3D Logo - Davinci Resolve Studio 17

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in this tutorial we're going to take these flat 2d logos and change them into these nice 3d logos that you can use in your videos okay let's get to it [Music] okay as usual we're going to be working in fusion so we need to get our fusion composition which if you've done it i've told you time and again is in your favorites bar down here if you haven't done that make sure your effects library is turned on go to effects and your fusion combos at the top if you click on the little star here it will put it in your favorites bar for the next tutorial so drag your fusion comp in and we will head into fusion now unusually i'm using a couple of plugins for this tutorial and the plugins that i'm using uh in particular the crocodub plugin means that you need to have fusion studio unfortunately so to get your plugins you're going to go and visit the reactor website over at we suck less i've left a link in the description you just need to sort of navigate down the page and you'll find the link to the installer install reactor once you've done that restart resolve and come back and we will go up to the workspace menu come to scripts reactor open reactor and you are looking for proper dove which will show up here so you just check next to the name of the plugin that you want and it will install it automatically you'll get lots of windows popping up here once they've all gone away before you close it all down though the other plugin i'm going to use is called kick ass shaders so if you type cars you get kick-ass shaders again just check to install you'll get all the windows that might take a minute or two because it's quite a lot to download once it's all stopped close it down you'll get your window saying restart restart resolve and come back okay so i'm going to start with the easier logos first of the facebook and the twitter logo so we'll use twitter as our example so bring your twitter logo or whatever logo you want in pop it into a viewer what you need to do is take note of the resolution here so 512 by 512 we're going to pipe this into a background node as a mask so bring a background node in what we're going to do is we're going to select this background we're going to come to the inspector click the image tab uncheck auto resolution and we're going to make this background the same size as our image so 512 by 512. now we take the output of our media and pipe it into the blue mask input of our background and we end up with this black outline we want this to be white so come back to your background go to color and just make it white next we're going to use two crocodiles uh nodes which will make our 3d image so if you come press shift and spacebar and type s trace we're looking for this s trace create add that on its own it doesn't do anything so we need to pair it with another node and that other node shift space bar and type shape and you're looking for shape create 3d and add that now if we pipe that let me just connect that right click drag it over and you want it in the shape and then if you put that in your viewer you've now got a 2d image of your logo if you select shape create 3d and come to the inspector you can see that it's got an extrude setting which if you start to pull up will do just that it will extrude your shape it's not very clear at the minute but if you come to the top of your viewer where you've got this little dot it says lighting and click it it turns on pseudo lighting so you can get some idea of what you're doing now if you want to you can just leave it like that not a problem you can't i mean what you can do is if you go into the shape create you've got material and you can change the color of it which is fine if you just want a flat color but later on you'll see that we don't want a black color like when we do the instagram logo so what we need to do is make a material and the way we make a material is we're going to take a second output from our media we're going to pipe it into some sort of material producing node in this case we're going to shift spacebar and type cook and get the cook torrence node if you right click on the output of your media drag it over the cooked torrents node you get a drop down list of all the different inputs and we're looking for diffused color material now this gives us this funky material that looks like our twitter logo but wrapped around a sphere we're going to put this onto our shape to do that output right click from your torrents onto your shape create 3d and you've only got one option which is your material input and we have our twitter logo now if you look closely you get all sorts of funkiness going on along this edge so what we need to do is make the mask slightly bigger to do that we're going to bring in an erode dilate node shift spacebar erode we're going to disconnect that put it onto the erode like so and then pipe the erode dilate back into our cooked torrents and now if we select our erode dilate we can increase the amount and you'll see that this starts to solidify like so and there you have your extruded 3d shape after that it's just a case of piping that into some sort of 3d scene and lighting it i'll do that very quickly at the minute our render looks rubbish because our camera is set right next to our logo as is the spotlight so we'll sort the camera out first so if you select camera come to the transform tab of your camera use target that will keep it pointing at the middle here and then increase the zed until you can see your logo now the minute you can see it because we didn't set the lighting in our render node so select your render 3d node turn lighting on turn shadows on and now if we come to our spotlight again transform use target and pull back on z and then it's about getting your spotlight where you want it to give you the nicest looking light now you can come back to your camera and position your camera so that you can see the 3dness of your logo if as in the example you want to be spinning around your logo you're gonna need to put a second light in that's behind your object because at the moment the backs not lit so you bring in the spotlight pipe it up again go to transform