Impact Logo - DaVinci Resolve 16/17

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in this tutorial we're going to be making impact logos you could stick them at the start of your videos or as idents or something but yeah impact logos this is basically a port of a tutorial that i saw where the same effect was made in after effects and i just decided to do it in fusion instead [Music] okay as usual we're going to be working in fusion so we need our fusion comp um to find that come to the effects library make sure your effects fiber is turned on go to effects and fusion comp is here or if you click on the star you can put it down here in your favorites bar which is where i have it bring it onto the timeline i'm going to say with the default five second comp i'm gonna go into fusion now before i start i'm just going to paste this here and just leave it out the way for now it'll become relevant later so to make sure everything conforms to your timeline resolution bring your background node in connect to your media out and make your alpha zero that just keeps your timeline resolution infusion so the first part is the background and for that i used a concrete texture that i got off the internet to bring in your texture and merge it onto your background now if you look at his texture it's slightly different size to our comp which is why i've got the background node in merge it on and now if we put this merge in the viewer you see that it's come down to 1920x1080 which is what we want this is a bit light for what i want so what i'm going to do is select the media in click on brightness and contrast select the brightness and contrast and just drop the gain like so so that's our background the next part of the system will be a particle system but i'm actually going to do that last what i'm going to do now is concentrate on the logo so bring in your logo whatever it might be again just to sort of keep things working with our timeline resolution i'm going to merge that onto a background because the logo itself is quite big so i want to scale it down a bit so merge it onto the background view the merge and now we can use this merge just to scale the logo down we're also going to drop this background to transparent now the other thing i had in my example is that this is distressed and doesn't look as shiny as this to achieve that i've got a sort of grunge texture what i'm going to do is i'm going to merge that onto the merge from the resize i'm going to come into this merge 3 i'm going to put it in the viewer at the minute our texture fills the whole screen and we don't want that we just want it on our logo so with merge 3 selected come over to the inspector and change the operator from over to in now it constrains it to our logo but it still doesn't look right so again back in your inspect come to the apply mode and pick multiply now this does a good job of distressing our logo but it also fills in the background alpha and we need that to be transparent so to achieve that come to settings and just deactivate the alpha process and we get our transparent background back now i'm going to add a transform node after this merge 3 and what that allows us to do is fine tune the size of our logo so if at some point we need it bigger or smaller we can use our transform so now i'm going to press shift spacebar and type dve now what the dbe allows is a pseudo 3d effect so you can actually bring your logo behind you to start off with put the dve into our viewer we've got our logo and what we can do is using the zed move we can bring the logo out and beyond the screen so that our animation will be the logo coming in falling down and hitting or the wall or whatever so i'm going to take two and a half seconds to do that which for me is gonna be 75 frames so i'm going to come to frame 75 i'm going to keyframe z move put it to where i want it go back to frame 0 and then brings that move down to zero like so and now you get the effect of your logo falling onto your floor now at the minute that's quite a linear movement and i don't want that i want it to start off relatively slowly and then speed up towards the end so to do that with the dve node selected come to the top of the screen and click on spline and this opens your spline window make sure your dvd node is selected and that it's visible here and just tick it come to this button where it says zoom to fit so this is your path for the animation you drag and select both keyframes and then hit s on your keyboard and what we want is for this to be slow and then build up quickly so if we grab this top handle and just bring it down and then grab this bottom handle and just pull it across a bit like so so now the animation starts off slow builds up and then snaps down to the ground at the end like so okay so again take the output of your dve drag it onto the merge that's already in your glow and then you can view both together what we can do if we just pop back to the edit tab let our effect cache and then you can view in real time like so okay the next thing we want as our logo hits the wall or the floor it's going to send up dust so that's where the particles come in so grab all this lot and the merger node and then we can just move along out the way and now we can start to build our particle system so for a particle system you can come to your hotbar here you've got p emitter any particle system needs a render which is there p render join them together and merge that onto our flow now if we put the p render in our viewer you can see you've got this is where the particles are coming from and you've got a few particles in there but we're going to up the number of particles considerably so we want the particles to start at frame 75 just as it hits floor so at frame 75 select p emitter keyframe number go back one frame and drop that number to zero come back to frame 75 i think i had somewhere in the region of about two and a half thousand articles i'm then going to come forward half a second which will take me up to frame 90 i'm going to keyframe the number again go forward frame 91 and drop it to zero so for this period the emitter is going to be putting out two and a half thousand particles each frame now we want these particles to move so come back to the inspector and open the velocity tab i used point one and then you want them to spread out so come to angle variants and put that to 360. so they're coming out in all directions so now as our logo hits the floor the particles spread out at the minute the region that our particles are coming from is quite small it needs to be the same size roughly as our logo and we'll bring it out so it's just about the size of our logo so now we have the dust starting to appear now the minute it's not massively clear so what we can do is we can change our particles so again come into your emitter come to style and change the style from point to blob now that's made them smaller to start off with but what we can do with blob is we can actually increase the size of the blob and make them much more noticeable like so now we hit the floor and our particles start to come out at the minute they're coming out fairly uniform and we don't want that we want them to swirl around a bit so with europe emitter selected shift and space bar again type p turb and you see p turbulence and we'll drop that in selector p turbulence and where you've got strength play around until you get the look that you want you can also play with the density and now what we're going to do is after the p render is we're going to add a blur node which you can find on your hotbar here and we're going to increase that blur like so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut down on the life so we want our particles maybe to go to about there and then start to die out again if we come up to our p emitter come to controls and where you've got life span just knock that back that now as the dust sort of comes out about here it will start to fade away like so again a quick check on the edit tab and we're nearly there the last thing i'm going to do to sell it is once you've got everything in place select your last merge node shift space bar and type camera shake and what i'm going to do is come to frame 75 and i'm going to keyframe overall strength i'm going to go back to 74 and drop overall strength to zero so there's no shake up until that point as you hit you'll get your shake and again i'm going to keep that going for about half a second keyframe it come forward one frame and drop it what you notice with the shake is that you end up with transparent areas on the edge of your screen to overcome that come to where it says edges and change it to mirror and that's pretty much it you now come back to edit tab you get that the final thing to sell it is a sound effect what i did was i used this audio so what you want is the beat of your audio to happen at the point that you hit the floor so just line them up like so there you have your impact logo now if you remember right at the start brought this little feather in here now this little palette is some 3d text that i made earlier and just as you can use a logo you can use pretty much anything what we can do is we can disconnect our logo and just move it out of the way if we bring our 3d text in and connect it to our dve it will react and respond in the same way so your text will come in and it will land now with the logo it was a circle so the emitter region was a circle and it worked well the circle doesn't work with an odd shape so the way you'd get around that if you select your p emitter go to the region tab and change sphere to bitmap what that does is it adds an extra input on your emitter all you do is you take an output from whatever your odd shape is and just pop it onto that input now our particles will come from the area of our text or shape or whatever so you can see our particles now this kind of shape rather than a circle again that just helps sort of sell it a bit better and now you end up with [Music] so yeah um impact logos and that's how you would do it um i hope you found that informative and helpful please feel free to like subscribe and hit the notification bell and i will catch you on the next one cheers
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OnZ2mLA5stg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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