Text animation around 3D objects in DaVinci Resolve 17 Fusion

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hello everyone today i will show you how to wrap text around the object in davinci resolve fusion [Music] for those who don't know me my name is kasia and i am creating color grading motion graphics and vfx tutorials in davinci resolve fusion so have a look at my other videos and if you like my channel hit subscribe but today i will show you how to wrap text around the round object in davinci resolve fusion so first i will show you how to create a sphere in davinci resolve fusion and how to add a texture to it and at the end we'll be adding and animating our 3d text and i know that there's a lot of beginners here but don't worry i try to keep everything fairly simple let's start [Music] i am in the editing tab in resolve and we will start from creating the fusion composition so we'll go to the effects library and we'll search for the fusion composition i will drop it onto the timeline and as a default it's five seconds long so i'll extend it because i want to have 15 seconds clip and now i will click on it and i will go to diffusion tab let me expand our node space and here we've already got the media out node which is the output so i will move it to the right and the output is already placed in the right viewer which is indicated by this dot here on the right so we can start creating our sphere in order to do it we have to grab the shape 3d from the toolbar and let's drag it down and it's a 3d note so we'll need the render 3d note to connect it to it so once it's highlighted i can just hit shift space and i'll search here for the 3d renderer node i will click add and move it and also i'll connect my renderer node with the output now let's click on the shape 3d note and let's change our shape from the square to sphere so i'll go to the inspector tab if you have it closed you just have to click on it to open it and here in the controls we will change the shape from plane to sphere and first thing that we notice is that the edges of the sphere are not smooth enough and in order to soften them up we have to increase base and high subvisions like this and now our shape is perfectly round now let's go to the transform and let's decrease the scale of the sphere to have it within the frame like this looks good to me and then we can for example go to the material options here and we can change the color of the shape like this we have here loads of different ways of changing the color then we can use the color sliders as well but i will undo all of this because i want to show you how you can add different textures to your shape so i'll go to my media pool and here i've already imported a lot of different pngs or jpegs that i just found online so let's grab one of them and let's just connect it with the shape and you can see that it's nicely wrapped around the shape however you have to keep in mind that all of these images have good different size so it may not work perfectly so for example when i click on my shape again and i will go to transform and then i will rotate my shape with the y-axis i can see that there's some space behind it so it means that our image is not big enough to cover the whole sphere but it is something very easy to fix we just have to click on the media in node that is our image then we have to click shift space again and we have to grab the transform and add it between media in node and shape node and then here in the inspector we can change the size of the image like this we can go smaller or bigger whatever we need so it covers the whole sphere and then it can happen very often that we will have this line on our shape and this is because the square or rectangular images are basically not designed to be placed on the round shape but if you don't do the full rotation with your sphere like this you can just cover it behind and it will look fine i will show you another example so let's remove this media in node and let's grab this picture and again we have the same situation here but it looks very cool when hidden we just have to compromise when we want to use some free assets from the internet but actually i found one picture that will work perfectly so let's remove this media in node again and let's grab it these stripes here and here we can see that it has got the vertical lines anyway so it hides that point where the picture joins together we have to fix it a bit here so let's go to the transform and let's change the scale okay now looks perfect let's click on the sphere and let's check it again okay great and you can also use x-axis to rotate it like this or z-axis to rotate it like this but let's undo it and now i will show you how you can modify colors so let's click on our media in node again then shift space and let's search for the color corrector add and here we can for example modify hue so it will change its colors we can also play around with these sliders here changing contrast gain or lift so feel free to try these options and we can also use the color wheel by dragging the slider around i would choose the shades i like maybe here okay and i will click on my shape to rotate it and let's see how it looks perfect now let's animate our shape properly so first i will change my z-axis like this i think it will look interesting and then i will move my cursor to the first frame then i will set my first keyframe next to the y-axis then i will again move my cursor to the very end of the clip and i will move