Thoughts on InfoGraphics - DaVinci Resolve 17

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so i was recently asked on discord if it would be possible to recreate this infographic in resolve and of course it is so here we go [Music] okay chances are you're not gonna want this particular uh infographic the tutorial i guess is more about looking at the methods used to make it so we're going to be working in fusion so you need to find your fusion comp it will either be turn on your effects library come to effects and it'll be at the top here or if you're a regular to my tutorials by now you should have clicked on this little star and you'll have a fusion comp down here in your favorites bring your comp on now for the sake of this tutorial i'm going to make it the same length as the video you'll see why in a minute so once you've done that you can get the video off the track i don't need that anymore and into fusion why did i make it the same length as the video i made the same length as the video because i'm going to use the video as a template so i'm going to bring the video in and it's the same length so we'll get to the end of the video now what i'm going to do i've got my media out which will send everything back to the timeline i'm going to bring in a background node i'm going to stick it here and i'm going to just connect those up and that way everything i make will be merged onto that background for the final result i'm going to want this background white but for the time being i'm going to leave it as transparent the reason i'm going to leave it as transparent is because there are times when i'm going to want to see the original that i'm using as a template okay so the first thing you need to do is sort of look at what you want to achieve what's happening so we can scrub through and we can see things like the text at the top shrinks away and then further down you get more text coming in we can see things like this line disappearing reappearing boxes moving lines coming in so you've got to get your various elements together the first element i'm going to get is a box there's several ways you can produce this box on this occasion i'm going to come to the effects library i'm going to tick it i'm going to open up where it says tools and i'm going to scroll down and come to where it says shape and i'm going to use the shape tools so the thing with shapes unlike backgrounds and masks is that you need to have a shape render as your last node in your shape system so we bring that in so we've got a shape render so we're going to make these squares what i'm going to do is i'm going to make these squares so that they're opaque so they will have a white background the reason i'm doing that is when i come to animate this line later on i want it to run behind the squares to get the square i'm going to bring in a shape rectangle i'm going to connect that to my shape render and pop it into this other viewer so we've got our square we want this square to match one of these squares so if we select our rectangle you can see your square in this window but what you get is the outline in this window so you can see what you're doing so what i'm going to do with the rectangle selected come over to the inspector now i want this to stay a perfect square to do that come to the word height right click and pick expression you see this little plus sign appears if you click and hold that you can drag a line out and just put the line on the word width what that's done is it's tied the height to the width so whatever size i make the width the height will follow so we're going to bring it in and we're going to make it the same size as the square in the middle here like so so now we've got a white square next thing we need the black outline to get the black outline we want the square to be the same size so all we're going to do is we're going to select this rectangle we're going to press command and c to copy click away and press command v to paste if we now drag the output of this node and drop it onto the output of the node that was already in place this automatically produces a shape merge now what we can do is select our second rectangle come to the inspector uncheck where it says solid and we're going to check the pointy border style and we're going to give our border some width and i'm going to give it a width of 0.0023 at the minute you didn't see anything because it's still white so if you come to style open the color and make it black and now what you've got is a white square with a black border next we're going to add the circle so again come up and find s ellipse and we're going to have to do the same again you can just see the outline of the circle here we're going to need to tie the height to the width so right click expression and drag the plus sign up to width now we also want this to be outlined and black so with your ellipse selected uncheck solid make the border width the same point zero zero two three come to style make it black and now we've come back to controls and we're just gonna drag the width so that it comes into our box like so now obviously we can't see it because it's not connected so all we do is we drag and drop it onto the s merge so we now have our white square with black border and black circle the final element of our box is the letter in the middle so to get the letter you bring a text node and you're going to merge this after the render node like so so this is a regular merge node now it's not a shape merge so you can only have two inputs or three if you have a mass but we haven't got a mask so select your text in the inspector put whatever text you want in our case we want the letter a and now if we view that we don't see any difference and that's because the text by default