Realistic 3D Earth Tutorial | Davinci Resolve 17

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to be creating the super realistic 3d earth inside the davinci resolve using the fusion page with this you can pan around it change the lighting and have the effects on the earth change based on where the spotlight is this tutorial is jam packed full of awesome tips that will expand your fusion knowledge before we begin my name is jake whipped and i create awesome davinci resolve tutorials just like this one if that's something that you guys are interested in please consider hitting the subscribe button and turning on notifications so you never miss out on a brand new video if you find yourself enjoying this tutorial at any point feel free to give it a like and drop a comment down below if you guys want the project files for this tutorial as well as project files from most of my other tutorials you can do so by clicking the join button to the left of the subscribe button this is just a great way of showing your support for the channel the textures that i'm going to be using in this video are from video copilot so there's a link down below to where you can get those for free with all that being said let's jump into the video all right so we're inside of a brand new project here and i just have all my textures imported okay so what we need to do first is create a fusion composition so i'm going to come to my effects library and grab a fusion composition all right we'll just leave it at the full five seconds you can always change this later on but we'll just head over into the fusion page and now that we're inside of the fusion page we can begin setting up our scene so the first thing that i want to do is import all of the textures and then label them so that we can just visually see which texture is which so let me just select all of these here we'll drag the blue haze in rename this blue haze i will drag the clouds in name this clouds and i'll just do this for rest of them uh just by hitting f2 on my keyboard to rename them alright i now have all these in so i'm just going to drag these off to the side here and now we can begin setting up the 3d scene so what i want is first up the shape node so if i drag the shape node down and then view it off to the side by hitting one of my keyboard we can now see this plane that has appeared in our 3d viewport what i'm going to do is close out of this media pool so that we have a little bit more room to work and the first thing that we're going to do is set the shape to be a sphere unless of course you want to make it a flat earth then you just leave it at plane and then what we'll do is bring the radius all the way up to 10. i dislike it when it's a little bit bigger like that and then what we'll do is link the height subdivisions through an expression and link this to the base subdivisions so for right now we can just leave it at 20. but later on we will want to crank that up otherwise you'll be able to see the subdivisions on the earth and that doesn't really look that good so that just makes it easier for down the road next up let's work on texturing the shape so for this one let's grab the diffuse texture okay and then add in the ward node okay and if we plug this into the shape node here as you can see the earth texture is now on our globe all right so next let's grab our bump map okay so that was the normal map and then i will add in the bump map node after that and then i can connect that up into the award node just like so if you guys want that little pop-up menu that just appeared instead of just clicking and dragging your pipe into another node right click on it and then let it go on top of another node and that'll pop up so you can see all of the different inputs it's a really nice feature okay so we'll leave it at this for now and then come back and tweak some stuff later on when i can explain it just a little bit better so the shape node i'm just going to rename this the earth sphere okay there we go hit enter and then after this added a merge 3d node and then a render 3d node all right and if i view the render 3d node uh you can see uh just a perspective from inside of the globe okay it's just the default camera position so what i'm going to do is just kind of spread this out a little bit as there's going to be a lot of different nodes around it and it's really going to be important to stay kind of organized in this process next up then i'll grab my camera and i will plug this into the merge node so i'm going to view my merge node off to the side here okay the one that the camera is going into then find the perspective that i want my camera to be facing right click to camera copy pov to camera 3d1 and as you can see the camera is going to copy the perspective of our just perspective viewer over here that's just a feature that has really helped me out a lot all right so i'm just gonna drag this over a little bit here next up doing shift space let's add in a directional light all right and connect this up into the merge 3d one and now if i come to the render node and enable lighting as you can see you can kind of see it off to the side over here what i want to do is in the direction of light just drag it out a little bit okay and then inside the transform i'm going to copy the z position that i moved it to let's just say i do it at 30. all right come down to the pivot and then put on the x negative 30 okay so just negative whatever the top value is so that's that's the pivot point to be in the center so now when i adjust the rotation it'll rotate around the center of the globe so i'll just bring the x up a little bit here and then bring the y around until it's about right there so we can see it in the view so that's already looking pretty ugly we