Concept Shoe Modeling in Blender 2.92

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hello everyone and welcome i'm derek elliott from and this is the shoe tutorial have you ever seen some sweet kicks on the gram and thought to yourself wow i'd really like to make some 3d models of shoes but had no idea where to start i found myself in this exact position only a few months ago unfortunately until now there really aren't a lot of great shoe modeling tutorials on youtube so i figured it out myself backed by a measly 13 years of experience using blender but it turns out i wasn't the only one who wanted to make cool 3d models of shoes and many other people just like you were curious how to do this that weren't backed by 13 years of experience it became my duty to break down my process and put together the dopest shoe modeling tutorial on youtube one that would provide you with all the tools you need to become an absolute beast at modeling complex organic shapes using simple tools and a crap ton of modifiers in blender in order to better understand the hypest of hypebeast shoe design i sought to acquire an insanely expensive pair of shoes only to be totally scammed and lose 500 which made my wife very upset for legal reasons i will tell you this is not a beginner tutorial but in all honesty if you've got a google search subscription and a little hair left to lose i'm sure you can follow along at any skill level please sit back and enjoy the process as you and i together bring to life the dopest 3d shoe model you have ever created derek are you serious 500 which brings us to today's sponsor of the video millinote so millinote reached out to me as fans of the channel and asked if i was interested in trying out their organization tool for creatives and i said sure never done a sponsored video like this because a lot of times the folks reaching out just don't seem to understand the kind of work that you and i do but millino really does seem to get it and after they reach out to me i had been playing with it for a while and ended up finding out that one of my freelance clients was actually already using it which further confirmed that it was indeed a legit thing so um yeah millinote is a tool to keep your creative projects on track especially in the early stages when you're sort of collecting ideas inspiration planning things out and sort of laying down the kind of the essential groundwork that's part of really any creative project if you're anything like me you might typically have your sketches and inspirations spread all over the place different places different programs really looking forward to integrating millinote into more projects hopefully get closer to my new year's resolution from probably five or ten years ago to become more organized yeah that hasn't happened yet but maybe it will with no note but as far as how it works there's sort of this flexible drag and drop interface to lets you just move scale things as you please organizing as you go there's also this cool little web clipper extension that'll allow you to save images videos whatever else you want straight from any website without having to download things re-upload them anywhere it's particularly awesome for mood boarding which is kind of how i use it here but i also have a second board where i kind of mapped out this tutorial itself utilizing some more of their checklists and notes just to kind of get a little bit of a sense of structure for what we're doing here as your board grows you basically just have an infinite free form canvas to keep things organized and maintain a bird's eye view of everything in your brain all in one place rather than spread out everywhere besides using it just for yourself millino does have a pretty sweet set of collaboration tools that allow you to add people make comments things of that nature i can see this coming in handy for client work especially in the early phases when there's a lot of loose concept generation and i'm not quite to the point yet where my eyes are just strained looking at the graph editor for hours on end late into the evening but yeah the fun part of the project but if you dear viewer want to check out millinote there is a link in the description where you can sign up it's totally free there's no time limit even on the free plan so you're not going to like run out in 30 days or anything definitely check it out appreciate them being the sponsor of the video show them some love in the comments and yeah let's go ahead and get started with the tutorial [Music] all right all right all right let's start modeling that shoe that you've all been waiting so long to start modeling so what i have here is a pretty much default blender 2.92 scene some things you'll notice that are different are that i have screencast keys turned on down here so you can see what buttons i'm pressing and then i have also increased the size of my interface just a little bit for you folks in the back thank you to whichever commenter recommended i do did that in a past video so yeah let's go and get started we are actually going to use our default cube here because we love it so much but what i don't need is the camera or the lamp so shift click to select both those x and press x to delete them so what i have now here is just the cube and like i said i'm going to use it so let me because i've been spinning around my viewport so much let me make sure so i want to press 1 okay so that's my front view so i want this to be the side i'm working on so i'm going to press tab to go into edit view edit mode i'm sorry and i want to essentially delete one side of the cube so i'm going to click click click and i'm holding shift to select multiple things and press x to delete those vertices similarly you could have pressed three to go into your face select mode and then just deleted the whole thing that way now we're going to be doing a lot of that switching between vertex edge and face select mode and the way you can do that is by pressing one two and three along the top of your keyboard those commands are also up here again we'll be doing that quite a bit worth getting the hang of i have been using one or like 13 years and i didn't even start using those hotkeys until like three years ago and they're a life changer don't make the same mistake i did learn one two three okay enough about that let's go ahead and jump into adding our first modifier we're going to do a ton with modifiers so over here in this little wrench tab i'm going to add a mirror modifier and the reason i used my default cube and didn't move it is because now my origin for this object is right here in the center which is just about right where i want it so now if i go into edit mode and make changes on one side it's going to happen on the other side now i'm not going to want my mesh going through itself so one thing i will go ahead and do is turn on this clipping option which you'll see now will make them not go through each other and now once they do connect you won't be able to pull them apart though so sometimes you need to turn off clipping if you need to pull something back apart but that's enough about that i got my mirror modifier set up and by the way i'm fully aware shoes are not perfectly symmetrical but it's going to be a heck of a lot easier to model everything pretty much symmetrically and then make those asymmetrical changes after the fact so what i have here is my plane nicely in place and the first thing i want to do is kind of model i've probably said first thing i want to do many times these are all the first things we'll get to the second thing in an hour i'm just kidding but what i'm creating here is essentially a sock shape that my foot can go in or somebody some person in the 3d metaverse sock foot can go in and with that shape i'm going to be sort of building off of it all the other shapes so this is kind of our our underlay almost so what i want to do is tab into edit mode and then press 3 to go into my side view or you could press these buttons up here if you don't have a number pad and that's three on the number pad by the way so yeah you can use these to go into your different orthographic views which is kind of convenient and now you'll want to start making your shoe which is what we've been doing all along so go ahead and start that's right you don't know what the heck a shoe looks like i don't know either so that's why i have some reference images press tab to go back out of edit mode and then press shift a and add an image and i'll add a reference image now you might have a sketch or something or in my case i actually downloaded some images from the popular shoe brand adidas or adidas i don't care how you say it that's i'm going to say it the way i want to say it i got a couple friends that worked there shout out ryder and and alex for being adidas folks don't think they designed this shoe but hey we're here for them so double click on the image again you can use a sketch whatever you want but one thing that's convenient about these particular images is that some poor graphic designer maybe it was one of my friends made these all perfectly centered which is quite convenient so yeah this is just a this is going to help me make sure that my shoe is sort of realistic proportions again we're going to stray pretty far from this design but it's really helpful just to make sure things are right now this is super wonky came in at a very odd angle and that's because that's the angle we were looking at so the fastest way to get that into a more proper orientation is going to be selected and then press alt r which will reset the rotation and now what i want to do is sort of spin it into place so i can press r and x and then holding ctrl and looking in the top left i can see that that is at 90 degrees and that's great and then you can press rz or there's also ways you can do this over here if you prefer to adjust it that way if you don't have this bar you can press n to bring it up that's called the n bar at least that's what i'll call it because you press n to bring it up now one little bit of housekeeping this shoe is absolutely dominating my viewport i want it to be not quite so visible so i'll check this little opacity box here turn that down until it's something like that a little more like a reference image so now i'll do is go back into my side view here and then now i can move this up a little bit and put this you know sort of on that green line here that's my y-axis i'll kind of be my my floor if you will and now with my previously was cube selected i'm going to press tab to go into edit mode back in my side view here and then just kind of scale this down again changes are happening on both sides here and then i'm just going to move this into place probably right around there now follow along as closely as you like here again we're going into edge select by pressing two here press e and then r to rotate this one to grab my vertex select and i'm going to model sort of this cuff this was kind of the most difficult thing when i was working on this tutorial to figure out is what is a good edge flow for a shoe and that's something you have to consider a lot is kind of what your what your underlying geometry is so again you don't have to follow this exactly but i found that this method or this kind of edge flow seemed to work the best for me of course you are welcome to try something else but this works pretty good now i'm just kind of moving these things around i want my in in pretty much in all cases when you're modeling it's good to have your geometry be as square as possible you don't want anything too stretched you know this is getting a little stretched over here maybe we could just pull that over a tad but that just helps to make sure that when you're using like a subdivision surface modifier that things behave predictably basically so what i want to do now is take this entire edge and i'm not sure if i mentioned it you press e to extrude if you didn't catch that i'm probably a little late on that one but um it's always it's always a a toss-up between catering to the true beginners and catering to the pros so i try to land somewhere in the middle explaining my hotkeys as much as i can but i do realize that it's been uh it's it's slow for people who know what they're doing now just to slow things down even more because we're going to be doing so much selecting in this i want to show you a couple tricks for selecting this bottom edge here so what i said i want to do is extrude this whole thing down so instead of you know doing them like one by one and then like yeah you don't want to do that you can shift click multiple things obviously and select them all that way or you can select an edge loop i can press alt h to deselect and then alt and left click will select that whole edge loop which usually works pretty well you could also select on one side and then hold ctrl and that will go along the shortest path to the other side or you could do like a you know circle select i'm a big fan of the circle select uh that's c to bring that up and then scroll in and out hopefully you have a mouse wheel to control the size of that so enough about ways to select that edge let's press e and then bring that whole bad boy down and then now i'm just going to do a little bit more shaping now again this is sort of just the sock shape of our shoe so not going to worry about the sole just going to kind of get what i believe to be that inner area where your digital foot goes so something like that i think is just fine now don't put yourself in under too much pressure to get this exactly right of course we can make changes after the fact but good start off in a good place and i think that's a good place other than the fact that our shoe is really freaking wide too wide you could bring it in look a little bit that way or whatever you want to you know something something like that it's fine um let's go ahead and connect this side to that side and the way i'm going to do that with some of my same selection techniques i can use my alt and left click select the edge ring or okay okay okay we're going to do one more select a press a to select everything and then there's a cool little command which isn't hugely relevant since there's just not a lot to select here but you can press f3 to bring up your search menu and you can see i've already searched for it select boundary loop f3 is to bring up this window and that will select the outer