Minecraft but Anything I Imagine, I Get!

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today anything I imagine I get but sometimes my own imagination goes against me so let me explain how we can imagine okay to unlock imagination step one is to make a bed so let's get some more not from the tree but from the house oh wait there's literally a bed right here hold on let me grab that bed and so with the bed do we just place down let's do that oh and now step two make a thought bubble oh okay that's grabbed on the screen right now oh and now all the houses have exclamation points I think that might be where we get thought bubbles maybe they're hidden around here let's think oh wait we found the first one bubble piece okay so this is one out of seven so I guess let's go from house to house oh here's number two there we go don't mind me just coming inside oh and it looks like there's an underground thing oh wait what the heck is this this is a full-on basement oh wait do I gotta bring one of every single flower so we need the orange flower the pig flower purple blue and red okay let's get some flowers all right first one I think this is gonna be magenta got the blue and get the orange flower oh these might be perfect right here hold on we can't place peonies but we can place these pink tulips okay now we're ready all right so red blue purple pink and then orange oh it opened yes okay with that being done is there a thought bubble in here a lot of chests and a thought bubble nice okay so now we have three out of seven so nice house okay next up we have this one right here oh wait is it just this do I tried it with you oh wow you actually have some good arrows let me just grab that real quick and that's four done all right last ones are right here and so does he trade oh what Emerald for the bubble piece also a sack of steak my goodness I'll be right back okay unless he trades you have a good trade carrots oh wait I might get enough of that oh yep that's enough and now we can get one emerald and now with this one Emerald we just go back here and we can go ahead and buy the bubble piece all right that's five so maybe the last two are in here all right let's go inside and it's another staircase down oh wait this goes deep all right temporal maze all good we can just go around and that feels like a mesh and making crazy progress here oh okay it's taking me all over the place all right Loki I have no idea how to get back out oh we found it nice last bubble beats and wait that's only six did we miss one oh I think we gotta trade for another piece that makes sense there any more carrots oh wait there is all right so we just gotta do that real quick and now Mr farmer let's go to grab another emerald and we get the last bubble piece okay that's gonna be seven in total and now let's see if we can actually imagine with this okay so it's pretty much a sign like this oh and we get a Juan top bubble so do I put this on my head yo oh and it's instantly becoming night okay I supposed to sleep now so let's enter my imagination in three two one here we go oh I think we're not we're not reach the head oh we gotta make it up there okay okay let's not fall I have not done one of these in forever oh my gosh okay I'm gonna assume those things push me off let's not hit that real quick oh I'm gonna speedrun this as fast as I can okay now we got the spinny things oh gosh okay making that jump there there we go what is this oh my gosh okay nope nope nope nope nope okay we gotta do a circle real quick now we jump there we go all right blades please don't hit me don't hit me another jump and we're good oh my goodness now what do we have in this section use your scroll wheel to control the platform oh wait like this there's a platform right there that just like put this down oh it's coming to me oh and it comes really quick so if I get on this and then make it all the way up again does it take me over there oh it does all right we're moving let's make that jump there we go and now where's the next one oh this one all right let's make it negative 256. it's gonna come all the way here very nice and then I get on top of that and we're gonna make this go all the way to 64. oh we're moving all right let's jump here oh and this one now we gotta make it positive when it comes down all right let's jump here and now it's this part oh gosh we just gotta make sure not to fall oh gosh oh gosh okay there we go all right now this one that's moving sideways this one's going a little bit quicker let's just jump there jump up and we're good now what do we do here oh wait is this a jump pad oh it's jumping oh okay oh we now gotta jump out through this thing three two one let's go oh my gosh okay another jump out here another one here oh here we go yes oh wait what happens now oh yo wait is this inside my head welcome back Nestor I've I've missed you great how's it going myself I think okay well you know you know what else this is just the appetizer you can either get a dream or a nightmare so tread carefully okay we're going straight to it yes once you get an advancement you can come and see me again but for now what do you want wait wait so I can ask for literally anything um yeah pretty much anything you want oh okay um how about give me the Ultimate Weapon might as well you know if I could ask for anything brain I imagine the Ultimate Weapon It's the greatest thing ever all right three two one there you go wait really it was that easy uh yeah pretty much well get an advancement first now leave oh okay sir all right and we're back okay it's daytime now but we got the Ultimate Weapon which oh my