Beginner 3D Modeling #6 | Bottle | SubD and UV Unwraping Tutorial

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hello everyone and beginner modelers welcome back to another great beginner tutorial in this tutorial we are gonna model this battle also i'm gonna uv unwrap this object and this is what we are to get at the very end this tutorial might be a little longer and boring than the other ones but i try to explain every step i took and i believe that you will learn lots of new things so without further ado let's start first thing first i will turn off wordplane and save frames switch to model mod now by clicking middle mouse i will go to front view press shift nv go to back select image plane i will give some transparency let's say 75 now if you look at our shape it looks like it's gonna be a good move to start from a base mesh like this one after modeling this part we can start to add this handle thing also if we look at our shape it looks like this part is perfectly cylindrical so it's gonna be a good move to start with a cylinder let me delete that press e to move tool move it over here after that click on that dot and move it up let's see i should stop somewhere here maybe we can wait here i will go back to 3d view go back to select cylinder we will need to change some settings for example the height segments you will not need them right now so let's set them to one or the rotation segments 16 maybe too much because we are gonna use subdivision surface we want to go as low as possible so i'm going to lower it to 12 it's not going to be that low but not that high either which is perfect go to caps you will not need these caps turn that's off now we can make the cylinder table press c or we can press here now we can select the points edges and polygons of our cylinder from here i will stick with the points mode go to top view by middle click you can either press 0 or you can go here and select rectangle selection like that i will select these and delete i did that because i want to use symmetry click here and select symmetry with the cylinder under that we need to change the mirror plane of the symmetry select x and y and perfect i will also enable these options so these are basically leads this center edges points and polygons when you exclude them automatically which is very handy and i will show you as we move on so now we get our cylindrical shape but we need to extend these points here if i do it like that you can see that i lose the shape you can see it from the position of these points so i am thinking about and loop cuts right here so that we can include these new points to the selection press shift select these and move them this way i'm going to keep my shape let's stop right here but it's not over yet i will need horizontal edges or we could say subdivisions to move them i will right click select the cut press shift this is going to snap the cuts it one to here here and here i will press zero or rectangle selection select this let's move them and press ctrl deselect move deselect that's all now we have these polygons in the center which is really long empty we should give some subdivisions to them i will look at loop cuts as i did before press shift and it two new workouts i think we got main base maybe we can higher these points okay base mesh is done now to get is handling we will need to change our edge distribution on our base mesh let's make it base and i'm going to do that with line cuts right click select line cuts so that thing starts from here okay we can move it down i will select back the line cuts and to the top one if your cuts are continuous in every single line um i'm gonna connect it right here it's gonna be a triangle but we are gonna solve that later also we have these two points which should be a single one right click select welds and weld them now we need to clean some stuff especially that one you can see that we have a triangle over here i will switch to edge mode double click on this right click and so that's all but this is going to give us another problem that triangle i will switch back to light cuts i will try to change this edge loops destination line cut click here then connect the cuts here now we can select that edge right click and dissolve switch to points mode we can select that point let's see all right everything looks good that part is okay now i need to do the same thing over here which will be more challenging but i can we can do that right click line cut start from here all the way let's say here you will need also these straight cuts click here and press shift and finish the cuts here you can move the movies points here maybe these ones so the left side is okay i need to do the same thing on the right side line cuts start from here and let's see and it's here it's time to clean up especially these points so i'm gonna select slide right click slide press ctrl and move the point to the next one that you want to merge i'm gonna do that edge i'm gonna do that that point as well so just like before we have a triangle and easy just double click on them this will automatically select them right click install let's check it from the front view same stuff just like for i need to change the direction of these loop cuts right click like that start from here and and it's here and selected edge is all we can switch to points mode select slide let's move some of its points same thing press ctrl add merge i can merge the point as well now here press ctrl move that point to that one i will switch to edge mode click here and dissolve no we cannot do that you should select this instead and it's all done so i'm gonna keep my shape that way right click solve perfect i think the only thing left is that h you can see that we have a big triangle over here so let's select line cuts click here then finish that cut over here switch the edge mode select edge dissolve i'm gonna move them over here or to give some chair i'm gonna move them over here i will switch to points mods and i don't like that point it's too close to the left all right this is gonna be enough for now we can switch to polygon mode and start execute and start to work on our secondary details which will be that handle you got our polygons here as you can see now it's gonna be much easier to connect these so while these are all selected i will right click select extrude and extrude them let's say something like that alright now for the handle i'm gonna select these two polygons press ctrl extrude after that i will switch to scale tool press t or you can press here i want to scale them on the x so click here scale them and press shift this is gonna snap the scale i'm gonna stop at zero move them over here i want these polygons to be flat so i'm going to select that edge select slide slide it and select