boundary loop now we can press e and x to bring that over and that should run right into each other so now if it didn't remember we have this clipping option which will prevent vertices from going through the mirror during transform so that's all fine and dandy now you might want to move this in a little bit more so you could press tab to go into edit mode and then c to surface select and move that over oops no good so what i like to do when i want to make sure i'm selecting all of something is go into my x-ray view so you can see i was kind of looking at a little bit of an off angle so it didn't get what wasn't in view but what i can do is press alt z to go into my x-ray view and then circle select with c bang got all of them if you don't want to learn the hotkey alt z which you'll learn it eventually i tell you you can use this little button up here next to your other viewport options to uh to go into x-ray view but alt z is the handy little hotkey there um so just bring this over and then now what the heck does the shoe look like from the top let's add another reference image shift a image reference bam bam bam top bam oops wanted to do something else okay press seven to go on top view add image reference top now it will come in at the view we were looking so we don't have to do that weird rotation thing again but of course it is freaking the wrong way rotate that around 180 degrees select it turn up the down the opacity and wham bam thank you shoot let's now start let's go into our top view and just make a couple quick little adjustments here circle select bam bam bam move things over just starting to kind of get the shape okay these come back oh yeah so go ahead and print that out and show it to your mom and we're done just kidding you're probably thinking if especially if you're not very familiar with modeling that this is like so far like what do we have to do now we have to add all the little for vertices and faces by hand no we're going to add a subdivision service modifier add modifier subdivision service which will smooth the mesh i was curious if there's a tool tip here split the faces into smaller parts giving it a smoother appearance wow i don't think i've ever actually read that but yeah the subdivision surface modifier essentially takes our cage which is sort of this mesh we created and that's why we want it to be so low poly is so we don't have too much stuff we have to move around but we get this nice detailed mesh and it's still not that detailed so we could turn up our viewport levels maybe all the way to three and we could right click shift smooth now the viewport and the render levels is something to know just a little bit about viewport levels is what appears in your viewport and render is what how many levels will be rendered when you render so sometimes you want to leave the viewport levels a little bit lower just you know depending on the specifications of your computer sometimes if you're working on really dense meshes you want this a few levels in the viewport to be a little smaller just so that your viewport is nice and snappy but for me this isn't going to be too crazy detailed so at least for now i'll leave it at three i do like them to match if possible just so i can know that i'm gonna what i see is what i'm gonna get whizzywig that's the term i believe for that um so yeah let's move this into the shoe shape some more um i'll teach you a couple more little tools of course where you know g and x but there's this other cool thing called edge sliding so if i press g twice then i can slide along adjacent edges which is really handy for things like this you could even do that with like two edges selected gg gg bro good game gx there's also the gizmo up here the move gizmo is quite convenient for moving things yeah um so yeah just kind of this is where the tutorial is going to get kind of slow but for real um you can pause the video if you want and start shaping your shoe out but of course feel free i know you asmr folks aren't going anywhere um feel free to listen to me and watch me do what i'm doing this is just kind of a slow therapeutic process creating your shoe shape um now our digital person has nowhere to put their foot so i'm going to press three again to go one two three face select select those faces oh those faces x faces and now we have a nice big huge hole to put a big huge foot which now i'm realizing is way too big so let's uh let's move this over i really do like the uh i know they they preach the hotkeys in blender but boy do i love this little move gizmo um so we don't want to slice our foot open with this super razor thin thing so let's make it thicker let's give it some solidity what would we do we would add a solidify modifier now if we bring this up you can see it gets thicker the shading is a little weird if we were to switch back into flat shading right click shade flat um you'll see that this is what the solidify modifier is doing it's basically so the modifiers work in order so we've got the mirror happening first and then it's being subdivided and then it's being solidified which is why we have just still kind of a sharp edge here it's solid now but it's sharp so what i want to do is actually there's a number of ways like anything in blender you could do it so many different ways sorry my my dog came in here wanted to see how awesome she was looking she said it's not looking very good that edge is way too sharp so where was i i think what we were talking about is how the mirror modifier the modifiers work in order so it's being mirrored then it's being subdivided then it's being solidified so to round this over you know we could do a bevel or something like that or a faster way to do that might be to just drag this solidify above the subdivision so what we have now happening is of course if we were to hide the subdivision so we have of course the mirror happening and then it's being solidified and then it's being subdivided so now not only is outside getting rounded over but this newly created solidified geometry is also there so turn that on and boom we've got a nice solidified rounded over sock shape which we can again right click and shade smooth so now we will just continue i don't know how that got all the way over there oops let's get that guy too but yeah um you know maybe you designed your own shoe maybe you got a a cool cool one in the works maybe you're just doing what i'm doing with some reference images yeah just kind of kind of shape this out you know it doesn't have to be perfect again we can go back and change things as we go but just get it pretty close you know you might be thinking that's way too big maybe this needs to come over too maybe a check your top view again things like that you know just and again we got our asymmetrical shoe don't hate me i know it's asymmetrical er yeah the underlying shoe is asymmetrical my shoe is going to be extremely symmetrical um sometimes if you're which these do line up so i don't want to keep going back and forth on it but um if your images aren't perfectly centered your reference images you may have to kind of like sort of move them a little bit to make sure that they're aligned um but anyways i think this is really coming together pretty good um i'm going to wrap this up here shortly i believe the next thing we're going to do is move on to creating a soul and don't don't be afraid to add you know you can start adding some details in at this point like you know maybe you want a little bit of a tongue there and then yeah move this down and another command i'm doing a lot is alt a to deselect everything that's just kind of the fastest way to make sure that um as you enter a new selection you're only selecting what you meant to select maybe this comes up just a tad something like that again this is sort of going to be the inner part of our shoe so it doesn't need to be all the way down to the bottom i'm like just undoing and redoing changes here i think i think we're in pretty good shape right now i'm going to continue messing it with continue messing with it for three to six more hours no but for real take all the time you need get this looking right get it right keep it tight um yeah i think that's gonna do it for me for now i'll just keep making changes and you'll start to consider skipping ahead feel free to but yeah pause the video work on yours get it how you like i think that's how i like and um so what i'll do now is shift ctrl s to save my object i'm gonna say this is sock two because don't like sock one so i re-recorded this part since you know it is the it's the it's the basis of it all i didn't want it to be an ugly sock shape um so yeah we got that all set up and yeah save profile and i'll see in the next part where we are going to keep adjusting our mesh now i'm just kidding we're going to work on the um we're going to work on the sole of the shoe so i'll see you there thanks for being here like and subscribe click all the links in the description and stuff and leave lots of friendly comments share this video with your friends and family um show your dog see what they think about it yeah i think it's uh i think it's looking pretty good thanks for being here and we're back in the same file we were just in maybe you went somewhere maybe you didn't maybe you threw your shoes on and went for a walk i encourage you to get up and step away from your computer as much as possible it's a healthy thing to do but regardless whatever you did whatever you didn't we are back here in our sock file and we are going to create a soul and if you've seen any of my videos before you know that i like to steal geometry from one object and use it to create another so we're going to do exactly that what i'm going to do is press tab to go into edit mode here and then in my face select i'm just going to select everywhere where i want the salt to be and we could use our little control click option to to skip from one side to the other again i'm highly emphasizing all the different selection techniques here so with that selected i'm going to press shift d and then right click to finish out that command and then p and separate by selection now what this will do is create a new object that is yeah now separate from this object which is not a horrible idea at this point to start naming your objects so up here in our sort of feature tree our collections area we can name this one double clicking it to name it sock and then this object you can do the same thing double click it or you can press f2 in the viewport to rename it soul or whatever the heck you want to name it these two empties are our reference images which i'll leave on for now but i'll show you how to get rid of those in a second but very quickly you could uncheck these eyes if you just want to hide them or you could delete them maybe you just never want to hear from them again maybe you want to just freestyle your shoe anyways we got the we got the sole shape here i need it to be thicker i want it to be thicker so you can turn up the thickness which is going to go the wrong direction so you could set a negative value or you can change this offset to be positive which it's like it's a little redundant that they have that i don't i don't know i don't know what to think about i love the solidifying modifier but this can be kind of a it can be kind of a wonky thing but anyways we've got that so now i want to flatten out this bottom so we'll tab to go into edit mode and oh my god where is it we can't select it it's because it's happening procedurally with the solidify modifier we can't we don't have accesses we only have access to this base piece here you know that works fine for up here and whatnot but we want that bottom geometry so what we need to do is apply the solidify modifier so new in blender 2.92 you can like like the modifiers become outlined when you select them it used to be that whenever you were just hovered over a modifier you could press ctrl a and apply it but now you have to have it you have to have it selected you can also use this little drop down here to apply a modifier so if we apply that some weird things are going to happen and that's because remember we've talked about before how modifiers are applied in order so if you apply them out of order you're going to get results that are not the same as when you saw them all stacked up before you applied them so what basically happened is when we solidified this it created all these interior faces which is now giving us this really weird shading so we could press x to delete them and then just move this whole thing back over that's one way to do it and then another way and again i just want to be able to show you multiple ways to do things here because there are so many ways to do things in blender and one way might apply for you a little bit better but speaking of playing you could just apply them in order so ctrl a to apply ctrl a to apply now we don't have that problem and what i can do is essentially just delete these vertices on that side and then add back in my mirror modifier so two ways to do that um i feel like i most often find myself applying anytime i have a mirrored modifier and then something like that's gonna happen i'll usually apply the mirror modifier and then just re-delete and then apply it again after the fact so that's the way i like to do it but do it however you want but now you can see in edit mode here we have access to all these bottom parts so if i press 3 to go to my side view i want to flatten out this bottom and the way i can quickly do that is by just selecting all those along the bottom and then s z and then you can just move it in and hold ctrl until you see in the top left that we are at zero or you can just press s z and then type zero and now it is scaled down to zero which essentially will just bring them all to the same plane so you can see that they're all flat now so that's all fine and dandy but it's a little bit blobby it's a little bit wonky and again creative freedom is all yours do what you want you can have that be as blobby as you want but i want that bottom edge to be a little bit sharper now typically when you're working with a subdivision workflow if you want to sharpen an edge you basically need to create more geometry for that subdivision to work with sort of i mean these are essentially like control points you know if you're familiar with like t splines or something it works very similar right now oh god that