Industrial Design/Product Modeling #15 | Spray Gun

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hello everyone welcome back to another product modeling tutorial which you will never use but i am sure you will learn lots of new things on this one so this is what i'm gonna model today hope you liked that and new learnings so let's just start i will start with image plane go to front view now actually let's go to right view shift nv back select image plane select cylinder from object menu rotate that i will set my height to one i will keep the 16. it's not too low and not too high either i'm gonna make that slightly larger than the image plane i mean the shape because when i add subdivision surface it will shrink i will turn off caps you will not need that make it editable now i will the points i will right click select line cut turn off visible only and single line so if you turn visible on me the cut will affect other site as well i can delete these one more time you can't delete that site because i will use symmetry i will add another loop cut right here select that edge because it is the perfect edge for me to extrude to preserve the shape i mean if you delete this we will get a really good transition i will position this press ctrl execute that h so we are working on the x axis so i should set that to zero on the word coordinates these polygons will be inactive useless so just delete them now i need to close that cap over here this is going to be fairly easy i will just do the cut and flip bridge one more time then i'm going to select this extrude these i need to connect them with a polygon but you know the resolution is not same so i will add tool of cuts solution points mode and at this point let's add the subdivision surface of the symmetry so obviously we will need some sporting edges here and here i want to check the normals yes some of them are flipped but it is easy to fix right click select reverse normals oh sorry align normals okay we will need something else for example that sporting edge over here switch to points mode without this and that way we will get a quad over here instead of triangle if i subdivide that i will get a better result you will have something else though you know you see that you have some kind of x root so i will add a look at over here make a loop selection and extrude along normals something like that press q so if i turn off the symmetry you will see that that extrude create these extra polygons so i'm gonna undo that extrude go to symmetry and enable these options so that and i extrude symmetry will automatically automatically delete these new polygons if i turn symmetry off you will see that there will be not center polygons i think that side is okay as you can see maybe we can move that edge loop to make the edges sharper or we can do that later now the hard part is here i'm i'm going to select these polygon edges and move them over here where the curve ends press ctrl and x root so that edge should match with that one because i'm gonna merge this i can close that all with close polygon hall maybe we can slide that edge so these are already selected i'm gonna press ctrl and extrude this the position is not important because i'm gonna wrap these ones with these ones okay perfect there is another thing i want that transition i mean the edge love to be perfect for that i will create an effect starting from here and let me turn up that we're playing so i'm gonna wrap that we will have a triangle over here so let's create another pad also that new pad will act like a sporting edge to hold that shape over here this hold that so now i have a continuous loop which is perfect for this kind of situations i will add another supporting edge over here if i press q and enable support enable subdivision surface you will see that i will need that if i add that i will get a better curve something happened over here let's double click on these edges and scroll down now i want to dissolve these new edges i'm going to add them later the reason that i dissolve them because i want to make a good bevel over here with these ones it's going to make problems so now select these edges select parallel i believe the one will be too low let's try two same these ones switch to points mode and connect these with line cut tool but i will turn on visible on because i can accidentally cut other polygons just like happened over here i can connect these now everything in here a squats but i want a better surface so i'm going to select this right click execute image and make something like that points mode i'm gonna slide some of the points now in here i'm just gonna merge this this is going to create triangle but you can add a loop cut or just create a new pad same here dissolve this okay everything looks perfect so now we have that hole to create this i'm gonna select these points and move them maybe we can lower transparency same thing over here since that that part is perfectly flat i can move these points without any problem that part is okay now i'm gonna check the upper part okay let's delete this or we can press ctrl absolute and delete so we can see if the shape is okay or not i'm gonna enable subdivision surface first thing i will add a little cut to the inside and make a loop selection and for the outside i'm going to create that edge loop let's check the bottom first you can add these loop cuts and of course here you can see that when i add that it's gonna preserve the curve a lot better you will need same thing for the top i'm going to add this and maybe one over here and this is going to be the last one okay everything looks perfect now i can delete these polygons because i'm going to create any one double click on this press ctrl and extrude i should stop here i'm going to press ctrl and convert this edges to points just select these ones and move them actually i am going to select these because these are gonna overlap if i go too much so i will go here and select this one i will