slide it one more time slide slide it back very fast and this is going to give exactly what we want i will select this one more time this needs to be scaled on the z since we are using a symmetry i should change my excess polygons like if i want to scale them right now i'm gonna break the symmetry which we don't want this easy to fix that just press t you will see the axis options i'm going to change the z to 100 percent so it's going to start right from the center scale them something like that which means that i have to slide that edge one more time slide slide it select slide it one more time slide it back i will also scale this point i want the top part to be perfectly flat so press t scale them on the y to zero by pressing shift same thing here skip them and press shift move them over here here so the top part seems weird i want to align these points maybe we can select there i will select like this press e switch to move tool i will press ctrl and move this down to here shift points mode i want to select on these ones rectangle selection move them over here now we need to select two polygons from here so that we can connect this because we have two over here which so select them right click bridge and press shift and connect the points so let's check the mesh the first thing i want to change is that point that point may be a problem because as you can see this point is shared by one two three four five edges and it is right next to an extrude so it's gonna be a little difficult to add a sporting edge around here because if you want to add the loop cut it's gonna stop right here it's not gonna go all the way down so we need to change the direction of that point as i did before i'm gonna switch to line cut i'll start from here go here here and finish it at the very bottom right click slides press ctrl and put that point to that one now we got rid of that point now we can easily add a little cut now i'm gonna double click on this you know we need to fix here we have a triangle right click this all maybe we can select point no that edge loop looks a little bit funny i want something straight i'm gonna slide dissolve that right click loop cut press shift as i did here i'm gonna make another loop cut over here let's check on mesh i believe if not need is it just right click you can disallow so we will get a much more organic shape i will switch to points mod select slide and move that point up over here light cuts connect it here same stuff these are gonna be unnecessary right click as well i'm just gonna slide them like that maybe we can lower them i'm gonna switch to rectangle selection select these two edges select slides down down move them to the left same here points mod slide i think this is going to be enough now let's see what we got with subdivision surface click here subdivision surface put the symmetry under the subdivision surface and this is what we got and i see no problem at all we will just need some supporting edges like here select loop cut so this part is supposed to be sharp so it is to cut another thing before doing that i think is polygons inside supposed to be like that to get that angle or actually under that i'm gonna undo that to these edges edge mode so that these edges scale them yes this is going to be much better maybe we can let's same thing over here let's add our loopcast one more time and see it i like much better now this part because we modeled our detail in a such a way that its sporting edges will be so much easier like that fun and that one if you press q or enable subdivision surface you can see that we got a perfect result except here because i want that loop to continue all the way to the end to do that i will need a loop cut here and switch to points mods line cuts sorry slide press ctrl merge that point to that one and that one to that one you can solve this as well these are absence now if i switch to polygon mode and make a loop selection it's going to have a perfect loop same stuff over here right click slide press ctrl at this time we need to be careful because if i merge these points over here it's gonna stretch these polygons too much and they are right on an a curve which if i subdivide my mesh you might get some pinching i don't know if you can see that yes like here so we need to be careful on this one so i'm gonna undo a few times and select eases slides slide them over here slide this as well switch to points mods slides press ctrl now let's check all right it looks like we nearly got rid of that so now let's check other parts so here also should be sharper i mean these edges this time let's work with the polygons i'm going to select these right click insert and set them so this basically creates these new loop cuts so we can use them as sporting edges to make the edges sharper believe it's time to close the bottom cap i'm going to double click on this but select these two edges on the left and two edges on the right and press ctrl execute these points on the z after that go to coordinates make sure that you are on the word coordinates and set z position to zero this is not gonna be enough because you need to scale them to zero set this number to zero and press enter the reason that i left these edges so we can reach them select each like this and this part is now let's try to close the top cap as i did before i'm gonna double click on this and select these two edges on the right and on the left press ctrl execute these edges because the coordinates set is edges position to zero on the z and do the same thing on the size zero right click select bridge connect these edges and you are done that was easy but now we have a more challenging one i mean these cylinder part let's create cylinder position it's over here switch to model mod so we are gonna get these handles to change the scale of this cylinder i'm gonna move it right here turn on lines so we can see the edges first thing i'm gonna set my high segments to zero or actually we will not even need that but we need to change the rotation segments if you remember when we started my cylinder at 12 segments i'm gonna do the same thing to valve which will make us our job easy to create this new shape by the way this new cylinder is just for the reference i will go back to my base switch to points mode right click select line cut but this time i want a continuous cut so turn off single line start from here click on that edge click on here and you can stop right here now i can press e and change my view here right click line cut click here here here and the last one we can press e and delete that cylinder you got what you want go back to base first thing let's get rid of unnecessary points select slides i'm gonna merge these then that one that one do that one select that line cuts enable single line this