was horrible memories from college but i know a lot of people use rhino i think that's what uh t-splines is in but anyways we're going to um you can press ctrl r and bring that down and that's going to create an edge loop which again is the way you would traditionally make an edge sharp with a subdivision workflow but i'm not going to do that because we are going to be shaping this out a lot and if you like for example accidentally selected now there's just there's just more stuff to select now and it just becomes a little bit of a hassle so i'm going to x and delete the edge loop that i just added and i want to do this a little bit more procedurally with a bevel modifier so for the purposes of showing you this i'm going to just hide this subdivision modifier for now and shade this flat so now what i'll do is add in a bevel modifier so if you've never used the bevel modifier before you are in for a treat it's my favorite modifier it basically will you know in this case with just one segment it's kind of chamfering that edge but you can turn this up and it will bubble more now you'll see that it's not getting these edges and that's because there is a limit method on so this is actually also new in blender 2.92 from what i've seen is that a limit method of angle is automatically applied which is that is the most common limit method that you would want to use where blender basically can help detect like where um where the bevel should be applied so angles only that are greater than 30 are going to get that so if we turn that down you can see it's going to get more and if we turn it up it's going to get less until we're at 90 and at which point it's only really going to get the 90 degree angles so so that's just a little tidbit about the bevel modifier but the way i want to actually control this is with a and just once again remember i added the edge loop to create that ring around the bottom but now the bevel modifier is essentially doing that so if we turn back on our subdivision you'll see that it's not working because remember it's got a limit method on and now after it's been subdivided there are no angles that are anywhere near 30 degrees so it's not beveling anything so again thinking that modifiers go in order we want this bevel to be above the subdivision so now those rings are being created and essentially working the same way as when we added in the edge loop from before so instead of using an angle limit method i really just want this bevel along the bottom here and it's going to be difficult to just do that with the limit method of angle alone so i'll use weight which allows you to define areas where the bevel will be by assigning them a weight and you'll see that nothing is happening now because no edges have bevel weights set on them so we need to do that manually and the way we do that is just to select the edges we want beveled which for me is going to be all those ones and then we can in our in menu again pressing n to bring up the trusty end menu you can see we have the edge data now there's vertices data too for bevel but we're just gonna be beveling edges so we'll turn this all the way up to one so now it will get the maximum effect 100 of the bevel amount that we've defined here now if this was at i have to set it to a nice even number because i'm about to have to do math if that bevel was set to 0.2 and the bevel weight was set to 0.5 50 then it's going to get a 0.1 bevel i rarely use anything less than one usually if i'm working with the weight method i want um i just i just want it on essentially i want on or off so i've got that all the way up to one and now i can just define exactly what i want that bevel to be so make that pretty small again up to your preference here if you want it really sharp you could turn up a couple more segments which is essentially going to add more edge loops but you can see again why we did this so now instead of having to select multiple things we still just have our regular kind of one vertex to select cage mode so i know i explained a lot there but it is important that you kind of understand what we're doing and how these things work together but let's get our bevel to something we like about like that i might drop that back down to one and then just make this pretty small just we've got kind of a nice sharp edge there on the bottom and now i can do the fun part which is to start shaping this out similarly to the way we did on the top part so don't be afraid to rotate things move them around a little bit it doesn't have to be perfectly flat obviously and now this is the sole shape so we will just kind of move things around here my dog is licking my leg probably going to have to tend to her in a moment um and we're just yeah we're going to just kind of suck this up to this sock shape suck it up to the sock shape here this is way too big you can sometimes a edge slide works a little funny when you're selecting a ton of stuff um but it looks like it worked pretty well there okay so this is starting to look pretty good um you know just shape it how you like it don't forget that um you know you got these ones in here too maybe this comes down a little bit something like that you know obviously inside the shoe you're not going to see too much but you know move things around into a into a logical place we are once again at the part where i'm going to just kind of be doing things here and you're going to be listening or not feel free to pause again let's maybe move this out make it extra extra stability bonus stability for this shoe you aren't falling down wearing a dirk shoe safety first here at the uh oh gosh dirk shoe design business which you can do like cool stuff too maybe that doesn't have to be flat um but i like it flat because i'm going to end up adding some more details to this spoiler alert and i just kind of i kind of already know what i want i've made like hundreds of shoes which is why people are so anxious for me to get this tutorial out it's because i just keep making shoes and like hey look at this shoe look at this shoe and they're like derek just freaking show us the shoe tutorial um so we finally have yes okay so that's a nice looking shape there don't worry too much about this seam we're going to be adding some details and in the case of a real shoe you would see some of these edge details and part of the reason that's there is to hide some in consistencies with the which with the edge there but yeah so just similar to the sock shape just sort of get this about how you like it it's not going to be impossible to make changes after the fact but yeah we'll just get it to about what we like what about do we like you know i really i don't know what i want i just don't know something like that i think it's looking pretty good um you know you can make this extra extra fat something like that you could you know give your shoe like a huge oh he thick you thick now okay we're not i don't know exactly what my youtube audience analytics are but i don't think it's mostly five-year-olds so we'll leave that that i think we're going to call that the soul work with yours as much as you like give it plenty of soul this soul has soul anyways yeah i think this is looking good i'm going to press ctrl shift ctrl s i think to make sure save as don't want to save over my previous file we'll name this soul i'm going to name a soul one i actually i'm going to save over because similarly to the first time i did the sock i didn't like the first time i did the sole okay so this is all good you know feel free to edit your your sock shape a little bit more if you so desire okay control s save good to go next thing we're going to do is add some details either to the soul or the top i'm not sure where i'll go with it next but thanks for being here like subscribe click all the links in the description and yeah hope you're having fun don't be afraid to pause the video spend some more time working on this also pause the video and stand up go take a walk put some shoes on get some inspiration and uh yeah i'll see you in the next part welcome to my first ever walk vlog doing it mainly to show that i am actually walking between these sections and my dog really needed a walk going uphill a little winded so the other reason would be that i need to exercise more and you should as well also just want to show you some of the cool houses around my neighborhood since the landlord's kicking us out gotta find a new one i want to remember all the cool stuff [Music] these hills are intense [Music] that's what happens when you don't like and subscribe hope you guys are enjoying the video i always tell my dog that that's what she'll turn into if she barks too much i don't know if she believes me here's another very different a pretty cool one check out that window on the top you see how that y shape is kind of offset can't decide if i love it or hate it leave a comment finally a nice day here in austin like and subscribe leave a comment if you got out and walked during this tutorial bonus points to you good for your health you should walk often or run you know it's not like i'm a workout expert by any means but uh yeah i like walking the dog likes walking walk coming up on a few houses here that every time i look at them they look like like 3d houses i would make this one especially i think would make a good 3d modeling tutorial sorry whoever lives there your house is doomed to be modeled by thousands of blender amateurs what do you guys think should i make a should i make a tutorial on modeling that house back at my uh house now let's go ahead and keep recording this tutorial nah i'm just kidding that wasn't my house this is my house there's my live stream corner prettiest corner in the house how'd we do lyndon we did it you gonna let daddy record his tutorial now do people need part three what are we gonna do in part three i don't know either shout out to the supplier of today's reference images also shout out to their competitor who makes socks all right but for real go get yourself a nice walk and let's keep moving all right back at the desk ready to get going with ye old part three alright so i'm back from my walk i literally took a walk i put i even put shoes on to do it get some inspiration um yeah the ideas are flowing i'm ready to start adding some detail to this shoe i think what i decided i wanted to do next is go ahead and add some more detail to this soul itself if your soul is already how you like it and you don't want to do anything else to it then feel free to move on to the next part so i'll just mention briefly that one way depending on the design you want but a lot of cool shoes i've seen online are like crazy like sculpted shapes so like don't be afraid to like get into sculpting but you're gonna get absolutely no help from me in that regard because i'm literally just like a five-year-old when it comes to sculpting just making like crazy shapes but this would totally be like one way to make a really sweet um shoe and once again not knowing what i'm doing i seem to have frozen blender um yeah that's um that's not good but you might like that so i'm going to undo all that you know what i screwed myself up so bad i'm just going to reload that soul file but i just wanted to show that you could sculpt if you were so inclined but go somewhere else to do it cg boost has good sculpting tutorials so let's add some details the dirk way to this sole the first thing i want to do is add an air bubble because when i was in elementary school if your shoe had air bubbles you were cool so the way i'm going to do that is by selecting these two faces again okay i won't tell you what vertex edge and face is i'm going to press i and inset this face what that will do is this it will then set it so then what i'm going to do is press e and x to bring this over and it's going through maybe i didn't turn clipping back on let's bring this over to here and then i'm going to press x so we've kind of got like this double wall happening in there now i'm just gonna press x and delete those faces to get rid of that wall and i think at this point it's probably a good idea to go ahead and hide our reference images so i'm just gonna select them both and then press m to move them to a new collection and i'll call that new collection reference and then i'm going to check this box to hide it basically so now i've got just my shoe in focus looking good and i want to shape out that air bubble a little bit now the first thing i'm noticing is that we've got some kind of bad shading here and that's a product of this bevel weight being applied so i'm just going to turn that down to zero sometimes if you create new geometry off of geometry that had a bevel weight applied you're going to start to see that get carried over now i'm realizing it was a horrible idea to go for a walk because i'm going to be sniffling and sneezing for the entire remainder of this recording so i apologize for that so we also need to get rid of the bubble weight in here don't be afraid to take a shower as a break as well something i might need to do for the next part oh my gosh it's bad um okay i want to flatten these out i'm gonna press s and z and zero oh god it's bad okay um that's looking good and then let's flatten this out as well sc0 and then just let's take a look at our side view here see how we're looking okay so maybe we don't want that totally flat maybe that kind of comes up a little bit something like that gosh the allergies okay um austin's cool and all but dang the allergies are intense okay so i think that's looking pretty snazzy i think we'll leave our shoe bubble looking something like that now to actually add the bubble in there let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to go into my face select mode by pressing three and then alt and left click that ring press shift d p to separate that new duplicated portion by selection and then tap out of edit mode and then let's press f2 and rename that bubble good idea to keep naming things as you go just so you can organize things a little better now to fill these faces in i'll press f and then do the same thing here f and now we have our bubble now you may want it to look like that but for me i think i want it to come out a little bit more so i could do the bevel thing here but i'm just gonna i think i'm just gonna add an edge loop i think that'll be easy enough to work with and we can remove the metal modifier because we don't have any