just reselect these and do the same thing this time i'm gonna include that point and smooth maybe we can make these perfectly flat i'm gonna enable subdivision surface i will move them on the x then press ctrl x root set their position and size to zero i mean the size is already zero so i'm just going to set my x to zero i will add my supporting edges now i should get a perfect surface now we have something like a trigger let's do that quickly so that edge will give me enough space for the top but i will need another one for the button let's add that blue cuts now select these yes these are right add extra time along the lower mouse i mean just press left click extrude this so if i enable software surface you will see that i will need supporting edges i'm going to add this quickly for the top part instead of adding that one i'm just gonna select these and maybe we can select these actually let's select that as well and i'm gonna move down now i can't select these sort of them you can add one look at to the inside okay that's perfect maybe if you want here to be sharper you can add that as well now these are already selected i'm gonna split these and make these into one group so the material will work for both of these i'm gonna extrude these polygons that one more time this time i will change my orientation to normal and scale them on the y-axis i will add my loop cuts maybe here okay this time i want to make that part so easy way will be the splitting these polygons right click split i'm gonna rotate them 90 degrees and slide them down this is going to be just for your reference because i'm going to select my original cylinder let's switch to points mode select line cut and create these new cuts based on the second cylinder we can do that with blin but it's gonna be a waste of time that should be enough so to we will have that empty point i'm gonna connect that select these press ctrl let's change our orientation the world press ctrl extrude i'm gonna scale them [Music] to zero by the way this sketch or concept is not exactly what we get i tried that but i believe there is something wrong with image plane i mean not wrong but you know if you don't work with 3d you will get unmatched size and this is the reason so i'm just gonna keep them like that i will press ctrl extrude i want to scale them but since we have symmetry i should change my axis to do pretty center scale them press ctrl scale them one more time okay that should be enough now i will make next routine enable sound vision surface maybe i look cut here and here let's see yes here here and here also i'll let these ones make edges sharper i believe that there is one thing yes that one and why don't we add that one so you'll get kind of even polygons i will turn off that empty cap press ctrl x root and it is cut i think i should close that cap as well so press ctrl x root okay the shape is fine press ctrl extrude inside it these look cuts okay maybe i can add a little cut over here as i did here to get kind of even polygons you don't have to do that but you know it looks very better and more organized same thing on here we can select these and select them but don't select these ones i use them as sporting edges i will let that cut and we have these wrong polygons i will let these supporting edges or just low cuts let's check mesh maybe we can select this to get the exact shape of the image plane so that point is causing stress so we can slightly move it on the x but not too much because we don't want to break the perfection of cylinder but i can do that on these edges as well okay perfect now i want to get that seam over here you can see that i can do that with that polygon count but we can break the cylindrical shape and also you may need to model these holes which means more resolution i will go to subdivision surface and set them to 1 this should be enough and make it a little pressy i will select these one more time and select that site delete select that null and add a symmetry now i'm going to reposition these points right on that seam i'm going to select these now let's check that one more time okay i will select bevel it's gonna be two subdivisions so that i can select polygon loop in the middle that should be now i should also merge these points i will select polygons in the middle and let's not forget to enable that these options on the symmetry select normal move and push these polygons down to make them sharper i will add these loop cuts select them press ctrl and slides same for these edges as that i will delete that empty null at the subdivision surface and he got a religious sim nearly identical i believe we have some kind of similar shape yes over here i will make a loop selection just double click on this level [Music] i will keep the same settings level these now select the polygons in the middle with selection and push them down with normal move enables of the region surface now we have that piece i'm gonna select that loop press ctrl x root select these polygons with loop selection i will split this go back to original and plate we want that to be a perfect cylinder so we will not need this delete them i will select these edges it's the chance you press shift i will add a little cuts between these and this all usages now i should get a perfect cinema there i should make that flat now i need to close the cap press ctrl that one more time and a little cuts another one [Music] or i just can't slide this select these screws now you can extrude this then collapse them but this is going to create yours triangles so i'm just going to select these and execute them on the x then set position and size to zero this it's gonna give us a perfect cap now we have another challenging part and it's gonna be these three holes before making this tutorial i try to model this whole thing and that part was the most challenging part because that subdivision card i mean the polygon count was not enough to get these holes perfectly i did get them but