time i'm gonna connect this and we are done for that shape let's switch to origami mode select this for polygons front view press ctrl move them up which will extrude them then we can press t scale scale them and press shift move them up here it looks like we have two points here select them each rectangle selection or press zero right click without them perfect you can turn off symmetry to see if something is wrong or not everything looks great now i will enable subdivision surface obviously we will need spotting edges first one will be on the top polygons right click insert insert them if you remember when i created symmetry i mentioned these options if i undo that and turn off these options and make an inset you'll see that i'm going to get these center polygons which we don't want most of the time so enable this and symmetry will handle these for you set press q right click the cut we will need supporting edges here here let's see over here but when i do that this part will be weird so let me switch to points mods select slides we need to get rid of that triangle over here this is the reason so i am thinking about sliding that point to here and press ctrl let's move these points to merge them you can switch to edge mode select that edge one more time slide tool i can move down like that now let's press q and it looks perfect so this one's supposed to be sharper i believe i'm gonna double click on them right click slide and remember that it's gonna select all the way down so we may want to deselect this by pressing ctrl select slide back move this up press ctrl alt much better if you get these weird normals select your phone tank and increase that angle maybe you can turn off edge breaks that part seems too sharp i'm gonna select this right click select them we can make the bottom part slightly sharper by adding that loop cuts let's quickly model the lid porygon mod press e select this by holding shift right click split edge mode double click on the outrages press ctrl extrude over here then press t since the x is right in the in the center i can scale them like that press ctrl execute them one more time scale them to zero now we need to collapse these edges right click and collapse but i want to make sure that points position is zero set it to zero i will enable subdivision surface but it's not going to affect the second object because these two needs to be a single object or single group i'm gonna select them press alt ng it's gonna create a group now it's gonna work i will select that one let's say leads cuts first one here second one and third one i will turn on lines and i want to add some blue cuts to my base mesh because you know you can see that that polygon is too long compared to these ones to even that out i'm going to add one cut here press shift same thing over here or delete i'm gonna get that one now i am ready to subdivide my mesh software but instead of two which would be too much i'm gonna set it to one and make that editable press c this also makes your symmetry editable so i would highly suggest you to make a duplicate of that symmetry press ctrl and update it as a backup maybe you want to change the shape or we can break our mesh you never know now i will go back to my submission surface make sure that it's on one bot subdivision editor and render and press c i can delete that now rename that to button i will add any other subdivision surface for that button let's see it looks perfect if you find it too sharp you can add a smoothing deformer select base press shift it is submitting deformer also let's see the lines that's eyes of arms of course this is too much let's lower it to something like 10 percent maybe it's up to you maybe i think we are done with the modeling but i will give you a last tip about our mesh if you remember our first object let me unhide that and put it over here and turn that subdivision off as you can see it is very low poly to get rid of that we use subdivision surface also let me change that to a wireframe this is going to work for the modeling but without the texture or object things may get complicated especially when you have such low poly mesh we have an option for the textures i mean uvs we can subdivide them but these may not work all the time so i would highly suggest you to subdivide your mesh with one subdivision but render an editor and make that editable this is gonna make your texturing process easier but don't go too high such as two this is gonna be too much one will be enough most of the time so let me undo this now we can start to unwrap our object now i will switch to uv edit layout first thing i'm going to do is switch to polygon mode select all the polygons of the mesh and reset them so we will have a clean start for our object most important part to be textured will be this part because you know most of the time levels will be over here so i'm going to start from here select these i've switched edge mods i'm gonna select seams like these ones double click on these edges and i just select something on the bottom like base it's gonna stop right here but i'm gonna press shift and continue click now if i go to selection and select selection i'm gonna select these all polygon islands but this is not enough you need to select more seams especially on cylindrical shapes we need an exit point and i'm gonna select these because you know that part of the mesh will not be much visible so instead of selecting from the front side i'm gonna select it from the behind now everything is set now all i need to do go to uv unwrap open up options and enable restrict polygon selection because previously i have selected all the polygons and say okay that's all but you need to do some rotations to see our alignment i will enable uv map you can see that we need to rotate our uv islands switch to polygon mode double click on that island press r and rotate and press shift it's gonna snap the rotation now we can easily read these letters which is perfect but to make sure i will relax them apply and this is done and i'm gonna move that part aside somewhere here not important now let's check here i will switch to edge mode one more time i'm gonna let's see i'll click on this it's gonna make a perfect loop selection then again selection fill selection select that polygon islands now we can say uv unwrap perfect some rotation we can clearly see the letters perfect move that aside now let's quickly handle the bottom part switch to edge mode double click on this edge loop and selection here selection select that oregon island and say uv underlay all right this looks okay move them aside i will turn off delete for the moment switch to edge mode double click fill selection uv unwrap you can read them but i want to align them perfectly switch edge mode select center edge and