Industrial Design/Product Modeling #7 | USB | Cinema 4D Modeling Tutorial

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i will import my image plane first so let's go to front view press shift nv go to back and select image and increase the transparency now i will add a cylinder and move it like that and i will scale it to match my shape okay now let's increase the segments rotation segments let's give it something like something like 36 is good enough not very low but not very high and also i am looking at that edge to match it the shape so i think we are good to go then i will first turn off caps then make it editable press c and i will delete that half because i will use symmetry then right click i will select line cut disable visible only so i can cut the other side of the object then i will enable single line and i will make these cuts now i will select these points and i will delete them so this is going to delete these polygons so now i need to connect that point also that one too i will also add these little cuts so these loop cuts are gonna hold that shape now i will switch edge mode double click now double click and select all the outer edges so i will select that one that edge first then press ctrl shift then select that edge then i will select that one let's go to the shift and select that one i will not select these two edges but first let me select the chance to press shift and connect these points or actually let's like these ones no yeah now it works now i will right click select cut press shift and make a cut right in the middle then i will select right click bridge and close that gap and i can at that point select slides press ctrl and move it to the next point now let's try to make the bottom part but first let's go to let's go to the front view press shift entry and change to offset like that actually no sorry let's go to right to you press shift me and load the same image and change to offset like that let's move this points editor starts now i will add a disk this is going to be our reference or the shape something like that but let's decrease these segments to 8 or actually let's make it 12 it's gonna be safer move then i will select these edges then i will press ctrl and extrude them then i will rotate them to mesh disk ok now i need to connect these ones this time let's try something different select polygon pen and add these points then right click close polygon hall and click line cuts and connect these points but i will also need a low cut to hold that edge like that one okay let's put that object into symmetry press alt select symmetry and let's put the symmetry into subdivision surface press alt subdivision surface so first thing we need sporting edges let's first select these edges and right click select bevel but i will change my bevel mode to solid yes something like that so it looks like i need to fix here let's select these points and as you can see it says we have two points right click welds and i think all of these points this needs to be welded so select them all select optimize this is going to automatically delete the duplicated points now we can move on right click level uh let's change it solid i need to bevel sorry about this point select slides press ctrl and that's okay let's press q to see the result perfect let's try to make the top parts first let's move them down then i will press control and extrude we have a little bevel here so let's try to make that press t go to modeling axis i want to scale down from the center so i will move my x axis to the center minus 100 percent then i will scale them and press ctrl scale and let's press unc or you can right click select collapse then i will set a points position to 0 on the x axis and also we need another supporting edges like here double click on that edge right click select slide press ctrl and i can get to the disk now i will double click on that edge loop right click slide press ctrl and so we share polygon modes like these polygons and slide i will select move them to see if that polygon smashed shape so it looks like no so i need to slide them a little here now let's try now a little more okay that's enough now i will select these polygons press ctrl and move on the y axis but before that when i do that as you can see it created polygons you can actually get rid of that but symmetry and enable these options this is going to delete these center polygons automatically like that now i will click split and go to the first object and delete and symmetry needs a single group or object to work so let's select demo press alt g now i will select these objects actually these polygons right click exert or you can do that by pressing ctrl so it looks like i need to offset my image plane press shift nv but make sure you are on the front view and change the offset like that now let's right click select line cut press shift actually first make a cut and press shift and click on that edge and click on that point one more time and that's here and press shift and make the last cut and actually we can delete these top polygons and i need to connect that one so sometimes your cuts won't work so in that case just make a cut like that then connect them okay now i will select these polygons and delete now i will select these poly edges accept the center ones and right click stitch until press shift and connect and same thing i'll look at right in the middle and connect these points this time i will make supporting edges with slide tool select slide press ctrl and slide inside and select these edges one more time but this time i will slide them like that let's press q perfect accept parts that it shouldn't be that soft to fix that we can create new cuts but let me first turn off the visible only off only enable actually then i will move on and make another cuts here then select these edges and dissolve now let's see and i will select all these points yeah that's lots better okay now let's try to make that metal part first let's create a cube and move it here and change the scale match the shape and let's go to the right view and if you can see that our image planes don't match like here i am at the top but here not so this is a general problem with image planes so you need to pick one of them as your main image plane and this time i will select that image plane because the bevels are visible here okay now let's enable display with lines for the cube and i will give some segments and i don't think needs y segments it's going to be enough then i will make it editable and let's first sleep that half and that one select that edge right click bevel i think we need two subdivisions like that then i will select that polygon right before making any extrusions let's put that group in symmetry results select symmetry and select the symmetry and make another symmetry but change the middle plane okay now i'll select symmetry objects and enable these options and i will make the extrudes now let's select excerpt image that looks enough and i will also swallow my object and i don't think we need that polygon also to the button are gone now i want to duplicate that polygon so to do that i will click select mirror and let's try so it's the wrong way let's change it to x and z so now that works first i will move these points actually for that let's just get rid of that polygon now i will all my points now i will select these edges press ctrl and move i will also scale