will see that symmetry is not working for that object it is because we need to make these two objects into a one group so either we can create a null put it under the symmetry and put these objects under that null or easier way select them and press alt n g go back to lag one now we need to bevel that edge switch to edge mode select edge right click select bevel let's see this time let's give two subdivisions undo and do it one more time all right now let's switch to polygon mode select all by pressing ctrl a right click extrude make sure that caps on perfect let's check the center polygon okay it is automatically deleted perfect now let's see what we got by enabling subdivision surface we will need obviously supporting edges to make the edges sharper so let's select loop cuts first one should go over here and these ones as i did on these curves i'm going to add ease loop cuts to hold to curve better also here and let's add these ones let's check the wireframes by pressing nb or you can go to display select by frame and pour out shading lines this time to time so you can see if something is wrong or not on your mesh oh no everything looks perfect now let's switch to second leg i will do the same thing go to base let's turn off subdivision surface select a polygon such as that one right click split rename that to like o2 and select that edge and move it actually we should look at from the front side okay now i'm gonna press ctrl and click here and execute that edge i will stop here and set my y position and size to zero actually if we check the previous leg you can see that they are not flat so they are not sitting on the floor so let's switch to audible mode select the bottom polygons with rectangle selection and do that one more time set position and size to zero you can switch to edge mode select this and do the same thing but of course you need to slide this right click select slides and move this up and we can move them slightly or if you want a more precise look at we can dissolve that select loop cut and add okay let's go back to that lag to this time i am gonna move to the right view now let's select the edge this time i will select move tool because i want to change the orientation of that axis so right click on the x or z it doesn't matter right click and select normal so that i can move that edge along to normals same these ones at that point we don't need any of that so i will press e select move tool right click on the axis and set it to words okay everything looks perfect we just need a bevel on that edge so select it right click bevel let's make something like that switch to polygon mode select alt ctrl a right click execute and execute these polygons let's enable subdivision surface same thing again look cuts and it is loop cuts now i will turn off subdivision surface you will see that i have a big a long polygon this might be a problem when you when you texture your models so i would highly suggest to add some loop cuts to shorten the polygons press shift and hit these loop cuts same goes for that object as well press shift and edit cuts let's give them a simple material double click on the materials press ctrl duplicate let's give some reddish color you don't have to do that it's just for the visual now let's switch to these parts i will go to my base one more time turn off subdivision surface i will select a polygon around here right click split i will rename that to back switch to edge mode selected edge i need to change my axis right click on one of these axes select normal move it up let's see okay we should go up here for the bottom one i'm gonna wait here now i will switch to front view i need to move that edge here let's not forget the top view it looks like we need to move them like that actually let's add the loop cuts before doing that no i'm gonna move this we will need more resolution to get that curve so right click select loop cut i will first add one to the middle press shift do that one more time actually two more times but not forget to press shift so it's going to snap right in the center let's enable cell division surface switch to points mods select slides because i will be sliding these points okay bottom part looks fine now let's check the top part we need to move that point and i'm gonna switch back to rod coordinates okay let's see the right view okay not perfect but pretty close now we give some thickness select polygon mode switch to polygon mode select all the polygons right click and execute this should be enough if i press q or any other subdivision surface you'll see that you will need supporting edges to make the edges sharper so let's select inset and it is near cuts same for the other side so selection growth selection and y do that one more time after that i will emerge selection right click select insert perfect it's not enough though i want edges to be sharper so the cuts and it is two cuts okay let's say that you find the new object 13 you want to increase the thickness so i will go back to polygon selection selection loop selection select these polygons selection field selection select the front faces right click and i'm going to select normal move and left click these are going to move on their normals that looks too thick maybe i can stop here now i will switch back to edge mods select these edges double click on them select slides this time i will select this these loop cuts double click on it right click select bevel this time i will not need any subdivisions level is let's press q this time i want to move these edges along their normals so right click on the z select normal and move them on the z maybe too much i don't know it's up to you check back and everything looks perfect now we need to make the last part i will select my base one more time switch to audible mods let's select single polygon then split that right click split let's say button for that one switch to edge mode first thing let's move x edge to around here and that's one since we are on normal moved mode you can easily move these like that let's see it goes over around here and you'll need an extrusion press ctrl and click here and move edge one more time go back to this one press ctrl extrude one more time now we need to change