bevels applied now out here similarly i think i do want a little bit of a bevel so that's that's sharper could do that with the bevel weight but i think that's going to be too sharp so i'm just going to actually do that the manual way with an edge ring there just pressing ctrl r and adding that right there so that's looking pretty good now if you wanted to make this like a little bit tighter up to the top and bottom you could like s and z scaled on the z-axis just to kind of press it in there a little bit now we'll work with that bubble a little bit more when we get to the shading but um for right now i think that is a pretty good looking bubble you're going to be the coolest cat in elementary school having bubbles in your shoe like that now the next thing i want to do is admittedly a little bit ridiculous looking but i decided to include it just because it looks kind of cool and since everyone's going to have their own shoe design i wanted to be able to empower you with the most tools possible so we're going to go ahead and add in another little detail up here using the same method so i selected those faces and then press i to inset them and then let's actually just turn that bellow weight down while they're all selected and then i think what i want to do is kind of like extrude this out so we have a little bit of like a like a wing shape just a you know kind of an interesting little detail you don't have to do this but again just want to show you kind of the the ways you could add this type of a detail oh god i'm going to have to be pausing a lot here allergies are getting intense okay so i got this little detail here now i don't want to pop out quite like that i want it to sort of fade back into the shape and the way i can do that is by typically you want to avoid triangles but right here i've got this like top face but i kind of want this just to come back into the shoe shape so what i can do is just press g twice to grab it edge slide it all the way into that other edge and now what i have is a bad thing i have doubles so that's essentially one vertex on top of another um so what you can do is press a to select everything and then merge vertices by distance which will essentially move merge vertices based on a defined distance and usually the default option will get doubles vertices right on top of each other but you could drag this up to have it include more until all your vertices are merged into one which you probably don't want to do similarly if you're going to be doing that a lot you could turn on this option here in the top right which is auto merge vertices which will automatically merge vertices moved to the same location once again creating a tutorial is me reading tool tips to you i'm just kidding there's more to it than that but i'll turn that on press g twice and then slide that in and then boom you can see that time it automatically removed those doubles um so this shape is kind of interesting like it or not i'll i'll probably work with it here a little bit more you know you could consider adding a adding some bevel here to give it maybe some like sharpness like maybe you add in some bevel weight from your other modifier that's interesting pretty freaking ugly you could maybe just like slide these into each other a little more to kind of give it some sharpness something like that instead of the bevel i'm liking that a little bit more this can come down maybe something like that and yeah that's starting to look pretty good now we kind of have this nice you know leading in we have this sort of swoopy shape moving into this part but we're starting to get a little bit of like kind of weird shading right here and that's starting to become a problem that's a product of just having not the best edge flow so you can see if we tab into edit mode here i'm scratching my eyes as i do this we'll see that we have this kind of weird thing happening where there's all these points coming together and it's creating sort of this ugly geometry essentially if we turned off optimal display and went into our wireframe view we can see that we just have these really like bad collisions and stuff and maybe you didn't know it at the time that you were exactly what you were going to do but now that i know that i'm having this lead into this i would be really nice if just like this went straight to there and that one straight to there and we still have this nice edge ring along the bottom you can see now we've lost our ring along the bottom and instead it's going around the outside of these two sort of objects we created so the way i think i want to solve that is by just deleting all of these vertices let's press x to delete those vertices and um this is a little bit terrifying because now our shoe is ruined but we can just sort of connect things back up maybe that's not the way i want to do that maybe i want to bevel this ctrl b to bevel it and let's see that will give us if we just no that's not going to work i'm not really the best at like edge flow sometimes what i'll do is just use the knife tool by pressing k and just draw the edges that i want and when you're doing the knife tool you then press enter and that will complete the command and then now i think what could i do now maybe i could bevel these ctrl b bevel that okay now let's try so we've got our automotive vertices on so let's move this up to here this up to here this up to here and then let's move this to here and then let's move uh and then we can get rid of this middle portion move that to there and then i think we can move this up to here and then yeah i think now we have better edge flow maybe i think um okay so the bevel is making some things weird here let's turn this off and then add it back in right there so now if we take a look at this much better edge flow you can see now we have a nice ring around the bottom right there or sorry all the way around the outside when we do that and yeah it's just it's just generally a lot cleaner so again you're probably going to run into some issues like that uh sort of a complicated thing to handle um josh gambrell i think has some really good tutorials on topology i would check them out if you're getting into some advanced stuff but for those of you who are sculpting your shoe you're probably long gone and even more confused than i was trying to do that so yeah anyways this is looking good i need to blow my nose because it's literally dripping on top of my microphone almost okay so now that i have cleared out my nose a little bit we're gonna we're just gonna keep messing with this until it's kind of in a sort of a cool place here this is just sort of a sort of a funky a little bit ridiculous looking detail but again just kind of another another place where i can show you some tricks you know what if we pull yeah what if we pulled this down see what that looks like that's kind of cool i think i like that detail there though if we pull like this in or something oh that's kind of looking nice you know again i like to let the 3d software blender kind of drive the process here so it's kind of fun just to explore of course a lot of you probably already know exactly what you want and you're just sort of going off your sketch but in my case i like to kind of free ball out a little bit have a little bit of fun with with the shapes here maybe maybe do something like that that's probably going to screw me up later because that is not part of the reference model that i was making but um yeah i think we could leave it for now so yeah this is all looking good i think i'll leave the soul at that it's got a little more soul to it now should probably look up what like soul actually means if that can be applied to this situation it's a it's a little bit a little bit fat here maybe we may bring that in once again this is the portion of the tutorial where you could where you can pause me and just mess with the shape a little bit until you get it to where you want it and then catch up with me in the next part so this is looking good in the next part we're going to start adding some detail to the top the upper of the shoe and yeah we'll just uh we'll keep moving along and hopefully you guys are having fun guys girls everyone else um i'm having a good time don't like what i just did there undo that like and like and subscribe i'll uh i'll see you in the next part i think i should probably go and take a shower because i'm literally miserable right now okay that's um i think that's looking good still a little bit like a clown shoe which i don't love maybe move that in maybe this comes up a little bit maybe it's time to just move on there just leave it that looks good we turned off our reference images so now it's a little easier to kind of really start designing this thing okay so i think that looks good i'm gonna go ahead and shift ctrl s to save as my file and i'll save that as soul detail effect spell one and then i will save control s and i think we are all in good shape here okay see you the next part like and subscribe all right i'm back and you can't smell me on the other side of the screen but uh i'm nice and clean now i did take a shower to attempt to curb the beautiful allergies i was experiencing so hopefully hopefully those are gone for now i'm gonna go ahead and keep making changes to things that i already decided i was done with because that's one of my favorite pastimes hope you enjoy doing the same but just you know still just kind of using the software to look for unique shapes here now this is something i probably should have done beforehand but um one way you can really visualize your shapes a little bit better is by using a matte cap so down up down somewhere over here is the option to turn on a matte cap and that's really good if you're familiar with maybe like solidworks or rhino you've probably seen this zebra look before which is really good for analyzing surfaces and kind of the flow of them but one that i really like because it kind of starts making me think about color it's really exciting it's just this like normal appearance i don't does it have a name studio normal plus y yeah it is called normal um so this i think this one just looks cool and it kind of shows the shape of your object now this bubble is looking a little weird i think that's because when i created it it sort of thought the inside was the outside sort of situation so if i just selected all and press shift n i can recalculate those normals so yes that's what that was looking a little bit nicer now okay so with that looking all colorful and pretty let's go ahead and move on to adding in some details on the upper portion of the shoe itself hopefully you got your sole in a nice place just how you like it you can of course keep editing it for hours and hours and hours on end but you would not want to do that unless of course you thought it needed to be adjusted more okay i'm done i promise almost okay so we're going to add some details into the upper portion of the shoe here and the techniques we'll be using here can be applied to many many things on the rest of the shoe to add detail but the way we're going to start is by adding just a little bit of a rim around this outside to kind of just make this seem a little bit more attractive and not so kind of just like running into it itself like it is now so we're going to do the same thing we did before and steal a little bit of geometry i want to go ahead and shift ctrl s to make sure i don't save over my old one let's do upper detail one and let's go and save that and what i'll do is steal some geometry so i'm going to press tab to go into edit mode and then again just selecting around the outside here i'll get these parts because i think that's about where that's going to go and press shift d p to separate it by selection and then that's a process you should be familiar with by now we've got this part so we can name that maybe like soul trim or something like that again f2 is the command to name so this actually already looks pretty good and you might be tempted to just kind of move things out a little bit and uh yeah you're pretty much in good shape here but if you were to then go in and start you know maybe making some changes to the shape if you're anything like me and you continuously adjusted things you already decided were done then that would start become start that would sort of sort of become a problem because then you would have to go in and then adjust multiple shapes now you can adjust multiple shapes at a time in edit mode in blender 2.8 and above but that's still just not the best way to work so really it'd be nice if this object was just automatically sucked to uh what's a word for that maybe shrink wrapped to the sock portion of our shoe well i'll tell you folks there's a modifier in the blender called the shrink wrap modifier let's go ahead and apply it you'll see it doesn't do anything what kind of a modifier is that doesn't do anything no it does do things it's got this little redness to the icon and anytime you see that in blender that usually means that okay the modifier is here but it's not doing anything it's not giving you its intended results similarly if we turn the subdivision levels down to zero it's going to be like hey got subdivision on but not doing anything so you can see how that turns red so same thing here and in this case what it needs is a target so it needs to know what to shrink wrap to and in that case we can use our little eyedropper here and select our sock object and now that is perfectly sucked to the shoe but it is not kind of lost our solidness and yeah it's just it's not right we need to do a couple things to fix this so the way the shrink wrap works is it basically takes all the geometry and it will wrap it to the defined option here so right here is nearest surface point and you can change you can experiment with these different ones but i find that the default options seem to work pretty well so because this is at the end of the stack it's taking all the geometry it has including the you know subdivided geometry the solidified geometry everything it's wrapping it all straight to that surface but we don't want that because if it's all wrapped to one surface you know for example to solidify we can't see it so what we need to do is again thinking about order here we need to move the shrink wrap above the solidify so that now it's working even worse we can't see it at all it's being shrunk wrapped let's see if we yeah we