align your island islands move that aside edge mode one more time select these and let's see these ones as i did before i'm gonna select sim because this is a cylindrical object i will press shift and it is edges and say uv unrep but didn't work because i switched to polygon mode the selections will be only for these polygons i have to change that switch edge mode these edges are already selected so i will collect square selection here selection select these polygons switch to edge mode one more time now i will say uv unrave let's try relaxing this perfect move them aside switch back to edge mode one more time this time let's see let's double click on these then select seam i will also select easy just as well double click on this because i will go to selection and field selection and this is gonna unselect these polygons let's see what's gonna happen if i press u on wrap not bad but this part you know there is a huge angle shift like these are flat these are vertical so let's turn off uv map for the moments we will need some relaxation i'm gonna double click on this yeah maybe we can include these as well press shift but this select is press ctrl select i will go to logo mode press e and double click on that uv island switch to edge mode and save uv on grip this is going to take away these polygons from our previous polygon islands so let's see with uv map all right much better i will double click on this they may need some relaxation go to relax uv apply now everything looks perfect i think i just need to rotate them 90 degrees that part is looking good but to make sure i will hit relaxible one more time press shift and move them aside now let's try to handle these polygons inside first we will need selection let's see these are looking good double click on these edges and press shift add these as well i will select this and go to selection key selection it's going on select here but you know because you forgot to select ease edges you can see that the uv texture ends switch to edge mode press e press shift select this by the way if you can't see the edges you can turn off uv map now selection piece selection on the select piece and say we unwrap select that edge and say uv islands and uv islands open up uv map and everything looks great maybe some relaxation now we have these parts let's switch to edge modes double click here and that edge loop but we need to select this as well so i can make a field selection selection in selection select this it that didn't work because probably i forgot to let aloo cuts yes here double click here then selection let's turn that off selection field selection and unselect this you'll be overlapped leading back to uv map it looks like we need to rotate them 90 degrees or we can meter u n v alright looks good move down now let's see okay the rear sights edge modes these are already selected i will press shift select this turn off that will be map okay now you see a seam over here i'm gonna select them as well press shift now if i go to selection and field selection i'm gonna under select that part as i did before uv unwrap edge mode select the center edge and say uv align your ions let's check that with the textures and looking good move them aside now the only thing left are these white white parts so i'm thinking about selecting all of these press shift select them all good selection invert selection so we are going to select one of these white parts now i'm going to say uv on ramp at first it's going to look like a mess because we didn't select any seams for them so let's select these edges for example and let's see where they are back here you can see that there is a lot of tension here i need to relax here i will press uv unwrap okay it is getting somewhere but before pressing uv on ramp make sure that you have selected all of these polygons because you know he enabled the restrict to polygon selection i will rotate this 90 degrees so let's see everything looks great except these you know you can see the rotation they are not perfect so i'm thinking about selecting these edges then selection field selection you can also do that in uv editor i'm gonna take them apart so they're gonna be a separate uv islands let's try to relax them first not great but if i switch to edge mode double click on these edges actually let's not select them because this is a border i'm going to select this then i will say uv straighten press control and convert is edges to points and add uv pins and i will switch to audio mode go to relax and enable pinpoint selection and hit relax so this basically protects these selected points pin them and relax the other polygons based on these points and looking perfect i will switch to points mods clear all the pins polygon mod select them all now all i need to tag them what do you be picking geometric and enable preserve orientation because you know we rotated them now i will say apply now all of them share the same uv space and you can see it from the sizes of the text but as i mentioned before this is going to be probably the most important part because you are going to put a level so in some cases you want to make your most important part bigger such as like that to gain some texture space now we can select the amount this time i will unhide equalize island size and apply now we have the last one delete first thing let's switch polygon mod select amal turn that turn off that uv map press at ue and say uv unwrap feeding back the uv map not bad but not ideal so make a loop selection fill selection you'll be unwrapped with the sides i will select this edge mode select these then select theme then polygon mods okay these are already selected say we unrip i'm going to move them aside they look a little bit weird but i can say you rectangularize it's gonna fix that now we have these actually i can just select these edges polygon mods okay these are selected say you'll be on wrap i can uv rectangularize them as well i will select them all you'll be picking i will enable equalize item size and apply perfect except this part needs some rotation 90 degrees ease as well select the amount control a and effect them one more time perfect i think we are done with everything i will switch back to standard as i said you can play with this smoothing if you want something sharp you can love that and something smart we can hire that up so that was that guys thank you very much for watching if you come to this point if you like the video remember to like the video and i will see you in the next tutorials bye [Music] you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 5,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, bottle, uv, unwrap, R25
Id: BVi8sb4A5hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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