gosh wait what does it do then do I just like break with it oh it it broke already really brain I I know you can hear me you know what he did say one thing we gotta get one advancement and then we can imagine something else so let me ride the bed real quick and the next step is to really get any advancement so the next advancement we have is acquiring Hardware all right we can do that first let me get some food and some wood then we make bread and now we gotta find a cave this my dear right here all right okay cool and now iron and now we cook all right now let's grab the iron and that's another advancement dream unlocked ask a wish and head to bed oh wait we're doing this again and so because we got the Ultimate Weapon but it kind of backfired this time Brave if you hear me I want the ultimate sword that's all I ask here we go in three two one oh no welcome to your nightmare oh hello braid uh you're in a nightmare right now and you see that over there the sword is there oh okay so do I just grab it I mean what makes it tonight I don't know if you should pull it oh okay well I mean how you make it sound I feel like I don't really have a choice I don't know if you should do it Nestor how bad can it be it's the ultimate sword I'm gonna go into sir Poland here we go oh no and like Robin okay this this is not ideal I have five minutes left now guys and my goal is to craft a diamond sword what type of sick joke is this rain get over here nesters okay okay no brain I don't even know if you have hands okay well new plan guys we are gonna real quick make one crafting table oh gosh real quick I gotta make one iron I know you're one HP oh no no no say wait say wait wait okay this is getting deeper I need to find diamonds immediately get over here please go deeper get over here oh my gosh stay away stay away okay we're going deeper oh I'm Gonna Catch You buddy nope nope nope don't worry I did not go down this game okay I gotta go down I'm gonna go down gotta go down please be something okay wait I hear water I hear water oh my gosh I am nowhere I went back to the surface don't worry oh my gosh yes yes yes yes two minutes and 30 seconds guys I gotta be quick let me grab this real quick I better literally get the Ultimate Sword soul from this I'm catching up Sister oh gosh oh gosh no no no get over here okay we can talk this out we can talk this out no no no there's no talking anymore buddy oh we're not talking okay okay where did you go oh where did I go I am uh didn't know where to be seen you're up here somewhere I hear you digging around okay nope nope nope nope we're gonna do this real quick oh wait what the heck that's actually even better oh okay I'm getting close to him now I should be able to kill you this time Nestor oh gosh wait do I have time for this I I have time I have time I have time left on time oh wait so what exactly happens when I do the craft well once you do the craft you'll be safe so I'm trying to not let that happen oh good oh good okay I think we should be good here let's make the diamond sword here we go in yes it became the Ultimate Sword I will take it and that is Nightmare complete all right brain that was a very good deal and um oh I think I got a return portal that's the first and only time you're gonna beat me Nestor yep yep brain don't worry I'm just gonna go back now I'll see you in a bit and we'll imagine something else oh and we're back all right I'll call that a win let's go out the bed again and so what's another advancement we can get now oh that should be easy hold on all we gotta do real quick is make one bucket and now let's go find some lava before that what does this even do oh my all the enchantments oh I'm gonna shoot some circle of Swords nice all right let's run lava then oh no we diamonds but we also got lava right there oh two diamonds nice let me grab both of those and this should be the advancement done there we go and now another dream unlocked ask a wish and head to bed so let me place on the bed again and what are we imagining now wait actually with our hunger bars being that low and me using carrots right now food might be the next best idea it's easier so let's go for it in three two one is it gonna work fever dream huh wait what the heck is going on here I didn't try to fit in wait where's your brain though oh wait do I gotta get all the way over there brain hungry okay I can clearly hear him but I don't know if he can hear me me hungry okay I don't think he knows I'm here yet so where the heck do I get the disguise oh wait what custom shop this way okay we're gonna get to your brain soon let me just go around and would this be it oh disguise is here for a low low price um all right do you have a disguise I need 20 bones for build your disguise what yeah Tony bones okay be right back oh beware skeleton spawn her head okay so this is what I'm supposed to do oh and then we got skeleton right there okay here's the boy guys we are gonna real quick just kill as many skills as we can with the Ultimate Sword let me remove any light sources from this and now this should be dark enough so please skeletons come on in oh there's money yes oh my gosh okay how many hits is this one two nice all right away we go one bone so now we grind and we're good 23 bones never again we're done with that and now let's go back to the shop all right shop guy give me the costume villager disguise let's grab that and so how do I put this on oh I'm a villager now yo okay so now we should be good to roam around and what the heck is this place all right I'm coming for you don't worry hopefully it recognizes me even though I have a bunch of