them to zero like that then i will do cuts here so i can connect these edges with the bridge tool now let's also connect these points also that one now all the polygons are quads but i will also need another loop cut to hold the shape like here and here also here now i will select these in side polygons press ctrl and move then i will select inner root now let's put that symmetry in subdivision surface to see the result first thing it looks like we need additional cuts sporting edges so let's do that with the slide tool first i'll click on that edge loop and select slide press ctrl and slides and i think we will need for the inside too so double click one more time press ctrl and slides let's press q pretty good but i will add another look at here so it's gonna make here a little bit sharper and as well as another one here now let's try to make that inside shape first i will turn the visibility of that cube down i will create a disk rotate it and scale and i will change the segments to 8 8 is enough then i will duplicate it press ctrl and move then i will select two of them and connect objects and delete and i won't need these points then i will select these edges right click and zero but press shift is going to bridge these edges then i will add my sporting edges here and here then i will select all right click exit inner then press ctrl and extrude inside then one more time and another extrude inner then i will grow my selection you can do that by pressing u and y or you can sv select and select gross selection then i right click split press ctrl and exert that splitted object and i think we will need another supporting but let's edit okay now i will select the first disk object double click on the outer edges right click extrude so if your extrude is like that press shift then drag your mouse this is going to change the rotation of the extrude like 90 degrees is good then i will select these points and scale them on the y-axis to zero press shift to snap the degrees then let's select these points do the same thing okay let's make them one object uh sorry one group select them and press alt n g and let's put it under a solution surface okay now i will update that group but to make a good runner i need to know the exact length of that object actually between these two points but first let me make a quick duplicate so it looks like i need to scale these points on the z-axis but not much updated yeah this is closer now i will go to tools white and measure construction and put my first point here and move the last one to the last point and i will also enable snap so this is my length i will copy that ctrl c and i will select my group result and select cloner but i want to clone linearly i'll select linear and i want to clone on z-axis and i know the exact length uh if you didn't copy the length you can go back measure and construction and ctrl c corner and paste the length onto the axis now i will need it copies then i will put that cloner into connect object and make the connect object editable and then i will move the points to match the exact shape okay now i will turn on the visibility of that object and i can get rid of that measure tool select the measure tool then delete measure so first thing let's move that object here then i will go to right move enable point snap switch to points mode and i will try to snap to these points okay i made my snaps actually i forgot here let's quickly make it okay let's follow the object i will need to move this point to match here so we can do that by going front view and enable snap right here same thing for these points too okay now i will double click on these edges and press ctrl and shoot and right click loop cut here then i will need another cut inside but i can't make so the best we can do make a loop selection we select loop selection select these edges right click and select slide and press ctrl press q pretty good spot i made a mistake if you remember when i made the cloner i had two objects but when i merged them with the connect object they all became one object like if i double click here and move it you can see that and i have these duplicated polygons to fix that first i will double click on these polygons right click split then i will hide them and go to my first object and delete then i will put that object in a connect then i will increase my tolerance to merge the points duplicated points let's make it 0.2 0.3 [Music] is too much let's make it 25.25 is too much yeah it looks like 0.2 is the number then i will make the connect object editable press c so now all normals are not right i will select them all and you'll see that fix that right click and align normals now we are good to go let's turn on the new objects right click select extrude turn on and excerpts then i will delete these new polygons to do that for the top view rectangle selection select these polygons and just delete so let's make them one object [Music] perfect okay now i need to duplicate that i can use symmetry for that but i need to change the center axis of that group so enable access also enable snap at which somewhere here doesn't have to be perfect turn off axis and press alt and select symmetry so the new object is level off change that select symmetry and enable access and move to center axis like this okay now i need to make a in inner extrude so that object will fit here do that first i will select these edges select slide press ctrl and move and i will scale them on the access to zero and i need to do that or that side to select them press ctrl slide and scale and let's make a cut like that then i will select these inner polygons as ctrl and x roots slightly then another extrude and i can delete them and i will also solo the object enough symmetry and first thing i will make a cut here then i will change that direction of the line and then delete that which i can also slide these edges to make that corner sharper let's make something here now i will need another sporting edge so select them slide press ctrl perfect let's turn off the solo i think you need to scale them a little so select these polygons and move then select these ones and i will scale this time like this let's also make that small detail like the cube with the front view and make a look at here then select these polygons i click extrude in air then i will move that polygon inside like that let's press q so it looks like i need the supporting cuts right here also here let's quickly make the cable part so i will need a cylinder right here but if i add a cylinder it's gonna be off so to make that cylinder right here in the middle i'll press the cylinder press shift and negative cylinder it's gonna make a child then i will move that object out that group then i will scale and let's make the height segments one then press c i will let these edge loops and select these polygons right click excerpt enter i will also change my modeling axis x to 0 then press ctrl and move now i will let my loop cuts then i right click split then go to the first cylinder and delete these polygons now i will press ctrl and exert these polygons then i will delete them also let's make them one group altchee and it is other surface you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 14,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, USB
Id: lkpGx8pD-SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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