the x position of the points i will switch to points mode i will start from here that's all just like we did before i will let loop cuts to hold the gaps i mean the sizes then let's add one over here and one over there this time as you can see these points are higher than the other ones so select them move them on the z-axis actually let's switch back to broad coordinates so press e right click on the axis select world and move this up select that move the rest select one more time let's keep it like that for now so now i want to add my supporting edges before executing them so let's switch to polygon mode select all right click select insert now i'm going to select them all ctrl a extrude give some thickness okay they look familiar i will enable subdivision surface of course we will need another loop cuts supporting edges for the edges to make them sharper i'm gonna select these points with rectangle selection let's see maybe these ones so this part needs more curve so i'm gonna move them like that and i will go back to right view and move them up it looks like they are touching i'm gonna move this up actually let's create a new material i'm gonna assign this to bottom and back let's enable a bit occlusion want to check the wireframes enable lines that way you can see that if something is wrong or not on your mesh meshes now we can start to uv and wrap all objects but before doing that we should make symmetry object editable because in reality this is what we have right now so let's enable symmetry select the symmetry click here or just simply press c it's gonna apply symmetry to the objects now we can hire that null and delete symmetry null let's rename that to share now we should check the normals of the objects i mean polygons so switch to polygon mode let's select them all and press ctrl a so let's say that if you see a color like that it means that normals are flipped so find objects this one select amount control a and right click say reverse norms or let's say that you have something like that in that situation we need to right click and align nodes now the normals are okay this time i want to make similar objects single object let's switch to model mode this one and this one will have the same material so it's gonna be a wise move to make them a single object right click connect objects and delete let's move it up here lighter and we have these three pieces right click and connect objects and delete let's say that dark now i'm going to switch to uv edit layout click here let's start with the lighter one i will hide the other one just for the moment press alt and double click on these lights first thing first i will switch edge modes deselect everything my first mission will be selecting these edge loops or you could say hard edges then i'm going to select these edges to create seams actually these selections are all based on the angles i mean you can see that after that edge we have a 90 degrees angle or closer to that same stuff over here okay we have selected all the seams now all i need to do press ue unwrap that's all for the piece let's hide that and unhide the other one this time actually i will do the same thing but i will show you a faster way go to selection select font break selection this is gonna select the edges based on their angles right now the highlighted parts will be selected which means that we should play with that angle i mean i'm gonna higher that angle actually let me deselect all the edges go back to selection phone correct selection okay that's better that angle looks like fine now let's say select all press e and check the edges okay let's press uv unwrap and that looks like a good job you need some little adjustments though select the center edge and say align your items now we have a big piece over here i didn't select a seam for that you can see that it's a continuous loop so when you if you unwrap that you will get something like that because it doesn't have an accent point on edge so i'm gonna select it from my uv menu maybe we can select this as well and i will click uv and wrap okay that looks that's better right now we can select switch to portable mods select them all go to uv picking select bonding box and hit apply actually let's try geometric it's like i'm all bye okay we are done over here i will switch back to model mods go back to model layout so for the final thing i'm going to create another material open that up to color select checkerboard assign that material to the objects and check your mesh for the last time so let's check the squares squares should keep their spec ratio like one to one when you see that ratio that means that your uvs are good for example let's set this projection to cubic and scale u [Music] so you can see that the expect ratio of square is lost that's that minus the unit to fix it i will go back to uv mapping and everything looks perfect so i can delete this enable subdivision surface before ending the tutorial i'm going to show you one last thing let's select the darker one turn off side division surface enable lines edge mods i will add loop cuts and i will give you a closer look why i had these blue cuts here and here i will enable subdivision surface press e and b in edge mode i will turn off isolan editing i am gonna just dissolve the edges i have just edited dissolve them so you will immediately see that polygons will stretch but if i have them one more time you will see that that edge loop edge cut will lower the tension and stretching so this is really important when you texture your models and use subdivision surface so always keep that in mind also we can add that lookout over here as well you will see that this is going to lower the tension and stretching same here all right guys that was it i hope you liked the tutorial and i hope that you learned something new if you have any questions just ask that in the comments for now that's it and i will see you in the next tutorials bye [Music] you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 4,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, cloner objecy, normal move, chair, UV Unwrap, R25
Id: uisHs7Jnz7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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