can make that go out the other way um so this is kind of working now you can see you know if we move this it still stays nice and linked to the surface but it's kind of it's like going through the surface and that's because again coming down to order of modifiers so it's being mirrored and then it's being shrink wrapped and then it's being solidified so if we were to disable these you'll see that the point at which it's being shrunk wrapped is when it only has this much geometry to work with so it's taking this point and putting it there this point putting it there this point putting it there and so on but that's just not enough so when that gets solidified and then subdivided it's it just doesn't have enough geometry so this is getting rounded over and it's not consistent with that surface so what i'm trying to say here is that the subdivision actually needs to happen first so it needs to have a similar amount of geometry to attach it to the surface in a nice even way so if we turn that subdivision back on let's drag that above the shrink wrap so now you can see that this is working much more as expected you can see that this surface you know this weird shading is basically showing us that those um those faces are right on top of each other and you want to have a similar level of subdivision here so you know if this was lower it wouldn't necessarily fit as well controversially if it was higher it would fit even better but you know it's more geometry than it needs essentially because this is only so much geometry too so really you want these to be about the same so let's just turn that back down to three so it's being mirrored then it's being subdivided which is giving it all that additional geometry and then it's getting shrunk wrapped to the surface shrink wrapped i don't know what the heck the name is and then we want it to be solidified so let's go ahead and turn that back on so now we're getting much more expected results but of course if we um if we shade this flat we can see that it's not um it's not it's not rounded anymore which i like and i actually just i brought up a quick favor here which is the auto smooth option so if i'm shading smooth and i have auto smooth on it's going to detect similar to the way the bevel does it's going to detect sharp edges now i have that saved as a quick favorite but if you want to access that it's down here in the normals if you wanted to add it to your quick favorites you could right click and then add to quick favorites you can see mine says remove from quick favorites and the hotkey to bring up your quick favorites is q and auto smooth is the only quick favorite i have because i use it a lot and yeah it's the only one i've decided so far is worth adding so to round that back over we could add in another subdivision you know of course you don't want to put it after it so we'd have to add another one so that would then make this start to get a little bit high poly but that that's one solve is to have that sub serve happening after you can see i'll turn off my auto smooth um so that that's one way that that works pretty well you could also do that with a bevel modifier add modifier bevel and then here the default value so when that's solidified it's essentially creating a 90 degree angle so this could be turned up pretty high almost 290 but i'll just leave it at 60 and honestly the default 30 works fine and then you could add like another segment and then you could sort of run it into itself let's just sometimes it's easier to see this when it's shaded flat so if we adjust this very finely and you can hold shift by the way to make your adjustment a little bit more fine-tuned so that would be one way to get that working we could you know what though i think i like the subsurf method a little bit more i'm going to delete that and then just add in a subdivision surface and we'll just let that have one level of subdivision and then we'll shade it smooth and if we turn on our okay we don't need auto smooth on us at that point but this is looking good now if you wanted to have it not poking out so far you could change the offset on your solidify to kind of bring it in a little bit or the shrink wrap also has a similar option to move it away from or into the surface it's shrink wrapping too now if we zoom out here i think we'll probably run into some problems i could bring up to address with you okay so it looks like not but sometimes this offset is a good way to address any issues like if you have geometry that's like going through then the string crap starts to be confused it's like okay am i shrink wrapping to the inside or the outside so when it's zero you don't really see that but when it's anything other than zero you can start to see that that's a problem so if you do run into a problem like that it's probably that something needs to be further away it's intersecting your projected two mesh but i'll put that back down to zero and then now the fun part which it took for ever for me to get to is that you can just move um these things around and yeah it's going to look it's going to shrink wrap it to the surface so you have a lot of freedom here now again be careful not to go through the mesh because then you're going to have problems and because this is being shrink wrapped you can actually move these pretty far away from the mesh and i would actually advise you to keep it a little bit off the mesh just to make sure you don't run into any problems but you don't want it so far because then you'll start to get some like tearing you can see if i move this way out here it's still kind of working but it's just it's having a hard time putting that in exactly the right place but you can see that with this tool we can add all sorts of detail you know you can use this to create a logo like a swoosh or something or whatever you want really this is a this is a really powerful method for adding kind of surface level detail to the shoe so i'm just going to pull this down again we are back in another portion of the tutorial where i am just kind of doing my thing here now if you wanted to you could add in like you know more more geometry to kind of like make that come up and around or something like that but i think i'm fine without that so this shading is getting a little bit weird let's delete that edge loop okay i think that's back to looking fine um you know maybe this part comes up a little bit and it can be a little confusing because this because we're not wrapping to this object we're acting crapping to the sock object so this is going to start to go sort of under the mesh a little bit but that's totally fine just be uh just note that as you're as you're making some of your changes here so i'm just kind of designing as i go here that's i can't decide if i like that little detail up there i think i'll leave it but i'm just sort of kind of trying to create some interesting flow lines but again design your shoe however you like you don't have to do exactly what i'm doing but if you want to be extra certain to not run into any problems then my best advice probably is going to be to copy what i'm doing i'm just moving this over this probably just come like under here a little bit more it can get a little confusing with the shrink wrap because it's automatically being sucked to the surface it can be a little bit confusing where your geometry actually is so just keep an eye on it but yeah i think this is looking pretty good for me for that portion now we can use this same tool again like i said to add additional details so i could do this in the same object but i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and you can see how the shrink wrap is still trying to suck it to that surface right click and then now i just have this object and then i'm just going to select a face here and then x to delete faces just so i have this singular face here and then i'm going to use this to just kind of add you know maybe another additional detail so just pressing e to extrude and then you know we kind of need to move this out a little bit it looks like and then we can rotate that something like that i'm just kind of creating this little sort of swooshy-esque detail that you see on some shoes nowadays something like this maybe scale this down you come around this way and you're gonna need to probably pull that in a little bit so it doesn't get too far from your mesh but you can see the shrink wrap is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for us here still looking pretty good and then maybe you know this comes like around here and i think yep okay the mirror is working properly okay so something like that i think it's kind of cool but you don't have to think it's cool because you're doing your own shoe and it doesn't need to be dirk approved don't forget to tag me when you do make your shoes love to see them see what you come up with okay so that's kind of a nice little detail i like that a lot now you could adjust you know the thickness on some of these to be a little bit thicker or thinner depending on exactly what it is but i think that that is gonna be pretty good for me so we'll leave that detail at that now i think the next thing i want to do is maybe maybe even maybe we get crazy here let's extrude this up sort of make like a toe cap let me move this over okay so now we've got that tearing issue so this is going to need to come out guy and then maybe this can like come in like that we'll see what that looks like that's kind of how i had it in my reference model i don't know if i like that let's get rid of at least that portion maybe we can leave that one though that's looking cool and the next part yeah we're gonna add maybe some like more hard surface details maybe add a strap i don't know there's lots left we can do here um so i'll see what we want to do next but thank you all for being here thank you for watching hope you've enjoyed this part and i'll see you in the next all right so i did not do any showers or walks between recording this part and the last part but i just had to let you know that um but what i'm going to do now i decided is well besides my usual like adjusting little things here what i decided i wanted to do next was create the tread on the bottom of the shoe i like to just progress in a way that you know if you were to drop off you would have a more complete shoe and i decided if we were working more on the upper than this smooth bottom would probably be bothering some people so the way i'm going to do that is again by stealing some geometry so in our soul object here and i just realized i've got a a non-named piece upper detail one this is what we're going to call that i'm going to steal some geometry from my soul object here so selecting that face and then all the way down the line to there selecting that shift d p to separate by selection and now we have a new piece that we can start building our tread with another mirror modifier we obviously want bevel we can probably get rid of for now subdivision i think we do also want that okay so the way i'm going to do this and again lots of ways to do things but i'm going to essentially chop up this piece into sort of a tread pattern now you could build out like a crazy file in illustrator and shrink wrap that to the surface but the way i'm going to be doing it here is a little bit simple it's a little mostly just because it's quick it's kind of an easy way to build out sort of an interesting bottom detail but i think what i'll do is first of all just move this off to the side a little bit just so i can see what i'm doing a little bit better and then i think i'm going to tab to go into edit mode and then just sort of yeah chop this up into sort of a unique shape now 7 will go into my top view control seven will go into my bottom view again don't forget you've got these little tools up here to also do that um so i'm i'm gonna turn off the bevel weight here just so that doesn't mess us up we don't have a bevel modifier on so it wouldn't but and wow this is really looking cloudy from the bottom which by the way if at any point you did want to stop working symmetrically just apply the mirror modifier and then make your adjustments on the other side but that's something that i may like not even do in this tutorial but it's as simple as that just apply the mirror and then you can do things differently on the other side but what i'm going to do is sort of chop this up and just kind of try to create some sort of interesting details here now i'm using the knife tool just to sort of slice through this mesh and then you know maybe we do like a little triangle shape here really just kind of estimating what i want here i'm just drawing some sort of unique lines again you probably want to spend more time on this section in particular okay that's not what i wanted but i'll go with that and then it's probably a good idea to just press enter to clear out the modifier there or sorry when you're in the knife tool you press enter to complete the command and yeah let's just let's just slice this bad boy up a little bit more and then what about like that okay so there is sort of just a ridiculous pattern but again we're going for a little bit of speed here because you know you can you can do the soul however you want i know everyone's going to do it a little bit differently but what i like to do next is go into i think i want to be in edge select maybe face select mode here press ctrl b to bevel which will create these little gaps in all of those lines that i added so if we just move that out a little bit and then press x we'll delete those faces i think i i want it to be in face select mode so that those were still selected so now that has created a pretty wild tread now we've got immediately some issues with the mirror so i'm going to select all these and just bring them over so that they line up similarly i don't want these attached so i could i think the command is going to be rip which rip vertices v is the command there which will just separate them because i don't that's going to create problems for me so let's try using our hotkey v learned a new hotkey today i'm just going to pull these out a little bit look for any other places where that's happening v to rip it which yeah ripping is basically just like like hey let's let's keep keep one and add another type of situation there okay so i think i've got it all ripped up oh i got a little do a little more ripping here okay so if you want