use target this time i'm going to bring z back so that your spotlight is going behind whatever it is you're looking at and again you just need to position it where you want it then like so now we've got some lighting of some description all the way around so you can then spin or do what you want to it that's fairly straightforward your twitter logo now basically this section here let's just pong that bit out of the way because that's just basically our 3d system that we don't need to worry too much about these few nodes in the middle are the main sort of thing that we're interested in now to change out this media the easiest way of doing is if you bring your mouse so that it's just before this junction here hold it over your pipe press alt or option and click you get this little doohickey called a pipe router what means you can now disconnect this media and these connections stay in place so we can bring our facebook in pipe it in oh that didn't work try that again simon pipe it into the input of your pipe router and you've got your facebook logo now on a very basic level you can do exactly the same with our instagram logo like so and you end up with a nice instagram loss hinge and that looks quite nice as it is however i change this up a bit by cutting out this bit the white bits to do that we need to change this because at the moment this is just a loss in shape mask what we can do is produce a mask that will cut out these parts and to do that we're going to have a bitmap node so again click away shift space bitmap i'm going to take a second output from our media into the bitmap make sure it goes in the yellow input not the blue one so reviewing this bitmap select your bitmap come to channel and change it to luminance what you need to do is pull up the low until all you're left with is this white and what we're going to do is we're going to invert it like so now anything that's white will stay anything that's black will get cut away what we're going to need to do is cut this away to do that you're going to need to add in let me just put another pipe router in to make things clearer like so we're going to need to add another background so we're going to bring in the background put it underneath we're going to change this background to the same size which was 512 yet so again come to image auto resolution off 5 12. 512 and we're gonna disconnect this from our trace create we're gonna merge it onto this background and then connect that merge back to our trace create and now we're going to bring this bitmap in as a mask like so and what you notice that that's done is now cut out these bits here what you can also do again click away erode for another eroding dilate node and we're going to put this between our bitmap and our mask input and now we can adjust the erode dilate to either have no white or we can bring it up so that you've got more the white outline but still retain the cuts personal choice so that's our instagram logo so the final logo was my own uh sort of channel logo that i used and i did like i did this slightly differently uh the the basic principles are the same we're going to use the bitmap and we're going to use the main sort of path like so now you notice it's gone funky and the reason it's gone funky is because it's a different resolution so we need to come to our background nodes and update their resolution we need to do that for both of them and now it's come back to how it should be at the minute this is a solid and what i did was again i messed with the mask here so we're going to pipe it into our bitmap and this time we're not going to invert it so we need to come to our bitmap we need to uncheck invert and now what we end up with is this outlined frame of our text and the white circle like so now to get these bits clearer you can play with the erode dilate on the bitmap the other thing i did that's different is i didn't use the cop torrents material so i can take all that out for the time being because we don't need it what i did was i brought in a shader and this is where the kick-ass shaders came in that we talked about at the very beginning so shift space bar and type as this gives you a list of all the shaders in the kick-ass shader pack and the one i used was this saint nicholas church one this brings in these three nodes and if you look at the shader it looks like this all we do is we right click bring it to our shape create and have it as our material input and now you've got this very shiny effect and as i say we need to play with the erode dilate to get it as clear as we can it's not ideal but you can get the general idea now what you notice at certain points you get this sort of stepping so again you can work through to find a place where you're not getting the stepping but you're getting your text as clear as you can it's you're not going to get it perfect but you can get it something like now the other thing about this is i don't like this straight pure reflection so what you can do bring this image which is what the reflections are driven from and just pop a blur node after it and crank the blur up a bit like so and now you come back to your road dilate you can zoom in a bit you see you can get the bottom text a bit clearer like somewhere around about there i think it's as good as you're gonna get it and then you've got your spinny logo thing so yeah it's all to do this kind of effect you're masking your background you're masking this circle so that you end up with this anything that's black is deleted anything that's white is kept and then that gets fed through to the 3d shape creator system here and that's basically it and that's how we end up with the 3d logos that we showed at the start hope that helps i hope it's useful again apologies that it's studio only it's not something i like to do because i know a lot of my subscribers are probably still using the free version of resolve but i like the effect and i wanted to show it please feel free to like subscribe and hit the notification bell and i will catch you on the next one cheers
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s4Lf7mr3NYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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