35 Facts Only Minecraft Veterans Know

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from the most overpowered hidden weapon to giving yourself infinite health these are facts only the best 0.1 percent of Minecraft players know we all know that trident is the most useless weapon in the entire game but they actually have a secret use only Pro players know if you charge up a Riptide Trident and towards her with a sword in your hand you'll turn into a supercharged torpedo I can kill almost any sea creature and if you've gotten a light Rich try taking to the skies while it's raining and using the same trick to literally become a missile that destroys any mobs above ground too gas tears can be super annoying to collect I don't think I've ever forced a gas that wasn't over a giant lava bear that's why the best players bring a fishing rod to the nether that they can use to pull mobs back over dried land to take out with a sword this doesn't just work for gas either you can stop these pesky Blazers from getting away and even lets you get sick kills on piglens I don't teach him for stealing my gold enchanting can be really annoying when the bomb slot just shows up with a breaking or an enchant you just don't want but you can fix it with a wooden shovel turns out it's true if you enchant any useless tool that level one it'll re-roll the entire set of enchants and you make the perfect set of gear one of the most common items you can get in ruined portal chess are these seemingly useless Fortune gold pickaxes this thing will break after like three iron ore what's the point well if you're in the smartest 0.5 percent you all know that pickaxe says don't break when destroying crops so you can use the fortune enchant to get extra resources from your farm for free how many times have you tried leaving an animal pen just for all of the mobs that follow you out and escape to the gate well I have a fix you can use an L-shaped layout like this a wall block or a carpet to create exits that only the player can use the best part is that it means I don't have to remember how to craft those stupid feds Gates my glasses aren't that useful on their own but if you use OptiFine you can use that as well to get a super zoom and to F1 will remove that annoying overlay too ever wanted to learn how to become invincible in Minecraft without armor a few weeks of God apple and then a regular Golden Apple straight after you'll keep some of the absorption even after the effect wears off this means you can repeat this as much as you want to gain literally hundreds of Hearts it doesn't come cheap but come on only the top 0.1 percent smartest people know this you're rich anyway you know how you need two water buckets to create an infinite water source well you know nothing sorry that was me but seriously you only need one now as long as you have either kelp or a cauldron using this setup you can place kelpia to magically create two new sources and you can use water bottles to fill a cauldron and conjure another bucketful setting up a farm for food can be super difficult early game but there's a hidden cheat code only one percent of people know if you're brave enough to challenge the Nether and make a run to a Soul Sand Valley you can Farm the fossils for tons of bone meal you can bring back with you for a head start on all your farming needs silverfish don't seem that dangerous at first but it's not uncommon to find yourself in a stronghold severely outnumbered in just a few seconds but silverfish only spawn when a player deals damage to them meaning you can just use lava or a flint and steel to totally avoid spawning them avocas are a super powerful mob despite never hitting you themselves but you can actually predict what spell they're gonna cast next he sends out white particles and means he's spawning vexes and you can run and get some hits in but if they're great it means he's summoning fangs and you should probably run and before you head through the portal make sure you bring some TNT because you can use it to farm ender pearls really easily simply build a pillar above a small pit like this and stare at as many Endermen as possible once you've trapped enough place the TNT down and light it for near infinite pearls you can even hold a looting sword while the TNT exploser get even more but what if you're like me you struggle to even find the stronghold speedrunners have a solution once you're fairly sure you're nearby try throwing just a single eye and placing a line of blocks until you think you've run past it then head to the side of a line and throw another eye follow the path until you hit the blocks from before mine down and you'll be right where the stronghold is you know those huge annoying trees you sometimes get from Oak saplings if you place a single block seven blocks above the sapling they will never grow again you can also use a setup to only get the big ones if you're a psychoper speedrunners even have ways to make another portals instantly without diamonds find the lava pool like this then place a block here with water next to it take that and place blocks exactly like this on the side of the pool place water right here and place lava in the formation of a portal around the side remove the water and you've got an instant leather portal with just a single bucket there's also a way to do it in an underwater Ravine but I'll leave that one to the pros it's not because I can't do it okay with the skeletons are one of the most annoying loves the farm in Minecraft they don't even spawn half the time but if you're in single player try lowering your render distance and simulation distance to five chunks this will force all mobs to spawn where you can see them letting you find Farm skulls way easier once you're ready to fight the Wither whatever you do don't spawn