a super organic looking soul you could probably leave it like that and then you would just add in a solidify to give it its thickness maybe you'd have it go the other way and then you could just bring that back over and a lot of times when i'm doing things like that like moving objects i make sure to hold ctrl so i can just snap it right back into place if you accidentally moved it off into a weird area without holding control rather than trying to eyeball it you could just since we've been duplicating these objects off of one another they have the same origins so we can press shift s snap our cursor to selected which was already there and then shift s on this one and snap selection to cursor and that would move it right back to where it goes so that's kind of an interesting thing you might want something like that of course you're welcome to leave it like that but i'm going to show you how to keep it a little bit more geometric looking which by the way let's go ahead and add in our shrink wrap modifier we are going to use that here and shrink wrap it to the sole object so again same problem we had before shrink wrap needs to go above essentially you want your mesh to be pretty much like 2d when you're adding the shrink wrap and then any geometry creation you want to happen after that so in this case that's the solidify so now it's being properly shrunk wrapped and because we duplicated it from the other object it's lined up pretty well but if if you needed to like it might start kind of coming over the edge so some things you might need to like pull in a little bit just to keep them away from those edges like that type of thing right there okay so that's looking fine so the problem we have here is that once we added all those cuts these things are getting rounded because it you know it's just rounding this corner here essentially in all these tread pieces but we do need to have that subdivision there so that it gets sucked properly to the surface so what we can do is instead of so subdivision normally in this catmull clark option will smooth things out however there is another subdivision option which is the simple subdivide which what that does is just it slices the mesh into finer pieces without smoothing anything out so that works well for maintaining a a more geometric look and we probably only need maybe two there it just needs to kind of it just needs enough to follow that surface you can see if we don't have the subdivision on then it's just not gonna not gonna have as easy of a time wrapping to that mesh because this is such a detailed and smooth mesh this needs to be similarly detailed and smooth so with that on i think we're looking pretty good now what i want to do is you know you could start making some more adjustments here like maybe maybe you would want to like turn off flipping and then maybe like move this apart just sort of create some separation there maybe these need to get pulled further apart so you don't get that weird doubled up action this is looking a little bit funky i think it's because it's too thick so let's make this a little bit less thick a little less solid bring that down a tad yeah i think something like that looks good now if you wanted to okay so we've got even more issues here let's move this up a little bit or i guess we need to move both these up a little bit and then maybe in a little bit again that's a that's a deal with the the subdivide now if you didn't want it you you don't necessarily have to do the shrink wrap you could like like if you wanted to you could hide the shrink wrap here and you could like make this go like down or something like if you wanted it to bridge that gap again tons of options at any point here uh ways you can do things a little bit differently um so this is looking good i think well um we'll do that now it is getting some weird shading you know you can turn on auto smooth to make that super sharp but i don't want that i would like those to be a little bit rounded um so what i could do is add another subdivision which is going to round it a little bit but not quite as much because it has been subdivided once so now instead of rounding around this whole you know edge here it's rounding around what's produced by the simple subdivide a little bit confusing but just follow follow with me so i actually i think i kind of like that rounded look if you didn't want that rounded look then what you could do is add a bevel so you could um you could have instead of the subdivision you could add in a bevel modifier and then with the default options i think that that would look pretty good so yeah okay that's it is getting some edges there so we would probably want to turn this up closer to 90. so i think yeah is that is that working i mean you could even do both you could do the bevel and the subdivide but i kind of like that um a slightly rounded look so i think i'll add back in my subdivision surface and you can name modifiers to keep them organized but i will literally never do that so you shouldn't either i'm just kidding it's probably a good thing to do but i just don't do it if i'm being honest so this is looking cool maybe this gets pulled a little bit off the edge so it's not so far and this could come like oh wait i forgot i turned off my clipping that's kind of nice um do we want to do that on more portions like maybe here just separate things a little more that kind of looks nice just gives us a little more detail so again this is a sort of simple way to create a soul or sorry a tread detail you don't have to do it like this but it just it's pretty fast it's pretty easy and you know depending on how much of this shoe you're going to see you may not need to worry about that but it does look nice and you could even add in another like portion here so we could do the same thing we did let's just select this shift d duplicate it p separate by selection and then lose the bevel add in a solidify make that go the other way give it some thickness maybe pull it in a little bit with that offset and then make it a little thinner just adding like another little layer there could be an interesting thing and you know honestly that should probably also be shrunk wrap well i guess it doesn't need to be because it's part of it's from the same geometry so it shouldn't really need it but if you're running into issues just the the more familiar you are with all these modifiers it's going to help you a lot in addressing any detail or any errors you may run into so like right there we can see that that's a product of the shrink wrap trying to wrap around the edge a little too much you know so maybe these get pulled in a little again making small adjustments here just getting it exactly the way you like it so i think i will leave that at that i'll name this tread and then i'll name this tread top or something like that and then i will press ctrl s to save and now i have that done so there is your treads completed on your shoe spend as much time or as little time as you want on that maybe you're not going to show the bottom and it's irrelevant to you hope you skipped this section actually no i hope you watched it because you might have learned something anyways but anyways hope everyone is having a beautiful day enjoying following along with this tutorial and yeah i'll uh i'll see you in the next part where we are going to it's a mystery i don't know i'll have to think about what's the best next part probably adding some like little straps and stuff who knows but i'll see you there like and subscribe your shoe is looking beautiful by the way and we're back don't forget to get up shut your legs take showers if you're sneezing and yeah so i think what i want to do next is first of all something i have ignored i want to add in an inner portion of the shoe just to give this a little bit of thickness so the way i'll do that is press shift d to duplicate this and then this is where i'm crossing my fingers hoping my solidify okay so had i made the other solidify go out then i would have just had to make this one go in but i did not do that so we need to we need to kind of we want that inner geometry that's created by the solidify on the original mesh and then we want to solidify it again but inside so the way i can do that is by let's just go and apply our mirror modifier and then let's also apply the solidify modifier so what we want yeah is this inner this inner portion of the mesh that's been created by the solidify so i want to get rid of the outer portion so the way i could do that is just alt and left click to select sort of this outer ring now it would be difficult to select all of these outer ones just manually but i can just select this outer ring delete those vertices because that's kind of where they loop over and connect um so what i have now is essentially like oh and we've got oh we just had like an extra vertex there um so now what we've got is kind of like two pieces so if we like move this over we've got two pieces there so one's the inner and then one is because we deleted those vertices around the outside we've got two pieces here now to select islands like floating pieces of mesh that are not connected you can press l while hovering over it and then x and delete those vertices and now we can just move this back in and then let's add back in our well first of all let's add in our mirror modifier so let's delete this side vertices add modifier mirror which we will want to put well not necessarily if you wanted rabbit ears you could leave that do we want rabbit no i don't want your shoes okay so we want to put this mirror above the subdivision and then we want to add in a solidify which will also go above the subdivision and let's give that some thickness and then here's where i was talking about just go in with it now if you wanted that to be a little more tight up you could kind of change this offset a little bit which weight yeah that's why it makes i said earlier that it was stupid that they had a thickness and the offset but it's not you need that um so this is good now depending on if your mesh might have accidentally changed at some point and it's poking through you might need to like delete some inner portions but for me this is working i think what i'll do is maybe just like maybe just bring this down a little bit push it in now this is not being shrunk wrapped to the inside this is a separate mesh all on its own so we can detail this kind of how we please like maybe i'll maybe i'll pull this in do something like this just kind of give it sort of its own sort of its own detailing you know you could even have this go up maybe right there oh and we need to turn on clipping maybe like this goes out that might be might be more than i bargained for let's get rid of that um so this is cool you know you could see now this was the advantage of working with the shrink wrap is that now we can change this mesh and everything else is going to change with it um so i think everything's pretty much good there you know maybe we just sort of like slide little pieces like this down just to let that reveal a little bit more now i don't think i'm going to end up adding anything in the in the sole of the or the sorry the inner portion of the shoe sorry dr scholl but yeah i'm just not gonna see it but you you could do that by you know doing sort of the same thing we did on the sole down here um but i think what i got here is looking good for that little part now what i want to do is add a little bit of like a some hard surface details where i can connect a like a strap or something like that so the way i'll do that is as always just stealing some geometry shift d to duplicate this and then select everything and then just deselect something around where i want and then delete the faces uh really the main reason i do that is just to automatically add the mirror modifier which is sort of a silly way to save time but it's how i like to do it um so yeah this is going to be sort of a hard surface detail again happening on both sides because of our mirror modifier and yeah this will just be like a little bit of a strap or like a connection detail just something to kind of break up this organic shape again design decisions are all your own so solidify is going to be something i want to do just give this a little bit of thickness and then we can let's turn auto smooth we can maybe like make this whole portion down here let's do e and x and just kind of give that you know just like a nice place for our strap to kind of go into you could have your strap you know poke through which i don't know maybe maybe i'll try that and i'll have to strap poke through we'll see again you can make changes after the fact let's move that in now it looks a little bit wonky if you don't have even thickness on so i usually like to use that but there might be some cases where you don't want that now so that it's not so sharp i'll add in a bevel maybe give it two or three segments move this down yeah just sort of like that and then maybe in the side view just kind of position this how i want you know maybe i want this bottom portion to be flat just to kind of break up our shapes there which yeah that's not really working not really working with my design it's kind of ruining my my cool detail maybe we maybe we adjust that cool detail and bring it down a little bit more or maybe over a little bit more i don't know how i feel about this i don't know how i feel about it i think we can let that come over that's probably fine right maybe something like that maybe we leave it i like it being flat on the bottom like that but i don't like how it looks um okay so let's pull this like maybe out bring this whole thing in a little bit we won't know exactly where it needs to be until we actually add that strap detail but i think for now that'll be good and i'm really not going to worry too much about how that's actually connected i'm just wanting to add sort of a little bit of interest that breaks up that organic shape now i'll do the same thing to add a little detail on the back so i might do that in the same object so let's yeah let's just do the same object so let's just grab this shift d y and then move this over and then i want this to be straight so i'll do sx0 the other one's automatically straight because of the mirror modifier clipping we just ran it into it self and since the mirror axis is straight this is also straight and then okay so this is the danger of making it the