is white and we want it to be black so just click on the swatch here find black and away you go what you also notice is that the text is slightly off center so you've got these little arrows you can grab the vertical one and just pull it up a little bit like so so now what we've got is our first box here so remember this is the original footage this is what we're building so we've got our first box now we're going to use this element over and over so all i'm going to do is if you drag select everything press ctrl or command g it makes it into a little group if you press f2 you can then rename it like that now what we're going to need for each box is we're going to make copies of it but we're not going to have lots of copies of this we only have three copies of this and we're going to duplicate it so with your box selected i need to bring a transform node in to allow me to position it so you can pick your transform here on the hotbar with your transform selected what you can now do is grab again you've got your little arrows or you've got a box in the middle that'll grab both but to keep it horizontal and vertical grab the horizontal arrow and move it over so that you're over this box and what we can do is if we take this and just merge it onto our original footage you can view both together and if you look we're slightly off there so you can bring it over and position it like so so now we've got our box on top what i'm going to do now is duplicate this box three times to do that select your transform shift and spacebar brings up this select tool dialog and just type duplicate and you want this duplicate with the little icon here not the magic wand one i doubt you'll have that that's i've got that from a plug-in i think it's crocodov i don't know but we want this one here so put your duplicate in with the duplicate selected come to your inspector you want three copies and what we're going to do is we're going to drag it along the x-axis so if you come to center x click and just drag and you'll see that three copies appear or two extra copies and what you want to do is line them up like so so we need two more copies of this um so rather than rebuild the whole lot if you just select all three command c click away command v and you get another copy to do is i'm going to disconnect that now i'm not going to leave that there for now yeah i'm going to disconnect what i'm going to do is i'm going to merge this onto my background like so and then i'll drop that merge onto here so that we can still see our template while we're working i'm going to bring the output from this group and drop it onto this output this will again put in another merge and what we need to do this time is we need to come to the transform in the middle select it and if we now come and drag we get a second copy that we can position if i put our media out so you can now see what we've got here basically i just dragged that up and i'm going to do the same again so copy paste and just drag the output of this one onto the output here and now we've got three cops of this but obviously we need to move this one so again come to the transform and this time we're going to come all the way down to the bottom like so so now we've got our grid of letters so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to animate these so if we you should use our arrow key and step forward to [Music] here so what i'm going to do for a minute is i'm just going to disconnect that because i want to actually see so this is still the template footage and what i'm looking for is this point here where the boxes start to move and what i'm going to do i'm going to come to these two transforms because these two transforms control the top and the bottom rows and we want them to move so select transform come to the inspector and click on the diamond next to center that sets the keyframe and do the same for the other one what i'm now going to do is step through until this animation ends which is that and i'm going to set another keyframe on our two transform nodes what i'm also going to do is reconnect to our template so that i can view my squares and their squares so come back to transforms if you click next to the the red keyframes a little arrow if you click it that will take you back to your first keyframe or forward to your next keyframe so this keyframe i've got this transform selected which is the top row and again all you need to do grab the little arrow and move it over to put it back in place and then come to the other transform so your bottom row again grab the arrow and pull it over until you're back so again we can disconnect this for a second if we now play through you'll see we've got matching animations okay that box is basically done okay so we've got the boxes we've got them animated the next thing i'm going to look at are the lines that appear at the start and then following the animation so we'll do the lines at the start first i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna click and drag these over because i want a bit of space so to make the line what you need to do you bring in a background node select your background node and make it transparent by dropping the outfit to zero you're then going to come to the same hot bar and bring in the paint node connect the background node to the yellow input of the paint node we need to do this otherwise the paint node doesn't work what we're now going to do is merge this onto our background like so so to draw the line select your paint node you're going to come to the top of either view it doesn't make any difference where we work and we're going to select polyline stroke so we're going to start with our top right box if you click once it sets your first point if you now come over to your