just have this big white white reflection in the middle of it so let's go ahead and fix that so first of all what we wanted to do is make it so that when it's over the like land here it doesn't show up because that's not going to be quite as reflective as the watch so that's what the gloss map is for so if i drag this and put it into the color material as you can see that's already going to fix it a bunch now we got to tweak some of the settings inside of the word node to make it so it's perfect so first let's come down to the specular and then we can link the spread wat v to the u just by doing an expression like that right now when we drag this up it'll just kind of diffuse it a little bit can bring the intensity down a little and set the spread u and v to be about 0.5 uh maybe bring the intensity back up now let's play around with the directional light here and i think that's looking pretty good all right we can always tweak that later on once we get all the clouds lights and the haze and all that stuff uh added in all right so over in our viewer here i can right click through 3d options and then check lighting so now i can also see the lighting over here and with that we're going to work on the city lights okay so on the opposite side of the globe where there is no spotlight on it we want the lights to show up and now this one gets a little bit more complicated to set up so what we need to do is copy the earth sphere here all right and paste this and what we'll do is rename this to without textures and if we view this off the side we don't have any textures on it that's exactly what we want what we'll do is put this into another merge 3d node and also put in a spherical camera okay so let's connect all of that up just like so and then set this out into a render 3d node and we can view the render 3d node off to the side and it's going to be completely white what we need to do is set the directional light to go into that merge node as well so let me just drag the output of this into the merge node and enable lighting on the render 3d node so now we can see what parts of the sphere are lit and what parts or not so now is where stuff starts to get a little more complicated again so this render 3d node what we need is we need this to be the same size as our lights texture so if i come down here and grab my illumination map that's going to be the lights texture and if i view this off to the side as you can see this is 6000 by 3000 pixels so we need this render 3d note to put out the same resolution and because of how the spherical camera works if we come over to the image tab um this isn't going to be exactly the same uh the width is always going to be half of what it shows up off to the side here okay so we need the width to be set to 3000 but we also want to make it so it automatically gets the right height based on its aspect ratio so it's really simple to do this so first uncheck auto resolution right click on the height all right do expression and then type with and then divide it by our composition size so that would be 1920 by 1080 so times 1080 and when i hit enter it should stay exactly the same and now what i want to do is just drag this width up here okay and what i want to do is set this to be 3000 and when i hit enter now our composition is going to be 6000 by 3000 which is exactly the same as the luminance map so that's all working perfectly and now because the uh image is being taken from the inside of the sphere the textures are going to be flipped from what we want them to be so after the render 3d node add in a transform we'll view it off to the side and flip it on the horizontal all right and there we go it's been flipped so now let's copy our earth spherion and paste it all right and we'll rename this lights or city lights and i'm going to move my camera down to the bottom here just like that and i'll have the city lights going into the merge node alright so now we can see that and what we want to do is get the orientation right so what i'll do just to start off is put the transform node into the city lights as the texture and after the transform node i'll add in a luma keyer alright so now we can kind of see through it a little bit we can bring the high value down just like that so now this is kind of what we have what we want is a texture coming from our spherical camera to be wherever there is light so in the spherical camera what i have to do is set the transform on the y to be 90 degrees so when i rotate that now as you can see wherever the light is it's going to be white because of how we'd set this up so now that we got that fixed we can disconnect the transform from the luma keyer and plug the illumination map into that luma gear now i can view the luma keyer off to the side here and just play around with the settings here just to make it so that the lights are a little bit brighter but also don't have a black background you can bring up the gamma a little bit here i don't want to go too high because otherwise it starts bringing some of the black back in we'll call that good for now all right so as you can see we can only see it on the side with lighting all right we want to be able to see it on the back side too that's because the city light sphere is being affected by light so i've come into the city's sphere or city lights sphere uh and then come to lighting and do uncheck the affected by lights uh we can now see it on both sides or all the sides right that's exactly what we want let's also come over here and come to the material come to specular and bring this the intensity all the way down to zero okay and now that we got that done what we need to do is take our transform one here and put this into the illumination node as a mask then apply it uh inverted and now it's