i got some pinching so as you know i would like to get a perfect result as much as possible so to do that i am gonna split that part these loop selections then fill selection right click split go back to original one and delete these polygons so basically i will solve the white at part so let's right click open soft white options set it to 1 but enable smooth subdivision it's going to be just like the regular subdivision surface views i will say okay it's going to solve the white piece now we got what we wanted i mean these edges is going to give me enough result but these excessive edges will not be necessary so i will install this and especially here can easily install these ones okay now i will create a reference for the holes i will do that it disk i will make it eight segments duplicate that make them one object i click connect objects and delete i can delete these points select these edges to change you but press shift i will add these loop cuts to hold the curve i will subdivision surface i will select them all and move them over here also let me reset the axis scale that down then switch to points mods let's move these points i will use rule so i'm gonna extrude this it caps on i'm gonna make the hole on these polygons before that let's scale this to zero okay now i want to see the exact edge count let's deselect edges in the inside it says 16 if you don't have that press shift mv code hood and enable selected points all edges that means i should have 16 edges on that cylinder as well but it says 14. so i'm gonna what move that edge loop up and create a new one right in the center it should know 16 i will select my cylinder one more time make an extra dinner because i'm gonna connect these new points with that cylinder after bull i will add a bool to that one and i'm going to put the disc under cylinder go to bool enable create single object and press c now i need to weld this point okay now if i subtract that i should get a perfect surface without no pinching i need to clone these on these sides as well to do that i should first get the exact polygon count just like here so i'm gonna make easy just flat actually we will need more so i'm gonna slide this as well i can't delete these polygons select these ones right click mirror let's try that so nothing happened because i need to change my mirror plane x and y should work perfect now all i have to do select these points and spell them for that part i will need a little cut actually i can slide this to make more polygons but i believe this is gonna wreck the sharp edges so i will just able to cut and delete just like we did before i'm gonna mirror these and that's the points that's on okay everything looks fine now all we need an extrude extrude this maybe we can add sporting edge it's sliding this okay perfect enable symmetry so these ones are a little off we can fix that by position positioning it zero on the x-axis since we have splitted this i will execute them and we can use these edges as sporting edge i will change my slide offset mode proportional let's solo that because i need to set these points to zero as well actually i should have used weights so these points were going to be on zero i will set them to zero maybe these ones so we have something like that over here i'm gonna make the same thing again level with two subdivisions select the inside polygons with loop selection and move them with normal move tool now let's finish that model with the last paste over here we can select these edges press ctrl extrude and one more time switch to scale tool and set your x to the minus 100 percent by the way if you switch views your axes will move like if i scale them from the right view you will see that access has moved over here so wash that out i will use that site just for reference but i'm gonna scale them from my perspective view more extrude this time i will extrude them inside this piece should be a separate part so let's select these edges loop selection fill selection split and delete original one now i can extrude easy as well and i will start at my loop cuts okay that looks fine now we have these things i don't know what are they but let's try to make something similar i will select these three polygons i believe it's going to be enough then split i will select these ones small extrudes or just let's just execute that edge one more next route now i'm gonna stop over here actually let's make that object solar i want to merge these points by the way watch out what you select my eyes always over here so it says that i have selected three points yes that one now i will move this points over here let me cancel them all and scale them to zero to make them straight let's close that hole with close porygon hole tool this time i need to connect these points actually i can't make any pet over here and use them like that maybe we can make these polygons flat i will continue to connect the empty points i will let my sporting edges since we have a triangle over here loop cut won't work i will continue it i cut and we will need something similar over here and that side as well we have an engineer so let's connect it over here that way we will get quads on the triangle part is here why not just merge these okay let's enable subdivision surface yeah not bad maybe edges are too sharp i can change that by sliding these spotting edges okay for the final thing i can add the symmetry and change the inner plane enable subrevision surface and maybe some ambient occlusion fake immediation also you know you don't want to see the inside i'm gonna create a cylinder to kind of block that view okay i think modeling has over thank you very much again for watching i hope you learned something new and i will see you in the next videos bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 9,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move
Id: sjp4IakmR3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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