top left box if you press and hold the shift key it constrains the lines to 45 degree angles so if you slightly up or down it will still be straight then again come down to your next box still with your shift key pressed and so we work through until we have our line now if you come to the top of your viewer again and just pick this modify only button what that does is it stops you adding extra points while you're working so we've got our line in place now we need to make it look the same so come over to your inspector again go to brush controls set a solid line we're going to make the size of that line 0.0023 again we're going to come to color and we're going to make it black let me just make our background white remind it so that we can actually see what we're doing like so so you've got your black line now the next thing we need to do is animate this line now if you come back to your paint node you've got stroke controls at the bottom and you've got this right on slider what the right on slider does if you watch the line is it draws or removes the line so that's what we're going to use to animate it watching your example or watching my example use our arrow keys and scrub through until we see this line disappear there so that's the start of the animation set a keyframe and then come through to wherever the line totally disappears which is about there and what we're going to do is we're going to drop these two values to 0.5 and what that's done is it's animated our line off and into behind this square here and so now as you play through you've got the same animation on both now the next line that we need to animate when we get to here as you see this line comes across now in the original they got very sloppy and put the line over the top we're not going to do that so again same process bringing the background make it transparent bring in our paint node connect them up merge it on and select your paint node to polyline stroke and this time we just need to do one line going across so we will start here click hold shift key and come over and click again now again come up and modify only select your paint two brush controls circle brush 1.002023 make our line black and open our stroke controls and now again we just need to use the arrow keys to work out where the animation happened so it starts there in this case it's straightforward keyframe the right on and drop it to zero and then come forward where the animation ends drag your writing up to one that automatically sets your keyframe and then you've got your line animating between your boxes now we need to do this three times now we can do three of those or we can come back to i'll frame the duplicate node so select paint two shift spacebar duplicate add in the duplicate node again we want three copies because we've got three lines and then we can simply select duplicate and using our x and y sliders we can bring our three lines down and across the last bit of line animation are these dotted lines here so you've got these two arcs that come up and then you've got this line that comes across the top so we'll do those as two separate lines we'll do a line for the arc and a line for the bouncy thing so again we're going to go through the same process so we'll start with this bottom arc so background in paint node in connect it up background transparent so for this paint node again we're going to come up to the polyline stroke we're going to put our first stroke up point on that box and then the second one on this box now what we're going to do is we're going to use if you look on your line you've got little handles that you can move around and we're going to use those to create the curve oops my mistake i should have come up under modify only so you basically using the tangent handles to create the curve you want so again with your paint node selected we need to set up our line solid double o two three black now what we're going to do different is we're going to make this into a dotted line to make it into a dotted line come down to the very bottom and where you've got spacing just crank that up and what you'll see is it starts to turn into dots now the slider will only go up to one but if you double click in the box you can type whatever numbers you want in there so let's take it up to 1.5 so that's possibly too far spaced out so bring it down a bit and this is to taste really you can so once you've got your dotted line we're going to animate it so again we need to watch our template to find out where the animation happens so it's off there so we'll set a keyframe on our right on drop it to zero and then we will come back until the animation ends which is probably there bring it back up to one so again we've got our line animated and again just to save duplicating we'll use it or just save to copy in the node system we'll just use the duplicate node and this time we only want two copies so with duplicate selected it become probably easy to do it there select your duplicate and again we're gonna use our x and y to position like so and then you've got your final line which is this bouncy one that goes all along the top so background paint node and we're going to again do polyline and we're gonna just zoom this out a bit so i can see what i'm doing and this polyline goes from here to here tip here to here and again what we're going to do is use the tangent handles to create the curves modify only so you don't end up adding extra points start pulling your tangent handles out now each point has two tangent handles so one here one down here now if i grab this handle and move it you can see it's starting to move the other one and that's not what we want to happen so if you press and hold the command or control key and then move the tangent it just