completely gone and that's because the channel that we're using is set to alpha and if we view the transform here there is no alpha values here it's all either black or white so what that means is we need to set this from alpha let me just view this off to the side here alpha and we need to set it to luminance okay so that's going to be white and black values so if we do luminance now as you can see on the back side we can see the lights but on the front we cannot it kind of has this fade off here and we can control the fade off by adding a bitmap after the transform node here all right making sure it's connected into the yellow input and then that goes in as a mask all right and this also needs to be set to luminance and now with this i can adjust the high and low sliders and i can kind of adjust the fall off here so i'll just shrink it a little bit tilt something right about there all right so it's just right at the edge all right i think that's looking great so after this luma keyer i'm just going to add in a color corrector node and inside of here i'll just come down and bring the gain up a little bit let me if you look on the back here and with this we can just make all the lights just a little bit brighter let's do something around two all right we can always change that later on but i just think that helps them pop a little bit more alright so we have all of this done we can just drag it up something that we can do for organization is select all the nodes in a certain group okay do shift space and type underlay right now we just have this like nice little group here and to rename it just hold down alt and click on it then hit f2 and we can name this uh earth okay let's come up here and do this one as well so shift space underlay and then i'll click it and call this one lights alright so now we can just kind of visually see what is what here all right that's just a little helpful for organization next up let's add in the clouds so come down here and get my clouds map all right i'll copy the earth sphere again and paste it i want to delete that drag this out and we're going in this cloud sphere and put the clouds into there and then connect this up into the merge node and now as you can see we can see our clouds again we want to come to the material and bring the specular down a bunch now we don't want that completely at zero but we want it down a lot and again after this we're going to have to add in a luma keyer just to remove all of the black there we go that looks pretty good right off the bat and something we need to do with both the cloud sphere and the city lights is just adjust the size a little bit so to scale it up the radius just a little bit so let's do 10.0 0 okay so now it's just a little bit bigger so that'll prevent any intersecting let's actually set this one to be point zero zero six and then have the city lights to be point zero zero three so now what we're going to do is because we're running into some errors here with the lights and the clouds so what we need to do is just shift all this over here a little bit and add in another merge 3d node bring it over and then plug the camera into that merge 3d node all right and also take the lights texture and put it into there and now if we do that off to the side we can see the lights and the clouds uh it's something to do with the directional light so we'll have the directional light going into this merge making sure it does not pass the lights through and then that all comes into this next merge node with the camera so you just need another merge node pretty much not exactly sure why that's happening but you need it okay so next up we need to add in like a blue haze around the earth all right because this honestly does not look that good so how we do this is after this ward node here let's add in a reflect node all right and so this will just be set up with a bunch of reflections and then we also need let me just expand this underlay here a bit all right so up in here i will add in the ward node and put this into the reflection under the color material all right so now we just have this kind of white haze around the earth but in order to make that blue what we can do is just come up here and adjust the color give it kind of a bluish look all right just a light blue like that i like that right now and then we'll take the gloss map and put this into the color material just like before so specular color and then inside the word node we'll come down to the specular and again bring this down all the way and then inside the reflection node we can adjust all of its intensity so we can adjust the face on strength okay but i'm gonna bring the glancing angle all the way up and then mainly play with the falloff here so that's something around there maybe we'll bring the face on up just a little bit and now when we pan around here we kind of have this really nice looking blue haze around the area of the earth that has light on it and again go ahead and tweak this as much as you want to get your final effect you know just changing the color changing the intensity it requires just a lot of tinkering to get it exactly how you might want it so now let's add in all the stars around that really helps just kind of finish this off and sell the effect so let's add in another uh sphere or another shape node and set it to be a sphere which if you're going for the whole flatter thing you still want to set this to a sphere okay then we'll take the stars node and put this into here as the material and then connect this up into the merge node then we'll set this to be equal to like 300 and now we have this big uh sphere going all around the earth and you can't really see the stars textures that's because it's not lit so let's come to the visibility or the