arrows in me and brain yo who are you oh oh uh I thought that would happen yes sir okay I'm still hungry oh oh yes I understand you're very hungry I kind of ordered food for the imagination but what do you want well I want a sandwich like this here how about you go get me giant bacon from the farmer villager the giant bacon uh yeah okay um oh I think I know what you mean there is one catch though yeah well if I don't like it then you're gonna die huh okay right I did not know you're that hungry anyways uh okay so let me real quick put on the costume real quick I'll be back brain don't worry uh I'll be completely fine if I go to the giant pig or do I talk to this guy over here oh yep I think it's this guy hello sword sheep to get crops oh give me wheat wait so what sheep do I do oh yo this is sick okay wait so I bring the blue one all the way over here okay okay this kind of makes sense that's right that's why Mr Blue we're going to take it away hey I'm gonna help out dude okay brain welcome back okay you can take the red one I'll take the blue one nope nope they are interacting with each other oh my way no no no no no no no that's my guy okay I'm gonna take my blue guy to my guy okay there we go this is how you make purple but this is not what they meant Mr brain take the right guy to the red one okay okay we are making progress oh no this this is going awful right there we go hey brain brain give me the week give me the week uh okay here you go all right go stand right over there okay so how the heck did he even get the Sheep over there how does a brain sleep okay I'm not even gonna question it okay anyways sheep gave me one sec straight this way but some purple sheep this should be the last one and that's job all done Brayden you there oh oh wait did you put a sign brain is sleeping do not disturb okay you know what this might be good for us our villager did we do the job right oh seems he's happy oh my gosh okay giant hoe do we take this over there see Farmer for entry I think he would allow us to go in here though all right we're just gonna sneak in though catch very inside and with the giant hoe as a villager do I just like tilt or right like this oh that is amazing okay we got seven giant carrots so now I think we're going to the giant pig and this guy right here maybe we take him to the brain Throne guy um well whatever brain wakes up oh hopefully the smell of the Pig gets him over here all right Mr Pig I'm just gonna break through all right Pig you are safe with me come over here oh wait uh Brandon's already back hello hello I hope you had a great nap but I do have a present this might be the food you needed it does look pretty tasty yeah be up here it comes I present to you the giant pig from the giant carrots well it's my pet now okay uh I'm actually gonna name him what was his name his name will be Harry oh okay how's it going to Harry nice well are we good okay so now you need to make a giant Cobblestone furnace so we can cook him huh you just named him yeah yeah we're gonna cook Harry he's gonna be good okay you know what sure how much Cobblestone do I have I have one okay give me one sec I'll get the cobblestone all right got the Cobblestone and let me real quick go ahead and make this furnace thing which I I don't know if I ever want to do this have you got my giant furnace it's on the way don't worry I'm real quick building it watch this I even have super fast building abilities which is honestly not called editing but it's all good watch this and it's done all right brain are we really doing this ah nah we're not actually gonna cook Harry I'm not that mean really you just made me make this for no reason I mean I'm happy wait wait so what are we gonna do about the food I already have the bacon it's right here why did you make me do oh you know what I'm not even gonna question it okay now with the bacon I'm gonna go ahead and make the bacon sandwich thing you wanted all right so we put the bread and then we put the skin and now we got the pork sandwich my finest creation apparently all right Miss your brain here we go giant pork sandwich all right well let me eat it that tasted really good nice nice can I go back now that this imagining thing didn't work out for me I suppose I'll let you before I go could I at least get some food because I wanted food I suppose I can give you some food here you go hey I mean I'll take it 19 say sure why not all right Braden have a great day I'll see you soon once I get another advancement oh we're back item unlock giant pig oh we actually got giant pig oh wait I just eat it oh my my gosh that is awful okay I'm gonna take the mistake anyways let me grab the bed and now we gotta do another advancement which actually that's pretty easy it's suit up it's a low key we just need some wood let me go all right let's grab a tree real quick and for the advancement all we gotta do is make one iron helmet and we got it dream unlocked yet again so what are we gonna imagine this time I mean Loki I don't want to die why don't we keep it simple let's imagine a totem I don't know what's gonna happen with it probably gonna be a nightmare but let's go for it in three two one dream wait is it just straight up a dream oh my gosh that's a huge Sodom okay let's I guess go up into it and see if we can find Brandon there oh gosh okay I should have made a water bucket by now because there's literally a huge drop after this all right a couple more jumps and so now what do we have inside of here this place is huge all right what do we got here oh hello Nester Mr brain what's up man okay what do we got going on here so you're gonna have