same object is that when i select everything it's going to get that too which i need to remember not to do accidentally so then back here maybe just adding in sort of a little another little detail maybe just to kind of like enclose this part e y something like that i think that looks nice um maybe well i think this might need to be a little bit thinner let's uh let's switch to elvis like that p separated by selection now so now this is its own part now let's name this um strap connect and then we can name this one something like um back connect you don't have to follow my naming conventions they're not very well thought out so the reason i separated it is because i wanted this to be a little bit thinner and you may have noticed we are not working in a real world scale sorry to those of you that bothers but i just don't care i'm making shoes and look cool not shoes that someone actually needs to 3d print wear but if you were going to be 3d printing them you better make sure they're accurate now you know you can just kind of style this maybe bring that down a little bit and bring that out a little bit i don't know do what you want i think that that looks cool now the details i'm adding here are quite simple i must say but you know you can use this same process to add all sorts of details all over your shoe you can do that with anything you're really is is kind of just take the same and that's really what i'm doing what i'm doing with this tutorial is just trying to show you sort of a variety of tools that you can have at your disposal to create whatever you have in that beautiful head of yours okay so maybe we'll leave that for now i think that's a cool little detail now i will go ahead and in this same section probably just go ahead and add a like a strap across the back and then we can also add a little pull tab in the back so let's add in a mesh should we steal geometry again should we steal let's steal shift d to duplicate this and then a x delete those faces and then just bring this in maybe make it a little bit thinner and then maybe make it a little bit smaller so that it fits in our little strap holder there actually yeah this made a lot of sense to steal the geometry because now it kind of matches and then what i'll do is okay so we've got mirror yes solidify yes bevel let's turn it off for now and yeah let's i think we are going to want a subdivision surface though but let's add that when we get to it so now i need to um just go ahead and extrude this up and then over and then over just kind of making our strap detail which now we need to sort of do some manual positioning you could do this with the shrink wrap and then apply the shrink wrap and then make some changes but the reason i'm doing this sort of manually is instead of with a shrink wrap is that i actually want this to be a little bit off the surface i don't want it to be perfectly attached to our surface so now we are going to want to add in well i am going to want to add in a subdivision surface which i will put above the solidify so that it's subdivided and then beveled or sorry subdivided and then solidified so now i think what didn't i leave a little gap down here i was going to do that did i do that maybe we pull this out gosh i just don't know about this little does that angle need to happen maybe we just let that angle happen okay so let's go back into this object i thought it'd be kind of cool to maybe have it poking out the bottom so let's do that let's go out like that and then to make that so it's not so rounded which you could leave around it if you wanted you can add a crease to like these edges which will essentially make it ignore the subdivision right there so creasing is a good tool for that but what i want to do now is just sort of get this working a little better i think the shape is okay but i want to give this a little bit of a little bit extra flare so i'm pressing ctrl r and adding an edge ring or sorry an edge loop which i'll just bring this down bring this up maybe bring this up and out a little bit so this is just kind of some manual placement not using the shrink wrap modifier and that's because we don't want it to be perfectly sucked to the mesh we want to have a little bit of control over what's happening there so now this needs to be out there but then i want it to i'm kind of envisioning this as like an elastic so i want it to be tight so then maybe i add an edge ring right there maybe this one moves down a little bit out again just add detail as needed to get it to the shape you want so i think something like that's fine and then maybe i do add in my bevel so let's add a bevel maybe give it uh two segments and we can shape this smooth let's add another uh subsurf now this is nice so now where we edit that edge ring we've kind of got a little bit of a a connection detail there where you can see where it's being sort of it just kind of helps selling that elastic looking effect so this is cool and then yeah like right here it's like in the middle it's sort of sucked tightly to the mesh but then you have this sort of kind of flare up at the the top and bottom i think that looks nice we'll leave that for the strap now i'll i'm going to try to cover some methods where you could you could also use to do laces which is something i'm sure some of you will want to do i'm not going to mainly because i just i think shoes with straps look cool but also that this is obviously a little bit easier than creating laces but we will hopefully go over some techniques that you could use to make laces if you so desired so that's looking good i'll because this has all the same modifiers pretty much that i want i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and then tab to go into edit mode and then just bring it back and i'm going to create a let's see i'm just going to i can basically just delete everything except for once again me trying to save a stupid amount of time i can press ctrl i to select an inverse and then i'm going to use this to create a little a little pull tab on the back so let's do the same thing we did before sx0 i think it extruded sx0 to straighten that out and then we could do like a s y zero to straighten that out and now we should have nice even probably would have been much faster had i just added a thing instead of just manually turning this into a plane uh okay that looks good let's pull this in and then pull this in and then let's just go ahead and make a little like a little pull tab just pressing e to extrude don't need too much detail here but just enough you know in tighter curves you need to add a little bit more and then i want this to kind of sink back up with that like it's kind of sewn to it right there and then maybe that comes through and then we can kind of match our little a little detail over there with that coming through i think that's a that's a pretty cool little thing if you ask me maybe we can get rid of that edge loop it's a little bit too much i want it to stay pretty smooth um yeah i think this is good you know like you could have this like like sewed to it right there if you wanted this kind of gets confusing which ones you're selecting but i think that that looks pretty good we'll just leave it for now now you could do the same thing we did on the strap kind of and just maybe select maybe just select these vertices g and z and just give it a little bit of a little bit of a flare there a little flare there now with this one you could do the crease method or you can also just add in a add in an edge loop but i think i'll just leave that one sort of rounded off and you know what maybe we leave this one rounded off too let's just select everything and clear out the crease maybe this does get an edge loop though just so it's a little bit smoother and then let's turn off our auto smooth um are we going to need more subdivision maybe we just need more bevel oh i think the belt might be running into itself you see a little crease there that's the bevel running into itself don't want that um i think that is looking dandy so in this portion we covered the little hard surface details here and then we also covered a little strap detail and oh my gosh i think we also did that i think this is probably a long section but um hope you all are enjoying as always and like and subscribe and i will see you in the next part where we are going to mystery i don't know either um but this shoe is really coming along don't forget to save uh don't forget to show your friends show your dog show your mom show them all um this is looking looking good i'm enjoying the way this is coming together um so yeah like and subscribe see in the next part alright welcome and congratulations for making it this far this is going to be the last portion of the modeling section where i'm just going to try to show you a few more little details little things we can do introduce you to a few more hotkeys commands modifiers things like that just so that we can have our shoe be as detailed and friendly as possible to all the people you're trying to impress so maybe we move that out a little bit because it's not looking the way it's not looking the way i like it yeah maybe move this along okay now we'll leave that i'm going to show you details not continue at making adjustments so the first detail i want to add is going to be using a boolean modifier to cut some air vents kind of into the front of the shoe that's something i've seen on a lot of popular shoes on my mood boards things like that so let's press shift a to add in a cube now i know you've seen me stealing a lot of geometry but i kind of decided that that's pretty much a big waste of time when all i want is like a simple plane or something so i'm going to add in a modifier let's add the mirror modifier maybe it is worth stealing the geometry so i have to find the mirror modifier every time no but for real this looks good so what we're going to do is yeah just create sort of whatever shape you want to cut some air vents maybe you don't want air vents maybe you're already skipping ahead maybe i'm just talking into the void right now but this looks good i'm just going to add some kind of you know high speed air vents we want our digital person to be super super speed so i'm just going to put that somewhere around there shift d y i'm just kind of drawing out in the top view of the pattern i want move that up and then i can press shift r to repeat an action and then maybe i you know select all these and then shift d you kind of go up at a high speed angle shift r repeat that action cutting into the object i think something like that is going to be good for me so to actually apply this boolean modifier we are going to need to add it so on our sock object we'll add our boolean modifier and then if you recall we've got the little red thing going on there modifier is on the object but not doing anything so we're going to use a little eyedropper and select the cube there now we can see that for one i'm going to need to rename that cube to something like cutter rename it freddy jason edward whatever your favorite hack and slash horror character is or just name it cutter that's what i normally name it so we can see it's doing something here but it's hard to tell exactly what and so that we can see a little better what it's doing we can go into our object properties here and then change the viewport display on this object of course we can't just delete it from the scene we do still need it in there at least for now but we can change this display as from texture to bounds basically what that is is the highest fidelity at which an object will be displayed in the viewport so it didn't have a texture on it and we didn't see a texture so obviously we weren't seeing a texture but had it had a texture you would have seen that but of course with it at bounds then we're just going to see this bounding box essentially around where the object is so now we still of course have that weird shading and that's because this object is shaded smooth which we still want but we want those particular edges sharp so i'm just going to turn on my auto smooth which again is in my quick favorites if it's not in yours then you can go down here into your normals section on the object data properties and check that box and that will work pretty well for you so i'm liking the way that looks i think the next thing i want to do is just maybe add a little detail kind of around the bottom here just to sort of break this edge up a little bit more and the way i'm going to do that is with a skin modifier so i'm going to press shift d on this object i will be stealing a little geometry now i kind of want an edge just sort of running through the middle of all this and i don't have that edge so i'm going to add it press ctrl r to add an edge loop and then with that still selected i can press ctrl i to select the inverse delete those vertices now we're just left with this one edge and we will add in our skin modifier so let's go and add that and that's what it does it kind of just creates a it kind of creates geometry out of nothing so it just sort of adds this cube shape around that edge that we had now it does tend to come in a little bit big so what you can do is in edit mode you'll actually see this little red dotted circle here that's sort of the radius that your skin is but if we select everything and press ctrl a and just kind of move our mouse in towards the median point we will um we can control the size of that scan and of course these options are also up here you've got x and y you can control them independently but i usually i'm going for sort of like a tube shaped object so i just leave them at the same so get that to about what you want of course you can adjust it more later and now let's take a look at our modifier stack here so of course remembering things go in order we like the mirror we'll leave that we like the subdivision we'll leave that we like the shrink wrap we'll leave that but i think maybe we'll switch to wrap to the sole trim object and then subdivision yes i think we will need another one but we don't need the solidify actually so okay i thought that was looking a little bit odd so it was trying to solidify it which i don't really need because it's just a a one dimension line so i've got that on there now to smooth this out because remember the skin modifier just kind of adds a sort of a cube around the outside i want to smooth it with a subdivision but of