lighting not affected by lights now you can kind of see them but they're all really stretched out that's because the stars texture is only 1k all right but the nice thing about it is it's repeatable so how we're going to do this is we're going to grab a background node and then inside of this background now let's come over to the image and we can right click on the height and do that same expression that we did before so we'll do with and then we'll divide that by 1920 times 1080. and now what i want this to be is i want this thing to be a very very big texture all right i gotta uncheck auto resolution let's just do like 8200 to start okay and then i will merge this up with the stars texture flip it around and view this off to the side here and now as you can see we have a 8 200 by 4613 texture uh but this the stars texture is only taking up a small part of that so inside of the merge node you can come down and set the edges to be mirror and now that'll just spread out all across this whole area and i'll even bring the size down a little bit to be like 0.6 some and i think that's pretty good we just have a bunch more stars and if we view this in the merge node we can now pan around and see all the stars out in the distance so what i like to do is because in the angle if i adjust the zoom the stars will get really close to the camera and even though i'm zoomed in a lot i still like to have a lot of stars in the background even if that's not technically what would happen so the workaround that i have for this is i'll make another merge node merge 3d and i'll copy the render node and paste that all right inside of this merge node i'll have the stars coming in and i will copy my camera and paste it as an instance so ctrl shift v and so that makes it so that everything is linked but i can come and right click on the angle of view and do d instance i'll also do this for the focal length okay and now if i put this into the merge node put this into the runner node and i merge the render node up with the other one like that flip the inputs like so when i change the angle of view on the camera it won't change the stars but if i move the camera it will uh change the position of the stars all right so that's just something i like to do again you don't need to do it uh just kind of a personal taste for me all right let me just clean up my note graph here because this is getting pretty disgusting all right so for a few more steps uh we want to grab this blue haze texture that i have and i'll bring it over here and just merge this up after the fact here uh and in the merge node set this to be screen so now i just kind of have a nice little blue haze and depending on how bright you want it you can just adjust the blend so i'll bring it up to about there all right then depending on where you have the camera will also affect it so it's a little bit closer here you'll want it to be a bit brighter okay so after the first render 3d note here i want to add in a soft glow node all right i can just play around with settings a little bit here just kind of have that little like halo going around the earth and i'll also take the render 3d known and put this in as an effect mask okay and in the soft glow i'll just come and apply the mask inverted so now we can only see the like outer glow this would be another thing if you're if you want to do this you'd have to have the stars coming out in a separate render because otherwise this method would not work but yeah now we can just come in here and just adjust the settings maybe make it a little brighter bring the glow size down bring it up just play around with it until you get something that you like i'm going to say something around there and then after this final merge i'm going to add in a grain texture all right zoom in a little bit and bring the gain over the power down a lot but just have a little bit of noise there which just helps make it look a little more realistic then you can go ahead and animate your camera render it out uh and for rendering what i would recommend is using a saver node okay so after the media out or the last node just add in a saver node select the place that you want to save it make sure that has a bunch of storage space and you want to make like a dedicated folder for it then once you've done that you just want to go fusion render all savers and then that'll take a little while this is a pretty intensive effect and once that's done you'll go back to the edit page and just drag that folder right onto the timeline and it'll import it as one full clip then you can export it from there using the deliver tab uh the reason that you have to go through all the steps is i just found that it's faster um using the saver node on my computer it was faster than exporting from the delivery tab so you can try it on yours but for me saver worked a lot better so anyways that's the final effect i really hope you guys enjoyed that it was a lot of fun to make again if you guys want the project file for this you can do so by hitting the join button to the left of the subscribe button note that if you do do that you will need to download the textures from video copilot and import them yourself that's not something that i can just leave in there just because of copyright laws but if you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and also subscribe to my channel so you never miss out on any new videos comment down below if you guys have any questions or any suggestions for future tutorials with all that being said i'll see you guys next time for another video [Music] you
Channel: Jake Wipp
Views: 28,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yTb1LbjkLHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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