to fill in the slots to earn your totem oh okay I mean right here it says Master plans to gain your block so I just use bone meal hold up mastering the plants oh did that work nope I think I need one more hey Miss Brynn since you don't have any bones could I have the bones you don't have please I suppose I can give you some oh yeah yes nice and now with this I will uh finish this up real quick so we can get the first block oh wait I think I did it because now we got the first perfect emerald block and so I just put it here and I gotta do that six times my goodness well let's go on to the next one down this way what the heck is this all right Nestor this requires a real brain however I'm not gonna do it for you so good luck um I think I can do actually pretty easily let's real quick get this guy going why is it deep fried literally it's deep fried emerald block that being said we have one more oh and we did it another Roblox all right that second one done and Brian now we're actually going down okay brain all right Nestor hopefully you're good at parkour oh Parker over there okay so do we have like a little shooting thing a chicken for no reason a dropper a press all the buttons and then yeah the parkour right here just don't fall okay that would be kind of embarrassing I've never died in my life it's all good we just go like here then I do the dump here break my legs a little bit all good let me jump there there we go one more jump here and there we go another block for us as for how I get down I'm just gonna do it backwards okay wait so for the Target one maybe I throw eggs at them that's probably a good guess Nester hey do you happen to have a bunch of eggs inside of that brain of yours I have a little bit of eggs here you go oh I'm not gonna question it sure wait so I hit the target that's one and then does it just disappear oh one two number three four there we go okay what are the blocks drop oh there it is okay let's throw these guys away and no that's two perfect Emerald blocks okay what do we have up next over here okay so we now have pressed all the buttons and dropper low-key I want to do the dropper all right we'll get Superman jump down there let's see if you survive ready go I think we're good nice well that gives you one answer here we go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh that being said another remote block all right uh Hey Brayden can you uh take me back up uh I suppose hold on here you go thank you very much and so now we have the press all the buttons so I go down and I press the buttons okay brain you're gonna help me out with this one because I feel like this is a dream so you can be helpful all right I guess I'll help you out a little bit oh there you go buddy go on all right keep doing your thing brain I'm gonna get to the bottom oh my goodness you're so ahead don't even gotta pressies anymore all right I'm gonna go ahead and get these it's not open yet maybe this door oh well the door didn't open but I can take care of that there you go oh okay I mean sir that's gonna be four out of the way and that should be all them actually so I'm ready take us back there you go oh thank you buddy okay let me press on all these Oh indeed we do it do I get the totem now well you need to add a stick to the Statue my friend what do you mean out of stick I'll show you what I mean oh why are we outside yeah you see that totem over there we're going to uh create a totem on the stick huh go ahead and take this wait so do I just put a big stick going through the totem yeah something like that oh my goodness all right brain it's not gonna be a very big stick but it'll be something we're gonna just do a two by two right here and I'm just gonna go straight up with it and look at that we made it oh and does that activate it return portal head back to the podium oh can you help me with that brain I suppose I can hey thank you I littering brain very nice brain oh and we're back all right Brian it was nice seeing you hopefully I get something from this I'ma throw away that pickaxe just for you it's a very high durability all right oh item unlocked totem pickaxe oh we got the totem pickaxe right click to summon Ally and sneak recla to throw huh oh my gosh and what's my Ally oh I have a little Tuna friend now yo give him a name in the comments down below let's get what's up for him and he's gone okay anyways let's get the bed back and as for the next advancement we can probably just do a shield or obsidian all right we're gonna dance video next all right we found some lava let's real quick place that down and I think I just gotta do the ability oh that'll do it that's another dream unlocked and this time I'm gonna be straightforward with it guys we got the total pickaxe now I'm gonna be asking for netherai ingots we need another ride if we want to beat the dragon so without further Ado let's sleep I guess okay imagination don't give me a nightmare we got a nightmare and we're one horse huh brain hello welcome to your another nightmare this one's gonna be a little bit more challenging first we're doing a heist okay so that oblivious big go ahead and kill him and you'll be disguised oh wait really um okay oh and from that we get the penguin disguise oh nice so what are we trying to find in here where exactly is this wall well there is one thing I would like to give you as a token of my appreciation did you just give me a ball cap yeah if you wear that oh you deserve that one yep yep your audio and you're on your own I'm going deeper well what do we got here gold Knights I'm grabbing that it's barrels and a crossbow why not okay uh brain uh do