the y-axis with the slider to the right so it rotates a bit and let's see how it looks perfect now i will show you how to add the background so i'll click on my render 3d note and then i will hit shift space and i'll search for the merge node okay and now we just have to connect the background with this merge node so i can again grab some of the images from my media pool and now the problem is that the image is connected as a foreground which is indicated by green arrow and the sphere is connected as a background so we have to swap these inputs so we'll just right click on the merge node and we'll pick swap inputs okay and now again we can add a color corrector node and again we can modify this background however we want to but i'll remove it and i'll connect a simple background from the toolbar and here you can also modify colors you can add some shading to the background whatever you want but i want just a simple black background so i will undo all of this and finally i will show you how to add text to the animation so first i'll click on my shape 3d note then i'll hit shift space again and i'll grab a mere 3d note this time then i'll search for a text 3d note and i will connect it with the merch 3d note okay so let's click on our text 3d note and let's type something for me it will be color grading inside and let's place the merge 3d note in the left viewer to be able to see our 3d space and then we can zoom it in and out by holding the command key and by scrolling with the mouse so let's make our text smaller then we can also change the font i will go for something quite thick railway will work for me and now we are going to position our text so first we will place it around the sphere so let's just click on the layout and let's change the type from point to sphere and you can't see it in the right viewer but you can see it in the 3d space let's place only text here so you can see that the text goes nicely around but it's just too small so it's hidden behind the sphere and to change this we have to increase the width so let's go up to 1.2 here okay and now we want to place the text in front of the sphere so let's open the rotation tab here and let's change the x-axis to 90 degrees and now again you can see it here because our text is completely flat but you can see it in the 3d space and now we'll go to the transform then to the rotation here and we will change the x-axis again to -90 degrees okay and this is how it looks so let's go back to the layout and here with the y-axis we can move our text around the sphere we can also rotate it with the z-axis left to right so i'll go up to 10 here and we have many more controls in the second transform tab we can do a bunch of things here so again have fun but i'll place it in the middle like this and i'll make it a bit smaller okay but now the text is a bit too flat so let's go back to text and down here in the extrusion tab let's increase the extrusion depth i don't want it to be too thick like this works for me and in order to make it even more interesting we have to add some lighting so let's click on the render 3d note and in the lighting tab let's enable lighting and now decomposition went black but it's all fine this is because we haven't added any lighting effect yet so let's hit shift space and let's search for the spotlight at and now we can connect it with our merch 3d note and then we have to move the light around to be able to see the sphere so let's go to the transform tab and let's move the z-axis to the right and this way we'll move the light further from the object as you can see here okay looks great the light adds a lot of definition and here we have other controls to play around with like this we can have more black whatever you want but the only thing i don't like is this harsh spotlight in the middle but we can also get rid of it easily we just have to click on the shape 3d then we'll go to the material options then specular and we'll reduce the intensity perfect and now our last step is to animate the text so i'll move my cursor to the frame number one then i'll click on my text 3d then i will go to layout i will move my y axis to the right like this i will set up a keyframe then i will move my cursor to the last frame and then i will change the position of the text and let's see great so now we can go to spline we'll take the shape 3d and text values we'll make the viewer smaller and we'll highlight the keyframes and hit s on the keyboard in order to soften the transition and now we'll go back to the edit tab and we'll add nice long cross dissolves on both sides of the clip to make it go from and to black smoothly and now we can watch the final result full screen thanks so much for watching my videos guys i hope that you like them if you do hit subscribe and if you have any questions feel free to contact me see you soon
Channel: Color Grading Insights
Views: 9,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve fusion, 3D object, 3D text, 3D animation, animation, motion graphics, color grading, color correction, colour grading, vfx, visual effects, graphics design, design, cgi, digitalart, filmmaking, postproduction, model, aftereffects, adobe, blender, professional video, videography, blackmagicdesign, 4k, 6k, illustration, anime, artwork, motiondesign, fusion tab, editing tab, davinci resolve tutorials, rgb, tracking, filmmaking course, video course
Id: O1ic0kjLP7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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