it above ground trust me I learned the hard way instead take a 40 block long tunnel on the ground and spawn it in a chamber at the end if you stay at a safe distance you'll be able to take it down super easily without getting hit once well go play as well cakes aren't really the best food source but they do work as a great decoration but did you know that even better now with the addition of candles now you can place a candle on top of the cake to add just a little bit extra color to the room for red Stoners slimes are super valuable they can be so hard to find swamps are usually the best place to look for them but sometimes you'll go just to be met with nothing well it turns out that's because slime spawns and swamps are actually based on the moon so if the swamp is dry try waiting a few nights until it's full and a swamp will be covered in the things it can be really hard to find exactly where the buried treasure is when you're nearby the map isn't really clear yeah but if you think you know the general area it's F3 and make these two numbers say nine by moving to the right block dig down and voila seven fish and an emerald right the best way to move villagers isn't to use mine carts or boats it's actually just to use a Bell villagers will flock to a bed whenever a bell is wrong so if you remove all nearby beds and place just one wherever you want them to head to they'll go straight there as soon as the bell is wrong whatever isn't it what's even smarter is this invisible elevator that uses wind crazy right huh uh you didn't see that okay fine it's not a wind elevator but it's still really cool if you play some bubble stream in a corner behind two honey blocks and then maps and item frames on the honey blocks you'll create a hidden elevator that really doesn't like magic sometimes you just need a ton of filler blocks for a project so what's the fastest block to farm in bulk well you can obviously build gigantic wood Cobblestone or Moss Farms but if you just want something simple try trapping a Snowman and using Stone shovels to instantly obtain hundreds of snow blocks you can use for whatever your heart desires if you've ever built an Enderman Farm you know it can be pretty tiring to constantly click on Enderman to get XP but did you know that splash water bottles actually her tendermen that means if you get them low with full damage you can just Chuck one every so often to gain tons of XP and infinite satisfaction I could literally do this for hours speaking of splash potions if you ever notice that you don't get quite as much effect time as the potion says oh that's probably because you're throwing them at the ground or a wall if you throw them straight up so they land on your head you'll get the full advertised time since the addition of deep slate and all the new caves strip mining has pretty much become a thing of the past but it can still be pretty hard to find caves thankfully there's a few ways to make it way easier firstly this number on the F3 screen shows you exactly how many air blocks are ahead of you meaning the higher this number is the more likely it is there's a cave in that direction and to make it easier to find exactly where it is try turning on subtitles not only will it make it easier to see which sounds are being played vertical even give you arrows pointing in the direction they're coming from raiding and cities can get pretty dangerous very quickly if you find yourself floating high above the ground and that's why the best players know to always carry chorus fruits if you find yourself in this perilous position eating one more instantly teleport you down to the ground safely just make sure you still got the levitation effects it doesn't go well otherwise sometimes a regular fuse of a TNT just isn't long enough to get you to safety so if that's the case try crouching and setting the block on fire instead instead of instantly lighting it'll burn for a bit before lighting trust me this isn't a troll trust me I'll never do anything like that anyway did you know trains actually exist in Minecraft and I'm not talking about Minecarts oh well technically they're called Caravans but if you had such a lead to just one llama all nearby llamas will quickly run into formation and start following you around with enough patience you can breed llamas to have 15s lots of storage space meaning you can carry around 150 shulkers worth of items with just a single lead and when you're done with these llamas if you attach the least one to a fence and then uh dispatch it it'll lead the lead on the fence giving you an extra bit of detail to decorate with no matter how many are nearby or how close they're watching you if you one shot a zombified big Lin using something like a Smite 5 sword other piglens won't get mad at you just make sure you don't have sweeping Edge onto wolves don't have much of a use of it than you know being walls and to be fair nobody even really uses them for that either either way they actually have a use in Redstone with a setup like this you can place a single wall right here to instantly send a signal hundreds of blocks down I know that doesn't sound that insane but I know like one percent of you guys are freaking out right now mobs in Minecraft have gotten pretty good at pathfinding but there's still one thing they can't seem to understand and that's Minecart rails for whatever reason if you surround yourself in tracks zombies just don't know what to do and will freeze on the spot the same goes for spiders vindicators iron golems and even wait wait ah subscribe
Channel: Mallow
Views: 235,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l507xzERt30
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Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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