you know where the vault is by the way I think it's all the way at the bottom but you're gonna have to go find out for yourself okay let's look around then I'm just seeing if I can create any chests along the way oh and one of these might as well grab that oh and adjust more gold I mean I'll take it and some gold carrots nice and oh it's locked wait what's the lock gonna be hold up oh wait new craft key oh okay wait we need a little bit more gold because that's grabbed right there on the screen and actually this might be the perfect amount hold on so if I grab the crafting table right now go ahead and put all the gold ingots together and then I think I just do this get a key all right let's go and we are about to get another eyeball real quick right click that one word wait can I not mine it oh gosh Brayden uh are you able to you know just real quick take this in and give it to me I don't know I'm a little bit mad at you I mean look at this pickaxe you gave me all right brother brother you can make a better one I believe in you oh oh yeah yeah I think you're mining it are you just breaking that I'm minding it just very quickly but I don't know if I really want to give you any of it because you know you can have this back actually here yeah I'm gonna give you something you deserve how about this I'll give you the giant pig okay I like this guy wait is this Harry uh can I have another right I suppose so here you go oh and thank you very much that is one stack of better my blog sure why not and now let's just get out of here and go to the return portal oh we're good yes okay let's grab this bed real quick and now we just need another advancement so I guess another Advanced we can do is cover me with diamonds well I'm just the idea let's do that real quick that should be an easy way money Diamonds oh and that is a diamonds right here that's gonna be six diamonds in total and with this we should be able to get the next thing oh there we go another advancement so that's a dream unlocked let's get ready to sleep in Bedrock and so for my imagination this time I mean since we're progressing this game I gotta want another portal now even though we were just there that should be easy all right I imagine another portal let's see what happens dream oh wait this is an End Portal uh Brighton what is this hey yeah I decided you know we were just sitting in the nether we might as well get an End Portal oh okay it's not what I asked I don't even know if I'm ready for the dragon but sure wait so we have Miss United's Avenger we got that one that one that one that one that okay that's a lot of Eisen vendor actually what am I supposed to do here then item drop off yeah it might be a good idea to go talk to him okay I guess you're back on the throne I love this villager do I do something yeah I want a crown right now uh [Music] um I got you a villager disguise and a pigland disguise can I get some gold for it um I suppose here you go oh okay that is more than I wanted but sure okay but with that we can go ahead and make one girl Crown just for your brain here we go okay thank you I'm gonna eat it now oh oh okay oh okay right all right do I talk to him again yeah I'd probably try talking to him again there we go now you're gonna build a statue using these blocks why exactly am I doing this I don't know I just like making you work it's fun plus you need these as a vendor so you gotta work for them right right right okay give me a sec I'm gonna make you a statue wow okay so you look like that okay this is not gonna be very pretty brain but you gotta bear with me all right let's get that done there add some texture right there to the very top don't forget to add a little bit more on top I do like to have a big top part of my brain of course of course I got you look at the shading right there there we go get the brain done 360 water bucket there we go and how does that look Mr brain my neurons are tingling and I'll take that as a w nice all right are we good I guess so here you go oh my what do I do with this do I put them at the holes yes sir okay I'm gonna guess I stand here and then do I have to right click this oh oh you kind of missed it a little bit oh we're gonna to pretend that works okay let me just go keep doing this hold up this time I'ma get it right ready and oh oh oh oh oh what about this time oh I got it that one was actually pretty good there we go another one and finally last one my word spread we did it oh it's great playing with you brother I'm gonna go down beat Minecraft and be done with this fight oh and we are in okay let me just go through and I don't think we're an imagination realm anymore so we should be good is there no dragon there's no crystals oh okay that's it breed what the heck is this yeah it's it's literally me I'm sorry what do you mean it's literally you I just saw you yeah I I actually want to kill you now for some reason oh okay okay brain this is not healthy that being said oh gosh okay well buddy you're coming down right here I'm so sorry about this but unless you subscribe I'm gonna win this time oh gosh wait how do I even hit this guy right can you do something I literally can't hit it all right I guess so yeah huh sure yeah I'll take it I prayed we did it bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,665,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but Anything I Imagine, minecraft but imagine, minecraft but dream, minecraft but anything i dream i get, minecraft but imagination, imagine, think any item
Id: ChewHd_M-PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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