course the subdivision would then need to be after the skin and then you could right click to shade smooth and find that it doesn't work that's because when you're using a skin modifier for some reason there's this little check box that you need to use so check that and it will become smooth and then what we can do is just sort of position it wherever we want move this around and while i'm doing this i'll mention that if you are using a skin modifier it creates sort of a ton of edge loops so you need to have a pretty good amount of subdivision before it's skinned and then of course you're going to need more after it if it's going to be smooth so if your skin is looking a little weird like if this was if your first subdivision was too low you might start to get this kind of boxy look but just make sure it's pretty high and then you know one more subdivision after the fact it's not a bad idea to get it smoothed out a little bit i'm just going to move this over until it's sort of where i want it don't love that maybe i'll just subdivide this give myself a little extra geometry to work with so move that in move this up move this out i think something like that is going to do it for me i don't need this to be totally where it is there something like that i think it'll look good okay so that's just another nice little detail we have there to yeah just impress people with how detailed your model is that's really what we're doing here just kind of adding easy to add little details that are kind of up the quality just a little bit so the thing that i think i want to show you how to do next is my method for adding stitching which doesn't work well in all cases a lot of times using curves with array objects would be something to look into which if you want to have a lot of stitching on your shoe i would look into that i'm sure there's some really good tutorials on youtube already about doing stitching follow along with some of those but i'm going to show you the dirk super fast method for adding stitching and that's going to be by essentially using an edge loop that we already have and then creating the stitching from that so this would be something that you want to make sure you're not going to change your shape too much more when you do but let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to use this object and just add sort of a single threading detail just to sort of show you quickly how you could do something like that so let's press shift d to duplicate that and then i want to go ahead and apply pretty much all of these modifiers because i want raw access to that original geometry let's we can probably leave off that subdivision for now um so now what i'm going to do is just sort of select this kind of nasty geometry i'm going to select a sort of a singular edge you know and i think this geometry is nasty because it is okay so this how many total subdivisions so this sock object has a total of three subdivisions and then this object has a total of three four subdivisions so let's bump this up one more maybe we bump it up up here and that's not doing anything good for us subdivide shrink wrap subdivision that's not what it is three levels one level three levels something okay wait that did it just bumping it up right there right that was three there's four okay now it's better it also fixed our little problem up there so this is a little bit cleaner let's use that object shift d let's go ahead and apply apply apply apply and we'll not apply that one for now okay that looks much nicer so we can use this object let's just select a nice ring we have which those are still a little funky you could of course kind of manually move them after let's select those two rings right there actually we'll use both of them and then what i want to do is select the inverse x delete those vertices so now we just have these two rings now i don't want the ring going along the underside because that's just going to be a ton of wasted geometry i'm just going to kind of select those right there of course i should probably add back my mirror modifier but maybe i can get by without it i don't have to save myself that much time i'm not in that big of a hurry you probably aren't either if you've been following along with this long tutorial so i just press l to select those islands as soon as i delete that one vertice or vertex it became an island so this already obviously looks a little bit like stitching because it's kind of got those dots which we could just press yes leave leave those there but we can't do that so what i'm going to do is essentially all these edges here are going to become pieces of thread so a little bit of a downfall of this method is that places where the geometry is more dense the thread is going to appear a little bit smaller which isn't necessarily the most realistic thing but i think it gets the job done so what we need to do is essentially create gaps here which is going to be where all those little thread pieces are so let's do ctrl b to bevel and then we're going to press v if you look along the bottom you'll see you have a lot of options v will change it from affecting edges to vertices and then we just need to kind of move that out until it's ever so slightly just getting little gaps there something like that i think looks good and then i want to select those so you need to very carefully this is it messed up dang it no you would not want to do that it's like probably impossible oh if someone can record themselves coming around the whole way in edge select mode selecting each little thing without uh getting one wrong then i'll give you i'll personally give you give you some money so let's let's see your video no i'm just kidding please don't do that challenge it's not worth your time so we want to select all those and we can use a new menu i don't think we've used before called the select similar menu which is going to be shift g and we can select similar now make sure you're in edge select for this i don't think it works in vertex select so in edge select we can select similar length which is going to get all of them and that's because we need to turn this threshold down pretty low until it's basically just getting the gaps so sometimes you might need to sort of type a value in here until you get just what you want you can see up here again where i was mentioning the geometry is a little tighter it's not working as well but i think this is pretty good maybe we turned down just a little bit more okay i think that is giving me pretty much what i want so let's have all those selected and then press x and delete these edges and then we're actually going to use the same modifier down here the skin modifier to give those a little bit of thickness so let's go ahead and add in our skin modifier which as usual is a little bit too large so in edit mode ctrl a to bring that down to a more appropriate side and of course i will address the issue here which is that we only have one thread and the skin modifier works pretty well when you just have one edge like we did down here but when you have many sometimes you need to define where to start the skin so the easiest way to get that working is just press a to select everything and then press mark root right here and that will just kind of automatically mark a lot of roots now with the skin modifier since it does add so much geometry you need to be careful about how small you make these because you can see the smaller it goes the harder to see but the more geometry you're actually adding so um so sort of be careful with that i think you know something like this is probably going to be okay for me uh and then i will actually you know if you like that blocky look you can go for it but i'll actually add a subdivision surface modifier just to smooth that out a little bit more and of course we'll do smooth shading so i am fully aware that that is a little bit chunky looking as far as thread goes but you can do the same process we did earlier just on a more dense mesh and that would of course give you smaller threads and then you know you could come in here and sort of manually either move or fix or delete things that are out of place of course you don't have my mirror modifier on so that's not going to be reflected over here which is why the mirror modifier is so delicious but yeah that's a way to add stitching now i mentioned laces again i don't think i'll show you totally how to do that but um you could use the boolean to cut holes in it and then you could really use the same method we did at with the strap to sort of go back and forth to create whatever lace design you want um so let's just add in a couple more little details here maybe again with the skin we can use and kind of create a little border around this let's press shift d to duplicate that and then let's go ahead and apply all the modifiers tab to edit mode let's just find kind of a nice nice little ring here maybe uh maybe that one yeah let's let's use that actually no i think i do want one right in the middle all right so then let's press ctrl i to select the inverse delete those vertices tab and then we can we can actually click this one down here and then shift l or control l to link modifiers which doesn't seem to have worked i think okay maybe this should have different modifiers so we've got that one there let's just go ahead and add in our skin modifier tab in edit mode bring it down a little bit something like that looks nice and then we can add of course our subdivision just to give ourselves a little bit of a detail here make our strap look a little bit less like a single piece of cloth piece of cloth and a little more constructed and yeah i think that's pretty much everything i want to show you of course we could go in and add like more little sections here more swoops swooshes and logos do whatever you want to kind of just make this make this a little spicier i'll try to wrap up the tutorial as i'm making these changes but yeah hopefully your shoes are coming together nicely feel free to make changes as much as you want until it's looking just the way you like i'm really excited to see what everyone comes up with i know this is a tutorial i've been working on for a long time the materials part will be out soon i'm sure but of course in the meantime hopefully everyone's spending good amount of time to get your uh to get your model looking right so that by the time we do the materials you'll have something super super sweet to work with so i'm just kind of adding maybe you know another little detail here this could be uh maybe this would like calm down something like this anyways i'm gonna keep playing with my model you keep playing with yours and um yeah you'll end up with something super cool let's uh so now now is the part where you can uh you can leave but i'm just gonna keep making adjustments here you know maybe this would be a little bit smaller i just can't say bye i'm really really bad at goodbyes there's just kind of a little little detail there maybe this would like come up a little bit oh actually i had one other cool idea which goodbye if you're leaving it's been nice knowing you come around next time there will be more tutorials like and subscribe leave lots of comments below i think that's a good thing click all the links in the description go for lots of walks take lots of showers your housemates be they wives fiances boyfriends girlfriends significant others the spider that you're sure comes out every night whoever they are i'm sure they'll appreciate you if you take a shower they'll also appreciate you if you're really good at making shoe models in blender which you probably are by now if you followed through with this i might change that detail okay so i had i had actually a really cool idea let's just do this this is bonus content right now um i'm going to apply everything everything everything not the boolean now i'll go into probably boolean i was going to try to make like this like spider web detail like if we like press like shift g select similar length i wonder if this will work i'm going to drop this super low 0.001 whoa that's cool this is one thing really cool about select similar is like it'll start to like get these crazy patterns like if we just select a different edge length gets a totally different pattern shift g length totally different pattern this is insane i'll know the people who watched this last part because they'll have the coolest shoes in the house you can also select multiple and that's going to start getting crazy stuff so what i was thinking is i could like i could like control i select the inverse delete those vertices and then you could use this to like you could add like a wireframe modifier which we didn't use the water wireframe modifier let's see what that looks like whoa crazy okay it doesn't look that cool but the wireframe modifier is something totally worth checking out if you've ever looked at uh then mantissa is that his what he goes by midge um he's got really cool content on doing like crazy patterns and stuff like this so totally check him out you know you could add like a at a wireframe here if you wanted to make that look crazy uncheck from place original if you want to keep your original that's kind of a cool detail anyways thank you all for being here i'm going to play with my model a little bit more and then i will meet you in the materials section where we are going to add materials add lighting who knows what else we'll do should be a blast hope to see you there looking forward to seeing your shoes uh send it to me on instagram or wherever you like to send things and uh yeah i'll i'll see you over there thanks again for being here and like and subscribe have a great day i already told you i was bad at goodbyes but uh yeah see
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 251,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, easy blender tutorial, simple blender tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, b3d, blender tutorials, blender materials, blender principled, 3d animation, learn3d, how to 3d, blender 2.92, shoe modeling, blender kicks, blender shoe model, 3d shoe modeling, 3d shoe process, hypebeast, conceptkicks, product design, asmr voice, blender modeling, modeling tutorial, sneakers
Id: DncP3mKJB2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 41sec (7061 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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