moves the one and the other one stays in place so again select the next point it's not very clear though i'm trying to find out where the handle is it's there okay grab your handle the first one it will quite happily move on its own but if you then go to the second one it won't so you need to press and hold the control key like so we need to and then it's just a case of tweaking it to get it to look how you want it to look so once we've got our line in place we go through the same process so we can merge it on background transparent paint node brush controls circle 0.023 color black i'm going to do the same as we did before with the dots so if you come back to the previous paint node we've got 1.277 so we'll do the same again so come back to your latest one one point two seven seven not give us the same dots and then again using your arrow keys scroll through to find where the animation starts which is probably there keyframe the right on drop it to zero and then come forward to where the animation ends which is like there and just drag your right on up to one and you're good to go so now we've got both animations in like so okay final element is the text at the top so we now come to the hot bar and grab a text node now i'm sure i can do all this in one i just couldn't work it out so i'm gonna do is two text nodes i'm gonna have one text node typical storage and then one text node for the r weave storage whatever our weave storage might happen to be so text node merge it on like so change the color to black and type away would help if i could type now obviously the text at the minute is in the wrong place so just again little arrows just grab the vertical arrow and pull it up so it's roughly where you want it now animating the text if you can see it kind of shrinks letter by letter to do that in fusion we're going to use what's called a follower modifier to apply the follow-up modifier you come up to your inspector you put your mouse over the text box and you right-click and you look for the word follower as you hit follower this modifiers button lights up if you click on that you've now got lots of different controls now you these are all controls for the follower so the first control you've got is the timing this dictates how what sort of rate things happen what we need to do is get our text to shrink from the right to the left so we're going to go to order and do right to left we now need to put in a delay i'm going to put a delay of one frame again you can play with this to get the sort of timing that you want but i found that this worked so one frame so now what we're going to do is come to the transform tab and tell our modifier what we want it to do and what we want it to do is resize the text now i tried using the text size itself and it just didn't work but in the transform tab you can change the x and y size and that's what we're going to do so we're going to keyframe when the text starts to shrink which is pretty much from the first frame so add keyframes to x and y i found that coming forward 12 frames gave just about the right timing if you then drop x and y if anything that's a little bit quick so let's click on those and get rid of them and come back maybe a couple of frames where's that what i'm doing is i'm comparing what we've got here with what we've got here so that's maybe a bit slower maybe 15 frames yeah [Music] maybe 12 was that's kind of gives the idea you get the idea so if you do 12 frames it sort of started to drop our text and then as it plays through we end up with our text disappearing like so those has gone a bit quicker but what we now need to do is add another text so that we've got the r weave coming in so just bring in a text node merge it on and again type in whatever you want again make your text black position it what you can do is if you come to your text one and go to layout copy this number this is the vertical position and then do layout and paste it in here what that means is both texts are in exactly the same place so to animate this one we can do the same sort of process right click follower go to modifiers this time we're going to go left to right because we want it to start at nothing and grow from that direction again keep delay of one come to transform and find so you can just see underneath the other text disappearing so once that's totally gone so it's about there we are going to keyframe size again and this time we're going to drop it down to zero so there's nothing to start off with we're going to come forward about 12 frames ish and we're going to put them back up and say you end up timing slightly different to the original but you get the idea and that is basically that that's the whole lot so you've looked at using shapes to build your boxes you've looked at the polyline to animate various lines you've looked at making dotted lines and you've looked at using a follower on your text and i hope that is understandable for you if we now go back to the edit tab we give this just a minute to cache and we can play it through like so oh i missed a bit just realized i missed the top line basically that's done in exactly the same way as we did the corner line in that we need to add the duplicate node and then we can just use the x and y offsets to reposition it in exactly the same way as we did the other one like so so yeah back to the editorial edit cage or cache as somebody pointed out to me and then we can play it through so yeah that's how to make a basic infographic type thing so yeah hope it was helpful hope you found it useful please feel free to like subscribe and hit the notification bell and i'll catch you on the next one cheers
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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